Hot Mess


  1. From newest bleg yesterday:

    "I am trying to spend every single day working, walking, practicing music and figuring out how to get through the month."

    From Twitter yesterday:

    "Some days for fun you ride a white steed that weighs am actual ton across the landscape and some days you level your Tauren and fold laundry."

    And talk about polyamory hug parties and retweet what you have for sale that you can't get to because you're that busy.

    1. Just goes to show that Jenna Woginrich thinks her foollowers are stupid and can't add. Even if you are bad at math, it's obvious to see that she spends most of her day doing fuck all. Googling stupid shit. Perusing Twitter and Instagram for hours on end. Watching Netflix. Listening to podcasts while she mountain smashes and runs 5Ks. Playing her dented fiddle. Shooting arrows while imagining she's in a Game of Thrones scene.

      All those lost hours that would be so much better spent with a part-time job that she could easily sandwich in between her twice daily hauling of water and food to her furry props.

      But no, instead she goes horsey riding with horsey Patty. And then she posts about how dire things are, begging for sales, but not realizing that posting the pics from that horsey ride is BAD OPTICS. You can't beg for your mortgage while showing pics of you having fun and wasting time all day, every day.

      And speaking of those pics, the CAS Twitter was very naughty and blew up that pic of the Pig Shocker's very punchable face. It's hard to look at. And the caption: "PayPal me while I play!" hits the nail on the head. Great work as usual, CAS!

  2. Get through the month by getting a job, so simple moron.

  3. She "gets through the month" by begging for mortgage money, and hoping that stupid people will fall for her constant scamming.

  4. "How interested that when I wrote on my blog yesterday that I appreciated encouragement, people wrote giving me permission to quit."

    Good lord, just quit already! And... quit doing what, exactly? Googling for "cuddle parties" and other inane nonsense on the internet all day.

    1. Honestly, I doubt anyone did that. She is just laying the foundation for another look at me I'm a scrappy lass and I will survive post.

      She is predictable as the spring mud.

      Who does that? I mean can you imagine writing someone that you follow and being like "Oh, I give you permission to quit what you say you absolutely love and all..."

      I call manipulative bullshit on Jenna Woginrich.

    2. Agreed FarmLass. I don't think she received a single "you should quit" email. If anything, she received lots of "You can do it!" messages, but with none of them asking for her PayPal info.

      Just think about it, a sane person would be embarrassed to admit something negative like that. So why tell anyone? The only thing I can think of would be to try to get sympathy. And donations.

  5. She should quit. Put herself, her foollowers, her animals and everyone else out of misery. But I smell a blogpost on how she's gonna make it, this is her dream, no one is going to take it away from her. She is scrappy and so is the farm. She has been here 9 years! Blah, blah, blah. Zzzzzzz

    1. Today she tweeted this twice:

      "Goal today is to sell 2 pet portraits to 2 different new clients!"

      The day is now over. Not a single sale was made. She did not make her income goal today or yesterday. It's almost mid-month. Cue the inevitable bleg post and Twitter shit show in 5...4...3...2...

  6. And what is so wrong with having a Plan B? I am older than most everyone here at 69 ( damn, when did that happen?) I have always had a plan b and taught my children and anyone else with a brain to do the same,

    1. Any normal adult will have a Plan B-Z, because that's what wise ones do. You're not stupid and stubborn like JFW. Her inane "Live like fantasy!" at the expense of others is all a bunch of bull. Just wait until she's 40+, and still struggling to survive in her hovel.

    2. I made a mistake. It's "Live like fiction!" But her version is also fantasy.

    3. Her Plan A is to try to sell a bunch of stuff no one really wants. And when sales aren't happening, her Plan B is to outright beg for the mortgage. Like in a re-tweet today, she said:

      "All sales keep this farm going, and I can't stress how up against it things are."

      How "up against it things are" -- so subtle. And so very pathetic. Get a job, Jenna.

    4. The FFF, PS reeks of bad body odor and permanent desperation. Until she receives the next PayPal donation, then it's bragging about her new purchases. Or ones that she "found at the town dump." Right.

    5. Speaking of new purchases, as FarmLass pointed out on the last thread:

      "Has anyone noticed at how many different pairs of glasses our snowflake chick has? We know she buys then online from that expensive place... shesh. Just saying. That ain't cheap. Just an observation. She has at least 3 or 4 different frames in recent shots."

      Excellent observation. Funny how she never mentions any new glasses that she miraculously "found" at the dump. How much are prescription glasses anyway? Those new purple ones probably cost a pretty poodle penny.

  7. Oh gawd...that black and white pic she posted on Twitter of a bare-breasted lady...and delusional Jenna Woginrich thinks she looks just like her? Is she mental? The only resemblance is the bandana on that lady's head.

    And then in the comments she threatens to post just like that this summer. And even creepier, her buddy, Chris Connelly, the one who takes nakey boudoir pics suggests that he can be the one to photograph her. I shudder hard at the thought of that.

    1. "Am I crazy or does this look like me? "

      You're crazy...

    2. Just the thought of her bare-breasted body and blubber belly makes me wanna barf. UGH.

    3. You know who that lady looks like? Cynthia Geary who played Shelly on Northern Exposure:

      And Jenna looks nothing like Cynthia Geary.

  8. No one cares if you're "okay," you animal abusing, parasitical cunt. It's just your way of manipulating for more money. And the overwrought, pathetic purple prose doesn't disguise that fact. Why won't you light a "fire" under your own fat ass and just get a job, Jenna?

    1. If all that Jenna Woginrich did was be a lazy online panhandler, I'd probably pay no mind. But it's the animal abusing part that angers me. We must advocate for those poor animals and endeavor to get her as far away from them as possible.

      For the thousandth time I ask: What kind of person purposely shocks an innocent little pig?

      The Pig Shocker must be stopped. Close down Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm already.

  9. BTW, great thread title, HD. Hot mess indeed. Today the Pig Shocker tweeted and re-tweeted this:

    "Sales are certainly needed and this farm wants to keep on keeping on. Help this joint keep the lights on!"

    And then self-proclaiming "hard-working scrappy farmer" proceeded to post no less than 9 tweets showing that she wasted time this afternoon by researching:

    -A land and water conservation fund
    -An inspiration quote by Lin-Manuel Miranda
    -Children's author Beverly Cleary
    -Some dude's opinion of the AG census
    -Some quote about "straight culture"
    -Her opinion on how scary YouTube can be
    -Another re-tweet begging for sales
    -A female musician playing at her bar
    -A goofy story of a woman who overspends
    -A retweeted quote by Blaine Capatch

    How and what does any of this have to do with farming?!? Well, apart from the land and AG stuff. And in the past few days prior to this, she posted more insipid tweets about:

    -Painter Andrew Wyeth
    -The Devil Wears Prada vs Oceans 8
    -An NY Times photo essay on lesbians
    -Amie Laird being her personal style icon
    -The Lion King trailer
    -Amazing black hole picture
    -Her aversion to cuddle parties
    -How the Flintstones killed dinosaurs
    -Some weird quote about drowning at sea
    -More "buy my crap" tweets
    -An Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quote
    -A Hillary Clinton tweet
    -An ancient Egyptian gaming board
    -An Anna Kendrick tweet
    -Bullshit about her dieting/exercising
    -Nonsense about her overthinking things
    -How much weight she lost and regained

    Just look at those two lists! Imagine that each topic takes about 5-10 minutes of her time. So multiply those 27 tweets and that's about 135-270 minutes wasted on utter nonsense. So in the end, that's 2.5 to 4.5 HOURS a day that she wastes perusing Twitter. And that doesn't include Instagram, Netflix, HBO, etc. Or the time spent walking 4 miles a day. How many hours does a part-time job entail? 4-6 hours? And she says she doesn't have the time to work those hours?

    Just look at those lists again. THIS WOMAN DOES NOT WORK. All she does is tweet, play and feed animals twice a day. Unbelievable.

    1. Thanks! And since then, she's made 14 MORE tweets, including one about drawing lesbian werewolves at age 13. Oh, how her parents have must've suffered then.

      I may have mentioned this before, but I think that she convinces herself that all the hours she spends on Twitter are actual work hours. She calls it "promoting" her work. Her tweets are all over the's like she's reaching out to as many people as possible, trying make the type of comments that will get people's attention and make them want to click on her user name. And then see all the things she has for sale. And then buy them. But it doesn't appear to be working well, so what a waste of time!

      And like Anon 12:04 said back in February:

      "Well, when your entire sales strategy is Twitter...

  10. It's tax season. So sales for the Pig Shocker are slow during this glorious month of April. She's gonna need to bust out some new emergency ASAP. What do you think it will be?

