I call...LIAR

No way those baby pigs are real.  Zero pictures.  Zero talk about the birth.  Zero going out and checking on the sow.  For lambs, she was up all night for two weeks and they weren't even pregnant.
I love how there are no comments and nobody cares.  She jumps interests to get new people but her lies are so obvious she loses people just as fast.


  1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 22, 2019 at 2:00 PM

    I agree about the lack of pig pics as proof that she has new ones. I think that many people are finally wising up to her wily ways on Twitter. Lying is a way of life for JFW. If she didn't mention having any pet props, though, then her farming facade would be over.

  2. Oh, I think they were born and I think she jumped the gun, talked about them and then the sow killed them. It happens when they are stressed or improperly housed. She hinted at it in her blog post about SOME had died and how hard farming was, yada yada. I have raised hogs and they are hard. Sometimes you loose a whole litter. The way she has them just out in the elements and the rain and living in that muck, I'm certain that there are very few left.

    Otherwize, she would be showing them off. The pics she is using are from past piglets.

    Liar, Liar, kilt on fire.

  3. Someone please buy Jenna a new camera , she broke the one someone just gave her.

  4. If those piglets were ever real... just hearing about this is heartbreaking. She shouldn't be owning ANY animals.

    1. AND... how can she go from having piglets die to gossiping about celebrities and being so chipper? I lost a couple goat kids this year and it nearly broke me. But I guess when someone is so accustomed to killing her animals, it doesn't make much difference. 😡

    2. If she owns any livestock, they do not live on her property.

      Waddles manages to take 200+ pics of herself on hikes yet she has only had one new photo of livestock (lambs) since last summer.

      The way the lambs' pen area looks like it was thrown together in five minutes makes me doubt that the lambs live with her. They were probably on her property long enough for a photo op and then were on their way to their actual homes.

    3. Agree about sorry state of any animals still there. The first photos of the lambs were clearly taken on a different property, deep, thick green grass and no weeds. Look at photos of FFF's overgrown dump; open areas are filled with weeds that are indicative of overgrazing, compacted and nutritionally-poor soils.

      The one photo of lambs was probably a quick photo set-up; the crappy grass looked a lot like Pig Shocker's place.

  5. A doctorate of philosophy is a PhD., not a PHD. The plural of thesis is theses. PhD candidates do not write theses; they write dissertations. Masters candidates write theses.

    Lesbians typically refer to themselves as gay or as lesbians, not "gay women." I don't know any lesbians over the age of sixteen who care about Taylor Swift's sexual identity. I know of no adults period who care about Taylor Swift's sexual identity.

    I think Taylor Swift is taking the piss re: anyone who cares about her sexual identity or thinks they have any idea of what she does in her private life.

    Thank you for letting me vent. Carry on.

    1. She's gone off the deep end with this shit.

      She also just changed her Twitter bio to say "Gay" instead of "Queer" -- no doubt inspired by all this Kaylor nonsense.

    2. Also, there really isn't anyone discussing Taylor's sexual identity online, apart from a few of her foollowers in the comments. On YouTube, if you look at the comments for her new video, the vast majority of them are about Katy Perry and Taylor becoming friends again.

      And all the trending news stories about Taylor are discussing the video and her controversial choice to depict anti-LGBT folks as religious uneducated Southerners. I couldn't find any posts about her supposed gayness on reddit's Taylor Swift subreddit either.

    3. Her Taylor Swift obsession is almost cyber stalking now. And wanting to name a hawk after Anna Wintour is also nuts. It's another epic failure to attract the notice of blue check accounts, and more money mooching opportunities.

  6. OMG...Jenna on Twitter right now: She's totally losing her shit. Not only does she seem to be experiencing a severe manic episode, and obsessing over a celebrity, but from the amount of cuss words in her tweets, I also think she's currently drunk:

    ❝ This bitch is putting on a 3-year-long epic and people aren't paying attention because they see her as 19 years old not fucking 30. ❞

    ❝ I have decided that the next year of Swift, based on the last 6 - it basically a gay Hamilton-level of performance art/music reality you are ignoring. Get on board. I train hawks, gut deer, & grow my own lard. I'm not talking about light shit. And if you aren't know I called it. ❞

    ❝ Bonus fucking insane tip: the subway column that says Track 5 in this old year-old video about 2 women meeting to kiss is the same color and font as her pin in the recent EW piece. Meaning the 5th track on Lover matters - she planned this 2+ years is advance. PAY ATTENTION. ❞

    ❝ P.S. Every video from this album she refused to be seen with a man in as a love interest. And her "coming out" video - Ready For It - is literally her old media image being sacrificed for a purer self. Fuck. CATCH UP ❞

    🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

    Wow. Utterly obsessed over something that doesn't matter. Speaking forcefully and uncharacteristically using a plethora of profane words. Babbling endlessly like an excited drunk person at a party. A trifecta of crazy right there.

    Even though I don't like the Pig Shocker, I find this alarming and feel a bit concerned. I hope her mother reads all those tweets and calls for a police welfare check. This is disturbing.

    1. She sounds off the rails insane. If ever someone needed a welfare check, it is Pig Shocker.

      Every bit of what she said was crazy but the "I gut deer" stood out as another tall tale. She has never shot a deer in her life. She stinks too bad and is too lazy to successfully hunt.
      She would stick out in the woods like a silverback gorilla in a fine china shop.

    2. She doesn't even make any sense! She's just stringing a bunch of "trendy" words together and thinking she's poetic.

  7. There is definitely a manic episode unfolding on her twitter. She has posted no less than five back to back expletives filled tweets all about TAylor Swift.
    -what adult cares about Taylor Swift’s sexuality?
    -what adult cares about Taylor Swift, period?
    -what adult spends the larger part of a day tweeting up a storm about a pop singer when they are less than ten days ago, according to their own admission, from foreclosure?
    -what adult spends the majority of their time tweeting nonsense if they just tragically lost baby animals due to their own lack of preparedness AND if that’s true, just lost major income than can keep them from foreclosure?
    -what adult who claims to “farm” has time to tweet nonstop and keep up with pop culture?

    1. This is the person who claims to actually make a living selling things online.

      Who in their right mind would buy anything from a raving lunatic like Pig Shocker?

  8. Hey waddles, no one on Gods green earth gives two shits about Taylor Swift. Pay attention to the things that matter..your farm, your supposedly new piglets. Does TS give two shits about you? Big doubts there. Grow up little girl.

  9. She has no animals except for the dogs and possibly horses Period. That last post was bits of things she has read about others lives. As a part time farmer myself, if you look at my phone, you will see a heck of a lot of photos of my animals. She is using old photos from the olden days when she tried to be a farmer. Her post is loosely strewn together to cover all the bases so the biggest audience will pay attention. On another note, this obsession with TS is scary.

  10. Aaaaaand, she removed many of the TS posts especially the one where she said “the bitch has been planning this for two years”. Right after she retweeted an opinion about using the word bitch. Also seems to have deleted several of the TS posts that had expletives in them.

    1. Excuse me, I was referring to her post where she said “the bitch has been putting on a 3 year long epic”.

    2. As of this moment:

      "The lyrics are all about meeting at a bar, secretly, to hook up & talk about public image. The video is about not existing as your real self. This bitch is putting on a 3-year-long epic and people aren't paying attention because they see her as 19 years old not fucking 30."

