It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
On Instagram, the Pig Shocker posted a pic of a small animal skull with horns (baby goat?) and wrote:
ReplyDelete"All sorts of beauty and wonder show up as snow melts, earth moves, and green things start returning."
Why would the melting snow uncover a skull on her farm? Is this one of the many farm animals she killed by neglect?
See it here:
MYSTERY SOLVED: Over on the CAS Twitter, clever Brynner42 noticed that the photo was an OLD pic from 2017 that Jenna was trying to pass off as new. Also, she DID kill that poor animal, an innocent baby lamb. And she wrote on her bleg that it was entirely her fault:
Delete"And make no mistake it was a failure. The lamb was in my care and it died. It died because what I did wasn’t enough."
Ugh. How is she still allowed to have animals on that feed lot of horrors?
Question for long-time Shammers: What impact do you think this blog (and the other older ones) have had on scammer Jenna Woginrich? I've only been contributing for about a year but I've already seen a few changes in her unethical and questionable behavior.
ReplyDeleteFor example, she really used to beg a lot more, and more brazenly. 2018 was a banner year for her scams and begging, but by the end of the year she toned it down a bit. Winter's Bottom II was not the total shit show we were expecting. She showed a bit of restraint in making up pseudo emergencies for pity donations. She didn't beg as much and as a result, she's now very close to foreclosure, if she is to be believed.
So, those of you who participated in the first blog, how has she changed between then and now? In your opinion, is she begging less or more? How long did it take for her to discover the first ColdAntlerShamBlog dedicated to calling her out on her BS? What was her response? Did her behavior change much as a result of seeing that she was being exposed for her animal abuse and scams?
📌 Down below, Chickqualizer gave a very detailed and informative reply to the question.
DeleteSee the post made on May 4th at 11:45pm. ☟ ☟ ☟
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"The problem with making something work for years is that at some point everyone assumes you'll keep making it work."
Oh, delusional Jenna, all that booze has rotted your brain. I think you meant to say:
"The problem with begging for the mortgage for years is that at some point everyone assumes you'll get a job and pay for it yourself."
Anon7. I'm flattered that you're using my Twitter Twaddle concept and quotes. Here's a few from last night:
Delete1. "If I had $75 bucks to spare I'd buy a wheelbarrow, bolt cutters, and grass seed and make this dirty, stoney, eroded front yard into a lawn again. That's a goal for this summer."
She's had almost a decade to buy those items, but would rather spend her poodle money on Amazon Prime, Netflix, new vinyl, binging on booze at "her bar," and other luxury items.
2. "When I wanted to leave a job I with hated with health insurance for one I loved without it and people acted like I was jumping off a building."
This stupid tweet was in response to the following:
All On Medicare @AllOnMedicare
"When did you become radicalized by the U.S. health care non-system?"
Note the lack of appropriate punctuation once again. It's similar in style to that infamous Reddit title that got the thread closed down a year ago. It was due to people becoming suspicious of her scamming. It also makes you wonder if she's not plotting to go on disability. Why else would an able-bodied, relatively young woman be interested in Medicare? I guess that her online begging is drying up thanks to us, and the CAS Twitter account.
It's a great concept, EUM! As for her "$75 bucks to spare" comment, one of her foollowers phoned the Pig Shockers hardware store and bought her the bolt cutters. Or she bought them herself and made that story up.
DeleteGood job, CAS Twitter, for pointing out the glaring ineptitude of Jenna Woginrich and the latest pet sketch she made. The dog's white head markings, not only did she narrow it rather than keep it wide, but it looks a lot like Gibson's marking. Like she just traced over an old pet sketch of him and called it a day. "Close enough" she muttered, as she took another sip of whisky.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the dog she sketched has round eyes but she drew them triangular. Okaaaay. In addition, the dog's nose is the wrong shape and too small. And she didn't even bother to paint the tan coloring of that dog? She must've been too busy binging on TV shows to do it properly. And her client must be blind to have publicly praised this shoddy artwork that cost $150. *SMH*
Yeah, that skull will entice any would-be dates. Calling all sociopaths. Only,one of her own would be impressed by someone who respects farm animals /the land SO MUCH that she throws an animal's head away like so much garbage. Or maybe it died and she didn't even notice, such is the hell that is Cold Antler Farm.
ReplyDeleteBtw, after she reads CAST, get ready for some tortured rationale for her grotesque behavior.
Lol, I would think that any would-be suitors would be frightened off by how many times she bragged on her bleg about how stinky she is, her profound lack of hygiene and how she only showers when she washes her sheets (about once or twice a week). Eeew, imagine getting into bed with that level of filth. And it's all there...all over her bleg.
DeleteMore enticement for would-be suiters, from Jenna Woginrich's February 4, 2017 blog:
Delete"After these hours of hunting, chores, dead things, poop, and mold I went inside and made a cup of afternoon tea and didn't wash my hands or worry about residual deer blood on my lips. I was grateful for no longer moving. Later that night I would invite my working dogs in my bed —under the covers if they liked — and fall asleep breathing in black silky fur and feeling toenails rake past my naked body. I will not have showered first.
If this all sounds gross, that's fine. I'm not everyone's ideal partner, for sure. But I can assure you there are five sets of clean sheets in this house, which are changed every single time I shower (twice or thrice a week)..."
The deer blood in this charming discussion entitled "Germ Freaks & Ice Cream" came from a fawn carcass Jenna found. She had no idea how the fawn died, or even if it suffered from a transmissible disease before death. She didn't use any recommended precautions before handling the carcass.
If she is this careless when handling wild game, imagine how she is around her own property. She has publicly admitted to pinworms, bacterial infections, tapeworms, tick-borne disease and tetanus. She's been forced to discard meat shares because of infected animals. She's lost animals to easily preventable illnesses.
Her freezer has stored meat shares for customers, ingredients for soap making, but also rats, squirrels, wild animal carcasses and feces-covered dirty jeans (to freshen them up).
To say nothing of the campylobacter she contracted when she butchered some chickens years ago. She got very sick due to her ineptitude and lack of research:
Delete"I remember listening to Joel Salatin talk at my first ever Mother Earth News Fair about every time they finish butchering chickens they handed out ice cream sandwiches as a treat to the crew. Everyone just dug in. No one ran off to simonize themselves first or rinse their hands. As someone who got Campylobacter from chicken harvesting I cringed hearing this. But I was inexperienced and doing it wrong. (I broke open intestinal fluid and a gall bladder.)" ["Simonize" ??? The great righter misspelled "sanitize.")
From 2010:
test results came in...
It was Campylobacter.
“There is a bittersweet reality to getting campylobacter from rushed chicken processing. I only got it because I had chickens to process.”
OMG, Duckmama, I didn't know about that. Disgusting!
DeleteAnd Simoniz is a car wax/polish, lol.
☞ It's Official: Jenna Woginrich is mentally ill ☜ She said so herself in response to this tweet:
ReplyDelete"Your Kentucky Derby horse name is: A symptom of one of your mental illnesses + the last thing you ate."
Her answer: "Scared Cheese"
Well then, that's speculation sorted. And something many here suspected.
More Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete"If I had to start farming all over again I wouldn't do it online. But since I did I learned a totally different set of skills. And I think those skills are what made the difference in staying here. Tomorrow I hope to have sheep back on the same farm I am fighting off foreclosure."
Skills = online panhandling. Seriously, what skills is she talking about if not that?
And why is she getting more sheep (and rams, per another tweet) if she's fighting off foreclosure? That makes zero sense and it's an absolutely bad idea and inconsiderate to any new animals as well. That's like buying new fish for a cracked aquarium that's about to break.
And this tweet:
ReplyDelete"Got an email from a farmer a set of triplet rams may need a new home after a pony attack. I need to call my Farrier to reschedule. My butcher knows my birthday. This is 2019."
Did she have a stroke while writing that? Or way too much to drink? 🍷 🍸 🍺
This wreaks of something bad.
DeleteWhat luck! Some mama ewe got killed by a pony leaving 3 ram lambs! Guess some luck has been slung at her barn wall. Remember, she let Her pony kill a lamb. Isn't it amazing that she's sold all these meat shares and never even had the animals to fulfill the orders, or even plans to get the "meat" from reputable farmers? The discussion of the fawn roadkill and the panicked obtaining of meat just don't bode well in my mind.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to her new lawn. nuff said about that. WHEELBARROW!!!?????? She's a FARMER and doesn't own a wheelbarrow???!
Has she mentioned this flock of meat chickens being butchered yet? That should be an influx of dollars, but she'll never mention that - might spoil the appetite for her begging.
She mentions some grand scheme for this summer, but unlike legitimate homesteaders, there's no hint of a plan.
Anon 7 - You've asked about the changes in her bleg over the years. Much has changed, but miraculously, much hasn't.
Changes: New vernacular. She used to write as if she was grandpa on "Petticoat Junction." It was funny but really phony.
Fewer animals - thanks to those who reported her.
No improvements ever made by her on the farm. With the exception of the bobcat goat cleanup last year, it seems she's finding manual labor suckers harder to find. In the past, she found suckers to do her work.
She used to have those get-togethers at her place to learn to play fiddle for a few hours, or watch someone (not her) pull one log from the woods. Probably didn't help that she refused people basic kindnesses like using a bathroom or offering a snack. Plus - would you want to be associated with her?
She used to have men help her. Sometimes the same man multiple times. That seems to have ended a long time ago.
