It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
well she has 2 weeks to earn up her mortgage payment so Poodles get you money headed her way. Me? nahhh I just have to show up for work today like regular folks. Darn it cause my mortgage will be due in a few more days and the money is sitting in my bank account getting ready for the next months payment. How stupid am I working to pay my bills?
ReplyDeleteLol, looks like less than a week now:
Delete"Five days to earn half the mortgage. Wish me luck out there."
That tweet received zero comments. Zero retweets. But 5 "likes" -- what is there to like about someone trying to "earn up" money by eBegging? People sometimes.
"Wish me luck."
DeleteJenna is unapologetically lazy and manipulative af.
Who reads that tweet mentioned by Anon7 and thinks omg, I feel so sorry for. I must help her at once?
Only people who have more money than sense at this point.
Jenna is an able bodied woman who refuses to work to support herself.
Instead, she is addicted to social media and has made a pathetic living out of scamming people online for money.
Jenna either takes money for items that she never sends to the buyer (the Legend of Birchthorn Kickstarter) or she sends items that are the crappiest quality possible or she just outright lies about what the money is needed for. All of the above are scams.
Another scam that is especially sickening is pretending that her animals need something that she can't afford to get for them.
Meanwhile the money NEVER goes to the animals as they are ignored and neglected thanks to Jenna's various addictions taking up all of her time.
In July of 2018, Jenna was investigated for animal neglect.
Soon after, Jenna GAVE AWAY her sheep and goat herds. I believe that Jenna also had to find homes for the pigs but that she didn't mention it because that would raise a red flag if people knew she gave away ALL of her livestock.
Yes, Jenna gave away the herds for the reasons that they were too expensive to keep and took up too much of her time.
Yet she kept two horses. If done properly, the upkeep of horses is very costly and takes a considerable amount of time. Yet she also continued with her falconry hobby which is also expensive and time consuming
Obviously the reasons that Jenna gave for re-homing her livestock were lies.
The whole luck schtick has been so used and abused by Jenna, it should completely disgust people by now.
"Begging Bingo" -- LMAO, I can't think of a more apt name for her begging bullshit game.
Delete"You can't fix stupid."
ReplyDeleteIt's amusing that Hound Doggy asked "Do stupid people know they are stupid?" because the Pig Shocker retweeted this today:
Delete"The first rule of Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you’re in Dunning-Kruger club."
According to Wikipedia: "In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence."
So to answer the question, NO. Jenna Woginrich does not know she is the stupidest of dumbshits. Her narcissism and overinflated ego have her thinking that she is HEROIC. Her life is heroic. Her struggle is heroic. Uh, no. She is the village idiot of Cambridge.
Another whackadoodle tweet that Jenna no doubt thinks pertains to other people and it is TOTALLY describing her to a capital T.
DeleteThe Dunning Kruger effect applies to Jenna's fiddle playing, as well as Jenna's ability in everything from writing to riding horses to archery.
Jenna sucks at all of those things yet she believes that not only has she achieved greatness in each of those skills but that she is advanced enough to TEACH them to other people!
You could not make up Jenna's level of insanity!
It's like poor people who give money to televangelists even though they know they live like royalty.
ReplyDeleteTo summarize today's new bleg post:
ReplyDelete"Woe is me! Wahhhhhhhh!
Kind sir, can you spare a tuppence for a poor soul like me?
Wahhhhh, wahhhhh, wahhhhh.
Me walky, me butcher fiddle playin', me sad."
Good lord, give it a rest!
No one gives two shats about Jenna's self induced hell that she lives in. It's called Karma and just the very beginning of the Karma Jenna has earned.
Spend your spare time working at an actual job with actual benefits like health/dental insurance with an actual regular paycheck.
Jenna's mania seems to be waning. Recently, she has discussed buying lambs, getting a third horse and how she walks back and forth to the moon everyday.
Let's not forgot her recent evening spent at the bar blowing money on drinks while muttering lame gibberish about coyotes. Jenna even went so far as to tweet about someone writing a "think piece" on her and what it had "better" be about. Woah lookout, everyone give Jenna some room for all of her crazy!
Today it is all wahhh wahhh wahhh. Yeah, sounds like alcohol is such a smart edition to Jenna's mental disorders.
It seems to work really well for her (roll eyes).
Lol, indeed. And very spot on about the mania waning.
DeleteJenna a few days ago: I quit my job to become a farmer in my late twenties. I've published 6 books, bought a farm as a single woman and kept it 9 years now. I've dealt with hate blogs, threats, conspiracy theories, libel, stalkers, cops sent to my door & doxing for over a decade. 🔥 Still here, bitches. 🔥
Jenna earlier today: I have been very discouraged, every month has been harder to make it. [...] But right now I need to bite the strap hard and figure out how to keep what I have. I've called in the favors I could. I know there's no magical loan or lottery win coming my way.
💩 I am slogging. 💩
Where are Jenna's parents? An intervention is needed. Or a job. Either one will do. For the sake of the animals at least.
She tweeted that she was "concerned" about leaving her house for 5+ hours for a movie with a friend. What? What? I say, so what. What else was she going to do?......Shovel out an animal pen? Nope. Watch over animals? Nope. Plant early vegetables? Nope. Wow! She might lose time naming predator animals such as Little Guy the possum or Cole the Fox. Talk about not being self-aware.
ReplyDeleteBut she's never "concerned" when walking to go to a grocery store that's out of the way, and "drinking butterscotch soda with a roast beef sandwich." Or spending hours binging on booze in Cambridge. Both of those activities could run around "5+ hours." Talk about a huge hypocrite.
DeleteDo a search on her bleg for "hike" or "mountain smash" and you'll find that she spends 3-6 hours per hike, with an average time of 4 hours. And according to her she does this several times a addition to all those heroic 5K runs.
DeleteI don't see how she finds the time to farm.
A masterpiece of begging today! She called in all her favors, trying to get money, but no takers. What? No rich relatives to drop dead? I guess Pember Patty are tiring of Jenna's deep reach into their goodwill.
ReplyDeleteAlas, Jenna still refuses to do what it takes to keep her house. Yes, that dreaded four-letter word. WORK.
At this point, she has a handful of animals: two dogs, cat, two horses, a smattering of chickens, maybe pigs (although no actual recent photos). This hardly takes any time.
Jenna has time to walk, hike, play the fiddle in her bra and kilt, watch every Netflix show in creation and play on social media all day. But she can't get a regular job (like most farmers) and add a steady income to pay the bills.
So she whines, and begs for luck and threatens her fan base that she won't be here to write about little animals if they don't cough up some Poodle cash.
What a nut job, and such a success and inspiration! Who wouldn't be jealous of someone who appears to be broke most of the time and begs strangers for money to pay her basic living expenses?
My friends, get the popcorn ready for the Mother of all begs. It's coming.
I'm waiting for another root canal or truck repair. Maybe one of her dogs will hurt their paws again, too. She could just get a job, but that's only possible for peons. JFW wants to "Live like fiction!" and have PayPal poodles support her faux farm.
DeleteMy money's on a root canal. For the horse. BTW, here's the stunt she pulled on April 30th of last year:
Delete"The electric company shut off the power. Electric fences are all down, freezers down, no water, no internet (I'm at laundromat Wi-Fi in town on my kindle). I am terrified."
Terrified. How heroic. Also, it's interesting to note that in April of last year her mortgage payments were on the 15th of each month. And sometime between then and now her due date changed to the 30th of each month. Why would that change? Foreclosure issues?
If the due dates aren't total lies, which this is Jenna we're talking about, they can change the date a mortgage payment is due when someone makes longterm payment arrangements or refinances the loan.
