Yup....still a hot mess.

Although,  not much talk of the mortgage.


  1. that will be coming soon now that she thinks she has shut down another site and the twitter account. First she must bask in glow of her glory. Also did see where she was saying about all that it cost her for this week with x-rays for her teeth and all the tests etc. Stand back and wait poodles........3....2....1......Bingo.

    1. Yep. In her latest bleg post (Blood & Kailyards) Jenna Woginrich is already hinting, in a not-so-subtle fashion, that she needs 🐩 💰 badly. Mentions it several times too:

      ❝ [I'm] also quietly dreading the [medical] bills. ❞

      ❝ It's hard enough making the money every month to fend off the worst of the stalking threats. Now this. ❞

      ❝ I have these medical costs to deal with on top of the normal farm bills and mortgage ❞

      ❝ Basically I am trying to keep the farm going among all this dreariness. ❞

      Jenna is using her usual stale formula:

      ☞ Hint about needing money.
      ☞ Mention how hard she's been working.
      ☞ How very busy she's been "farming."
      ☞ Talk about the furry props that rely on her.
      ☞ Talk about her goals, how she hopes she can stay on her farm.
      ☞ Say why she's "promoting like mad" to "earn up" money by hocking crap no one wants.
      ☞ Talk about how terrified, anxious and tired she is.
      ☞ Mention the new emergency medical bills AGAIN.
      ☞ Mention having to deal with these new bills on top of normal farm bills/mortgage.
      ☞ Mention ONE MORE TIME that she needs sales.
      ☞ Hope for "slung luck" and book deals.
      ☞ Talk about how she's just gonna keep going! That's what she does best!!

      Yeah, but not on her own dime. I'm surprised she didn't whip out the PayPal button. Oh wait, that'll be in the next beggity bleg bleg bleg post.

    2. Here is what I don't get. If she doesn't have any money then there are all kinds of medical and dental sliding fees for people with low income, particularly with Hudson Headwaters. There is no way she would have to pay those high amounts for any of the medical and dental she talks about. If indeed she was low income she surely does not live the life of someone without money because I live that life. I read her blog and see how she spends money when she suggests that she is struggling and it does not make sense. It is very annoying. She is constantly begging and roping in more people to give her money. Sad situation but eventually time will run out and she will lose that house. Unless it is all a sham and she has plenty and just keeps the lies going. Hard to say, but still annoying.

    3. Last year she posted multiple "terrified" tweets about her damaged molar and needing a root canal. Well-meaning readers suggested a lot of lower-cost solutions, including applying for discounted dental care. She took offense at that and reminded her readers that she's "...broke, not poor."

      What does this mean? I think she scams a lot of money from people, so much that she isn't poor by any means. However, crying poverty, bemoaning her sad state of financial affairs and playing the victim are techniques for separating kind-hearted people from their money.

      She may have a few long-term enabling sucker-patrons, but she knows Twitter and Instagram platforms are transient and impulsive. She posts provocative tweets on popular sites (and pretty curated photos on IG), hoping to snag new poodles who will donate money when they read her drama.

      She knows most people won't take the time to research her. She knows donors won't bother reporting if they got scamned (embarrassing that). Because her business is done via DM, she hopes no one will put the pieces together to see what a gritting, self-serving con artist she is.

      That's her business model, and until/if she's investigated for fraud (including financial forensics) and brought to justice, we can only slow her roll - not stop it.

    4. *grifting not "gritting".

      Auto correct must not like grifting either!

    5. It truly is an amazing thing to watch what she spends money on, all the while claiming she's in jeopardy of losing the house. All of the games and movie channels she subscribes to. All of the things she buys. In her recent dog pictures her dog is wearing a pack with 2 new patches: trail dog and 50 miles. It isn't much money but that little stuff all adds up fast. And it's especially hard to believe when the mortgage is so far behind. I remember when she first got goats and bought glass milk bottles like the dairies use. They had "goats milk" painted down the sides of the bottles. She's too cool to use half gallon Ball jars or recycled gallon pickle jars like the rest of us! LOL!

      She seems to get bored easily and quickly goes from one hobby to the next and has to buy all the stuff that goes along with it, and then immediately becomes an expert. She loses interest in it just as fast and moves onto the next thing, buys all the 'cool' stuff to go with it, etc., etc. It's fascinating to watch her move from one thing to another.

      I know a lot of farmers and virtually NONE of them have time to hike, walk, run, swim, read, watch movies, tweet, etc. during the middle of the workday. They work their butts off with very little down time. She could never be a real farmer! She has time to do all of that but has not had time to make a website for her "business" yet. Riiiiggghht. Amazing!

    6. Great post, Anon 8:39! And so spot on about her buying a bunch of useless crap for every new hobby she fancies. I noticed the dog patches too and rolled my eyes. No, it wasn't enough for her to tweet about how many miles Friday has hiked. She just had to order some patches as well!

      I have hiked a lot, both in my state and several others, and I have seen a lot of trail dogs. But I've never seen one with a trail pack. In fact, the majority of the dogs that I saw didn't even have leashes. The silly patches on the goofy dog pack are just more props for her Instagram pics. Total poseur she is.

      BTW, I had no idea about the fancy goat's milk jars...what a douche-baggy dipshitty thing to do. All for the sake of her online image.

  2. What other site does she think she shut down?

  3. Just that this one no longer shows up when you google Cold Antler used to be right up there under her name and then the site Cold Antler Sham twitter seems to be gone. Had to do a little digging to get this one back but I am still here and hoping someone finally sees through her scamming ways.

    1. I bet she spent some of her cheated money for one of those groups to push it down the list of search hits. Easy enough to fix. I can't wait until the IRS contacts her. I just can't. Anyone notice no more Hawks? Could it have been the DEC finally dealt with her mistreatment of them? Huzzah to them if they did.

  4. The thing is, her bad reputation precedes her now. You can't live as she does, not coming through with products she takes money for, begging for money for daily expenses, and neglecting animals, without the Karma bus stopping at your place at some point. I've said before, she could fix all of this if she wanted. But it is too easy to lie, and cheat her way through life.

    1. People get tired of giving handouts to the same person over and over again. I have struggled financially for many years and work very hard. Get jobs when I need them and I have only borrowed money a couple of times in 10 years out of desperation but it was always paid back in a timely manner. She always seem to find new and naive people to donate to her but I agree that her luck will run out. Locally her reputation must be shot. Word gets out very quickly and you can only manipulate so many times. She could fix it all but she doesn't want to. It is not fun to live on the edge, if that is what is truly happening to her but sometimes I just don't buy it. I can't afford half the crap she can, especially HBO to watch Game of Thrones !

  5. I think there is a year wait if you "lose" a hawk, so the hawk abuse is only on hold. There is no way she'll willingly give up hawks - too much photo opportunity and fake feral cred potential with her idiotic supporters.

    1. She just 'captured' another hawk recently, a male. (I think she probably bought it from another falconer because it was immediately after she 'lost' the other one.) What happened to him????

    2. Her license should be revoked. Report her to NYSDEC because her treatment of past hawks was not in keeping with their welfare.

      The attached includes:

      (g) The department may seize and place raptor(s) held pursuant to a falconry license if the falconer:
      (1) fails to provide proper care for the raptors in his or her possession that jeopardizes the health or welfare of the bird;


    3. She claims she released the female, trapped the male a few days later, and lost him in his first season.

  6. I am so confused about why she has gerbils and why she has only hinted about them on social media instead of writing about them. Gerbils breed lime crazy...I wonder if she is going to raise her own hawk food???

    1. *like, not lime. Oops.

    2. She tweeted about the gerbils again today. Someone asked her where they came from and the Pig Shocker said that they're not hers, she's watching them for a friend.

      A very trusting and naive friend. Hope they survive Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm...where animals go to die.

      $10 says the gerbils wind up in a quiche made by a drunk Jenna.

  7. Anon7 - You asked in a previous thread if you thought we were making a difference. I would say somewhat, but not much. When I Iooked up the discussion on her crazy comment from 2015, "it takes a village to raise a Jenna", we were discussing the same things as now. But I do think we are keeping her in check. She knows she is being watched, but that does not stop her from begging and using the same manipulative tactics she has used from the beginning, i.e. mortgage, teeth, broke truck, etc. She is still taking money up front and either not delivering, or delivering very late, as evidenced by her comments to "remind her" or "it's ok to check in".

