Maybe this one will be able to attack and get away.

My July wish.  :-)


  1. Jenna Woginrich appears to have also violated the Migratory Bird Act in her treatment of her hawks. State if NY is supposed to make certain falconers comply with Federal requirements.

    The Act says:

    "(9) Other educational uses of falconry raptors. You may allow photography, filming, or other such uses of falconry raptors to make movies or other sources of information on the practice of falconry or on the biology, ecological roles, and conservation needs of raptors and other migratory birds, though you may not be paid for doing so.

    (i) You may not use falconry raptors to make movies, commercials, or in other commercial ventures that are not related to falconry.

    (ii) You may not use falconry raptors for entertainment; advertisements; promotion or endorsement of any products, merchandise, goods, services, meetings, or fairs; or as a representation of any business, company, corporation, or other organization."

    Oh my. This doesn't look good for the Faux Feral Farmer. I remember photos of hawks:

    Advertising her archery class.

    Artfully placed next to her for-sale books.

    Used to promote sales of soap (please buy some soap. I have a hawk to feed)

    Used to entertain social media people.

    Used as entertainment for birthday card.

    Tsk Tsk.

    1. She is also allowed one hawk per calendar year and the hawk she recently purchased make two in the last 12 months.

      For someone who supposed loves falconry, she sure does suck at following the rule and regulations and caring for the hawks.

      She has had only One hawk out of Four returned to the wild after she was thru using it as a photo prop.

      The other three disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

      Tsk, tsk, tsk indeed, Widdle Waddles.

    2. Great work, guys! I will look thru the bleg for incriminating photos.

  2. Part 173: Falconry
    (Statutory authority: Environmental Conservation Law, §§ 3-0301, 11-1007)

    [Last Amended: July 17, 2013]

    "Sponsor" means a person who possesses a valid General or Master Falconry license and who agrees with the department, in writing, to be responsible for individually instructing and training an Apprentice falconer under his/her direct supervision in the fundamentals of falconry. A sponsor must work directly with his or her Apprentice to determine if the Apprentice is eligible to advance to the General license or if the Apprentice license should be terminated by the department upon expiration. A sponsor must provide written recommendations concerning his or her Apprentice to the department upon request.
    (3) Apprentice falconers may:

    (i) only possess an American kestrel (Falco sparverius) or a red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) taken from the wild; and

    (ii) capture raptors listed in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph only under the direct supervision of their sponsor.

    Jenna Woginrich has been violating NY Falconry laws since the day she trapped her first victim, Italics. The law states an apprentice MUST be under the DIRECT SUPERVISION of the sponsor when trapping a hawk (and for at least the first two hunts). Jenna's COLD ANTLER FARM blog clearly details how Jenna Woginrich was with a friend when she trapped Italics and they drove Italics to her sponsor's house., clearly NOT direct supervision!

    Let's not forget that JFW also reported having used some child-type bandaids to cover her talon scratches on her face days before she alleges she released the hawk (the one she had also just written she was training to hunt with again and was excited to do so).

    The problem with JFW is that she can't keep her lies straight, Go ahead Jenna ...try to delete your blog posts, tweets, and photos. Guess what! Once it's posted on the internet it is there forever, even if you think it's gone. Prepare to have your computers, phone and tablets confiscated for evidence by the US government. Instead of buying make-up with the ill-gained poodle money you'd be wise to start saving for an attorney because the Feds don't mess around and they really don't care that you're badass Jenna F'ing Woginrich! Enjoy prison, JFW!

    1. That was well-put. I forgot to include pic links in my email to the falconry licensing division. So I hope that others here have done it.

    2. Great job shamsters on all of the research!

      She has her apprentice license under Leigh Foster.
      The NYS DEC might need his name if her apprentice license is connected to his license.

      That means whoever she was an apprentice under in the beginning was also in violation when she trapped Italics if he let her do that. I think she was an apprentice under the older gentleman then and he must have kicked her fat ass to the curb not long after she started her falconry nonsense.

    3. Yes and the NYS DEC will search for the remains of any of the hawks on her property and any other property she frequents.

      When it comes down to covering for her and risking lying under oath, her friends will sing like canaries and tell them everything they know. She's looking at major fines, lifetime ban from falconry and jail time.

      It's not wise to skip filling out required federal reports and/or fill out federal reports with false information. Feds don't like to be lied too and they don't like to see the animals hurt that they work hard at to help and conserve.

    4. Leigh is no longer her mentor. She switched to a female mentor, I believe, and I don't recall her name (or JW did not disclose).

    5. Her original mentor was Ed Hepp. In a November '13 blog she said Ed was in his seventies and " has a zero tolerance policy on bullshit." ...No wonder that didn't work out.
      I googled Ed Hepp and unfortunately he died two days ago. There is a gofundme to raise money for a memorial plaque for him. From the comments he seemed like an upstanding falconer and human. Wonder if JFW will contribute?


    6. Is a sponsor the same thing as a mentor? Back in 2013 she said that a man named Ed Hepp was her mentor. But in 2018 she mentions Leigh Foster is her sponsor.

    7. Ed Hepp was her sponsor too. I guess she was meaning she wants to be like Ed Hepp when she grows up. She went from Mr. Hepp to some woman to Leigh Foster.

      Having three sponsors for the same falconry apprentice sounds like they each got out of dodge before they lost their license along with her.

    8. Well, in the bleg post where she talked about Ed, she described him as someone who had a "zero-tolerance policy for bullshit."

      And in that same post she wrote about "Trapping Day" in which Ed and some other dude, along with 5 bait pigeons, met with her and she disappointed them with the news that she didn't have her federal license yet -- because she didn't read the rules closely. So she wasted their time and their day. Bet he was pissed.

  3. For new readers who may be captivated by Jenna's pretend concern for raptors, I invite you to search "hawk" in Cold Antler Farm archives, sorted by date.

    What you'll discover is Jenna had zero interest in raptor conservation. She was in the midst of her Irish - Scottish live-like-fiction and a GOT extra, and she thought it would be cool to have a hawk on her arm. That's it. She thought she'd be cool and meet cool people if she took up a sport that killed small animals with a bird instead of a gun.

    Here is a link to her first "semi-serious" thoughts on getting a bird of prey.

    It's classic Fake Feral Farmer Fuzzy thinking: poor planning, insuffient funds and no concern that her ignorance might harm an animal. It was all about Jenna's latest whim. She wrote:

    "I have friends who have friends who do this... I'm single, I have land, time and space. It costs a total of $40 to take the test and then, well, there isn't much of a cost to it. A licensed falconer traps you a juvenile red tail or kestrel and that is what you learn with. You don't buy giant cages or special gear outside of a leather glove. It's more of a lifestyle commitment than a monetary one... I think it's time this girl got a hawk..."

    Hahahaha. Soon after Jenna admits she's woefully unprepared (what a surprise). She gets friends to do her work and she's most upset because she wanted a hawk "right now" so she could write a falconry book! Such an animal conservationist. By this point she had virtually no idea wtf she was doing...but she was ready to write that book!

    I wonder at what point Jenna decided to sell the big lie that she cared about hawks and wants to "save raptors"? Likely she wanted to tap into a new money stream, because raptor conservation was never among the reasons Pig Shocker got into falconry.

    1. She wanted something that she thought would make her look cool.

      The hawks are cool and gorgeous. However, she is still an ugly monster with or without a bird.

    2. Poodle wrote: "She was in the midst of her Irish - Scottish live-like-fiction and a GOT extra, and she thought it would be cool to have a hawk on her arm."

      Very true. Here's what she wrote about the Game of Thrones show on reddit:

      ❝ I love this show and the world it lives in but I can't just watch or read, I need to do these things. I'm an archer, equestrian, hunter, martial artist, apprentice falconer and homesteader. Every morning I milk goats, collect eggs, shoot arrows, and feed my hawk. I pack saddle bags and ride in the mountains on a black horse. I am not rich, I'm pretty much just barely getting by, but I chose this life of animals, weapons, hunting and fighting because I adore it. There have to be others out there living like fiction? If so, please share your stories. ❞

      🏹 Living like fiction = Collecting quirky hobbies to create a phony persona so that people will donate money to her, cuz like, she's just so awesome!