    -Root canal or emergency wisdom tooth removal
    -No electricity, electric fences failed
    -Truck troubles, needs new transmission
    -Twisted ankle during 5K...can't work
    -Refrigerator/freezer broke, all her food spoiled
    -Hysterectomy, lost health insurance
    -Veterinary visit bills for multiple animals
    -Rats got into the larder, ate everything
    -Alien abduction...and they stole her house

  11. A helpful suggestion for Jenna Woginrich:

    Lower the price on your dang pet portraits. By a lot. I'll admit the latest one you posted isn't as bad as the others, but you really should only be charging $25 (including shipping) for them.

    They are not that technical and the difficulty of execution is small. A client emails you a pet pic, you trace the basic shape of their dog directly from the computer screen onto paper, and then add a bit of water coloring. Anyone can do that. They only bit of skill is knowing how to shade effectively. And you don't completely suck at that. But you never get the pet's coloring right, nor their shape.

    So they are not worth anywhere near the original $150 you were asking, nor the $75 sale price. People balk at those nutty prices, especially when they see what they're getting: A pricy pic that only just resembles their pet. But if you sold portraits for just $25, you'd probably get a few customers each day. That's around $50-$100 a day! And you wouldn't have to beg so much!!

    But wait, an increase in sales would mean more work for you, less play time. Eh, never mind.

    1. She would do better over all if she would stop making EVERY FREAKING SALE about saving her ass or this farm or keeping the lights on and so on.

      If anyone that buys from her feels it's a mercy buy, she is going to run out of customers pretty fast. Yeah, she has a big pool to draw from, but shesh. Never once does she mention like good past client testimonials or how nice or the quality or let me capture your pet's spirit or anything other than, "pay my mortgage so I can ride horses and play fantasty girl..."

      And this monthly telethon to save "this farm"... why? Does she take in orphaned animals? Does she rehab wildlife? Does she rescue crippled farm animals? Does she raise heritage livestock? Does she do ANYTHING farm related other than nasty feed lot for a couple pigs? This farm needs a reason to be supported by the masses and she hasn't provided anything that even comes close to fundraising every freaking month.

      Just unbelievable. Get a job. You have plenty of time to do all the fun stuff as well. Like EVERY OTHER RESPONSIBLE ADULT on the PLANET...

  12. I don't know anyone, anywhere in my world that finds the month of April "horrible." It's the month of change, adjustment and discovery of the return of animal and plant friends who have been away. It's not surprising to me that she has missed this and is foolish enough to write about it. Jerk.

    1. Yawn. What a chronic complainer she is. I live more-or-less in the same geographic area and April,is wonderful. The earth reawakens. New life appears every day. Green shoots, flower buds, spring flowers, the return of migratory birds and awakening bears. It's the unfolding of spring, step by step.
      Jenna probably hates April because winter's snow no longer hides her manure-covered pens, and the grass isn't tall enough to hide the filth and foul odors.

      Sucks to be her.

    2. And it's spelled "cocoa" not "coco". She needs an editor or spellcheck... or something..anything.

    3. To be fair. Here in New England, April can be horrible. Horribly, cold, damp, rainy, and miserable.

  13. Testing: ™ £ ☞ ✈︎ ��

    1. Wow, that worked! Don't laugh at me if you already know how to make these symbols, cuz I'm a bit late to the game and just learned how. It's always annoyed me to have to type the word "degrees" when I'd rather have that nifty little dot symbol when talking about temperatures.

      So I was on reddit (while I really should be working) and saw a post about how to acquire these symbols but the shortcut was for a PC. So I scrolled down thru the comments and found the shortcut for a MAC.

      Here's the link to the PC version:

      Just follow those keyboard shortcuts to type in symbols since this blog platform doesn't seem to offer them. (At least I don't think so -- HD would know.)

      And for a MAC, all you have to do is press: control, command and the space bar. Then a little window pops up that looks like this:

      But with a MAC, it's a bit trickier. When that window pops up, just select whether you want either arrows, math symbols, technical symbols, etc. Then you click on the one you want and it appears in a small box on the right hand side. Underneath it, click "add to favorites" and then on the upper left-hand side, hit "favorites" and double click on the symbol. (All of these actions are performed in the same pop-up window.)

      Like this: ✰✓

      This is so neat! But one caveat, the emojis didn't work. That's why after the "TM" mark, the pound sign and the airplane in my test, you see two question marks. Not sure why those emojis didn't take. And for some reason, I can't find the degree symbol. Huh.

      Anyway, hope this works for you guys!

    2. Heh, this is really neat to mess around with.

      More symbols: ☝︎❤︎Ö © № ☁︎ ☂ ☽

      There are also font variations and related symbols to choose from.

      Trying the emojis once more: 😀 💩 🐷 🐓




      This might be the degree symbol: 79˚ <------Ooh, I think that worked!

    3. Looks like the emojis did work. I think you have to put more than one space in between them.

    4. 👋 doodle 🐎 💩 F 📬 R M

      (Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm)


    5. Lmao at -------> 🐩 💰

      Alright, enough for now.

    6. No one liked these symbol thingys? Alright, I guess I just use the degree sign.

    7. Anon7. I appreciated your "symbol thingys" or emojis. They made me smile. Especially, the poodle and money bag. I'll have to try that sometime with my Mac.

    8. Anon7, love what you've done! I'm having difficulty getting emojis to show up from my desktop. Alt + F4 opens up another Internet Tab. I can get the basic symbols ↔ , but not emojis. Agree, it is MUCH BETTER to show Poodle with Bag-O-Cash. " means so much!"

  14. Her next book should be entitled, "Mortgage and Me".

    1. Lol, she just mentioned that she's putting yet another book proposal together. I think this is now the 3rd one in a year that she's mentioned. Looks like the other two were shot down in flames. I guess the market for lesbian equestrian werewolf adventures is non existent. Who'da thunk it? Not having a job, not interacting with people each day, being utterly alone on that fauxrm is not healthy and has warped her brain.

    2. What? No market for "Melin, the Downfall of a Show Pony"?

      Who wouldn't want to see the story of a handsome imported show pony, Merlin, with gorgeous jet black hair (and luxurious mane and tail) who was turned into a nutritionally-poor, sun-bleached, hack, with chipped feet and a downtrodden look.

      Nothing like being thrown out into the elements 24/7 to take some of the spirit out of you. For non-horse people, feeding nutritionally crappy food is a tried-but-nasty way of keeping equine energy lower, so lousy riders won't have to struggle with higher-energy horses.

  15. For our group to consider:

    I've long thought that Jenna Woginrich's social media posts are basically shallow imitations of posts from other people who lead more talented, accomplished and interesting lives. For the more experienced Shamsters, can you shed light on WHO you think most influenced our Faux Feral Farmer ?

    My bets include:

    (1) Shepherdess (@woolismybread) - early influencer: a genuine sheep farmer who posts idyllic photos of her legitimate mountainside farm. And she has two ACTUAL working dogs.

    (2) Ashley Richards (twwly on IG) - early influencer: a kickin’ Canadian entrepreneur, who raises chickens, goats, sheep, pigs and horses, enjoys gothic and skull imagery, a creative life and close friendship with her sister-wife.

    (3) Blair Braverman (@BlairBraverman), whose episodic posts of trials and tribulations of her #uglydogs dog team inspired donations to worthy causes and multiple dog drawings/cartoons (all of which are better than JFW’s).

    (4) Sarah Marshall (@Remember_Sarah), writer (and seeker of free overnight housing), whose past fascination with murder seems to have captivated FFF. Sarah posts on women and social issues,

    (5) Danielle Tcholakian (@danielleiat), ar New York writer who delivers endless social trivia, articles on women’s issues; she likes to pose while petting animals (no matter how squalid their lives) and adores free overnight housing!

    (6) Last, but not least, Pember Patty, an early influencer, who inspired FFF to drive horses, ride horses, but more importantly, lead a life of self-satisfaction using other people’s money. Ask the community who housed the Pember Museum and Library how well they think past-Director Pember Patty managed its finances.

    Other suggestions?? Thoughts??

    1. Poods - I know you asked the opinion of long-time Shamsters, I but just wanted to offer up a thing or two if that's OK. How about Jon Katz? I believe that before he told her to bugger off, she was super inspired by him, his dogs, his farm, blog, etc. And for anyone new here, just go to his Bedlam Farm blog and search for "Jenna Woginrich" to see about 5-6 posts where he questions all the begging she does. It's a great read.

      As for Ashley Richards (twwly on IG), did the Pig Shocker ever mention her? Like does she know about her? When I first came here I remember that Jenna treated some poor animal improperly, and then some Shammer pointed to an IG post that Ashley wrote, which was about the proper care for the young animal in question. Not sure if I remember that right, but they were implying that Ashly was throwing shade at Jenna. So did they know of each other then?

    2. You are so right about Jon Katz!!! My mistake. He gave her money, a computer, introduced her to his world of publishing and undoubtedly showed her how the PayPal button works. And FFF took and took and took from him.

