Plumbing Problems

She says there were roots in the pipes....right PS.  My vote is on general body filth.


  1. I have 2 thougts: 1. Didn't she say that before? 2. So?

    1. I searched* her bleg for the following keywords: "Roots" "pipes" and "plumbing" but didn't find any mention of any roots in her pipes. However, I did see A LOT of entries dealing with "broken" "burst" and "frozen" pipes...but no clogs.

      But what really struck me is that Jenna Woginrich has had these plumbing problems every single year going back to the beginning of her time on that farm. Every. Single. Year. She has had issues with pipes being broken, burst and/or frozen!! Thus, she's pretty much exhausted those causes so it makes sense that "clogged" by roots or whatever is her new go-to problem.

      BTW, is it even possible for a home to have major plumbing issues every single frickin' year? I know the house is old and that things freeze there, but c'mon, in all my years I've never heard of anyone having sooooo many plumbing issues. Seems made up.

      *Y'all probably already know this, but a super fast way to search is to first search for your keyword on her bleg, and then type "Command F" and type your search term again into the new little window that pops up. It highlights every time the word is written so you don't have to actually read anything. BTW, this is for a MAC -- I think it's "CTRL F" for a PC.

    2. well to be fair Anom. 7 she really couldn't use frozen pipes in June, although now that I think about it she probably would and her foolowers would probably believe her!! We did have roots in our sewer line before and we had a guy come and roto rooter them out but we forgot to beg for money for it and damned if we didn't have to pay for it ourselves. We are so stupid.

    3. At my old house I'd get roots too. Every 5 or 6 years I'd have to deal with them. Funny, I'd pay for it myself too.

    4. It's there somewhere. She had part of her yard dug up, I believe Patty's husband was involved, and they found a lot of things in and around the pipes, including a child's toy.

    5. You're right...I found it using "dug" as a search term. Bleg post is titled "Excavation Day" and it involved Patty and husband and their plumber friend:

      ❝ We took the toilet apart and off the pipes, dug up the septic, and had adventures with a lost snake (the tool not the animal), cut and repaired pipes, and enough digging to feel it in my shoulders. It was 4 hours of work and we're still not done but this Angel in Coveralls named Dan busted his ass trying to help with drainage blockage. I found the above treasure (toy) while looking for the septic lid. ❞

      What does that mean, "dug up the septic" ??

      I thought septic tanks are 9' x 6' x 5' or something.

    6. Oh, and wouldn't you know, just a week before that bleg post she wrote about receiving a Notice of Foreclosure letter in the mail. She said she had just a "few days" to earn up the money and then begged her foollowers to buy her stuff or just straight up donate to her.

      In the comments, someone asked how much time she had to gather up the money and the Pig Shocker said that "the letter doesn't give a hard date" -- but didn't she just say a few days? There must have been a hard date on that letter if she said she only had a few days. Unless that letter was non-existant and a ruse for sympathy and poodle cash.

      So this must be her late on the mortgage and then come up with plumbing problems. How clever.

  2. Her pipes haven't worked correctly in years. She's disgusting and has chosen to spend her begged for money on wolf contacts, weaves, bald be gone spray and truck loads of booze INSTEAD of properly fixing her pipes.

    She has discussed sewage coming up into her shower and using her yard as a toilet. She has no problem living like that.

    1. Yes, I just found a bunch of those "no working plumbing" posts on her bleg. I can't even.

      BTW, great observation you made on the last thread about her possible new tactic of asking for gas gift cards in exchange for soap as a way to avoid paying income taxes.

    2. Her now-a-hovel-then-a-home should have passed water and sewage inspections when she took possession nine years ago. However, she's probably screwed up her septic system with yak hair, smelly wool, gold nail polish, cat feces and God-knows-what tossed down the drains.

      Since she has had problems with her septic system, common sense says she would have tank pumped out every 2-3 years.

      But she doesn't. Because she likes crises and drama. More money for the sister from her urban-foolish readers.

  3. Twitter Twaddle: Drunk edition 🍺 🍷

    ❝ I love my town. ❞

    There can be no other explanation for a tweet like this. It's a child-like declaration with no context, no story behind it. It's simply alcohol intake manifested into warm, fuzzy thoughts for the Twitterverse to ponder.

  4. Speaking of the Pig Shocker's tweets, can anyone explain the purpose of re-tweeting the same tweet(s) two or more times a day? I have two Twitter accounts that I don't use, so I don't know how others' tweets are presented. I vaguely remember on a laptop, logging in and seeing that there were new tweets, but how do those show up on a smartphone? As constant dinging notifications? (I also have a smartphone but do not use that function.)

    Reason I ask is cuz almost every day, she re-tweets the same tweets over and over -- like morning, afternoon and evening -- always the same 2 or 3 "Buy my logos/soap/pet art" tweets. So her foollowers, they must get those notifications 2-3 times a day, yes?

    If so, this is a really dumb marketing plan, and it's probably the reason her sales are so poor...they must have her on mute. First off, all of them know that she sells crap, so if they want something, they'll DM her. And most foollowers are probably there for the farm stories, not the constant hustle for sales. That said, if she had even 1/10 of a brain, she would re-tweet her sales pitches just 1-2 times a WEEK only. And the rest of the time, fill her Twitter feed with more stories, pics, etc. She'd no doubt get more sales that way, as people like to support someone they like and admire, and not some screaming beggar. Does she not realize that?

    1. Anon7. I was a Twitter user for awhile, and it's a real turn-off when people constantly retweet themselves. In fact, it's one of the biggest errors you can make. Her technique is manipulative marketing. She's very aware that it's obnoxious, and often tells followers to mute her. Of course, most of them already have done it. But she suggests it in a passive-aggressive way "I'm just trying to pay my bills!" (The subtext is "What's a poor, queer, single gal living alone on the side of a mountain" to do?" Basically, it's an excuse to guilt-trip innocent victims into donating more money to her hovel. Clearly, she lacks the logic to understand what we all know here. She's actually losing sales instead of gaining them due to her overly pushy persona.

    2. I forgot the second parenthesis: (The subtext is "What's a poor, queer, single gal living alone on the side of a mountain" to do?)

    3. Interesting. If she's aware that it's obnoxious, then she's allowing her desperation run the show. Imagine being so anxious and needy to the point of not caring how awful you appear to others.

  5. We live on a wooded lot and one of the unintended consequences is we get roots in the pipes. Costs a fortune to get them roto-rooted out. We pay for it ourselves too. Never occurred to me to bitch and whine to get other people to pay for it.

    If she doesn't want the roots, she should cut down the offending trees. Then she would have firewood. Two problems solved. But that makes too much sense. So much easier to bitch and whine and rake in the donations.

  6. There is a tweet and video underneath all her retweet nonsense and "advertising" and it says she hiked 5 miles to a bridge to do nothing. And her poor dog is panting like do nothing. She could have just stayed at "this farm" and done nothing as per usual.


    1. I'm shocked that she didn't boast about "running a 5K" in the heat, too. Right. She's pushing two hundreds pounds plus. Just look at her jowly profile and bourbon belly. A waddle to the fridge for fast food is all she can manage.