  11. Thanks to Anon7 for capturing the epic manic episode that unfolded on twitter last night because poof, like this it’s gone this morning.

    1. Sure seems like Twitter should be alerted with screenshots of a crazy person referring to TS as a bitch, while ascribing conspiracy to her recordings and soon after reminding readers she can gut a deer.

    2. I took screenshots and I can still see the tweets. I also reported it since she used Taylor Swift and "I gut deer" in the same tweet about how serious she is about this topic. It's got to be the alcohol talking. If she wasn't such a scammer, I'd feel sorry for her and her total lack of self awareness.

    3. Jenna's posts about Taylor Swift are way beyond normal fan behavior. She writes the next year of TS will be "performance art/music reality" and that you (the world) are ignoring (this). She demands people "get on board" and adds that she guts deer. She adds TS lyrics are all about meeting (a woman) at a bar secretly and that "this bitch (TS) is putting on a 3-year-long epic".

      My $0.02: anyone who still has the Tweets available (Jenna has since deleted) must report.

  12. I was up super early this morning so I saw the disappearing tweets. I think she was in a drunken stupor when she did them. It was manic but add in the alcohol and it moved beyond creepy.

  13. "Train hawks" = training hawks to kill
    "Gut a deer" = disembowel
    "Grow my own lard" = raise a pig and butcher it (i.e. "put the laughter back in slaughter)
    She's saying that she's deadly serious and should be taken as such.

    Unfortunately, TS has a history with deranged stalkers and if this comes to her attention, it would be at least disquieting, and more likely scary. I think she just went to court for a similar nutjob recently.

    BTW- she doesn't train hawks. She neglects and abuses them, then they mysteriously die/disappear. The only "10 year" blogger on earth who doesn't have the photos or Youtube videos to share these releases. She's never gotten a deer. Some pigs that survive get butchered by a hired hand and the fat is returned to her.

    How could she take the money for these animal shares and misuse it so there's already no money for feed, butchers and care??!

    The Chickqualizer

    1. Spot on, Chickqualizer. When we comment on this stalker-like behavior, let's not forget she reached out to TS on Twitter, basically invited her to NY and Also admonished her friends for not telling her that TS once attended a photo-op falconry class.

    2. Her directly contacting Taylor was super cringey. Did she really think she'd tweet back her desire to hang out with a total stranger? She's like one of those rabid fans who pressure celebrities on Twitter to go to prom with them. Also, Jenna has no working toilet so Taylor would have to poop and pee outside. Classy.

  14. She just announced she has a new female hawk named Auburn...

    Let's start taking bets. 1. If the bird is even real and 2. How long she keeps it before it dies. 😑

    1. Outraged this is a TWO YEAR OLD BIRD. So much for the bullsh** story of taking juvinile raptors to keep them safe, teach them to hunt and release the next spring.

      This is ego, social media greed and abuse of a wild creature who should now be free.

    2. Her embarrassing tweet to Taylor Swift about New York falconry is like something that a stupid, smitten teen would write to her celebrity crush. Oh. Wait.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 23, 2019 at 12:51 PM

      Her hawk is just the latest pet prop for more money mooching.

    4. Someone just commented,

      Tara Smith
      Replying to
      Oh no. A sad day for that poor hawk.

      What you want to bet she deletes that or blocks the person so the tweet gets hidden.

    5. Outraged as well, Poodle. She's doing the exact opposite of what she used to say, in that you capture them young and keep them for one year, then release. I understand that helps them to survive their first year. But time beyond that isn't fair to the bird.

      She's clearly no animal lover and she has no respect for that bird to be keeping it in captivity for a third year just so she can rake in more cash. And the whole "watching movies together at night" part is infuriating. Birds are supposed to sleep at sundown...not hang out on a lampshade all night watching deepfake Gaylor Swift porn videos.

    6. "A sad day for that poor hawk" is right. It is terribly cruel to keep an animal like that caged up. I don't care how many times she says that it helps the population. That bird is meant to fly free, where and when it wants.

  15. When I looked now the weird tweets from last night were still there. I don't know why other people here can't see them. So as of this moment she hasn't deleted them.

    This stupid response to one of her begging tweets is cringe-worthy:

    "Keep the great work , the great example of a proud and working Girl will be great not only for all the woman in the world, not only for the Guys too, to all the poeple with dreams, you always will be, the lighthhouse in the Mountains."

    1. Lighthouse in the Mountains?


      For what, airships?

  16. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 23, 2019 at 12:31 PM

    JFW is a huge hypocrite. She tries to come across as a fierce feral farmer who brags about gutting critters etc... Yet she's always anxious over "men in laundromats" hitting on her (as if anyone would), and "scary red vans" driving by her hovel. Pig Shocker can't even collect free firewood on her property: "I'm afraid of chainsaws!!!" The most "lard" she has is on her fat ass and bourbon belly.

  17. So on the newest hawk item: Can't someone out there report her to the , I don't know DNR or whomever the correct authorities are that oversee these matters..and they either take that hawk or demand she release it? Seems like there is plenty of history to back up the mistreatment of her hawks...

  18. Ugh, she just couldn't wait to start propping that poor hawk.

    Also, I try not to judge to much about physical stuff, but her makeup... yikes.

    1. God, can she not take a normal picture without being some weird ass 12 year old?

      All I see is her being a weirdo. The hawk, is like stage right.

      And why does she have a 2 year old hawk? I thought it was all about saving young ones and training them to hunt... (with humans, cuz, like if they are alive, they probably already know how to hunt for themselves... duh...)

      Why is this okay? What is wrong with those people that gave it to her?

      Start internet search ASAP... a hawk named Auburn with a young falconeer in her area...

      Time to warn them of their HUGE mistake.

    2. Oh dear gawds that new photo is positively frightening.

      If you zoom in you'll see that her pupils are shaped like dollar signs.

    3. That photo makes me think about her tweet claiming that she has been accused of making meth. She looks like she's on meth. She also a mouthful of rotten teeth a.k.a. meth mouth.

      Perhaps that's where her money goes.
      If it looks like a meth head, sounds like a meth head....

    4. The hawk came from Liz R***, a teenager who is a new apprentice. There's a photo of her on Pig Shocker's Instagram.

  19. She looks like a clown with that hideous, kabuki makeup.
    It could have only been worse had she been wearing her Groucho Marx glasses.

    She also looks like she's manic in addition to tweeting like she's manic. That poor hawk has just entered the third circle of hell.

    1. Lol at kabuki. I was thinking mortician makeup job, but you nailed it!

      Poor little guy. And look at her Twitter timestamps: She's only had the hawk a few hours and in that time she's piled on more makeup than a prostitute and is right back to tweeting about TaylorfuckingSwift.

      Isn't she supposed to be outside training that bird?

    2. Didn't she say the mews was scraped and ready to be painted tomorrow (today)? Is she going to put the hawk in there with wet paint?
      I thought the mews had to be completely ready before she could have a hawk in her possession. Sounds like one more reason to report her.

      One day she's whining about paying her mortgage and the next she's taking on another mouth to feed. Hobbies that cost money are for people who have a bit of disposable income.

      Waddles Kabuki is not one of those people.