      Then there's twwly. Yes, I think she was an online 'friend' of Ashley, which is partly why Jenna was dissed about her wretched practice of keeping kids and lambs away from their mothers so she could use them as photo props for social media. Also, when I looked at Ashley's (real) home, it appeared Jenna tried to imitate its appearance; the wood stove, rich colors, dark touches, occasional kilts, lots of sheep photos, hunting pics, inside pets. (See )

      The difference is Ashley is a hard worker who understands when taking an outside job is necessary and who always takes the best care of her animals.

    3. Funny, how Jon Katz has gone stone silent on the subject of JFW. He hasn't mentioned her in years on his blog, and said that "they only wave to each other" in passing. Guess that he either got sick of her scamming, or Marie got tired of seeing saggy cleavage.

    4. My vote is that JW hated him trying to give her advice and she kicked him out of her life because she wasn't having any of that.

    5. She hates advice. She thinks it's scary. Jon also went through a financial hardships and had to make some tough choices, but Jenna will do it the hard way and put the blame on her "haters."

  16. Well thar she blows! Look what just surfaced on the bleg:

    "The month is halfway over and I am scrambling to figure things out. I haven't been posting as much for that reason, which is what I tried to explain. I'm 20% there and I have 14 days to earn the other 80%."

    Maybe I read that wrong but it looks like she's saying that she only has 20% because she didn't post (beg) as much as usual? And because of that, she didn't earn enough of the poodle cash that she needs for her mortgage?

    1. Good explaining! ** The month is halfway over and she has been scrambling SO Hard to figure things out that she hasn't had any time to post -(beg), as she previously tried to explain to all of us...(who are actually Really working- instead of just writing on all our blogs).
      Yes, it is almost 70' in MN right now and I would SO love to be outside doing ANYTHING, but instead I'm in the office (5 min break), because WHY? bcz when you have to work - you just do it till it's done-- unlike Jenna Woginrich.. begging isn't working, 'cept maybe to her. Just say'in...

  17. Also this tweet:

    "Pet portraits are on sale! Buy one get one free! (or discount for one!) they are 9x12" and shipping is free anywhere in the WORLD! Be my Sunday Sale!!"

    Okay, so what is she saying here? I thought her usual deal for But One Get One was $75. But then she mentions "or a discount for one" -- does that mean she's been charging $150 for the BOGO crap? So confused as she doesn't have a website with prices plainly posted.

  18. Almost the latest bleg post:

    "This morning I watched the geese (4 of them here now) guarding their nest as I walked by them with buckets of water to refill the horse trough. The chickens are laying eggs like mad."

    This is just another missed opportunity on her part to provide quality content. And I'll bet that there are a lot of people like myself who know next to nothing about farms and animals.

    So about those geese: Why does she have them? Why were they guarding their nest? And why would 4 geese be sharing one nest? That seems odd. And the chicken many is mad? 5 a day? Two dozen? What does she do with all those eggs? Expanding on these things would make that bleg a whole lot more interesting to read...and something worthy to subscribe to.

    But no, instead she blegs about all her problems, how she doesn't have her mortgage, how she's not sure if she can manage to stay on her (s)crappy farm. All the while peppering each post with a few animals here and there...with scant details...but just enough for her "I'm a hard-working farmer" narrative. And she wonders why she has less than 20 subscribers out of her supposed 5,000+ foollowers.

  19. Lookie! Here's one of many artists who actually post prices for their work. Cheaper than FFF, and far better work.

    By the way, a couple of months ago, I purchased an online pet portrait from someone-other-than-FFF. It turned out wonderfully. I selected background color and size; the drawing was ready to proof within a few days and the finished, mounted, product arrived about 10 days after my approval. The price was very affordable too.

  20. The PS on her latest bleg post:
    "gathering up leads on lambs and piglets, calling farriers, butchers, and veterinarians."

    Well good luck with that. I'm sure word has gotten around that she does not take good care of her animals. The farming world is a small one in a small town. I bet everyone knows that her sheep had to be rehomed and I really doubt people would want to give up their lambs and piglets to the Pig Shocker.

    1. If she only has 20% of her monthly needs met why in the heck is she buying lambs and piglets and calling out these various professionals? She makes no sense at all. There is no way that she makes a profit off her feed lot scams. By the time she is done, she probably hardly makes 10%. She would be far better off just getting a part time job and regrouping... when she's has her shit together again she can try farmer chick again.

    2. And again, she should only be buying as many lambs and piglets as she has purchasers. Money should not be an issue, those animals and their care should already be paid for...but we all know how that's going to go...

  21. "I am going through all the motions a woman would go through on a spring farm as if this is exactly where she will be when summer hits. I hope that is the case."

    And she wants people to buy lamb and pork shares when she doesn't even know if she'll still be there??? wtf No wonder she can't sell anything.

    1. Always moaning about maybe not being there because not enough pity bucks. You know you're gonna keep on scamming people so shut up already.

    2. She's just trying to convince some people to "buy" meat shares so she can pay her mortgage.

    3. Well, the sad part is that she *does* seem to sell things. Many things of many types.

  22. 4 days ago on Instagram she posted an old video of Friday on a hike and claimed Friday had just cut her paw... No mention of that on Twitter. I think she's used that story with Gibson on Twitter too many times and was testing it on Instagram to see if she got any sympathy... She basically got crickets.

  23. Earlier today, Pig Shocker basically threatened people so they will donate their hard-earned cash.

    She wrote: "(If you) make a living as a freelance creative, of any sort, and you aren't actively supporting other freelance creatives - MAY ENDLESS ANGRY GODS HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL." (caps mine)

    Then she added: (And while you don't have to) "spend half your income...a Patreon subscription here or there or buying something small goes a long way for KARMA." (caps mine). FFF says she's "living proof of that."

    I don't know about you other creative types, but I feel bullied, threatened and harassed by someone who is willing to send endless angry gods after me!

  24. PDD - Did she seriously say you should spend “half your income” on patreon accounts?!? Holy crap. She truly does think the world owes her a living, and for WHAT? What does she contribute that is worth a group of ppl supporting her? What is her art? What does she produce? What valuable information does she have that’s worth contributing to? I tried going back to read some of her blog and it is nothing but whining and lies. She’s the kind of scammer that has cropped up on the internet that everyone warns you about. She’s just looking for someone to support her lifestyle but then gives nothing in return. Plus she sells shares, then spends that money on other things instead of buying in the animals that she’s already sold shares in. I just shake my head at the idiots who feel the need to support her. She is certainly nothing special, she’s not even farming, why would anyone support her as a farmer or even a homesteader? She’s certainly not a survivalists or a prepper. She’s basically helpless.


    1. No...she said you don't have to spend half...but strong suggestion to spend some money...

    2. Oh, okay. I see that now. Thanks for the clarification. But still...

    3. She was talking to other creative people, which is even kinda more annoying. So, like how much does SHE support other creative people?

      OOoh, buying their crap with the money she scams off other people. Gotcha.

      She has the tact and sensitivity of a bufadonk in a bathtub....

  25. Why is she re-tweeting another artist who does pets and portraits? She has a different style sure, but she also has a website and you can see the price upfront. Isn't that competition? She's cheaper too. Allie Macallister, I wish you all the best for your business, your work is cute! I swear Jenna Woginrich is a day drinker. What other reason could there be?

  26. So if I'm reading correctly, she's saying that if you give her money, good things will happen to you. Does this woman have no shame? Of course, that is a rhetorical question. She doesn't.

  27. The Beast on Twitter:

    "So grateful for that mute button."

    Jenna is thankful for the mute button? What a joke! She has been muted by 4,000+ of her followers. Jenna never has more than several likes for any of her Twitter malarkey.
    Apparently she has realized that so she has to act as if she is the one muting people.
    More of her crazy adolescent behavior!

    1. WH. I've missed your comments lately, and hope that you've been okay. I've been burned out by the FFF, PS's ongoing asinine antics, and haven't been as active here. You're correct about JFW being muted by many of her followers.

    2. Thanks FF! The shit show never ends over at WH farm...

  28. Twitter Twaddle:


    "One of the saddest things about being a writer in the online comment era is I can't allow myself to write anything without starting from a place of personal defense. No matter what it is."


    One of the saddest things about being a serial scammer in the era of scrutiny from social media platforms, is that I can't allow myself to tell the truth about being an animal abusing, pathological liar. No matter that morons give me mortgage money.

    1. Yes! Honest people with integrity don't have to constantly defend themselves.

      If you haven't done anything wrong, there is nothing to defend. Only a guilty person constantly talks about their struggles defending themselves.
      After 8+ years, if Jenna was truly innocent of any claims against her, it would be more than obvious to the public.
      Instead, each year she becomes more warped and psychotic and therefore has to spend more time attempting to hide her real persona. Since Jenna is also a total idiot, she often ends up revealing her vile self.
      An innocent person doesn't sweat lies that are told about them for over 8 years.
      However, scamming animal abusers who are constantly trying to cover up lies with more lies, do.