DeleteSomeone can call their mortgage company and tell them that they can make their next payment on let's say the 18th of the month with an extra amount determined by the mortgage company added to the payment to take care of the past due amount. The extra amount could be added to six months or a year of payments depending on how large the arrears are.
From there, each subsequent payment made according to the payment arrangement would be due on the 18th of the month.
This is her passive-aggressive whine about the new Avengers movie. It's 3 hours long, and she doesn't get the enthusiasm over it because somehow she missed many of the lead-up movies. So she denigrates "long movies" with the excuse that she would be away from home too long.
ReplyDeleteThis is funny for so many reasons. First she thinks nothing of going to the hills of Vermont for hikes, or walks or to buy new gear. Second, no farmer in Spring goes to a movie MATINEE. What the hell. Everyone is doing - you know - farmer stuff during the day. There's a LOT to do for real farmers, but not much for the fake feral farmer.
Third, she only lives 20 miles from the Bennington, VT movie theater, a seven-plex of first run movies. For the record, that's closer than I live to large movie theaters. No biggie IMHO, but Jenna has to make it out to be a big deal. Most grownups (and farmers) would go to the evening show, you know, after animals are tucked in, but the truth is that would cut into Jenna's beer time at the local bar and we can't have that!!!
Bottom line: Pig Shocker doesn't work very hard and she has a tremendous amount of spare time. She plays a LOT during the day - so she has to beg for money because she remains disinclined to earn it.
Unknown 1:04. Oops. This is in response to your post.
DeletePoodleDiDoo wrote: " farmer in Spring goes to a movie MATINEE. What the hell. Everyone is doing - you know - farmer stuff during the day. There's a LOT to do for real farmers, but not much for the fake feral farmer. "
DeleteNot sure if y'all consider Jon Katz to be real farmer, but here's a few things he wrote on his blog back on April 21st:
"Anybody with a farm and livestock takes fences seriously, especially when you live on a busy highway. [...] I called Greg Burch, our firewood supplier and ordered seven cords of wood. April and May mean it’s time to prepare for winter. Next week I’ll order first cut hay."
Not only did he skip going to the movies that day to fix his fencing, but it's only April and he's already preparing for winter. Sounds like he's busy, unlike Jenna, who won't (or can't afford) to be ordering her firewood until late fall. Does anyone know, is firewood more expensive when you wait until the last minute to purchase it?
Anon7, if you buy firewood early in the year, it is cheaper. At this stage, it's still wet (unseasoned or green). Like rock concert seats, the price of firewood goes up the closer to the main event.
DeleteWe cut firewood from our own property and let it season (dry out) for a year. This dries the wood out, prevents smoking in the stove, bad starts and creosote build-up. Smart people buy green wood and let it season for a minimum of six months. If Jon Katz buys green wood in April, it will be cheaper and likely good to use by October.
Ahh, thanks for the explanation! So if the Pig Shocker went "logging" on her property, instead of "slogging" (the name of her latest bleg post) in her living room, she'd have plenty of wood to set aside for winter?
DeleteOh yes, and as reported on the previous CAST, homesteaders can secure a lot of free firewood throughout the year from tree falls, storm damage and roadside cleanup crews.
DeleteI mentioned last year that we mark trees to be cut in the summer, but don't cut down until late fall/winter. In that way, you don't disturb nesting animals and you don't have to deal with leaves and/or rising sap.
Ooh, that's right! And according to craigslist, there are currently 12 pages of free firewood listings in her general area. Looks like she won't have to beg for firewood this year!
DeleteYou would think so, Anon7, but I imagine it's free but has to be picked up. No deliveries. That counts Jenna out.
DeleteEver since Tyrs Good Hand Job dispersed, Jenna is without free labor.
Loading the wood and then unloading it would just be too much for Jenna to handle. Like she's said many times: I can't do everything. More like she can't do ANYTHING.
She's sitting on six acres of woods. I don't want to hear any more whining about firewood.
DeleteAgreed Anon 6:56.
DeleteChain saws scare her.
Seriously, Wtf?
Hire someone to cut down the dead and dying trees and cut up the ones that are already down.
Jenna could hire someone once a year and she would most likely have firewood for a lot longer than one winter. She could hire them off season and save even more $.
It is impossible to help someone who flat out refuses to help themselves and you cannot solve anyone's money problems by giving them money.
If you search for "stupid" on Jenna Woginrich's bleg, this post comes up:
ReplyDelete"I get a lot of advice. It's almost impossible to post anything without getting some sort of comment about how to do it better, how to change it, how to improve. [...] My friend Jon has a saying, 'Advice is never needed, Smart people don't need it and stupid people won't use it.' [...] So no more advice please! I may be too smart for it, or too stupid for it, but you can bet I won't use it either way."
Another post that popped up while searching for "stupid" was Jenna's infamous "Some jerk sent me a blank job application" bleg post. I know someone here once mentioned the possibility that she sent it to herself so that she could write about it and get sympathy donations -- and I think that person was right.
ReplyDeleteThere are two photos in that post: One that shows the envelope (with an Albany postmark) and the other shows where Jenna wrote her name on the application. Take a closer look at the two photos and you'll see that the name "Jenna" is written the same, especially the looped "Je" -- and the number "6" in the zip code is identical to the "6" in the date that Jenna wrote. What are the chances that Jenna just happened to have the same handwriting as the "evil person" who supposedly sent her that letter?
Check it out for yourself:
(Click on each photo to enlarge it. And be sure to click on the comments...a bunch of people calling her out on her refusal to get a real job.)
OMG. I never looked at this carefully, but you're right! Same weird "J" and same cursive "6". She must have sent the application to herself.
DeleteThis is some weird caca!
Yup. Looks like she even used the same pen. I wish I knew how to put those pics side by side like the CAS Twitter does.
DeleteI find it hilarious that, even in 2015 when that "job application" was sent, she was whining about foreclosure.
Delete"I stood there holding that job application on the land I am facing foreclosure on if I don’t get lucky, soon."
If she were that close to foreclosure then, and continuously until now, the bank would have foreclosed already! Just another scam for any unsuspecting poodles that might be left.
Yes, that's what I was saying on the previous thread. If you compare the writing on that envelope to other examples of Jenna's writing online, there is no doubt that crazy hag mailed blank job application to herself.
Delete@coldantlersham should tweet the two photos along with some of that bleg post. Once again, we can show just how insane that crazy hag is. more thing that came up while searching for "stupid" -- this awful manuscript excerpt from 2016 -- Jenna was trying to sell yet another book to uninterested publishers. And if you wonder why she hasn't been able to score a new book deal, just read this, if you dare:
I can't believe I read the whole thing. It made absolutely no sense. And it was supposedly about "how the last 5 years changed her." Like, who cares? Oh wait, she thinks people will care because she is HEROIC! Living a heroic life!! Her best heroic life!!!
Pass me a barf bucket. Seriously, to anyone who read that post, what the flippin' hell was she even talking about there? She wrote 15 paragraphs to describe how much she likes riding her horse on an empty stomach. I shit you not. That sorry, boring excerpt was no doubt written while slinging back a fifth of whisky. Or two. This is a prime example of why Jenna Woginrich needs to stop trying to make a living with her writing, her art, and get a real job so she doesn't have to beg every month for her mortgage and other bills.
Oh sweet Je***! I couldn't get past the first paragraphs. Your torso is a locker, one third full of blood, but it's special because you're filled with energy, caffeine fumes and you know when your horse is going to take a crap when you ride?!
DeleteFFF is such a talented righter, HAHAHA!
Yes, and that is why so many people are angered by the Pig Shocker's refusal to get a job so that she can take proper care of her animals. She states that donations and sales are what "get her thru the hard times between book deals and harvests" -- she's trying to sound as if she's still being offered book deals. She's not.
DeleteAnd after the WUI* fiasco that was the Birchthorn book, she shouldn't attempt to write anything else until all those books are delivered.