She used to seem to have more connection with her family, even if it was bristly.
What's the same:
Sub-par animal care. Including having to find new vets, farriers. Having to get cast-off animals.
Taking money for sales that may or may not be fulfilled. For example, selling animals you don't own. Asking for orders that you tell people upfront may not be filled for a long time.
The seasonal Cold Antler Almanac. You know, February is "I'm freezing to death, help." April is gross, etc.
Social media. For one who brags so much about no cell phone, the Tweets are non-stop. Who would have time to farm?
Fantasy life. Hobbittown (Hobbitville?), Birchthorn....
The belief that she is so different, so heroic, so much more than other people. That hasn't changed.
That's just a sampling menu. BTW, if she is raising meat birds, are they truly walking in and out of her living room? And if they are big enough to do that, wouldn't it be extremely disgusting?
Thank you, Chickqualizer, for this most informative post! I'm very curious about this "writing like grandpa on Petticoat Junction" comment. Do you remember what year this was?
DeleteAnd yes, her family connection...I remember when reading the first couple of years on her bleg, much more mention of them. A few stories of them coming to visit, along with conversations relayed. Now there's nary a mention. She doesn't see them on holidays, her mom refuses to visit. Seems like she hasn't seen any of them in person for years and years. Very odd.
And the "heroic" part -- I thought that was a new thing with her. She's been spouting that crap since the beginning? Oh dear.
Thanks again for taking the time to detail all of these observations.
📌 Adding a tack for anyone looking for Chickqualizer's post.
DeleteI hope the people who spent good money buying "lamb shares" from Jenna are pleased she didn't take their investment $$ and buy high quality, nicely started, lambs. No, she already spent their money, so she's reduced to begging and bartering for cast-off lambs.
ReplyDeleteThree ram lambs, whose mother was killed by a pony? What could be wrong, lol? That farmer sounds as competent as Jenna, who doesn't seem to have much concern over early care, bloodlines, early nutrition and overall quality. Hey, guys, if it's free or cheap, it's perfect for her farm.
Her latest throwaway lambs have to survive her horses, predators, worms and tetanus in the soil. If they don't make it, well that's farming, guys. The meat share owners will certainly understand.
PayPal her...sniff... It means so much!
But she needs her furry props!
Delete🐎 🐐 🐖 🐓 = 🐩 💰
I've been following this for a while and I think I have a theory of sorts about what may be at least part of what's going on. when Jenna started all of this, she was an outlier. There were female farmers but they weren't widely publicized. She capitalized on the novelty of being a single female farmer. She didn't know what she was doing but it was understandable and funny to write about and people understood she was new at this and believed she was earnest , thus, empathizing with her. And they could live vicariously through her, like so many folks live through her ex-friend Jon Katz. My guess is that people were cheering her on, supporting her, which was nice and appropriate. But as time went on, more and more young farmers surfaced on social media, and Jenna wasn't such an anomaly anymore. And you can't continue to be inept for very long, especially when so many other newbies who are also learning and succeeding are surpassing you. Social media can give a person who would be considered just an average Joe a sense of celebrity- I recall her talking about being a celebrity. But you have keep upping your game and for some they can because there aren't other lives involved. They work to maintain credibility. For her, she can't because she has exposed over time that she does not have the knowledge or skills or mindset to run this farm, all important when you are new at something that is probably one of the hardest occupations in society. I I think all of this may have been a ploy to get attention and some power and that there was no sincere desire to really grow. But once she was in, her ego wouldn't let her quit. I do think that the more people comment on her ineptness and failures, the more she is going to dig in- human nature to try to save face, and saving face for a narcissist is vital. There are always going to be people who she can pull in. Not bad people, just people who sympathize for whatever reason with her. I think most will catch on eventually and move on. It's human nature to reach out and help those in need. It's too bad some people exploit that. There's nothing better to teach you that empathy and sympathy aren't the same than to deal with someone like Jenna. She's definitely a growth opportunity awaiting to happen for some folks!
ReplyDeleteVery well said, Anon 7:48 am. I believe the early success of Jenna Woginrich /Barnheart largely resulted from the 2008 recession. A lot of people found themselves unemployed, underfunded or worried about economic stability.
DeleteJenna offered them a lifeline. She told them anyone can make it if they embrace the more "genuine" lifestyle that she espoused, even if that meant just raising a few chickens.
She reminded readers time after time that expertise and competence didn't matter - the only attribute that counted was sticking to the path. Thus would-be farmers shouldn't be overly concerned if crops failed or animals died. Hey, that just meant they were scrappy, like her. After all, sh**happens and no one should let incompetence deter them.
In reality Jenna's "Farm" depended on coercing kind people to buy overpriced products and provide sympathy donations, gifts and handouts. With all this, the enterprise has barely survived The country life as SHE practiced it isn't sustainable.
Jenna is like an old-fashioned snake oil salesmen: she promises the world and delivers little or nothing, with almost everything based on lies, exaggerations and misrepresentations.
Perhaps these are the lambs she's trying to get her hands on:
Doesn't mention a pony accident, but they are triplet rams, and that can't be too common. Don't know if they're wethers. BTW, before the celebrity gets "scared," I look at Craigslist farm ads regularly in my area. If you remember, I saw a part-time farm job at $20 hour for Jenna recently. In fact, I've just hatched some chickens and quails, some of which I got from Craigslist. Didn't even need someone else to give me gift card to replace every last one of them as she has in the past.
I think you're on to something with the economic downturn making her story popular. But the truth is, she doesn't need to be unique. Just work hard and provide farming content. I follow many homesteaders these days, and they are always working and providing content. If you remember Jenna Woginrich's Youtube days, it was mostly her talking to the camera with animals walking around. She's probably working on the "I Failed at Feral Farming" book proposal as we speak.
At the risk of repeating myself... did she butcher the living room broilers? Where are they? And what are the odds she would meet up with another sheep killed by a pony? Not a horse, but a pony??!
So we were close... 3x3x6 bales instead of standard rounds. But yep... they're sitting outside, directly on the ground under a tarp. Hello moldy hay and sick horses. Also... she got 1 lamb. ONE. One sheep is cruel for a flock based animal. Also... her most recent post is a straight up beg for funds. What's your plan next month Jenna when you still have no income but even more mouths to feed?
ReplyDeleteNo true sheep farmer buys ONE lamb. It's cruel. When I sell lambs I sell two at a time unless I know the buyer already has sheep. They are flock animals. One lamb will be constantly stressed, which ruins the meat. And, no true sheep farmer would sell ONE lamb unless they simply don't care about that animal's welfare. So we have one lamb of questionable origin, being raised by a someone of questionable intelligence.
DeleteLambchop, I echo everything you say.
DeleteLambchop, truth! But she now has a new prop for her ignorant fanbase, and cute photos are WAY more important than an animal's well being.
DeleteAnd Chickqualizer, agree that we haven't seen pics of all the surviving coyote/fox food that she previously bought.
That pic on Twitter of that little lamb being bottle fed broke my heart a little. That little face, those little eyes, so innocent and trusting. But that poor dearheart has no idea what he's in for on that nasty farm, with that abusive fake farmer.
DeleteAnd then it's pointed out how cruel it is for that little lamb to be on it's own, all alone without flocking friends to keep it company. My heart breaks a little bit more.
Jenna Woginrich is a hypocrite who is tweeting nonstop about Game of Thrones, which she is paying to stream, while she's blegging about how she has to "white-knuckle" every month and people should stop sending her messages saying "it will work out" when she needs their money dammit!
ReplyDeleteBut what really has me chapped today is a little thing that is really a big thing. She was tweeting about GOT using the hashtag #DemThrones. It takes about 5 seconds to understand that this hashtag is one used by the Black Twitter community . I follow it cause it's usually hilarious, but I wouldn't us it even if I did ever tweet about the show. But to Jenna, who probably thinks she's going to attract followers using it, it is just one more way that she appropriates religion, sexuality, culture (and she ain't no Appalachian either), or whatever she wants to push her own privileged, narcissistic narrative and continue her lazy, self-absorbed lifestyle.
Reference from #DemThrones is a social media hashtag used for discussion of the American television series Game of Thrones by members of the Black Twitter community. Similar discussions have been tagged using the hashtag "ThronesYall."
Agreed, Anon 5:19, it's disgusting how much she begs all the while spending money on crap she doesn't need. It's disgraceful, her priorities.
DeleteAnd thank you for explaining the #DemThrones hashtag. I saw that but didn't know the meaning behind it. Yes, it does seem like she's going after yet another demographic solely for the purpose of attracting new poodles. Shameless grifter, she is.
One Lamb? O no she dident.
ReplyDeleteI would bet that the new prisoner does not live on Jenna's property. Hell it probably isn't her lamb.
She talks about stopping at sheep farms looking for lambs to buy. That's probably one she saw on someone else's farm.
Speaking of, funny how if someone stops at Jenna's shit pit, it's stranger danger woe is me b.s. Of course sociopaths don't consider other people's feelings and has no problem waddling onto a stranger's property.
Is that a photo taken with the old iphone she "found in a drawer?" Jenna is a child playing grown up telling lies that no one believes.
Was that pic taken on her property? That’s a pretty decent run-in shelter in the background and we all know her horses have nothing. And the fenced look ok. Not great but passing. I’d say this pic is of a property that isn’t hers.