    2. Whackadoodle HF, your comment tickled me.

      Re. Pig Shocker, Methinks she doth protest too much!

  29. WH - You nailed it. "Honest people with integrity don't have to constantly defend themselves." I couldn't have said it better.

  30. More lies via Twitter:

    "I quit my job to become a farmer in my late twenties. I've published 6 books, bought a farm as a single woman and kept it 9 years now. I've dealt with hate blogs, threats, conspiracy theories, libel, stalkers, cops sent to my door & doxing for over a decade.

    Still here, bitches."

    Yeah skank, you're still there wah wahhhhing and crying because you can't take care of yourself. Libel? Lmao! Where's your lawsuit, liar?

    1. Jenna might be there now but I find it to be hilarious that once she hits retirement age, she will be f$#%ed.
      Jenna won't qualify for social security or medicare because she has spent years sitting on her ass instead of working.

      Knowing that Jenna the Pig Shocker lays awake at night worrying about how she's going to pay her bills and knowing that she will be alone (no one would want to be partners with THAT) and destitute when she's in her 50's/60's makes me smile. Such a fitting punishment for a foul piece of garbage like Jenna! :)

    2. Lol, Whackadoodle...but at least she finally figured out the difference between libel and slander. I called her out on that once, saying that as a writer she should know the difference. Proof that she reads here and takes some of our advice, sometimes.

      Anon 1:19 - I also cannot imagine who would want to partner with her. Except perhaps a homeless person, as she shares a lot of characteristics with them. The inability to work a job for a steady paycheck, the practice of poor hygiene, a deep love for booze, and the daily begging from strangers.

      (BTW, this does not reflect all homeless people, as I know there are some out there who do try to get by using honest means.)

  31. Twitter Twaddle:


    "Nothing is hated more online than a successful woman who won't fuck you."


    Nothing is hated more online than an animal abusing, money moocher who won't work, yet expects constant donations for mortgage money.

    1. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

      Fortunately, Jenna doesn't have to worry that in her lifetime
      1) She will ever be successful or that 2) anyone would want to have sex with her.

    2. I don't get what she's even trying to say there. Is she referring to the many celebrity females who ignore her on Twitter? Is she referring to herself? I know she thinks she is a "success" because she's managed to hang on to her fauxrm, but there's nothing remotely successful about the current state of her Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.

      What she should have tweeted is: "I hate nothing more online than successful females who won't donate to my cause."

  32. If Jenna had even an inkling of intelligence, she would sell CAF merchandise.

    Tshirts, coffee mugs, even shot glasses. She could sell t-shirts with that asinine live like fiction quote or even with the falsehood "one woman farm."
    Look at how popular homesteading/farming blogs and books are right now. If someone isn't interested in the subjects, they know someone who is.
    Jenna could sell merchandise for pets with her quotes for all of the animal/dog lovers who mistakenly think that she is one of them.

    There's sites that let you create personalized merchandise and they are easy to use.
    Then she wouldn't have to peddle her crappy so called "art" and "logos." No one wants that shit because it's garbage.
    Most people who buy a logo never end up using it for their business. How many pet portraits have you seen on social media from satisfied customers? Less than a handful.
    People buy them out of pity and in hopes of stopping Jenna's incessant woe is me whining.

    People who post youtube videos for a living, aren't making the majority of their income from ad revenue. They make their money from the merchandise they sell.

    1. Unfortunately, your wise words would be wasted on the lazy lifestyle loser. She could even use her quote "It's okay to live a life others don't understand." But she'd rather hold her hand out for pity poodles each month instead of coming up with a merchandising plan.

    2. You are right FF. Advice and recommendations are wasted on fools like Jenna.

      Jenna will always be many steps behind everyone else because she refuses to get out of her own way.

    3. Excellent suggestion, Whackadoodle. And I may be wrong, but I think she once did sell CAF crap. On her bleg there are 3 links to her "store" but they are all dead links now. Pretty sure she once sold stickers or t-shirts with that "Barnheart - Infected" slogan. She's infected alright, with lazy-itis, idiot-itis and scammer-itis.

    4. Jenna is definitely Infected! No one wants what Jenna has, that is for sure!

  33. Jenna hit the whine jackpot. Loads of people liked her lying story of how she kept her farm despite the haters.

    Too bad she neglected to mention that the "cops sent to her door" we're there to check on animals because she posted they might freeze to death (winter storms and bad/no shelter).

    She also neglected to mention the many times she took money without delivering product and begged for donations to keep her scrappy crap going.

    Once a liar, always a liar.

    1. Lol, that tweet was designed to invite more people to her latest pity party -- but it received less than 15 comments...only 12 to be exact. And here's what she said in the comments:

      "They 'hate' me because they feel I do not deserve the the farm, the books, the readership, the attention, etc because I'm actually a meth-selling-several-home-owning-scammer that abuses animals and pretends to be poor and gay and have bad teeth for attention and lolz."

      Jenna Woginrich, why do you lie all the time? No one here says they hate you. Maybe one person did in the past, but I don't really remember. What we do "hate" is your animal abusing ways which are clearly documented on that bleg of yours. In your own words you've written about purposely shocking pigs, refusing to get vet care for sick animals, and forcing your animals to sleep and eat on top of their own feces.

      And what's with this "meth selling" claim? I've never seen that accusation here or on any other blog dedicated to calling out your online panhandling and animal abuse. Looks like you came up with this false "drug dealer" nonsense to get more people to feel sorry for you, to get them to donate to you.

      And the part about you pretending to be poor, gay, and having bad teeth for attention and lolz, while those may be true, you can't deny that you milk the shit out of those circumstances to elicit pity and donations. It's all CLEARLY DOCUMENTED in your bleg. Those are your words, not ours.

      Every single day you mention fear, anxiety, lack of money. You frequently use root canals and other health emergencies to beg for money. All anyone has to do is check out your bleg, especially all the posts from last year where you "probably pretended" to have numerous dental issues, power outages, broken pipes, truck problems and on and on.

      Yet you act like a hard-working farmer who needs a little help from time to time. You must be an idiot to ignore the fact that all anyone has to do is read your bleg and Twitter to see that you beg every single day. All these problems of yours, all these circumstances, pretend or not, are things that normal people don't broadcast to the internet. And normal people don't have these problems in abundance like you do. Which makes all your claims quite suspicious. Get a life. Get a job.

    2. Funny how Jenna said she has been accused of selling meth when that is the one thing that I have never seen anyone accuse her of.

      I must admit, Jenna's putrid life has many things in common with a meth addict's.

      Jenna refuses to get a job.
      Jenna panhandles to pay her bills.
      Jenna has a nasty complexion.
      Most of Jenna's teeth have rotted out of her head.

      Jenna hyper focuses on social media 24/7. Jenna says she has problems sleeping and frequently tweets in the middle of the night.
      Jenna stopped taking care of her livestock. (She let them stand in and eat off of 3+ feet of their own filth. When Jenna finally attempted to clean her goat pen, she had to hire a bobcat to remove the animal waste. It was so bad the bobcat got stuck in it).

      Jenna has been investigated for animal neglect. Shortly after the investigation, Jenna re-homed all of her livestock.
      Jenna also neglects her property to the point of it looking as if it has been abandoned.

      Jenna claims to run or walk several miles per day when anyone can look at her and see that she is obviously lying. Jenna seems desperate to make people believe that she is healthy.
      Jenna tweets constantly and we have often thought that she is manic. (Perhaps it is a different type of self induced mania).

      A lot of times Jenna posts things on social media that are completely nonsensical. We have always thought that was due in part to her drinking.

      Jenna is very quick to anger and has been unable to control herself when in a rage.

      Jenna has been known to tell on herself. If it weren't for her own stupidity, a lot of her disgusting habits and crazy actions would not be public knowledge.
      Just like she has told on herself before, she blurted out the meth accusation today.

      Looking at the list, that is a hell of a lot of things in common...

    3. PDD, Anon7 & WH. Once again, you all have nailed it. She does have "a hell of a lot of things in common" with meth addicts, too.

  34. She says she has 150 new followers.

    And none of them know about how sketchy she really is. Ugh.

    1. 98% of her Foolowers have her muted. Jenna's low I.Q. and ugly photos are insufferable.

    2. I'm totally confused about this. Back on the 15th I wrote something about her 5,000+ followers and I remember specifically looking at her Twitter and seeing that she had lost a few and the number was like 4,997 or something. But I left the 5,000 amount in my post because her numbers tend to fluctuate.

