Twitter Stats
Anyone care to guess how many times Pig Shocker has "liked" another person's tweet?
If you guessed over 40,000 times you are correct.
She joined Twitter 9 years ago. That's 4,444 likes per year, 370 per month, 92 per week, 13 per day.
If you aren't familiar with Twitter, The 40,000+ number can be found at the top of the screen after you click on "likes" on her twitter (which shows what tweets she has recently liked).
That's not even counting 27,000+ tweets she has tweeted in 9 years which works out to 8 tweets per day.
13 likes per day + 8 tweets per day= 21. Almost 1 interaction on twitter per hour for the past 9 years.
How much attention was she paying in the past 9 years to property chores, animal care, work, etc.? Not much apparently.
If you guessed over 40,000 times you are correct.
She joined Twitter 9 years ago. That's 4,444 likes per year, 370 per month, 92 per week, 13 per day.
If you aren't familiar with Twitter, The 40,000+ number can be found at the top of the screen after you click on "likes" on her twitter (which shows what tweets she has recently liked).
That's not even counting 27,000+ tweets she has tweeted in 9 years which works out to 8 tweets per day.
13 likes per day + 8 tweets per day= 21. Almost 1 interaction on twitter per hour for the past 9 years.
How much attention was she paying in the past 9 years to property chores, animal care, work, etc.? Not much apparently.
That made me smile.
ReplyDeleteIf any of you have a BMW, or old Rolls or even a klunky Mercedes 320SL coupe I am looking for one so I can get around the county in style. Of course I barely have the change you'd find in between the seats but I can dream, plus we could barter, I could do maybe 10 pet portraits, 8 bars of goat soap, give you a quarter share of pork I just found behind the sofa..... And you give me the effin car keys. Throw in your used washing machine and we'll have haymakers under the King Maple in October as long as you bring 2 cords of wood, 3 cases of rogaine and $300 In small bills. Yep this farm will not fall, she is a mighty fine farm she is, now do yer part for the Antler, we're all counting on you to come through with a Green New Deal of Cash
ReplyDeleteExactly. Total choosing beggar. In her bleg post Jenna Woginrich sprinkled around some specifications here and there, but let's be clear about what she is asking for free:
Delete☞ Needs a used Subaru, VW or Volvo
☞ Must be able to fit two dog crates
☞ Must be a hatchback
☞ Must have 4WD - This is non-negotiable
☞ Must be dependable and not need any work
☞ Must be in good enough condition to drive hours away from home
☞ Any state taxes need to be paid by the donor
☞ All this must be FREE
The absolute gall of this request. Just unbelievable. And as someone pointed out on the last thread, this new need of Jenna's is so that she can drive to the Appalachain Trail for all the long day hikes and overnight camping trips she's planning this summer.
Does anyone know how far the AT is from Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm?
Just checked, and it looks like the closest access to the AT is over in Vermont. No wonder she needs a new free car.
DeleteShe's spending the equivalent of a car payment in gas to drive around and waddle up and down hills.
DeleteAs my parents were so fond of saying, "Beggars can't be choosers".
DeleteMy parents raised me to be self sufficient and financially responsible. I've worked full time since I was 16 and I have earned a lot of great things in my life.
DeleteI would have never for one second even considered asking anyone for money. Ever. Not from my family, lifelong friends or ANYONE.
I believe Pig Shocker's behavior is mostly due to her untreated mental illness but that some of her behavior is due to how she was raised. Her family must be terribly ashamed of and disgusted with her.
Heck, why stop with a car?
DeleteFFF will next demand a home, barn and enough fenced land to pursue her hobbies. The property must be in great condition, in a temperate climate, have hot-sweaty summers, look "homesteady" and be sufficiently picturesque for fake IG photos. 4G-5G WIFI access at a minimum; not negotiable!
Prefer 10+ acres of land with a large pond or free-running stream and lots of grass. Beehives and mature fruit trees are a bonus. Ample water is mandatory as FFF will be too busy to feed or water her livestock; with enough forage, water and temperate weather, the lazy animals can fend for themselves. .
This is the logical next step. FFF is much too special to worry about paying mortgages or buying hay and hand-carrying buckets of water to livestock. She shouldn't have anxiety because the bank sends sneaky-hateful people to take photos of Hobbit Town. No, people, she cannot complete her horse-riding, nazi-fighting, werewolf love story with distractions of bill paying!
So Guys??? We can make this happen. It is up to YOU to give FFF her free house/land...OR she will continue to harry, scold, hound, hassle, bellyache, carp, caterwaul, harass, badger, coerce, grouch, grumble, holler and beg Y'All.
PDD. Truth! That was well-put. She needs to continue her charade of "Live Like Fiction!" at the expense of others.
DeleteYou know, in a way she kinda already did that back when she was looking to buy her farm. She was short on funds so she begged her foollowers to contribute. Does anyone know how much money she got from them to make her dream come true?
DeleteSo Jenna Woginrich announced that she's sent out a new book proposal. On the last thread, Feral Farmer suggested:
ReplyDelete❝ Which is why the title for her next book should be "Live Like Fiction!" And beneath it ("At the Expense of Others). It's about time that her stupid saying should be put to use. ❞
That is actually a really good idea. This is Jenna's 4th or 5th book proposal and she clearly hasn't got the hint that those all failed because no one likes what she writes anymore. One of the most important rules is to write about what you know.
And there are so many people right now, trying to figure out how to make money via social media. Even though the Pig Shocker barely makes enough to keep the wolves from the door, you gotta admit she's an expert at begging and scamming. She should indeed draft a book proposal listing all her sleazy methods for getting poodles to part with their cash.
Anon7. The irony is that she could probably successfully sell a scamming manual. It'd be better than Birchthorn.
DeleteYeah, but I don't think she was that into Twitter in the beginning... so you could probably double that number for the last 4.5 years of stepped up twitting...
ReplyDeleteThat is true. She was big on facebook before. The last couple of years is when things totally fell apart. Lost livestock, missing/dead hawks, no attempt to find employment and ramped up begging.
DeleteFoggy memory here, but wasn't another reason she fled from Facebook the fact that her own mother was criticizing Jenna's scams and bullshit?
DeleteAnon7. Yeah, Ma Woginrich made it quite clear that she wasn't pleased with the prodigal daughter. I used to read her curt comments and snicker.
DeleteFeral Farmer, that was before my you remember any specific comments?
DeleteYou might see them if you google pig shockers facebook archives. Or if you google her name and her moms name plus "facebook" or "facebook" comment.
DeleteI think there's a way, it will just take trial and error to find it.
Anon7. I don't recall any specific comments, but the tone of them was snide. She came across as condescending (apparently, passed that asshole attitude on to Jenna), and also very disapproving of the faux farm crap. Pa Woginrich never said a word. I think that her mom "wears the pants in their family" in terms of control.
DeletePig Shocker is a narcissistic sociopath because she was raised by a narcissistic sociopath parent. They display a lot of the same behavior.
DeleteWH. I agree. I've also said this before, but both of their fat faces have the same smug smirks on them.
DeleteYes and because people were asking about their items they paid for but hadn't received.
