Foreclosure and Stuff

In nearly every scenario I can think of, she wouldn't be able to stay there.  If someone she knew bought would be so much easier to just pay her existing mortgage payment.  I'm not saying it's not possible....but it would be weird.
Also, I think her mental state would be noticeable different.


  1. As an answer to the previous thread, Jenna bought the house in 2009 for $158,000. (Tax assessor's data.) estimates that the place is possibly worth $172,300. If it was for sale now. That's where they says the growth of $14.3K in value since last sold in (2019). $172,300 minus 158,000 equals $14,300.
    I think that 2019 on is a typo and should be 2009.

    Jenna is still there trying to pay the mortgage.

    1. It's not a typo. It's based on a 2019 assessment of value on the property.

  2. Or she's "trying to pay the mortgage" by having others assist her each month.

  3. I think it's a typo as well.

    1. Let's be clear about the 2019 property assessment of $172,000+.

      That's based on what the morgage company can see of the property from the road.

      They haven't seen the horrors that lie within, such as the mold infestation and non working plumbing. Taking those things into account would make for a totally different value.

    2. I'm speaking from personal experience, because my husband and I have driven by her hovel many times. It looks like crap from lack of proper maintenance. I know that it's greatly devalued by now. It's a shame. The home had real potential until the FFF ruined it.

    3. Not talking about the property assessment. This is the typo: "I think that 2019 on is a typo and should be 2009 (anon 1:08)". Hope that's clear.

    4. Where it says the 2019 on the realtor page underneath the 14. is referring to what the 2019 property assessment is (and how they came up with the $172,000).

      That's not a typo. It's the 2019 value vs what is was prior to 2019.
      Hope that's clear as well.

  4. Wow, just one beg on Twitter today.

    It's too late Pig Shocker. Your spamming, with screen shots of your constant spamming tweets, was reported to Twitter quite a while ago.

    It's nice to see what a wussy Jenna is and how she jumps and says how high when facing being banned by Twitter.

    Once again, thanks to CAST, we have effectively diminished her begging. We effectively diminished her having neglected livestock last summer and now onto getting rid of the scamming, spamming and begging.

    Knock us down and we come back 100 times stronger

    CAST- we get shit done, darlin'.

  5. what I don't understand is she is out playing and having an adventure with this other chic while she is suppose to be home to see if she gets any more "orders" for soap or "art" or whatever. Is she around? Nope not in sight she is off having an adventure and bank be damned unless she is only looking at her paypal button and seeing if the donations are pouring in but how will she get back home, "right" her check and then beg the postmaster to stamp it the right time and find a stamp and mail it off? What a day I am exhausted just thinking about it.

    1. This is Pig Shocker we are talking about. She likes to lie.

    2. Good catch, Anon 2:20. She doesn't have a cellphone that she can check for donations while she's out mountain smashing with her houseguest. So it would make sense for her to stay home and check donation status on her floortop computer. Like Redhorse said below, it's likely she already had the money and mailed it in. Which would mean that she's begging for extra funds now.


    Scammers have been in the news lately. Here's a 2/12/19 write-up from Kerry Justich, Yahoo Lifestyle about Fitness influencer Brittany Dawn, who is accused of scamming people out of hundreds of dollars for a workout plan.

    As you read it, think about the many scams from CAF and tell me -- except for the fact that Brittany was more successful, likely earned more money and had many more followers, doesn't her scamming business sound eerily familiar?

    "A Dallas-based fitness coach and influencer has found herself at the center of controversy after fans and followers called her out for allegedly scamming them out of hundreds of dollars for a fitness program that didn’t provide what was promised.

    Brittany Dawn, who has over 840,000 followers combined across her social media platforms, has made her living off of a fitness program that she has promoted and sold to thousands of woman since 2014. But now, her business is being taken down by those same women who say they have yet to receive much of what they paid for... A Facebook group of over 3,000 people and a YouTube video posted on Feb. 5, however, began to show that people who bought in claimed they weren’t getting what they paid for.

    “We’d go weeks at a time without communication,” Melina Brunson told Houston news station KHOU. “There would be something I’d need to know that morning, and I wouldn’t hear back from her until that night, maybe until a week later. I mean, what kind of access is that?

    “It took her like over six weeks to reply to me,” Kayla Lippans told the local Texas news outlet. “I just can’t imagine her stealing all this money from people. It’s not OK.... (Another said) "Not only were the responses from her well beyond the promised time frame, they also didn’t bother to answer any questions or address any of my concerns. They were generic responses, like ‘doing great, keep going girl!’ and the like.”

    Others have said that...the influencer has apparently neglected to reply to the many concerns coming from those who purchased her program. In fact, she’s allegedly deleted negative comments and even blocked clients from her social media pages in an effort to not address the skeptics.

    Now, it seems that Dawn had no choice but to address the hate after hundreds of people have confronted her looking for answers and refunds, and even went after her with death threats.

    In a video posted to her YouTube channel on Wednesday, Dawn apologized to followers for being “human.”I ran too fast for one person,” she said in the video. “At times it got extremely overwhelming, and I took on more than I should have and for that, I take full responsibility and I am sorry.” But her apology didn’t seem to cut it, as people continue to respond negatively to the video and are signing a petition to stop her scams.

    “You’re not the victim here,” one person responded in the video’s comment section. “The minute you realized you couldn’t deliver what you promised, you refund people. Period. End of story. There are a lot of business owners who create their own content, provide their own customer support, do their own finances, etc. they still deliver what they promised and what people paid them for. If that was your struggle – hire help with the money people paid you.”

    Here is the link for the full article:

    1. Very interesting. I wonder if there's a central website that names and shames internet scammers?

  7. Even the notorious cancer liar, Belle Gibson of Australia, is finally being punished. The public is sick of scammers. So someone like JFW will have her doomsday, too. I appreciate the link, thanks!

  8. Some time for an interesting weird trip, try searching for Cold Antler Farm on Twitter and see all the people writing to and what Jenna is saying here and there. You get some weird glimpses into just how much time and effort she spends on social media.