      So today her foollower count is 4,710. So that would be a loss of almost 300. Yet she's claiming 150 new ones? I am dyslexic and also have dyscalculia (which is math dyslexia) so it's entirely possible that my brain saw 4,500 on that day and reversed the 5 and the 4. But even so, 4,500=150 does not add up to the 4,700 she has now.

      I know there's at least one person here who keeps track of her Twitter foollower count. She did recently have 5,000 foollowers, right? I know that's what I saw and if so, she lost a lot of them overnight it seems.

  35. Oh sweet Jesus...she's begging on Easter Sunday? WTF is wrong with her? Is nothing sacred? I know she's a heathen but it's pathetic to see her spamming her foollowers and Twitter with her "give me money" bullshit. She even whipped out that big PayPal button and everything:

    "If you want to contribute towards 10+ years of free blog posts about a gal's journey across five states to find her farm in Upstate NY, this blog starts in Idaho (after college in PA and first job in TN) and leads to VT and NY, where I stupidly quit my job and started begging full time! It is appreciated! PayPal Jenna Woginrich using PayPal.Me - Go to PayPal.meJennaCAF and type in the amount."

    Didn't she do this before? Begged for money on another big holiday? BTW, Happy Easter to everyone except the Pig Shocker. 🐰

  36. From her Twitter:

    "Holy Crow! Over a 150 new followers!!! Guys! If you want to help out this farm in a HUGE WAY, do me the favor of retweeting my art, soap, or design tweets! Better yet, hire me!"

    ☝︎ This right here ☝︎ This is a perfect example of what a pathetic POS beggar Jenna Woginrich is. Instead of welcoming or thanking her new foollowers, she begs for help. Instead of telling her new foollowers that she can't wait to check out their Twitter feeds, she ASKS THEM FOR MONEY right out of the gate. HIRE ME she screams.

    Jenna Woginrich...have you no shame? Quit trying to scam people and get a damn job already.

    1. Who is she kidding?

      Jenna bought the new followers, same as she has bought the majority of them.
      That's the sort of ridiculous things that the Crazy Heifer of Cambridge spends her money on.

      Jenna hopes that people will think she gained more Foolowers because she's so interesting. Truth is Jenna has to purchase Foolowers because the majority of people find her to be pathetic and a total snoozefest.

    2. You're right. We've seen her numbers creep up a down, but never a difference of 150+ overnight. Looks like she's spending 🐩 💰 on fake foollowers and then asking these non-existent Twitter people for mortgage money. How heroic.

    3. There's no way that her new followers aren't paid for potential poodles.

    4. Anon7, I noticed that Jenna has been including emojis in her recent tweets. But she doesn't ever read what is said on here! People (the voices in her head) tell her about the posts!

  37. Hey, has anyone else noticed that the Pig Shocker has not been begging quite as much as she used to? Like she's toned it down a bit in the hopes we won't talk about her here? I joined this fabulous anti-scammer, anti-animal abusing blog back in Feb 2018. That year, and years previous, Jenna Woginrich rang the alarm bells constantly. But I have to admit that ever since just before the "Winter's Bottom" of 2018-2019, she's toned it down. Because she knows this blog is super easy to find, as it pops up on all search engines, right below her name. And it kills her game. Lol.

    And I think it's really hurting her bottom line lately. She's in more trouble now, yet she's been shamed into making her begging less obvious. And now she's writing crap like this:

    "I quit my job to become a farmer in my late twenties. I've published 6 books, bought a farm as a single woman and kept it 9 years now. I've dealt with hate blogs, threats, conspiracy theories, libel, stalkers, cops sent to my door & doxing for over a decade."

    Who is she kidding? She lists her "accomplishments" and then tries to get everyone to feel sorry for her by exaggerating. Are there hate blogs? No, but there are blogs that discuss and detail her abuses. And threats? Can't say I've seen anyone do that. Conspiracy theories? No, just more discussion about her bullshit. Libel? It isn't libel if it's true. Stalkers? No Jenna, the guy who works for the bank is just doing his job. Cops sent to her door? True. But that wouldn't happen if she wasn't abusing animals. And doxing? All her information is readily available on the internet for anyone to find.

    1. Forgot to mention she prefaced that lame tweet with this one:

      "Possibly one of my post popular tweets ever and also the reason I am freaking out about making the mortgage. My life sounds heroic, but it's a gamble. I am slinging luck and hocking my trades every day to, literally, keep the lights on."

      Her life sounds heroic? Seriously? She talks about fear, terror and anxiety all the time. She lays on her bedroom floor shaking and crying because she's broke. That's not heroic at all. No, what would be heroic (but not really) is if she admitted defeat and got a job instead of begging strangers to pay her bills.

      Need proof? Just re-read that tweet. The part about how she's "freaking out about making the mortgage." And then she plays poor-little-me, I'm so stalked, harassed and threatened! Please give me money! And that's heroic? SMH here.

    2. Lmao @ heroic!

      Jenna is the very opposite of heroic.
      She's an unemployed, unattractive, animal abusing, scamming, whining, narcissistic, sociopathic loser. No one wants to be her or even be around her.

      The thought of her worrying and being miserable makes me smile. I would imagine that's exactly how her livestock felt before she was investigated for animal neglect and then re-homed them.
      It's more than fitting that Jenna spends the majority of her time feeling the same way.

    3. *high five* to Whackadoodle.

      I still cannot believe she said that: "My life sounds heroic..."


      "Jenna Woginrich is my hero," said no one. Ever.

    4. There are many "heroic" humans on this planet, but JFW isn't one of them. In fact, she's the opposite. I'd call her a con-artist of the lowest level.

  38. CAS Twitter recently stated that Jenna Woginrich is not sane nor sober. For proof, look no further than what she tweeted tonight:

    "There has been a Lannister Flag flying from this farm for years because of Jaime and Tyrion. Good Lord, I love my house. If narcissistic assholes can't be saved by self-betterment and wine what am I even trying for?"

    Did I read that right? She's admitting that she's a narcissistic asshole who drinks too much?

    Secondly, this is one of 10 tweets in which she drunkenly reveals several Game of Thrones plot points, thus spoiling surprises for any of her foollowers who haven't yet seen this episode. She is definitely drunk and not thinking tonight. And she honestly thinks that with her drinking, her lame flag, her archery, she thinks she's a real life GOT extra? Riiiiiight.

    You know, sometimes I sing and dance around in the house in my underwear, but it doesn't make me Lady Gaga. I'll admit however, there was a scene on GOT once showing a pig on a spit, which did remind me of The Pig Shocker.

    1. I can sit in my garage but it doesn't make me a car. This is more of Jenna's trauma in her early teens rearing it's head.

      Jenna is immature and crazy as hell. She needs to find a flag with an international symbol of insanity and fly that.

    2. WH. The concept of "a flag with an international symbol of insanity" made me smile. She should create one of her lousy logos, imprint it on material, and fly it at her hovel.

  39. Jenna's Twitter fodder:

    "I don't care who you are, what kind of body you have, your age, gender, any of it. Starting to run again after a long break sucks. And even embracing the suck, sucks."

    I bet it really sucks when, like Jenna, you have been lying about running long distances on a regular basis.

    Jenna is physically out of shape and could not run several miles a few times a week without blowing out her knees or other injuries. It just isn't physically possible.

    One can look at Jenna and see what type of diet she shovels into her face. Fast food, booze and according to Jenna's own words recently, possibly meth.
    Jenna has bad skin, rotten teeth and is no doubt clinically obese. What frequent runner has all of those issues? None.

    Jenna can't remove her ass from her couch or social media long enough to participate in any sort of healthy cooking or physical exercise. She might miss an opportunity to post a blithering reply or screw someone out of their money.

    Obviously then one can deduce that Jenna also lies about frequently waddling up hills and walking long distances on a regular basis. If Jenna was actually doing that she wouldn't have such a hard time getting back into running.
    When Jenna recently posted about the hundreds of miles she has walked, it actually made me laugh at how dumb she is to think that anyone would believe that.

    The thing is, when someone lies as much as Jenna they are constantly painting themselves into a corner.
    One lie snowballs and goes from lying about one thing, such as running, to having to lie about multiple things so that people will believe the initial lie.
    Jenna lies about running. Then Jenna has to lie about what she eats so people will believe she is capable of running. Jenna then has to lie about what size her clothes are because someone who wears the size of clothes that Jenna wears obviously isn't a frequent runner. It just keeps going on and on and on and before you know it, everything is a lie and even Jenna starts to believe her own lies.
    Living like that must be a self inflicted hell which Jenna whole heartedly deserves.

  40. More Twitter:

    "I refuse to type LIZZO into any search bar anywhere without it being in all caps because that's correct grammar, people and you can't argue with grammar. 🎙️"

    Hell has officially frozen over and become a state.
    Jenna the "righter" is lecturing her Foolowers about "correct grammar."
    One would be hard pressed to find another person on this planet who is less self aware than Jenna Woginrich.
    The condescending, crazy c%#t of Cambridge strikes again!