ReplyDeleteSince this new thread is math/statistic related, here's the number of times this month that Jenna Woginrich hinted at pity donations and/or just flat out begged for money on her bleg:
ReplyDelete📌 May 1st - ❝ (Re root canal emergency) And also, to ask for help. [...] Want to help with the farm in general, well if you ever bought soap or artwork or meat shares and want some more (and are not in a hurry for any of them) do let me know. Sales are what make bills, the mortgage, all of it possible and what I need most. ❞
📌 May 5th - ❝ If you are out there and can support this farm, please do. I need the help. Holy Crow, do I ever. [...] If you want to: contribute to the writing or buy some soap or artwork. And if money is out of the question because your as up against it as I am - send a nice word of encouragement via email or on socials. ❞
📌 May 7th - ❝ I so appreciate every email, letter, card, message, contribution, story, DM and interaction. ❞
📌 May 11th - ❝ (Re Lymph node health scare) I am very relieved to say the tests came back negative for signs of Lymphoma. That releif will set me back about $600 in medical bills. [...] I am so encouraged by your kind emails and letters. People are contributing to the farm in so many ways and it really, really, makes a difference. ❞
📌 May 15th - ❝ I am glad to be taking care of (my health), but also quietly dreading the bills. It's hard enough making the money every month to fend off the worst of the stalking threats. Now this. [...] I have these medical costs to deal with on top of the normal farm bills and mortgage and that has lit a fire of frugality and shameless promotion. ❞
📌 May 20th - ❝ Besides the usual fears of making the bills, this farm is okay. P.P.S. If you want to contribute towards this blog, the medical tests, the farm, any of it - it is always appreciated and encouraging. Do so by clicking here. ( ❞
📌 May 22nd - ❝ I had already spent a third of all the money in my bank account today paying towards the electric bill's balance, a prescription for my lymph node issues, feed, and some AAA batteries. ❞
📌 May 27th - ❝ I'm still trying to save up for a mortgage payment, which I am about a third of the way there. Four days to make it happen before the bank can pull the ripcord on a possible foreclosure. ❞
📌 May 28th - ❝ I'm just like NPR) Every once in a while I will suggest you consider subscribing to this blog. Want to make a one-time contribution? ❞
📌May 29th - ❝ (Please give me a free car) And also, I have three days (counting today) to make this month's mortgage payment on time. [...] If you are at all interested in seeing this farm make it through, and want to help - the best way is to order something! Get a pet portrait! Get or donate a share of meat! Take a class! Or hell, if you just want to throw in $5 towards the blog you are reading now, you can do that here: and good gods does every small action help and I am grateful for all of them. ❞
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
I wonder if this is her new formula:
-Start the month out with health scares and other emergencies.
-Ramp things up by hinting for donations and pleading for sales.
-End the month by shamelessly begging for cash via PayPal.
And that list doesn't even take into account the sheer magnitude of begging on her Twitter. All those "9 days to go, 1/3 of the way there" posts. And all the times she slapped her PayPal button onto a tweet.
ReplyDeleteAbout a week ago, scam artist Jenna Woginrich said this on her bleg:
ReplyDelete❝ That is what this summer is about. There will be small, brave, solo backpacking trips with the dogs and whatever I can carry on my back into the local state parks and Appalachian Trail. There will be camping, fly fishing, beautiful trips that cost me nothing since I already have the gear I need to be comfortable outdoors. ❞
It will cost her nothing, she said. All those trips to the Appalachian Trail won't cost a thing because today she asked for a FREE CAR. But what about the gas money to get there?
Jenna, you need to re-think your summer plans. Your buddy, Jon Katz, just wrote about how NOW is the time to start preparing for winter. Now is the time to start ordering firewood for winter. Now is NOT the time to plan camping trips, especially with all those unpaid medical bills you have. And what about all the other emergency expense money you're gonna need? Because not a month goes by without some sort of financial drama-rama.
I cannot begin to tell you how much if fucking pisses me off that she is talking about camping and hikes and fishing, etc. and then goes on to ask people to send her money. Go get a job you lazy ass.
DeleteIt should piss everyone off.
DeleteIf she really is half way from reaching her goal, which I have my doubts, we can hope it's because people have read her recent posts about playing all summer and it has put a bad taste in their mouth.
Pig Shocker actually said she has to play vs work because it keeps her sane.
NEWSFLASH twat, you are the opposite of sane.
Everyone could benefit from 24/7 self care, yet sane adults realize they have to WORK to survive.
Pig Shocker feels she is special and beyond the measly labor in life. She is special but for all the wrong reasons.
There's nothing "brave" about her bullshit begging, or anything having to do with her defective character. She's a coward hiding behind the facade of farming and animal abusing.
DeleteIt is only a matter of time before she does something to get banned from twitter. I wouldn't doubt if she already has and just no one caught it and reported her.
ReplyDeleteThere must be a rule against hustling people via Twitter or scamming people by accepting payment and not delivering the item within a reasonable amount of time.
Perhaps we should make that a pet project. We can research people who have been banned and the reason why and see if any of those reasons apply to Pig Shocker.
Without Twitter, her scamming and living off of ill gotten donations days are over.
Interesting idea, WH. I used DuckDuckGo to Google "Reasons for being banned from Twitter" and here's a few that may apply to JW's account:
Delete1) Copying others tweets for getting retweets. Copying is a serious offense on Twitter.
The Pig Shocker does retweet a lot. Most of it is for something she likes, which is usually a topic that always has a good-sized following, so her retweet is an attempt to gain more new foollowers/suckers/poodles.
2) Spamming DMs or mentions for promoting something.
Self promotion is definitely something she's guilty of. Earlier today, I noticed that she re-tweeted her own "Buy my crap" tweets at least 3 times. That's spamming. And it's shameless self promotion.
As for any spamming DMs, that's not something we'd know about, as DMs (Direct private messages) cannot be seen by us. But I'd be willing to be that she probably does spam the living f*ck out of every person who has ever bought from her, along with anyone who has ever DMed her about a potential sale.
There was another reason that doesn't apply to her, but it may have been the reason that the Cold Antler Sham Twitter was recently removed: Tweeting about only one particular person/topic.
So I guess in the future, any Twitter account dedicated to exposing the lying, cheating, scamming, animal abusing Jenna Woginrich should also contain a few other persons/topics as well.
In the meantime, I'll look more into your suggestion, WH. Twitter seems to be Jenna's entire marketing strategy, so like you said, she'd be history without it. She'd have to close up shop, and all those poor animals would be re-homed and safe at long last.
We will show her past twitter behavior no mercy the same as was shown to the CAST twitter.
DeleteIt works both ways, The only difference is the CAST twitter wasn't full of gimme, gimme, gimme and lies like her twitter is.
Did it say if what is considered "spamming" is subjective or is spamming clearly defined?
I'll also do Twitter research. I agree that it "seems to be Jenna's entire marketing strategy" now. Her Instagram account is primarily used for very carefully curated pics of her faux farm and pet props.
DeleteI think today is the day to report her for spamming if she follows thru with her threat of "promoting like crazy."
DeleteI'm going to wait until the end of the day and take screenshots of her tweets throughout the day. Just in case she tries deleting tweets at the end of the day or whenever she decides to say she's reached her goal.