    3. What do you bet hawk came with mews? Pig Shocker posted a photo of Auburn in the new mews, and there is NOTHING on PS's property that looks that good.

  20. LMAO...on the Pig Shocker's hawk announcement tweet someone commented:

    "Oh no. A sad day for that poor hawk."


    Seriously...that awful photo shows exactly where her priorities lie: Wasting no time in turning that hawk into revenue. I mean, a normal person would take a pic of just the hawk flying, or perched in it's mews. But instead Jenna Woginrich spends hours styling her hair and applying a shit-ton of makeup just to take a selfie like the vile poseur she is.

  21. Replies
    1. She always was crazy, and always be crazy.

    2. At this point, you kinda gotta feel bad for Mama Wog scrolling thru her daughter's Twitter feed and thinking to herself, "Yes, I created this abomination."

      And the scariest thing is that Jenna is 37 years old. Which is waaaayyy to old to be obsessing over a pop star like a lovestruck teenager. I don't think she understands what adulting is yet.

  22. On June 9th the Pig Shocker tweeted:

    ❝Hey guys, I am doing my best to catch up on art and soap orders. I am mailing out between 10-15 orders a week on top of the farm, design, freelance the household and it's just me here. I am doing my best. ❞

    Doing her BEST?!? More like doing her best to waste time and avoid responsibility. Since then, in the past two weeks, she has tweeted 46 times about Taylor Swift. Not to mention watching videos, searching for "Kaylor" gifs, and pouring over album lyrics that support her "Taylor Swift is gay" theory.

    I really hope that all those waiting on soap and artwork see all those tweets and learn a lesson to not do business with the lazy Pig Shocker.

    1. I think that she has a very low amount of return customers, if any. She burns people and then moves on to the next.

  23. 🍺 Pretty sure this is proof that Jenna Woginrich is tweeting drunk tonight: She deleted several tweets and changed her wording around which would indicate mental confusion/wet brain.

    After the Taylor/Karlie Vogue magazine tweet she wrote:

    ❝ One of my favorite part of these two was when Anna Wintour met them to pitch this honeymoon shoot she asked, "So which one is you is the nightmare and which one of you is the daydream?" ❞

    Say what? "is you is?" Drunk. But then she deleted it and wrote:

    ❝ When Anna Wintour met them she asked "So which one is you is the nightmare and which one of you is the daydream?" UGH ❞

    Wait a sec...first she said that was her "favorite part" and then she says "UGH"?? Like she can't make up her mind if she thought that was an OK thing to say? Then she wrote this tweet twice (one with just text and then again with a photo) and then deleted both:

    ❝ I can't believe the daisy skirt. The yellow daisy was the theme of the Big Sur getaway they took together, the one this shoot was themed after. They posted photos with the daises, tagging each other, always behind an ear or on the dashboard. Le Sigh... ❞

    Why delete that? And then wrote and deleted this one too:

    ❝ NOW SHE'S PULLING THIS SHIT. Daisies all over music video, daisy sandals to perform at Stonewall, custom grave with daisy pin that says I TRIED. UGH ❞

    That deleted tweet had attached a re-tweeted photo and comment from twitter user ana@mosaicxswift13 -- and it looks like Jenna commented on that tweet and deleted it as well.

    All that confusion + atrocious grammar + deletions = One crazy drunk Jenna. 🍷 😜 🍷

    1. Maybe she has been informed that she's been reported by numerous people for various twitter violations like celebrity stalking.

      Her new M.O. might be tweeting crazy thoughts (because she has zero self control) and then deleting them.

  24. Do you guys remember the pill popping, manic, unstable character Collette Reardon played by CherI Oteri on SNL?

    Between the obsessive TS tweets and that absolutely bonkers photo posted today, the resemblance between Collette and JFW is getting a little too real.

  25. No freaking way that she is running all those miles.

    Her face is so bloated looking. She is really rough. All that make-up, gosh. Look at that picture of her today next to her pic for her log on. Way way different. Maybe she shouldn't have given up the carbs and dieting. That eating whatever she wants and drinking and all is really taking it's toll on her. Wow.

  26. well there you go no outside for this hawk she is starting her out right she is having her in the house watching movies and videos with her. One thing for sure that poor hawk will hate her former owner by morning. She is probably thinking why oh why did you leave me with this crazy woman? Visions of Misery (the movie) going through her head.

  27. Anyone have a link to this photo of the hawk?

    1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEfE-hgHfj/?igshid=17y8ouzmjltux

      Jenna hit the social media lottery with a new bird. Now she's a falconer. Yes, what a success - only first bird treated right. Second died in her care. Third disappeared mysteriously. Fourth flew away, wearing its leathers, right before a winter storm and Jenna didn't GAF. And except (maybe) for the first bird, she didn't teach any of them to hunt.

    2. Yikes. Jenna appears to be a little manic in the photo. I am sorry for the Hawk, we all know what will happen to it.

  28. Manic Waddles twitter:

    "Everyone who is in on the joke screams ONE TWO THREE LETS GO BITCH and it is the best. Okay, carry on with your mornings."

    Hopefully she gets institutionalized and the animals all live happily ever after...

  29. That is a frightening photo.

  30. Ya'll be so dam jealous o Ms Jenna!
    She got da farm, da looks - busty lady and sahdy lipgloss, da brains and DA BIRD NOW!
    But yous poodles be like "Witty witty me, I wants to nail her for a soap share and some pulled pork!"
    Well F U
    This trainwreck be a comin down the line at all yous haters, yer bought the ticket now get in yer seats and STFU
    Kaylor rules, queer, homo, lesbi, Bi, pagen, heather, vegetarian, paleo, buddhist - its my life, or her life, who gives a F
    So become a payin membas, maybe you can all join as "flockers" to say FLOCK YOU
    Yeah, she be in the river while you work yer ass of, we call it WAY TO GO JW

  31. A tweet liked by Pig Shocker:

    "You haven’t lived until you’ve received an email from a total stranger who, after having read two of your books, confidently diagnoses you, the author, with multiple mental disorders, according to her interpretation of the DSM-IV."

    My guess is that the person who originally tweeted that (Lauren Groff) hasn't been obsessively tweeting about how she "guts deer" and assumptions regarding Taylor Swift's sexuality.

    I would also guess that Groff doesn't neglect animals and pretend that she has livestock living on her property when she doesn't and I doubt that Lauren Groff weighs 240+ lbs and claims to run 80+ miles per month.

    1. oopppss Whackadoodle Horseshit you made a mistake there it isn't 80 miles a month my dear that would be 80 miles a WEEK soon to double that for sure. You know she has Taylor singing in her ear when she runs and she plays a movie scene with her and they end up married and Taylor telling her she know longer has to scam people but she wants to anyway. It's all she knows how to do. Oh and Taylor will move into CAF with her and just love bird shit all over chairs etc. and the smell of pigs in there and sheep and chickens. Nothin says lovin' like the smell of chicken shit in the living room come morning.