DeleteThe first of many most likely, LC.
DeleteNext one will be at Patty's but will be an extreme close up so no one figures it out.
Good eye, Lambchop. I can't tell one structure from another, but will say that the ones in the background do not look like anything on her property.
DeleteHold up.... she's begging for donations for a root canal, but she just got a new bottle lamb? wtf? seriously. if one is in such dire straights, why on earth would adding another mouth to feed be a priority. who is this idiot? bottle lambs cost money, milk replacer is not cheap or free. chickens, well, ok. horses, hell no! They are lovely and expensive. What a dipshit!
DeleteTwitter Bullshat:
ReplyDelete"I want you all to know that an amazing human here on Twitter called my local hardware store and bought me Bolt Cutters!!! THAT FENCE IS COMING DOWN!"
What a pathetic POS she is.
Did you check out the comments for that tweet? One person asked her to take before and after photos, and this was the Pig Shockers response:
Delete"Long way to go, both in seeding and moving earth, but I will! Also, I got to afford to stay here till then!"
Why not just say "I will" and leave it at that? But no, she has to throw in a line about needing to be able to stay there 'til then. In other words, send me money if you want to see those before and after pics. What a jerk she is.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe person who asked the question is one of Jenna's more ardent supporters. She frequently suggests people buy FFF soap. I was pretty surprised at this, considering the offal Jenna stores in the freezer along with soap ingredients.
DeleteReally, I thought doctors smarter, but then I remembered half of all doctors were in the bottom half of their graduation class!
OMG, you're right...that person is a doctor. What is she thinking?!?
DeleteHow much ya want to bet her tooth needs another "root canal"? I put it in quotes cuz it's very questionable she needs this at all. NO ONE has teeth problems as much as Jenna. I call bullshit on this one too. I guess shes really getting desperate to make her mortgage so shes putting out a pity story.
ReplyDeleteGet the pliers! Mama needs another root canal!!
I never, ever heard of a root canal having to be redone.
DeleteNeither have I. With all our guesses for "Begging Bingo" no one here imagined this type of scam scenario. She's run out of molars that need root canals, so she came up with the concept of needing to have them all redone. What a mental case she is.
DeleteI had one root canal so far and it needed to be redone. I was miffed about that and turns out many people I talked to had to have theirs redone. It is more common than I thought.
DeleteForgive me for this rant, because I'm not myself today, I'm sick of her self pity. I don't know if my spouse will be alive next week, or in hospice or a nursing home. I don't know if I'll ever hear his voice again. I have to find someone to buy the cattle and horses because I can't take care of them myself. And then to hear her whining and begging is just too much. Just get a job. Be useful for a change.
ReplyDeleteRedhorse, I am so sorry you’re going through that.
DeleteOh, Redhorse. I'm sooo sorry. Feel free to rant, share, (or not) here if it helps. :-(
That sentence didn't come across very well.. I just meant, if you feel the need, please feel free to lean on us. (If you're a more private person, we understand that, too).
It sounded good to me. Thank you both.
DeleteRedhorse, I am so sorry to hear this. We're here for you. Hope your news gets better.
DeleteI hate that you are having to deal with such terrible situations. One step at a time and please look after yourself too.
DeleteSo very sorry to hear that, Redhorse. If you need it, you have a good support team here.
DeleteSending positive thoughts your way. 💕
Redhorse - wish I could help, but you and your dh will be in my prayers. Wishing you support through this struggle.
DeleteRedhorse, I am so very sorry. :( I have friends in horses and cattle, depending on where you are I can connect you. Please let me know here by comment if you would like to talk.
DeleteBless you,. Redhorse. I am so sorry you're going through this.
DeleteStill thinking about you, Redhorse. And your spouse. Still thinking positive thoughts for you both. Hoping very hard that things will be alright. Also hoping for a positive update. But it's OK if you don't feel like it. We understand. Just know that you are loved. Very much. And we are here for you. Always.
DeleteRedhorse. I wanted to add my well-wishes, too.
DeleteThank you all. I was already 35 when I met him 32 years ago. We've had some really good times and some epic struggles. I can handle everything on the farm, I have a lot of help. It's the rest of it. I want to talk to him one more time.
DeleteWhen it comes down to it, love really is all that matters. Thinking of you.
DeleteThank you for the update, Red. I hope things work out. Hang in there, love.
Delete“If you are out there and can support this farm, please do. I need the help. Holy Crow, do I ever. This year has been the hardest and I just want to get through each month, I'm fine with it being hard I just need to know I'll be okay.”
ReplyDeleteAka: “I’m fine with it being hard. I just need to know that you’ll be sending those poodle dollars so I’ll be okay.”
“…when that happens the world seems kinder and the readership feels realer and I feel so much less scared.”
WTF?! The readership feels “REALER”??? REALER isn’t even a freaking word! The great faux righter, at it again! LOLOL
Just saw this on her twitter, she also retweeted it if I’m not mistaken:
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to make a sale today. Send a DM, as sales are very much needed and keep this farm going. Encouragement is needed, but so are bills paid!
Recently there have been very few responses to her beg posts and they have all been in the vein of, too bad, I’m broke too. I think this is her not-so-subtle shout out to her dwindling base of followers that she doesn’t care for any other response to her posts aside from straight donations. That’s really appalling. WHO straight up TELLS people or demands that they pay her bills before they give her encouragement?
Also, as a goat farmer I am disgusted by the thought of her buying one single lamb (herd animal, thrives on being in a flock) while also using it as a twitter prop and wording her post in such a way that the unsuspecting drop in might think she has a flock and it was born on her property.
I can't believe she said that: "Encouragement is needed, but so are bills paid!"
DeleteIn other words, "Please only send me encouragement in an email requesting my PayPal info. Please only send me letters that contain cash or a check."
Her family must be soooooo proud of her.
And, so sorry to hear this, RH. May Peace and grace and comfort find you and your loved one.
ReplyDeleteI saw Jenna at the local tailgate sale on Sunday. I heard her say to the vendor that she was buying a single silkie from that she had to “somehow buy three lambs”. When I was buying something from another vendor I heard that vendor say that she had sold one lamb and had one left. There were several lambs available at the sale, so I don’t know why she didn’t just get three lambs and be done. And why buy one silkie. First she asked for two, then changed it to one. I left before I saw her bring a lamb or anything else to her truck.
ReplyDeleteWow, what are the chances of that? Thank you for relaying this info.
DeleteSounds like she only had enough poodle cash for one lamb. And selfishly bought it without any consideration for it's wellbeing. I really hope the poor little lamb can survive that toxic farm environment.
I saw her there too! It was weird, I've never actually seen her around before...
DeleteOMG Guys, you saw HER there? And you can still talk in normal sentences? Didn't you freak out? I mean, SHESH, she is a PUBLIC FIGURE... a celebrity!!! Were there hoards of people ignoring her? Shunning her? Refusing to look her in the eye? Clutching their pearls and their menfolk? I mean, OMG! She was in public!???
DeleteSwoooooon! Oh, how I wish I lived closer and could get a glimpse of her. She is my favorite feral farmer lass. She is so rare and raw and just amazing.
Someone just bought her a pair of bolt cutters and suddenly shes hard at work? She couldnt think of this before or buy them herself? Shes that hard up for cash? I don't think so. Either shes lying about someone buying them for her or she's lying about getting off her fat lyin' ass and fixing the fencing. Jenna you dont deserve lambs and you suck at farming.
ReplyDeleteWhy the heck do you need bolt cutters and a wheelbarrow to plant grass seed??? She has three tons of spent hay all over the place.. Get a bag of grass seed, sprinkle it around, and then throw some handfuls of hay over it. Water and wait. Funny how that works.
ReplyDeleteSOunds like her front yard that she let get all crappy is the least of her worries. How about work on the damn soap and clip art logos so you can do them right away for new sales? No, lets add lawn care to the top of the priority list.
She is so whacked in her priorities. And she thinks we are all stupid as well to believe her.
I wonder if the neighbors complained. Past photos showed what a dump that area had become. Horses were fed by tossing hay over the sagging fence, so they stood there and wore out the grass. Manure all over the place, mixed with rotted hay. Lovely (NOT).
DeleteAn example of destroyed lawn with dangerous fencing and manure strewn around.
For non-horse people, manure is supposed to be cleaned up and composted or otherwise treated before disposal or spreading back onto the land.
Feeding horses on top of manure is a sure way to spread parasites. Feeding horses in the same place is lazy and it causes grass to be trampled. Dead grass does not protect soil from erosion, hence her place is an over-grazed wasteland. Aerial photographs from Google confirm CAF is a poorly-kept, over-grazed eroded mess.
Add the prevalence of soil parasites she's caused, and it's obvious her property, like her previous home in Vermont, is worse for her having lived there.
Glad you're here to point this stuff out, Poods. Cuz to city folk like me, that looks like a normal farm. Even seeing pics of her goats looked fine to me, 'til you pointed out that they were standing on 4 feet of their own poop and pee-saturated hay.
DeleteIf more of her foollowers read this blog, her donations would dry up for good.
Anon7, horses in the wild never eat where they defecate; it's instinctive to prevent bacterial and parasite infection. Reputable animal owners always feed away from manure and keep manure cleaned up.
DeleteObviously FFF doesn't do that. She throws hay on top of manure and animals have no choice but to eat on top of their own filth.