  4. There is new spam on her Twitter to report. Use the pull down arrow on the right side of the individual tweet and follow the prompts pertaining to spam.

    Now is the time to be diligent in reporting her for her spamming along with the many falconry violations.

    We need to help her animals get re-homed and we can do that by documenting and reporting her scams and animal neglect.

  5. She posted a photo of herself walking on someone else's property with her horse that she can't afford. The caption says "I'm a lucky woman."

    Keep telling yourself that, Waddles. You are the only one who thinks so.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 27, 2019 at 4:43 PM

      WH. I saw that stupid tweet, too. She always says that same statement "I'm a lucky women," but turns right around and becomes "terrified" and "anxious" about either her lack of love life or mortgage money etc... It's all of bunch of bull. I don't care how many times she gloats about her hovel, it will never come across as being sincere. JFW is a pathological liar, and only cares about feathering her own nasty nest. I hope that hawk is taken away from her soon. I've done my part over the past few days to help make that happen.

    2. Me too, FCC.
      I will definitely follow up and ask for an explanation if she doesn't have to surrender the hawk.

      If they say they completed an investigation and we question the results, we can get copies of the reports under the sunshine law.

    3. And just posted another photo whilst out with "friends" who just happened to buy her dinner. Why mention that? Worried the poodles will think she's wasting mortgage money on restaurant food and booze?

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 27, 2019 at 4:55 PM

      Meant to type "all a bunch of bull." I doubt that "friends" are always buying her drinks/dinner. It's her manipulative marketing again. She wants to come across as being a popular person. In reality, she's shunned by many people in the Cambridge community including Jon Katz. I'm speaking from personal experience since we've lived in the area for a few years.

    5. I wonder if there was a big "final straw" blow up with Jon Katz or if he just grew tired of all the accumulated bullshit? Because if you look at the older bleg entries, she wrote about him a lot. And vice versa. He and his wife were frequently over at Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm, as was the Pig Shocker at Bedlam Farm.

    6. I think his wife got tired of crazy Waddles and her constant drama and told her husband they were finished with her.

  6. 🐰 Heya - Has the Pig Shocker said anything about rabbits lately? Back in mid-March she wrote this on her bleg:

    ❝ The geese started laying eggs and I am collecting them to barter with a friend for rabbits. I want to breed rabbits again, and have a new set up I can put together for them soon as it has a new floor installed. ❞

    ❝ I'm collecting the eggs to save for a farm friend that wants to barter for rabbits. I am gingerly planning getting back into rabbits and have a new used hutch system reserved from one of Patty's older setups (needs a new bottom). ❞

    Then, at the end of May, her friend from Caer Luna Farm wrote about the hatched goose eggs on her Instagram and said:

    ❝ Thanks to @coldantlerjenna for trading with me and making it possible for me... ❞

    So it looks like a trade was made...rabbits for goose eggs. But the animal annihilator hasn't mentioned rabbits on her bleg since then. And on Twitter recently, she listed all her current animals but no mention of any rabbits? Cuz maybe dead?

    1. I think she would have taken a million photos after getting rabbits.

      If I had to guess, I would say she isn't allowed to have rabbits the same as she hasn't been able to have livestock since the investigation last July.

      I would guess the reason for that, while being allowed to keep the horses is because they are two different types of animals. The livestock are used for breeding and selling meat (same as she would use the rabbits for) and the horses are more in the pet category.

      Also, she doesn't have suitable shelters for herds of animals and perhaps she got away with lying and saying that she puts the horses under some type of shelter in bad weather. Though we all know over these past years she has not sheltered them but left them out in the elements.

  7. Waddles' Twitter Whining:

    "My girl Friday, perfect end to the perfect day at with friends buying dinner and drinks in return for a day of trail riding! Don't mind our dirty coats."

    If she makes a point to say she isn't paying for dinner and drinks, you can bet that she is.

    In exachange for trail riding with two old, arthritic, poorly cared for horses on someone else's property? Man they owed Pig Shocker BIG TIME- not!🙃

    Meanwhile, Gibson (who's no longer shiny and new and a good photo prop) is at home in a hot, non air conditioned, moldy, filthy house all alone and in pain suffering from a tick bourne illness that his irresponsible owner can't afford to get treated properly.

    1. Do a side-by-side comparison of that new Twitter photo and the same photo she posted on her Instagram. She definitely messed around with the color and brightness -- and the resulting contrast brings more attention to a certain area.

    2. Ewwwwwww 🤢🤮!

      She is just nasty.

    3. HOLY you know what!? I just scrolled through her twitter and saw all her spamming for money, blatantly telling people to paypal her just for existing? Please everyone, report her.

    4. There was only one yesterday. I've been reporting it was a while and I think she must have been warned. Otherwise it would be every other tweet at the end of the month.

  8. What about the geese and turkeys? She had several of both.

  9. Jenna has apparently written an article for It's on her twitter. It's a hoot to read. she talks about how you should consider taking a whole lot of stuff with you day-hiking like she does, including books and a hammock and coffee maker. She's mad at ultra-light thru hikers, I guess. She doesn't say it, but she probably takes cans of beer and canned dog food and cans of chili with her too. Snicker. Also mentions wolf farts. Ha, ha.

    Guess what - some people need to pack light, and hike fast and get through the hike on a schedule because they have a JOB to get back to.

    But how would she know? She can only go for a day hike because she has a farm to take care of daily, and now a hawk to take care of daily, so she has to return home each night. Who's gonna take care of that hawk for her if she was to go on a backpack over nights? What veterinarian knows how to take care of them? Maybe they do in NY state, I don't know.

    1. Thanks for pointing this out. I saw that tweet, but didn't realize it was to an article that she wrote. Here's the link if anyone wants to vomit in their mouth a little:

    2. She can't go on a light walk without cooking an entire meal and eating it before she leaves for home.

      I think that's the reason she says she is hiking although it's nothing more than a lame walk. So she can say she's eating a "trail meal."

      Sorry waddles but people who are actual hikers don't eat a full meal for every 2 feet that they walk.

      When she's crapping in her yard, does she do so while eating fried chicken? Does she have a meatball sandwich hanging out of her mouth when she mows the lawn?

      Pig Shocker is all about immediate gratification and she has zero self control.

    3. And oh, the article itself. What a lame, narcissistic, gatekeeping attempt to humble-brag about what a hardcore mountain smasher she is. Basically, the gist of it is to "work harder, not smarter."

      Her constant need to market herself as a fearless badass is nauseating. And all this, "I love carrying heavy stuff" and "I just LOVE humidity!" is just to trick people into thinking she's someone special who is deserving of donations. But at the same time, she insults and alienates the very people whom she wants money from:

      ❝ [...] I am a little weary of the ultralight trend. It’s borderline gear worship seemingly targeted at people more excited about purchasing outdoor equipment than actually being outdoors. ❞

      Wow, accusing ultralight hikers of being insincere about their motives?

      And this nonsense:

      ❝ [...] I carry a heavy pack. It has the magical ability to alchemize sore muscles and sweat into gratitude and instant nostalgia. ❞

      Lol, wut? Dear Jenna: Writing. You're doing it wrong.

    4. Seems funny they didn't use a photo of Jenna hauling her overloaded pack instead of a random woman....


    5. No way, Anon 6:17!

      That is best part of the entire story!

      Even they agree that her delusions of grandeur about how she is physically fit does not match with her physical appearance so they had to use someone else's photo.

      That is so shady and funny af!😎😆😁

    6. That's because the magazine knew that if their readers saw a heavy pack on a heavy person they would never believe her story.

      And speaking of lies: There are two hikes in July on her bleg and the one referenced in the article was on July 21st. In the article, her backpack weighed 20+ lbs, but in the bleg post it weighed just 17 lbs.

      Also, in the article the hike is 7 miles; in the bleg post it's only 6 miles.

      Aaaaaannd...the big, heavy hardcover book she heroically hauled up the mountain? On the Instagram post there's a pic and it's a paperback book. Liar!