Excellent, WH.
DeleteI would suggest that any other CAST members with Twitter accounts also report Pig Shocker later today.
DeleteHaving screen shots available of the offending tweets could come in handy if Twitter asks for examples.
We can make a difference because we refuse to be silenced or give up!
Also, if you do not have a Twitter account and were contemplating creating one until you saw the huge amount of Pig Shocker spam, Twitter would probably appreciate hearing from you too.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle: A desperate last ditch attempt to grab some 🐩 💰
ReplyDelete❝ Still trying to make the other half I need. DM to order. Links below to just plain ol' contribute to the blog. Anything helps keep the deed in hand! ❞
Lol, just two days to go and she's only HALF WAY there. Good luck with that, animal abuser. If you are having to beg this hard, it should be obvious to you that people are tired of your shit. Get a job. looks like she's not going to "earn up" this month's mortgage payment. And we know (because she reminds us ALL the time) that she's already one (or more) payments behind. Will this month's failure be the final nail in the coffin? Or will she suddenly announce that by some miracle, she made some sales just in time? Which...would mean that she already had the mortgage but was lying in order to grab more funds for her upcoming summertime adventures.
⌛️ The hourglass moment is upon her. Donate now! Or "just plain ol'" contribute NOW!!
She will hold her loser telethon until the last possible minute. She could have made enough weeks ago but she wants MORE.
DeleteI sincerely hope that she really is at least half the amount away from goal but odds are she's lying.
Maybe stupid Sarah will rescue the damsel in distress again. I'm sure that she makes more money than JFW. But watching Jenna laboriously waddle up hills to "mountain smash," or spending a night of squalor in her hovel is a high price to pay for friendship.
DeleteWhile Sara is staying at Patty's (I doubt she's at Pig Shocker's for more than a photo op), Patty may pull her aside and say don't fall for it and give her money. If she hasn't already had that conversation with Sara previously.
DeleteAnother possibility is that P covers Pig Shocker's bills if she's short the amount needed and every month they get a good laugh trying to see how much money she can make from fools.
If that's the case, Pig Shocker may have told Sara not to worry about it, she's got enough suckers on the hook and that P covers the difference if needed.
All it would take is one of the people who have stayed with Pig Shocker to do the right thing and come forward and tell everyone what a con she is.
DeleteOne decent person who doesn't believe that good people should be taken advantage of and that animals shouldn't be abused and neglected.
The last couple of hawks could still be alive if someone had just simply had the balls to stand up and say something and do the right, decent thing.
WH, the shit show never ends on her faux farm with this latest Twitter Twaddle:
Delete"2 days to make the mortgage, and while sales have been coming in - I can't make the payment yet. Halfway to go! One way to help make that happen is to subscribe to Cold Antler Farm's decades-worth of FREE writing!"
"Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! I am offering a sale of 20 bars of goatsmilk soap (mix of molds and scents!) right now to the next 2 people who are interested in a supply to last a while! Gotta make sales SOON so grab this sale while you can! (soaps will ship by July) DM!"
"Good Morning from Cold Antler Farm! Going to be pushing for sales like CRAZY today. I have 2 days to mail a late payment to stay ahead of trouble so if you don't want to see those urgent messages mute me! If you can handle it - enjoy this this sassy Fri pup in front of my home!"
Someone has her big girl panties in a wad today. It looks like she wasn't bailed out, so far, by either Sarah or Patty. And her stupid suggestion to "mute me!" reeks of arrogance and attitude. What a complete POS Jenna Woginrich has become in her begging. She "urgently" needs her mental illness addressed by a therapist.
She's cruising towards rock bottom and everyone needs to step back and let it happen.
DeleteOtherwise, her mental illness will end up being life threatening.
Anyone who gives her money doesn't give one shit about her or her well being.
Also, hate to tell her but 4,000+ people have her muted and she will probably lose followers after that mute me bullshit remark.
By the end of the day, today would be a great day for all of us to report her for spamming.
Screen shots will be necessary because she might delete tweets before the end of the day.
WH. They'd be better off blocking the bitch, or just unfollowing her stupid account. And you're right about her dumb enablers. They're just helping to prolong the inevitable demise of her faux farm.
DeleteTwitter Twaddle, too:
ReplyDelete"One of my favorite parts about the farm is the comfort I can set up on rainy days for the animals. I just brought a sled of straw to the pigs and they are making a perfect nest to slumber away the afternoon in. The lambs are also tucked into their shed, dry and safe. Feels good."
Does it also "feel good" to have had your pet props in the past eat on top of their own excrement? Because you were too lazy to muck out their hay, and replace it with fresh food. I'm sure that they had a lot of "comfort" in eating stale donuts, too.
What a liar. She must have taken the straw to the place where the pigs are ACTUALLY staying.
DeleteAs for the lambs, I refer to the last photo posted of the "fence" around the lambs which is so piss poor that for her to refer to the lambs as "safe" is laughable.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
The lambs have been served on a silver platter to predators.
Yet, the hag is proud of herself.🙄🤨
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train barreling towards Pig Shocker.🚂🚃
Remember last spring when she was forced to hire a Bobcat operator to muck out the crap? It was so thick that the machine got stuck. She should be ashamed to call herself a farmer. What a farce.
DeleteYes, that was a last ditch effort to keep her livestock.
DeleteIn the end, she didn't have suitable space or shelter for them and she ended up giving them away for free in a hurry.
The twat says:
ReplyDeleteNote: if you buy soap or art from me the wait is long due to catching up on previous sales from this very tight year. But if you are not in a hurry to get soap or art, both are amazing ways to get a gift and support CAF.
Wrong Jenna. The wait is because you would rather take their money and then waddle up hills all day with your BRAND NEW hiking gear. It's obvious you have no plans on getting anyone's work out when your twitter is filled with pictures of mountain smashing, riding horses, floating in the river. And you do own a cell phone. And you probably have already made the mortgage, but you want more stuff. And what are you selling lamb and pork shares for? I thought they were already claimed. Oh yes, another scam. Well peace out baby; hope you fail.
Anyone who falls for this is enabling her to continue scamming. She takes the money, fills the order at her convenience--in the distant future (or hopes they forget their order), and then plays with the horses, hiking gear, etc--posting about it all the time. Amazing the nerve she has!!
DeleteI've thought the same thing for awhile. If someone is desperate for money, then they do almost anything in a hurry to make it. All she wants is instant cash to have fun this summer. And buyers be damned if they want their projects finished in a timely manner.
DeleteShe can't be busy with working on her shitty items she is selling or she would have reached her goal by now.
DeleteWhich means that, according to her, even the possibility of losing everything is not enough to get her off of her ass and start doing the hard work.
Since her motto is "Live Like Fiction!" it's expected that others will pay for her lazy lifestyle.
DeleteIt really is like a pyramid scheme the more you think about it and the more you let Jenna Woginrich tell you about it herself-very behind on old orders, hustling new orders, long wait, “remind me if you are waiting on an order”-are you kidding me? No record keeping either, apparently. The ones who get tired of waiting or don’t remind her or don’t go looking for their order basically become extra shares that she can sell over again.
DeleteThink about it, she tells the story of this scheme herself many times when she mentions any of the above points.