    And you also get some interesting glimpses into what a twat she is... Like this little gem. Apparently, this kind fan actually sent her something and does Jenna respond? Nope. And she didn't even send her a thank you when she first got the package... this person had to write her publically to see if she got her pakage. Shesh...

    Erin Berin
    May 25
    Replying to
    Do those biscuits mean my package arrived? 😊 (last time it was sent back to Cambridge, Mass...)

    Nothing. This from a woman who is online socially like 22 out of 24 hours a day.

    1. She's done this many times. Her lack of thanks shows a sense of self-entitlement. It's also obvious that she rarely acknowledges anyone who isn't a blue check account. I've seen sweet tweets to her that are ignored. The exceptions are Pember Patty and her sister (They have low numbers of followers, but both fools give her stuff). What an ingrate. It's too bad that Erin Berin doesn't have a blog, because I would've contacted her with a link to this site. I feel sorry for any trusting people who give her gifts. They have no idea who she really is in real life.

    2. Edit: sister. (They have low...

      I need my morning cup of coffee.

    3. EUM - She is definitely entitled. Pretty sad that that person had to ask.

  9. Last day for me to get this check postmarked and out the door! Order if you are interested in helping out! Get cool art, support a one-woman farm! Of course I need to go hiking and bullshitting on Twitter while you fools work your asses off...for me. Please help!

    1. Awwwww, how pitiful.

      Pig Shocker is too inept to take care of herself. Like an overgrown toddler. As seen in my avatar photo.☺

  10. Pig Shocker is so worried about getting her mortgage in that she spent the day waddling up and down hills.

    The person investigated 3+ times for animal neglect, made sure she posted a photo of her man arm reaching into the useless pack she put on her dog. Only Pig Shocker needs hiking thru equipment for a short waddle. I'm sure she prepared a 4,000 calorie hiker meal too.

    Most people who wanted to catch up on mortgage payments when faced with foreclosure would get an effing J.O.B. instead of hiking.

    Good thing the bish has a brand new tent because she's going to be living in it on someone else's land soon enough.

    1. One can only hope her foollowers will wake up and see all the Pig Shocker's begging juxtaposed with all of her time-wasting adventures. But then again, if they are sending her money in the first place, they aren't the wisest bunch.

  11. I have a relative who got through most of her adult life on a wing and a prayer. She worked part time and depended upon the kindness of friends/relatives to fill in the gaps. I envied her while I was working in a cubicle all day under fluorescent lights. She had so much freedom to do what she wanted.

    She is now in her 60s with no savings, pension and only minimal Social Security. She is working a minimum wage job and will be until she drops. It is too late to go back and change anything now. Too late.

    JFW may be getting away with it now, but she is building no future. She probably pays next to nothing in taxes and Social Security. Will she even be eligible for Medicare? Who knows when it will all come crashing down? But eventually it will.

    1. No way she will have enough work credits to be eligible for social security or medicare. She thinks her life is hard now?

      She is destined to be a blood sucking leech on the ass of society and a pariah once she hits her 50s and 60s.

      Someone will have to foot her bills, much like they do now, but at that age she won't be able to earn donations for her farm dream. Once past the 20's, having an unrealistic dream (unrealistic because she refuses to work for it) just looks pathetic and crazy.
      Not cute.

    2. So, she has what, less than 10 years of paying into the system? Lol yup, she's royally screwed. And I really can't see anyone donating money to her once she's 40. Or even 39.

      She turns 37 in a month...tick tock, tick tock.

  12. danielle tcholakian
    ‏Verified account @danielleiat
    May 30
    Replying to @coldantlerfarm @Remember_Sarah

    omg!!! please hug Shabbat extra for me
    1 reply 0 retweets 5 likes

    Jenna Woginrich
    ‏ @coldantlerfarm
    May 30

    I will ask Sarah to bring her phone so she can take some mountain Shabbat pics!
    1 reply 0 retweets 3 likes

    danielle tcholakian
    ‏Verified account @danielleiat
    May 30

    omg yay!!! I wish I was there with you guys! miss you both very much
    1 reply 0 retweets 3 likes

    Jenna Woginrich
    ‏ @coldantlerfarm
    May 30

    You come here any damn time you like! miss you too!
    0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes

    NOTE: Even though I'm Jewish the "shabbat" made no sense to me in the tweet's context. And their public display of faux friendship was nauseating. They all sound like teenage valley girls, not women in their thirties. "OMG!!!"

    1. Pig Shocker is extremely fake and it shows in her comments.

      It's easy to see she's a sociopath trying to sound like everyone else without a clue as to how to act normal in social situations. She has to mimic those around her.
      Very creepy if you ask me.

    2. I think she is referring to the dog, Friday as Shabbat.... Still, pretty juvenile...

    3. This is the friendship she wanted in junior high when she was referred to as the beast (as much for her terrible personality as her looks).

      Now in middle age, she has begged her way into a friendship that she wants to make sure everyone on social media knows about.
      It's more "see I'm not so bad because blue check so and so likes me."

      More like blue check so and so feels sorry for you and you are basically a charity case to her. It's a pity friendship.

  13. She reminds me of the grasshopper in the Ant and Grasshopper fable. Maybe that will be my new nickname for her. Also notice the word 'shopper' in grasshopper? Very fitting as well.

  14. Jenna just tweeted something about farmers needing "patrons" her new favorite word. I have known several small farmers and believe me not one has ever wanted hand outs or someone else to pay their bills. They are honest, trustworthy and so hard working. Heck trying to get a phone call to them is hard as work comes first then they can return your call. Oh and not one that I know is on twitter, or any social media again THEY are to busy working. Someone should probably try to talk very slowly to Jenna and let her know this.

    1. If you're really a farmer, and not an "idea" of a farmer, you have customers, you have a product to sell, you don't have patrons. I am no longer a farmer because I know I can't do it myself. It would be to her benefit if JW realized she can't do it either, and get a job she's qualified for, but I 'm afraid she's screwed that up too.

    2. I'm very surprised that she doesn't have a Patreon account.

    3. FL, she must have an inkling that it would be a total failure.
      She's way too lazy to constantly add new material and have material besides that to offer to the patreon insiders.