    7. High five Anon7! 🙌Great minds think alike!🤪

    8. Outside Magazine should receive proof of her lies. If she would exaggerate such small points, what reader can trust what she writes?

    9. Her usual M.O: dabble a little in something, get all the cool gear, pretend you know it all, and write an article/book about it. Why don't these legitimate businesses research who they let write for them? Frankly, any business that lets her write a condescending, know it all article for them is one business I will not associate with. In today's world there is no reason they can't exercise due diligence and chose their writers more carefully.

    10. Oops, choose, not chose in the above!

    11. She calls herself a feminist and pro positive body image and yet she doesn't have a problem with them using someone else's picture for the article?

      I mean, I totally get it because she is butt ugly. She's also an animal abuser and scammer.

      Speaking of:
      I would guess that the company allowing her to promote the dog packs has no idea that she's mentioned in one of her lame books and on her blog, two differnt times she was investigated for animal neglect.

      Of course there's been more and having to re-home the livestock but there's two that she has mentioned.

    12. Agreed, all of it.

      I still can't believe she flat out lied about the book being hardcover just to make herself sound all badass. Well, the real hikers who read that article let her have it, lol.

    13. Was it a paperback of Birchthorn? Inquiring Kickstarter backers want to know!

  10. Wouldn't ya think she would mention that her mentor passed away, and maybe give a bit of a tribute?

    1. I would bet that she couldn't care less.

      We know how she reacts to any advice.
      She acts like a spoiled toddler.
      He probably told her that she needed to do as he said and she probably rolled around on the ground crying and then refused to speak to him.
      Her many sponsors could have also given her a certain amount of time to get her general license and she was too lazy and wanted to remain an apprentice.

    2. Wait, so did Ed Hepp pass away?

    3. It appears that he did:

      And not a peep out of Jenna. No kind words said. BTW, in that article there's a pic of Ed when he was younger.

    4. Anon7, give Jenna time to read about Ed's passing (here) and then figure out how to make it all about her.

      He seems like an extraordinary man, and the world is a lesser place with his passing.

    5. He looks like Nicolas Cage.

  11. According to the NYS DEC falconry guide about the costs:

    "The practice of falconry is expensive. Costs, although not generally prohibitive, may be substantial if a
    mews (housing facility) must be constructed on the falconer's premises. Overhead costs of maintenance,
    food supplies, and basic field equipment require a regular outlay of funds.
    The following is a list of the approximate costs for material, special gear, shelter, and food that are
    typical for a first-year falconer. Those items followed by * ** usually require eventual replacement or
    repair. The high and low ranges for these items are indicated. The low figures indicate the cost for
    minimum acceptable quality of the item in question. The high figures indicate the expense of going "first
    class." Of course, individuals may be able to do better than these costs in special cases, but in general,
    they are a fair representation of the costs a would-be devotee to the art and practice of hawking can
    expect to incur."

    The minimum estimated cost is $1,582. Maximum is $3,925.

    It also says the costs can be expected to *increase each year.*

    What did the liar say it would cost her? $40? Smh.
    This is one of many activities and items that she spends the donated money for mortgage payments on. This is how she chooses to spend her time instead of working to pay her bills.

    1. Oh wow...that is a lot. Yes, she said just $40...but what about the scale she uses to weigh it? Frozen quail meat? Some sort of bedding/fluff to line the mews? And of course new jesses/anklets because she lost her last pair when they flew away from her, never to return.

    2. Yeah, the equipment costs are calculated and part of the min and max expenses.

    3. From what I could figure out in the falconry guide, it said that wild raptors CANNOT be traded, bartered for and sold.

      Only captive bred raptors can be sold, bartered for and traded.

      If that's the case, she is all kinds of screwed.

      Here's the link to the page where you can download the falconry guide from NYS DEC:

  12. Hey all,
    I just read someone's post on FB about wanting to sell soap out of her home and what you have to go through to sell it LEGALLY. Of course it got my attention. This is what it said in a nutshell:

    Because a home-based or online business operates with the goal generating revenue by selling goods or services to the public, most of the rules designed to guard the public and collect tax revenue apply. This includes obtaining an array of business licenses, permits, and zoning approvals, as well as incorporating or forming an LLC to operate your business legally, protect your personal assets, avoid fines and penalties, and boost your business credibility.

    It further states one needs a business license, sales tax registration, professional/occupational license, worker's comp registration (if you are the only employee) weights and measurements registration (if you sell by weight), health inspection certificate.

    We all know Jenna does none of these things. So what she is doing is illegal. Along with the hawk, she should be reported for illegal business practices.

    Here is the link:


    1. Good catch on the info for the home business of selling soap. Here is a website that’s specific to NY state. The article sited above is just general information that may or may not be specific to NY.

      In part:

      “You are required to register to collect sales tax if you make items at your home and bring them to other locations to sell, or if you sell them over the internet, if those items that you are selling are subject to sales tax. Items commonly sold at craft fairs and online auction sites, such as homemade soaps and candles, woodworking projects, holiday decorations, and homemade candy are just a few examples.”

      Here is the link.

      Looks like, once again, Corby McWaddles is breaking the law and avoiding taxes.


    2. Maybe her "business activities" should be questioned or reported for tax fraud.

    3. I remember on the CAS site there were tons of posts about her home business and not paying sales tax.

      They also posted about the FDA and how they can investigate any home business that makes things like soap and how contaminants near the soap (animal hair, hawk shit, etc.) would be enough to shut the business down.

      If the FDA investigated her soap making area/operation, it would not only be shut down but she would probably have fines to pay as well.

      As she has stated on social media, she's making soap in a home with water pipe problems and the sewer doesn't work. There's no way in hell she would pass an FDA home inspection.

  13. Has anyone else read the section in the falconry guide about which type of birds can be sold or traded vs what kinds cannot?

    If so, is that how you interpreted what it said about not being able to trade or sell a WILD raptor only the ones that are captive bred?

    Sounds like Widdle Waddles has some splaining to do.
    She has stated on various social media platforms that she was given the latest hawk but we know she most likely puchased it. Even so, according to the falconry guide, a wild bird in need of rehab should go to a designated someone/a place to receive that rehab.

    Waddles stated that the latest hawk hadn't been able to free fly and she was "training" it to hunt.🙄 That sounds like a bird in need of rehab HaHas anyone else read the section in the falconry guide about which type of birds can be sold or traded vs what kinds cannot?
    If so, is that how you interpreted what it said about not being able to trade or sell a WILD raptor only the ones that are captive bred?

    If so, Waddles has some splaining to do. She has stated on various social media platforms that she was given the latest hawk but we know she most likely puchased it. Even so, according to the falconry guide, a wild bird in need of rehab should go to a designated someone/a place to receive that rehab.

    Waddles stated that the latest hawk hadn't been able to free fly and she was "training" it to hunt.🙄 That sounds like a bird in need of rehab to me.

    1. I'm not sure why the above post was repeated in the same post. I noticed it before I posted it and deleted where it repeated over again.
      Then I posted it and the repeat was there again. Sorry about that!

  14. Looks like Jenna is catching flack from the ultra light hiker crowd... and is blaming men, of course.


    2. Note that she shifted from "hiking" to "backpacking" - very different to do multiple days out on a trail instead of strolling up a big hill and back one afternoon. I can't imagine her backpacking with any size load. But she always manages the subtle shift to make herself sound cooler than she will ever be.

    3. Some of the comments on reddit on her article:
      -what a dip shit
      -bait click
      -edit grammar
      -articles like this one is why I stopped reading
      -she must be so insecure

    4. Make that above Click bait! ����

    5. Of course shes catching shit. These men are pretty experienced and you have Jenna who has waddled up a few trails and is now suddenly a hiking expert. And of course on her high horse regarding ultra light vs. heavy packs. I'd personally go ultralight than heavy, who would want to carry around weight if you dont have to? These men also are hiking several days, not a few hours like Jenna so of course they are going light. Fool.

    6. I LOVE when she gets called out. She always looks like such an idiot but especially so when she is called out for her bullshit.

      Anyone who takes a waddle/walk (not a hike or backpacking) and fixes a trail meal while doing so and puts a pack of supplies on their dog needs their g.d. head examined.