*Writing Under the Influence
If you're going to write and sell an inspirational book, first you have to be successful at something. No one wants to read a story about " I quit my job to ride my pony and drink and now I'm broke and terrified, but I did it for nine years, bitches."
DeleteNo doubt RH!
DeleteIt's Jenna's mental illness rearing its ugly head.
No one considers a failure like Jenna to be inspirational.
The tale that is Jenna's life of scraping by and using other people's hard earned money to finance her bills, mortgage and her whackadoodle purchases is a cautionary tale on how to ruin a life.
Anyone who envies or is jealous of that, is in need of mental health services/treatment.
It's also insulting how she often uses "bitches" to sound hip or cool. It's the same way that she condescendingly says "darlin" to put people down.
DeleteSpring is such a busy time for everyone. Excitement for farmers, real one, is lots of rain in April. Not the movies.
ReplyDeleteCalling in all her favors? What favors? As far as I can tell, she has been the recipient of favors for years. In her town and in cyberspace.
ReplyDeleteThat was well-put. If you ask Jon Katz, and other locals in her area, they'd likely label her a major user and taker. If anything, she owes many people "favors" for farming help and money over the years.
DeleteLocal rumor has it that she offered up her firstborn child to Common Sense Farm for a cord of firewood.
DeleteBut they said "no" cuz they only accept children old enough to do hard labor.
LOL Anon7.
DeleteAlso, they didn't want to push their luck any further by taking in the spawn of satan.
Haven't heard her mention Common Sense Farm in awhile. Did she wear out her welcome there? Or did she finally decide it wasn't good karma to hang out with a cult that suppresses women and abuses children?
ReplyDeleteShe took down her blog entry from yesterday that was so downtrodden and pitiable. It did sound like she's near the end financially.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm...She doesn't normally do that and she's had way more pathetic bleg posts.
DeleteI always screen shot them in case she tries to say we are commenting on something she didn't say. So if that's why, then good luck with that.
Oh no! I thought those were lyrics to her new Rastafarian song.
Delete"Everyting is greener" (SIC)
Peace, bitches🐩🐩🐩
PDD, Rastafarian is probably the only religion Jenna hasn't at one time or another claimed as her own.
DeleteWH. So far she hasn't "claimed" to be Jewish either. I'm waiting for her to convert. Oy.
DeleteLol FF, true dat!
DeleteGreat job Brynner42 for tweeting pics showing Jenna's writing on the job application that was supposedly mailed to her (that she filled out to show the hater who's boss!) compared to the envelope the "hater" mailed it in.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt it was mailed by Jenna to get attention on social media.
How dumb is a person who mails themselves something claiming it was mailed by someone with bad intentions, who then posts a pic of the envelope along with a sample of their writing without realizing both sets of writing match?
Jenna is an almost 40 yr old woman playing games to get attention.
It is both creepy and very disturbing.
Yes, great teamwork by Brynner42 for combining the pics, and CAS Twitter for re-tweeting it!
DeleteBTW, also just noticed that the word "Antler" is also identical. Not so much the "A" but the "ntler" -- and especially the "er" -- but no need to add another red arrow, just wanted to point that out, lol.
Whackadoodle Twitter:
ReplyDelete"I would kill for some good news."
Dramatic much?
Jenna would kill for some good news yet she wouldn't kill for a job.
Jenna wants some good news as long as she can sit on her ass while waiting for it.
Per normal, Jenna has her web cast. Now she just needs to catch a rich fly or two.
She's still stupid per her bleg:
ReplyDelete"And I hope I have better news soon, at least news that things are still scrappy and constant. Things have to get easier at some point. Or maybe they don't? Maybe that's not what I signed up for and would be a fool to assume? "
Things get easier when you don't do stupid.
DeleteThings get easier when you get a J-O-B and pay your own way.
DeleteAnd AGAIN with the super annoying misuse of questions marks. GAH!!!!!!!!
DeleteHer rigid refusal to learn correct comma placements, and the appropriate usage of question marks is "super annoying" to most of us here.
DeleteMany of us here have degrees in english.
DeleteIt's funny to me that Jenna's scamming was first apparent to english majors lol.
WD. I have a B.A. in English, and your comment made me smile.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteEarn Up Money,
DeleteHigh five! Lifetime member of Sigma Tau Delta here (for those not familar, it's an english honorary society)!
I think JFW does not understand the difference between a hand up and a hand out. She got a pile of money from strangers when she first began her CAF venture because they saw it as a startup. The training wheels should have come off long ago, but I think she believed that people would just hand her money in perpetuity just for being her.
ReplyDeleteHer umbilical cord to PayPal poodles has also never been cut. Why would it? All she does is hold her "hand out," and money magically appears for her mortgage.
DeleteLol at the "training wheels" comment! You really hit the nail on the head. Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm is no longer a startup operation. It's a failed dream. An unsustainable crap shoot.
DeleteYet Jenna Woginrich keeps holding her hand out for more money while shaking those dice and dreaming of slung luck. But she stopped farming. And she stopped growing/harvesting anything. She stopped just about everything except her cable tv/internet subscriptions.
But pay her anyway! Cuz she's a fabulously feral scrappy queer living all alone on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere! She's soooooo baller and hip, that the NY Times wrote about her! She's famous bitches!
Now f*cking pay her, poodles, pay her or else the farm gets it!
I think she believed she would double her income after she quit her job. At that time she was selling books and giving the seminars at the farm to "sold out" crowds, well, as many as she could handle. I believe she even looked at other venues to increase the size. She also seemed to be working on an effective plan to shake down her readers, from the 3 am night terrors to the "save me from the people who hate me on the internet because they don't believe I deserve this farm." I almost bit on that one, but I tried to have a discussion with her and was told my questions (on basic math) were scary. I've heard the same story from others on this and other blogs. I think she had figured out how to spot people who would give without question, and she was willing to discard everyone else. That's who she's looking for on twitter.
DeleteThe sad thing is, she might have been successful with her original plan. But it would have required more work than she was willing to do, and more creativity.
Yes RH and more talent ...
DeleteShe would kill for good news? Who or what would she kill? Is good news worth killing for?
ReplyDeleteAnd what counts as good news? A friend securing a dream job? A person being declared cancer free? Can the good news be about someone else?
Or does good news=$$$ in her Paypal account?
Of course she could always create her own good news by getting a job and paying her own way.
The use of "kill" is to create drama and curiosity. She wants people to ask, Aww, what's wrong honey?" But no one took the bait. Not a single comment, re-tweet or like.
DeleteBTW, she also tweeted that SHE HOPES THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL for the person from the bank who came by today to take pre-forclosure photos of her home.
Not a very nice girl, this Jenna Woginrich.
When a blogger, or in Jenna's case blegger, starts deleting their blog posts you know things are going south.
ReplyDeleteThat's a sign of the blegcalypse (the apocalypse of Jenna's blegging).
WD. Which ones are you referring to? I was wondering about the incriminating job application post, and handwriting analysis that CAS tweeted about.
DeleteThe recent post that was titled "Slogging."
DeleteIt is the post that Jenna said she had called in all of her favors, etc. in attempts to pay her bills this month.
Like someone else pointed out, what favors? I would bet that Jenna has NEVER helped anyone pay their bills or given anyone money for any reason. How could a selfish, narcissistic person such as Jenna have any favors to call in from anyone?
It was another blatant lie from Jenna that she hoped would make it sound to potential "marks" as if she is the sort of person who helps others so please return the favor and help her.
That is very very manipulative and conniving and an example of Jenna's sociopathic behavior in which she will try to get what she wants by any means necessary.
I would guess that Jenna decided to delete the post because she realized her motives were not heavily disguised enough. I wouldn't be surprised if she was called out on it via DM or email.