That she recently begged for a wheelbarrow shows she doesn't clean up after her farm animals because you need one to be anywhere close to efficient at cleaning.
Now, sharp-eyed readers may remember Jenna always had an old wheelbarrow leaning next to her barn. I guess it was just another prop, intended to make her fake farm look "authentic" because no one with an ounce of intelligence keeps a wheelbarrow outside all the time - that's how they rust and rot out.
As a reminder, here's a montage of CAF, weirdly reminiscent of Appalachia pics, and taken by Miriam Romais.
See the wheelbarrow???
Nice catch, PDD. Notice also the goat to the right of the wheelbarrow... standing on the then-three foot high pile of hay and shit.
I need to start begging for money. I'm getting desperate, too. And I need a crown and possibly a root canal done to my tooth, too, or have it pulled for A LOT cheaper...hhmmm
ReplyDeleteBTW...I do know nothing is wrong with her tooth.
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh Anonymous 8:59 you know for a fact that nothing is wrong with her tooth? I know we all think she is making this up but to know for sure is pretty good. Can you share anything with us here?
DeleteIf you knew for sure, you have no idea how helpful it would be for Jenna's potential victims for one of her scams to be exposed.
DeletePatty? Is that you? Tell us about her non toothache issue.
DeletePP is wayyyyy too busy being Jenna's handyman to have time to post on here.
DeleteOur FFF has blown through yet another religion. No mention at all of Beltane, which was May 1. I guess the pagans weren't coughing up enough dough.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she'll become a Scientologist next. They have lots of rich celebrity followers she can try to hustle for poodle cash.
DeleteBut wait, they won't want her, as she's broke as all seven hells. Ooh! Perhaps she can practice the Game of Thrones religion. That way, instead of going to just one hell, she'll go to all seven!
just looking at the picture of the lamb on her bleg and you can clearly see another lamb leg in the background so this picture was taken at the swap meet. It sure isn't at that dump she wants that baby to live in.
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad to see this account! I found it today on twitter. I'm not sure what happened to the other one but reading her bullshit blog and her incessant posts makes me want to barf. So whoever started this jewel of a blog, great job. I would donate to you. She's pathetic. I don't know why it's hard for others to see the truth here. She is walking, breathing scam.
DeleteHound Doggy's wonderful blog has attracted a wide variety of 1A contributors, including: experienced farmers, gardeners, homesteaders, horse owners, ranchers, graphic designers and business people of all ilks.
Many of us tried to help at one time or another - and some even contributed money - until we each realized the folly of doing that.
We're glad you found us 😉 .
Ohhh, yesssss, THANK YOU! We have a ranch, and we do a bit of farming, mainly putting up hay for our cattle. We do grow corn and wheat some years. We aren't a big operation but work hard and keep things going, without begging for help. Our neighbors would run us out of the country if we pulled the shit that Jenna does. We no longer have hogs and we don't mess with sheep. Had goats, but we re-homed them. Horses, cattle, dogs and chickens are our focus. Honestly am shocked at her constant begs and the amount of people that potentially fall for it. It is good that this blog shows the truth of a person like her. While we can't control what people think, I sure don't want people in cities to think this is how a farmer operates. It sure as hell isn't. No farmers or ranches that I know beg for money root canals and spend their days watching tv. Keep up the great work!
DeleteYes, welcome to the Cold Antler Sham Truths (CAST) blog. Happy to have you! And yes, she makes us want to barf too. Glad to hear you are a're in good company here, as there are many others. (Most all, I think, except myself and a few others.) So it'll be nice to hear your farming perspective on the shoddy goings-on at Cold Antler Farm (CAF) also known as Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.
DeleteOh Good Grief. The latest post on the bleg talks about how because she's single, she's the town leper and nobody will look her in the eye, come up and talk to her, or stay in one place when they approach. It's hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteUm no Jenna. You're treated like that because you're a thief, a beggar a wannabe, and from what we've heard, you smell horrible! Your personal hygiene is sorely lacking. People move away because you smell like a backed-up public bathroom at a national event.
There are so many reasons for people in town to dislike her.
DeletePerhaps they resent Jenna and her friends making fun over the accidental,death of the Town Justice, Carl Ackley?
Agreed, Lambchop. And as I stated below, people in her town have no doubt Googled her and that's why they don't like her. And if anyone thinks that Lambchop is exaggerating about how Jenna smells, you can read about it here, in her own words:
PoodleDiDo - That tweet doesn't tell the whole just shows 1/3 tweets. What exactly happened?
Anon7, Last August, Carl Ackley, a long-time Town Justice, husband, father and a farmer/rancher, was killed in a farming accident (injured by livestock) and Jenna and Company had a great laugh over his passing.
DeleteFirst, Jenna brought it up to show, haha, how 'quirky' her town is. (But wait, I thought she said she lives alone on the side of a mountain?)
Then her online 'friends' piled it on: all comments along the line of "best laugh I've had all day...hahaha...oh was he also the Town mechanic? You get the drift. One even drew a frowny face on peanut butter with a jokey farewell to Carl.
Jenna's right about one thing: news gets around in a small town. They don't forget inconsiderate behavior, rudeness, arrogance, using people, keeping a dirty farm and animal neglect. Everyone goes to the same vets, feed stores and shops and they will talk.
Jenna's new fable about people, especially women, not liking her because of her recent identity is laughable. She lives in a trendy suburb of New York City and people of all types are around. Hell, my town is smaller than hers and LGBTQ people are fully part of the community, and have been for a long time. In fact, townspeople still refer to our property as the "old Michael and Bob place" (and they moved nearly 35 years ago).
So I call horse pucks on her latest attempt to get sympathy from far-flung readers.
Thanks for the info. Wow, that's really shitty. Hope his family didn't see that. You know, I'm definitely guilty of having a few "Am I going to hell for this" moments, but I'm not a public figure with social media accounts in which my insensitive and crass comments are right alongside my pleas for sales and donations. What was she thinking?
DeleteAnd now from twitter, she lives in the middle of the woods. Right.
ReplyDeleteAnd people don't like her cuz she's gay. Aaaaand she's now re-tweeted that ridiculous new bleg post 3 times because she says that people aren't into clicking on it.
DeleteJenna, no one wants to read it cuz they're sick of your 💩
Oh boy. Here we go again. She's once more trying to paint herself in a unique light. Like she's the only one in the world living alone. Like she's the only woman in the world who purposely chose to live alone on a farm. Oh, how special she is. And so heroic too!
ReplyDeleteI was repulsed (but not surprised) that she asked (and received) permission from all her neighbors to hunt and horsey ride on their properties, but she won't let the scary stranger man do the same on hers?!? Well, I suppose that's the "selfish" part of this bleg post sorted.
All this talk about how she thinks people perceive her, what they must think of her...she must exhaust herself what this type of thinking. And when (or if) Jenna Woginrich ever grows up, she'll realize that people don't think about you as much as you think. She's clearly paranoid.
And her ego...good lord, she chose to super-size that thing, didn't she? Did she really just say that women, upon finding out that she's single, that these women think Jenna is a threat to their marriage? Like their men are gonna drop everything to run off with a broke wildebeest? FFS seriously? This kind of thinking is exactly why Jenna Woginrich begs so much. She thinks that she's SO special, SO unique, SO heroic that people should send her money so she can continue to live like fiction and not have to pay for it. Delusional.
And her one-size-fits-all psychobabble, my gods is her thinking is warped. She stupidly stated: "For women residing in small farm towns the correct anwser to "who are you?" is daughter, wife, or mother. [...] If a woman isn't one of those things she is either selfish, broken, or trouble."
First off, that's bullshit. I'm sure there are others in her area who are similar and live the same way as the Pig Shocker. But what really takes the piss is her inane assertion that single women living alone are selfish, broken or trouble. STFU Jenna Woginrich. You have no idea what you are talking about, as usual. And what an insult to women worldwide who chose to live alone.
The only selfish, broken and troublesome person is Jenna Woginrich. Add to that, stupid, broke and animal abusing. And the whole "no one likes me because I'm gay thing" -- also please STFU. As a homo myself, who has lived in both a big city and a small town, I can tell you that no one really cares. No one thinks about you that much. People don't do a 180˚ turn like Jenna Woginrich would like you to believe. Now, dye your hair purple, well, that's another story. It's almost 2020. Gay people are accepted much more now than ever. If people are treating her differently, it's because of her sour reputation, her crazy-eyed looks and how she smells. But oh yeah, blame it on having a rainbow sticker on your bumper. She used to be part of the background, but now she's "unique."
She thinks that the people in her town look at her funny cuz she's supposedly gay. What she doesn't realize is that those people have probably Googled her, and now when they drive past her farm, they know what's really going on there: Animal neglect and abuse, boozing, and online panhandling.
I've never really known any farmers, but I'd be willing to bet that they look down on lazy-lifestyle losers like Jenna Woginrich, who spends all day indoors tweeting and watching TV. And I'm sure word gets around town that the crazy chick from Whackadoodle Horseshit Hobby Farm pesters, begs and barters for feed and firewood cuz she's broke from all her time-wasting pursuits.
I work full time and farm side time and have other hobbies. I run at least 12 hours a day (no, not jogging). I grind so I can have the pleasure of more work on the farm, which is not work, because it is the thing I love. I honestly would not notice Jenna if I had never met her. If she did mention people avoiding her, it may be due to her using up her favors? We all have people in our lives that are expert at that... and we spend a lot of time avoiding them.