    2. All these hikes and 5K runs are just an attempt to further her "I'm an active person" narrative. And to have a reason to buy the dog a new "100 Miles" patch for it's trail pack. More money wasted on a non-essential item -- money that could be put towards an emergency fund. Or the mortgage.

  7. From Ms. Righteous - she who teaches classes on homesteading:

    September 8, 2015

    "Septic Woes
    You want to know what the funnest part of cleaning out a shower filled with septic tank back up is? Here's the answer: none of it. Absolutely none of it was fun. I spent over an hour scooping, trashing, mopping, scrubbing, bleaching and trying to clean out the only bathroom shower this place has and I did it fighting back tears. This was the last thing I needed.

    Septic tanks are part of living in the country. They need care and upkeep just like any other working part of a farm. Mine was overdue for a checkup and this was my big fat reminder. I called the guys who pump out tanks and it looks like three hundred bucks till its all said and done. As far as home improvement bills it could be much worse, and that is the positive spin I hope to take on this lump of bad luck. "

    Folks, this was nearly FOUR years ago. She admitted she didn't take care of her septic system. Didn't do its necessary "upkeep". By the tiny gods, lol, the breakdown was her "big, fat reminder" to take care of her septic system AND SHE DIDN'T DO THAT.

    Poor thing...another lump of bad luck?

    No. At this point, gross incompetence and another example of not taking care of her property.

    The bank will LOVE retrieving this beat-down property: no maintenance, falling down barns, rotted wood, broken septic system. Its value keeps dropping, dropping, dropping - thanks to the fake feral farmer's never-ending use & abuse of whatever she is given.

    1. Poods, not only was that 4 years ago, but it's also 2 years before the septic excavation link I posted above. I read the entire bleg entry you posted and I swear, it reads exactly like the excavation post: Possible mortgage foreclosure problems, possible book deal, plumbing problems and a whole lotta' "Buy my stuff or just give me money anyway" pleading.

      In all her current bleg posts, she tries to make it look like this is all new, that her problems are fresh, but she does this year after year. It's a stale formula and it's mind-boggling that people keep falling for it.

  8. It's been a long time since I commented about Jenna. I really appreciate all of you keeping the blog going. I just needed a break. I honestly thought CAF might have been going into foreclosure. Then it smacked me in the face with the "$100 short of making it tweet" how many of her followers "saved" the farm by sending that last hundred dollars? Probably enough to at least cover the June payment as well. Wonder if she spent the day digging a latrine while the septic system awaits repair? (This was mentioned with tongue firmly in cheek.)

    1. Glad to have you back! I think one of the main reasons this blog chugs along is due to the mystery regarding her finances. I'm on the fence about whether she really is as broke as she claims, or if she actually does bring in a lot of money with her incessant begging, as some have suggested.

      And I also think that the real truth would shock us all.

  9. I'll remind everyone that after a local fake animal rescuer was caught and taken to court, it was revealed he and his wife each had $190k/year income and he & his family had expensive properties, time shares, etc.

    He'd created a persona that would appeal to donors: animal-lover, trying to do the right thing, alone against "the man", so poor he couldn't afford a proper haircut.

    The jig was up after his animal abuse was caught and he showed up in court with an attorney more commonly used by the mob.

    Who knows how much money FFF has. I guess she is too lazy to put that twisted mind to work to get a huge amount of $$, but as someone asked, I wonder how many "last $100" contributions she actually received?

    1. Anon7, there isn't one "link" that explains it all. As they say, you have to witness or dig (as I did, including using a records search). But I've included a few items to give you the flavor. You could Google more info.

      First. Like FFF, the person in question (Fred Ackers) had a big online presence. He actually has/had at least two "animal rescues", one in CT and one in CA. The rescue was NOT connected with the ASPCA or SPCA, but the rescue's name was likely chosen to appear legitimate and affiliated with a well-known animal rescue.

      He's been doing this since 1999, largely tax-free, and he seems to have improved his on-line begging each year. Tax-free income was around $500,000 by the March 2010 990 report.

      He'd been accused of animal cruelty for years, usually by locals or by concerned Internet users. His past MO was to get dogs from local pounds for $5 and sell for hundreds. His care for the dogs appears to have been marginal.

      When he's accused of cruelty, neglect or malfeasance, he or his rapid supporters typically attacked the critics. Quite viciously! Monroe locals thought he would receive his comeuppance when he was found with 63 dogs in crates in an unheated rural warehouse during frigid winter temperatures. Instead he doubled down, and he accused the accusers (including a veterinarian and the animal control officer) of trying to steal,his dogs. He refused to give up the animals (or let them be adopted), appealed through his high-priced attorney and forced a small town to expensively board the dogs for a year-plus while the wheels of justice slowly turned.

      Although he was found guilty, except for his too-short (imho) prison sentence, he continues to run his dog rescue(s).

      Item 1. All charities with non-taxed income above a certain amount must file an annual 990 Report. Take a look at his for 2010.

      Item 2. Here is one of the articles following his sentencing for animal cruelty:

      Item 3. Here is another article, showing that despite being caught out this person is still running an animal 'rescue'.

      1. There are crooks, scammers and animal abusers among us. Make no mistake. They prey on the kind-hearted and the gullible.
      2. We must always be vigilant and never give up criticizing if they do wrong.
      3. Penalties for animal abuse remain woefully inadequate.
      4. Without oversight and attention, I believe the situations for animals would be far worse. Mr. Ackers knows he's being watched, as should Pig Shocker.

    2. This is an area I've been active in for over a year and a half. There was a similar case to this one in Ohio last year. It's shocking the number of scammers and abusers that are attracted to animal rescues and tax free donations. One of the largest takes in over 100 million in donations every year and doesn't spend 10% on shelters or animal care.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Redhorse, appreciate your comment. There are a lot of charity scammers out there!

      Not sure if all Shamsters know this, but how a charity spends money depends on its individual charter.
      Some people criticize a charity's spending without knowing its mission statement. For example, people roundly denigrate a certain large animal rights group for not having animal sanctuaries, etc, but that activity isn't in their charter; rather they exist as an educational and lobbying organization for animal welfare. Now they may still waste money or spend it foolishly, but they should not be accused of not adopting animals if that isn't in their charter.

      In the case I referenced, the charity existed to re-home dogs and cats. One would expect that to be done without harming the animals and one would expect $$$ to largely go to the animals. Perhaps it did at one time, but when husband & wife split most of the $500,000+ donations as "salary" it appeared the charity had become an untaxed cash cow. Then, when allegations of animal neglect or cruelty were added, that sh** needed to stop.

      Btw, GuideStar is excellent for evaluating charities, at least ones that are large enough to require filing.

    5. Thanks for posting all that, Poods. Wow, what a awful story, horrible man. I cannot believe that he actually had supporters, according to that one article. I could see the Pig Shocker doing something like this, going to animal auctions, buying the unwanted ones and then begging for donations. But luckily, she's very lazy so it's not likely she'd take on the responsibility.

  10. The Pig Shocker's neighbor, Jon Katz, is busy procuring cords of firewood. He states that they use about 7 cords a season and pays $180 per cord. Times that by 7 and that's $1,260. Wowsa.