    4. According to Wiki, Patreon accounts are for those who create quality content in the genres of videos, films, podcasts, comedy, comics, games and education.

      The only thing the Pig Shocker might qualify for is videos, but she already did that on YouTube. And for free, lol. Plus it looks like she grew lazy and burned out on doing those videos.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. But her bestie, BlueCheck-Sarah, has a Patreon *sniff*.

    Seriously. FFF wants more free cash to spend on AT treks, new clothes, hiking paraphernalia and trendy do-rags.

    Guessing she got the idea to step up "patron begging" because she hung out with BlueCheck-Sarah who, except for a big lapse in judgment regarding 🐷🔌⚡, is a well-respected writer with a successful Podcast. With Patreon support, BCS plans on more investigative work on her podcast "You're Wrong About..." Her work, unlike poorly-written tripe and fake farming of FFF, may richly deserve patrons.

    1. The idea of Pig Shocker having a patreon account is hilarious 😂🤣.

      She wants to be Amanda Palmer so badly she can taste it.

      Sorry Pig Shocker, Amanda Palmer isn't a gross, lazy bitch. She's super creative, a performing artist, a musician and an author of a very well thought out and executed book.

      Pig Shocker is lazy, talentless and people only pay attention to some of the things she does because she is like watching a car accident. You can't look away from the chaos.

    2. And we can't forget the last time Pig Shocker had "patrons."

      That was when she had a kickstarter, took the $15,000 she received up front and waddled away, not giving a shat about the patrons.

    3. PoodleDiDoo - That trendy new do-rag can be found on the Deathwish Coffee company website for $15.00.

      I wonder if she wasted 🐩 💰on that silly wannabe piece of hipster bait or if someone gifted it to her?

  17. IF the bank has taken back the house mortgage she can stay there for a certain amount of time. She didn't make the deadline (she was short $100.00 so she said and it was after Friday to post the date for it at post office). Several years ago we bought a house that was in forclosure it had been for 3 years the man and his wife had only made a few payments on it then stopped paying they lived there free for 3 whole years. We were the first ones to make an offer on the house as it was huge (19 rooms) and had been empty for years but was slowly being fixed up. We went in knowing there was a huge amount of work to do but I can say for certain we knew no goats, chickens etc. had been living in the living room or else where in the house so you could never get that smell out of a home. If they have taken the house she could live there till it was sold again but what are the chances of that (the banks don't want the houses empty) so she would only have to pay for heat/electric to keep it going. She may be trying to soak as much money out of her "patrons" as possible before it is found out and she can just pocket the money. Just a thought anyway.

    1. That is true. It's very hard to get someone out of a house.

      I looked at house for sale that had some crazy guy living in the guest house. The owner had been trying to evict him for years. She had been to court several times and this guy never left the guest house and he had changed the locks. So she said "we are trying to get him out before the house sells." I told her I couldn't purchase it unless he was gone being that I had small children and that's just creepy as hell anyway.

      It was a shame because the main house was built in the late 1800s and was enormous and so cool.

  18. Wave the rainbow �� flag, gay pride = PAY TIDE, send a wave of green you transgendered blue check wives of mine in another galaxy, yummy mama bear is calling

  19. Take a look at Blue-Check Sarah's "other" IG account.

    Guess whose property was used to entertain BC-S whilst owner was vacationing in Mexico? ROFLMAO.

    And shocking that a farmer can go away on holiday, amirite?


    1. I don't have IG account but I am guessing it is Patty's place. Who in their right mind could stand the smell from the other place? Well except for Pig Shocker I guess she can't smell a thing anymore since she talks about only occasionally showering when her shower works.

    2. Anon, even if you don't have an IG account you still should be able to see posts. But yep, they were at Patty's place while she was in Mexico. Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm must really be in a shit state if Jenna was desperate enough to try to wrangle an invite while Patty isn't even there.

      BTW, does anyone know if Instagram allows the use of Photoshop-type filters? There's one called "FaceTune" that allows a person to smooth/brighten their appearance, get rid of pores, and slim their face. Compare the photo of Jenna on Sarah's Instagram to the one that Jenna posted on her own account. It's like two different people:

      No filter:

      FaceTune Filter?

      Come to think of it, the vast majority of pics on Jenna's IG are suspiciously flawless and look a lot like the after photos shown in the search results for FaceTune. If true, this is just more disingenious behavior by the Pig Shocker for pity donations.

    3. Anon7. You're right. In the Sarah pic she's a lot more jowly. That schmatte bandanna makes me cringe. Her profile is piggy with the same smug smirk.

  20. The fact is, we don't know if she was $100 short like she said, or if she was $500 short, or if she was on time, or if her house is really paid off, or if she is 5 months behind, etc... We don't know because you can say anything on the internet and there is no way to prove it. She could show documents, but documents can be faked. She's a graphic artist - she knows how to do it. Heck, just about anyone can do it.

    And if you ask for proof, watch out! I believe Redhorse asked for more details, and JFW became hostile. If seen it in her blog and Facebook page where she writes that her finances aren't anyone's business and she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. (Unbelievable for someone who whines about her finances ALL. THE. TIME.

    1. Truth! She went from online begging and crying about the May 31 due date (for which she was $100 short) to...crickets.

      Playing with BC-S, at the bar (?), binge watching tv, posting cringe-worthy shallow tweets.

      No one has any idea of her real finances. We only see what she presents. She tells her readers all.the.time. that she lives like fiction! Translation: she lies and misrepresents.

    2. Yes! She admitted as much in that story she told (now deleted, I think) about the boy at school who stole and lied. How she admired him and wanted to model herself after him. That was as close to a confession she has come to admitting she's a liar and a thief.

    3. In addition to those deleted tweets, she also championed the movie "Oceans 8" last night on Twitter. This movie is about a group of women who are con artists and thieves. From the sound of it, these women are Jenna's role models.