    2. You are correct, I totally meant week and instead typed month.

      She should call the Guiness Book of World Records as I bet she might be the only person who can run 12 miles per day and manage to gain weight (fat not muscle).🐷🐖🐽

  32. The picture of Jenna with her new hawk gets to the heart of the problem I have with Jenna. This picture is a performance. The make-up, the cleavage, the short shorts. The fact, as someone noted above, that Jenna is at the center of the photograph, not the bird. This is not the picture of a serious person who's passionate about falcons and falconry. It's the picture of someone saying, "Look at me! Look at me! I really want your attention!"

    And people look at her and think she's for real. They think the story she's telling them is true and the life she describes is the life she lives. And who knows--maybe the joke's on me, and she really does live the life she says she lives.

    I'm not sure why I care, except that I keep waiting for the story to be resolved. I want an omniscient narrator to step in and explain it all to me--where the money comes from, what's true and what's a lie. It's a weird tension--on the one hand, it feels completely trivial to follow Jenna and give her space in my head. On the other hand, there's something fascinating about how a person can create themselves via social media. We all do it to some extent, I guess--we edit our lives for Instagram and FB, leave out the bad stuff--the arguments, the insomnia, the kid who's struggling. But Jenna really seems to be creating a complete fiction. It's as though life is one big RPG to her.

    The weird thing is that the fiction she's creating doesn't hold together. The pieces don't add up to a whole. But people don't seem to mind. I think it's because she's doing most of her storytelling on Twitter. She's telling her story in fragments ... so maybe it doesn't seem strange that it's fragmented.

    1. Great post! Total performance for sure. My first thought after "yikes" was how much time she invested in that photo. And for what? For attention. For poodle cash.

      I also thought it was interesting, the location she chose. Why in the front yard with the road in the background? What, is the rest of the farm not picture-worthy? Devoid of grass, growth and farm animals?

  33. "First night with a new hawk means watching movies together until we are both falling asleep."
    Yes, because I'm sure that's exactly what that animal wants to do. Jesus fucking christ.

    1. It's an animal owner's responsibility to care for any animal at it's own comfort and most natural level. Birds settle down for the night before sunset and awake early. And if they are lucky enough to not be trapped by Jenna Woginrich, they fly around to find food and or tend new babies. Note to new hawk, fly free on the first try at training. Fly, fly like the devil is behind you. Because she is!

      And Jenna, watch whatever the hell you want. But make your dogs or cat watch with you. Oh wait, leave the cat alone. You don't like him and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

  34. It’s Pride month. Taylor Swift and her agents/handlers are probably trying to cash in on that fact with all these "is-she-gay" mysteries. “Let’s give them something to talk about”. Pure marketing to the gay population.
    Jenna, too, is trying to do this self-marketing thing. The mysterious tweets.
    People used to study the Beatles lyrics for secret meanings to them.

    She knows the (common) red-tailed hawks make people pay attention and applaud or are horrified. (Remember, they can projectile-poop out 6 feet to the rear.)

    I don’t mind the makeup in the photo much, but the lipstick is way too much and way too red. I particularly don’t like the Daisy-Mae farmgirl look with the short-shorts and lowcut top.

    In desperation she is trying to attract a sugar-momma to solve all her financial and personal frustrations, and take care of her and her farm so she can take off and go mountain smashing and backpacking on the AT.

    The thing is, she talks a big game, but she is too fearful and self-protective to go solo backpacking and yet afraid to go with others.

    1. I was thinking about the Pride month timing too. If she's not queer, then she's gonna face a lot of backlash for marketing this album as such. Years ago, there was another pop star who was slammed for trying to cash in with a song crafted with the purpose of become a gay anthem.

      As for the Pig Shocker, it will be interesting if she tweets as much about LGBT issues as much as she did this month.

  35. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGUFRzFxib/?igshid=1omus5t1ykhf7

    Look at the #2 photograph. Check out the person who will do the least amount of work. Yep, it's our fake feral farmer, not moving hay on the wagon, not loading hay onto the elevator, not stacking hay in the loft. Standing around, next to the elevator, doing nada.

    Surprised she didn't fiddle while the others worked!

    1. And what is with always the arm is the air? Why is that necessary along with her mouth open? Jackass.

    2. Thanks Unknown. I didn't see there were five photos. Pig Shocker definitely looks like someone who hardly does farm work. Other than the stupid fake pose with upraised arm, she looks unfit, uncomfortable and unable to really work. Notice she isn't wearing farm gloves? I won't comment on her - ahem - runner's build.

    3. There's only two photos when I link to that.

    4. There were two in my link, but if you go to another of Patty's interesting IG post, there are several pics and a short video. This is what a farmer actually does.


    5. You may be too nice to comment on her "runner's build" (lol) PDD but I'm not.

      She has the worst posture I have ever seen on a "farmer."
      As for the tire around her middle, she looks like she's doing the before/after sucking her stomach in and then sticking it out only she's stuck on the after.

      Then there's the look on her face. She actually looks mentally incapacitated. I've often wondered if she has borderline mental retardation.

      That's not meant as an insult, that's actually how she appears in a lot of her photos. Another example would be the photo of her that I use as my avatar.

    6. No gloves when doing hay? What a dummy. Farm work is not her thing.

    7. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 24, 2019 at 3:47 PM

      That ugly fake-up photo was one of the worst she's ever taken. The goofy, gaping open mouth showing her teeth and tongue, plus the troweled on lipstick made me cringe for her total lack of self-awareness. Showing off thick thighs and saggy cleavage isn't attractive, too.

      My heart hurts for her hawk. I hope that appropriate authorities are able to take it from her hovel. She also doesn't deserve her dogs. They're part of her pet props and farming facade.

    8. Oh boy...those photos. Yeah, that's not the body of someone who runs daily.

      And the video: The first two bales she lazily guides on to the conveyor. Then she fixes her hair. Then she looks over to the camera, clearly annoyed that she's being filmed just standing there. She then reaches for the third bale and starts to drag it, but then realizes that doesn't look farmy and feral enough so she picks it up and slams it down on the conveyor. Yup, she's gotta look like a hard working badass for the camera. What a faker.

      Shout out to Patti for posting pics/videos that show Jenna's lazy work ethic and couch-potato-liquor-soaked body.

    9. I saw a few pics, but never a video. Link? Thx. I don't do IG.

    10. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGNa28FXRq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

      This links to a set of photos and the video.
      Swipe left to the fourth one for the video.

  36. Jenna Woginrich
    Feels like real summer. Haying in the morning, long runs in the evening, fireflies and vodka in the iced tea. I hope your day is happy and tired.
    3:40 PM · Jun 24, 2019 · Twitter Web Client

    Our "righter's" grammar skills are on display again. That's going to be a nasty glass of iced tea with those bugs in there. Comma placement, it's important.

    1. By 3:40 pm on a Monday afternoon, she's "righting" about dosing her iced tea with vodka??? Houston, I think we have a problem.

    2. I doubt that's the first iced tea and vodka of the day.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 24, 2019 at 3:50 PM

      Funny, how a few months ago she was going to give up drinking. I guess that all of her hiking ("mountain smashing") and rigorous running demands more alcohol calories. What a fraud.

    4. Just a few weeks ago she said she had 20 days to come up with the mortgage as well as an extra payment in order to keep the farm. But now she has money to buy booze?

      I think her parents gave her money, because shortly after her "emergency" panic tweets she mentioned that she wanted "to stop hearing my mom tell me how horrific my life is" and then no more talk of mortgage problems. Or power steering problems. Or the $500 medical bills.