    According to her bleg, JFW doesn't start hustling for firewood until October and then continues her desperate scramble for wood long into December and January when the price rises to $200 or more. Being that she needs 5 cords a season, that's gonna be around $900-$1000 she's going to need to start begging for ASAP. But you can't be re-tweeting sales pitches while floating down the river, which she'll be doing soon, instead of working hard for an honest paycheck.

    And who wants to bet that just like last year, she'll use the "I cAn'T aFfoRd firEwOoD cuZ tEeth pRoBlumZ" formula. And if she's run out of roots to canal, she'll pretend to crack a tooth on a peppercorn again. It worked for her last year!

    So get that 🐩 💰 ready!

    1. I scour Albany's regional craigslist almost every day, and there are near-daily posts offering free firewood. Is it the greatest quality? Of course not. But will anyone in this area ever spend a winter without heat? Not if they have an internet connection and a modicum of motivation (Jenna has one of those things).

    2. Anon 5:52 But this would require work and effort and that is something she doesn't want to do. MUCH easier to beg for it.

  11. At the risk of sounding like a broken record; she is sitting on acres of woods. Why the hell doesn't the scrappy, feral, made-from-scratch faux farmer harvest her own damn firewood!

    1. Because she’s a city person living on some acreage who’s never learned to do things for herself. Unless you have unlimited funds you learn real quick how to DIY everything you can when you move to the country. And you budget for all the rest.

    2. Anon 7:01 - Here's what she had to say about that back in 2016:

      ❝ People ask why I don't harvest all my own firewood from the farm? Because I don't own a chainsaw, am scared of chainsaws, and can't do it all. [...] Buying a chainsaw, learning to use it, and harvesting my own firewood just hasn't been on the list due to my fear of swiftly rotating blades and my general clumsiness. ❞

      And then in 2018 she said this:

      ❝ Maybe I'll invest in a tough sawzall or electric chainsaw at some point? ❞

      But did she? Of course not! Cuz just like those pesky unaffordable hoses, saws are not a priority with what the mortgage, dental bills, medical bills, broken plumbing, truck repairs, mountain smashing equipment, dog packs and patches, HBO & Netflix subscriptions, fancy new bandanas, pricy designer coffee with a bandana to match, etc.


    3. Anon7, the queen of rural bartering can't figure out to split the wood with the tree cutter?? SMFH

  12. Jenna Woginrich has been super busy: hiking, walking, driving, entertaining NY social media friend, mountain smashing...

    How could a client be so selfish to expect that a end-of-March pet portrait would be finished by June 10th??? It's warm weather. People, she's got your money. Just don't expect anything super fast, okay???!

    1. The fact that she wants 5 orders a week of drawings and she hasn't even completed the February and March ones is really annoying. It's her own little pyramid scheme. She really depends on most people just giving up or forgetting. It's freaking June, Jenna Woginrich. June. Not February. 5 months to draw a crappy little cartoon? You just sully all freelancers with your crap.

    2. In her response, she lets people know that "nothing here moves quickly." That's for fucking sure! The only thing that moves fast at CAF is the booze down the gullet.

    3. Good eye, PoodleDiDoo! FarmLass, she's beyond annoying, she's a total POS for taking so long to do something that could be done in 1 hour. Those drawings are not complicated at all. At the most they would take 3 hours to do. And at the very, very most a day or two if she was hungover or something. But months?!? What a lazy lying mountain smasher.

      Here's the full exchange of that tweet:

      RED: "What about previously purchased pet portraits? I know 1 person I gifted 1 to still has not received from March 26, 2019."

      JFW: "It's a slow process catching up, I am still working on a lot from Feb and March, and I make sure to let people know that nothing here happens quickly!"

      RED: "I know things can back up, but the person I gifted to very awkwardly came back to me about bcuz they didn't want it to be all for naught & last they heard was a 3 day estimate from almost two weeks ago. Just be forward and open - I know from XP commission work is tough."

      JFW: "It was sent today. I am doing my best."

      Wow. Not even one "sorry" uttered in those two tweets. Her last reply was terse. The "It was sent today" amounts to "shut up already." And the "I make sure to let people know that nothing here happens quickly" is basically saying "I WARNED you that this is a long process, so shut up already!" This is the way she treats her customers? That woman spent either $150 or $75 per each drawing and is still waiting on one months and months later. That's a ridiculous amount of time to wait at those exorbitant prices.

      "It's a slow process catching up" she says. How stupid is she? All anyone has to do is look at her tweets to see what she's been up to. And if she's struggling to complete all these orders, perhaps not take on so much work in the first place? What an effing idiot.

  13. Be sure to click on her comments on her Twitter page. You get some pretty interesting little convos into the insight of our feral farmer lass. And just in case you were wondering... more dead chickens.

    Jenna Woginrich
    I really, really, really, dislike this weasel.

    5:24 PM · Jun 8, 2019 · Twitter Web Client

    Replying to
    More dead chickens?

    Of course, more dead chickens. Cold Antler Farm is a carnivore buffet.

    All you can eat with a side helping of admiration.

    1. That's what happens when you can't be bothered (or are too drunk) to lock your chickens up at night.

      Tell us again, how Pig Shocker's so expert at raising chickens?

    2. Cuz sHe WrOte a bOOk, silly! And only experts can write books.

  14. Oh CAST readers we have so much to look forward to this summer. As of now, the plumbing isn't functioning. Is she using a latrine, bucket or just romping in the woods? Her mysterious swollen lymph nodes haven't been mentioned lately. Wonder if those bills got paid yet? Her beloved truck is so untrustworthy and I don't believe a generous reader has yet gifted her new wheels. Um what's next. There is always the firewood issue as Anon7 and others have pointed out. Apparently there is a wild weasel decimating her chickens. One issue she has yet to use is her roof. She's mentioned a couple of times about leaks on the porch. What's going to happened when the main house roof starts? We had a family in the community who had a tree fall on their house. Took the insurance money and went on vacation. Covered the hole with a huge tarp. Just kept replacing it until Mom passed away and the kids moved out.

    1. very interesting questions Anonymous 3:26. As far as her "camping" bathroom now as she put it it sounded like her company was still there while this was going on!!! Oh how attractive that is. Forgot about those lymph glands yes they must have just disappeared. Oh and she needed $600. for that (although we never know what all it will cost after a trip to doctor, blood work etc. until the bill is mailed to us usually taking a few months after first going to the insurance company). As for the new car she was asking about a Volvo? Why not a Benz? I mean she is so world famous and all (in her own mind). Yes firewood will be way down on her list and if I remember correctly last year she said 2 cords would do her (can't even imagine that with living in upstate NY) and it was all gone by Jan. think she came up a little short on that one. As for the weasel that keeps getting chickens doesn't say much for the chicken house she got for free for advertizing it. Cannot wait to read what is coming next.

    2. If you check out the IG locations for her social media visitor, you will note that Blue-Check Sarah's dispatches are coming from Pember Patty's town/home.

      What a deal for BlueCheck-Sarah: free food and lodging at a historic farm??!!

    3. Yeah, isn't it so very interesting that just a month ago, the Pig Shocker was crying about $600 in medical bills for her lymph node scare and hasn't said a single word about it since then. Fake illness, fake bills, fake cry for help and donations.