    1. Lmao @ Jenna's sentence:

      "....because that's correct grammar, people and you can't argue with grammar."

      That's correct grammar, people and you can't argue with grammar.
      Nice comma placement, lunatic!

  41. I agree WH. If you have been walking the miles Jenna claims to have walked, running really shouldn't be that difficult to start up again.

  42. Nothing raises my hackles more than her saying people don't think she deserves her "farm" (I use the term loosely). In my 9+ years of reading the CAF critic blogs, I've never heard anyone say that. We object to her constant begging and manipulating people into paying her bills.

    Does anyone remember the time someone sent her a job application and she fell to the floor in a sobbing heap? That speaks volumes. If she wants to shut up the critics, she should get a job and support herself. The very fact that she constantly writes "support this farm!" shows she has no interest in supporting it herself.

  43. Attention CAS readers! Announcing a new CAS scavenger hunt! The first person who can find a CAS post with the phrase "do(es) not deserve the farm" becomes Lord of the Seven Kingdoms for the day and gets to have their picture taken seated on the Iron Throne.

    This includes you too, Jenna. Find the post, then copy and paste here.

    1. I would also like to throw out the challenge of finding the phrase "meth selling" in regards to Jenna.
      No one has ever accused Jenna of such a thing prior to her mentioning it recently.

    2. She used to claim that people emailed comments like that to her. There was never any proof. Who knows, maybe some of her neighbors, or even Jon Katz has been known to say such things about her. She isn't willing to work to keep her farm, she's only willing to scam and scheme and beg others to pay for it. What does that add up to? I wouldn't argue with anyone who said she didn't deserve what she's got.

    3. I wouldn't doubt that people said that Jenna doesn't deserve her property or animals.
      I do think it's more likely that Jenna made the claims up as a way to garner sympathy and compliments.
      Jenna makes it sound like she's Frankenstein being chased by villagers yielding pitchforks and fire.

      It's just like when Jenna made a huge deal over someone mailing a job application to her.

      Jenna was stupid enough to post a photo of the envelope that was clearly written by her when the writing was compared to other examples of Jenna's writing found online.

      The postmark showed that it had been mailed from Jenna's town.
      When someone pointed that out, Jenna in her full bafoonery said that she didn't know if the postmark indicated where a letter was mailed from or mailed to.
      Yes, the moron who supposedly lives and dies by the mail and frequently mails out orders of her craptastic items, suddenly claimed not to know how postmarks work.

  44. More wah wahhhhing about "dread" on Twitter:

    "I am up with the usual 3-5AM dread but comforted immensely by this entire bar in BY cheering for Brienne."

    Ohhhhhh woe is meeeeedeee!
    The only thing that Jenna dreads is that she might actually have to get a job and she might run out of day old donuts from the town donut cart that she shoveled out of a dumpster over the weekend.

    Jenna was more likely to be up at 3 am thanks to meth (Jenna mentioned selling meth on social media a couple of days ago). Apparently meth can make someone dumb enough to tweet about how they sell meth...

  45. It's National Book Day and in touting her stack of books, she's left out Birchthorne.

    1. Anyone who has read the drivel posted by Jenna on social media knows it is obvious that Jenna's editor basically wrote Jenna's books by the time she corrected 99.9% of Jenna's garbage writing.

      Jenna hasn't accomplished jack in her life.

      Jenna's house and bills are paid by fools found online out of sympathy and the books she claims to have written don't read like any of the writing she has posted online.
      Not only is Jenna's writing posted online filled with errors, it also never makes any damn sense.
      If it weren't Jenna's, I would think that someone was having a stroke while they were writing it.

    2. Some choice reviews for "The Legend of Birchthorn" on Amazon:

      "Omg, this book is a real stinker, even for a first foray into fiction. I hate to give bad reviews and rarely do, but what a waste of money this book is."

      "As if the reader doesn't have enough trouble on his hands with this tortured writing, the author herself loses her way in several instances using the wrong names for characters and not even catching her own mistake. [...] This book is a mess. Save your money."

      "I really wanted to give this story a try. Its so poorly done. Do not expect anything to work when it comes to the bones of this story, the farming parts, the animals parts and or way its set up have many glaring issues."

      "When descriptions take up most of the page and don't contribute to the story I start to skim to try and get to the plot. [...] I get the impression that Ms. Woginrich writes a lot but doesn't read a lot. Reading a lot of fiction and especially suspense fiction would give her a better idea of how it's done."

      "This is a poorly written story. I expected much more from a book that took almost three years to write. Was it even edited?"

      "I backed this book in a Kickstarter campaign, and I'm glad I asked for my money back (after the book was years overdue). [...] The author drowns us in detail and prose with very little plot, and her desperation to add metaphor and simile to every other sentence physically hurts to read. It seems like she googled "early 20th century phrases" and slapped them in randomly to add "authenticity" to a historical novel that is anything but. I skipped over much of the book because I was just waiting for something interesting to happen - it never did."

      "Not impressed. Lacked any substance. Felt like a copy and paste of cliches. I felt like the author struggled there way through telling the story and got lazy."

      Ouch. 25% gave this book just one star. Hey Jenna, don't quit your day jo...never mind.

  46. Ummm, how can you "dox" somebody who's home is their workplace? Where they invite strangers found online to visit them. It's like "doxing" Woodstock.

    Who ever thought about Jenna Woginrich - "She's so successful online, I want to f her." ?

    Why can't she stand the scrutiny of a roommate? She'd be fine by now. Wait - it's because no one must ever know the truth about her.

    Is karma a heathen thing? Nice to threaten people with it, though.

    Jenna - I believe you're gay as much as I believed you are straight. And heathen and Catholic and Buddhist and pagan. And grow squash. And run. And hike long distances. And farm. And. Yada, yada.

    Who sells meat shares, then months later "gathers up" leads on Cold Antler Farm piglets and lambs? Who has a farm this many years (as she brags about) and doesn't have a farrier, vet, etc? Can't wait to see her at the next livestock auction buying bottom of the barrel animals

    Why does Jenna Woginrich "gather up" leads? Are they on notes scattered on the ground? Again, another autoclitic to soften and obfuscate the information that she doesn't have the animals she's already sold, nor the support systems to properly care for them.

    Instead of Merlin or Mabel, maybe she should write about Jasper? What would that title be?
    (for new readers, Jasper was her previous horse (before Merline) that wasn't cool enough to take up space on her hipster farm and was unloaded, later replaced with Mabel)

    Making meth is work, and I've never seen Jenna Woginrich accused of doing that. Plus, she can't even handle a bottle of Rogaine without nearly killing her pets. Could you imagine meth and open sewage in the same place?

    That chicken money should be rollin' in soon, by my calculations. Did she ever write about moving them out of the living room? I didn't even check the blog again. There's never much content.

    Anon 7 - don't get your hopes up regarding specifics from her. She teases then drops the subject before the details come. It makes it a little harder to catch the lies. Jenna Woginrich is like Lucy, always pulling the ball away right before Charlie Brown kicks it. She's good at grabbing attention.

    For those who like homesteading info, one of the Youtubers I sometimes watch is Edibleacres. They are also in upstate NY. They provide content that's educational and seem to be striving to improve. I'm interested in their chicken/composting operations, but they are gardening and propagating for sale. You know - farming. I find how they've worked so hard with so little inspirational. Can you imagine how many blueberry bushes Jenna could propagate and sell a year if she was willing to do the work? Other farmers do.

    The Chickqualizer

    1. AWESOME post, Chickqualizer! I still can't believe she came up with that meth-making drug dealer nonsense. A blatant lie to try to paint her naysayers as dishonest. Seriously, what did she think that would accomplish, other than making her look desperate to discredit those who expose her animal abuse and lazy work ethic?

    2. PS Thanks for reminder about FFF accusing people of dox'ing her.

  47. Jenna wrote: "I quit my job to become a farmer in my late twenties. I've published 6 books, bought a farm as a single woman and kept it 9 years now. I've dealt with hate blogs, threats, conspiracy theories, libel, stalkers, cops sent to my door & doxing for over a decade. Still here, bitches."

    I fixed it for her:

    "I quit my job before I was financially prepared for a mortgage or farm animals. Since I had bad credit, I pleaded for (and got!) money to buy a house and 6.5 acres in Hudson Valley, NY.

    Over the years, my enthusiasm for ‘actual farming’ has cooled way down. Today, I'd rather watch Netflix, play on the Internet and drink, but thanks to close-cropped animal photos, other people's non-credited photos and the public’s unbelievable ignorance about actual farming, I continue to pretend I'm a homesteader and farmer.