  21. She won't give you details, because if you have $500 she wants it, even if she only needs $50.

  22. If you really want to know if the house is in foreclosure, go to the county courthouse and ask for the property info. It gives latest owner, bank info, etc. Being in foreclosure doesn't mean she's lost the house. It means they are in the process of taking it. There are certain processes they have to follow to take the house. Then it usually goes to sheriff's sale. If it sells, she'll be out shortly. If not, they might work with her to stay and keep it up- but she isn't keeping it up so they could just kick her to the curb. The bank might even buy it back, then they will put it up for sale. And they will take a hit on it to unload it. Just go to the courthouse and then you'll know what is going on.

    1. I doubt it's in foreclosure. I don't believe anything she says. It's to her advantage to keep people thinking it's either in foreclosure or close to it. People won't donate if she says she's doing fine.

    2. We also "don't believe anything she says." She's been lying for so long that it's all a bunch of bull. JFW has no credibility. It's delusional and ludicrous to think that she can sell another book.

  23. Its a COLD ANT miracle!!!! Yes, Santa has dropped the money card, the Easter Bunny laid some golden eggs, the Tooth Fairy put a mortgage payment under the pillow. On behalf of the trustees of Antler Inc. we want to wish you all another happy 2 weeks before the SHTF and something awful, but lucrative, occurs. Always remember, your donations make this farm waddle on, so frame those pet pics, scrub your toes with that soap, eat that bacon and come back for more soon!

  24. The twat:
    I am making soap and painting this afternoon while the natural light of day lets me see what I am doing with my paint and brushes. It's good to have these goals to work on..

    Does she NOT have electricity. Now she's doing artwork by candlelight? What a crock of shit her latest blog is.

    1. What about the goal of delivering products to clients who paid up front in full?

    2. Sounds like she's setting up a plausible excuse to offer customers who are unhappy with their pet portraits: "Sorry, your dachshund looks more like a poodle, there just wasn't enough natural light that day."

  25. I think she had mailed the mortgage payment before the "I just need $100" bleg.

    1. I agree, Redhorse, just from the little I’ve seen the past year, I believe she’s not in the least bit in financial trouble, she’s just trolling for $$$$$ continuously. It’s her side job. Hell, for all we know it may be her main job. Just my opinion from what I’ve seen thus far.


    2. I bet she had the money all along and thinks it's funny to see how many stupid people will send her money.

      Im sure PS and her buddy P sit around and laugh at just how gullible people are. Especially since Pig Shocker is no brainiac and yet manages to get over on people every month.

    3. That seems likely. As Anon 2:20 pointed out above, it would have made more sense for her to stay home to monitor any incoming donations, as she doesn't have a cellphone to check while out mountain smashing on May 31st.

  26. Everything about the FFF is fraudulent. We can't wait until it all comes crashing down at her hovel. "She plays while Poodles pay."

    1. This latest bleg post of hers is beyond obnoxious:

      ❝ Whew! ❞

      ❝ We made the month! ❞

      ❝ I just barely made it! ❞

      ❝ I mailed out the mortgage check! ❞

      ❝ This happened because of you! ❞

      ❝ This is a farm that depends on her online community! ❞

      ❝ It only exists because of it! ❞

      🦄 💩 🦄

    2. She is "beyond obnoxious," and is going to fail fast.

  27. Twitter Twaddle:

    ❝ There's been so much rain this spring that it's causing problems with my septic system. I may need to get it pumped just to make space from all this rain water. Anyone else deal with this before? ❞

    Is the Pig Shocker setting up a new scam? Creating a new emergency for poodles to throw cash at?

    I don't know anything about septic systems. They are underground pits that collect all her pee, poop and brain cells yes? Does anyone know how often they are pumped out? And how much does that cost? How would rain water affect her septic system? Curious to know where she's going with this.

    1. Septic tanks hold solid, water, and liquified waste goes from the septic tank to the leach field.

    2. Ok, I just looked up what a leach field is and it's a drain for the septic tank. So then what's she on about with the possible upcoming pumping emergency?

    3. You have to have them pumped out once in a while. With one person living there, she should be good for at least 4-5 years. I remember her having it pumped out once before. I think it cost about 200 dollars, which will have to be begged for.

    4. between that, the money for higher hay costs, and all the cords of firewood she hasn't yet started buying, she's going to need to "earn up" a ton of money this fall.

    5. Redhorse, hope all is well with your husband. On another note, if that septic tank is going, it is big bucks to repair.

    6. He passed away after 2 weeks on life support. It's been a blur, I can hardly believe he's gone. I did manage to find good homes for the horses, which is a huge relief. The day the last one left, I had less than a bale of hay. Everything is being sold and split with his adult children, which is what he wanted. I have found a small place to live until I can figure out what to do. At this point in my life, I cannot comprehend the stupidity of the FFF. Does she think one of her relatives or Patty will take her in when she can't keep up with that house anymore? Or does she think she can beg for 20 more years and get the house paid off? It won't be habitable by then.

    7. I am so sorry. If you need anything let me know, kelpiegirl aka dancingshepherdess here.

    8. Redhorse. I just read your comment. Please accept my sincere condolences. I wish you well.

    9. Redhorse, I am so sorry to hear of his passing. Please accept my sympathy.

      Throughout, you behaved with maturity, dignity and empathy. You took care of your farm animals while facing the worst life can throw at you.

      I wish PS was 100th of the person you are.

    10. Thank you everyone, and PDD, thank you for your kind words. I've learned something, that at times like this you find out who you are. It's also easier to do the right thing than to fight it. So I guess I can't take credit. I can give PS a big fat warning about her future, and the character she's allowed herself to become. But she wouldn't listen, and she would just insult me and call me names.

    11. So sorry for your loss, Redhorse.

    12. So sorry Redhorse... Life is one big changing journey. I wish you safe travels as you venture on.

    13. So very sorry to hear this, Redhorse. I wish you the best. Stay strong. Dancing shepherdess, thank you for inquiring. I had wanted to ask, but wasn't sure if that would've been appropriate. Red has been in my thoughts ever since her initial announcement.

  28. ❝ Goddammit I'm going to go on a date this month. One of you guys set me up, please. You gotta know some chick that thinks talon scars are sexy and doesn't mind dog hair. Also, I can make pizza! ❞

    Here we go again. Avoiding farm work and instead launching yet another futile attempt to find someone and spend poodle cash on new clothes, restaurant meals and booze.