      She probably called Mama Wog, desperately begging for a cash infusion, received it, but then had to put up with Ma bitching her out about her sad, lazy life.

    5. That's the way I see it too.

  37. I would encourage anyone with access to Twitter to report Pig Shocker's constant spam tweets, especially the ones she has previously tweeted and then retweets.

    It's very easy to do. Just click on the down arrow on the right side of the tweet and follow the prompts.

    We can also report her crazy taylor stalking the same way.

    Someone who scams for a living should not be able to do so on a social media platform such as twitter.

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 24, 2019 at 3:42 PM

      WH. That's a good idea to report her spam crap. I don't think that this has been mentioned regarding one of her crazy TS tweets, but she talks about having grandchildren someday in the context of keeping a magazine article on Kaylor. (Her inane "Le Sigh" made my blood boil. What a fucking, French fake.) Firstly, she's blogged before on this subject, and hasn't been inclined towards kids. In fact, she seems opposed to them. Secondly, you have to either be in an intimate relationship, or be willing to get pregnant. At the rate she's going, without even a second date, the prospect for a family seems small. I believe that it's more of her manipulative marketing to attract PayPal poodles and new victims.

    2. I saw the grandchildren remark and thought the same thing.

      Why would someone who has resolved to not having children suddenly say on social media that they are saving an item for their grandchildren?
      That is super crazy.

      Perhaps she is yet again attempting to cast a wider net to find a sugar mama and is pretending to want children. Someone who is as severely mentally ill as Pig Shocker shouldn't be allowed around children let alone have her own. She can't even take care of herself.

      Not that it would ever come to fruition as an animal abuser with her looks and terrible personality will be alone for the rest of her life. As she deserves to be.

    3. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 25, 2019 at 6:05 AM

      If JFW ever made the mistake of having children, then she'd be bragging about being a breeder. I could easily envision her trying to become the Kim Kardashian of Cambridge, and whoring them out for more money mooching opportunities.

    4. Lol, Failed CW! Maybe she could be a surrogate. An actual virgin birth. Lot of moola there.


  38. About yesterday's Daisy Duke hawk photo: I think it was heavily doctored. One of the first comments she received for that photo was someone saying something like, "Woah...tone down the color contrast. Too much blue!" I thought it was odd that she deleted that comment but didn't think much of it until I took a second look and realized that her head looked Photoshopped on. If she messed with the color, what else did she mess with?

    BTW, did anyone happen to see the new hawk photo that she posted before that? It's deleted now but it was black and white and her face looked totally different. It was puffy, greasy and makeup free. Hence the emergency kabuki makeup session. I also thought her hair looked longer.

    Then today, on the Instagram link that Poodles provided, you can see a full body shot, unlike the hawk photo where Jenna is leaning forward trying to minimize herself- did she Photoshop the bulges away? Cuz both those were taken a day apart and she looks super-sized in Patti's pics.

    1. I just went and looked and agree it was doctored! Look at the road, and her shorts are bluer than I have ever seen. And the Hawk's beak is blue. Seriously.. bad job on that..

    2. JFW looks ghoulish and garish with that cheap makeup caked on. It's obvious that she's mentally ill, because no normal adult tries to emulate a clown for photo ops. She's an obese "Daisy Duke" on drugs.

    3. Everything about her screams meth head.
      Had she not mentioned it herself saying she's been accused of selling meth (which is probably one of the only things I've never heard her accused of prior to that), I woukd have continued to think that she's only a drunk. Now I think 5he alcohol may be used to counter act the meth.

    4. Apparently, my proof reader is slacking....😆

  39. The same lady who wrote, "Oh no. A sad day for that poor hawk" commented again and said, "That poor beautiful bird is meant to live free and hunt for itself."

    Partner in crime Patty responded, "That's the point. She will be trained to hunt and let go. Letting her go now is a death sentence."

    So does this mean that the hawk was neglected and untrained for two years under the care of the person who gave it to Jenna? Sounds like that needs to be investigated. At two years old, the hawk should have already been trained, right? But according to Patty it can't hunt for itself. So was it locked away in a cage for two years? Something's fishy here.

    1. A death sentence... yeah right. It's early summer! Even if the bird was *actually* "too young to know how to hunt", it would have plenty of opportunity/time to practice! Y'know, like they've done for thousands of years...

    2. Someone should tell Pember Patty that 3 out of the last 4 hawks that Pig Shocker kidnapped disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

      The birds would have been better off had they been left to chance out in the wild.

    3. On Instagram the Pig Shocker just explained why the poor hawk is unable to fend for itself after two years in captivity when it SHOULD have been trained:

      ❝ Every hawk is different and every situation is different. This bird was living in a situation where it wasn't flying free or hunting for a long time. I'm training her, getting her back in shape, and hunting well on her own for that reason. She will be released when she is more prepared to survive without a falconer. ❞

      So is that allowed? To capture a hawk and do nothing but keep it caged up for two years as a pet? I wonder what the NY state falconry folks would think about that, as it sounds like the hawk has been transferred from one incompetent falconer to another more deadly one.

    4. Jenna actually means "I am keeping this Hawk for attention. I will be throwing frozen Quail at her, and take her out when I get tired of her and let her go. I do nothing without hoping to get followers, and what those people can't see won't hurt them." That Hawk needs Jenna like Hedda Nussbaum's daughter needed her.

    5. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 25, 2019 at 6:15 AM

      Here's the email for Battenkill Conservancy. They've supported her hawk capture on Instagram. I've already contacted them, but a bombardment by our group would be better: bkc@battenkillconservancy.org. The phone number is: 518.677.2545. Let's all tell them what a POS the FFF is in real life, and how her animal abusing has already cost her several beautiful birds.

    6. It's time to take action against her animal abusing.

    7. This is a link to the New York State Dept of Environmental Conservation:


      They issue the falconry licenses and their contact info is at the bottom of the page.

    8. A simple inquiry to the NYS DEC as to how someone who has had four hawks and has only released one back into the wild is able to have yet another bird.
      I would include Pig Shockers name and address in the email.

      That should be enough to get the ball rolling for an investigation, which we all seem to unanimously agree is needed asap.
      The more people who email, hopefully the sooner the investigation

    9. I will also include:

      her instagram account name (@coldantlerjenna),

      twitter name (@coldantlerfarm),

      CAF blog link (http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/?m=1)

      and a link to the NYT article written about one of her hawks:


      It mentions in the article about how the hawk was never seen again or something to that effect. The social media accounts will tell investigators everything they need to know before speaking to the monster.

    10. This is a better blog link to include showing search results for "hawk" in her blog posts.


    11. I also just wrote Hank Minor of the New York State Falconry Association. He's their president: hhminor3@gmail.com. I sent him links to Twitter and other pertinent information.

    12. Great idea Anon 11:07!

      She is also an apprentice under a general Falconer.
      His name is Leigh. I can't remember his last name. I will look thru her social media to find the photo of him and her that he is tagged in.

      He would be someone else that we could contact. How can he continue to mentor someone who has had 4 hawks and only one was successfully released back into the wild? Of all people, he should be keeping track of her buffoonery.

    13. Leigh Foster us hus name. I will contact people too.

  40. "I need more gays to follow me. I'm punching under water here."