      She's beyond dumb, she's suffering from untreated medical disorders and it is glaringly obvious.

    7. Cryokid, how on earth did you find that? There are so many ultralight hiking did you know it was reddit? Very impressed, I am. Good work!

    8. I didn't find it, actually! I was just talking about her tweet where she was saying people were making fun of her on other forums. I'm not as active on reddit these days, haha. I'm not smart enough to dig around to find that!

    9. Oh, whoops...I meant that comment for Anon 12:02. Still very impressed at the detective work there.

  15. Ha ha she is a total dip shit. Link please?

    1. I hope that someone comments that the pic in the article isn't the author and then provides this link:

      To show who the author really is.
      Omg, lmao, someone must leave that comment!😂😂

    2. OMG, someone must leave a current photo of FFF along with a link to her Shieldmare days on Reddit.

    3. Yes Please!!! Anyone here on Reddit who can do so?

    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 28, 2019 at 1:52 PM

      I said the same thing. But I don't have time this weekend to create a new account.

  16. The comments on reddit keep rolling in. Definitely being called out for her BS, big time. And for her utter lack of knowing what she is talking about. These experienced hikers are all schooling her. It looks like it’s about to turn into the same spectacle as her “ I made it” article.

    1. I was cracking up reading all those comments made by real hikers. Of course she got schooled! She was grasping at straws trying to make more article cash, but the readers saw thru her bullshit and let her have it.

  17. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 28, 2019 at 1:34 PM

    I appreciated the link, thanks! Here's a few highlights from critical commenters slamming the FFF:

    * "The second half of this article dripped with a smug sense of superiority..."

    * "Politely, the author seemingly isn't even an avid dayhiker, let alone backpacker -- she prefaces all 3 of her articles with an aside that she's far too busy to go hiking.

    She's a blogger, novelist, and freelancer whose primary writing focus is homesteading. She's being paid to write about hiking now, and she's writing what she knows -- and it's probably more effective at generating clicks than anything else she has written.

    Incidentally, for all her disparaging of gear, her other two articles for the site are poorly constructed gear reviews / comparisons, so, there ya go."

    * "She lost me in the subtitle when she says going lighter is wrong. I don't tell people with a heavy pack that they are wrong. It's their choice what they take and why.

    She seems really insecure. She's defending her choice to carry 20lb on a day hike so desperately, like she thinks anyone actually cares what she brings, and comparing herself to a straw man who only carries less because he's materialistic and wants to justify his purchases while not actually enjoying nature.

    Seems like projection to me. She waxes poetic about how much she loves being surrounded by all her precious possessions while out in nature and then accuses ultralighters of spending all of their hike focused on their gear."

    * "I think this trend of controversy for clicks is so dumb. I stopped reading Outside a long time ago because of stupid articles like this and I know I'm not alone."

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 28, 2019 at 1:36 PM

      Here's the rest of what I read so far:

      * "They have an opportunity to publish great writing from true outdoors-people that interests readers and they're failing. Sure a well-written article might not get as many clicks but the people who do click might think, "this is great, I should check out their other stuff" and they could build a loyal readership. But instead they publish crap like this that just gets "can you believe this shitty writing" clicks and their reputation goes down the toilet with every reader who will never come back for more."

      *" What a dipshit. I was on the JMT and got passed by two guys who were jogging going up the Golden Staircase and my response was goddamn I wish I was able to move that fast. They were killing it."

      * "But why get so worked up by a mediocre personal essay?"

      * "She was also talking about bringing creature comforts on a day hike that many of the "hardcore" folks here would call easy-peasy.

      She's not doing 20 mile days with 7k elevation, she's not thru hiking or going for a week, or weeks at a time."

      * "This is most likely an individual that doesn't really understand what she's critiquing. She expresses interest in day hikes with 20 lbs of gear, but is lamenting the UL'er that is carrying just as much for days or weeks or months at a time. My guess is she's never done 50 miles in a week, much less in a day."

      * "If your payoff is swinging in your hammock while enjoying some views and a book, bring those things on your hike. But don't act like you are better than people cause you 'enjoy' carrying the weight."

      * "Maybe the first time she gets injured and can't work on her "farm" as a "farmer" then she'll reconsider her views."

      * "This is asinine. The entire point of ultralight is to saveweight where you can, to prioritize the other things you want to do. for some people that means you save weight in order to cover more miles, for others that's to carry fishing gear, or fancy food, or drinks, or photography gear or whatever else they want to do.

      but there's absolutely no point in carrying heavier gear just for the fucking fun of it, I guess unless you're into that which I have a hard time believing she actually is."

      * "What a stupid strawman.

      If you don't like gear worship and obsession, write an article about that. Don't pretend you're pure by lugging a couch and a washer/dryer into the woods."

      * "The article is stupid."

      * "When I see something like "Allow me to explain why they're wrong" in a sub-header the next move is easy.

      Go to the byline and learn about the writer.

      In this case, the result is I didn't read the article."

      I didn't read the rest of them, but you get the gist of it. Maybe one of our regulars who has a Reddit account could enlighten them as to who JFW is in real life.

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 28, 2019 at 1:47 PM

      WH. It was worth "taking a hit for the team" to weed through the critical comments. I like it when her arrogant, asinine attitude is called into question.

    3. That was a lot of work FCW! Thanks for posting for those of us not familiar with Reddit.

    4. Failed Cubicle Worker - GREAT compilation! My favorite quote was:

      ❝ You're not enjoying yourself correctly. You can't possibly be having a good time if you're not doing exactly what I do. ❞

    5. Lmao (Anon7 7:39) at that great quote. It describes everything she has ever tweeted or posted on social media.

  18. So Jenna. Ares zero about soccer or athletes or athletics.
    I had been surprised that she hadn’t jumped on and tarnished Megan Rapinoe’s wagon yet.
    Oh, me. It didn’t take her long. Her last two tweets of course are retweets about Mpinoe.
    Get your dirty paws off her, poser.
    You know well and good that you don’t know the first thing about soccer nor do you care.

  19. As usual Jenna has made an ass out of herself. Knows nothing about the subject she writes about. Hey Jenna you're wrong and you're the idiot.

    1. Oh, they let her know alright. Many of them laughed and said that 20 lbs isn't even heavy. They also said that the length and elevation of her hike was nothing. I really hope she read those comments so she can STFU about her mountain smashing heroics.

    2. Can someone post the reddit link? Thank you.

  20. New and lame per usual bleg post- "hope" is her new religion.

    1. It works well with her "old religion." It's called "slung luck" from PayPal poodles.

    2. So it's official? She's done with Heathenry? That didn't last long. But it makes sense, as it seems her heart wasn't in it. And the members of Tyr's Good Hand no doubt knew and that's why that group quickly dissolved. She seemed to embrace Heathenry superficially in order to enhance her online image. And to appear unique.

      Also, her reddit group "Asatru" of which she was a mod, it's been over a year since she posted there.

    3. She was never into heathenry. She was into trying to get attention anyway she could. So she jumped on another bandwagon and soon fell off onto her face like she always does.

  21. 🐩💵 🐩💵 🐩💵 or the 🐷 gets 🔌⚡!!

  22. Re: Not using a photo of Jenna for the article. Outside isn't going to send a photographer to take a picture for such a minor article--too much $$$. That's why they used a stock photo. Has nothing to do with Jenna's looks.

    1. Oh sure it does. 😆 She might tell herself it doesn't but it does.

    2. ☟ Whoops, my reply right below was meant for these comments. ☟

    3. They don't need to send a photographer (are you joking). It's called "an attachment", the thing that someone employs when they send a photo along with an email or message. Jenna has tons of photos of her "hiking"- right on Twitter. Even the people publishing the article could have asked to download and use one. Lordy.

    4. She always shows up when someone talks about how she looks.
      Call her an animal abuser and a scammer and she's fine with that but point out what everyone is thinking about her appearance and she can't help but comment.

    5. The thing is no one would pay attention or comment on her looks if she didn't lie about her physical fitness, continually beg / scam / cheat and neglect / abuse animals.