WD. I appreciate your answer, thanks. I also think that your "guess" as to why she deleted the incriminating post was correct. Her entire life is based on "blatant lies" and bullshit.
DeleteIn addition to Whackadoodle's theory, perhaps the Pig Shocker's family had something to do with it? We know her sister reads her Twitter, and probably the bleg too. So perhaps sis tried to get mom to send Jenna some money and instead mom bitched her out: "You're a Woginrich. Get an honest job!"
DeletePSA. This is the bleg subsequently deleted by FFF. Have the air-sickness bag ready. Don't say I didn't warn you. 😉
ReplyDelete" coldantlerfarm
Friday, April 26, 2019
I do not have much to update on, save for the good news that the coldest days seem to be behind us and the trees are starting to open their buds. Everyting is greener, a bit gentler, and it is so nice to see tufts of grass returning and horses a little more slick after shedding for weeks. I have been very discouraged, every month has been harder to make it. Every day I wake up, tend to the farm, work, walk, and play music. Those are what's keeping me going. Things have also felt very lonely this winter, more so than ever before. I try not to focus on that and instead focus on work, the farm, future projects. I am hoping this season is a slump I simply need to slog through. I am slogging. I know this isn't why people read this blog. They don't want to hear about hardship, they want horses and hawks and lambs and chicks. I want those things too. But right now I need to bite the strap hard and figure out how to keep what I have. I've called in the favors I could. I know there's no magical loan or lottery win coming my way. There's just the work of promoting the skills I have and hopefully earning enough to not just barely keep above water. So I am going to my best to get to that point, and take time to enjoy walks and music and the farm while I can.
Jenna Woginrich at 1:26 PM "
PDD. Do you save all of her blegs? If so, you're taking a heroic hit for our team, thanks!
DeleteAwesome job, Poods! Wow, there's a lot to unpack in that bleg post. I'm surprised she didn't slap on her big 'ol blue PayPal button.
Delete"I've been very discouraged" she states. Why? Lack of 🐩 💰 -- think about it, if her dumb foollowers gave her more money, she'd be all fine and happy. So all she's doing there is laying blame. It's not her fault she's's everyone else's fault.
"Every month has been harder to make it" she laments. Why? It's called donor fatigue. And most people don't need more than one logo, pet portrait or bars of soaps. The fiddle/archery lessons are really only doable for local foollowers. Maybe it's time to get creative and offer up some new products.
"Things have also felt very lonely this winter" she sobs. Well guess what...if she got a JOB, she would meet new people, make new friends, in addition to having an actual income. Imagine that, killing two birds with one stone.
"I know this isn't why people read this blog" she whines. So then STFU about being so broke all the time and do something about it. At the very least, lie and pretend to be productive. Go thru the old bleg posts and find something that you can change a few details and make it look new. She recycles old photos, so why not recycle some old farm activities and stories? It's not like her readers would know the difference.
"There's just the work of promoting the skills I have..." she reasons. What a liar.
"...and hopefully earning enough to not just barely keep above water" she threatens. Wow, she needs to shut up full stop with these guilt trips. She's basically saying that while the poodles sometimes offer up enough cash to get by, it's not quite enough. She needs more.
WTF? What a terrible way to treat her foollowers. Make them feel bad for not supporting her more. She sounds like a helpless child. No wonder she deleted this hot mess of a post.
Twitter Twaddle:
"I hope there's a special place in hell for people who choose to take pre-foreclosure photos of people's homes on Sundays."
I can't post proof of any pics, but want PayPal poodles to feel sorry for my stupid situation. I'm very manipulative, but want luxury items anyway, so send me lots of money now.
"Hey everyone! I am doing my best to work on at least 3 people's projects a day - between logos, soap, and design work. That's on top of the farm, writing, freelance, homestead work, etc. It's always okay to check in, but please understand I am doing the best I can!"
Hey everyone! I'm not doing anything other than binging on booze, obsessively watching new Netflix shows, overly plucking my sperm brows, and trying to present myself as a queer hipster. That's on top of my faux farm, walking hundreds of miles, mountain smashing, and trying to teach newbies to play the fiddle. Even though I'm an incompetent musician, and can barely play myself. It's not really okay to pester me, like the Birchthorn backers, who are still waiting for their books 4 years later. But please understand that I'm an animal abusing, lazy, loser, and will leech off others forever!
I meant to type:
I can't post proof of any pics, but want PayPal poodles to feel sorry for my stupid situation. I'm very manipulative, but want luxury items anyway, so send me lots of money now.
So she wishes that the photo-taking person goes to hell? What a bitch. That person is just doing their job. That person is just trying to make a living. That person probably hates that aspect of their job. And because the Pig Shocker is too irresponsible to pay her mortgage, that person has now had some bad energy sent their way.
Delete"A special place in hell." This is a statement usually reserved for murderers, rapists and other horrible people. It's not for bank employees just doing their job. I hope they yank that shit show of a farm right out from under her.
EUM. LOL!!! You've nailed the FFF.
DeleteSeriously, Anon7, that was my first thought too: why wish that someone go to hell for just doing their job? I bet they hate that they have to work on an Sunday, too. She's so goddamn selfish.
DeleteAlso, didn't she encourage people to check up on their orders because of her habit of losing track of things? "Sorry, too busy to get your stuff done but not busy enough to keep my head above water. Oh, but I have time to go for a horseback ride! I deserve it! And I lost your email, so email me again, but please don't actually email me again, okay?"
Also, now "farm" and "homestead work" are two different things? What on earth does she do for either??
DeleteAnon 3:22 Jenna practices "Insteading."
DeleteJenna wastes her time doing bullshit activities instead of doing what she should be doing such as properly caring for her animals, properly caring for and maintaining her property, etc.
Anon 3:18 - It's funny how she never loses track of when her favorite TV shows are on.
DeleteWhackadoodle, fantastic catch phrase "Insteading" -- the perfect description for what the Pig Shocker does all day.
Since when is Sunday sacred to a heathen?
ReplyDeleteShe's an idiot. Of course the bank photographer is going to come by on the weekend, cuz that's when most people are home, as most normal people are away at work during the week. The bank needs to prove that someone is indeed living there, so they take pics that show cars in the driveway.
DeleteAnd this unfortunate bank person was probably bummed out that their weekend was interrupted by having to drive over to the home of the irresponsible mortgage-dodging dipshit that is Jenna Woginrich. If the poor dude only knew that she has no job and her truck is there ALL THE TIME because she DOESN'T WORK.
Yes and the bank likes to note the progression of dilapidation of the property they own.
DeleteThe bank can see that thanks to her internet addiction and not taking time for upkeep, their property has decresed in value.
Banks aren't in the business of losing money.
It would be one thing if Jenn were only behind in payments but she is behind in payments and neglecting their property which effects the bank's bottom line.
The bank could be more likely to cut their losses and foreclose before they lose even more money on the property.
Jenna could be in some serious trouble all thanks to her laziness.
Actually, verifying info for mortgage companies and banks is usually a casual part time job. I know folks who do it. They get paid per job and they get a few per week that they can kind of do at their own time (within reason).
DeleteIt's the kind of part-time job SOMEONE could get to support
I think her comment about calling in favors is like those places that set out tip jars and add a few bucks to encourage others to do likewise. I don't think she had any favors to call in. It was just a manipulative ploy to make herself seem charitable so others will feel they should help her out in return.
ReplyDeleteThat was a really strange comment, calling in favors. When she said that, she was referring to trying to "earn up" mortgage money. So how could calling in favors help? A favor is usually repaid by having the other person do YOU a favor in return...not give money. So I agree...manipulative ploy indeed.
DeleteSo, okay, she calls in favors THIS MONTH. What about the next? And the next? And 6 months from now and so on?