    I do think we are making a difference, but it is a slow chipping away. It's gone on much longer than I ever thought, but this is how erosion works. It's slow, it takes a long time, but it eventually happens.

    1. Thank you for responding! Even if it's not much, one thing's for sure: We are in her head. Probably all day long. Like you said, she knows she's being watched. I'll bet when she's tweeting and blegging she's wondering if what she's about to say will be called out by us.

      BTW, love your remark about erosion...so true.

  8. She is such a knucklehead with her writing.....she can't have a garden, it has to be a "kailyard". And apparently she and the dogs sip tea while watching a movie at night. Who knew dogs sipped tea? I guess she never ever rereads let alone rewords what she writes. And the last two lines are beyond nonsense.

    1. You're not kidding. Check out the insipid tweet storm she just shat out. Some nonsense about some kid she went to school with who stole money from another kid and lied about it. She ended the story by saying that saying that her professional life is like the lying, thieving kid. Pretty sure that's not what she meant to say. She should proof read that crap.

      Oh man, she must be drunk. She just added that the kid whole stole was not being bad. She's justifying his actions. Someone needs to put down the booze and step away from Twitter. That'll do, Jenna.

    2. Oh shit...you're not kidding either!

    3. Well guess what? Guess who still happens to have that Twitter window open and has not yet refreshed it? 👉 👉 👉 ME 👈 👈 👈 Lol. Busted, Pig Shocker! Here ya go, guys:

      ❝ Here is a moment hat changed my life. In 7th grade math the class clown, Marcus was making fun of struggling, sweet, Josh. While the substitute teacher wrote equations on the black board -Marcus stole Josh's backpack,

      As the sub wrote on the board, back to us - Marcus had Josh's Jansport and ran around the rows of desks - like a coyote with a bone. Josh was upset. Marcus reached into the small outer pocket and found a $5 bill. Us classmates watched in awe.

      The teacher whirled around (this all happened in seconds) and yelled at Marcus. Marcus, without a second of pause, held up the pack and money and said "Josh took my backpack and told me he wouldn't give it back unless I paid him $5!"

      and the teacher yelled at Josh.

      Josh got his pack back. I don't know if he got the $5 back. But I learned in school that studying and memorizing didn't mean smart. Marcus was the smart one. The one who when pressed figured out a horrific lie but mostly harmless.

      My entire adult professional life is being a little Marcus among the Josh's, whose laws I respect and honor.

      Meanin: being clever is funny when the stakes are 30 mins of detention and $5. Now, I don't have the same tolerance for managing injustice. Marcus wasn't bad, he was under his own gun. Josh is now happier. What I mean by all this is be kind. It isn't as funny. You do win. ❞

      BTW, as you re-read that to try to make any sense of it, please also note the plethora of typos, the criminal attempts at proper grammar, and the failure of coherent sentence structure. If this is not proof that she's drinking while supposedly sick with a mystery inflammatory illness, I don't know what is.

      🍷 🍺 Glug glug glug it up, Pig Shocker!

    4. Hope you screen shot too. That's gold, pure criminal aptitude and desires on display!

    5. I sure did! No wonder she deleted it. I'll bet she was the kind of kid who stole Twinkies and soda out of the other student's lunch bags.

    6. Wow Anon7. Just wow. That is GOLD. Please keep doing screen shots.

  9. I think she makes it look like she gets by on donations, in hopes that more people will donate. There's no way on God's green earth that she makes a living selling soap, shitty artwork and whatever other crap she posts. She's not selling enough to make a living, pay a mortgage, fix teeth, pay for dogs/dog food, horses/feed, not to mention continually fixing her truck, replacing broken cameras, cell phones, computers, hiking gear and all the other items that she is stupid enough to post about. She is playing on the hope that if potential donors see how much others are donating, well then they will too. It's a marketing tactic that she has absolutely run into the ground. She would have folded a long time ago if she didn't have some sort of fund or backup. Make no mistake, she does. She's also learned how to appear needy, downtrodden, and helpless. She is, after all, her own favorite poster child. Twitter-verse and Instgram only show what she wants people to see... and most people can follow her for two seconds and see that she is completely full of herself and full of of shit. I do agree with the erosion statement. It may take a while for her to get what the rest of us see. Perhaps it already has and she's simply fake tweeting because she thinks there are still people that believe her incessant lies?

    1. Lol at "her own favorite poster child" -- so true! And you're right...total marketing ploy. Like the time she wrote about how "someone" once bought a spam share and donated it to her local food bank. Bullshit. As one Shammer pointed out, they only accept food from official licensed businesses who have undergone inspections. Like they're really going to take some questionable random beef from some stinky scrappy wannabe farmer.

  10. We have been saying for a long time that Jenna will resort to saying she has a disease such as Lyme to bring in money.

    Surely Jenna realizes that people who raise donations by lying about having diseases such as cancer can be arrested and do prison time for doing so. But this is Jenna we're talking about....

    1. I think she's full of it. First she announced on Twitter that she found a swollen lymph node ABOVE her collarbone. Then a few days later she said on her bleg that it was UNDER her collarbone. As usual, she can't keep her stories straight.

      Also said in that bleg post: ❝ I feel tired, unusually so, and weak. ❞

      And since then, she's received no medication, no diagnosis, but suddenly she's feeling good enough to walk 4 MILES in addition to "farming", chit-chatting with neighbors, writing, doing artwork and spewing out a multitude of tweets that clearly show she's been surfing the internets and watching TV.

      Yet she feels weak and tired. More like tired of paying the monthly mortgage.

    2. Exactly Whackadoodle and Anon 7.


  11. We just need to document it and report it to the right authorities.

  12. Anon 10:29 has it right. Even before posting on CAST, we each must take a screen shot of offensive or dishonest behaviour (even if historic) and file it / notify authorities.

    Over the years, there have been multiple instances of her threats to others, divulging private information and obvious examples of animal neglect. When applicable laws or guidelines have been violated, Blogger, Twitter and any other regulatory body should have been informed. Thankfully, some have notified local or state officials when appropriate, and that's a good thing. Let's keep up the good work.

    We've joked internally and we've mostly served as a billboard to post the truth about shammy behavior. This has helped those who question what they read. I hope we've saved some people and animals along the way.

    Sigh. You know, what we really need is an investigative reporter, someone known for uncovering shams and scams.

  13. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ I can honestly say I have met some lovely people from reddit. I joined a [Heathen] subreddit and became a mod. Other mods have been to the farm, sent mail, shared stories and holiday gifts. Lovely. When that sub ended I stopped checking reddit. I miss those guys. ❞

    Liar. She fled reddit after being blasted for posting that stupid "I made it...I quit my job...I bought a farm" bullshit thread. She was hoping that reddit would see her as the special 🦄 she fancies herself to be, but instead they saw her for the 💩 that she is. She was called out, mocked, and shown the door.

    Jenna then ran back to her Heathen subreddit and shitposted a bunch of times in an attempt to bury that shitshow of her humble-brag "Get motivated" thread. Then she left reddit for good...or rather, was chased off.

    So where are all those lovely Heathen friends of hers now? They disappeared just like her Tyr's Good Handjob group. It's no coincidence that the Heathen subreddit died the same time as her "I made it" thread. Just like the Tyr's folk, they quickly realized they were being modded by an imposter and wanted nothing to do with her.

  14. There are sooooooo many things wrong with this tweet:

    ❝ If you're new here is my deal.: I quite my corporate job to live on my farm full time & pursue sustainable ag/writing. That was 7 years ago. Now I make a living by farming, design, art, soap, & writing. I'm a one-woman queer business. I depend on you to stay here! DM to order! ❞

    Double punctuation, misspelled words. Lies. Irrelevant statements. Dishonesty. Tax avoidance. She's trying to rope in new suckers. And she contradicts herself. She makes a living by farming and insteading...but also depends on new poodles to stay on that farm? BTW, the "If you're new here" line was stolen from our CAST blog, and is something that several of us say quite often. Ugh, what a copy can't.

  15. Alright...that's enough Jenna Woginrich for me today.

    BTW, Hound Doggy, thanks for the new thread! 👍

  16. Laughing at Jenna fondly recalling Reddit, or pretending to readers that she fondly recalls Reddit.

    If you're new here, look up "Shieldmare" on Reddit, FFF's attempt several years ago to trawl for new poodles. Her posts turned up frequently, usually spouting off more of her shallow nonsense or trying for Atta-girls. Only one of her posts was, ahem, popular.