    4. Poodle - I think the reason she's staying at Patty's is cuz she values a flushing toilet and doesn't want to have to pee on the ground outside. From the latest bleg post:

      ❝ And flushing the toilet...The amount of rain water has either flooded my septic system to the point of super slow drainage or it is blocked. I need to call a plumber but I'm not doing that until I mail in my health insurance bill for the month. In the meantime there's a lot of peeing in the woods. ❞

      But where does she 💩 ???

    5. Pig Shocker must be frustrated. She would love to complain to people about dead chickens, but she worries that CAST will use this as further evidence of her animal neglect and report her wobbly rump to animal control. So she resorts to code: "I really, really dislike this weasel" = dead, inadequately protected chickens everywhere!

      What she benefits from is readers' unwillingness to read longer than 30 seconds or research Twitter feeds. Anyone with a touch of history can see repetitive lies, misdirection and endless - freakin' endless - money begs.

      Same sh**. Different day.

  15. Jenna Woginrich is an enormous liar. Need proof? Look at what she said back in February when her bank account was down to double digits:

    ❝ Tomorrow I go to the dental surgeon (in Vermont) for part 2 of my root canal I started in December. I got a ride because I am not sure the truck could make it... ❞

    And what she had to say at the beginning of June:

    ❝ I love my truck. She's been my sole ride for almost 4 years now, and I plan on keeping her. But the age, the breaking down, and the fact I am certain I can't go farther than 30 miles away without a rental car... ❞

    Then just a few days later she drove her truck twice to Vermont to go mountain smashing. One jaunt was 76 miles roundtrip and the other was 50 miles. That's over 125 miles put on that truck that wasn't very drive-worthy back in February. Add to that, all the gas she had to pay for. And the 10+ hours she wasted on those trips, instead of staying home and completing artwork from February and March. It amazes me that people actually send her money for shoddy work that takes months to complete.

  16. The latest bleg post "Small Dirty Paradise" by the 🐷 🔌 ⚡️ isn't really worth quoting. Because we've all heard it before, many times. It's the same old, "Things are tough here, my bank account only has $20, but I'm gonna make it someday" bullshit post and waxing woetically.

    She's literally a broken record at this point. What a sad delusional animal abusing moron:

  17. Twitter Twaddle Poll:

    ❝ I got a lot of drawing to do tomorrow, which HBO series I haven't seen should I start watching?

    - Big Little Lies
    - Veep
    - Chernobyl
    - Barry ❞


    She watches TV while she draws?!? That explains soooooo much.

    I vote for Chernobyl, cuz at least then she'll have a plausible explanation as to why the dogs she draws look like they've been exposed to massive amounts of radiation.

  18. Anon7 - yep, lies always.

    The reason she's sharing her plumbing problems is she needed an excuse why the blue-check couldn't use her bathroom, etc. It's an age old tactic to keep people from your home/bathroom. DUH, JENNA WOGINRICH, everyone knows this one.

    What company supplied her chicken house? I'd like to have words with them. Has she mentioned her lambs that she keeps trying to sell/resell? Those poor animals. Doesn't she have traps? She claims to be feral, yet can't protect chickens inside her house or out.

    A couple of other things - why does she compare her income to my 14 year old nephew's? Why not compare it to her own freakin nephew's? Plus, they probably work more than she does.

    Why in the heck would she get "farm tags" for her truck? To drive from the house to the barn? Moron. She doesn't even know what it means.

    How could she "catch up" on work? She's NEVER been "caught up" since the scams she pulled as Oakpaw as an young, upstart scammer.

    Almost want this new book to happen so we can read her writing about her awful family and town that held her down because she was secretly gay, even though they had no reason to think she was gay. Wonder it she'll cover all her stops along they way. Didn't she live in Idaho once? One would think that if one was gay, they could come out in the safety of a state very few of us have visited. Her family would never have known. Wonder if she'll share her income info?

    BTW, imagine if you gifted someone one of her hack drawings and 2 1/2 months later the recipient hadn't received it. She must be makin' bank.

    Shitting in your backyard does not make you "feral." Imagine, the poop piles and animal carcasses........

    Poor chickens.


    1. Chickqualizer - There's an ad on her bleg for a company called "Eglu Cube"

  19. just read poor poor Jenna Woginrich post and I can't even begin to say how disgusted I am by it. EVERYONE has it so much better than she does and has someone on and on and on a whole bleg post about this crap. One glaring thing I kept thinking through each and every paragraph was well then get a job and you can keep your place and pay your insurance and pay for hay for your animals and do your crappy drawings as side work not like it would take any longer for the people to get them than it does now. It is just so bold and reasonable to figure this out. Oh and it is one month from the 9 year anniversary of when she bought "this place" and already she is saying 10 years. Good grief give me a break. Oh and she has to come up with the butcher bill well wasn't that figured in when she sold "shares" of the animals? What a looser she is. She never stops whining and everyone has it so much easier and better than she does. Makes me ill.

    1. It's been a 9 year whine and beg fest.

    2. actually it has been much longer than 9 years I remember when she lived in VT when I started reading her blegs and she started begging for money to buy the place even back then!! If she couldn't even afford the down payment what made her think she could afford the payments? I did send her small amount of money at one point then next bleg she got something new and useless and I thought well I won't do that again. Oh and don't tell the whinner but I only bought one book of hers (which I gave to Goodwill) but any others I read I am horrible I checked out of the library and so glad I did since they were crap.

      It appears to me this woman has no shame for sure.

    3. Yup, "Well then get a job" is the answer to every single paragraph. Well said.

      BTW, looks like she's open to dating a man:

      ❝ Maybe I'll date a plumber? That would be a real jackpot. ❞

      At the risk of sounding sexist, I have to say that I've never seen nor heard of a female plumber. I'm sure they do exist somewhere, but the odds are not in her favor. And she must know that, hence the Freudian slip. 🌭 🍆 🍌

  20. She treats her customers like crap. I just read her conversation above with the person who bought the drawings and nothing has changed. She takes money from people, drags her feet on delivering product (hoping people will forget or get frustrated and go away) and when people say "where's my stuff" she gets snotty and guilts them into thinking they are the problem.

    She did this with the wool shares. She did this with the webinar shares. With Birchthorn. Pork shares. Logos. Now drawings.

    Nothing changes

    1. "and when people say "where's my stuff" she gets snotty and guilts them into thinking they are the problem."

      That's called gas lighting.

    2. Excellent point! Yes, she was guilting and gas lighting when she wrote:

      ❝ ...and I make sure to let people know that nothing here happens quickly! ❞

      In other words: "It's YOUR fault for not remembering that I said that."

  21. OH MY GOSH it gets mentioned on here about the absent medical bills (somehow it is smaller than reported before at the time of her "nodes" happening it was $600. then) and now it was just reported she owes $500. for her medical bills. Good thing we all reminded her about them other wise what could she possibly beg for? Oh and of course again the truck but what is new with that one? Also I am guessing a mollar isn't to far off.

    1. OMG is right. Yes, funny how she forgot and then was reminded here about those "bills" that need to be paid by her foollower poodles.

      It's just so "amazing how fast a day can go to shit."

      Don't forget, she's having to pee/poop outside too. Womp womp.