      Pig Shocker electroshocked pigs for her amusement and wrote about it. She needlessly let animals suffer and die. She uses animals as image-enhancing props.

      JFW should be in jail, not loose on the streets, writing insipid articles on topics she barely understands.

  23. On the article page, if you click on her name it shows the other artciles she wrote for Outside -- and the photo for the one about dog packs is of her dog, Friday. So while they wouldn't send a photographer, it seems that they do accept photos submitted by the writer.

    So either Jenna attached one and the magazine rejected it...or, Jenna purposely didn't attach one because she knew no one would buy her "I love carrying heavy packs for fun" bullshit written by someone who looks like a couch potato.

    For the other article she wrote about human packs, again, it's a stock photo. The only real photo of her is the thumbnail, which only shows her face which is mostly covered up by her dogs. Jenna knows what she's doing. She knows that photos of young, sexy female hikers (who actually look like they hike) are what's gonna keep the article money rolling in.

    1. Exactly Anon7!

      Waddles can tell herself that it's not because of the way she looks but it is definitely because of the way she looks.

      Waddles is not easy on the eyes. Obviously.

      Had they been aware of her history with animal neglect, there's no way they would have let her promote any pet related products as she did with Friday.

      As Anon7 pointed out, they previously used a photo of Friday. The whole "couldn't send a photographer" doesn't have anything to do with anything.

      No one wants to read an article about walking around written by someone who looks like they aren't physically active whatsoever because everyone will see their photo and know the article is a bunch of bullshit.

  24. Widdle Waddles Twitter Whining:

    "This movie is so much better with a hawk on your fist, and Emily is perfect."

    I will be copying any tweet like this one that discusses watching movies with the hawk or anything else inappropriate and will email them to the NYS DEC.

    We can't let hawk #5 become victim #4.

    1. Exactly WHF! I have copies of many of the ways Jenna Woginrich has appeared to have violated State and Federal requirements. I won't spell it out for her, but Shamsters can review the regulations, copy examples of her violations and send to NYS DEC and the Feds.

      Pig Shocker, the woman who happily shocked pigs for escaping their he'll-on-earth surrounded by piss-poor fencing, wishes we will lose focus on our main mission: to prevent her from harming or neglecting animals. But. We. Won't.

    2. *hell

      What does auto-correct have against this word?!

    3. Yes! I agree about not spelling everything out for her since she was here recently and commented on her non hiking article/photo.
      I'm sure she spends every minute possible on here like she did on the previous CAS site.

    4. WH - Which comment did JFW make? I searched but could not find it.

    5. June 28 Anon 6:05 was likely Pig Shocker/Waddles.

      No one else on this site would post something like that because we all know that the only reason they didn't use her photo for the article is because she looks like a demented Groucho Marx.

      Other reasons would be her animal abuse and scamming if only they knew about it.

    6. It's hard to understand why Outside Online would employ a hack. Sure, the magazine isn't as hard-core as it used to be, and the articles have become nauseatingly fluffy, but one expects a magazine to at least do a background check on people who represent them and look for honest, experienced writers.

      So why on Earth did they hire Pig Shocker?

      Sucking up to staff at Outside magazine possibly helped; who wouldn't look favorably on a freelance writer who sends staff a pricy saddle pad for free? And there was her campaign of oh-so-obvious begging, liking and retweeting Outside Online articles. In reality though, with her past, she shouldn't have made through the front door. What was the magic that got her work?

      After reading comments from real hikers on Reddit's UL thread, something occurred to me. I think Outside magazine already knows she's a fake, terrible writer. They probably also know she's been accused of animal neglect, and she cannot be trusted.

      So why hire her? Their online business model now depends on controversy and bait clicks. Who better to stir up drama than a wanna-be hiker, who knows enough buzz-words to get by, but is stupid /arrogant enough to be called out? A writer who has sites where people gather to warn the public about her.

      Voila! Instant drama, controversy and clicks. As the Russians would say, she may be nothing more than a "useful idiot" to Outside Online.

    7. I think that the editors read her article, rolled their eyes and then posted it for the real hikers/backpackers to feast upon.

    8. WHF, one hiker pretty much guaranteed an idiotic article (like Pig Shocker's) would get attention, views, rebuttals and clicks because - well, it's deserving of scorn.

      Laughing too about the faux feral farmer refusing to read ANY criticism of her article and attempting to turn her latest debacle into a man vs woman issue. *sniff

    9. They definitely played their cards right in publishing her delirious article. (It could only have been written in her mentally ill delerium).

  25. Everything she does is superior to whatever other people are doing. Who remembers the time she was slaughtering a chicken in her front yard (so everyone could see how cool she was) and was criticizing people driving by because THEY were probably on their way to the grocery store to buy meat, but SHE was slaughtering her own. How many trips to the grocery store has she made since then to buy meat?

    And to lighten things up a bit, who else remembers the great ham sandwich controversy?

    For the newcomers, her truck had broken down (again) and was going to be out of commission for a week while her friends were fixing it for free (again). She planned this big staycation and listed all the things she was going to do for the week at home because she was fully prepped. In her words, " To make it a little more interesting, this Week at Home, I am also not allowing myself to eat outside of what my larder and farm produces." (Sept. 15, 2014)

    On Sept 18, 2014, she decided she had to have a ham sandwich (must not have any ham or bread in her fully prepped house), and decided to hitch Merlin to her cart and head to town (to show how cool she was). Merlin wasn't having it and it took her five hours to finally get him hitched and into town.

    You can read the entire debacle on her blog. Just search for "ham sandwich".

    1. She could have waddled to subway in an hour. It's not but 5 minutes from her but she probably moves at a snail's pace.

  26. Who remembers kilts? She was superior to everyone else because she wore kilts. Haven't seen a kilt reference in a long time.

    Maybe her weight issue would resolve if she didn't have to keep eating so many of her words.

    1. I doubt if she can fit in them anymore and that is the only reason she stopped wearing them.
      They were hideous but went with her whole I'm a crazed serial killer look.

  27. "Maybe her weight issue would resolve if she didn't have to keep eating so many of her words."


    Yes, this, and almost everything she eats drenched in sugar or syrup - and everything she drinks made from sugar. God, it makes my teeth hurt just thinking about the crap she consumes.

  28. JW's latest tweet: "My tolerance for bullshit is 0% now. Every single thing I produce is optional content. If you want to consume it because you dislike me, that's your sad issue. I don't have to explain myself, apologize, or anwser to any scolds or trolls."

    The critical comments on Reddit must be getting to her. And how does she know they are all men?
    Wow , how petty and thin skinned.


    1. And not to mention, "anwsering" is quite difficult. Answering is what she meant to spell but is too busy to proofread three sentences.

      I also believe that her mortgage is also being paid by someone else as said here by someone else. Living on selling logos and soap? Oh, please.

    2. She knows that 99.99% of people either hate her or are laughing at her.

    3. I'm laughing at her. Always.

    4. So am I. Her craziness couldn't be made up.

  29. Well Jenna, the people have spoken. They are 100% tired of your bullshit hiking opinions and your smug superiority when its obvious you dont know what the hell you are talking about. Ha ha write about something you know (like scamming) and stop talking about something you know nothing about.

  30. Tweetstorm in response to a guy who told her basically yeah, I’ll pay for that long article on Taylor Swift you can write it with journalistic integrity and not use the F word gratuitously (I’m paraphrasing).
    She said,

    Jenna Woginrich
    I'll write it however I fucking want.
    And then followed up with her zero tolerance tweet. In case she deletes it all. I couldn’t get my iPad to copy and paste the guy’s comment but the exchange is gold. Thin skinned much ?

    1. Report it to Twitter. I'm sure it will help them make a decision when paired with her reported constant spamming.

  31. She's channeling Megan Rapinoe's comment (No F'ing White House) or Amanda Palmer's nickname. AFP.

    I thought you weren't supposed to "out" people without their permission? Isn't that part of Stonewall's rules? Thought so, and someone mentioned that here.

    1. Shes always following somebody. Girl doesn't have an original thought if her life depended on it.

    2. She's a sociopath (and narcissist).

      As a sociopath she doesn't comprehend what are acceptable social behaviors.
      She tries to mimic other people in hopes of passing for a sane person but she usually gets it wrong.