Imagine the negative feedback if she sold her stuff on eBay or Etsy. Sites like those would not put up with complaints of late shipments, packages not received, etc.
DeleteShe won't write a book about scamming because she doesn't want to give up her "trade secrets".
ReplyDeleteThe only "secret" is how much money she's making each month from her scamming. I doubt that her bank account is ever in the "double digits" like she proclaims.
DeleteIf that's true, then she's even more horrible a person. It's bad enough that she begs for mortgage and bill money, but if she's just pretending to be broke that is just criminal.
DeleteI love that Pig Shocker posted a photo of her playing archery on a bleg post titled "Crunch Time" about how other people need to hurry up and give her money to pay her bills.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are composing a bleg post and you are deciding which photo to post with it, wouldn't you include a photo of what the money will go towards, like the "farm"?
Choosing the archery photo shows what Pig Shocker REALLY needs the money for.
Play, play, play, play.
She'd best start dragging her net in new waters.
DeleteOther than begging for money, she's only posted about her playtime:
Mountain smashing
Horse Riding
Camping out
Overnight stays
Hosting friend (s).
Why should people expect her to work on her orders?
Not a photo showing (fake) gardening, taking care of her (fake) animals, making her (fake) soap, or creating (crummy) art and logos.
You two crack me up! Poods, putting every time-wasting activity in list form really makes it look awful. WH, you're right...what a stupid choice of photo. Hope her followers pick up on that.
DeleteAnd just in case she deletes that bleg post:
❝ I have 2 days to earn half my mortgage and have my check postmarked. Holy crow this is crunch time. Yesterday I made some headway, and that headway had to go to the electric bill, gas for the truck, 100lbs of feed, and phone company. The reality of needing to earn money through this blog and farm is that I am not able to just earn it for one expense. All the income I make through part-time work and what I offer has to cover every aspect of the farm management, insurances, utilities, student loans and home ownership without government, spouse, or family assistance.
All of this is just an email away. This is a key time to support this farm if that is something you would like to do or are able to do. Note: if you buy soap or art from me the wait is long due to catching up on previous sales from this very tight year. But if you are not in a hurry to get soap or art, both are amazing ways to get a gift and support CAF.
And to those of you who already have - through purchasing something or plain ol' sending a contribution towards the blog - all of that means so much. Thank you! I do my best to send as many thank you messages and notes as I can. I hope these messages of asking for encouragement, sales, and help fade away soon. I hope my luck changes. Right now I need to do whatever I can to keep my home of 9 years safe and not back in the hands of the bank. ❞
CAFenomics: 🐩 + 💰 + 💵 = 🏹 🐎 🎻 🏊
Anon7, you are the Emoji QUEEN!
DeleteI always laugh at how she acts like 100 pounds of feed is a lot.
DeleteIt's 2 bags. And most feed like sweet feed or oats or whatever is about $8 to $12 a bag.
She makes it sound like she's loaded up an entire back of her truck to gills.
It's two bags, folks. 2 bags. Like through in the truck, or on the back seat of your car.
Hahaha. Don't you love when she brags about a half a ton of hay?
DeleteThe math: 1100 pounds x 45 lbs/bale = 24 bales of hay, an amount that easily fits into the bed of a pick-up truck. (When we load, we get 35-40 bales if we stack high and tie down.)
FFF tries to make the most mundane chores seem like a huge deal.
Just plain ol' contribute to the blog you poodles! I want to thank a fine reader and supporter who drove up and delivered my NEW CAR. Its a 2019 with 4WD, AC, satellite radio (they paid for the subscription), gave me an unlimited gas card, coupons for all repairs and they promise to come up every 2 weeks to vacuum it out and put wax on it. I call my new car Glenda. Now that's that's done mama feels some gum pain and Gibson looks like a trip to the vet is coming on, I need to go pitch a tent and pour some bourbon but keep those nickels and dimes rolling into Acct # 29527-147, I have set up direct deposit to make YOUR LIFE easier
ReplyDeleteLol! You know, she just started using that "Just plain ol' contribute" phrase. And if you really think about it, it clearly shows her growing frustration and anger. Replace the "plain ol'" with the word "f*cking* and it has the same sense of urgency:
Delete"Just f*cking contribute to the blog already!"
And "plain ol'" also serves to guilt non-buyers into at least giving her something:
"If you're not gonna buy a logo or sketch, you should at least contribute."
Ahahahaha! You are so right!
DeleteWe can do it!
ReplyDeleteOops! This should have gone under Anon 7:33's post. Tried to paste a picture of Rosie the Riveter but couldn't do it.
DeleteWell, her birthday is coming up in July, and I'll bet if push comes to shove, her parents and her sister will send her a grand to patch her through.
DeleteI think she is in desperate "reality" right now with the money crunch and mortgage due. She then goes into fantasy and wannabe mode when she writes about hiking, and traveling and "brave" backpacking and camping. I don't take it too seriously.
I'm trying to understand her, and I think her model for her life is: I write and post what I want, and you pay me for it, whatever it is and however good or bad it is.
That's not how life works. Maybe she'll just walk away from the mortgage and farm with her dogs, and go thru-hiking and blog about that.
Anon 7:39 - That's so funny that you mentioned Rosie the Riveter because I just read this bleg post by Jenna written back in 2016 and she used that photo!
DeleteLink here:
❝ I received a letter from the bank today that I have a week to compile two mortgage payments. Expect to see announcements on things the farm has to offer, as I will be selling hard! I'll post about the rest of the summer's workshops, season passes, Indie Days, and more. This month had over a grand in unexpected bills thanks to the truck and Friday's emergency visit. So I am going to grit my teeth and figure it out. I'll put up items for sale here and on Facebook as well. By this next Friday the check has to literally be in the mail. So it will be. That is all there is to say about that! ❞
Okay, let's think about this... That mortgage-beg was THREE YEARS AGO. If the bank were constantly on the edge of foreclosing, they would have done it by now. Even then, the predictable "emergencies" in addition to the mortgage. She has income somehow, somewhere, some way and it ain't soap sales.
DeleteThat's a good point, Duckmama. Does anyone know how foreclosure works? How many times will a bank threaten the foreclosure process before growing frustrated and having had enough of the BS?
DeleteI found this in a bleg post from Feb 2017:
Delete❝ Yesterday I got a letter from the bank throwing down a timeline (one month) to gather a certain amount of payments to stop foreclosure. It was scary. ❞
I love how she is posting a picture of Friday as a puppy to help conjure up sales. Isn't this the supposed "root canal" she so desperately needed?
ReplyDeleteIn other words, if you don't pony up poods, this dog gets it!
--Graphic Gal
Yup, a dog's gotta eat. And so do Gibson and Friday.
DeleteY’all I hear you about only two days left and she is half way there and thinking this time it will finally catch up with her BUT may I remind you that we were in a similar situation last month. She was desperately begging and posting fractional amounts left to cover and had lots left to cover...end of the month month started...and she started tweeting BS again about pop culture and camping and such with no mention of the mortgage. Usually she posts a big yay us! We made it! Wolves not at the door! post but nothing like that either.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling the same thing will happen tomorrow.
It's been every month for years. More frequently in recent years but somehow every month is a crisis.