    Someone replied: ❝ I know someone I could set you up with, but she lives on Vancouver Island and that's not really helpful. ❞

    Then the sexy-talon-scarred-dog-hair-covered grifter replied: ❝ Canadians to the front! Are you kidding me? ❞

    Does she not realize that Vancouver Island is clear across the US from her? Perhaps she's going to drive there in her new free car.

    1. That tweet is also bad optics: I wonder if her recent houseguest Sarah is creeped out that Jenna is all hot-n-bothered and begging for a chick to date just one day after Sarah visited. Ick.

    2. Poor little desperate JFW. It's no wonder why no one wants to date her. Her rotten reputation, and animal abusing is finally catching up with her. And she's incapable of any intimate relationships. It's all a facade. She just wants a sugar mama to support her hovel, and endless pretense of "Live Like Fiction!" (At the expense of others.) It's also amusing how she keeps referring to herself as "a public person." She's just the punchline of a joke, but is too stupid to realize it.

    3. Earn Up,

      Yes, Pig shocker is a public person until her abusive business practices are questioned or criticized. If that happens, she quickly reverts to being a private, single person living precariously / alone on the side of the mountain, and she is absolutely "terrified" for her safety.

      FFF wants to have it both ways.

    4. Excellent point, PDD. My favorite example is after the Pig Shocker wrote about personal things such as her weight, brand of jeans she wears, etc., she then complained about people writing about those very "personal" things. She tried to make it sound like she had stalkers, and "How dare they?"

      Really, how dumb can one person be? Anyone who's read her bleg knows that she likes to sleep naked in a steamy, dog-hair infested bed with their claws raking her scarred skin. Who the hell offers up that kind of info to a bunch of online strangers? And then gets mad when they repeat it?

  29. From the latest bleg post (Whew & Weasel) about the mailed mortgage check:

    ❝ Once it is cashed I'll be back to a 2 digit figure in my bank account again. ❞

    "But that's where YOU come in, poodles! Keep slammin' my PayPal button!" It's really nauseating how she feels compelled to let everyone know about her bank balance. Funny how she never talks about it when it full of money, but only when it's not.

    ❝ I have four weeks to pull this all off again... ❞

    "I'll need your help again next month, poodles!" That really means she still has no plans to get a job. Why bother working when idiots pay for your freeloading lifestyle?

    ❝ Hay isn't being cut, it's barely being grown. Crop reports from all over the Northeast and Midwest are showing at least a 2-week delay in progress. I am wondering if this will effect food prices into the late summer and fall? ❞

    "Y'all better dig deep into those pockets, poodles. Food prices are on the rise!" In other words, going out on dates costs money. She has to find the funds somewhere. But what a waste of time, as no sane person is going to want to hook up with someone who doesn't practice proper hygiene.

    1. Ha! The one thing that has grown in the Northeast is hay. However, after cutting, horse hay needs 1-2 days of warm dry weather to properly dry before baling. We've had rain every week, so farmers are waiting for dry days to cut their hay. June 7-9 seem to be the only days that may remain sufficiently dry to cut hay.

      It's always a crapshoot, but hay that is too wet for horses can be used for cows.

    2. So wait, she's lying about hay "barely" being grown?

    3. I live not far from this person. Hay was tough last year due to too much rain. I had to source it from two places. Hay is growing like CRAZY! As PoodleDiDoo wrote, it is cutting it and making sure you have dry days once you have cut is the issue. Last year the fields were too wet to even get tractors on the fields to harvest hay. Was a very bad year. This year there is a delay in planting, but in my area now, everyone has gotten it done.

    4. Again, no normal adult constantly complains about their finances online. I've never heard anyone refer to having a "double digit bank account" the whiny way that JFW does. Yet she never posts any pics as proof of it. Just like the carefully curated images on her Instagram. Her life is lies.

    5. No normal adult would complain about her bank account balance (after her bills have been paid by other adults) and then tell you she's too darned busy to get a job.

    6. Redhorse. Exactly. The main "work" that keeps her "busy" is incessantly tweeting about bullshit to attract blue check accounts, and the ultimate objective of mooching more money.

    7. Yup, EUM. And in her latest bleg post she calls her "promoting like crazy" for the mortgage "solid work." No, "solid work" is working a real job and not just sitting in front of a computer all day re-tweeting pleas for strangers to buy your crap.

  30. Also from the latest belg post:

    ❝ My agent has my completed book proposal and she and I will work on it until it is ready to shop around. This is a big step, and what I have been working on when I haven't been in a frenzy about making the bills. Just having the shot at telling this larger story behind Cold Antler and the little girl who grew up to be a feral mountain woman - that is exciting enough. ❞

    The larger story behind Cold Antler Farm? I'm shivering with anticipation. So I guess this means she's writing the story of her pre-CAF days? But hasn't she already done that on her bleg over the years? Sounds like she simply gathered all those stories and put them into chronological order. Copy and paste, rinse and repeat.

    ❝ ...the little girl who grew up to be a feral mountain woman... ❞

    🙄 Lol, wut? 😆

    1. Anon 7, you just made me spew my tea across the room!


    2. We know personally that she has horrid hygiene. So substitute "stinky" instead of feral. That's the real JFW.

  31. With her plethora,of distractions, we haven't yet commented that our little demented animal abuser lost two more chickens to her laziness and incompetence.

    The "righter" who authored books on Chickens 101 neglected to shut the chickens in their coop and a predator killed two. We can pretty much guarantee this sort of senseless loss happens a lot with someone as LAF as Pig Shocker.

    In her latest bleg, she wrote:

    "In less happy news, a weasel came into the farm the last two nights. One young Buff Orpington pullet was taken and a meat bird, but I think that is the worst of it. The birds that were taken were in the chicken coop closest to the house and while the metal gate to the run was closed, the actual coop door was not."

    FFF must be the most ignorant POS in the world.