    No gay person I know wants to follow someone who only tweets animal props and TS. Just because you're going on wild rants about TS doesn't suddenly mean gay folks will want to follow you.

    1. i.e. She wants more of their money. Not enough of the community is donating to her. Such an insane loser.

    2. Hey Cryo, that's a telling tweet. Does she know any gay people? Does she know their interests? Concerns? That's such a shallow statement she made.

    3. Right Redhorse. Why would gays want to follow her? She offers nothing. Bragging and boasting about knowing Taylor Swift's next move? Or that she predicted her sexuality long before the rest of the world caught on? Who really cares...people have more pressing concerns. Maybe a 12 year old would care about that, but not a grown 30 something, almost 40. I have a lot of gay friends; they are not discussing Taylor Swift, believe me.


    4. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 25, 2019 at 10:44 AM

      I'll go one further. Why would anyone want to follow a self-entitled, nasty online scammer who is also an animal abuser? She's a fucking failure of a human being.

    5. Her social media content is depressing.
      Who wants to listen to a crazy person whine like a two year old 24/7?

  41. Pig Shocker Squeals on Twitter:

    "If you think falconry is about keeping a wild animal hostage then you know absolutely nothing about falconry."

    What we "think" (know) is that she has had 4 birds and 3 have disappeared and were not released. Any argument beyond that is just more blah, blah, blah from a mentally ill monster.

    1. Jenna looks absolutely demented in that photo, it's actually a bit frightening to be honest.
      There really wasn't any need for her to be front and center if the photo was mean to show off the bird, which is beautiful BTW.
      I wonder how this bird has been kept the last 2 years; inside a house or outside as it should be? I would think if she is used to being outdoors, then being inside 24/7 will be very detrimental to her health. How sad. I don't have a Twitter account or I would be chiming in with MMMelodee. I hope she puts Jenna in her place.

  42. Waddles McGee:
    I really need more gays to follow me. I'm punching under water here.

    Yes and you should be. You are a sham and they know it. You want more gays to follow you so you can scam them too.

  43. Now she's an authority on Taylor Swift's subliminal sexuality:

    "Everyone who thinks Taylor Swift is hijacking Pride isn't paying attention to her, at all."

    "I adore how unapologetically queer she is allowing herself to be since 1989."

    "I love that everyone there knows exactly what this song is about, and when the gayest line is sung they cheer, mid verse, and she cant not smile like she's going to land this."

    "Just a totally straight person singing a pronounless song about a gorgeous person she wants to bring home and/or hates. No subtext here."


    1. I just saw a reply to her saddle for sale tweet that asked her if it was "extra wide."

    2. That's the gullet, which is how you fit it to the horse. I doubt that she knows the answer.

    3. How can any horse "expert" (yes, she says she's qualified to teach Horsemanship 101) not know how to measure a saddle? They're not one-size-fits-all, dum-dum.

    4. RH and WH, my comment directed at 🐷🔌⚡.

  44. She has come a long way from writing about chickens. Homesteading and "hobby" farms. Remember Antlerstock ?

  45. https://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2013/12/wild-life.html?m=1

    Can you say looks like a serial killer?

    1. Failed Cubicle WorkerJune 25, 2019 at 10:42 AM

      And it's the same smug smirk on her fat face.

    2. Yes and her glasses that look like they have a Groucho Marx nose attached.
      Apparently, abusing animals and scamming people makes a person butt ugly.

    3. Her interpretation of falconry and ability to rationalize her bad choices and failures are quite amazing.

      She talks the talk but doesn't walk it. Of her hawks, only the first one caught game. If you carefully read posts on the others, you'll see purple prose about how they flew, soared, chased the lure, got close - but rarely, if ever, did they actually catch food. Why not? I suspect her lazy tush could not get out of bed often enough to hunt and condition the hawks. Hunting is hard work, baby. She kept them in a mew so filthy it apparently caused her leather gloves to mildew. She fed them frozen (gourmet) quail but roused herself to use them as props for attention and sales promotions: book sales, archery classes, fiddle lessons...all promotions that are illegal btw.

      And let's not forget hawk trips to the bar, brewery and any other opportunity to look 'cool'. Woke them up for her no-doubt tipsy Twitter friends who could artlessly pose, thankfully mostly looking embarrassed about the whole fcuking thing.

      And what did her hawks learn? Not much about hunting. No hunts for crickets, worms, mice or voles, a wild hawk's main food. They also became too familiar with people; they are wild raptors who should keep be kept distant, not posed atop a computer screen or vintage metal lamp.

      The demise of her hawks was suspicious. Hawk 2 was said to have died in the house. Hawk 3, kept into its 3rd year (it was such a good poser) disappeared ("released w/o evidence") soon after she announced that its fall training would commence. Hawk 4 was miraculously secured just days after Hawk 3 disappeared. Hardly trained, Hawk 4 was said to have flown away, still wearing its jesses. She didn't seem too upset: attended a dinner party the night he disappeared and hardly looked for him. Oh, and she announced the fallacy that leather straps hanging off its legs would not be a life-threatening hazard during winter storms. Nope, uh-uh.

      Look out, she has her hooks into poor Hawk 5.

    4. Great summary PDD!

      Hawk #3 also disappeared after she said she had purchased band aids and the cashier asked her what happened to her face. It sounded as if the hawk had scratched her face.

      Days prior she had went on about how she was getting ready to start training hawk #3 for the upcoming hunting season.

      Soon after, she announced she had released the hawk and even though she constantly took photos of the hawk during the three years she had it, there wasn't one photo of the release.

      It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened to that poor bird.

    5. Thank you Whackadoodle, for adding those pieces. I hope there is enough Twitter/Blog and IG situational evidence to make NYSDEC go "WTF?".

    6. I also question if Pig Shocker filled out the proper NYS DEC report after the hawks "disappeared."

      It states in the falconry regulations that anytime a bird escapes or dies, the falconer has a certain period of time in which they have to complete a report.

      If she completed reports for the 3/4 hawks that "disappeared" and lied about what happened, she should at the very least lose her falconry apprentice license for that.

  46. I was at a Scottish festival recently and watched a sheep herding demo with Scottish Blackface sheep. One of the first things the announcer said was that their wool was coarse and only suited for such things as carpeting.

    Then it hit me. I did a quick Google search on Scottish Blackfaces and it said the same thing.

    She KNEW when she took money for the wool CSA that it was not suitable for knitting. She was into her Rob Roy/Braveheart Scottish phase and was all about everything Scottish. And even if she was so stupid not to know, the wool processing facility would have told her.

    The original Cold Antler Sham was set up for those who lost money in the wool and webinar CSA. The originator said she would take it down when everyone who asked for a refund was granted it (they weren't).

    Instead, Jenna actually posted to the site and wrote that she was either too busy or the CSAers didn't remind her. Then, to add insult to injury, she went on to state that there was risk involved in joining a CSA. (I would say that there is risk in doing any type of business with her).

    She stated that everyone who asked for a refund received it, but there were several who posted that after repeated attempts, they had yet to receive anything.

    Sadly, no one would file in small claims court, despite repeated attempts by the Shamsters to encourage them. Their reasons were all the same. Too much time and effort to retrieve $200.