DeleteCommon, dipshit. Get a freaking part time job and meet some people and show your dedicated group of idiots you are really trying and they would probably help MORE.
Wishing people spots in hell to take pictures because SHE can't get off her ass and do what EVERY OTHER PERSON has to do? So like, she's going to be in a even more special place in hell, me thinks....
From the deleted bleg post:
ReplyDelete"Every day I wake up, tend to the farm, work, walk, and play music."
THAT is the problem. There is no mention of having a JOB.
Jenna is unemployed, not self employed.
At this point, the very best thing that could happen to everyone involved in the Jenna Shit Show would be for her to lose the property via foreclosure.
Much like it took an investigation of animal neglect to get Jenna to find suitable homes for her livestock, it's going to take losing everything she has for her to get up off of her ass and help herself.
Even then, she might just move into someone's basement and become even more of a POS than she already is.
It could go either way but at least while living in someone's basement she won't be able to have a menagerie of farm animals to neglect.
Every person who donates to money to Jenna only prolongs the inevitable and prolongs the suffering of her animals. At this point in the shit show it is only throwing good money after bad.
People who donate money are actually giving to a cause that hurts instead of helps.
If you really think about it, Jenna isn't doing anything that can't be done while living in an apartment.
DeleteOf course she couldn't own two horses unless she boarded them somewhere but boarding them would be even cheaper to do in the long run.
Whackadoodle, I'm glad you posted that quote from the deleted bleg post, as I just saw this on Twitter which explains why she deleted it:
Delete"Hey everyone! I am doing my best to work on at least 3 people's projects a day - between logos, soap, and design work. That's on top of the farm, writing, freelance, homestead work, etc. It's always okay to check in, but please understand I am doing the best I can!"
She no doubt realized that it looked really irresponsible to be so far behind on work she owes while bragging about wasting time mountain smashing, playing music, going to the bar, and watching Game of Thrones.
She's trying her best? Riiiiiiiight.
What a joke! Jenna would be lucky to have 3 requests a week to work on.
DeleteThey must be the same three and she must work on those three everyday for months.
If you look at them (logos or portraits) you can tell they are sloppily thrown together in minutes.
Anyone who pays attention to Jenna's social media knows that Jenna spends 95% of her time sitting on her ass while monitoring social media.
To say she spends the majority of her time any other way is an outright lie.
I'll bet her butt has a permanent imprint of her linoleum floor pattern.
DeleteIf she had 3 orders a day 7 days a week on top of donations and other stupid things, she would have plenty of money. She's just lying about those "three" magical orders that are always inhouse....
Delete🖥 💻 Hey, does anyone remember awhile back when the Pig Shocker was begging for someone to gift her a new computer? Something about how the one she had was just about to die? No one came to her aid, and the subject was dropped.
ReplyDeleteWonder what happened? Did she quietly buy a new one? If not, the old one should be just about to break, you would think.
🚑 Waambulance ALERT!! 🚑 (aka new bleg post alert)
ReplyDeleteHere we go again. And this one is heavy with cringe. In a nutshell:
-People keep giving her "permission" to quit the farm.
-She needs just a bit more poodle cash to make the mortgage.
-She knows a lot of people are in the same boat as her. (New tactic?)
-She's not quitting. She's not giving up the farm. (Yay?)
-She think's there will be a miracle this summer. (So $upport her 'til then at least!)
-She's come so far! She's grown up so much! She's changed so much!
-She hopes she can figure out the next two days. She will try! (Or try?)
My favorite line: "Today a person came to make sure I was here and take photos of the house. That always hits me hard, a reminder that mailing in a late payment every month isn't a victory."
It always hits her hard? Well, it should! If I were caught speeding and pulled over, it wouldn't hit me hard because I know I was speeding and I got caught. My fault, my bad. And no, paying the mortgage isn't a victory, it's a normal responsibility that she signed up for. Perhaps if the creepy bank photographer left a box of chocolates on her porch it wouldn't hit her so hard.
Funny how her bleg posts are often timely in accordance with what the latest comments are on here.
DeleteJenna rolled out a pretty heavy dose of faux patriotism with her latest bleg. Maybe her new tactic??
Delete" Solvency is the dream of this farm and thousands of others. I know a lot of you out there are also trying to make it, to keep your land and animals, to manage whatever scraps are left of the American Dream we were promised. "
I also think Jenna's 'friends' are tired of hearing the never-ending bitching about the same never-ending problems. This has been going on for years, FFS. They want to stop the crazy and that's why they tell her it's okay to do something different, like sell the farm or maybe even (shock) get a job?
DeletePoodleDiDoo - Yes, I caught the hypocrisy of her faux patriotism too.
DeleteFun fact: The American Dream includes the opportunity for prosperity and success. In other words, the freedom to live in a country where you have the right to work any job you want. In fact, hard work and being employed is the backbone of the American Dream.
Yet here we have Jenna Woginrich, whining about being poor whilst not taking advantage of the American Dream that she was promised. I wonder what the Founding Fathers would have thought about online panhandling.
"Some want the trying to stop, as if it makes them anxious."
DeleteYou know what makes me anxious? Knowing that Jenna is sitting on her ass and taking the most minimal of care of those poor animals that she can get away with. That's what makes me anxious. Then, on occasion, she has the audacity to threaten her readers that something could happen to her animals if they don't pony up. Thankfully, some of her feedlot props got out of there to better homes before they had to stand on their shit pile all through the next winter's ass crack.
I could give a flying f**k about her or where she ends up. Under a bridge would be apropos, then ALL of her miserable animals could be permanently rehomed, with no chance of her getting more.
Amen! Anon 6:56. The thought of her elderly horses, no doubt with arthritis or tick-borne diseases, suffering through frigid New York winters and without adequate protection makes me sick. If there is a special Hell, it's reserved for scum who do harm to children and animals (and those who know it's happening but do nothing to stop).
DeleteRight on Anon7. The American Dream involves working to achieve the dream.
DeleteJenna Woginrich claims that her logo design work makes her more money than working a full time job. Let's take a closer look at some of the logos Jenna has supposedly designed:
ReplyDelete❌ Anal Ranch Horses (Not using her logo)
❌ Glens Falls Tae Kwon Do (Not using her logo)
✅ Canine Behavior Solutions LLC (Surprise! They are using her logo)
❌ Dancing Rooster Free Spirit Poultry (Company appears non-existant)
❌ Bootlegger Hill Farms (Not using her logo)
❌ Farmers of the UK (Not using her logo)
❌ Maroni Design Lab (Not using her logo)
❌ Blue Barn Workshop (Company appears non-existant)
❌ Fallen Ash Farm (Not using her logo)
❌ Patriot Acres (Not using her logo)
✅ Rock & Roll Farming Podcast (Surprise! They are using her logo)
❌ Possum Tail Primitives (Not using her logo)
❌ The Bearded Crab (Not using her logo)
❌ Evil Ling (Company appears non-existant)
✅ Full Moon Over Westfarm Goats (Surprise! They are using her logo)
❌ Comox Valley Electric (Not using her logo)
❌ Urban Wild (Not using her logo)
❌ True Story Botanicals (Not using her logo)
❌ The Bearded Lady (Not using her logo)
❌ Firetaker Inc (Company appears non-existant)
❌ Morter Farm (Company appears non-existant)
❌ Smiling Dog Farm (Not using her logo)
✅ Great Houndtor Farm (Surprise! They are using her logo)
❌ Essential Healing Natural Horse Wellness (Company appears non-existant)
❌ Selkirk Wool and Lamb (Company appears non-existant)
✅ Hamlet Grove Pastured Poultry (Surprise! They are using her logo)
✅ Mossy Creek Mushrooms (Surprise! They are using her logo)
❌ Hyde Away Farm (Not using her logo)
❌ Gullinbjorn Hearth Heathens (Not using her logo)
❌ Thistle Creek Farm (Not using her logo)
❌ Food Raised Right (Not using her logo)
❌ Immigrant & Minority Farmers Conference (Not using her logo)
✅ Demilune Farm (Surprise! They are using her logo)
❌ South West Agroforestry Network (Not using her logo)
Wow, how interesting. Not too many green check marks in that sea of red X's. That's a lot of companies who didn't like her work. Wonder if they asked for their money back?