DeleteIt really makes her look like she needs either a live in caretaker or needs to be in assisted living.
Assisted living would give her the tools to learn how to care for herself responsibly. This would include finding a job.
The state could definitely step in since her mental illness appears to be escalating lately and get a court order for her to get an evaluation.
Depending on the assessment, she could eventually be assigned a caseworker and ordered to find employment.
Failing to do so could be seen as not having the faculties to care for herself.
If she continues to beg and act increasingly mentally ill on social media, someone could decide to call the state to do a mental wellness check on her.
I could totally see that happening with her disturbing behavior.
*nods* Yeah, that was very strange how there was no "We did it" announcement, nor any thanks to those who sent her money.
DeleteThe only thing that would make sense is If she had already "earned up" the mortgage payment via her sales, and the begging was for the new hiking equipment instead. That would explain why she forgot to make her monthly announcement.
I have a feeling she doesn't need money at all, but why not hit up people as usual? The baby might need something shiny again.
ReplyDeleteHouseguests. She has one today. Properly hosting a guest takes extra 💵 💰 that the Pig Shocker does not have. She'll most likely hit up her house guest for free restaurant meals by saying she can't afford it when the guest suggests it. "My treat! It's on me!"
DeleteI just looked at Twitter and her feed is one big spamfest.
ReplyDeleteIt is no different than someone constantly Tweeting "I MAKE 5,000 PER WK TO WORK AT HOME, DM ME TO FIND OUT HOW." No difference whatsoever. I really think she may have screwed herself this time!
If Twitter takes action, they will save numerous future victims from being duped out of their hard earned money and ruin her income stream.
HD - Did you ever find out why your first blog disappeared? I think we all want to be sure this blog doesn't go the same way. Most people are sticking to facts, but some comments seem to be getting close to a line and I'm concerned this blog will get yanked too. Especially after the CAST twitter account disappeared.
ReplyDeleteComments? Thoughts? Guidelines?
I was wondering how long it would take for this post. After we discussed reporting her constant spamming to Twitter, I figured it would be sometime today.
DeleteMost of us aren't even using her real name on this site. You might want to reread the comments.
I'm not worried in the least. I will gladly host the next site if it happens again if no one else wants to do it.
I refuse to worry about the possibility of someone wah wahhhhing about this site. The possibility definitely won't stop me from posting about her or reporting her to Twitter until they do something about her constant spamming.
You know, just like she likes to report other people. Fair is fair after all. The difference being Twitter is how that hag makes her tainted money.
The CAST Twitter being taken down won't leave any of us homeless.🤗
I never heard a word. I went back a while ago and hit the appeal button again. I think it sends it to Pluto or something. Very frustrating. They could at least say what the problem is.
DeleteThat sucks HD, sorry for the loss of all your hard work. Does that company have a Facebook or Twitter account? There's a new trend in customer service where people message or tweet their complaint which shows up very publicly on their feed and it forces them to deal with the complaint. All companies want clean feeds and they take those complaints seriously. This tactic is recommended by redditors all the time for getting stuff done.
DeleteHi guys, I think the only thing that needs to be done here, is to keep it to the things that are posted by that person, and comment on them. You know, like 90 day fiance or any other reality show. If someone is a public figure, then there will be discussions. I am happy to be a meeting place if something happens to this. I am Kelpiegirl. :)
DeleteSo far there's at least 11 tweets on Pig Shocker's twitter spamming for donations.
ReplyDeleteI plan on reporting Pig Shocker to Twitter daily until they put a stop to her constant spamming.
I also have screenshots of her mentioning that people are upset with her because she hasn't sent them the item they paid her up front for within a reasonable amount of time.
I will point out to Twitter that there are commerce laws against selling items online and not sending them to the buyers within a reasonable amount of time. I will let them know that it is extremely disappointing that Twitter is providing the opportunity and platform for Pig Shocker's scams and breaking of various laws.
My guess us that spamming and law breaking are most likely no nos on Twitter.
I can't find any way to report her without starting another account. And I don't want to do it again because Twitter makes me nuts. Do you have any other suggestions on how to do it? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI would google how to report an account on twitter. Hopefully there's an answer for those without a Twitter account.
DeleteI know that if I wasn't on Twitter and looked into joining and saw an account like Pig Shocker's, I'd run the other way.
I've already tried Googling for the information, and it doesn't seem to exist. It's people like Pig Shocker who helped me close my account.
DeleteDuckmama, thanks! I also saw that earlier today when performing a search. But I couldn't locate the overflow icon (three dots) without joining Twitter again. They intentionally make it impossible to report anyone without having an account.
DeleteI would definitely mention that Pig Shocker contributed to you closing your account.
DeleteIf I can find a way to report her that'll be mentioned, thanks.
DeleteAnd if you can find a way to report awful people in general, thanks.
DeleteWH - great advice. Twitter should be scam-free!
ReplyDeleteThanks PDD, I agree. I just wish we would have reported it sooner but hindsight is 20/20.
DeleteGuess who has already started deleting tweets? Yep, the spamming Pig Shocker!
ReplyDeleteIf you go down 4 or 5 tweets and click on one, it will say tweet not available.
Hey Porky Pig Shocker, guess what? You are wayyyyy too late. I have screen shots of your constant spamming for the last two weeks. I also contacted Twitter wayyyy before I mentioned it on here.
Surely you don't think I'd give you a heads up like that do you?
Spamming is so against the rules! Tsk, tsk! 😉😊
WH. Thanks for taking screenshots of the FFF, and also reporting her to Twitter. Clearly, she's been busy reading our comments today.
DeleteWe definitely have the FFF shaking in her boots. She constantly underestimates us.
DeleteI wonder how that's working out for her?😂🤣
Yeah, she's "shaking in her boots" that PayPal poodle contributions have bought. Good job!
DeleteShe should know by now that if she breaks a rule, we will be right there to report her.
DeleteWH. I'm one of the women who reported her to the local animal control agency last year. And as you know, we achieved solid results. They investigated her faux farm for animal abusing, and subsequently, she was forced to re-home livestock.
DeleteWhat tweets did she delete and when? I still have her Twitter page open from earlier (before I started searching for snarky mom comments) and I haven't refreshed it yet.
DeleteYou can still see them but if you click on them, it will say they aren't available. It was probably the 5th or 6th spam tweet down from the top.
DeleteIt wont let you click on them to copy them or look at the date and time.
FF that was awesome finally getting help for those poor livestock!
DeleteI can't help but think about the times Pig Shocker or someone from her turd herd would post on the CAS site about how we aren't making a difference and that Pig Shocker isn't going anywhere.
That was prior to the livestock being re-homed. 😂 Now we're on the verge of getting a scamming spammer🐷⚡🔌off of Twitter. It's great that everyone's tenacity is finally paying off!
While reading a bleg post from 2015, via the Meredith blog, I saw that Jenna said that she never wants to live a life without animals.
DeleteWell, if she loves them so much and they are so important to her, you'd think she'd get at least a part-time job in order to properly care for and feed them. Instead she tweets about how contributions are so important cuz they buy bags of feed that make all the difference in the world. It doesn't make any sense.