    Her first, infamous post was "5 years ago I quit a job I hated to farm, write and live like fiction. I made it." Jenna received 35,900 DOWNVOTES. The best comments on her post included:

    *This is some Bullshit straight outta HGTV.

    *Not going to lie, this has sketchy all over it.

    *...why is there a twitter account and groups of people dedicated to calling you a sham?

    *What did you do with the $15,000 that you collected through the Kickstarter campaign named Birchthorn?

    Ahh, sweet delusional memories.

    1. Aww that was the best. She got the shit kicked out of her!!

    2. Yes she did. And there is another reddit thread where she humble-brags about her purposely "low tech" lifestyle. How "cool" and "nerdy" she is to use a landline, not a cell phone. Pics of her "woodstove coffee percolater" and her old truck.

      She got called out real quick, was told she was posting only for online attention and validation. When someone called her a hypocrite, she replied with a condescending "darlin'" comment and the post just deteriorated from there.

      Between both those reddit threads and the 4-5 posts on Jon Katz's blog where he discusses what a beggar she's become, it's all very insightful reading.

  17. I just read "The Confidence Game" and have some insight into why people donate $ to her and why she will never quit.

    People are basically good and honest. So when she writes her begfests, people believe because they project their own values onto her. If she says it's so, it must be true. The interesting part comes when she's outed. People like us catch on, but there is another group who refuse to see the truth. They still believe that if she says so, it must be true. They want to believe the fantasy. This is the group that keeps her in business.

    She will never change and she will never look for a job. Thanks to the world wide web and anonymity of the internet, she can write what ever she wants without offering any proof, and there are a lot of fools who will believe her.

    Another reason people donate without vetting her is that humans are social creatures. Our very survival depends on cooperation. It's in our DNA to help people when they are in need. Unfortunately, a small percent of the population are takers only, and our FFF is one of them. It's hard for many people to see that, otherwise JFW would no longer be in business.

    So she is never going to change. She may alter her strategy because she knows she's being watched. The only thing we can do is get the word out. There are some people who blame the victim saying it's their fault for being gullible, but I don't buy that. I think we all have a grandmother/mother/aunt/sister/cousin/friend who has a kind heart and can be easily duped. It is those people I want to protect, which is why I am here.

    1. I used to belong to a group on "Ravelry," a knitting /crochet site, the owner claimed to be an Irish woman who had 21 or 22 brothers and sisters and a gran who was 100, and they were heirs to the Guinness fortune. Soon after the group started some of us became suspicious that the stories weren't true. Duh. Others became very defensive. Meanwhile, Meagan and her sock puppet family were busy telling stories, selling knitting patterns and collecting money for all the charities, because some of them were Dr's or lawyers, or scientists. I found out last year that they identified and caught the scammer. It was only one of her scams, but she's in jail. That's one reason I keep reading this blog. She'll slip up some day.

    2. Even Belle Gibson finally got caught with her lucrative cancer scamming. And Apple also pulled her Whole Pantry app. We can't wait until the FFF fucks up beyond repair.

  18. OMG, Just read the Marcus/Josh post. So she admitted that her career has been one of stealing and lying? She must have been drunk. No wonder she deleted it.

    1. Yes!! I wasn't sure anyone else had seen it. She literally admitted to using dishonesty to get ahead in life. I knew she would delete it almost immediately. I regret not screen shotting it. Definitely drunk.

    2. It'd be nice if we could post actual screen shots as proof of her stupidity and scamming. Recaps are okay, but they're not as good.

    3. Is there a setting to allow photos to be posted in comments?
      That would be great to be able to post screen shots.
      If not, maybe HD could start new threads for each bleg post and post a screen shot of the bleg post at the beginning of the threads. Then when PS deletes or edits the bleg posts, we will have the originals posted.

      If HD doesn't have time to take screen shots when PS posts, we could email them to her.

  19. The drunk writes: My neighbor is granting me permission to do a trial run of backpacking with the dogs on his land. We are allowed to walk across the street and hike on hundreds off acres of trails, camp, cook, and sleep under the stars near the farm! This is so great!

    The neighbor has no idea how much Jenna will take advantage of this. The neighbor is assuming Jenna will be a good land steward and leave no trace behind, but she will probably trash the place. I would never allow a person like her on my property no matter how big it is. She will leave trash, shit in his woods, ride her horses there too and other things; she will now think this is her property too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Someone who has time to hike on hundreds of acres, camp, cook and sleep under the stars must not be in poor financial shape.

    3. I would venture to say that it's another lie and example of PS saying "my neighbor the police officer trusts me, so you should too." If the officer is granting her access, it's because it's a great way to monitor her activities- make her think that no one suspects her of her various wrongdoings.

      She is more than likely still waddling about the land belonging to her other neighbor, the child abusing cult. No one could tell the difference of where her photos are taken.

  20. Wow! That Josh and Marcus story. So telling, especially this:

    "Josh got his pack back. I don't know if he got the $5 back. But I learned in school that studying and memorizing didn't mean smart. Marcus was the smart one. The one who when pressed figured out a horrific lie but mostly harmless."

    Normal people identify with Josh. The good kid who was the victim of theft. But she identifies with Marcus, the liar and thief! And how is thieving and lying harmless???

    She has pretty much admitted that she makes her money via "horrific" lies. Nice catch, CAFTsters!

  21. I think it's telling that not once has any family member or friend ever come here to defend her.

    1. That we know. On the old blog we had a defender a couple of times.

    2. Red, wasn't it determined that the defender was Jenna?

      As for her parents, it sounds like she's even more distant than from what she wrote here, 3-4 years ago:

      ❝ My very conservative, Catholic, parents are visiting for a few days. We are not very close and only see each other a few times a year. ❞

      She wrote about that visit on her bleg. And unless I missed it, they haven't visited since. I get the feeling they're ashamed of her online panhandling.

    3. Hound Doggy and many others thought it was Jenna. I thought it was Patty a couple of times.

    4. I also think that her parents more than likely frequently encouraged her to get treatment for her mental illnesses and Pig Shocker refused.
      PS has always refused to take advice or listen to reasoning.

  22. I wonder if she used mortgage/truck/tooth money for a service like Reputation Defender. It wouldn't be the first time she tried to outsource her reputation. Remember she had her heathens doing her charity work? Funny thing is, if she were honest, she wouldn't need to worry about her reputation. But since she has admitted she is a liar and a thief, courtesy of the lesson she learned from Marcus, I guess her reputation will continue to suffer.

  23. The liar/scammer/bullshitter today:
    Friday and I are going to smash a mountain today. Or at least hike to a local viewpoint to cook lunch and read a chapter of a book. Taking advantage of this 20% chance of rain!

    In other words, if you are still waiting on your logo, tough shit.

    1. What in the actual f*** is she doing with her life? She has no direction, no goals, nothing, just breathing, eating and scamming.

    2. Anonymous 2:38. What would one expect from a lazy lifestyle loser like JFW? She can't just take a hike like a normal adult. Nah, she has to "mountain smash" like a moron with her horrid purple prose.

    3. The day before that she tweeted:

      ❝ The more I write into this new book the more I want to drop everything and backpack with my 2 dogs and I think that is a good sign for this book. ❞

      How is that a good sign? Dropping everything to go hiking would only make sense if she was experiencing writer's block. So I take it that this means her latest book proposal is about mountain smashing with trail dogs? Wow, sounds absolutely riveting. A real page turner. Said no publisher ever.

    4. I love to hear that Pig Shocker is hoping for a book deal knowing that after the Birchthorn kickstarter theft she won't ever be published again. PS deserves to get her hopes up and then have them completely destroyed.

      If she had any talent, publishers could possibly look past her terrible reputation in hopes that she might make them some money.
      However, PS's writing SUCKS.

      Pig Shocker is talentless, publishing poison.

  24. Yo we be smashing a mountain of freedom fries at Smash Burger
    Pass the catsup and pass the cabbage poodles, Mama needs another
    Meanwhile prepare for some chemo charity crusade to begin, you know she's got health problems, and it's time to hit the lottery of scam
    Sort of sad and mad at the same time, I'm conflicted, I'll order a logo but F the soap

  25. I was wondering if one of our clever artists here could make a unicorn emoji with a poop unicorn? Glasses and a hat would be cute on a bigger image.