    As a PUBLIC FIGURE I post a lot. Truth is I’ve injured/killed innumerable animals through ignorance and selfishness and I don’t really garden, so calling me a farmer is crazy, but it’s my “brand” and I’ve used it to make a living for nearly ten years (!), mostly by enticing new marks to donate money to help “just once” - or to buy my overpriced products.

    Recently, my biggest success is presenting myself as a single, misunderstood farmer who lives alone - and is lonely - on the side of the mountain. I post about easily preventable (and fixable) farm crises that allow me to be anxious and afraid, but most people don't know how country homes actually operate, so it's all good.

    If readers know that I live near neighbors in a trendy Hudson Valley, NY town, that I refuse to get a roommate/share expenses and that I won’t consider an outside part-time job to earn money, it just wouldn't “look” right when I beg for cash to pay the mortgage and keep the lights on. Without a doubt, poodle contributions would dry up, so I don't bring up uncomfortable information. Don't ask, don't tell (about animal care) could be my motto.

    I am SO angry that some people examine facts & my “actual words”, carefully study publicly available photos/content and remember events/timelines. They highlight animal neglect/abuse and they call me out for “earning up” donations and pity purchases based on lies, misrepresentations and fictional problems. It’s not right!!!!!

    Thank gods, my REAL fans won’t pay attention to timelines, or facts or reality! So send me cash. Buy my second-rate products. PayPal me so I won’t have to work. Remember. I’m just like NPR and so I deserve tax-free donations - except of course, I exaggerate, fabricate and do as little as possible to earn the money.”

    1. PDD. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm quietly clapping at your comment, thanks!

    2. She's not living the dream any more, and she knows it. And she talks like we're being abusive because we say so.

    3. EPIC synopsis, PoodleDiDoo! Brilliantly detailing the CAF shit show that is now Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm. Cooled enthusiasm is an understatement. And all her lies, just look what she tweeted earlier today about logo sales:

      "They help keep this farm running between harvests and writing gigs."

      WHAT harvests? Really, what is she "harvesting" right now?!?

      As for her "writing gigs/book deals" she needs to give up the literary ghost already. She's now on her 3rd or 4th book proposal which means that publishers are no longer interested in anything she has to say and her past attempts have been rejected.

      Yet she makes it sound like she's a busy harvesting book-writing farmer who needs a bit of help now and then. No. She's a lazy online panhandler looking for her monthly mortgage.

  48. Word.

    The Chickqualizer

    1. Indeed.

    2. Inspired by all of you. Thank you. New visitors to CAST need to be reminded of the FFF we have observed over the years.

      After all, she's taken help from her town, but she's the first one to routinely scorn her local community. She laughed online at the accidental death of a town official, called women-who-work-at-outside-jobs "poodles" and made nasty comments about almost everyone that didn't fit into her faux NY rural-hipster class.

      She could teach a class in animal neglect and abuse: rats and dogs attacked and devoured chicks inside her house; multiple missing cats; chickens eaten by predators or frozen to death; missing or trampled lambs; electric-shocked pigs for spite; animals living and eating on top of their own manure; animals that died of preventable diseases because she would not get a vet - Since they weren't "worth it".

      Her brand of "farming" and animal care is opposite of any reputable farmer I know, yet somehow she convinces her ignorant pack that high animal losses are normal (they are not).

      New readers need to know that she has been reported to the police and to NYSDEC because she has been accused of animal neglect over many years. It's why she was kicked out of her rental property in Vermont and why she deserves to have animals removed.

      Many CAST people have said we would not write about her if she would give up her animals and her abusing ways. She hasn't done so because animals are immensely appealing to readers. We're still we're still posting.

    3. Remember how in recent months Jenna kept saying that she was going to have lambs soon (purchased of course)?

      Not surprising that has yet to happen. I would bet that Jenna is not allowed to have any livestock on her property.
      Jenna is most likely only allowed to have the two dogs, the two horses and some chicks and chickens.
      I doubt that Jenna would be allowed to have lambs/sheep, pigs or goats ever again.

      To save face, I could see Jenna enlisting horsey Patty to keep a few lambs for her. Jenna could take photos of them on her property and then send them back home with horsey Patty.
      If she's dumb enough to post said photos, I will be forwarding them to the various agencies who have been involved with trying to help Jenna's livestock.
      Hopefully Jenna can be prosecuted for having livestock on her property when she isn't allowed to.
      That would be hilarious if one of her lies bit her in the ass like that.

    4. She's posting now about selling art to go buy lambs today. There's the (lack of a) business plan in a nutshell--the money from shares already sold has been spent and no funds set aside FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PRODUCT SHE IS SELLING.

    5. But she doesn't read any of the posts on here lol.
      Jenna couldn't have an original thought in her diseased mind if her life depended on it.

    6. Whackadoodle, I saw up above where you mentioned that she started using emojis in her tweets. You're not kidding, lol. Yeah, she doesn't read here. Just wait 'til she finds out theres a 🏹 🎻

    7. I expect to see the bow and arrow and violin at least 20 times per day on her social media after Anon7's comment lol.

      Jenna is such a creepy, emulating stalker. It's like the movie Single White Female.

      Or in Jenna's case, Single Crazy Female.

  49. She wants to get another horse cause Merlin is getting up there in years. Oh god, just no. She also says Mabel is 16.2. I thought she was 15.2. Why does her size keep changing?

    1. I thought the same thing. 15.2. Any CAST able to find the original "Dream Horse" Ad (I think) that listed Mabel's actual size? Jenna Woginrich seems to lie as easily as the rest of us breathe.

    2. When she got Mabel (Summer 2017) "She's almost 16 hands tall (15.3)"

      It was also stated that Mabel was 10-12 years old.

    3. She wants another horse, yet can't take proper care of the ones she has. When you have to beg for your basic necessities, you definitely should not have animals that depend on you. I guess she'll just kick Merlin to the curb like she did Jasper, Gibson, the cats, and so many others...


    4. JFW also recently wrote that she'd been at her hovel for 10 years when it's only 9. And she consistently lies about her physical fitness, what size of clothes she wears, and cutting down on her drinking. It's very evident that none of it is true. Lying is a way of life for the FFF.

    5. So she'll have 3 horses? Even after Merlin is too old to ride, he could live 5-15 years. What are her plans for him?

    6. Jenna is overcompensating for something by saying her horse is talker than she is actually is lol.
      Jenna is an animal hoarder. Looks like it will be time to, once again, step up the phone calls and emails to various agencies to get someone to check on the non existent care of her animals if she gets another horse.

      I wonder what it's like to have such a shitty life that you don't have anyone close to you who will tell you the truth, the things others might not tell you, and someone who will call you out on your shit?

      It's clear that Jenna doesn't have anyone in her life willing to do that. Instead, she has a bunch of idiotic Foolowers who only blow smoke up her ass on social media about how great her choices are.

    7. Well, really, it's because most of her "friends" are online and most probably live far away so they aren't really invested in her life or a relationship with her. They only see the curated world of the FFF. I suspect when people learn what she's about they move on but there is always a new set of "friends" that show up. They most likely will eventually catch on and the cycle will repeat itself ad infinitum.

  50. Honestly, that gal can twist facts almost as well as Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

    1. She's not lying, lol. She just writes "in the heat of the moment...not founded on anything."

      Sorry, poodles, but she's not a robot!

    2. She would medal in the Fact Twisting Olympics. As I mentioned up above, she really knows how to warp the truth to make things look more genuine than they are. Her tweet about logo sales, for example:

      "They help keep this farm running between harvests and writing gigs."

      She harvests nothing and she hasn't had a new book deal in years.

    3. Lol @ writing gigs!

      Anyone who wants to see the end of Jenna's so called writing career can check it out on the Birchthorn Kickstarter page.
      Jenna took $15,000 from patrons and split. Four years later, Jenna still hasn't fulfilled her obligations.

      Jenna is now publishing poison thanks to that entire debacle.

  51. Looks like Jenna's whackadoodle mania has kicked in.

    i.e. I'm gonna buy me some lamb!!! I'm gonna get me a new horse!!! My horse Mabel is taller than my house!!!

    What's next?
    Hey guys!!! I ran 50 miles today and to warm down I walked 75!!! I think Friday has learned how to talk (but more on that later!!!)!!! I fed 99/100 of the chicks in my living room to that kick ass possum who lives under the floor of my house!!! The cat that I pretend is still alive went from using the toilet to now doing my laundry!!! Sorry, no pictures because my 124 cameras that I begged of off people on social media were all destroyed in the recent earthquake!!! What ?!! There wasn't an earthquake?!! That sounds like hate talk coming from my haters!!!

    1. You really gotta wonder where that mania comes from.

      After Jenna said on social media that she sells meth, it's given a whole new perspective to her crazy.
      If it sounds like a methed out duck, and looks like a methed out duck...