    Someone else came to the sham site and said they never received their pork shares. We begged them to go to small claims court. Nada.

    To those who say she hasn't learned, I say she has. No one will go after her in court. I doubt she gets much repeat business but she has always been able to find a new sucker.

    As for the crappy logos and drawings, she can drag it out for as long as she wants and when she gets tired of hearing from a client, she whips something out and says "there"! At that point, she has provided product, crappy though it may be, and the client can do nothing about it.

    And this is how she rolls.

    1. Great observation about the wool that wasn't suitable for knitting.

      The only way to stop the nonsense is document and report, report, report her animal abuse including the 3/4 disappearing hawks.

      Once she is without the innocent animals, she will lose followers and "donations."
      It will end her scamming because no one gives a shat as to what happens to Pig Shocker.

      People feel sorry for and worry about the animals and PS uses that to her advantage.

      If only people would realize that giving PS money only prolongs the suffering of the animals and puts off their re-homing to reponsible, caring owners.

  47. Pointing something out: In her Twitter pic of the hawk in the mews, look at the background, especially the barn. If you zoom in, you can see the ridge is collapsing. Which means at the very least, it's leaking. A leaking barn is a useless barn unless it's fixed. She might as well get some money off the old barn wood and have it torn down.

    1. It's looked like it was caving in for a long time, even when she claimed to have livestock living in it. I thought the same thing. Those poor animals in a leaky, cold barn in the winter.

    2. Her faux farm has been depreciating ever since she started living on the land. By the time that she finally loses the property, the bank will have a worthless POS to try and sell again. So much for her Kiva loan last year, which was to go towards improvement projects. It was instead misspent on other items which weren't essential. She's little more than a white trash tenant.

    3. The last I saw, it was appraised around $130,000 and she has a loan on it for $150,000+.

      But "she's not going anywhere". . Yeah because she's an idiot.

    4. I have a pic downloaded of her barn. I'm not sure the year, but the goat pen was newly built/attached to the barn, and there was not any goat shit/hay in there yet. The barn looks horrible. The ridge line is sagging in the middle, and the sag goes all the way down that one side to the edge. You can even see the edge (where a gutter would be) sagging. I'm taking bets that this winter that baby goes to the ground. I think she also mentioned that it has a slate roof. Those are HEAVY. Only a wing and a prayer holding that decrepit thing up.


  48. So, was this regulation followed when she lost the last bird?

    6 CRR-NY 173.7
    6 CRR-NY 173.7
    173.7 Disposition of raptors.
    (a) A falconer who takes, acquires, transfers, rebands, or microchips a raptor; has a raptor stolen; permanently releases a raptor to the wild; loses a raptor to the wild and does not recover the bird within 30 days; or if a bird they possess dies; must enter the required information within 10 days in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) electronic database at http://permits.fws.gov/186A or submit a paper federal form 3-186A to the department.

    1. That's the one.
      I doubt that she reported the info and on the off chance she did, there's no way it contained factual information.

    2. I doubt she did either. You know Jenna doesn't exactly follow rules. I also thought since she was an apprentice, she is allowed only one bird a year. I'm sure when they hear that she has somehow "lost" 2 birds and one died in her care, they will in no way allow her another one.


    3. After a bird dies or disappears, a falconer/apprentice has to wait a certain amount of time before they can get another bird. It could be until the next hunting season. I can't remember the specifics.

  49. Waddles on Twitter:

    This feels like real ass summer now! Chores super early and still sweating, long runs before coffee, trail rides in the shade, Hoo!

    "Real ass summer?" Is this her attempt at sounding badass to attract the gays? What a stupid choice of words. Also it doesn't sound like she is being very productive at all. So if you are waiting on a logo or soap, Waddles has better things to do.

    1. Hopefully the people waiting on logos will email her to 'remind' her that they are still waiting for their pre-paid work while she is out screwing off. I can't believe people aren't bitching up a storm about her playtime activities.
      Not much begging for the mortgage these days either.
      And what's with the 'hoo' phrase?

  50. More Twitter Squeals:

    "THIS FARM RIGHT NOW has piglets, lambs, a new hawk and green grass after about a solid decade of winter and rainy mud and the high is real."

    Bullllllllllllllloney. She might have a hawk but "this farm" doesn't have any livestock.

    1. Rereading that tweet, with its capital letters, it looks as if Waddles is upset that people are doubting she has livestock on her property...

      Where's any recent photos that aren't cropped tightly around the animals so as not to show any background?

      There won't be any because those animals aren't living on her property.

    2. PS: "Quick! Patty, get your rump over here and bring farm animals so THIS FARM will look less FAUX."

    3. I can TOTALLY see Waddles and Company doing that to keep the donation money flowing.

    4. Two people in the comments asked her for pics, lol. Good luck with that.

    5. She will say the camera spontaneously combusted and she can't.
      Funny how she has recent pics of the hawk but can't post recent photos of any livestock. People are catching on to her b.s.

    6. Truth. No photos of the pigs, the lambs. The property. The broken septic, the visit to the dentist, the anything.

  51. I've been diligently reporting Waddles' spamming on Twitter as recently as yesterday.

    So far today, no spam. The last retweet about sales was yesterday. I would encourage others to report the ones from this week and going forward.
    We can make a difference.

  52. Another Bleg post asking the poodles to pony up and donate money in appreciation of her writing. Hang on...

    Bwahahaha 😂🤣😄😆😅

    Waddles wants people to pay to read a blog that is filled with begging, whining, animal neglect and mental illness.

    She's lucky anyone reads that slop for free.

  53. Its like NPR, hehehe

    1. NPR =

      *except no actual work or services provided

    2. Lol. Yes, it's beyond irritating that she tries to compare herself to NPR. The Narcissistic
      Pandhandling Reject is implying that she provides a valuable service. And while NPR is publicly funded, you don't hear them screaming that they have 20 days to save their organization.

      "The blog will always be free to read...but pay me anyway?" And then the Pig Shocker proceeds to slap not one, but two payment links onto that bleg post.

  54. It's been 24 hrs since Waddles' last spam tweet. There's no way that is because she has chosen not to tweet about needing to "make the month" in sales. I think someone got a slap on the hoof and was told to stop. It's about time.

    1. It is odd...just 4 days to go and she's not pulling her usual tricks. I really do think the parents must've helped cuz her not begging is not her thing.

    2. I think Twitter told her to knock off the spamming.

    3. Twitter sells advertising; it seems like they wouldn't want a business owner running ads for free.

      Hey, maybe the Faux Feral Farmer should, you know, make a WEBSITE and operate like an actual business???

    4. She still hasn't posted anymore spam and it's the last few days of the month. She was definitely told to stop tweeting it.

      Funny how she told people if they didn't like it, to mute it. Looks like widdle waddles was told by Twitter that's not how it works.🤗

  55. As Anon 10:25 mentioned, a hawk can "projectile-poop out 6 feet to the rear" and today on reddit I saw this interesting photo showing exactly that:

    📷 https://i.redd.it/mijanm0sgp631.jpg 📸

    So being that the Pig Shocker lets the hawk hang out in her living room (and other areas of her home) I wonder how often she cleans up the shit splatters? Every time? Once a week? And to think she makes soap and other products alongside all that filth. And what about mites? Not sure if I've even seen a wild bird without any. Between that and the hawk chalk wall decor, I'm surprised that anyone would be stupid enough to accept a meal or a package from that place.