    1. When you say "make" do you mean for someone to create one via coding? Or are you asking if they already exist? There are a few that you should be able to access in your computer:

      Unicorn poop emojis: 🦄 💩

      And here are glasses and a hat: 👓 🕶 👒

    2. Thanks, Anon7. I was thinking of a new one where the horn is made of a poop pile. Maybe a cartoon illustration would be better. I can see it in my mind, but can't draw for anything.

    3. Anon please don't besmerch unicorns with a poopy horn. They have a hard enough time, what with missing the Ark and all.

      I think a cartoon of a poopy-colored blocky creature, wearing childish pigtails, glasses and a coonniving grin should do it.

    4. It would be funny to ask Pig Shocker to draw it as a "logo."

  26. This Twitter post, whether describing the spouse or the main farmer, describes a typical day/night in the life of a real farmer.


    No tweets, no wandering hills to read a chapter on the top of a ridge, no binge-watching Netflix and no incessant playing on the Internet. In fact, probably no "fun" activities at all UNTIL.THE. WORK. IS. DONE.

    Pig Shocker or her strident fans would never understand.

    1. Poods, what a fascinating Twitter account -- thanks for posting! I spent a good amount of time looking thru this guy's feed and there's so much interesting stuff to see (especially if you click on the photos only link). This man (and his wife) look super busy. You'll notice that he doesn't tweet every day, all day. He's so farmwork occupied that he only tweets every few days, unlike the Pig Shocker who tweets all day long.

      So a few questions: On the April 27th tweet he posted a pic of something in sacks and wrote: "If you're cold, they're cold. Bring them inside." Now, I know he has barn cats and other animals, but I don't see any in the photo. So what is he talking about there?

      Also, can any of you farm experts tell me exactly what this guy does? I see corn, cows, fields of some sort of grain. And...why do his cows have their ears pierced twice with numbering tags? Wouldn't one tag suffice?

      On April 15 he said that someone stole a young calf out of this pasture. Why would someone do that, and how would they do that? Just get it to hop into their truck? Is farm animal theft a big thing in the heartland?

      Also, a December 2nd 2018 post shows that they were canning fresh beef chunks cuz their freezer is full. So then where would they put those 16+ jars? Wouldn't it go bad after a week?

      As for his awesome name (Dirt Turner) I suspect that's not real but rather a play on words because he has tractors and turns dirt? Lol. BTW, sorry for all these goofy questions, but his Twitter account really peaked my curiosity, and as someone from a big city, I hardly can figure out what I'm looking at. The only thing that is clear is that this guy and his family are REAL farmers.

    2. I found his Twitter account to be fascinating. Having lived in Iowa some years ago, I could relate to a lot of what he wrote, but he has a great way of expressing himself.

      Notice that, unlike our FFF, as a real farmer he feeds his livestock from feed troughs, so the animals don't mix food with their own manure. Even a cramped feed lot (for finishing, fattening up or feeding) has better sanitation standards than Pig Shocker.

      His comment about leaving the seed corn out on a cold night was a joke, I think, treating corn like livestock or family pets. Not entirely sure though. ?

    3. As a farmer in Iowa I can enlighten you somewhat...seed corn is kept inside. It is too valuable to be left in the elements. (Especially with very little margin for profit in corn/soybean operations).

      Ear tags in cattle are for identification; they not only tell you who the calf's mother is in case they get separated, they identify if an animal needs to be treated for an injury or sickness, they can be RFID (radio frequency) tags or they can be metal tags telling that the calf had certain vaccinations. Many times another tag is added called a "fly tag". Fly tags have insecticide on them (like DEET or pyrethrins) to help keep flies away from the calves. Flies want to either suck on mammals blood or go to a mammal's eyes and drink. Fly tags keep the fly numbers down somewhat to discourage pinkeye.

      Any other cattle questions I would be happy to answer...I have 90 head of beef cows that I calve out and have a monoslope feeder barn that holds 300 head of feeders. Oh, and I'm female.

    4. Wow. Thanks for the info Anon 9:11. When I lived in Iowa (north of Quad Cities), local farmers mostly grew corn, soybeans and hogs. Not too much beef as I remember.

      How is the tariff situation affecting you and your community?

    5. Double wow! Thanks for all the info. That's cool that you were able to identify what was in those bags. I thought it was dog food, lol.

      Very, very happy to hear that those tags help keep flies away from the animals. I've seen video of horses and cows just covered in flies and felt so bad for them.

      Up until about 10 years ago I thought that the only part of a cow that was eaten was the body. Then I worked at this place where "Beef cheek ravioli" was on the menu and was kinda shocked to find that it really was meat from the cow's cheeks. There's a restaurant in LA called "Animal" that serves unusual animal parts like heads, bone marrow, pig's ears, tails...really unusual stuff. Who knew you could eat all that?

  27. Twitter Twaddle:

    "The more I write into this new book the more I want to drop everything and backpack with my 2 dogs and I think that is a good sign for this book."

    Judging by the fact that no one responded to this insipid tweet implies that it's very stupid.

    She also boasted about not having Lyme. Now, let's wait for either another illness or crisis so she can continue her super scamming from PayPal poodles.

    Also, "LOGOS ON SALE! FLAT RATES AND HALF PRICE OPTIONS!" The crude all caps has a hysterical, bullying feel to it, and her crap is always "on sale" and "half price." So there aren't any savings. It's manipulative marketing. Even at discounted prices few people want to buy overpriced, childish scrawling. She didn't mention her poor "pet portraits," too.

    1. What she does next, regarding her "mystery" illness, will be very telling. On her bleg she stated that she's been given a negative for lymphoma and that her dental x-rays did not show any infection. And now she's been given the all clear for Lyme disease. So now what?

      If this was just a pathetic ploy for sympathy donations, then we'll hear no more about it. Talk of her swollen lymph node will simply vanish. Her latest tweet does not mention further testing. So she's all better now?

    2. Anon7. She covertly made mention of her mortgage in this desperate tweet yesterday:

      "Have a goal of making 2 sales a day for the next seven days to make the month! Send a DM to order a batch of soap or get some art! Or if you're interested, come take a class!"

      And we all know that her promise of classes and lessons are based on not getting foreclosed in the future. So she'll still get money up front, like for her oversold crap meat, it'll all be spent on non-essential items like Amazon Prime, hair extensions etc...

      She also tweeted another dumb poll with different amounts of money to vote on:

      "What is considered a decent salary for a 35 year old homeowner? I know your location, housing market, etc factor in. I'm saying off the top of your head, what do you THINK sounds reasonable?"

      I think that she's trying to compare herself with other people in her age-range who own homes. But none of them will be lazy lifestyle losers like JFW, so it's just another attention-seeking device from the FFF. At least, she finally used question marks appropriately for once.

    3. "but it'll all be spent..."

    4. A goal of two sales a day for seven days. Good luck with that. She'd be better off asking the Iron Bank of Braavos for a loan.

      And that poll...so stupid. The results will vary greatly based on where someone lives. 55K might work in some areas, but not in big cities. I wonder what her angle is with this poll. Like when the results are in, will she casually mention that her income is just 20K and hope for pity donations?

    5. Swollen lymph nodes could also be mono. Which means she'd be sleeping SO MUCH and have NO ENERGY, SEND DONATIONS to help her pay for someone to help with the animals!

    6. I would bet that she has nothing wrong with her other than her untreated mental disorders. It's all lies to generate money.

  28. Anon 7 if the farmer and his wife and canning beef chunks it is in a pressure canner in canning jars. It is safe to use for I think 18 months. Nope it doesn't go bad have done this before and you will never find more tender chunks of beef great to use in any dish you want. Have also done sloppy Joes this way in canning also. Sounds strange but it is good.

    1. Thanks for your answer! So it's vacuum-packed beef that can be stored in your pantry for 18 months? Wow. Not sure if you saw the pics on that farmer's Twitter, but the finished product looks like some sort of liquid was added before sealing the jars.

    2. Anon7, look up canning and you'll see lots of examples. Now I mostly can acidic fruits and vegetables (jams, jellies, pickles, tomatoes, salsa), less chance of botulism and they only need a hot water bath to sterilize.