      Most of her actions aren't socially acceptable and it isn't because she's creative or a renegade. It's because she is nuts.

  32. As for her "zero tolerance" she can behold the field where my fucks are grown and see that it is barren.

    1. Lol, saying that you have "zero tolerance" only means something if you are someone in a position to do something about it, other than just complain.

    2. Yes. Most people would never tolerate animal abuse or scamming but Waddles thinks both are perfectly acceptable.
      Who cares what she will or won't tolerate.

  33. What a coincidence. I have zero tolerance for bullshit too. Specifically her bullshit. After having fallen for her bullshit years ago, I'm here to warn others.

    And if she wants to write articles insulting other people's preferences, she better be prepared for them to punch back.

    1. She has no problem dishing it out but she always crumbles into a heap of despair whenever someone challenges her incessant bullshit.

      At first she tries to act tough 🙄 *eye roll* but soon will be whining and trying to get pity donations because she feels bad about herself and/or is scared, stressed, etc.

  34. Notice how she is quick to copy and post the deleted Tweet from the person who was correct in criticizing what she (Waddles) calls writing?

    However, when someone does the same to her, they are called trolls. She is so mentally disturbed it's mind boggling.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 29, 2019 at 2:59 PM

      I've emailed Herm Card, who wrote the tweet, and commended him on his intelligent observation. I also sent him a link to this site.

      Here are his impressive credentials. Compare them to Jenna Woginrich's:

      Herm Card received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of English Education degrees from Syracuse University, and retired as an English teacher in the Marcellus (NY) Central School District after 32 years. He is a 2018 Syracuse University LetterWinner of Distinction.

      He played and coached baseball at Syracuse University, umpired NCAA, international and other levels of baseball, served as a major in the United States Army Reserve, and was an education consultant at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

      In addition to his teaching position at Newhouse, he is a photojournalist, poet, baseball rules interpreter, sports writer, education professional development consultant, motivational speaker, team photographer for the Syracuse Chiefs and a special assistant to the New York State Senate.

      He has received awards for his teaching, umpiring, poetry, photography and writing and is a member of the New York State High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame as a baseball umpire.

      He is well versed in the state of education today, and has written extensively on the topic as education columnist for the Eagle Newspapers and has been published in educational journals throughout the country. He has been named a New York State Educator of Excellence, and his Celebration of Poetry program was named a New York State English Council Program of Excellence. He has published three books of his poetry and he and his wife, Dolores, recently published The Missing Piece: Educating New Kids for a New World.

      He has served on the boards of New York State English Council and the Central New York Teacher Center and is a former editor of The English Record, the professional journal of the New York State English Council.

    2. Wow! I'm closely related to the poet Maurice Kenny:

      He was a member of the Syracuse Community Writers.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 29, 2019 at 3:20 PM

      WH. That's cool about your connection to Maurice Kenny. Clearly, Mr. Card is competent enough to offer qualified criticism of anyone's writing. In particular, a hack like the FFF.

    4. Mr. Card's many credentials makes Pig Shocker look like even more of a bafoon.

      Anytime she speaks of writing an article for such and such publication, I will forward that thread of tweets to them and ask if she is someone they want representing them.

    5. What did the tweet say? It had already been deleted by the time I saw it.

    6. She copied and pasted his tweet. You know the sort of thing "trolls" do to her.

      From her Twitter:

      Look at the reply at the bottom of the thread and her LAME

    7. Oh wow... She's nuts. I don't know whether to laugh or cringe...

    8. Geez...her childish response: ❝ I'll write it however I fucking want ❞ does her no favors.

      She wrote 50+ tweets about Taylor Swift, many of them riddled with curse words, and then gets pissy when someone calls her out. What did she expect? She's a self-proclaimed "famous author" pushing her brand on social media and trying to make a living via her writing. Not all of her fans are going to like or appreciate the profanity.

    9. Great work, FCW! He's definitely qualified. And WH, excellent idea in letting future publications know just who Jenna-I'll-write-it-however-I-fucking-want-Woginrich really is.

    10. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 30, 2019 at 7:19 AM

      Mr. Card responded graciously to my email. His assessment of JFW is the same as ours here. And it's far from flattering. (Of course, she blocked him too.)

  35. Interesting new Kickstarter comments about Birchthorn:

    Sarah Holm Norton (in response to Heather Nadelman, who posted months ago that she had received the paperback Birchthorn): You may have been the only one who did get a paperback, Heather. Jenna contacted me via email a couple of months ago for my address (which should be recorded somewhere on KS for creators to access, right?) and I gave it to her. I've heard nothing since.

    I've backed KS campaigns that have lagged, but the creators maintained a steady flow of information on what caused the delays, took accountability for them (mostly design/production issues), and in the end, delivered.

    This one seemed like fun, and it's a shame it didn't work out.

    Heather Nadelman: I'm sorry, too--I really believe in the Kickstarter concept, and I have backed many projects without incident. This whole Jenna experience was really very depressing. I edited the manuscript for her--it was riddled with errors, and it took me two full passes to get it into any shape at all (and I still missed stuff, which is embarrassing, but she refused to read through it herself before making it available for download as an ebook). I published the hardcovers for her, and we had a handshake agreement (no contract, because at that point I considered her a friend and I was sloppy about the details) for the paperbacks. When it came time to produce them, she panicked at how much it was going to cost, and she sent it out to an extremely cheapie printer (the quality of the paperback I received was shockingly bad), breaking our agreement after I had devoted time and energy to formatting the book. It is what it is, and I'll certainly think twice before offering services to anyone without a real contract in hand.

    Jenna Woginrich: Okay you need to back off Heather. Sarah was contacted today and a book is in the mail for her. As for you and me, our business is done. I paid you for every single fee you asked for. I stopped working with you because of hard advice from my agent when she saw how you did business and your practices to the point of almost involving the lawyers at the WGA. I got the emails, so do you. Stop it.

    Heather Nadelman: I'm explaining what happened from my perspective, as is my right. We had an agreement, and you broke it. I had no recourse because I stupidly never asked for a contract, because I trusted you. Live and learn.

    1. Oh shit! LMAO at desperate and angry Jenna:

      ❝ Okay you need to back off Heather. ❞

      She sounds scared. The gloves are off; Heather has come out swinging! So Jenna panicked at the printing costs? Probably cuz the Kickstarter money that should have been set aside for printing was spent on stupid stuff...and long gone. Of course Jenna panicked. She probably squandered all that money away, thinking a new "slung-luck" book deal would pay for the printing.

      But when it came time, empty-pockets Jenna thought she'd stick her head in the sand and everyone would eventually stop asking for their book. This makes sense, as Heather also said that the hardcovers hadn't been sent out despite Jenna having them for 8 months -- Jenna didn't set aside any Kickstarter cash for postage and shipping either.

      And Sarah, even after giving Jenna her address a second time, she still didn't receive her book...until it's been sent. Wow, Jenna Woginrich is a liar and a thief.

      #TeamHeather 🏆🏅

    2. Heather needs to sue her ass along with the other people who were screwed over by the kickstarter. The group of them together bringing suit would get results.

      Pig Shocker is running with her cork screw tail between her legs.

    3. Also important, what Jenna stupidly said here:

      ❝ I stopped working with you because of hard advice from my agent when she saw how you did business and your practices to the point of almost involving the lawyers at the WGA. ❞

      So basically Jenna is saying that her agent said negative things about Heather, implying she was a bad business person. I really doubt the agent would bad-mouth someone like doesn't sound very professional. Most likely, Jenna made that up to save face.

      Both the agent and Heather should look into libel laws to see if what she said there fits the criteria for a defamatory statement...cuz it sure sounds like one, as it was made to make Heather look bad, unprofessional. And this was not private correspondence, but made on a public social media comment section. What an idiot.

    4. That is exactly what I thought when I read that about the agent.

      No way an agent would get involved to that degree knowing that PS did not fulfill her obligations for the kickstarter.