      🚑 Whambulance on the way! 🚑

  22. Wait....she says her phone/Internet got cut off. I will be gracious and assume that that's true and that she is posting her woe is me shit from somewhere in town...but it delights me to no end that if she IS telling the truth, she won't be able to binge on netflix/hbo/etc until she pays to have it turned back on. She must be beside herself!

    But...chances are, it's a big fat lie fabricated to garner $ympathy, which is definitely in short supply, from the looks of things.

    1. oh yes I forgot her phone/internet got shut off. How can she be posting from somewhere in town her truck is also broke down so no way to get there (unless she smashes there). No netflix? No HBO? say it ain't so. How will she get her smiling dogs drawn with this tragedy? So many questions......

    2. Yesterday, she lamented how many drawings she'd have to do.

      Today? A tweet showing her trudging up mountain stairs with Blue-Check Sarah.

      SUCH a hard worker, and so conscientious ( /s ) to her customers who shelled out good money for crappy drawings.

    3. Anon 1:24 - I noticed the "drive to town w/o power steering" conundrum too. It's obvious she's totally lying. Wonder if she'll delete that tweet?

    4. She's putting many unnecessary miles on her hunk of junk truck driving around so she can waddle up and down hills.

      A responsible person would have a job. Also, they would not use their only vehicle supposedly on it's last leg for any outings other than what is absolutely necessary.

  23. Most of the time it's kinda hard trying to figure out what are lies and what is the truth when it comes to Jenna Woginrich.

    But not this time. This time it's obvious that this tweet is a big fat lie:

    ❝ This farm just got nailed with $500 in medical bills, the internet/phone shut service suspended, and a broken power steering pump in the same day. I will be self promoting like hell today. ❞

    First up, note the "shut service suspended" part. Looks like she started to write "shut off" but deleted it to write "service suspended" instead. But she didn't delete it all, as "shut" is still there. And she didn't notice it because she doesn't proofread at all. "Shut off" would've meant she couldn't tweet at all unless she went to town. But "service suspended" is more vague...what does that mean really?

    Also, look at all the time stamps of today's tweets thus far: 2 hrs ago, 4 hrs ago, 5 hrs ago, 6 hrs ago, 7 hrs ago, 9 hrs ago -- that would mean that she spent her entire day in town using WiFi? What about the animals? What about the drawings she's supposed to work on? The answer is: She's at home tweeting the day away as usual. Her internet/phone service is not off. Or maybe it is and she drove to town every other hour just to tweet?

    🤔 Riiiiiight. Liar.

    And the broken power steering pump: She drove to town to tweet without power steering? Bullshit to that. Yes, it's possible to drive without a working one, but it's very, very difficult, and you can only manage it if you have a small, compact car. But a huge heavy truck? Nope, sorry. More lies.

    1. Yeah, our power steering went out on our F150 when we lost the serpentine belt, and it was really hard to steer the couple hundred feet to a safe landing spot. Even if she IS trying to drive that dead horse to town, how dangerous she is being. It's so easy to kill someone when you can't steer. But then how can she tweet and promote like heck her crap every half hour if she's not near internet!!!!!! Oh dear, what a moral problem... wifi or endanger the citizens of the town she loves but treats her poorly because she's gay.


    2. Oh man, I didn't even think of the danger-to-others consideration. How reckless of her. That is, if she was telling the truth. And I don't think she is. And...I think she either read what I wrote here, or it occurred to her that her timeline of tweets didn't mesh with her tweeting from town narrative, cuz she later tweeted this:

      ❝ okay guys, heading back to the farm. I don't think this internet will be restored soon. Send me luck because holy shit what a day. ❞

      👌 Sure, Jan.

    3. Funny how many bad days one has when they want to play 24/7 like a child and not work to support themselves.
      Bad days should be the norm not the exception.

  24. For many years I worked in an office where part of our job was helping get people help when they really needed it. One of the signs of someone trying to game the system was that every question you asked was answered with another emergency or tragedy. One story after another. To be totally fair, it's also the sign of someone who is really messed up, mental illness, substance abuse or abusive relationship. I wonder which one fits our FFF?

    1. Alex, I'll take mental illness and substance abuse for $500.

    "This farm just got re-nailed with another $25000 in medical bills, the internet/phone ripped out by some guy from the laundromat, and a broken power steering pump, broken engine and smashed in rear brake light. God I love this town. I may be headed for the altar with a gal that re-tweeted me, damn I'm introverted. So here's the deal, I need to move 450 logos by 6 am tomorrow, I guarantee a completion date by 2024 and you keep this farm humming. Patty I'm comin to save those chickens, ask your hubby for another 8K loan to the Sham and we'll be there, will be posting pictures from my fly fishing and balloon ride, please use PayPal poodles, we're in this together!

    1. LMAO! Especially at "I may be headed for the altar with a gal that re-tweeted me"

      For anyone who missed it, Jenna Desperate Woginrich tweeted:

      ❝ A girl on Ok Cupid just asked me how I got into "Falconeering" the wedding will be in October. ❞

      🙄 🙄 🙄

      How odd that she's keen on marrying a girl who she publicly mocked by pointing out that she said "Falconeering" instead of Falconry. Does she not realize that this poor girl can see that she tweeted that? Bitch is never gonna get laid with that attitude.

    2. Says the land monster with the grammar chops of a two year old.

      Horrible personality, terrible reputation and hard to look at. Definitely doesn't sound promising in the relationship department for pig shocker.

  26. The Pig Shocker didn't receive a single comment for her "Help me! Emergency!!" tweet. So she tweeted again to really get her message across:

    ❝ This day really sucks. ❞

    Sure enough, one of her foollowers asked "What's wrong?" and she replied:

    ❝ Lots of shit hitting at once - plumbing issues, no internet at home and having trouble restoring service, family drama, scared of losing the farm, nervous about writing projects, money, girls, etc etc etc ❞

    ALL of those things could be solved by getting a frickin' job. And she knows that! But online panhandling is sooooo much easier! Plus, she'd have to take a daily shower if she had a real workplace to go to. And we all know she don't like that.

    Anyway, she received a few comments offering love, support and hope...but not one comment offering up what she really wants most -------> 💵 💵 💵

    On her last tweet, she commented that she "doesn't think that the internet will be restored soon" so the next day or two will be interesting to see if she can get online and for how long. I have the feeling it will be business as usual.

    1. Isn't she staying at her bff's house while she's out of town? If not, I'm sure she will mooch an internet hook up off of her just like she mooches everything else.

    2. Classic. When her business methods are challenged too much, she reverts to her "poor me" mode to garner sympathy and divert attention.

      Perhaps someone who had a drawing waiting since February might notice that the end-of-March client bitched-and-moaned and received her drawing within a few days! Pig Shocker can't have clients lodging public complaints again; the poodles might catch on that she's LAF and donation might drop.

      So she pulls out tried-and-true emotional angst. She's so frightened and unhappy and worried. Guys??? How can anyone be mean enough to expect her to draw at times like these?

    3. She likes to gatekeep and gaslight.

  27. Anyone else notice the lack of actual real-time "farm animal" Instagram pics? Nothing current with horses. The last farrier pic was October 2018; perhaps she doesn't even bother doing their feet, what with them scampering up and down a mountain. No photos of, dead, maimed or otherwise. No photos of pigs.