      Hats off to Anon and others who routinely can meats, fish and low acid vegetables. This is serious canning and requires top notch technique. Using a pressure cooker allows higher temp for better sterilization and the liquid in the jar keeps out air, which can oxidize or taint the flavor. The pressure cooker, like the water bath, vacuum seals the jar of food.

      As Anon said, done right, the taste is better than any canned meat commercially available.

    3. I certainly will! I remember one of my grandmothers used to can this awful jelly from her fruit trees. It tasted just like the time I bit into a battery...just horrific. Something tells me she didn't know what she was doing, lol.

    4. Many of us can lots of product and also can meat. Canning is not the same as vacuum-packed or dried. The shelf life of canned meat is up to five years.

    5. My grandmother used to can meats, including head cheese and whole chickens she'd put in some very large jars. My mother said she would cover beef venison with tomato juice, and that when you opened the jars it was delicious smelling.

    6. Redhorse - that's fab that your grandmother got whole chickens into jars! I like the idea of the venison with tomato juice, that would really tame down the gaminess. I might have to try that.

      Anon7 - there's been lots of good info here. As Poodle said, acidic foods can be "hot water bathed." Which means canned by cooking the filled jars in hot water.

      Soups, meats, etc., must be pressure canned. The pressure allows the temperature to go higher than the temp of boiling water. High enough to kill botulism. There are very stringent rules and recipes for this, although a lot of people with a lot of experience might do it a more old-school way. For example, some people process jams by just turning the filled hot jars over on the counter and letting them sit.

      It can be confusing at first, but is really interesting. My mother said the best pork chop she ever had had been canned in gravy by her aunt in Norway.

      Dehydrating's also cool. Anon7 - we've got to get you into the country some day.

    7. I've always marinated venison in beer. It totally cuts out the gaminess.

    8. This is all so interesting! All these ways of making and preserving your own food -- all my mother ever did was go to the supermarket, lol. But at least I did learn some very good home cooking from my Mexican/Spanish aunt and grandmother. So there's that at least.

      My taco meat is amazing. 🌮 Hint: Don't drain the grease. And lard is your friend. (But not your best friend.)

  29. 🍺 🍷 Looks like someone is hittin' the bottle extra early tonight. On Twitter just now, she's talking about not having the time to click an Instagram pic link attached to a tweet (something that literally takes one second):

    ❝ I am sure the picture is nice, but I will never swap over to Instagram to see the photo you linked to here on Twitter. I am not made of time. ❞

    Not made of time? She spends the majority of her day online browsing useless content on both Twitter and Instagram. And when she's not doing that, she's out mountain smashing or taking in a farmer's matinee. There is NO WAY she would make such an obviously bullshit statement if she was sober.

    1. Jenna is such a condescending twat. I doubt if anyone gives a shat if a crazy person like her looks at their photo.

      Anyone who spends 24/7 on social media, like Pig Shocker, has nothing but time.

  30. Hey, you know how we were talking about whether or not we've made a difference with our efforts to expose Jenna Woginrich's lies and scams? Based on this reddit post (which included a link for her foreclosure GoFundMe), I think she's not getting as many pity donations as she was:

    ❝ I am offering some custom artwork, cheap, to help stop my farm from impending foreclosure. All sales of artwork go towards catching up on the mortgage. (Making monthly payments isn't a challenge, catching up on late ones from a hard stretch I was in, is). So if you want to get a hand-drawn and painted postcard in the mail or something fancier, perhaps click to support this one-woman-farm. ❞

    She wrote that just two years ago. So making the monthly mortgage wasn't a challenge then? Wow, how things have changed. She now struggles hard each month. A struggle as hard as the alcohol in her morning coffee. So yeah, I think between this blog, and the recently disappeared CASTwitter, people were became aware of her bullshit.

    1. How much did she make off the GoFundMe?

    2. Do you mean Birchthorn? $15,000.

    3. I'd like to see where it was, too. It wasn't Birchthorn, according to Anon7.

    4. That's what I was wondering. As far as I know, GoFundMe is the one fundraiser that PS hasn't used and abused yet.

    5. No, Birchthorn was Kickstarter. I thought she had done gofundme at least once.

    6. OK, it's a bit confusing but here goes: It looks like she used a crowdfunding site called "Generosity" which was a part of Indiegogo, which has since been acquired by GoFundMe. Indiegogo is just like Kickstarter, where people give you money, but you have to offer a tangible item/perk in return. Whereas GoFundMe and Indiegogo's Generosity allow you to accept money without giving anything in return, unless you want to.

      So Jenna started a campaign and posted the link to reddit on the "Homesteading" subreddit. The link is here:


      So it looks like GoFundMe archived Jenna's campaign when they acquired Generosity. Not sure if there's anyway to find it however. I do know that both GoFundMe and Indiegogo keep old campaigns up for years, but not sure about the Generosity ones. The link just shows that she did have one.

      And I don't know how much money she made but I'd guess not very much because she posted the link twice and received hardly any comments. Womp womp.

    7. I searched for "Generosity by Indiegogo" and found a search result that said: "Generosity by Indiegogo ARCHIVES - Indiegogo Blog"

      Here is the link: https://go.indiegogo.com/blog/category/generosity-by-indiegogo

      I couldn't find her campaign but someone else might get lucky using a search term I haven't thought of.

    8. Oh she made close to 3 grand on that postcard fund thing. I remember it. She was asking for that much and I'm pretty sure she made it. Unbelivable.

  31. "Ya dirty?......" Nice advertising, Jenna. You truly are running out of ideas. With all your time hiking instead of "working and farming" you'll be needing some of that there special soap. Lots of it.

    1. If there was any truth in PS's advertising, she would say "Are you filthy like me? Smell like a hog? Buy some soap!"

  32. I am Anon 9:11 from earlier and answered some farm questions.

    Here is another one from PoodleDiDoo: "How is the tariff situation affecting you and your community?" My husband farms the soybeans and corn. This year between the ridiculous tariffs made by an administration that cares nothing about family farms, and the weather, times are tougher than usual. We don't have hogs (in fact I do not eat pork or chicken due to them being raised in huge CAFOs and polluting my water and air), but pork and soybean farmers are being hit the hardest by Trump's folly. Of course my dairy farmer friends have had a terrible time financially for a much longer time....they can barely survive with milk prices in the basement. Niche markets seem to be a ray of hope: small BST-free dairies that produce cheese for example, or some types of organic produce or livestock (a whole 'nother story here..) and here in the Midwest we are looking at producing industrial hemp and CBD which is pretty exciting!

    Someone asked about eating different cuts of a finished steer or heifer...yes you can eat the cheeks but I don't really know of anyone who does this (jowls in hogs) and organ meats (liver, heart, tongue), but tripe (stomach) and brains are no longer considered edible in the US.

    I hope that cleared up some foggy areas!

    I also am an experienced equestrienne so can answer equine questions as well.

    1. I eat the cheeks. I prepare them like pulled beef for BBQ or tacos. In fact, Mexicans like them for tacos. We have a German butcher who makes something like bacon from pork cheeks.

    2. Too funny....after I wrote the post I thought of a guy from church who buys quarters of beef from me - he also mentioned some way of using the cheek in a dish like the one you described...and he is from the Tex-Mex border! ha. My grandma used to talk about "headcheese" which would have been interesting to try...ever had it?

      Sorry to get off the topic of this site! I used to try to give JW some advice and even sent her some items. She snubbed me on the advice and never a word of thanks for the efforts of giving to her. She did instill in me a reluctance to take anyone I really did not know as genuine which is rather sad but I will never be taken advantage of again.

    3. Her lack of gratitude is due to a sense of self-entitlement. I wish that someone would slap the smug smirk off her fat face.

    4. I love hearing about regional foods and traditions. The world is becoming so homogenized that I think we should memorialize them whenever possible. MidwestFarmer - I'd love to try your beef sometime. Maybe if I ever do a long road trip, I could buy some. BTW, I have a relative who exports tripe to Asia, where they love it. We should have a second page here with Sham wisdom, recipes and techniques.

    5. Heya, Midwest Farmer - Thanks for sharing your JW story. Sorry to hear that your kindness and generosity were not appreciated by CAF's resident narcissist aka the Cambridge village idiot. I hope she didn't completely make you reluctant to help others, as you sound like a really nice and helpful person.