    1. if she admits to 2 being killed you can be sure it was much more. I mean after all why stop at 2 if you have a whole hen house full. She couldn't yell the truth if you wrote it down for her.

    2. oopppss that should have been tell the truth but yelling is good too!

    3. I think that her admiration for predator animals such as coyotes and weasels, possums, etc. is being her usual knuckleheaded self. We has a weasel problem years ago and although we lost two chickens to them, nature lost a few weasels to my husband's .22.
      We trap and release some things, but not killers of our chickens.

    4. And she knows it was a weasel, how? If they were taken, they are gone? Or did she see it? Is she guessing? Whatever, she probably lost more than just two.

  32. I'm retired and living on a fixed income. Every day I check my bank balance and count the number of days until my next pension payment. I spend mindfully because I never want to come up short. My pension covers food, bills and a little left over for entertainment. I always just make it to the next month. Barely, but I make it. I have no debt, so that helps me sleep at night.

    So it is extremely irritating to hear her whine, bitch and moan about trying mail in a mortgage payment every month. I generally don't like to use personal attacks, but I want to tell her to get up off her fat ass and get a job like everyone else who has bills to pay and to stop depending on others to fund her dream. We all have dreams. If I'm going to fund anyone's dream, it will be my own.

    1. Applause!!!!

    2. Jenna writes on her blog: "Just having the shot at telling this larger story behind Cold Antler and the little girl who grew up to be a feral mountain woman - that is exciting enough."

      Ugh. She means a little girl who came of age 13 and was smitten with "Lion King" and grew up to copy that style over and over and over in her pet caricatures.

      She's not feral, she's fear-all.
      Run, Jenna run! Wreck those knees and hips!

    3. There is no story. She whined and begged to get people to pay off her creditors so she could get a home loan.
      She's been whining and begging for people to pay her bills *every* month since then.

      No one wants to read a book about someone who is obviously mentally ill, refuses to get treatment, refuses to hold down a job and begs to have their bills paid by strangers online.

      Anyone who tells her that people want to read about her pathetic life are simply lying to her.

    4. Ditto the applause. That is responsible living done right. The Pig Shocker only checks her PayPal balance daily to see if any new suckers sent her money.

      😆 Lmao at "fear-all" -- just perfect! Another phrase coined.

      WH - If this new book is published (and that's a big IF) it'll be interesting to see the Amazon reviews and comments. Since she was last published 5 years ago, there's been more awareness of her scamming ways and I won't be at all surprised if she gets publically called out on it.

  33. Thank heavens she has 20 some days now till the next mortgage payment is due so she can go out and play now till it is crunch time. How silly it would be to work on orders that have already been paid for so today she is "off to the mountains"! Thank heavens for Piddle Poodles. Also she is promoting like hell on twitter again. I don't have a twitter account so I can't report her but hope others do.

    1. Oh, so true about the work orders. And according to her, there are A LOT:

      ❝ I have four weeks to pull this all off again, and so many orders to catch up on. ❞

      So what does she do? Spends the day hiking the AT with her little friend. But worry not! She'll be back, hard at work earning up the next mortgage payment:

      ❝ [Then] I am back to the solid work of earning the next one. ❞

      Shut it, dumbass. What you mean is back to the scrappy work of piecing together another payment via internet panhandling.

  34. Written in a bleg post from May 29th:

    ❝ I love my truck. She's been my sole ride for almost 4 years now, and I plan on keeping her. But the age, the breaking down, and the fact I am certain I can't go farther than 30 miles away without a rental car... ❞

    Fast forward to a tweet from today:

    ❝ Today @Remember_Sarah and I hiked 6 miles on the AT to the Bromley Summit and home again. Here she in on top of Vermont with Friday. ❞

    Bromley summit is 38 miles from Cambridge NY...that's a whopping 76 mile round trip taken in her aging, failing truck. And yes, she drove it there, as evidenced by pics on both Jenna and Sarah's Instagrams. So either she's lying about her truck being in such a poor state, or she's recklessly putting unesscessary miles on it cuz she knows that the poodles will pay for the costly repairs.

    That's not counting all the gas money and other expenses for this trip made by someone with a bank account in the double digits. And don't forget just a few days ago the Pig Shocker drove her truck to hike at Mt Antone in Vermont which is 25 miles away, 50 miles round trip. Add that to today's mileage and that's 126 miles she's forced her ailing truck to make. Double the gas money too.

    🐩 💰 = Fun in the 🌞 for Jenna 🏞

  35. Preview of what could happen this month based on bleg posts from June 2018:

    ☞ June 3rd: Truck repairs; coolant lines burst
    ☞ June 10th: The shearing day fiasco; broken fences
    ☞ June 13th: Announces that her bank account is in double digits ✅
    ☞ June 13th: Mentions past due dental and electric bills
    ☞ June 22nd: Mortgage is a few days late and also needs $525 for truck repairs
    ☞ June 29th: Mentions yet again the late mortgage payment and $525 truck repairs

    A couple of questions:

    ❓Whatever happened to Max, the chicken who lived in the pig pen? No mention of him since then.

    ❓Shearing day...she still has these animals, yes? So why no mention of this year's shearing day?

    ❓At this time last year, her mortgage was still due mid-month, but now it's due at the end of the month. What would have caused such a shift in dates? Refinance? Pre-forclosure? Farm sold?

    1. Took a peek at the July 2018 bleg posts and saw that her crippling anxiety brought about a full mental breakdown due to too many emergencies and not enough "slung luck" or money "earned up" to pay for them. She also said this:

      ❝ As the days roll closer to fall I am scared if I don't cut back on a lot of expenses and get very lucky with sales I'll be back into fears of foreclosure and lights being turned off... ❞

      She just doesn't learn, does she? A full year has gone by and she has not cut back on any expenses. In fact, she's incurred new ones and continues to waste poodle cash on frivolous fun trips, with her dogs and internet buddies, and all the necessary equipment to go along with it. SMH at such foolishness.

    2. Anon7 - I have a different take on this. She does learn. She has learned that if she bitches, whines and moans enough, people will send her money. It's like Skinner and his pigeons. She knows exactly which buttons to push to get people to part with their hard earned money.