The american dream we were promised?
DeleteYes the american dream is promised via HARD WORK.
The american dream isn't just handed over and guarateed to those who refuse to work hard for it.
Jenna is a joke.
Jenna wants to play while everyone/anyone else pays.
The above reply was in reference to Anon7's comment @ 9:07. Sorry for the misplacement.
DeleteAnon7 thanks for taking the time to look those up and compose the list.
DeleteWow, I thought it was bad but that's downright pathetic.
Every X represents a logo that wasn't good enough to use for a company who had already paid for it.
Those are pity donations.
Akal Ranch...not Anal Ranch. That's probably a totally different thing haha!
DeleteI wondered about that.
DeleteLol, Anal Ranch...I did that on purpose because that's what it looks like it says, at a glance. If I had designed that logo for Akal Ranch, I would have placed the word "Akal" to the far left of the word "Ranch" or put it on the same line. But she centered it right over the "N" in Ranch, so at a glance, the "N" becomes visually associated with "Akal" making it look like Anal, especially if you are dyslexic. Maybe that's why they're not using her logo.
DeleteWhackadoodle, thank you -- but I can't take full credit for that list. Awhile back (on the old blog, I think) a couple of Shammers took the time to research a few of those logos. I made note of their results and added them to the list above. So thanks to them as well for their work!
If she were serious about making a living as a work from home graphic artist, she would have a website with samples of her art. But that would mean she might actually have to do work! I believe she counts on people who don't want/need logos or animal pictures to just hand her money because they feel sorry for her.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, the American Dream is an opportunity, not the promise of a handout.
As so many Shammers have cleverly pointed out, Jenna Woginrich doesn't want a website because that would indicate an official business which would result in her having to pay taxes on her income. So instead, all sales are made by Direct Messengering her on Twitter. That way, there's no real paper trail. She keeps all the money from sales away from the eyes of Uncle Sam. Not very patriotic to be a tax dodger.
Delete"Never compare your personal productivity to people living with unmedicated anxiety. We are fueled by the endless supply of free cocaine haunting our brains and you are way better off."
ReplyDelete...what the hell is she talking about? It really grates on me when she acts like she's the only person who knows what anxiety feels like.
"Free cocaine"... I don't even understand. I would never describe anxiety that way.
Sounds like it was said by someone under the influence.
DeleteEver since Jenna mentioned the misnomer about being accused for dealing meth, a lot of things she says sounds like they were said by someone on
meth (I'd say cocaine because she said cocaine this time but Jenna could never afford cocaine).
It always amazes me how often Jenna has disparaging things to say about people who work at a job for a living.
ReplyDeleteJenna either refers to them as mindless poodles working in cubicles or she goes for the jugular wishing harm upon people (like the person who supposedly took photos of her house).
It's very interesting.
If people did not work for a living, they would not be able to donate their money to Jenna. Donations of pity money is the only thing funding Jenna's lifestyle.
Jenna postures on Twitter as if she stands for something.
She always has criticism for politics, gender issues, people with money (again ironic) and people with inherited money (jealousy).
However, I guarantee that 100% of money donated to Jenna is accepted by Jenna without regards to the donating person's political affiliations, views on gender, what sort of careers the people have, etc.
The donator could be the most vile person on earth (which would not be surprising as like attracts like) and that would be fine with Jenna. She would snatch that money from a vile person's hand in a blink of an eye same as she would from anyone else.
Jenna is nothing more than a hypocrite. Jenna likes to run her mouth without having the brains to back up an argument.
We have known this about Jenna for years.
The only thing Jenna stands for is to clap at the end of her favorite TV shows.
DeleteBut you're right about her accepting money from anyone regardless. I'll bet that if I sent her $100 in a letter signed "Anon7" she'd quietly pocket it rather than send it back.
I believe Jenna is speaking more of the truth when she writes like she did in the deleted post "Slogging". It's written more like an actual personal private diary. She's almost broke and lonely too.
ReplyDeleteShe had better take action soon, or all those retiring baby boomers from the cities are going to snap up her foreclosed place in that desirable small town and Hudson Valley. And, it's so inexpensive! Her mortgage cost is really pretty low for a house and six acres! It is doable for a single woman with ambition.
When she bought it, she had made a splash with her "Cold Antler" books and the economy was in the tank, and people were scared and willing to donate to her effort. Not now, the economy is so much better and people have moved on with their lives. But not her.
Also back then Jenna was new and young and spewing her I've got a dream nonsense.
DeleteJenna had a dream alright. It was for other people to loan her the money she needed to pay off her creditors so that she could secure a mortgage loan.
Back then, Jenna repeatedly said that accepting donations would be a one time thing and special circumstances to get the loan.
Now each month it's "please give- for just ONE MORE MONTH." Jenna always promises that next month will be better.
That has turned into 8+ years of just one more month. Next month never gets any better and Jenna's begging only gets worse.
Jenna is also older now and it looks especially pathetic for a 40ish yr old woman to refuse to work and support herself financially while constantly begging for luck and donations.
People are tiring of it and Jenna seems to be scrambling.
Lol, please give for one more month! And please sign up for archery and fiddle lessons this summer, even though I might not be here!!
DeleteIf someone signed up today for lessons in August, Jenna would get all that money up front. And she'd spend it ASAP. Now, if come August, circumstances require her to cancel the lesson, would she give the money back?
JW to award-winning author, Summer Brennan: I would totally re-watch GoT "with you" and would love your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteSummer Brennan: Maybe after I finish writing this book I'm working on (subtext: I currently have a book deal).
Omg, LMAO!
DeleteJenna can barely hide her jealousy of SB as it is....
I have sung Summer's praises on here before in previous threads.
Summer is a great example of the American Dream realized through dedication and hard work.
It is because of Summer's impeccable work ethic that she continues to get opportunity upon opportunity. Good for her and very well deserved.
This might be some of the best but most subtle shade thrown at Jenna I've ever seen.
DeleteJust take part of Summer's reply:
"after I FINISH writing this book "
Now imagine Summer giving Jenna side eye to see if our feral farmer had enough self awareness to stop and think.... "Hey.. maybe I should commit to finishing work before I binge on a TV show"
We all know that lightbulb never lit up over Jenna's head though.
That is the best! Summer does so much and has added writing a book to her activities on top of everything else. That is really admirable.
DeleteSummer must read Jenna's incessant whining and see her total laziness and lack of trying and must shake her head in disbelief at Jenna's shit show.
People like Summer who practice excellence in their everyday lives do not hang out with losers like Jenna.
Summer may have some pity for Jenna and might even look at her as mentally disturbed and therefore might try to give her some guidance.
I can guarantee that Jenna would make any conversation or outing with Summer sound as if they are bffs.
When it would be more likely it was only doing it out pf pity and to give her some advice.
I butchered that last sentence. Let's try that one again:
DeleteIt would be more likely that Summer would only be talking to Jenna out of pity and to give her some advice.
I have a lot of money to donate, being filthy rich and all.
DeleteMy foundation is called the Lazy Farmers of Veryork and we are looking for applicants for our 2019 bequest which will pay off the mortgage, put in new plumbing, build a new barn, install new fencing, overhaul a truck or two and throw in a new computer and cell phone with free wifi for life.