      And don't worry about going off topic. It happens now and then and no one seems to mind. Plus, it breaks up the monotony of Jenna Woginrich's stale scam methods. And most of the time the off topic subject is farming, gardening, homesteading...that type of stuff. Which serves to educate JW, as we know she reads here, so it's good for her to see just how things really ought to be done.

      And ditto on Chickqualizer's comment about regional talk. It seems that the majority of Shammers are into farming and enjoy hearing from other like-minded folks. And as someone from a big non-farming city, I certainly love to hear all this super interesting farm talk!

  33. What a coincidence that the Pig Shocker tweeted a photo of Kate Middleton on a swing in a garden. I saw that same pic earlier and all the green foliage and light vaguely reminded me of Jenna's demented toddler pic. And I thought, "Now that's how you pose (Kate)...that's doing it right."

    The Pig Shocker also made an ignorant comment regarding Kate's photo:

    ❝ As someone who is as far from royal as one can get, and hiked 4 miles today in the middle of the woods, this made me very sad to see someone excited about their terrarium swing. ❞

    WTF? Dissing the Duchess of Cambridge for sitting on a swing she created? Ugh, sit down Jenna, Demented Duchess of Cambridge NY, it's time for a little schooling: Yes, it's sort of a terrarium I guess. But it's actually an important garden exhibition at the Chelsea Flower Show in London.

    Kate designed that garden with the swing that made you sad to show the importance of children being outside during their formative years and how it's very important for their early mental health. She designed that sad little swing, along with a sad little tree house, to inspire parents to do the same with their gardens. To get them to put aside the computer games, the TV, and let their children be one with nature.

    And it's lovely how you tried to make that photo all about YOU. All about how YOU hiked 4 miles in the woods while a princess, who you are obviously very envious of, sits on her sad little swing. You are an idiot. Kate designed that garden for charity and to support mental health for children. How ironic that you diss someone for not being in the "real" outdoors when their garden exhibition promotes that very concept.

    You should think before you make dumb comments about things you don't know about. Which reminds me of an earlier tweet of yours where someone (wrongly) reported that children of LGBT parents could be stripped their US citizenship. You stupidly replied, "WHAT?" before someone smarter replied that it's fake news. Did you honestly believe that could happen? Have you ever read the US Constitution? Obviously not or you would know that there are only a few reasons this could happen and being the child of gay parents is not one. It's a huge relief that someone like you isn't interested in having children. Huge.

    1. Forgot to add that Kate's garden exhibition is called, "Back to Nature" and if the Pig Shocker had bothered to click on the link she posted, she would have seen that along with this:

      "I believe that spending time outdoors when we are young can play a role in laying the foundations for children to become happy, healthy adults.” -The Duchess of Cambridge 👑

    2. Don't you know? Everything that happens in this world is a reflection on her, and how she either invented it, knew about it, but knew better, or it isn't as good as everyone says, because she does not like it. Everything is about her, the little narcissist.

    3. That's possibly the thing I hate most about Jenna: she always has to yuck someone else's yum in order to prove her own worth. Grow up. It's not cute, it's negative and off-putting and childish.

    4. Her "own worth" is only measured by approval of blue check accounts on Twitter. She has zero self-awareness.

    5. I'm still incredibly irritated that Jenna Woginrich would pick on an innocent, well meaning, and all around lovely person who is trying to make a difference in children's lives.

      If I was one of Jenna's customers still waiting for a sketch that I paid for months ago, I would tweet this in response to her idiotic tweet:

      "As someone who is as far from lazy as one can get, and worked 16 hours at a job in order to pay for dog artwork, this made me very sad to see someone excited about wasting time smashing mountains while they could have been completing my sketch."

    6. Pig Shocker really gives new meaning to the word idiot. She has pickled her brain with booze and junk food and who knows what else.

  34. Lessons in how to keep the mortgage company at bay, Faux Feral Farmer style:

    1. Instead of working to earn money to pay your mortgage and bills, spend the day mountain-smashing with your dog, using your non-existent camera to photograph dog and flowers.
    2. Brag about your dog's new Wolf Packs Banzai Dog Pack. List Price $79
    3. As if you weren't enough of a wannabe, festoon trendy dog pack with "Trail Dog" and "50 miles" patches @ an additional $8.
    4. Be sure to let your dog roam freely (without leash) during busy trail weekend. Forgot the dog previously acted aggressively toward others? Be snide that some people frowned at your dog and blame it on "Manchester, VT" people.
    5. Cry how poor and terrified you are because you don't have enough money to pay your mortgage.
    6. Hope people don't remember that just a few days ago, you were terrified and begged for money because your were horribly sick. Now, without treatment of any sort, it appears you're cured and are able to hike and play in the woods. Now I forget...where was the scary swelling again? You posted that it was under the collarbone one time, and over the collarbone the next time. I know, it's HARD to keep the stories straight

    1. Spot on. And she probably feels she's earned the right to buy some non-essntial dog props because she worked sooooooo hard to earn all that poodle cash.

      And yes, her mystery illness. All that talk of possible cancer, lyme disease, mono, tooth infection, swollen lymph nodes. Now it's radio silence. Somehow the Demented Duchass of Cambridge NY has been magically cured and able to leap tall mountains in a single waddle. Must be something in the water she mixes into her whisky.

    2. Pig Shocker doesn't want to take the leap to saying she has a disease when she doesn't actually have it because people have been in the news doing the same who have been arrested for it and prosecuted.
      Instead, she is doing the next best thing and saying she "might" have them. In the time it takes to supposedly get the tests back, she milks the possible diagnoses for all they're worth.

      It's another Karma issue. One day she will have horrible health problems and no one will believe her because she will be known as the Pig Shocker who cried wolf.

  35. 4 people who gave Gibson dirty looks
    Perhaps they wanted and should have had found your dog LEASHED and not loose

    1. You are absolutely right. I've spoken about this before...my contempt for those who ignore trail signs that clearly state that your dog MUST be on a leash at all times. Screw people like Jenna Woginrich who think that the rules don't apply to them. If her dog were to run full speed up to someone, and that person was frightened and kicked her dog, that would be a real shame as it wouldn't be the poor dog's fault.

      But see, she's thinking that it's alright because her dogs are sweet and would never hurt anyone. Well, maybe so. But she doesn't realize that there are people who are absolutely terrified of big dogs due to past traumatic experiences. And these people don't know her dog, they don't know if it's friendly or aggressive. Why strike panic in the hearts of others by letting your dog roam loose? It's incredibly selfish and she should be fined for that shit.

    2. Gibson was probably limping along like a dog who is in pain from an untreated tick bourne disease and/or he is was being his often decribed unfriendly self. Either would definitely cause some dirty looks aimed at the Pig Shocker, not at Gibson.

      Speaking of Gibson, I remember on the old CAS site when someone posted asking why PS would name her dog Gibbons after a type of monkey. We are all well aware that PS thinks she's so cool because she picked a common name of a guitar brand to name her dog. The comment quickly got a reply along the lines of "His name is GIBSON like the guitar." No doubt from Jenna.

      Someone later commented on a pic of "Gibbons" running asking why PS would post a photo of her dog taking a crap (while he was running the photo captured him in a crouching position).
      That also earned a quick reply of "GIBSON was RUNNING." No doubt both replies were from Pig Shocker. Both comments were obviously made just to ruffle Pig Shocker's feathers and they totally made me crack up when she fell for them hook, line and sinker.

  36. Hey, did y'all see the AMAZING DEAL the Pig Shocker is offering today to two lucky suckers?

    ❝ Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! I am offering a sale of 20 bars of goatsmilk soap (mix of molds and scents!) right now to the next 2 people who are interested in a supply to last a while! Gotta make sales SOON so grab this sale while you can! (soaps will ship by July) DM! ❞

    Let's do some math, Shammers!!

    20 (yes, frickin' twenty) low quality melt 'n pour soaps X $6 a bar = 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵

    That's $120.00 for soap. One hundred and twenty dollars!

    🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

    But no worries, cuz it will last a loooooooong time!

    Even people who have an abundance of disposable income are NOT going to buy $120 worth of questionable soaps. The Pig Shocker is clearly off her rocker if she thinks she's gonna get even one person, much less two, that will take her up on that ridiculous offer. What a racket.