    3. Good analogy. Makes total sense:

      "He (Skinner) discovered that the pigeons associated the delivery of the food with whatever chance actions they had been performing as it was delivered, and that they subsequently continued to perform these same actions." (Wiki)

      That would surely explain her failure to cut back on frivolous expenses. But you'd think she'd at least pretend to do so, rather than flaunt all her exploits and purchases.

  36. CAFenomics + desperation = Jenna-jen needs to get a jobby-job:

    ❝ Want to try my goatsmilk soap? Three bars and shipping for $20 - on sale for three people tonight! Regular price is $6 a bar plus $8-$15 shipping priority mail (depending on weight) ❞

    $20 (total cost) - $8 (shipping cost) = $12

    $12 (soap price) / 3 soaps = $4 per soap bar (Or buy two, get one free)

    Now subtract the soap making expenses, packaging supplies, plus gas to drive her truck to the post office. How is she making any money on this deal?

    1. She makes no money there. It's her loss leader. What she is really fishing for is outright donations. Selling soap is only to give the outward appearance of trying to "earn up" cash.

    2. I’m a soap maker after hours. We have goats on our small farm.
      Suppose I am milking (Which she is not), I am not having to buy milk but I am still having expenses feeding, worming, vet-caring for my goats. So there is cost in milk either way- if I buy from a friend, it’s $12 per gallon, which gives me about 10 batches of soap. At best, with careful watching of sales and BOGO, I can purchase the rest of my soapmaking supplies ( lye, fats, essential oils) and make a bar for about a dollar each. I make soap in batches of at least 50 bars, otherwise it’s not worth doing all the prep and cleaning after. Each batch takes 4-6 eeeks to cure once I cut it into bars.
      I sell my bars between $3-4 between our farmers market and a local shop that buys them in bulk to resell when market it out of season. In our area that’s what they sell for, I know in other parts of the state a carefully handcrafted, locally sourced bar of that size fetches $7-8 but that won’t fly here.
      Keep in mind there is no way this is homemade soap she is selling. It has to be melt and pour, which is way cheaper.
      Say she has cost of about a dollar per bar with driving to the post office, since priority mail boxes are free when you pay for the service. Still that means she is only making 8-9 bucks off her $20 “sale”-I don’t see how that’s viable in any real and logical situation.
      She doesn’t farm, she doesn’t sell books. She doesn’t seem to be doing any classes. I don’t see anyone who can read reviews online hiring her to “give a talk”.
      How is this still going on? Both hubby and I have corporate jobs off farm in addition to farm income and a catering and woodworking small businesses on the side, and we don’t feel like we should get HBO. How is this still going on?

    3. Excellent post, Anon 8:22 - Very interesting and informative. I'm wondering, is there any particular reason that goat's milk is a whopping $12 a gallon?

      And a reeeaaally stupid question: Once the soap is made, what keeps the milk from going sour and developing a foul smell?

    4. In my area in GA raw goats milk is not readily available-one goat dairy in about 50-75 mile radius (aside from hobby farmers like us) so it’s sort of a delicacy. It sells for $12 at our farmers market for the gallon and folks who are allergic to cows milk buy it out. It has to be sold with a pet label because GA doesn’t allow raw milk sales otherwise, but folks who know the law know they are getting clean and beautiful milk. Of course you can buy a carton of ultra pasteurized goats milk at Walmart but it’s not the same as raw, and of course you can’t make cheese with it like you can with raw or simply pasteurized.

      Your second question-not stupid at all-I used to wonder what happens to the lye once soap is made...The soapmaking process we use (called cold process because we don’t heat the fats with the lye like old-times lye soap) goes like this: the ingredients (in my case 3 plus essential oils-fats, milk, and lye) combine and go through the process of saponification. That’s basically the chemical reaction in which the lye turns the fats into soap. The lye is first diluted with the milk, then added to the fats. Once all three components are mixed, you no longer have milk, fats and lye-you have soap. As soon as the mixture thickens, we add any extras-herbs or petals or honey or oatmeal, and essential oils, then it’s off to the mold. The soap sets in the mold for about 24-48 hrs, then we cut it into bars by hand. We’ve been doing this for about 10 years now, and love it. Would never go back to using commercial soap. All of our extras that we add in that we don’t grow ourselves come from small farms around us.
      Hope that answers your questions.

    5. And there is relatively little goat milk in a batch of soap. It's really about 15-20% of the whole batch. So for the little bit that she is making, a gallon of milk would last a good long time. It's kind of a mistake that people think you needs gallons and gallons of milk to make soap. Most soap is really oil or fat soap. If you were to label it with the highest percentage of material first. But handmade oil soap with a touch of goat milk doesn't sound as nice. ;-)

      Here's a recipe, complete with the same type of molds that our feral farmer likes to use.

    6. Anon 6:59 - Thank you once more for another informative response to my questions. That process sounds very time consuming, and being that the Pig Shocker never talks about her process, it does indeed sound like she's a melt-n-pour scammer. All that prep and work would take too much time away from her online entertainment activities.

      Farm Lass - Thank you also for that information. Gotta admit, I've never really given much thought about what soap is made of, as my biggest concern was what it smells like. But good to know!

  37. Finally found an answer to the question of what exactly does Jenna Woginrich mean by "farming" and what she really does when she says that she "farmed" all day:

    ❝ This farm needs your support to keep going, to get through this transition, to make it into winter. Every single farm needs customer support and I am lucky enough that I can farm words and pictures... ❞

    So there you have it. She farms words and pictures. But it doesn't seem to be a very lucrative crop. No wonder she can't pay her mortgage and bills.

    1. Ah, but she doesn't have to pay her mortgage and bills. She's mastered the art of getting other people to pay them for her.

  38. I'm Anon 7:21, the retiree on a fixed income. I also want to add that the first thing I do when I receive my pension is to set aside a portion into an emergency fund. When an emergency arises (and they always do at some point), I have enough to cover it. I don't need to send out an APB to get others to pay my bills. But that is how a responsible person does it. And she has actually admitted on her blog to being irresponsible.