I've always thought of her animals as simply pet props for photo ops. So much of what she does "doesn't make any sense." Unless, you realize that it's all a means to her end of begging for a living online. She'll say and do anything rather than just get a job.
DeleteNot only are they props for photo ops, but they insure people send donations. If she only had the 2 dogs, she would only be able to rely on selling her artwork. And she'd have no animal related content for her bleg.
DeleteYes and she can't call it a "farm" without livestock.
DeleteNow that the whole house sale thing has come up, the lambs could belong to the new owner and Pig Shocker is just a measly caretaker.
The new owners might want to check out her history of animal abuse. She discussed in her book about animal control in a different state investigating her and then immediately getting kicked out by her landlord.
She was investigated another time in new york which can be found as a blog entry under the search terms "state police."
Yet another time was July of 2018 which she re-homed her livestock shortly after.
Not exactly a 4H poster girl.
Don't want this to get lost above so posting it down here. I had asked for examples of snarky comments from Jenna's mother. And I found one...
ReplyDelete💁 Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich:
❝ Imagine being in that theatre in Paris...imagine being on that Russian airliner...imagine watching someone you love be beheaded...Imagine being in the twin towers...Call social services in New York -- take in a few [refugees] if that's how you feel -- you have the room. ❞
🐷 🔌 ⚡️ The Pig Shocker:
❝ It's not a world of us vs them. It's just a world of us. For every horrible person and deed there are many more people who are good. I would happily host people. ❞
💁 Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich:
❝ Then go do it but remember you can't even make mortgage payments on time. ❞ ☜ 🔥
What a burn...Mama Woginrich is a dragon it seems.
Here is the link:
Anon7. That must've been so embarrassing to have her mom write that on Facebook. Can you imagine how ashamed she is now almost four years later? And that's just one of many curt comments that Ma Woginrich has made to her disappointing daughter.
ReplyDeleteAnon7. And I literally, laughed out loud at your Pig Shocker emojis. It's too bad that Ma Woginrich can't have a fat face with a smug smirk for her symbol.
DeleteEmbarrassing indeed. I know that parents can be hard on their underperforming kids, but usually that kind of stuff is said in private. So the fact that Ma felt the need to shame her daughter so publicly speaks volumes about Jenna's character...or lack thereof.
DeleteAnon7, I believe that her mother must have resorted to public response, because the daughter probably does not speak with her. Which is so very sad. So very sad. There is nothing that should break up a family.
DeleteHer parents probably get creditor calls 24/7 because their crazy daughter listed them as refernces. I imagine it is extremely frustrating.
DeleteHer mom has come across as crazy too in other stories PS has told about her. She basically has the same bad attitude as Pig Shocker.
Comment from 2015, posted on Meredith's classic blog:
ReplyDelete"AnonymousOctober 13, 2015 at 9:23 AM
You see, it's all part of CAFenomics. If you had attended the financial talk at Antlerstock you would have learned something. Why work to support yourself when you can get others to do it for you. And willingly, I might add.
Yes, JFW has made mistakes. Her first mistake was having an actual job, but that cut way into her play time. Then she tried the Art of Asking, but that backfired as well. Some people even suggested she get a job!
With CAFenomics, it is much subtler. Take the incident with the cat. You tell your followers that you need a root canal, but the cat is injured and needs medical attention. What to do? You let your audience come up with a solution. Of course you need to take care of yourself first. Once someone says that, then another person will chime in and offer to pay the vet bill. See? Works like a charm.
Of course, CAFenomics is still in the early stages of development. Stay tuned for newer and subtler ways to leech off of others. Who knows? There might even be a book deal here."
Wow. Not much has changed in the begging department, although subtle has been thrown out the window.
Wow indeed! That was almost 4 years ago. And it's so spot on. That seems to be one of her favorite formulas: Tell her foollowers about two different emergency dilemmas and watch the money roll in. I've only been following the CAF shit show for just over a year and already I've seen her use that tactic at least a dozen times.
DeleteLmao at the "Art of Asking" -- I'll bet someone, somewhere has written a book about that. And the Pig Shocker owns a signed copy.
Guys?! I have a confession to make. About a year before JFW deleted her Facebook account I created an alternate one to mock her, and also goad Ma Woginrich at the same time. So I called myself Alfie Sprout (a young male in his twenties). Which is far from who I am in real life. It was a lot of fun to annoy both of them. MW even "liked" a few of my comments that pointed to her daughter's hypocrisy and arrogance. Of course, eventually, the FFF banned me from commenting. But I got several good cyber slaps in before that happened.
DeleteFYI: Meredith doesn't comment here much, but her blog has a lot of pertinent information regarding Pig Shocker and her hovel. Do some digging, and you'll find dirt.
Wasn't The Art of Asking a Ted Talk she watched by Amanda Palmer? Or Amanda Fucking Palmer as she calls herself. She believes the "artist" should be directly supported by fans. She raised 1.2 million on Kickstarter too. She was a real inspiration to the FFF.
DeleteMaybe that's where JFW got the "Fucking" from. She doesn't have an original bone in her body.
DeleteI think so. Didn't she refer to herself at one time as Jenna Fucking Woginrich? And Amanda also pulls some very strange facial expressions in her promotional photos, which JW started doing.
Delete😏 Feral Farmer, that is hilarious. In case anyone is wondering the blog is called "Meredith et al" and the link is here:
DeleteI always wondered what the "F" in JFW stood for. I had my suspicions...but thanks for the confirmation, lol.
FFF called herself JFW in an Instagram story when someone questioned her right to abuse hawks with her so-called falconry. Brynner42 tweeted about it.
She also used the JFW when describing live tweeting while churning buttermilk. I recall it because she sounded like an idiot announcing it on Twitter.
DeleteFrom the last paragraph of the CRUNCH TIME™ bleg post:
ReplyDelete❝ I hope these messages of asking for encouragement, sales, and help fade away soon. I hope my luck changes. Right now I need to do whatever I can to keep my home of 9 years safe and not back in the hands of the bank. ❞
"Whatever she can do" to keep her home. As long as that "whatever" doesn't mean a job. She'll do anything to keep her home but that. I mean, when people say 'whatever I can do" doesn't that always mean that they'll do ANYTHING at all? Or have I mistaken that notion all these years?
Although, to her credit, at least she didn't say "Anything I can" -- but still, what a joke. Her faux farm must not mean that much to her, otherwise she'd fight 100% for it instead of just 50% -- so when she loses it, I won't feel bad for her at all. She's just plain ol' asking for it by refusing to get a job.
While searching the Pig Shocker's bleg for the word "foreclosure" I found this:
Delete❝ This farm happened because I walked into a house with the belief that no matter what I would make it mine. It wasn't a case of money, or who I knew, it was a case of stubbornness, faith, and belief in myself... ❞
Well, there you have it. Her personal philosophy on how to do things. Money doesn't matter...just make it happen "no matter what." And keeping her home is still not a case of money. She's still using stubbornness to stay there, not money earned by having a job.
Hey Shammers, check this out: ☞ ☞ ☞ ☜ ☜ ☜
ReplyDeleteIt's a link to a website that analyzes reddit users. Although the Pig Shocker no longer posts on reddit since she was chased off, it still has all the stats. Scroll down to "ACTIVITY BY TIME OF DAY" to see how much time she wasted online, and also when.