    1. Lmao, in the comments for that tweet, Neko Case, who is s successful singer/songwriter (in other words, a celebrity who has money) said this:

      ❝ You are BUSY. Salute! ❞

      Oooh, what a BURN! 🔥 And definitely not what Jenna wanted to hear. Jenna wants some of Neko's hard-earned cash! So she replied back:

      ❝ I am trying to be! I'd say I get a sale for every 10 times I post about it. Maybe 5 a week? Trying to get more! ❞

      Lol, in other words: I don't get many sales! Please buy from me! You have money!! Please?!?

    2. Jenna is pitiful and weak, weak, weak.

  37. Just a thought: You know how we've discussed how the Pig Shocker doesn't have a website or any prices listed for what she tries to sell? DM me she says! Email me she says! One of the main theories is that she's trying to avoid the tax man by making her sales look more like donations.

    (Hidden prices = hidden income)

    There's been this radio commercial in my area these past few months. It's a plumber ad where they accuse their competition of "driveway pricing" which means that the plumber decides on a price depending on the cars they see parked in the driveway. So upon seeing a couple of banged up 90s economy sedans they'll quote the job at the lower end of the scale. But if they see a brand new BMW and a shiny new Range Rover, they'll give a sky high quote. Makes sense, albeit a despicable practice.

    So I was thinking, I wonder if the Pig Shocker does the same. Someone DM's her, emails her, it's not like a phone call where you answer right away. So that affords her the time to look these people up and see if they seem like the average joe or if they are Richie Rich. This would make sense as sometimes she says she's having a sale, sometimes the crap is half off...it always changes so there's no clear idea of what her ridiculous prices are.

    If she does indeed do this, I wonder what you'd call it? A quick online search often yields info on what a person's profession is, how successful they are. How they dress and how nice their home looks offers an idea of how much disposable income they have. So would it be called "Lifestyle pricing" ???

    1. I think you're right about her.

    2. That could be. The only thing is, Pig Shocker is incredibly lazy. Though she does go to outlandish ends to scam money from people...

    3. I've inquired for pet portrait pricing before. Not because I actually wanted one, I was just being nosey about her undisclosed rates. She was running a half off sale at the time so the quote was $50, normally $100.

      I'm curious if anyone else has ever asked for a quote.

  38. Poor little desperate JFW.

    Twitter Twaddle:

    "Logos are on sale, ALWAYS, if you buy a spot 8 weeks in advance. It's ha;f the regular rate! DM to get one, gift one, this farm needs to make sales ASAP!"

    Note that "ha;f" is spelled incorrectly. Guess that she couldn't take time to edit her stupid tweet. Once she reads my comment, however, she might make the correction. This has happened a few times. And "this farm" always "needs to make sales ASAP!" It's because the FFF won't get off her fat ass and just get a job. What a whiner.

    1. Sometimes I don't understand how she can live like she does. If I had no job and had to rely on the kindness of Twitter to pay my bills, I'd be an anxious alcoholic.

      Just like Jenna.

    2. Anon7. Most normal adults don't "understand how she can live like she does." Especially, since she has a college degree, blew the Orvis opportunity, and is also able-bodied.

  39. The twat:
    If you are far away and want to support Cold Antler, throw a few dollars into the hat for the 10+ years of writing about it at http://barnheart.com — you can do so via https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF

    Ten years of WRITING? more like ten years of online begging, bragging, and scamming. Girl be trippin'.

    1. So far this month she's not used the "M" word...Mortgage. Instead it's all about making the monthly bills, the medical bills.

      Even someone as stupid as her knows she'd be pushing her luck in asking for both her medical bills AND her mortgage to be paid while she plays.

  40. Have you seen the shitty "fence" in the area where the lambs are supposedly being kept? It's a few metal poles, barely in the ground and leaning way forward with some crappy netting drapped between them.

    Pig Shocker is so nuts and so adament in showing that she has some livestock that she couldn't help herself but take a photo. Looking at the photo, I can't see past the lazy, craptastic "fences." I also noticed it seems to be away from the barn. The barn has most likely finally caved in all the way.

    Pig shocker also made a point to say she "sold" her previous livestock to give herself more freedom. Tsk, tsk, lie, lie.
    PS gave away the livestock for FREE and she only did so after she was investigated for animal neglect (AGAIN).

    Also mentioned- the photos were taken with her cracked iphone she recently "found."
    Can you say bulllllshit? Miss Adament She Doesn't Have A Cell Phone's ip address frequently showed up on the former CAS site using a cell phone device. She's always had one and due to her mental illness, thinks that by saying she doesn't use one makes her unique and such a rebel.
    PS has recently realized that you can find the source of any photo online and what device the photo was taken with so she conviently "found" an old cellphone. She said the camera she received from a reader broke. What does that moron do to her cameras that they are constantly breaking?
    Odds are it's just more woe is me give me money bullshat.

    PS ended the latest bleg by saying if you want to contribute to her medical tests, click here. Um, dumbass, you recently said you have insurance. PS can't keep track of all of her lies. Expect a tweet abour her high deductibles and copays in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....

    1. Yes, she didn't take her Appalachian trail pictures with a Kindle. What a liar.

      Agree about the lamb pen. Crappy fencing, metal poles about to fall over. I'd be embarrassed af over that lamb shed, not snapping pics of it. Does that woman not know that paint or stain or whitewash preserves wood?? What an incompetent homesteader.

      Right now, with that perilous fencing and pitiful shed, the three little lambs look like coyote chow.

    2. PS would gladly give them to the coyotes she loves so much. What a nutjob.

  41. Is she kidding? The camera someone gifted her broke? AGAIN? How many camera breaks can one have? Just like the root canals, I guess they are unlimited. She is also asking for people to pay her medical tests. Girl I don't give a rats ass what you have or don't have. I do know you have no heart, no soul and are a scamming thief. I thought you had insurance, you twit. Get a job, you loser. You aint no farmer. Those lambs are gonna die with that shitty fencing. A coyote or something will get them. Will go ahead and dream on then, but don't expect me to contribute to your lazy existence.

    1. Completely agree! She's too stupid to keep track of her lies and has forgotten she told social media that she has insurance. Next tweet will be all about her high deductibles and/or copays. 🤔

    2. I think she said that her deductible is $400. And on the bleg she stated her medical bills are $600 so far. Funny how all the tests came back negative and she's magically cured anyway. The only real thing wrong with her is a severe allergy to work.

      Don't forget, on April 30th she said she cracked a root-canaled tooth. Then said something about seeing the dentist. Wonder what happened to that emergency?

    3. She only pushes the medical bills beg so far and then stops. You can tell when people must be dming her with advice and suggestions. She doesn't want to solve a problem with anything other than someone else's money.

      It's like she pulls back so she can use the same beg again in the future, which she does over and over again.

  42. Ser Pounce looks like he is trapped in the fencing. The post is in front of him and the fencing is behind him.....doesn't the feral farmer know how to attach fencing to the posts? She uses the lightest gage field fencing so why did she need bolt cutters? Most farmers would use fencing pliers.

    1. FYI, although everyone probably knows this, but if you want to zoom in on her photos, go to her bleg and click on the photo, which enlarges it, and then click on it again for closer inspection. Those animal's lives depend on it!

  43. As always, the customer pays while the Pig Shocker plays:

    ❝ Logos are on sale, ALWAYS, if you buy a spot 8 weeks in advance. ❞

    ❝ I'm on a real backpacking tear right now because it's fun and it's giving me my first trips away from the farm in 8 years. So I am watching all these thru hikers on Youtube. ❞

    Yeah, wait two months while Jenna Woginrich smashes some mountains before starting work on yer logo. And if you haven't received it after the 3rd or 4th month, simply email her to remind her! (Although she's really hoping you'll forget entirely.) Hiking...because it's fun! Logo work...not so much.

    1. Oh man, it gets worse. On her bleg she boasts that she's gonna waste time allllll summer long:

      ❝ I do want to be able to travel and hike a bit. That is what this summer is about. There will be small, brave, solo backpacking trips with the dogs and whatever I can carry on my back into the local state parks and Appalachian Trail. There will be camping, fly fishing, beautiful trips ❞

      Don't most folks earn their time off? Work hard, play hard. She's got the play part down.

    2. Brave?

      What is brave about wasting tanks of gas, money she supposedly doesn't have, to drive to various areas to waddle around for a few hours? That Jenna has to prepare a meal "on the trail" and put a pack on her dog for these ridiculously short trips is laughable.