    Well, except for the photos of the throwaway lambs, farm animal photos are now re-posts.

    What say you? Are there any critters actually unfortunate enough to live on Dead Antler Farm?

    1. Pig Shocker hasn't had livestock at her place since last summer. She may still own livestock but they are obviously living on someone else's property.

      The new lamb set up was a joke and looked like a quick photo op before the lambs were sent on their way to their actual home.

      No livestock, no farm, no pity money for the animals living with a lunatic. She has to keep up the lie to get donations. She manages to take plenty of photos hiking, she could easily take new photos of livestock- if only she had some.

  28. When I want a good laugh, I read thru Pig Shocker's twitter feed.

    Anyone see the tweet about how women of all sizes can be runners?

    Maybe she should start giving psychic readings because she always manages to comment on topics we discuss yet she swears she doesn't read the comments on this site.

    I guarantee you the women of various sizes who are successful runners (meaning with limited injuries) are not living on fast food and booze. I would also bet they don't claim to run 4+ miles a day while maintaining their weight at a hefty 250+ lbs. They would also, at that size, have significant injuries to their knees etc. Especially running on asphalt/concrete.

    You don't remain completely out of shape after running 4+ miles on a regular basis for 12+ months. That is impossible and pig shocker is a moron.

  29. Hey Poodles - If you're not getting your drawings in a timely manner (by which I mean 2, 3, 4 months, whatever) it's your own fault. You haven't been sending enough luck ($$$) my way. Now that my internet is (cough, cough) down, how do you expect me to send your drawings? Want your stuff? Cough up some more $$$. That's right. Your stuff is being held hostage. Now send some "luck" pronto (you know the Paypal drill) and it better be there by the time I'm back from smashing mountains, riding horses, whatever...

  30. oh NO according to her now her front door has fallen off the hinges and a tree fell down in the front yard and still no phone or internet (how did she post this with no internet or cell phone?). Get ready for beg fest cause it is coming big time.

    1. Yay, a tree fell down. Now she has firewood! For free!

    2. Earth to Jenna - It's called home ownership. Shit happens. Deal with it like everyone else and get a job.

    3. well I never thought about the fact that the fallen tree is now firewood, good one. But wait she is terrified of a chain saw! What's a girl to do? Get a job? nahhhhh....

    4. Neighbor let her borrow a power drill..... She calls herself a homesteader and doesn't have the most basic tools of home ownership, but she has all manner of crap for her hobbies. SMH....

    5. Here, Anon 6:21 -------> 🏅 🏆 🏅Congrats, you called it!

      The big time big beg fest is here, lol. The jobless wonder just announced that the dreaded foreclosure notice came in the mail. She has 20 days to get a job.

    6. Placing the tweet in question here, for reference:

      ❝ Morning.

      In the last 24 hours:

      Plumbing isn't draining so can't use it
      Tree fell down in front yard
      Front door fell off hinges
      Internet and phone are not working
      $500 in medical bills in mail for no diagnose

      Please send dog pics.
      Do not send cat pics. I feel judged enough. ❞

  31. Pig Shocker says she hates a/c 🙄.
    However, she lives with an elderly dog with a tick bourne illness. It's not good for him to be in a sweltering house.

  32. People have sent some dog pictures as she asked. There....all is better. Sheesh.

    1. This was a smart move for Pig Shocker.

      Getting readers to post dog pics is the absolute best way to move the bad news (complaining client) way down the Twitter feed.

      Also, it's a great way for her to snag prospective clients: people who adore their dogs, think their dogs are special and are foolish enough to actually believe dog pics will help someone who (1) refuses to get a job (2) refuses to maintain her truck and home and (3) endlessly wastes time and money.

    2. It's also something Blair Braverman does quite a bit, so it's not even original.

    3. Redhorse, Ahh. Of course. It's a Three-way, 🐷🔌⚡-style.
      ▶Move critical tweets down the feed.
      ▶Trawl for new clients.
      ▶Shamefully appropriate from a more popular Blue-Check account.

    4. Very smart indeed. PoodleDiDoo, yup...she's not only moving the bad news down, but also breaking some fresh hot bad news to her newly-found captive dog-loving audience.

      Those people are sooooo stupid -- Jenna Woginrich does NOT want derpy dog pics -- she wants a portion of your paychecks! means sooooo much!!

    5. "Come on guys, I'd hate to see all of the money WE have invested in my shit pit property go down the broken sewage pipes.
      I will accept gift cards, paypal and the entire contents of children's piggy banks and college funds!
      DM me for instructions!

    6. I groaned at her idiotic canine pics request. I've also noticed that often she won't even respond to a non blue check account's kindness. (It's often someone who has few followers, and isn't "important" in her stupid opinion.) Not only doesn't she either "like" or acknowledge their well-wishes, she actively ignores their tweets. Which is not only rude but dismissive for a "public figure" like herself.

  33. Twitter Twaddle - 🐩 Breaking News Edition 💰

    ❝ Got a very bad certified letter in the mail today. Farm is on final notice from the bank.I have 20 days to make mandatory payment or that's the beginning of the end. Internet/phone is still down. Please be patient with replies and work. I will address everything as soon as I can. ❞

    So interesting that this announcement came right after rounding up 50+ Twitter foollowers with her "dog photo" request. So she supposedly gets this letter, and the first thing she does is drive as fast as she can over to the laundromat to tweet this info?

    1. Just two days ago the Pig Shocker wrote this on her bleg:

      ❝ So it's another month of work. And another month with butcher bills and that precious monthly payment that is always late but always dependable so the bank so far lets me stay put. Their patience is impressive... ❞

      Wonder if that was sincere or if it was a set up for her foreclosure 💣 ???

    2. Pig Shocker/FFF, I know that you never read our comments. (LOL!!!) It's not that "their patience is impressive," you stupid, lazy twat. You've devalued that once nice home so much that it's not worth the bank's efforts to reclaim the property.

  34. Replies
    1. Here, have some 🍿🍿🍿 to munch on while we watch her idiotic supporters save the farm once again.

    2. Lets see a photo of the letter. Blur out everything but her name and terms and dates.

      Otherwise it's just another lie to make fast money to have the internet reconnected.

    3. WH - She's too busy at the moment, curled up in a ball on her living room floor, crying her eyes out in a state of terror and shaking like a tree from anxiety.

    4. Oh yeah AND I have NEVER heard of a 20 day notice and I used to work in the mortgage business. Everything operates in increments of 30 days when it comes to legal notices.

      Pig shocker just doesn't want to wait a month to have her internet reconnected.

    5. Ooh, good point! Yep, she needs her beloved internet turned back on ASAP.

      And also a new door, new tree, new plumbing, new truck...but send dog pics!

    6. Surely the first thing anyone does who owes the Bank money is to stop all work that pays the bills. C'mon Poodles - how can you expect her to complete assignments? The only thing keeping that Farm solvent is her convincing people to send money. No cyber hugs needed. FFS, she has to work very very hard re-tweeting and begging. Remember, that Farm's financial trouble is all your fault. Seriously, what part of "We can do this together." did you not understand???