DeleteIt sounds like she definitely used up all her favors in that town. And as Anon 9:51 said down below to Jenna: "You constantly have your hand out while offering nothing."
DeleteI avoid types like that too.
Wowza! The narcissist has spoken! She's different! She's gay FFS! She drives a TRUCK! She's alone on the side of a mountain! People stare! They don't wave to her anymore! The entire barf-bleg reeks of LOOK AT ME!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's sad, really, that she has to vomit her emotions into the ether hoping for attention. Hey, Jenna, nobody gives a rat's ass! Do you actually believe people are thinking about you so much that they care, one way or another, about all the things you're insecure about? Because it's obvious; everything you wrote about stems from YOUR insecurities, not theirs. Nobody gives you a second glance because you're gay, a woman without a partner, live alone on a (ah-hem...) 'farm,' or any of the other reasons your paranoid brain thought up.
I, too, live alone. I'm on an suburban acre where I try to be as self-sufficient as possible. (Believe me, at 61 I'm doing a hell of a lot more than our FFF in that regard!) I drive an '82 GMC diesel full-size pickup. I heat a good portion of my house with wood. I grow a large garden, raise poultry, and have a black belt in frugality. I'm the queen of Craigslist Free. I raised two kids entirely on my own. Do I care what my ultra-suburban neighbors think of me? Not one iota. Do I whine about people thinking I'm 'different?' Hell, no! I embrace it, I go my own way, and I PAY my own way. I like myself and accept who I am, warts and all.
JW, it's obvious you don't like who you are now. You can change that. Get some mental health help. Then just maybe you'll get to know yourself, change the things you don't like, and become a better person. One that not only you can accept and like, but that other people might, too.
👏 I fricken' love Duckmama and her take on things. Couldn't have said that better myself.
DeletePreach it, DM! 🔥
Well said Duckmama!
DeleteMy Spouse and I live in a very small town pop 1764! A ranching/farming community. We’ve been here 20 years and there are plenty of single women making it on their own! One lady runs a ranch with her three teenage kids and owns the local feed store, she employs another single lady who has a small alpaca operation that she just started a couple years ago. The ppl who own the land behind us has a daughter who just got a degree in animal husbandry and is buying the 40 acres on the west side of us, and she says she ain’t looking for a man, lol! I could go on and on but I won’t.
Great input, Jesse! ⚡️
DeleteThank you for sharing stories about the strong and independent women in your town.
#SingleWomenTakingCareOfBusinessAndDoingItRight. Bless them all.
Just realized what the title of the Pig Shocker's lamest bleg post ("Selfish, Broken, or Trouble") reminded me of: In season one of Game of Thrones there's an episode titled, "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things."
ReplyDeleteAnd it's all about having sympathy for those afflicted. She just started re-watching GoT a few days ago and has most likely seen this episode. 💡 So once again, she is appropriating something, pop culture in this instance, with the sole purpose of obtaining pity donations.
(Part One)
ReplyDeleteYou know what, let's pick her bleg post apart a bit more. I'm inspired by Duckmama, and I'm not busy tonight cuz I only had one sale today, and I have fuck all to do tomorrow, so I can stay up late. Plus, I'm halfway into a nice glass of wine. Yep, I'm indulging on a weeknight *shock horror* because the bottle of wine left over from this weekend is in the fridge and giving me the hairy eyeball. And so is the left over Italian take-out. So OK, lets do this:
At the beginning of the post, Jenna Woginrich describes a strange man at her house. He had stubble and a beer gut. So, he's a slovenly drunk then? He made her nervous. He was a complete stranger. With a hunters do have guns. So what does she do? She tells him that she lives alone. No man in the picture. That it's just her living all alone in the middle of nowhere on a mountainside. Real smart move there.
Jenna also states that when men find out she's not married, they step closer, or they step back. She states she is fair game or something to avoid. And this makes her not safe. Not safe from what?!? If they step forward, it's probably because they couldn't hear her in HER noisy bar. And if they step back, well she's safe. So why is she insinuating a possible rape scenario here? Pig Shocker, that should be the least of your concerns. Word.
She said she's also "not safe" from women either, as they supposedly think that she possesses the seductive feminine wiles to steal their husbands. What, does she think that these women will club her down or something? How is she not safe from females who are just being friendly? This is her "wet brain" trying to figure stuff out.
She's been watching too much Game of Thrones. All these fears of hers just happen to be major plot points in that show. There are women in that show who DO live within the constraints that Jenna talks about. Man, she needs to put down the remote control and spend more time tending her to hobby farm. Fix fences, feed animals, plant veggies. Clear her head with some good hard honest work.
And she contradicts herself. She begins her post by saying that everyone in town treats her differently. Or indifferently. That people back away, avoid her, and think that she's a potential husband stealer. She states that people are kind, even after saying that they are not? And then states, "There is a veneer of politeness out here that is necessary in rural places." OK, so then people ARE polite and nice to her. But she was saying, what exactly?
(Part Two)
DeleteShe then says, "My sexuality has very little to do with people's general wariness of me." This said at the end of her post -- but just scroll back up and re-read how she swears that her sexuality has EVERYTHING to do with the towns people's (supposed) wariness of her. And mistreatment of her. What the hell? Make up your mind already. Or at least get your narrative straight.
Jenna also says: "Mostly I am avoided because I am single and past the age most women are partnered up. I think being a woman alone is far more off-putting than being gay."
Uh, there are women older than you who find themselves alone after divorce or being widowed. And these women, these strong women, after taking some time to grieve, reflect and regroup, will sometimes search for a new mate. Searching for someone new while being often middle-aged. Despite the fact that they were already "partnered up" -- and you don't see them whining or acting helpless. So shut up, Pig Shocker. Go chomp on those frozen jeans in your freezer.
And then she said: "I'm single because I haven't met someone I love that loves me back. Pretty much the reason anyone is single."
OMG, please do not postulate or portend that you speak for single people everywhere. Seriously? People are single for many reasons. Some simply have standards. Others have requirements, or conversely, none whatsoever. And some simply prefer to live alone.
But Jenna Woginrich bases her "no one will love me back" on ONE experience she had when she chased some boy up some mountain expecting to get some nookie at the top. She was denied and now she is bitter and think's that the rest of the world's singletons share her insight, her derision, and her fate. Not so. Not even close.
OK, I'm done. The rest of her bleg post just makes me want to hurl, as it's an in-your-face desperate attempt to beg for sympathy and poodle cash. God damn, Jenna Woginrich, STFU and get a damn JOB already. THAT would be the answer to all your problems, both financially and romantically.
After a glass and a half of cold Pinot, (yes, I refrigerate red wine, so sue me), I must say that pan-warmed and slightly charred lasagna and pizza slice with extra melty and greasy mozzarelle (not a typo) is just a heavenly combo. I highly recommend. And I'm off to heaven now.
DeleteWhat a fun early morning read! Thank you Everyone!!
Delete*Special thanks to Anon7, Duckmama, Sash, WHF, Lambchop, HD and Jesse.
Jenna lives in/near cosmopolitan, socially-progressive areas in New York state. From time to time, she says she's lonely. Maybe she should put down the remote control for GOT and check out ways to meet neighbors or help people IRL.
This list doesn't even include links for farming, rural living, outdoors, women's groups. Truly, no one should have a problem meeting people, being fulfilled and keeping busy in Cambridge NY.
That was sincerely nice of you to have looked all that up for her. Truly.
DeleteBut you forgot one:
A nifty collection of the only ones who'd be interested in dating the Pig Shocker.
Except I and the majority here, I think? Don't buy her being gay. She is simply grabbing onto a label that will garner her sympathy for not being accepted.
ReplyDeleteI don't buy it either, not that I care what she is. I think earlier she was hoping it would be a cash stream for her.
DeleteGraphic Girl
Anon, I have to agree. She spent years talking about how much she wanted a man, gave pretty exact specifications, asked readers for dates, flaunted her 'big' breasts, posted sexually provocative statements. Despite her many tries, nothing worked out. Well, that happens.
DeleteSo she's gay. OK. Whatever. And single. And a single woman. On a farm.
Really, and I say this as someone who was single and lived in the country for years, no one cared what I was.
It's personality, honesty, trustworthiness, integrity and dependability that create good relationships and keep friendships.
Someone who continually asks/begs for free drinks, favors, truck repairs, farm help, house repairs, extra cash, etc is eventually ignored and then avoided.
So if it is true that people are avoiding her, she needs to look in the mirror and see why. I can pretty much guarantee it's not because she's female. Or gay. Or single. Or on a farm. Especially not in trendy, cosmopolitan suburban NYC.
I also believe that the gay community is just another demographic Jenna Woginrich is exploiting for financial purposes. And the lesbian persona is yet another entity she's appropriated for monetary support. She claims that she's always known she's gay but only recently felt comfortable with it.
DeleteI've read quite a bit of her bleg posts from 10+ years ago and have never seen her even hint about it. There's lots of talk about men however. Lots. And as Poodle pointed out, she once made a precise list of the exact man she wanted. But nowhere in her old writings does she offer any clues as to say otherwise. Not a one.
And with all the queer folk I've ever spoken to (in the 100's if not more) all of them, every single one had stories about remarks they made that might've outed them before they were out. Stories of the times they slipped up verbally, were caught leering at their same sex, or a parent found their gay porn stash, etc. This stuff happens.