    1. Anon 7:21 I second this. As a single homeowner with a sudden spike in debt, I really did have many weeks when I had $10 to buy my groceries for the week because I had to pay my mortgage and my utilities. When I started working to repair my financial life, the first think I did was set aside something every single paycheck to create an emergency fund. Once I knew I had $500 and then $1,000 set aside to cover a true emergency, I could start paying down my debt and rebuilding my credit. I took on extra money-making opportunities, drove a car with no AC for 3 years (in the south), skipped going out with friends for fun, took my dogs to charitable vet care, and never asked anyone on the internet for the money to do any of it.

    2. I think you're both totally right, and I bet most of us here have been through the same things, that's why we find the overgrown toddler so disgusting. The advice we've tried to offer her was right.

    3. Blubber-belly, baby Jenna will never be an adult.

  39. enna Woginrich
    I am uncomfortable with Magnum Ice Cream's not at all subtle suggestion that lactated cow juices has a lot to do with penises and therefore women should really be into it? Should call that shit Alone Time.
    7:38 PM · Jun 5, 2019 · Twitter Web Client

    Lynne Aldridge
    Replying to
    Last time I checked, Magnum ice creams didn't smell like anything phallic. Anyway, it's the chocolate that we buy them for.

    Replying to
    W......T.......F? ��

    Replying to

    1. What a shock. Not. It's another epic failure on Twitter by the attention seeking FFF. Her asinine attempts to mimic popular people always fall flat.

    2. These ads came out in 2016....

    3. She's often "late to the party" when it comes to topics. But now that she's "SUPER QUEER!!!" it's time to jump on everything that smacks of the subject.

    4. Love how all three responses are basically a WTF response

  40. The twat on twitter:
    All sales 100% go to this farm which isn't receiving income outside of this one woman's hustle. Every sale literally keeps the lights on.

    Isn't receiving outside income? Lying ass bitch.

    1. I think you are not reading her crappy writing right...

      She is saying that the farm is not recieving income, other than HER hustle. IE she is the only reason it makes any income, because she is a super hustler and hard working sales gal and promoter of her work.

      Haha, yeah, right.

    2. She's a POS lying ass scammer. People are donating; that's what is keeping the lights on, not her super hustling or pitiful artwork.

    3. Uh, just how many people receive income outside of their work? Earth to Jenna - that's how people pay their bills. They work.

    4. Interesting choice of words, lol. To be clear, here's the definition:

      "Hustle: An illicit or unethical way of doing business or obtaining money by fraud or deceit."

      Sounds about right.

      BTW, does anyone know what this means?

      ❝ Hey hey hey! You get dirty at times? You like this little farm?! WELL! for 2 shell cards you can have yourself 3 bars of soap made by these hobbit hands and mailed to your door! DM! ❞

      What are shell cards? Does she mean pre-paid Shell gas station cards?

    5. I think it does. What, regular money isn't good enough now?

    6. Yeah, sounds like she's accepting Shell gas cards as payment for soaps. She's gotta get to that Pride celebration in Bennington Vt. later this month, and that truck of hers probably gets 12-16 miles per gallon. Unless, you want to gift her a Subaru 4X4.

    7. Don't they also sell bundled firewood and coffee?

    8. It sounds like the FFF is channeling Fat Albert: "Hey! Hey! Hey!" And her "hobbit hands" resemble potato pickers. The "shell cards" is more nonsensical stupidity. And we "hate" her hovel. There's nothing "likable" about either "this farm" or JFW.

    9. Shell gas gift cards? Is that the latest tax scam? Pay her in gift cards?

  41. Check this's from comics blogger Allie Brosh's FAQ:

    ❓ Why don't you have a donation button?
    "I had a donation button for a while, but it just felt weird to me, so I removed it. I don't like the idea of having that button there, potentially placing guilt on my innocent readers. I know that many of you wish to support me in some way, and I greatly appreciate that sentiment, but I can't stomach the idea of you giving me money for free. I have a store with merchandise, but I have an extremely guilty conscience and that's about as far as I'm willing to go."

    ❓ Why don't you have ads?
    "I had ads for a while too, but it didn't work out. I kind of like not having advertisements for the same reason I like not having a donation button. I don't want to subject you guys to a bunch of ads just so I can make more money (not that sites with ads are bad, I just don't feel comfortable with it). I feel that having advertisements on my page creates a sort of weirdness about my motivation for writing. I think some people feel used when a site they enjoy is plastered with ads, and I don't want to make you guys feel like that. I'm more comfortable having just the one little button for my store. It feels less intrusive and it lets people choose whether they want to support me or not."

    👏 Wow. Now there's a seriously admirable and ethical person right there. And I'll bet she doesn't beg all day on Twitter either. Take note, Pig Shocker. Your donation requests show that you don't respect nor value your readers. A donation button is one thing...but frequently mentioning it is quite another, Miss Pay-me Pay-me Pay-me.

  42. "I have had such a good and stubborn week. Small victories and time outdoors, 9 orders out in the mail and more tomorrow. Making a few sales every day, hiking miles, waking up with kind dogs and hot coffee. I am a happy woman."

    I'd be a fucking happy woman too if I could work part-time and have others help to pay ALL my bills. Ya know what? I think that's what I will do when I retire next year. I'll post pics of my hovel, chickens, and dog and then go off on bike rides and out for coffee and then ask for help with dire events. Hey, why not...seems there are enough suckers in the world for it to work. I should know, I used to be one of those suckers.

    1. She's always "a happy woman" when working adults have given her money. Just wait a few weeks. Her "terror" and "anxiety" will resurface. Baby Jenna is temporarily sated now.

    2. Anon 7:50, I doubt that you are a narcissistic sociopath like pig shocker and you probably wouldn't feel right living off of ill gotten money.

      Normal people have work ethics and a pride in being able to care for themselves.

      A person has to be batshit crazy to be able to sleep at night after sitting on their ass all day while begging for money to buy anything and everything as nasty pig shocker does.

  43. How'd she take the video?

    1. I'm sure she would claim it was filmed with her Kindle. Or the "broken iphone" she "found in a drawer."


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