      Our poor Fake Feral Farmer should be doing other WONDERFUL activities, like driving to Vermont...buying new hiking gear...mountain smashing...taking long walks...slamming down three-fingers of whiskey at sunset...and binge watching Netflix. She has her PRIORITIES people. YOUR lack of support means she cannot relax and enjoy her feral freedom.

      So here's an opportunity for all of you - and especially for you NEW people who sent dog pics. Yeah, y'all with the DOGS! It's time to attach some Greenbacks to those dog collars! FFF promises - on the souls of all the dead sheep/lambs/goats/hawks on her mountain - that she will draw customized dog cartoons, DISNEY STYLE, for some of you, at some future date, as long as you EACH send her $200. Now. Yes, Now. Do It Now.

      This is your LAST CHANCE to make a difference. You can do it!

    7. Anon7- only if she has an audience. There's an idea. She could film her mental breakdown/temper tantrum and post it on youtube.
      Anything for pity donations!

    8. 👏 Lmao, poods!

      But seriously, I can't believe her foollowers let her down like this. What utter assholes.

      Really now, how dare they? If they have any heart at all, they should tell her it's too much to ask her to complete orders when she's all downtrodden like this...and to just keep the money anyway. And if they had a conscience, to send her more.

    9. OMG, WH - I would love to see her film a YouTube episode of this latest shit show, complete with her waving the foreclosure notice at the camera in a deranged manner, reminding everyone how much she hates working for a boss!

    10. Please let the YouTube tirade include a tour of the outdoor latrine area, indoor animal cages and her FFF outfit that includes new bandana, too-tight clothing, fake pigtails, wolf contacts, cowgirl skirt, knee boots and gold nail polish.

    11. Those stubby, grubby fingers should be left alone and unvarnished by polish. I don't know why she even considers herself a femme. I've always thought of her as either an andro or butch.

  35. Speaking of photographic evidence, I just saw this on her latest bleg post:

    ❝ These days of more hot and humid weather seem to demand I run and I am putting out some 5k and 10k days, hoping to get up to an average of 6 miles a run soon. ❞

    How come, out of all the pics on JFW's Instagram, Twitter and bleg accounts there is NOT A SINGLE ONE of her on one of these 5K jaunts? She takes pics of all her mountain smashing trips and all the unnecessary equipment, so why has there never been a single pic of her running shoes or a shot taken from the side of the road she runs on?

    1. Or why doesn't she ask miriam, patty or the latest mooch looking for a free night's stay to snap a photo of her running?

      Oh yeah, that's right. Because she doesn't.

    2. The only thing Jenna runs from is responsibility and gainful employment.

    3. We saw her huffing and puffing last year while running on the road. She looked like shit.

  36. I'm taking bets for how long until the words "this is where you come in" appears somewhere on her social media.

    I say within 16 hours.

    1. Hmmmm...I say before the end of the day. IF she can manage another trip to the laundromat in her powerless-steering wonder truck.

    2. Speaking of laundromat trips, why does both Yelp and Yellow Pages not show any laundromats in Cambridge? It shows the nearest one is in Vermont??

      Or are these machines tucked away in another business like Stewart's?

    3. I would not be the least bit surprised if the local laundromat was a figment of her imagination .

    4. I got 15 West Main in Cambridge when I searched for laundromats.

    5. It might be. I just found a bleg post from last year where she said the laundromat is in a car wash. But there's no car wash in Cambridge either. In a bleg post written this morning she said that she's been driving to her new "office" (the laundromat) several times a day. Driving there in a broken truck?

    6. Wonder no more, friends. We lived in her area for a few years. There's a lousy laundromat behind an old industrial building, but I don't recall a car wash. Next time we're around Cambridge I'll verify. In any event, her desperation has sunk to a new low.

    7. Thanks Duckmama and Feral Farmer! I looked again but still don't see one. Weird.

      Didn't she once say there was a Subway right next to the laundromat?

    8. The Subway might've moved. It's by a gas station and pizza place now.

  37. Lying or not, she has absolutely screwed herself. Each month, she gets increasingly more desperate, and it matters not whether her desperation is fabricated or genuine--people are getting sick of her shit. The way she is operating her life is completely unsustainable. If she's lying yet again, her lies are catching up to her. If she's telling the truth, her absolutely irresponsible and nauseatingly entitled way of living is catching up to her. It's six of one, half-dozen of the other. People have limited sympathy and this--whatever it is--has simply gone far past its expiration date.

    1. Agreed. This is bottom-of-the-barrel desperate, even for her. She usually just talks about the threat, but this time there's an actual letter, if she's telling the truth. Whether or not the poodles save her, she's fouled up her reputation for good. This makes her look bad...real bad.

      So far she's only received a few comments on that tweet. One was deleted and the other 3 are just paying her lip service.

    2. I've been following Jenna for years, first as a fan, then as a flabbergasted bystander. If this had happened five years ago, I would have been right with you guys. But now? Nah. It's all going to work out. Everyone who's tired of Jenna's games has already left the building. She acquires new followers all the time. Every spring, people start dreaming their wannabe farmer dreams (been there/done that/not judging) and chance upon Made from Scratch or her chicken book or Barn Heart and find her blog and follow her on Twitter, and they have no idea that Jenna is constantly manufacturing crises. Like many who post here, I think Jenna has a money stream that she won't disclose. I'm working on a theory that she loves the drama of the wolves at the door, and has a need for people to show their support. Anyway, maybe this will really, truly be the time that it all goes up in flames, who knows? But I'm not holding my breath. Oh, and she's talked about letters before. My theory is that she got such a good response to her request for dog pix that it made her take it to the next level. Do you love me? How much do love me? Show me. Prove it.

    3. Eventually, the karma train will hit her fat ass so hard that she'll finally fall down. I wish that a disgruntled client would file a lawsuit against her failed project. A disappointed Birchthorn backer would also work. I doubt that all of them have received their books by now.

    4. Hopefully the karma train has a cow catcher on the front of it....🐮🐂

  38. Pig Shocker better hurry up and retweet about the scary letter because so far no one gives a rat's ass.

  39. I don't understand what the term "mandatory payment " means. But I hope the letter is real and no one bails her out. Her finances are unsustainable. I would tell her to shit or get off the pot, but her plumbing is so screwed up, that's pointless too.

    1. It's more like shit or get out of the yard...

    2. Lol, Red -- I laughed so hard your comment!

      Aren't all mortgage payments mandatory? Or is there some type of new-fangled mortgage that offers a voluntary payment option? Sign me up!!

    3. Redhorse, that made me smile.

  40. Here is a possible reason for the 20 day time frame. This information is specific to NY state.

    "The lis pendens
    The lis pendens is the first step in the actual foreclosure process. When a borrower misses three payments in a row, and all law-required notices have been sent, the lender will file a lis pendens with the county clerk, starting a lawsuit against the property that challenges its title/ownership. This means that parties interested in the property will be able to access public records and see that there is an outstanding lawsuit contesting ownership

    When the lender files a lis pendens, they are also legally obligated to send a “summons and complaint” notice, informing the delinquent borrower that a lawsuit has been initiated in court, challenging their ownership of the property. The summons and complaint letter will include additional information, such as the date when both borrower and lender or their representatives must appear in court.