Note: This is only for reddit, but gives a general idea of how she spends her day. Hover your mouse over each bar and mentally adjust it 3 hours, as the time is for west coast not east. What the graph shows is a period of little to no activity, around 4-5 hours, which is probably when she's sleeping. But the colored bars also show very little activity at the beginning and end of each day, which is the time she spends feeding the animals and dragging buckets of water around. Note that there is also a small break mid-day which is probably lunchtime.
But look at the spiked activity on each side of lunchtime -- that's how much time she spent each day on reddit when she was active. And that doesn't include Twitter, Instagram, the bleg, TV shows, etc. One more thing to note: the orange spikes are for karma. She received most of her good karma for comments in the mornings (probably cuz she was somewhat sober) and she received hardly any karma at all in the evening (when she was more drunk, bitter and spotting nonsense).
Pretty interesting stuff and it lines up with how we've all imagined she spends her time: Chores at the beginning and end of the day, with nothing but "insteading" and playtime in between.
New commenter here.
ReplyDeleteI was honestly curious if there were any public reports on JW (police, blotter, animal neglect investigations, etc). While looking those up (couldn't find anything), I came across what her address is supposed to be.
According to this link, JW lives at 207 colfax. Is that correct?
If so, why does have that address listed as sold on 4/18/2019? And who owns it now?
Is that a typo? I can't find it as being sold on any other real estate sites, but surely refinancing a house wouldn't cause it to be shown as a new sale date, right? That's only something I've seen happen when a property changes hands to a new owner.
Based on the photos I can find, that's definitely her house in the posting, just much more cleaned up...
Sorry, I've been skeptical of the animal abuse allegations, but a reader of this blog for awhile now. However, the constant begging and then playing and watching endless hours of television shows bothered me. I never contributed to her farm, because not having soap ready to ship (unless it was a special order), didn't make good business sense to me. Plus, we are only living off one income and will become a family of 5 towards the end of October. Gotta stay frugal, hence the reason we are trying to be as self sufficient as possible.
Anyways, I figured some of you who are local to get could offer some insight on whether or not the property did sell recently. Perhaps a newspaper blurb or something saying it sold?
Please feel free to make this the next blog post (this one is getting long in the comments and I had trouble getting it to load).
- A concerned homesteader
Perhaps this blog was about the realtor taking photos, but it happened way before she posted about it?
Delete"SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2019
The most common feedback I get these days is permission to quit. It never comes from a place of ill intent. The senders of these emails want to see me find a sense of peace and less panic. They want me to know that I owe nothing to the readership and they enjoyed the story regardless if I keep the farm or not. Some want the trying to stop, as if it makes them anxious. Others are genuinely worried about my mental or physical health. But most of you read quietly and keep your opinions to yourself. I assume a great many of those of you reading quietly also understand if I wanted to start changing directions.
That said:
I got through this miserable winter and am slowly getting through each and every month. I am almost through this one. A few more small sales and I will have the mortgage to mail in. Today a person came to make sure I was here and take photos of the house. That always hits me hard, a reminder that mailing in a late payment every month isn't a victory - it's treading water until I am past caught up and saving for the future. Solvency is the dream of this farm and thousands of others. I know a lot of you out there are also trying to make it, to keep your land and animals, to manage whatever scraps are left of the American Dream we were promised.
I am not quitting. I am not giving up. I am not selling the farm. I have a real chance to pull something good off this summer and I will figure out a way to pull that off. I do not care if this is the hardest stretch of my life and every single month is a panic and prayer. That is what I signed up for when I put my story online to share with strangers. I made that unofficial handshake, that I would keep telling the story of this farm in the hopes you keep reading about it. I can't tell you how powerful that is, knowing that someone out there is listening. Even if you read this blog hoping I fail and lose the farm, it is comforting knowing someone is reading this. Maybe you find life a little less lonely reading this, too.
I feel close to being okay. I've come so far. I've grown up so much, changed so much, got stronger and harder and far more focused and determined. I hope I can figure out these next few days. I will try.
You can always count on me to try.
-A Concerned Homesteader
When you re-finance your home, they do take photos. Your question about if it was sold, or refinanced is a good one. All of that information is found in county records. I don't have time - too busy working, farming, etc., to look but you should be able to answer your question easily enough.
DeleteThank you for your reply, Dancing Shepherdess.
DeleteI'm not nearly internet savvy enough to even know how to look for those records. But I do remember when my hubby and I refinanced or own home, and then when we sold it to move across country. It showed us as the owners, never with a new date compared to the original purchase date, the entire time now that I think about it.
Normally I'm much more busy, but I'm sick with a bad head cold and was having trouble sleeping, so I decided to try and do some research myself.
I'm in zone 6b, but we had near freezing temps after mothers day weekend in my area, so I've been in overdrive trying to restart seeds to replace plants that were killed by cold temps, and getting other stuff planted before it's too late. Especially since the temps jumped back up into the 80's. Lol, and the rainstorms haven't been helping in the gardening department either. (*sigh*) Seriously crazy weather this year.
-A Concerned Homestead
I question whether she could even refinance with such poor credit. My guess is typo or some other clerical thing. But, I'd love for a local to check it out and report back.
DeleteVery interesting A Concerned Homesteader. Vets are due today, so I'll be away, but if it's true, there should be a property change noted by the county office (Washington County, NY).
DeleteLet us know what public information you find.
Agreed. I know one of my local free papers lists any properties that sold, hence the reason I'm curious if any of the locals near JW can find out for sure.
DeleteI had thought it very odd to see a new sale date on her property for, but I know sometimes it can take a few months for real estate sites to update. (My old house still showed it was for sale for a few months after it sold on sites we didn't have it originally listed through.) If her house really was up on the market, and it sold quickly through who it was listed with, then the other sites could very well be not updated yet with the recent sale information. Just my thoughts on the matter.
-A Concerned Homesteader
DeleteAfter a vain attempt to look up property records (with a super slow, very rural, Wi-Fi hot spot for an internet connection), I do believe I'll go ahead and let someone else with more internet navigation skills, as well as a faster internet connection, look that information up!a
I'm going to go get as much as I can done, well, as much as this stupid head cold (coupled with 2nd trimester morning sickness) will allow me to feel up to doing. I think I'll mention I'm almost off restrictions that the doctor ordered after I had an emergency appendectomy last month. Either way, I'm going to put down my kindle and get doing something semi-productive. My toddler had already drug the laundry basket through the living room this morning! Lol! Oh, I think I'm ready for a nap already!
-A Concerned Homesteader
Read the fine print on that listing:
Delete"This property overview is from the previous listing when the home was listed for sale in Jun 4, 2009."
Now, I don't know why they have it listed as sold in 2019, because every site I've checked says that JW is the owner. So... I don't have time to search the tax records, either, but after I'm back from camping I might.
Oh, also. The only thing I thought about with regard to the sale in 2019 was, maybe Pember Patty bought the place and is "renting" it to JW. (i.e., she's living there for free).
DeleteSometimes when people refinance a loan it can show as a new sale date.