    1. There's been lots of photos posted by her showing the various hawks and often there is hawk shit on the walls and on the furniture. She lives in filth.

    2. Sorry Anon7, I didn't realize you posted this. Of course you know about the inside of the house covered in hawk crap.

    3. There was one photo in particular in which someone (HD I think) posted it and wrote: "Still Life with Bird Shit" -- and I couldn't believe it, as sure enough there were about a half dozen bird shit splatters on the wall behind the hawk. I think it was the one where it was on the lampshade. Just checked on Instagram...looks like she deleted it, lol.

    4. She's getting rid of the photos taken of her other hawks that were of them inappropriately hanging out in her living room on rusty lamps and other items. Too late. I, and I'm sure others do too, have saved those photos.
      That's a good sign if she's scrambling.

    5. I think you're right! There were not as many hawk pics as I remembered when looking thru her IG right now. Pretty sure I have the rusty lamp pic as well, cuz that really pissed me off. No bird should be subjected to that. They need to perch on wood or she could have wrapped some leather around it. But what if it tried to chew thru the wiring? Bad idea, mixing hawks with electronics.

    6. Time to send NYS DEC hard copies of photos showing her past hawks:

      Kept inside house
      Perched on metal lamp
      Perched on laptop computer
      Taken to bar
      Taken to brewery
      Used to promote archery class
      Used to promote business
      Used to pose with social media influencers

      Don't bother deleting Jenna Woginrich. We already have copies.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. We even have copies of the copies. ☺

  56. More squealing on Twitter:

    "Hawk Update: Auburn is slowly getting used to being hooded, and being around indoor distractions. She is VERY vocal, always chirping and talking! Working with her every day."

    She should enjoy it while she can. It shouldn't be long before she is investigated for the previous 3/4 hawks who disappeared and weren't released.

    I feel certain that the reports required after their disappearance were not completed with factual information. HUGE no no.

    Imagine her surprise when a former member/members of her now defunct heathen group, Tyred Hand Jobs, fill out a statement as to what she told them happened to one of those hawks. I won't say anymore about that except:

    When you take advantage of people, those people won't keep your sick secrets.

    1. I'd be interested to read his whole statement.

  57. ⌛️ Years ago on reddit, before the "Get Motivated" fiasco, Jenna Woginrich did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) which was more or less the same thing in which she bragged about quitting her job and how she's now a successful farmer and author.

    Someone asked: "Do you ever give falconry shows/lessons?"

    Jenna replied: "NOPE! in fact as an apprentice I am not allowed to."

    I wonder if she violated that policy? She's had Antlerstock and other workshops...I wonder if she included the hawk? Falconry 101 perhaps? Did she write about her falconry experiences in any of her books? And while it's obvious that she uses the hawk for entertainment purposes on her bleg, would that be considered a show of sorts?

    And what about the NY Times article she pinned to her Twitter -- That was an interview in which she took the reporter, along with the hawk, and showed him how to hunt, teaching him what she knew. Wouldn't that be considered a lesson? Because he took notes and wrote all about it.

    Plus, the NY Times is a paper read worldwide, so that's millions of people reading an falconry article possibly containing misinformation. Certainly the NY state falconry association wouldn't want a novice apprentice giving falconry lessons to the masses?

    1. Also, it's a big no no in falconry to use the bird in any sort of promotion or advertisement.

      I would guarantee there are photos online where she has taken a photo of one of the hawks with her books or soaps, etc.
      That could be enough of a violation to get her falconry apprentice license yanked.

  58. For anyone new to this blog, I would encourage you to use the search feature at the top of the page and search for the word "hawk" and "falconry."

    It is not that we have a problem with falconry in general as long as the falconers are reponsible and adhere to the rules and regulations of their falconry license.

    Pig Shocker is not one of those people.
    First of all, she's been an apprentice falconer for years because she can't buckle down and do what it takes to get the general falconer's license. Like everything else, she sucks at falconry and per usual uses the birds to get attention. Her life is so lame and depressing, no one would pay attention to her social media otherwise.

    Second, she has had 4 hawks (not counting the most recent prisoner) and only 1 has been released back into the wild.
    ONE out of FOUR.

    The others "disappeared." When you pull up those search terms, you can read what we have posted about the circumstances of those disappearances.

    Pig Shocker claims that trapping hawks and training them to hunt (which they have instincts and know how to hunt without any assistance 🙄🙄🙄) helps to conserve the species.

    How does returning ONE hawk out of FOUR back to the wild sound remotely like conserving the species?

    She is stone cold CRAZY.
    We are trying to help prevent the latest hawk #5 from becoming another victim.

    1. Jenna Woginrich also told NYT that she trapped juvenile hawks, that would be released the following spring, having survived the tough winters and predation because of her care and training. Interestingly, only her first hawk, Italic, was properly released and its liberation was photo-documented extensively.

      That Jenna Woginrich, whose claim to fame and badd-assary is falconry, would NOT document the planned release of her other hawks is absurd. FFS, the woman took a photo of her cat sitting on the toilet!

      Although the second hawk "disappeared" while under her care, she kept the third hawk into its THIRD year until it, too, "disappeared". The fourth hawk, allegedly being shown off to a friend while hawking, flew away trailing its leather jesses (straps around its legs) that are often considered a death sentence for escaped raptors.

      Pig Shocker is no friend to raptors.

    2. Don't forget the one hawk died in her house.

  59. JW a few weeks ago: Oh no, I got a foreclosure letter!

    JW today: Oh no, how do I use this eyelash glue?! And look at my hawk!

    1. Oh my gosh exactly. Who the hell would be worried about biodegradable glitter/fake lashes/new expensive hobbies/extra property maintenance/pop culture/clown make up application/tweeting a hundred times a day/heck even eating or sleeping if they were 3 days away from foreclosure?

    2. Any money she received during her bullshat mortgage crisis went towards the wheelbarrow of kabuki makeup she has worn lately and remodeling the hawk prison (mews).

      Soon she will need a new wig and wolf contacts and will sound the mortgage alarm again.

    3. I think Ma and Pa Woginrich pays the mortgage and electric. That's why Ma mentioned Jenna's disgusting lifestyle....she is probably tired of paying her mortgage bill. Jenna begs for spending money. I don't think she pays the mortgage at all.

    4. Let's see if she pulls out those stupid cabbage patch doll hair braids....HA HA they are hilarious!

    5. The yarn extensions were beyond hideous.

      The yarn extensions paired with the too tight, baby shit brown, pleather jacket and the filthy Indian Jones hat would make Anna Wintour (who she is obsessed with) gouge out her own eyes.

  60. Of course she can't just ask how to use fake lashes, she has to mention how she hunts with hawks (kills them) and gallops horses up a mountain while shooting arrows....yea right. You are a badass Jenna, we get it.

    1. There's no way her wide ass can balance on horse "at full gallop" and while shooting a bow.
      I wonder if she actually believes her own lies. If so, she's the only one. Everyone else is laughing at her.

      Then there's her claim of training hawks. Only 1/4 of the hawks she has held prisoner have lived to be returned to the wild.



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