Applicants have to demonstrate total inability to grow up, refusal to gainful employment a history of con and beg, addiction to online fantasy and dirty sheets.
If anybody here knows of any unworthy types worthy of this grant please send me an employment application in your own handwriting addressed to yourself preferably stained with the tears of fear and rage that you have to do this for attention.
Please send in your nominations soon as this prize is in sale and half off the usual one.
thank you
I think we've found a winner!
DeleteBravo, Anon 5:22!!
DeleteAnd there it is... broken tooth emergency... her old standby pity money maker.
ReplyDelete"Bingo!!!" We have a whining winner:
Delete"Tomorrow I will call the dentist and tell them what happened. Hopefully they can patch it, or do something that I can afford to keep the actual root canal safe. There is nothing I can do about it tonight but write about it, which is what I am doing here to help with my anxiety. And also, to ask for help.
What I mean by that is help relieve the anxiety through kindness. If you can send a kind word through email or social media, a cheer, encouragement, please do. I don't always reply but I do always read them. It really means so much to me. It's the difference between setting my shoulders into the plow or setting it aside.
Want to help with the farm in general, well if you ever bought soap or artwork or meat shares and want some more (and are not in a hurry for any of them) do let me know. Sales are what make bills, the mortgage, all of it possible and what I need most."
Who is she trying to kid? All she wants is Poodle money now, and "kind words" are meaningless to her. It's always a crisis with Jenna Woginrich. Ever single month it's the same fucking crap.
I'm also not buying her bullshit sob story. It's a predicable, pathological pattern with her, and happens all of the time.
DeleteShe wrote a new bleg post about it too:
Delete"I am doing what I can but right now, like everything else, it's a problem that has to be dealt with in order. I don't know what to do but not eat anything that requires chewing until I can afford to fix it. That, on top of everything else that is going on, allowed me a good, long, cry. The kind of cry you hold in for a long time while you roll up your sleeves and pretend everything is okay. I am literally falling apart."
"Tomorrow I will call the dentist and tell them what happened. [...] And also, to ask for help. [...] What I mean by that is help relieve the anxiety through kindness. If you can send a kind word through email or social media, a cheer, encouragement, please do. [...] Want to help with the farm in general, well...Sales are what make bills, the mortgage, all of it possible and what I need most."
And there you have it! But she doesn't really want kind words. She wants 🐩 💰 to get her tooth fixed and pay the mortgage. So pony up bitches! She's "literally" falling apart!!
Anon7. Maybe you didn't read my earlier comment. That's what I said. "Great minds think alike."
DeleteWhoops, Feral Farmer...sometimes I comment before reading all the other comments! Bad habit of mine, lol.
DeleteThere it is! The hook. Little Jenna, falling apart, begging sweetly for people to send her "words of kindness." She's not even asking for crumbs from direct deposit accounts that everyone but her has (privileged bitches ).
DeleteThe Pig Shocker deleted two tweets yesterday. (I took a quick look at her Twitter to see what she was up to, but didn't have time to post here.) These tweets were a follow up to the still-standing tweet where she posted a pic of Merlin and said this:
ReplyDelete"I did a lot of things today. One of them was riding this gent in the spring woods. He has very fine bangs and is a very good British Fancy Hobbit Boi."
The first deleted tweet listed a bunch of other stuff that she did, like: farmed, chores, worked on logos, etc. It was like she realized that she should list a bunch of responsible actions so it didn't look like she was riding her horsey all day instead of working.
And the second deleted tweet was a weird explanation, something about "why" she was telling her foollowers all this. She said something like, "The reason I'm telling you all this is because you might have the impression I'm not working hard but it's also important for me to play" or something like that. But the way she said it was more like "You may have read on a 'hate' blog that I waste a lot of my days messing around when I could be working" -- and it was obvious she's been reading here and she's aware that some of her foollowers were also reading what we write, and that she just wanted to set the record straight.
But then she deleted it. Lol.
She's being doing deletions lately a lot. I hope that her rotten reputation is finally catching up with her.
DeleteAnd maniacally tweeting about GoT.
DeleteThe Pig Shocker is really missing out on an opportunity to make some money via GoT. As you stated, Anon 5:26, she's been maniacally tweeting about the show and using the Got hashtag, which means that her tweets are visible to anyone searching that hashtag.
DeleteAnd while looking thru her older tweets when making that logo list the other day, I saw a lot of her soap tweets that show dragons and dire wolves. If she had a brain, she could tweet about those soaps with the GoT hashtag and they would probably sell really well as they clearly tie-in with that show. Put together some soap packages with a GoT dragon/wolf theme and cash in already.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGreat idea, but PS doesn't want actual work and accountability. She wants the Atta-Girls and enablers to THINK she's working so so hard, so they'll send her untaxed gifts "for encouragement". You know...PayPal donations.
DeleteHaving a website, or selling her wares on a more public forum would open her up to further scrutiny and critique. She hates that.
PS Deleted first version - auto-correct errors!
Anon7, PS didn't delete her tweet about riding the old prop pony and working hard (cough cough). Instead, she posted a flurry of subsequent tweets so the "lazy day" post would get buried.
DeleteShe did the same thing after being accused of victim-shaming Mollie Tibbitts. It's a pattern.
You may remember that last summer, Mollie Tibbitts disappeared while jogging and was later found murdered. The mean hobbit of Veryork made Ms. Tibbitts' death all about herself & smugly suggested Mollie Tibbitts more-or-less deserved her fate because she wasn't badass like PS.
After being trounced by readers, PS quickly backtracked and then filled Twitter with a multitude of garbage tweets to bury the bad press.
For a lot of people, that episode revealed Pig Shocker's true nature.
I totally remember when Jenna said that about Molly. It shows that Jenna is a sociopath. She doesn't have empathy for other people and can only mimic appropriate social behavior seen in others.
DeleteA lot of the time Jenna completely misses the mark and that was one of those times.
For someone to think a comment like that is okay, man oh man that reveals someone with a dark soul.
That's stepping into scary kind of crazy territory .
Jenna loves to mention that Ted Bundy worked for a suicide helpline at one time. She mentions it at least once a year.
It's as if Jenna thinks of Bundy as an example of success. How to successfully blend into society and fool everyone.
ReplyDeleteKindness = Moolah
Just send lots of it, keep your thought and prayers poodles, ain't kryptonite it's spinach bitches
Shammers, there's something really fishy about this latest tooth emergency story. Take a look at these two past bleg posts:
ReplyDeleteJenna wrote this on Dec 7th:
"I am happy to announce tooth number 14 got its root canal yesterday, or most of it. It's a tooth with three roots, being a molar, and while two of the three were easy to drill and clean and repair, one was a disaster. Old filling material had been compacted up into the actual root and made it impossible to do all three roots in the same visit, so I need to return after January. Good news is the price doesn't change and I'm not paying for 3 root canals (technically, that's what this is) and just the one."
And then she wrote this on Feb 11th:
"Tomorrow I go to the dental surgeon for part 2 of my root canal I started in December. I got a ride because I am not sure the truck could make it."
And now today she writes about her newly broken tooth:
"It was painless, since it's the same tooth I had a root canal on a few months ago and the nerves are gone, but I hadn't been able to get it filled in properly because it's another couple hundred dollars over the initial root canal cost which is already more than a mortgage payment."
Okay, lemme get this straight: According to her, she had the root canal in Dec and then went back in Feb and had it finished at no extra cost. But today she's saying that she never got it filled in properly because it cost more money that she didn't have?!? But look at what she wrote: She said she DID have the work done and it DIDN'T cost her any more money.