      Waddles/Pig Shocker can't control herself when she gets angry and she says the stupidest things that are obviously lies.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 30, 2019 at 7:27 AM

      It's outrageous that she even had to be prodded into mailing any Birchthorn books after years of procrastination. And I'm snickering at the "it was riddled with errors" sentence, too. JFW can't ever take time to correct minor grammatical errors on either her blog or Twitter. She always does projects in a slapdash manner like her lousy logos and subpar soap. I would've expected sloppy printing from someone who has her kind of defective character, and also doesn't want to honor a Kickstarter commitment to her overly generous, patient backers.

    6. I find it mind boggling that 5, five years after the Kickstarter there are still people waiting on their crappy books? And what isn’t Kickstarter doing anything about It? There has to be some sort of accountability over year head, please tell me there is.
      I find it astounding that Sarah had to contact her and call her out about a book she still hasn’t received five years after the project started. I looked this morning, 2014.
      I also find it astounding that to both Sarah and Heather the response was, basically, STFU, I put the damn book in the mail this morning. Really?? And why did it take being called out publicly for you to put a book 5 years overdue in the mail to someone especially since per editor Heather you’ve had the books since 2017? And per Jenna as well, she mentioned that the books were sitting in a box in her livingroom. So why not mail them and be free from your obligation? Books are so incredibly cheap to ship via media mail.
      Also, I find it astounding that the campaign creator-Jenna-would have no record of the addresses and people are commenting about having to send her an address over and over. Also nauseating that she engages in a back and forth when someone asks for a refund and instead redirects them to a survey and whatever else so that she can mail them a book. The person is asking for a refund, and she is making it close to impossible for them to get it. Kickstarter really should have stepped in on that one.
      Also if you click on comments, pretty much every one of the comments has to do with either I need a refund/she lost my address?/where are the books. You would think that Kickstarter would crack down on her as this tarnishes their overall credibility.

    7. Ugh so frustrated with her that autocorrect got me.
      Read above: why isn’t kickstrater doing anything, not what
      Accountability over HER head, not year head

    8. Totally agree, Anon 11:25 - It's outrageous...especially if you look at the timeline:

      👉 Three years ago, the book should have been finished and mailed out.
      👉 About two years ago, Sarah Norton gave her address info. Still nothing.
      👉 Seven months ago, Sarah asks about the paperbacks. Jenna doesn't respond.
      👉 Yesterday Sarah asks again. Jenna finally sends the book to her.

      Sarah replies, ❝ None of us should have had to chase you down for rewards, refunds, or explanations as to why the process took so long, Jenna. ❞

      Well, Jenna, you can add Sarah to your long list of people you've burned who will never do business with you again. You must be so proud.

  36. Do you think there will be a big emergency announcement in the coming days? Between Jenna snapping at that guy on twitter, and then going off on Heather, she really seems to be losing her shit today.

    Not to mention, tick tock, it's the end of the month and if the Pig Shocker is to be believed, she doesn't quite have the mortgage yet. Either way, something is stressing her out big time.

    1. She knows the hawk will be investigated any day now. She has had to cut back on her Twitter begging and spamming.
      She was called out for referring to her waddling around as hiking/backpacking and knows that most people are laughing at her.
      Then Mr. Card, with more writing credentials than what Waddles could ever hope to have, called her out for her crappy, moronic tweets and then SNAP!

      Waddles' head spinned around and snapped off of her thick neck. She loses her mind when people point out how incessantly stupid she is. Truth hurts.

  37. Great example of the Pig Shocker trying to cover up the fact that she wastes poodle cash on non-essentials:

    ❝ My hair is getting way thicker and I am not sure why but I am not complaining. ❞

    In her latest photo (the one with her dog) you can clearly see that she used product to style her hair (either mousse or hair spray). So why, if she can't make her mortgage each month, why is she wasting money on that? We all want to look nice, but if you're broke you just make do without the fancy hair products.

    But between this new hairstyle and the Kabuki makeup, she's trying to hide the fact that she squanders the 🐩 💰on stupid stuff. Her devoted foollowers won't send money if they know it's not going to pay the bills.

    1. Her hair still looks extremely thin and like it hasn't been washed in months.
      She was fishing for compliments and all she got was the sound of crickets.

  38. New bleg-a-thon (with same ole news...)

    “I have around 48 hours in this month to make it clear through and am very close. I am grateful for that, but also feeling proud that while every month is right up against it - through luck, kindness, contributions, sales, or plain luck I have made it this far. I can never take that for granted or assume that will be the case, but every time the bank clears the check for a house payment or I manage to keep mailing in that health insurance check - it feels like proof on paper I am able to keep this place my own. And if the time it takes to retain that solvency is the fuse that leads to something bigger - whatever that it - that is my religion now. Hope.”

    I guess when we were discussing how she changes religions like some people change clothes, she felt the need to clarify what her new one is. But, no. She doesn't read here. ;-)

    "Keep this place on my own"... She hasn't done anything on her own. She begged for the down payment, now begs for the monthly payments. She can't build even the simplest of things (shelters, mews, etc.) and has to have a crowd of friends over to do it for her while she holds the camera. Because she uses people, there are no more friendly crowds to do her work for her. They've learned she is not a good friend or neighbor, and does not reciprocate by helping them out.

    We all have 'takers' in our lives, as opposed to givers, but McWaddles has taken it to a level such as I've never seen.


    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 30, 2019 at 7:41 AM

      Many people in the Cambridge community also agree with what you wrote.

  39. Concerning Birchthorn; most of the original Shamsters guessed that Jenna would spend all the money, then scramble through some new scam or begging to get the books printed. Looks like we were right.

    She had the gall to tell Heather to back off because she paid her, yet somehow it is ok in her mind that she has yet to send out all copies to her backers.

    1. To add to the debacle, Heather likely needed payment for hardcopy books to be published. So Jenna bragging that she paid the bills is so much noise. She received $15,000 through Kickstarter.

      However, as with everything else, PS didn't budget, plan or use other people's money as intended...and so she ran out of money.

      Really, Jenna is a one-person pyramid scheme.

      She takes money from people for specific projects or product, spends money not-as intended, then needs more money from other people to fill in the gap.

      Imagine the trusting people who paid in advance for pork or lamb shares. If Jenna already spent the money that should have been reserved for their animals' care and butchering, meat share subscribers are SOL. Without adequate funds allocated, they'll likely have:

      ⤵✅ Substandard starting animals

      ✅ Inadequate vet care

      ✅ Poor nutrition

      ✅ Delayed growth

      ✅ Questionable processing

      Good luck, shareholders!

    2. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 30, 2019 at 7:38 AM

      Her chutzpah is beyond belief. Maybe she has brown eyes because of all the crap in her defective character. Jenna Woginrich's personal trainwreck is going to be an epic failure.

    3. And why all this business about a check clearing? When I write a check I know damn well its gonna clear. Unless Waddles is writing bad checks from time to time. Doesnt have all the money in the bank yet but writes it anyway. Girl is stuck at age 13. egg.

    4. Disregard my "egg" typo

    5. Ugh, the thought of her raising meat meant for human consumption. Just horrifying.

      The problem with the Birchthorn Kickstarter was that Jenna started out with a strong passion to write a book. The desire of money fueled this passion further. She waxed pathetically about how amazing it was gonna be and made all sorts of promises.

      But once the $15,000 was spent, Jenna's passion sputtered out like a wet wolf fart.

      She had zero desire to actually sit down and finished what she had started. The only consolation in this entire fiasco is to imagine the daily dread Jenna felt every time she thought about the book. And the looming and loathing realization that she would eventually have to make good somehow.

      And...a deep pit of self-disgust in her stomach every time she even thinks "Kickstarter" -- as well as the anger she still feels when she thinks about all the 'assholes' who keep pestering her for what they paid for. How dare they? It's been over 5 years! They need to go away already!!

    6. Oh, so my point was yes, PoodleDiDoo is right: If Jenna's passion for spam shares dies out after the money is spent, the meat she produces will be subpar. Poor quality and possibly even diseased meat. And donut flavored bacon? No thanks!

  40. Did you catch this disgusting tweet?

    "My hawk just ate a whole baby chick."