    2. Lol at the cat doing her laundry! BTW, how many hands high are Jenna's lies at this point?

      As for being manic, she just announced on twitter today that she's heading to her bar tonight for drinks, heroically stating that "My dry time is over."

      Woo! Let the manic games begin.

    3. We all know that Jenna doesn't have the will power to deny herself anything and never quit drinking in the first place. Her lack of willpower is also evident in her addiction to social media that has taken over and ruined her life. Aling with her various other bad habits...
      I think that Jenna might be trying to quiet the meth voices in her head by drinking in hopes it will make her habit less obvious to everyone. (To anyone new to this blog, Jenna recently said on Twitter that she sells meth).

      When reality is drinking just makes Jenna's whackadoodleness more obvious.

    4. Yes, any time that you have to stop drinking because of over-indulgence, you have a problem. There was a time, if the Pig Shocker was being honest, where she didn't allow herself to get drunk, out of responsibility to her animals. This, from a bleg post in 2011:

      " will never see me drink to the point of impaired thoughts or actions, mostly because there are 56 animals outside and 3 inside that depend on me to be their go-to in an emergency. IF I had three big glasses of beer and Annie swallowed a nail and I couldn't run her to the emergency room in Glens Falls because I thought it was okay to get hammered... I would never forgive myself. So my ethic remains the same, a bit of fun is good. It's a balance and revelry to hard work and weather. It doesn't work for everyone, but that's this farm's policy."

      So when did this policy change? Probably right around the time she quit her job and started drinking hard to quell the terror of not having the mortgage. She has no real income, no emergency fund/savings, but she does have poodle cash to spend on booze. Nowadays Jenna drinks to the point of not being able to drive her furry props to the animal hospital were something to happen during the evenings where she watches Game Of Thrones whilst drinking stout beer from a Heathen mug while waving her Lannister flag.

    5. Jenna's whole life went down the shitter when she became addicted to social media which fueled every bad decision she has made in recent years.

      Then like Anon7 said, she had to start drinking so she didn't have to deal with the reality of her life. Which is that she has ruined every decent opportunity ever given to her and that her future looks bleak as hell.

    6. WH, Wow, great thread! You nailed it!

      Anon7, your finding Jenna's diatribe against over-drinking is pure GOLD.

      Keep up the wonderful work. I love it when con artists are caught out by their own words/deeds!

    7. JFW constantly screws up, and "outs" her obvious stupidity. It's like the old saying: "She's made her own bed, and has to lie in it." Fortunately, since she's obsessive about it, the bitch has lavender scented clean sheets.

  52. How can Jenna claim she was Dox'd when she used Meetup to publish the address of Cold Antler Farm (including an attached Google Map) and has invited strangers to join her? Multiple times.

    Her business and her home address are the same, Doh! She's held classes, courses and gatherings at her farm for years, and she's often invited strangers to visit. I remember a Tweet where she asked strangers to go hawking with her. Seriously, what is wrong with that gal?

    Here's one published address from August 2018.

    1. Google search easily brings up her address.

      Jenna likes to make it sound like she lives behind a golden gate with teams of security and that someone would have to hack into a government database to find out where she lives.

      Sorry to burst Jenna's crazy bubble, but there's a thing called google and public records.
      Also, Jenna is well known in her town as the local nutjob and scammer and everyone knows where she lives.

      Jenna's property is such an eyesore, everyone is familiar with it. Jenna also lives right alongside a major road that runs thru her town.

      If you are mailing checks or money orders to Jenna, she wants you to know her exact address.
      If you are criticizing her scamming lifestyle which includes animal neglect, she wants to remain anonymous and private.

      Can't have it both ways, nutsy!

    2. If anything, Jenna doxxed herself. Remember last year on the old blog, how a fuming Jenna lost her shit and started posting, pretending to be someone else? She posted her address, phone number, her parents info, and she made remarks about her own appearance.

      She figured that it really didn't matter, as all that info was readily available anyway, but nonetheless tried to frame Shammers for the doxing. It didn't work. And when we called her out she disappeared.

    3. Lmao @ Jenna doxxed herself!
      Jenna wants the drama that celebrities have with stalkers.
      Jenna wants more than anything to be one of the cool kids.

      If it weren't for the lie she purports to be her life along with her scamming and neglect of animals, no one would ever mention Jenna online.

    4. I still can't believe that the wannabe celebrity farmer once thought that Hollywood calling to make a movie of her life was a big possibility. Jenna Woginrich actually thought that her story was so unique, so HEROIC, so amazing, that Hollywood would not be able to resist!

      Cue the cringe. Close the curtain.

    5. They made a movie about Jenna's life already. It's called Misery! Kathy Bates plays the lead role of Jenna Whineandbitch.


    6. I'm a big fan of Kathy Bates. She'd leave our FFF in the proverbial dust.

    7. So am I EUM. Kathy Bates is one of the most talented actresses of our time.

  53. Off topic post: Spring is here, and in addition to the two mourning doves on my porch who are raising their second batch of babies, two hummingbirds just started building a nest on my twinkle lights, just a few feet away from the doves. Birds are my favorite and I feel so blessed to have all these feathery friends so close!

    🐦 🐣 🕊

    /being a dorky nature freak

    1. You're not the only "dorky nature freak" here. I live on the East Coast, and our warmer weather is great. I'd been feeling frozen for months now. It's wonderful to see the trees leafing out, and even flowers starting to bloom.

    2. Our neighbors are bird whisperers and we always have overflow from their yard including a pair of mourning doves.
      I love watching them.
      We currently have a mama robin in a nest built on top of a curve in our gutter spout up against our house.
      My entire family talks to her on a daily basis and keeps track of how she's doing.

    3. "dorky nature freak" reporting. I may or may not have done a dance in my driveway when I saw my nesting chickadees return for the 4th year to my security light attachment. I need to research whether this would be the same nesting pair, the kids, or other chickadees who recognize a good spot when they see it. I also may or may not have been known to take a few hours off of work to sit in the driveway and watch them fledge.

  54. So the Pig Shocker went drinking at her bar tonight and then went home to type this gem:

    "I had a free beer token in my mug and Gibson smelled the carpet a long time."

    She can't properly construct a sentence but was OK to drive herself home?

    1. The next time Jenna says she's going to the bar to drink, maybe someone will call the local police and give them a heads up about a pissible pending dui. Jenna most Definitely should not be drinking and driving and I hope she ends up in jail with thousands to pay in fines.

  55. More deep drunken thoughts on Twitter tonight:

    "I can strongly relate about women figuring out who they are in their 30s."


    There's not much to figure out. You're a broke animal-abusing online panhandler.

    And oh, here, you dropped this preposition --------> "to"

    1. Jenna hasn't figured out a damn thing. She is the least self aware person I know of.

    2. It's unbelievable that a woman in her later thirties is still so stubborn and stupid.

  56. Great job to @brynner42 for tweeting the "winter's bottom" bleg post that discussed a chicken freezing to death and how Jenna thought she might find Merlin "down in the field" dead from the cold."

    Brynner42 added:

    "If you learned that an unsheltered chicken froze to death and that a sheep and an elderly horse might also be dead from the cold, would you ask animal control to check on the animals?


    If Yes, you probably follow @ColdAntlerSham and"

    1. That is EXACTLY why those of us on this blog do what we do!

    2. "Amen!" Preachin' to the choir.

  57. More Twitter Horseshit:

    "If anyone writes a think piece on me it better include how much I like to bring up coyotes at the bar."

    I hate to break it to you Jenna but no one would ever write a "think piece" on your crazy ass!

    Do you think that anyone would waste their time by writing about your opinion of various topics?

    Jenna needs to look up the term Magical Thinking. The above tweet is a prime example of a mentally ill person's "magical thinking."

    Jenna isn't a celebrity, there isn't anything interesting about her and no one wants to waste their time reading about a freak like Jenna's juvenile opinions.

    Jenna has totally confused infamy with famous.
    Jenna is known to people on social media ONLY because she is a train wreck. She is known for begging to pay her bills, animal neglect and scamming. Jenna isn't known on social media for being interesting or smart or attractive.

    However, Jenna is so completely narcissistic that she actually believes she is beloved and that people envy her life. It's so bizarre to sane people how she could be so unaware of how she is truly perceived by the public.

    While Jenna was getting hammered at the bar there were people from this site emailing agencies requesting help for Jenna's animals and asking other agencies to please investigate her for the
    disappearance/deaths of 3/4 hawks she has had.
    There are concerns over the effect of Jenna's various addictions on the animals currently in her care.

    Jenna recently mentioned that she wants a third horse. That literally makes many of us sick to our stomachs and also fuels us to step up our efforts. Meanwhile Jenna continues to act like a moron, thinking only of herself.


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