Case in point: Several years ago I was watching old home movies with my son that showed me goofing around with my friends in my late teens, years before I came out. Even though I was so-called straight, I could not believe how many hints I made about how I really felt. Comments made about liking women, followed up by "just kidding" remarks. And many of my friends making insinuating remarks as well, even though I had never said anything and did not look in any way like a stereotypical lesbo. (I had long blonde hair, wore makeup, dresses.) Even the time when all my male cousins dragged me to a strip club in Vegas, a few of them gave me knowing looks. So did the hot strippers.
So my point is that you'd think that somewhere along the way, Jenna would have made some sort of remark, even a vague one. But no, nothing. Where are her stories and anecdotes about how her mother, her sister, her friends all said, "We thought as much!" or "That makes sense" -- Jenna writes about every aspect of herself where are these stories?
And I don't care how far you are into the're gonna slip-up from time to time regarding your sexual preference at least once. Sometimes the door cracks open a little on accident. It's just something that happens. To every gay. This is why so many of us simply do not believe her. She's doing it for the money.
BTW, here's the "man wanted" bleg post that PoodleDiDoo spoke of:
A few choice quotes:
❝ If you're a single man who isn't scared of livestock, I'd like to have a word with you. [Here's] a PSA asking one of you who fits this description to take this farm girl out on a date. Yes I'm serious. ❞
❝ I want to know a man who only says my name when he exhales. ❞
❝ Beards are not necessary, but encouraged. ❞
Maybe people avoid her because they don't like her. When she first came to that area, she got a lot of help from the locals. She even made the stupid statement that "it takes a village to raise a Jenna". Then at some point a local wrote on GOMI that the locals considered her a "serious mooch". I'm sure they are all got tired of her grifting ways. Jon Katz dumped her a long time ago. She appears to be all take and no give.
ReplyDeleteOh gawd..."it takes a village to raise a Jenna?" I just pulled a muscle, cringing so hard.
DeleteWhere and when did she say that?
I love how she talks about her two town experience as if it is the same for the whole country. NOT... Single woman here and many others are. Get over yourself Woginrich. People distain you for your actions... You are your deeds. Remember?
ReplyDeleteI read her latest and she has got to be the least self-aware person in the world.
ReplyDeleteJenna, people avoid you because you are selfish, untrustworthy, slovenly, and are a cruel animal steward. You lie, cheat and beg constantly. You cheat the local, good people who have helped you...those who have helped you through hard winters when you were begging for firewood, needed hay, or to get your truck started or mended your frozen pipes. The people on the internet who have bought from you only to get cheated when you won't do your job and then pretend to lose their email address. The people that supported your dream to publish Birchthorn only to get it thrown in their face when you didn't have the decency to either refund their money or send them the book they ordered. They did this all unselfishly to help you, the farm and your dream.
You cheat the animals that depend on you for food and comfort. You put them in wheelbarrows while they die. You sneer at the pigs and think its funny when an animal is hurt -- the goat that was chained up. Your hawks that have died or been carelessly thrown away because you'd rather use them for your narrative instead of taking proper care of them. The chicken frozen to death in the driveway. The list goes on and on. I speak for all the animals that die in your care because they don't have a voice.
You constantly have your hand out while offering nothing. You criticize people who don't have the same smug views as you. This is why people avoid you. It has nothing to do with your sexuality or living alone.
Get over yourself and take a long, hard look in the mirror.
Graphic Girl
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGraphic Girl. I deleted the above "Unknown" comment because of an error. That was well-put, thanks!
DeleteVery well said! And spot-on about the Birchthorn fiasco.
DeleteFrom the Kickstarter comments: "I have not received the book and I have never heard anything from the author. This has been a very disappointing experience, and I am requesting a refund."
Now multiply that by 20.
Well put, Graphic Girl.
Thanks everyone. I've been following her shit show for years. First as a fan, now as a shamster. Her schtick will never change. Totally in denial, totally delusional.
Deleteoh for f's sake. As per her blog, "Being a public figure in a small town is one thing. Being a single, newly-out, woman in a small town is another." Laughable... first of all, public figure??? says who? second, you aren't newly-out... you've been saying you were queer for a long time. This has to be one of the most blown-up, ridiculous, self-important, gag posts I've seen yet. As for living alone with the man that came to her house.... come the hell on.... I ran a 365 acre operation by myself. (I did have help getting the windmills to pump water--I am not a mechanic.) I had plenty of people requesting to hunt. My answer was simply, "no". Not one of them questioned if I was married or single, or if I had kids. NOT ONE. Why? They didn't give a shit about me, they wanted to hunt on the land. Her self-inflated worth/importance/significance is truly hilarious. She views herself as a rare and valuable unicorn when in reality she is a disillusioned, immature, lying and *gasp* ordinary person. She may have been genuine back in the day, but dude, that day has passed...... Her writing is complete rubbish. How she ever got published is beyond me.... ~JR
ReplyDeleteAmen to that, JR! I never knew her before, I’ve learned everything I know about her from all you guys on here. I stumbled onto her on twitter but realized pretty quick she was a phony. I didn’t know she was a true scam artist though until I googled her and found you guys. Now it just seems so obvious that you have to wonder why ppl still get sucked in, although I do get the feeling she’s about worn out Twitter. She has me blocked, but not on all my devices, and all she did by blocking me was make me more curious about her, otherwise I would’ve gotten bored and moved on. She seems to be setting the stage to move on to Instagram now, a brand new hunting ground.
She's a "public figure" only in her own delusional imagination.
DeletePublic figure? Lol, how on earth did I miss that gem? What a thing to say. But wait, she's been featured in magazines! The NY Times wrote an article about her! She's world famous!!
DeleteLMAO at your "rare and valuable unicorn" comment, JR. That's perfect. Everything she writes about herself is designed to make her look so very special and unique!
❄️ 🦄 ❄️ <------------ Jenna (In her own mind)
Right on Jesse, Feral Farmer and Anon7! Really glad I am not the only one reading that rubbish and gagging. If she expects readers to devour that shit sandwich.....good luck. I agree with you Jesse, she does look like she's using instagram for a new platform. She'll have to dredge up more old pictures on her many broken cameras and computers though. If she posts as much garbage on there as she does on Twitter, people will tire of that. I use Twitter to get my news in 3 min or less. Instagram is visual inspiration. I have yet to see anything coming from here that even hints inspiration. I will start reporting her content though, that's easy enough. As dreary as it sounds, I have no hope that she will turn around, change or get over herself. It if wasn't for internet, there would be no audience. I see her Twitter spew as reinforcing her distorted view of herself. People who are influencers and have a role don't typically describe themselves as Public Figures or talk about themselves constantly. They don't have to. Actions do the speaking for them. Looking at her actions, well that paints a very different picture. Authenticity is huge for me, I don't care what the person looks like but I am interested in how they are in the world. Jennas is a digital scammer. Her entire persona/image is fake. I greatly appreciate this blog and the comments here because I do believe we have the right to call people on their shit (freedom of speech). I will celebrate the day when her actions are fully exposed. There are so many honest, hard-working, kind, sincere people out there. If you look at her words, she's trying to be someone she's not. I feel deep down she knows she's a lying fake. It's kind of like my ex-husband; if people tell themselves bullshit stories long enough, they begin to believe it's the truth. ~JR
DeleteSeems like she has worn out her welcome everywhere.
ReplyDeleteCambridge NY has a population of 2,000 or so. That's a lot of people to piss off in the span of 10 years. I once spent time in a small town of around 3,000 folks. My first day there I went to several stores and every single clerk new who I was. It was bizarre.
DeleteSo I imagine that in a smaller town, if you are a grifting no-good scammer, word must travel awfully fast.
Per Twitter, it sounds like Patty bought 3 lambs. So we’re all about to be constantly lied to about where Jenna keeps hers.
ReplyDeleteWell well well...that didn't take long. Jenna's already back peddling in her latest bleg post:
ReplyDelete❝ I want to be clear that while the post was very personal, it wasn't meant to portray that I am unhappy, in danger or without supportive and wonderful friends. [...] There is a sadness to it, of course, but please do not think I am saying my town isn't great.❞
WTF? Like hell she isn't:
☞ She clearly said many times that she is NOT SAFE from the men and women in her town.
☞ She points out that people see her as a threat to all the marriages in town.
☞ She said that 90% percent of the women in her town "mask their discomfort" when talking to her.
☞ She said "no one goes out of their way to be unkind" which means that they are naturally unkind? Casually unkind?
☞ She said she has not been as welcomed in her town as much as a man would be.
☞ She said the cruel children in her town are one step away from declaring her a witch.
☞ She said half the people in her town do not like the gay rainbow sticker on her truck.
☞ She vaguely said that people in her town do things they didn't used to do.
☞ She said people in her town stopped waving to her cuz she's gay now.
☞ She said women in her town avoid eye contact. And the men stare at her weird.
☞ She said the conversation has changed. No one jokes anymore. They treat her different.
☞ She said the people in her town are "wary" of her. Not friendly. They avoid her now.
☞ She said the strangers in her town give her anxiety. So she worries.
☞ She avoids talking to single women in her town because they terrify her.
☞ She feels very isolated in her town. She feels like an outsider even after 10 years.
☞ She says that people keep her at a distance. They think something is wrong with her.