DeleteIt also could have sold and 1) she doesn't even live there anymore or 2) the person who purchased it is letting her stay there as a renter.
DeleteShe did make a remark recently that she wanted "to get it back from the bank."
I thought that was weird because the bank has always had it because she still pays a mortgage. Perhaps it was a slip up and the new owners are doing a rent to own scenario with her.
That get it back comment was in something I read in the past two days
Also records take longer than a month to update online. Great find by the way. I think it sounds like CAF got yanked out from under Pig Shocker!
DeleteYou "can always count on her to try" and mooch mortgage money from innocent victims.
DeleteSo I've been thinking about the sorts of people who hang around FFF...
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt that Pig Shocker uses people to achieve her ends. As past supporters- now-Shamsters have indicated, she flatters, cajoles and becomes BFF with her target, all while using them for donations, favors, handouts or their hoped-for connections. She is undoubtedly relentless.
Mostly, these hookups don't last. They end when the begging overwhelms or the victim realizes s/he is being used or s/he finally sees the hypocrisy that is 🐖 🔌⚡.
Locals, who have the greatest opportunity to see through the lies, probably quit FFF right away. Others, like Jon Katz, take longer. I have no respect for locals, like Patty and Tara, who must see what is happening but stick around.
What about FFF's Internet buddies? For the most part, FFF latches onto connected, more-talented people who have no understanding of rural living beyond a vague appreciation. She works her bullsh** on them incessantly: She follows, RTs, promotes their products, sends them gifts and shamelessly inserts herself into their on-line conversations. (It's a little too "Fatal Attraction" to me.)
She literally begs them to visit, and if she is lucky enough for them to take her up on the offer of free room & board, she no-doubt pulls out ALL her toys to entertain them. She needs them to adore her.
With her laser-focused attention, it must be awfully flattering - if not a little creepy - and hard to resist.
I think some figure it out anyway and pull back. Maybe their antennae wiggled at FFF's obsessive behavior, self-importance and fake feral lifestyle. Maybe they did due diligence and realized their new bestie has told the same begging tales for years!
I'd like to think some of them found CAS and CAST, learned the truth and backed away.
Last year, @becauseIvy visited Dead Animal Farm, and she posted a photo of herself with the imprisoned red hawk & animal prop, Aya Cash. She probably believed FFF's 🐂💩 story that FFF "rescues" raptors; of course, we all know this isn't the truth - the hawks are props, used to shamelessly promote her brand, rural cred and products.
Today, I noticed that @becauseIvy had removed the photo of her posing with Aya Cash. Maybe it's a coincidence or maybe (and I hope this is the case), she finally got woke to the horror that is FFF.
Maybe sara called Ivy from where she's chained in the basement and in a whisper screan said "The haters are right! Helppppppp!"
Delete"I have 2 days to earn half my mortgage and have my check postmarked. Holy crow this is crunch time. Yesterday I made some headway, and that headway had to go to the electric bill, gas for the truck, 100lbs of feed, and phone company. The reality of needing to earn money through this blog and farm is that I am not able to just earn it for one expense. All the income I make through part-time work and what I offer has to cover every aspect of the farm management, insurances, utilities, student loans and home ownership without government, spouse, or family assistance. "
ReplyDeleteIf only someone with a little life experience had thought of this 9 years ago when she quit her job. Do you realize that she has to pay her mortgage AND all her other bills every single month, and no one is helping her? Holy cow.
Holy "crow"! 🙄
DeleteI'm from the midwest, we say cow.
DeleteRedhorse, I'm from Michigan, and we say "cow," too. I think that WH is imitating how annoying the FFF is when she frequently uses "Holy crow!" or "Good gods!" as stupid exclamations of surprise.
DeleteThinking of Pig Shocker's recent "need to get it back from the bank" comment and that a sale of her property shows up in public records as sold in 4/19, perhaps the bank did foreclose. Im not sure what happens after a foreclosure.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you have x amount of time to "get it back" before the bank sells it to the next owner.
If that is the case, missing the goal of her mortgage payment begging this month could seal her mortgage fate.
Bye bye "farm" on Colfax Rd. 🖐🏠
Please give the new lambs to Leah!
Leah seems to take great care of her animals.
Oh and, Pig Shocker, don't let the barn door hit you in the ass on your way out!
Great research by a Concerned Homesteader in finding the sale information and welcome to CAST!
You can get it back after the bank takes it but it isn't done much. There are certain procedures and it can take a long time. Jenna doesn't mean she is trying to get the house back after the bank took it. She's just making a general comment about the bank getting off her back most likely. If they had taken the house she'd have about a month to leave or the sheriff would be at her door and throwing her things to the road. My guess is that they are just riding her ass-they don't want the house -or any house. They sit there and rot most times before they get sold to the next buyer. So, they don't want this house and they are riding her ass to keep her making payments. Also, is unreliable. If needed, go to the county court house and ask for the property information on this address. It will give you the most accurate info.
DeleteJenna is still listed as the owner of 207 Colfax Rd. on the Washington County GIS web map parcel viewer. As of now.
ReplyDeleteAnd, it is listed as sold for $158,000 in 2009, so I think has a year typo, and it didn't sell in 2019.
DeleteThat's what gets me - $158,000 is not that much money to pay off! With a job, she'd be able to do it. Homes where I live are now in the $400,000 to 700,000 range. Gads.
I just looked at the realtor page for the property.
Are we saying it's been sold based on it saying "$14.30 when it sold in 2019"?
That could simply mean it's that much lower or higher in price than other properties sold in 2019. I don't think that necessarily means that her property sold in 2019.
Anyone else have a clearer understanding?
I lost my home 10 years ago to foreclosure. When that happens and they officially foreclose, there is a weird waiting period... you don't have to pay the mortgage because it's not any longer your home, technically. However, they have a lot of paperwork to do and then eventually there is a sale/sherrif sale on the property and then you usually have a short period of time before they come and tell you 48 hours. And they mean it. I ended up staying in the house for almost a year! It was stressful, because I knew that at any moment we could be homeless, but I also knew that it would take at least a few months, perhaps 6 months or more till it all happened. So I started socking away money, selling off stuff, packing things, getting ready.
DeleteI wonder if they actually did foreclose and now she's just pretending and gathering cash for when they actually kick her out. I have heard that it moves a little faster these days, not quite a year. I would say if like in 3 or 4 months she suddenly announces she is moving or moving in with someone or whatever, then yeah, they foreclosed.
What I don't get is how the heck she could be so far behind for years and years... we fell behind about a month or so, for about 7 months and that was that. (We were making payments, just not catching up for the 7 months.) It was a very depressing and stressful time for me. I still have anxiety over it. Thank god our new home is totally paid off. (It was a cheap foreclosure!!!)
I totally think that is in her near future.
DeleteA person can't be behind forever. I wouldn't doubt if she's made last ditch payment arrangements and isn't able to make the agreed upon payments.
In the case, foreclosure is just around the corner.
I know that everyone makes mistakes.
Normal people learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them.
However, Jenna is an idiot and refuses to learn her lesson from anything.
She will make the same mistakes for the rest of her life.
It bears repeating "You can't fix stupid and stubborn." And she has both of those defective character traits with no assistance to rein her in.