    The lender must provide and file with the court proof that the summons and complaint notice was received by the borrower. Starting from the date of filing proof, the delinquent borrower has 20 days to respond if the summons was delivered in person, and 30 days if it was delivered by mail. Failure to respond, or appear at the court-appointed date may result in a default ruling by the court in favor of the lender, which can lead to the property being foreclosed on. If the borrower chooses to respond, this response acts as the borrower’s defense as to why they have not complied with payments and is officially filed with the court."

    1. The full text of the article can be read here:

    2. Normally, a summons wouldn't ask for payment. It would say she had to appear at a future court date. I think she pulled the 20 days out of her behind.

    3. Possibly the third late payment was due on the 1st of June, and there are exactly 20 days left in June, so it may have to be paid by then.

    4. What's really interesting is that the last time she pulled this stunt, back in June 2017, she said that the foreclosure notice didn't have a "hard due date" but this time it does?

  41. I've seen this foreclosure crisis so many times. That's when she had her big Kickstarter project for Birchthorn. She got $15,000 and told everyone they saved "the farm". Then she went on a spendfest and bought a Meadowbrook cart, maybe a saddle and other crap that she wrote about. Then three months later, (yes three months!) she was wringing her hands over a late mortgage payment and wolves at the door. When people began to question her, she became hostile, said she had other bills to pay, and dropped the subject. Only to resurrect it again and again and again, ad nauseam.

    1. Where are the pics as proof? Just like her new livestock that was re-homed last years. Oh, that's right. They don't exist. Except for that one stupid letter that she showed the postmark from, and we proved that it was sent by herself.

    2. last year

    3. I would bet that a search of her blog for "letter" "certified" "notice" etc. will show the many times over the past 9 years that she announced she received a final notice from the mortgage company.

      She must be the only mortgage loanee who can be 2+ payments behind at least once a year for nine years. I realize she's a half wit who thinks her lies are believable but come on.

      I think she pays her mortgage no problem every month with money she's begged off of people online.
      I also think she easily pays most of her other bills too. However, she wants extras and she doesn't have enough for them. So she lies every month and says she needs money for bills.
      The poodles donate and she uses all of it for fun and entertainment.

    4. WH. I think that Anon7 or someone said that the truth would probably surprise us. I've often wondered if she's really broke. There's no way of knowing without seeing that "double digit" bank account. Even then, she could have ample savings. I really hope that she's living hand to mouth, and desperate even for dollars.

    5. The scenario that makes the most sense for me is that she makes just enough via sales to cover the mortgage and bills, but there's absolutely nothing left over for anything else. So all the begging is for gas money, the internet, HBO, dog patches, fast food, etc.

      Jenna, I know you're reading I close?

    6. WH - Did a search for "certified, letter, notice & mandatory" - Jenna Woginrich has now pulled this crap 3 times: June 2019, June 2017, and February 2017.

      I didn't bother searching for "foreclosure" because that word makes it's way into EVERY bleg post.

    7. You know what? I'm broke. I mean it, my bank account is in the negative. Jenna is not broke. In fact, I believe she has a savings account, and has more money than is necessary for "this life."

    8. Agree 100% Sash. She is an on-line panhandler, selling cartoon art, with pets at her side for sympathy.

      There are a lot of legitimate artists who do better drawings for same price or lower.

      Here's one random Etsy pick.

  42. I just looked at her tweets from today and the source for her tweets is twitter web client. Which is the same source of the tweets she tweets from her property. When she uses a kindle or a cell phone the source shows as android.

    Looks like the liar is at it again.

    1. Wha?!? No way. Laundromat, my ass. Bet she doesn't even bother washing sheets.

      I swear, we are all at risk for brain damage with all this head-shaking.

    2. I hope that she never runs out of lavender spray for her stinky sheets. For someone who has horrid hygiene, and that's a fact, she always makes a big deal about the damn laundry.

    3. It's the "electric is disconnected yet I'm on the CAS site under my home ip address all day" scam all over again. What a yahoo.

    4. Or... she just took her old laptop to the laundromat. We all know she can't be without her Netflix's watching device for any length of time.

    5. WD. Your "shit or get out of the yard" was inspired.

  43. That was indeed funny. And once she loses the farm she won't have any place to poop.

  44. The last time a bad letter showed up she got a new horse.

    1. Perhaps this time it's for a new metal-sided horse with four tires.

  45. Is anyone else refreshing her Twitter and bleg as often as I am? I can't wait to see how she tries to twist and spin this story... She's 3 months behind on art work, evidenced by the customer inquiry a few days ago, she spent all last month rallying for art/logo sales at least another 2 months into the future before they even get started, she has no actual snouts on the ground for the pig CSA shares (claims to have a pregnant sow and those 2 full grown intact tough gamey boar meat males that she says have a butcher date, (how is that getting paid for?) cannot be traded for 8-10 month mild flavor market animals) 3 lambs that are still on bottle feedings but should have been weaned by now if they were getting adequate nutrition and I thought she needed more to fill her CSA shares, 2 horses and 2 dogs to feed, a septic to fix, a truck to fix, medical bills, kiva loan, student loan, multi month past due internet bill, the MANDATORY mortgage bill, plus all the day to day of fuel, food, Netflix account, internet game accounts, dating sites, hiking and camping gear, etc etc.

    How can she possibly justify not getting any sort of outside employment to pay her own way when she can give 10 to 20 hours a week (at the very least!!) to running and hiking and general personal playtime? How can anyone stomach giving any sort of financial handout to such a lazy, irresponsible, foolish, neglectful human being??

    1. I don't think I've ever spent as much time as I have today refreshing her Twitter, lol. Train wrecks are fascinating.

      BTW, some idiot follower just asked her:

      ❝ How much do you need? Have you done or considered a GoFundMe? I believe people will want to help! ❞

      Jenna replied:

      ❝ There are links shared often here and on my website if people want to help. I would like to do this with sales if possible. ❞

      Sure she would. Cue the GoFundMe in 5...4...3...2...

    2. Actually, another way of looking at that person's reply is that she's fed up with JFW and is really saying, "Get of Twitter with this shit and go beg over on GoFundMe!"

  46. WTF...the Pig Shocker sent some poor sap an unfinished sketch of a cat. It's the latest re-tweet. Scroll down one more tweet to compare it to the two completely finished and colorized dog sketches.

    I can't believe someone paid money for that piss-poor pencil sketch.

    1. That's just embarrassing. Why would you retweet that sad waste of pencil lead and paper when trying to garner more sales?? Hey poodles... here's what Jenna "doing her best" looks like. SMH

    2. It really is. I just took another look at it and cringed hard. As an artist, I can tell you that those pencil scratches are the first part of her drawing. Then she decides on the final shape and then inks those lines in. Then, if she has time, she colors it in.

      But if she doesn't, all bets are off. So what you're seeing with that crappy cat endering is Jenna trying to pass off an unfinished sketch as the final finished product. And the poor customer believed it.

  47. Oh boy...thar she blows again with this re-tweeted re-tweet:

    ❝ If you are far away and want to support Cold Antler, throw a few dollars into the hat for the 10+ years of writing about it at — you can do so via ❞

    Hey, Jenna, how about you throw a few dollars into our hat for the many years of us writing about you? 💵 💰


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