      Brave is working to support yourself. Brave is being a single woman, having a dream and providing that dream for yourself via hard work and determination.

      There's nothing brave about Jenna Woginrich. She's a self righteous, spoiled, little girl.

      There's a fantastistic book by David Goggins called Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds.


      Goggins is an incredible athlete who started out running marathons at 300+ lbs. and has went on to participate in as many as 4 ultramarathons (each 100+ miles, taking 19+ hours) in **four consecutive weekends**.

      One of his first ultramarathons he completed despite having brokwn all the small bones in his feet and had to be hospitalized after.
      He never made excuses, whined on social media or begged for money online. Imagine that.

  44. This is really pathetic: On Twitter, the Pig Shocker tried to get some poor sap to buy something from her and they replied:

    ❝ I'd love some but you are a loooooong way away! ❞

    To which Jenna replied:

    ❝ If you are far away and want to support Cold Antler, throw a few dollars into the hat for the 10+ years of writing about it at http://barnheart.com — you can do so via https://www.paypal.me/JennaCAF ❞

    Translation: "F*ck you! Pay me anyway! Gimme 🐩 💰 cuz I write stuff. Sort of."

    It's sad, she gets a few nibbles but no bites. Then she hurls a can of worms at them anyway.

    1. OMG, it was soap! I thought it was spam shares, as she doesn't ship that. But nope, it was soap. Easily shipped soap. Boy, if that's not an "I don't want yer crap" response, lol.

  45. Twitter Twaddle:

    "Okay guys, I got about 10 days to make this month's bills. If you want to help out and get some amazing soap, meat, fiddle lessons, logos, or dog pictures that look like Disney characters send a DM!"

    It's "I've," not "I," moron. And as of this morning only one response. No one wants to "help out" a lazy lifestyle loser. Her childish scrawling makes a mockery of Disney cartoons, too.

    "I hope all of you had a good Monday. I hope you checked off lists or ignored them, made money or spent it, worked hard or slept in. I hope you did your Monday."

    She had to mention money again, in the hopes that "slung luck" would PayPal poodle it her way.

    "Every single time someone gets into a 240 DL that isn't a gay woman and her dog an angel eats shredded cheese from the fridge in frustration."

    Someone was binging on bourbon again, because this stupid tweet is crazy.

    "This day! I got a lot of work done on the farm, on my book proposal, mailed and made soaps, blogged, and got in a dogged 5k. Bonus swaying in a hammock after a killer lunch. All that is left to do tonight is evening chores before the thunder storm hits. Hoo!"

    I'll rewrite it for her:

    This day! I got a lot of scamming done on Twitter and my blog. I also plotted on how to mooch more money from PayPal poodles. Bonus laying on my fat ass in a sagging hammock after pigging out on pizza. All that's left to do tonight is abusing my animals before I zone out on either Amazon Prime or Netflix. Hiccup!

    1. Lmao @ dog pictures that look like Disney characters! We have said that her portrairs look like disney bastardizations!
      Um, that's not a good thing, moron!

      I bet Disney would love to know that their brand is being used to describe PS's horrific drawings.

    2. I simply cannot believe that first quote of her having 10 days to make this month's bills. Is there some sort of award for most obvious begging online? She needs to be named the winner.

    3. Pig Shocker is the same as the average mentally ill, homeless person who begs on the street. Only she is way too lazy to get up off of her ass to beg anywhere other than online.

      Anyone who has worked with or is acquainted with someone who is severely mentally ill, like Pig Shocker, knows that you must be immediately firm with them and establish strict boundaries as to what sort of behavior you will tolerate from them. If not, dealing with the person will become a total nightmare.

      The way Pig Shocker increasingly gets more brazen in her begging reminds me of a mentally ill person who does not have established boundaries with others. They will continue with their outrageous behavior until they are locked up either in a mental health facility or jail.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Dangling line. Correct copy below.

    Hey ShamTruthers: Get ready for more posts and complaints about female victimization from she-who-I-don't-name.

    Desperate times call fore more drastic measures! FFF has already tried to raise donations after complaining that she needs money for:

    Bad tooth
    Medical bills
    Bolt cutter
    Vague physical ailments
    Her riteing

    I'm guessing there aren't a lot of repeat takers to donate money. THEY'VE SEEN THE SAME WHINES MANY, MANY TIMES. Donor fatigue has set in?

    So she'll have to cast her net at MORE blue checks with wider audiences and try and dredge up some bottom feeders . She's started this over the weekend and now it'll be time to play her all-time favorite card: VICTIM.

    Watch her morph from confident, public figure, a business woman who shamed Mollie Tibbetts for not being strong enough to resist her murderer... TO a poor, private, insecure individual alone-on-a-mountainside who works so gosh-darned hard and is so fearful of, well, EVERYTHING.

    Sniff... some mean people complain about her BUSINESS PRACTICES. Send money. PayPal...it means so much.

    1. Really I cannot type this morning. It's "for". Not "fore". Any other typos, please accept apologies. Worked all morning (cleaning) without breakfast (the most important meal of the day).

    2. I cannot wait until PS screws over a bluecheck. It will only take one and they will hopefully let the Twitterverse know all about it.

  48. "Hail and hardy" lol. You mean "hale and hearty."

  49. The new bleg post is all about poor Merlin trying to escape his warden. What a surprise- not.

    Of course the post was more about Pig Shocker's lack of money and how miserable PS is from Merlin's *daily* escapes. She's supposedly worried he will escape out into the road. Yeah, sure you are psycho.

    Now is the time for phone calls and emails to PS's various local agencies to have someone check on his well being. She purposely shocked the pigs when she was upset with them (and was crazy enough to write a post about it including that shocking the pigs brought a smile to her ugly face).
    Who knows what she is capable of doing to Merlin. PS becomes enraged and completely loses her shit. She has written about it in detail over and over again.

    Merlin is trying to escape because he is miserable. The photos of Merlin show an unkept, unhappy horse.

    Merlin deserves to spend his retirement with a caring, responsible owner. I hope an agency takes him away from her soon.

    1. The thing that amazes me the most about this chick is that she has animals at all! She obviously can’t afford them, nor does she seem to spend much time taking care of them, so why not unburden herself and sell or rehome them? If all she had was herself and her dogs she’d probably get by a lot better. But then I guess she couldn’t claim to be a farmer. She cracks me up when she says she farms. My dad was a lifelong farmer, as was his dad before him. You know she knows the difference between farming and whatever in the hell she does, she’s just banking on her followers being clueless. The more I read this blog the more I’m simply amazed that she hasn’t been outed as a scammer and chased off of the internet in shame.


    2. She keeps the animals around for "props." They are big pity donation makers for her. No one gives a shit what happens to Pig Shocker. However, most people worry about her poor animals.
      They give her money to put towards their care and she never uses it for them.

      She lies about having pigs. She hasn't had any since she gave away her goat and sheep herds. That was conveniently right after she was investigated for animal neglect. She must have been told to rehome all of the livestock and they let her keep the two horses and dogs. Had she admitted she re-homed the pigs everyone would have known it wasn't of her own doing as she claimed.
      There hasn't been one new photo of the pigs since then. She's only posted old photos.

      I would not put it past her to take photos of the "new" lambs on her property and then give them back to their actual owner. She is that crazy.

    3. I notice she never takes pics of her garden or any of the fencing she does or any of the emergencies she has, like any normal blogger would do. She really doesn’t blog about anything other than being broke and scared, then suddenly making her bills and having good luck, over and over and over. I just don’t see the attraction. I keep checking back in here because I was confident this site would out her! It seems to reach a lot of ppl. And it’s so obvious that she’s a scammer. I just don’t see how she keeps getting away with the pity donations and the lies about what she uses it all for!
      You guys have my total respect though, for what you do, I’m just surprised you guys are still at it! I’m already sick of her and it’s only been about a year that I’ve been aware of her.


    4. Poor shelter. Questionable hay. No grain. Manure not removed from eating areas. Overgrazed pasture. And bad, unmaintained wire fencing.

      No wonder Merlin wants to leave.

      An escaped 1000-pound "pony", wandering near roadways, is a danger to the community, to drivers and to himself. It's not amusing; it's F'ing dangerous.

      Cambridge Village Police Department should be informed.


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