    1. That's why she has to buy extra.

    2. But it's been awhile since she's received new ones (that we know of). Perhaps when one of them died she froze it?

    3. Anon7, or maybe she froze them for Hawk food. Cheaper than quail.

    4. Oh, that's just awful if true. What would that entail...placing them in the freezer while still alive?

    5. Probably. You can buy them frozen , day old chicks. People feed them to snakes and exotic pets.

  41. There are no words for this Sunday, smirking selfie video in her hovel. Note the nasty nails with a sheen of cheap polish. It's the Groucho glasses again:

    1. You can also tell by her beefy biceps and fat face that the "mountain smashing" and rigorous running is toning her body. FYI: It's not body shaming to call her out on lying about being physically fit in order to sell a false brand for money mooching.

    2. That video...what in hell? Is she on something...drugged up? Drunk?

      Right after she smirks, she kinda nods off and then snaps out of it. Scary stuff.

    3. She's not a normal adult. Her strange expressions are kinda creepy. I wouldn't be surprised if she's capable of physical violence either.

    4. She's obsessed with herself and her looks. She's trying to figure out the best angle and expression for selfies.

    5. I'd say it's her lack of looks. I've rarely seen someone so unattractive in every aspect of their being both inner and outer. Sorry, Jenna, your thin hair is still skimpy. But keep lying to yourself about everything.

    6. I figured it out: At the part where she smiles, that's the exact moment she pauses to feel the warm baby rodents scurrying around in her rectum.

      Watch the video again and you'll see.

    7. Failed Cubicle WorkerJuly 1, 2019 at 3:49 AM

      Anon7. You made me spew my morning cup of coffee, thanks! Isn't that a smart phone in her hand? I thought that she's made a big deal about not owning one, and has an ugly, mustard colored landline (on her shit-stained by bird crap kitchen wall.) Her new big banner on Twitter also features her childish girl crush, Taylor Swift, with a woman. (GASP! That proves TS is gay!!!) JFW behaves like a besotted, stupid teen in lust over an unobtainable idol.

  42. Taylor Swift and Jenna Woginrich are two prime examples of what's wrong with this world right now. If you click on the comments of just about any of the 80+ Taylor tweets, all you'll see is outraged fans showing support over a first-world problem. Pure outrage.

    Where was their (and Jenna's, and Taylor's) social media outrage a few days ago when that poor immigrant man and his daughter drowned at the border? Those two less fortunate souls were in search of a better life. They weren't looking for help with their mortgage...and they certainly were not crossing to help Taylor in her quest to own her own music.

    It's really sad because Taylor Swift has a massive fan base and could really use her voice to speak up for the plight of immigrants and the poor treatment thereof. And Jenna, if she truly cared about animals she'd be using her social media accounts to spread awareness about animal cruelty or how to responsibly and humanely raise livestock.

    But no...instead Jenna has spent the past few days mourning the loss of Taylor's record collection and speculating endlessly about an even more pressing issue: Taylor's sexual orientation. Both Jenna and Taylor are what happens when human garbage gains access to a computer and an internet connection -- and both really need to STFU about stupid shit already.

    1. Entitlement and faux outrage = first World problems.

      Pig Shocker, above everyone else, should STFU. She knows the least and cares the least for anyone but herself.

  43. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ Today I ran 10 miles in a Lannister "I demand trial by combat" shirt under a rainbow post rain and I think I hit Peak Jenna. ❞

    😏 10 miles...yeah, sure she did...all those miles between all those tweets.

    As for when Jenna peaked, I can't decide if it was when she went from a zygote to an embryo, but one thing's for sure: By the time she was born it was all downhill.

  44. She posted a pic of Auburn perched on the steering wheel and said the music in the F150 was blaring. Hawks have very sensitive hearing and I'm absolutely sickened that she would torment that bird and endanger its health like that. I don't even play loud music with my dog in the car.

    1. Did you notice that she said in that post that Aya was released into the Wild last fall. Bullshit, she escaped with her jesses on. I just left her a comment saying so. She should never have been allowed to have another hawk this soon, if at all. It makes me sick to my stomach that she’s allowed to handle those beautiful birds.

    2. I am beginning to think that she is quietly trying to get an intervention in her life. It makes 0 sense to be doing things like that, and NOT expect to get caught.

    3. According to Instagram, that photo is actually one of her past birds. Always hard to tell with JFW, since she is a serial recycler of old photos.

    4. The photo is if At a Cash, originally from at least 2017. As Anon7 reported, PS recently removed hawk photos from IG and is 'recycling' them into her fake narrative. Aya Cash is the hawk who appears to have attacked PS, and we surmise Aya was either killed or she escaped. The official story is Aya Cash was unexpectedly released - without any contemporary photos.

      Dash was the follow-up hawk that she probably bought with 🐩 💵💵💵 . He soon "flew away", wearing his jesses, and PS was so concerned that she attended a dinner party the afternoon-evening he escaped.

  45. Accidental selfie my ass. If it was truly accidental, why go ahead and post it? And who the hell would post such a stupid video. She's beyond delusional....

  46. From Heather on the Kickstarter page:

    "A basic tenet of adulting is responsibility first, play second. In other words, make sure your book is as good as it can be before you swim in the river and shoot arrows from your horse."

    Yeah, that pretty much sums up what we've been saying all along.

    As for Birchthorn, I had said all along that she only needed to produce a book. It didn't have to be good. She got the money up front, so why bother with quality. She got bored with it pretty quickly. That she wouldn't be interested in reading the proofs is no surprise.

    1. Here's the whole Kickstarter communication between Sarah and Heather. They both have every right to be upset with JFW. Now, we'll wait for the FFF to respond with faux anger, and try to smoke the issue. She'll gaslight their grievances, and make it all about them. It's the way that that she always does:

      Sarah Holm Norton:

      Heather, I'm sorry that happened. It sounds disheartening to say the least.

      I've been thinking about why this has bothered me as much as it has- I've helped people with projects and emergencies long before Kickstarter, and it's not like I don't know a sunk cost when I see it. It's the disregard of backer goodwill. None of us should have had to chase you down for rewards, refunds, or explanations as to why the process took so long, Jenna. That wasn't our job. It's not about the book.

      Heather Nadelman:

      Yes, that’s pretty much how I feel: there was a real disregard here for the basic responsibility of delivering a quality book to the Kickstarter backers. Jenna collected over $15,000, but when the time came to publish, she hadn’t reserved money to do it in a quality manner. (In a lifetime with books, I have never, never seen such a shoddy printing job as the Birchthorn paperback.) I had explained to her when I offered my services--I have a little side hustle publishing house that produces books about border collies and sheepdogs, mostly books that I want out there for the border collie community to enjoy, books that wouldn’t be financially viable for commercial publishers--that I couldn’t match the prices of mass printers, because we do print-on-demand, but that it would be a totally turnkey: she wouldn’t have to worry about anything after she handed in the manuscript. I quoted per-book prices for both the hard covers and the paperbacks, and she agreed readily. I also quoted a price for editing the manuscript. The manuscript that I received was not in publishable condition at all: there were some good rough ideas in it, but the writing was really sloppy, and there were also problems with the plot and the characters. I spent a ton of time on it--much more than I had anticipated spending, but I wanted it to be as good as possible. My final disillusionment actually came not when Jenna decided that she didn’t want me to publish the paperbacks after all, but when she refused to read the page proofs before publication. Reading page proofs is a basic responsibility of an author, but Jenna just couldn’t be bothered (she told me that she had hired me for that). That’s when I realized that, sadly, I apparently cared more about the quality of Birchthorn than she did. It could have been a lot better, and it should have been. A basic tenet of adulting is responsibility first, play second. In other words, make sure your book is as good as it can be before you swim in the river and shoot arrows from your horse.

    2. "the way that..."

  47. She lost all interest in writing Birchthorn after she got the money. One of the premises of becoming a backer was to help write the book. That told me right away that she was going to have her fans write it for her. Apparently, she expected the same of her editor.

    She was actually working on a new book right after the Kickstarter campaign ended. It was that stupid book about how Merlin saved her (one that never got published). I wondered why she was writing a new book when she should have been working on Birchthorn. Now I know.


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