These are all her own words. And they don't paint a pretty picture of a town that likes and accepts her. "Please don't think I'm saying my town is not great" she says. Uh, yeah you are, Jenna Woginrich. You are saying that the mean people of your town are not nice to you and are threatening enough to make you not feel safe. Those are your own words. Own them.
Looks like the Pig Shocker threw a pity party and no one showed up to celebrate with greeting cards stuffed with cash. Every single thing she said in that bleg post was designed to elicit sympathy and fill her PayPal account with poodle cash. But it backfired.
Anon7. Once again, we're on the same page. As in literally. I was writing my comment before you published yours.
DeleteLol, just saw yours too! Now if only her dumb Twitter foollowers could see thru her as well.
DeleteLove the breakdown Anon7, that is spot on! I am reading this and giggling at the "threat to all marriages in town" hahahahaha WTF??? hahahahah oh my god... hilarious. How on God's green earth does she fathom such folly? A threat? hahah no, nope, no threat. A complete annoyance maybe. I suspect the truth is more like, "Jenna who? Oh yeah.... her..... she never pays for anything, but she offers to trade shitty, copied art work and soap. Yeah... not worried." ~JR
DeleteThanks! Yeah, the threat to marriages comment gave me serious pause. I imagine she doesn't have any mirrors in her house.
DeleteI have nothing more to add regarding her zero self-awareness post, because others here have succinctly and articulately expressed my feelings. Except that she's trying to portray herself in ways that aren't true. Again, it's all about manipulating potential PayPal poodles for money mooching. JFW is a lazy lifestyle loser. I've been labeling her that for awhile.
ReplyDeleteToday she wrote this Jenna gem on her bleg:
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Good Morning
"Morning all, thank you for the kind messages and encouragement that came my way since the last post. I want to be clear that while the post was very personal, it wasn't meant to portray that I am unhappy, in danger or without supportive and wonderful friends. The post was about a very unconscious and normal sort of isolation women feel at a certain age when they don't fit into assumed roles. There is a sadness to it, of course, but please do not think I am saying my town isn't great - it's just adapting to a changing society the best it can. As every town is.
I wanted to also share that the farm is becoming brighter, greener, and more alive as I search for more lambs, plant, rake, prepare for summer guests and friends and do the everyday work of making this place scrape by. I have projects indoors and out. I am slowly working towards a new book, repairing fences, planning around restoring lawns and teeth - all the regular things!
I so appreciate every email, letter, card, message, contribution, story, DM and interaction. But what is most important to convey this morning that I am okay, and writing about the times I don't feel okay - is important to feeling that way."
That last sentence is stupid, lacks an "is" before "that," and also makes no sense. Of course, she has to mention her terrible teeth in hopes of dental donations. All she really "appreciates" is unearned dollars from dumb enablers. Maybe she's "working" on that lesbian werewolf "book" that's sure to be a best seller on Amazon.
Repairing fences, restoring lawns and teeth...that all takes money that she does not have. She can't even manage to pay her mortgage, yet she's going to try to tackle those problems? Have fun with that.
DeleteAnd gotta love how she wrote "contributions" -- I'll bet she didn't receive a dime. But she included that word so that it might plant a seed in her foollower's hearts and minds.
💰 🏧 💵 <---------It means so much!
It seems the only way she can get donations is to get people to feel sorry for her. How pathetic is that?
ReplyDeleteWelp, it looks like she's hittin' the old liquor bottle again. Twitter twaddle:
ReplyDelete"Today was a hell of a farm day. Morning chores, fence building, farrier visit, horse training, soap making, sheep herding, and now finally some fiddle and booze."
Check out the photo of her in the comments. That ridiculous pose of hers serves to distract from the fact that there is very little substance. The "look at me" jazz hands say, "Don't look at the animal abusing clown who practices 'Insteading' rather than Homesteading."
Why does she always pose with her leg out like that?
What invisible ghost sheep are being herded???
Delete"Invisible ghost sheep." hehehe. Sadly, though, if you walk past her house on an October night, you'll see an enormous flock of little ghost lambs and sheep. And literally, hundreds of chickens. That property must be covered in dead animals. Remember the poster who's name was Clucky, wight, something? Oh I forgot, dead hawk spirits soaring overhead. Maybe that's why the children might think she's a witch. The god poles probably help, too. She doesn't mention these things though.
DeleteBTW,, single property owners are practically a country tradition. Living in upstate NY, if I see a woman running her own farm, there's a pretty good chance she's gay. No one cares. I grew up rural, country and POOR. No one needed to know my father or husband to know who I was. She imagines these fabulous lives of married people with kids. Meanwhile, those people are too busy to be thinking about her.
I think she saw at some point that much of her money stream was coming from gay women, and that's when she zeroed in. The other reason I disbelieve her, aside from those described in other posts, is that she has lived far away from her family all over the country, and tries to be as outlandish as possible. She seems to have very little to do with her family or home, and she created a caricatured persona for herself. Why would she have had trouble being out?
I see she responded to my posts about the chickens by saying she added some new layers, in a way that made it sound immediate. I'd bet she's lying about this, too. She usually raises her own breed of feral chicken, right? If she was broke, she wouldn't have ordered a few layers, she would have ordered a pile of broilers. Don't believe her.
She used to go on about "her' town and bar, game nights, etc.. Talking with the other "shepherds" at Stewarts. Yet she can't get her hands on anything but a bottle lamb from a swap. More like people know that if they interact with her, she will try to get something out of them. Probably free labor. Some poor guy comes to her door and politely ask to hunt and a decade later, she's still badmouthing him. BTW you idiot Jenna Woginrich, he probably expected to see someone else at the door. He wasn't blown-away by your tremendous home-ownership. At least he was successful hunting on your land.
I really think it mostly comes down to the kilt and hat. And Anon 7 and other ladies here, you're welcome to visit to see what a Handmaiden's Tale upstate NY is. We'll keep the Pinot cold.
Anon7. I have a theory about her stupid poses. That weird one is an optical illusion to detract from seeing how thick her thighs are. And only a narcissist throws her beefy biceps out to show the world how "heroic" she is for scamming innocent people out of mortgage money. Clearly, her mega mileage and bullshit 5K runs are pathological lies. I'm also not buying her story about temporarily stopping drinking. She looks like a chronic alcoholic. That bulging beer belly is "100 Proof" of it.
DeleteFeral Farmer, your theory makes sense. She tries to make it sound like she farms all morning and afternoon, and then runs a 5K before sundown. If she truly did, those legs would be muscular and not look like fetid sausages.
DeleteLol, Chickqualizer...Handmaidern's Tale. That's exactly how she was trying to describe things up there. She's so dominated by evil men, mean women, cruel children. Oh please.
As for Clucky...wasn't it Clucky-the-chicken-wight? That person needs to get their butt back here already! Or maybe they are still taped to Jenna's living room lampshade!
A busy day of sheep herding?bwwahahah bottle lambs? super busy there, Farmer Jenna. Horse training? Whaaat?? I think the translation should be, "busy day trying to figure out how to scam good people out of their money so I can sit on my ass and have fun." I suppose there is nothing wrong with that. I too would like to sit on my ass, but my work ethic won't allow it. There's no way she she can live like this without some sort of income stream and support. She'd have to sell a hell of a lot of soap and artwork to afford much. Property taxes? I don't know what they are where she is, but I live in a dumpy little house and it's hella expensive. (Yes, I live fearlessly alone.) We can all see her talent level is piss poor, so I have a hard time believing that is a viable income stream. I suspect that she doesn't share what her exact method of survival is. She's built an image of being a one-idiot super farmer that has to earn up the money each month, with the wolves at the door, blah, blah, blah. I need your help and this is your farm to, blah blah blah... False. It is possibly to live frugally and to have minimal payments, but the shit I see her buying isn't cheap and I don't believe for one minute that some "gracious donor gifted her with.... (fill in the blank, depending on the month). Calling bullshit on all that. I do think it is comical that she expects readers to believe the garbage that she posts. ~JR
DeleteDid i miss something? Where did the CAST Twitter account go?
ReplyDeleteIt was there earlier. I hope that her sycophantic fans didn't report it to Twitter.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt's been deleted.
DeleteFor sure? I hope not. There's been a lot of hard work produced by that account. Maybe it's just an error. From time to time I get a similar message when trying to view both the CAF bleg and Twitter. But it's always temporary.
DeleteBTW, for anyone who was using that account to get to this blog, you can just use "Cold Antler Sham Truths" as a search term -- it's now showing up on all the search engines, lol.
But if something happens to this blog, the only other place I can think of to meet up is the other Twitter account that is closely tied-in with CAST: Brynner42. But we should wait for some sort of permission.
I just looked and it's there. It refreshed just fine, not sure why it's not showing up for everyone.
DeleteWH - It's the ColdAntlerSham Twitter that's missing. The one that has the link to this blog.
DeleteWe need another place, in case she gets this one too.
ReplyDeleteAgree. Also thinking it may not be wise to use names or faces in our 1A chatter. Hey, maybe the sheep need to be masked, too?
DeletePoodle, what is 1A chatter?
DeleteFirst Amendment, Freedom of Speech!
DeleteShe gives Cambridge NY a bad reputation. I was wanting to visit New England and upstate New York, and Vermont and Maine as my husband used to live there, but now it has kind of a sick feeling for me. And, there's other good stuff there, like the Monks of New Skete, etc. that are good. I've been following for about 5 years.
ReplyDeleteOh no! Don't let the Pig Shocker ruin upstate NY for you...just hold your nose when you drive past Colfaux Road.
DeleteDon't let her ruin it for you!! I'm from Maine originally, and there's no place I'd rather be this time of year. Her unpleasantness is limited to her "farm". The rest of New England area is wonderful.
DeleteThere are lots of lovely places in that area, don't let her ruin it for you. What sorts of things are you wanting to see/do?
DeleteThanks for the encouragement! My husb wants to go to Boston, Maine for lobsters, and Vermont for fall leaves. He'll want to revisit the Appalachian Trail for a few day hikes, and Burlington, and the Adirondacks, etc. I've lived my life on the west coast, never been east except passing through New York city on way to Europe.
DeleteDefinitely visit New England! All the states are lovely any time of year. And New York is not one of them. (I grew up in Ulster Co. New York and my husband in Dutchess Co. I don't think her town is even in the Hudson Valley.)
DeleteHey lovely Shammers, remember last year when everyone was talking about the Jenna Woginrich and Patty Wesner relationship dynamic? Several people were speculating that in order for them to be friends, in light of all Jenna's scamming, that Patty must be a scammer as well. And there was evidence of this in regards to Patty misappropriating funds that belonged to the city that she worked for. Or something scandalous like that.
ReplyDeleteWell, this isn't as big of a deal, but it does go to show that like Jenna, Patty likes to rip people off too. But in this case, she's trying to cheat the USPS by using Media Mail ship non-media items. That's a federal crime right there. First time abusers probably get a slap on the wrist but repeat offenders get hit with a $1,000 fine and/or 6 months in the slammer.
Also, Media Mail is for books and other publishings. It's not for shipping jewelry, like Patty is trying to do here (Scroll down to her description):
Also interesting is that according to her Instagram, Patty met him and toured his jewelry design studio, which is probably where he gifted her this necklace. But, Patty says, "Patrick died a few years ago" -- so now she's trying to fetch a pretty penny from this gift he gave her. Interesting. And oh, for the sake of making the necklace more even titillating, she makes sure to point out that Victor is the brother of Mia Farrow and the son of Maureen O'Sullivan. And it's brand new in the box...unworn!
It's a stupid necklace.
DeleteMy Aunt sent me a book via media mail - and thought it would be no big deal to throw in a couple little gifts, like a bar of scented soap. They inspected the box and fined ME.
DeleteI sell stuff on eBay and frequently see sellers abusing Media Mail. I also read the seller discussion board there and have seen stories from USPS workers, who happen to be eBayers, talk about the most egregious offenses.
DeleteMy favorite one: A USPS worker was picking up a pile of packages from some man's home. She took all of them but two. The man asked why she wouldn't take them and she replied that they weren't Media Mail compliant. He said she was wrong and that they were books. She replied, "So then why do I hear liquid sloshing around?"
New bleg post alert. Finally...Jenna Woginrich writes something worthy of blogging, something that should satisfy the few subscribers who actually pay for quality and relevant content. She wrote about an adventurous afternoon with Gibson, spent corralling and capturing some escaped sheep.
ReplyDeleteThe only problem: Not her animals, not her farm. And I'll bet she broke the speed limit racing back home once she realized she finally had something interesting to bleg about.
As I've said before, if she got rid of the animals (quit neglecting them) and wrote informative posts, her support and subscriptions would soar.
DeletePretty photos of cute animals can come from anywhere. Her readership is too ignorant about rural living to know or care who actually "owns" them. Plus, if she focused on good local farms, she'd build up a network and have great stories to tell. I still think if she acted like a publicist to area farms, promoted them and took a cut of their sales, she'd make more money.
Jenna, we know you come here to read what we write. Do the math. You will have to work much too hard to earn enough $$$ from meat shares. If you represent other people, your smaller percentage will be more than balanced by the greater number of animals you'll represent. It's a pyramid, girlfriend. You want a lot at the base, so let it be someone else's animals.
I dunno, that part just sounded like another mild mishap that she tried to turn into an epic harrowing tale. Like the way she talks about Gibson panting as if he's on his last breath.... It's like the story about how the cart once broke when they took the horses out, not a big deal.
DeleteAgreed. And since things on her bleg have been so dire for so long, she saw the opportunity to spin it into decent quality content. If only all her posts were like that.
DeleteGuess who bought 2 new bottle lambs? Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ Got 2 new bottle lambs tonight. They are from a local farm, their mother didn't produce milk. I am trying to train them to the bottle but it could go either way. They are small and fragile. I hope they make it. ❞
So now she has 3 🐑 🐑 🐑 in her living room. And she "hopes" they'll make it.
❝ If they make it: they are Set Pounce and Lyanna. That is what I call them while I hope they latch onto plastic nipples. ❞
Jenna nipples are plastic?!? Waaaay TMI...I really didn't need to know that.
Funny how Patty got some rams at the same time Jenna got the lambs. My guess is that they are all Patty's and Jenna is once again full of shat.
DeleteReally stupid question: Is a ram, a lamb, and a sheep all the same type of animal? Farm animals confuse me.
DeleteA lamb is a young sheep of either sex. A ram is a mature male sheep, intact. A ewe is a female mature sheep. A wether is a nuetered mature male sheep. A lamb is considered a lamb until it's first birthday, generally. Most "lamb" you eat is about 10-12 months old, not a newborn or young little baby. :-) Hope that helps some!
DeleteHi All. So, I read the story about the loose bottle lambs. 1. Bottle lambs are drawn to people, because they are fed by them. You literally can't get them away from you. 2. When you bring home new livestock, anyone who has even one feather in their cap of intelligence, knows that you need to keep them in a small area that is well fenced, and quiet. I am glad that Gibson finally got some exercise.
ReplyDeleteShe just announced on Twitter that one of them doesn't seem to be doing well.
DeleteIt's probably already dead. She's just warming everyone up to the fact with her fake worry and little planned tweets. Sick lambs that won't suckle need to be tubed and fed or they die. But then, that is what REAL SHEPHERDS do.
DeleteI am not surprised. Bottle lambs are fragile. The stress of going to new places is hard, and being chased is no good. And once a lamb looks bad, you need to know what you are doing, and even then, you need a bit of luck for it to pull through.
DeleteAnon7 - I couldn't remember exactly when she wrote "it takes a village to raise a Jenna", so I googled the phrase. It was apparently from one of her vlogs, but if you google the phrase it will pull up two links to a previous blog where there was discussion on CAF. This was in 2015. As I was reading through the comments I couldn't help but notice that it's the same sh*t we are still discussing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. Such a lame thing to say. Like, "Hey I have absolutely no experience, but I'm gonna start a farm anyway. The people in town will teach me everything I need to know." Selfish thinking.
DeleteWhat happened to Cold Antler Sham Twitter? It says "page doesn't exist."
ReplyDeleteI know. I was following it, and the one I was following doesn't exist, but there's another one now.
DeleteI mentioned that it was gone last night, and it still hasn't reappeared. I saw the other one, too, but there's nothing on it. It would be good to know what happened if possible.
DeleteIf the owner of either account is here, maybe they can let us know anonymously. Brynner42 has a couple of tweets on it, and they have given the link for this blog.
DeleteI don't see the other one. Link?
DeleteWhen did Gibson become a “trained herding dog”? In 2013 he had 1 or 2 lessons but I can’t find anything more than that.
ReplyDeleteHe did some lessons, including one with me. But she did not continue, at far as I know.
DeleteWhatta team!
uhhhhhh... wow, she's cool..... (says only Jenna, in her head, to herself).....
DeleteThe farm in that looks like such a dismal place to be.
DeleteHAHAHAHA, that'll do. that'll do.... look back... that'll do... hahahaha.... she yacks WAY too much. She has no training and that dog is SO wasted on her watch.
DeleteThat'll Do, Jenna.
Brynner42 checking in.
ReplyDeleteSorry - Don't know what happened to @ColdAntlerSham. I assume it was reported to Twitter by FFF or one of her attack dogs.
Truth will out (I hope).
Thank you!
DeleteThanks seconded! Good to see you!
DeleteTwitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete❝ Been googling the swollen lymph node above my collarbone and I am not sure If I should do nothing or run to the ER, the online advice is so vague. Have any of you dealt with this? ❞
Uh, maybe call your doctor? That's what a normal person would do. But no, instead she asks the experts of Twitter to diagnose her. And pity her. And send her money. Just another ploy here for sympathy donations.
So full of it. 36 years old and tweets like a widdle baby about a lymph node. Like there's not enough information on the internet. Call a freakin friend! Or your MOTHER. It's more likely that one of her few followers will know the Correct answer? That woman has a PhD in sympathy money.
ReplyDeleteHow are those hawks doin? Woman who hunts with hawks ?
Chickqualizer (have we seen pictures of her chicks yet?)
ReplyDeleteOh good God. Can someone please explain for my addled brain why there is a page on social media exclaiming that child free is even a thing? Who cares? Honestly. There are things in this world, called choices. Maybe this page was written in 1968 or before, maybe that's the deal. I swear, I will page on being left handed and it being socially acceptable.. because I am and I feel bullied about it. I remember those days when they had those green handled scissors for us lefties, but honestly I used my right hand because I am actually ambidextrous- omg, does that mean I was assimilated into righty culture? Yes, I better do a page. Right away!!!