So, what she said could be legitimate, because I had the same thing happen to me. My regular dentist sent me to a specialist for the root canal. The specialist couldn't get it all in one visit, and I had to come back to complete the root canal a month later (at no additional charge). They put a temporary filling in it. Then, a few weeks after that I went back to my regular dentist to get the permanent filling. I asked her why they don't just do the permanent filling with the root canal, and she said it's because getting the root canal is kind of like shaking a can of soda. Things get all crazy in your tooth, and you need to give it time to settle down before putting a permanent cap on it, or bad things can happen. And yes, I did have to pay extra for the filling from my dentist. (And yeah, the expense was painful... My husband and I spent around 3000 at the dentist within a couple months, but we could pay for it - even though we are self-employed farmers - because we'd put a bunch of $ away in an HSA, and we don't go out to the brewery/movies all the time!)
DeleteAnon 11:18 did the dentist charge you extra for the permanent crown when you came back in?
DeleteJenna is trying to say she doesn't have the money to go back for the permanent crown.
Your additional filling sounds like a separate procedure on top of the root canal?
If so, that explains the extra charge.
My daughter had the same type of root canal. She had the procedure, was sent home with a temporary and then came back for the permanent. But the permanent wasn't an extra charge because that's part of the root canal procedure.
Covering the freshly medicated tooth with a permanent crown to prevent any future infection is the entire point of getting a root canal and the way they save the tooth.
I actually already had a crown on the tooth, and they did the root canal through the crown. So the filling was to finish off the root canal.
DeleteI just came back to this blog and CAF blog after a break, and haven't read all the comments yet, so this could have already been mentioned. She has a broken tooth again after biting an almond. Nothing changes!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big fan of almonds, but from what I remember, aren't they kinda soft? I mean, they're not exactly hard like a popcorn kernel. Maybe she was munching on frozen ones?
DeleteI'm dragging this down from the top of this thread, as I want to make sure everyone sees it. Shammer "Started Wearing Purple" just cracked me up with this brilliant catch phrase:
ReplyDelete"Ok, who had "broken tooth" in BeggingBingo? Because she just a few minutes ago posted on Twitter and her blog that she broke a molar and has vollapsed into anxiety send money and whiskey."
LMAO at "Begging Bingo" -- this is too funny. Yes, that's exactly what's going on. BTW, the replies to Jenna's "broken tooth" tweet are hilarious:
"Gentle internet hugs to you!"
"Oh Jenna, I'm so sorry."
"There is no pain like mouth pain. [...] I hope the pain subsides soon."
"Mouth problems are extra big - in-your-face - if you know what I mean."
These types of replies mean NOTHING to Jenna Woginrich. She wants to hear:
"OMG Jenna...give me your PayPal info...I want to send you 💵 💵 💵 ASAP!!"
Business plan
ReplyDeleteAlmond scented tooth shaped soap orders are up
DeleteAre you effn kidding me? That bitch actually said she broke a molar?
ReplyDeleteDoes she not know that she had been whining incessantly about not being able to pay her bills this month and that it is more than OBVIOUS that this tooth lie is just a ploy to get fast MONEY from FOOLS?
THAT is why she deleted the bleg post recently. Jenna said she called in all of her favors and does not have enough money for her mortgage/bills this month.
So Jenna came up with her tried and true dental pain scam (for anyone new to the Jenna whackadoodle shit show, Jenna has used this dental scam at least 15 times over the years and it's ALWAYS when she has whined more than usual about not having made enough money).
After deciding to use the dental scam, Jenna realized the now deleted bleg post would make it too easy for her Foolowers to put 2 and 2 together and see why she suddenly has a dental emergency. What a pathetic, manipulative jackass.
We have posted on here based on what dentist she posted about "loving" (loving because they basically out of pity work on Jenna's teeth for damn near free or they give her years to pay the bill) and that dentist's office financial policies found online. They offer significant discounts based on income.
Also if Jenna only had a tooth pulled (instead of a root canal or elaborate repair) it only cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $60.
So not only is Jenna not responsible enough to get a job with insurance or a savings for emergencies she also insists on living WAY above her means. Root canals and elaborate repairs are for people who can afford them.
To stay within a meager budget the choice is obvious to get the tooth extracted for under $100.
Keep in mind that is the price of an extraction at the office where Jenna gets her dental care. The amount wasn't just pulled out of the air like Jenna's excuses.
Lol, kinda makes you wonder what her go-to medical emergency will be once she runs out of applicable teeth. Being that she's almost 40, she's ripe for gynecological issues.
DeleteAlex, I'll take "crippling ovarian cysts" for $500.
That's if she can find a crotchatologist who would be willing to get close enough to examine her.
DeleteJenna hasn't found a way to shower while actively tweeting so the showers had to go.
I hope that CAS twitter bombards the twitterverse about how obvious it is that this is a scam.
ReplyDeleteThe new gullible Foolowers need to be told that Jenna is a parasite who will lie without any regret to get whatever she wants.
For lying to everyone, I hope she really does have a tooth break soon and has constant shocks of pain from the nerve.
Much like the shocks she purposely gave to her pigs with the electric fence when she was mad at them. I think of Jenna's tooth pain and it brings a smile to my face.
Which is exactly what Jenna said in her bleg post about how she smiled at the pigs' pain.
I hope Jenna hurts way worse and for a much longer time.
I hear very cold ice water helps the pain from a broken tooth. She should try that asap.
No, hot water mixed with bleach and salt is the way to go.
DeleteI also heard that if you hit a sore or broken tooth with a hammer it can work like a switch and turn off the pain.
DeleteFrom what I've read, ball peen hammers seem to work the best for that.
If.. and this is a big if...anything at all happened to this fairytale tooth that miraculously breaks/goes bad every couple months seemingly just when she's in her most dire straits, it's most likely that she just popped off the temporary crown. No endodontist would ever start a root canal without at the very least a plan for a cheap temporary metal cap. No way possible they let her walk out of the office with an exposed root canaled tooth stump. Jenna may not have had the funds for a pretty porcelain permanent crown... but she left that office with something on it to protect the work the dentist did. That is ALWAYS part of the overall root canal procedure.
ReplyDeleteI agree- Jenna absolutely left the office with something temporary capping the tooth. I'm sure Jenna was well informed about needing to get back into the office soon to get the permanent one placed.
DeleteA lot of the times a person is sent home with the temp crown. They fill the hollow tooth with medicine that needs to sit there. After it has sat there, they clean out the medicine and put the permanent crown on the tooth. That is the entire purpose of a root canal, to get that medicine into the tooth and keep it there long enough to work.
Hell, I sincerely doubt that the permanent crown was not included in the cost that she was charged for the part of the procedure she did receive.
Now that I think about it, the permanent crown wouldn't be a separate cost or extra. 99.9% of the root canal process had been completed and I'm sure she was charged for that. Why would the last step of applying the perm crown not be included in that cost?
Sounds like another Jenna bullshit fairytale to me.
Hey asshole, have the damn tooth pulled. How annoying.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe after the recent bleg post whining and woe is me pity party, Jenna had the nerve to ask people to buy some of her crap IF THEY AREN'T IN A HURRY FOR IT. Are you kidding me? That shows the desperation for money isn't real or she would be busting ass to get it.
I love the lie about finding the iphone in the drawer that she's going to use to take photos.
Let's all say it together:
Jenna has been using the iphone for years. It had shown up on the CAS site under her home IP address constantly.
The I don't have a cell phone shtick while using a cell phone is just one layer of Jenna's crazy (and there are many layers).
We've known for a long, long time that Jenna is nuts but man has she turned the corner to BatShit Crazyville this year.
WH. It kills me that she often says "If you aren't in a hurry for it." If she were that desperate for money, which I believe is bullshit, then she'd be working overtime on her "3 logos" etc... Maybe it's all a pretense to fool potential clients. So she acts as if her services are so popular that people will have to wait months for finished projects.
DeleteFor crying out loud, how long does it take to make melt and pour soap? Like an hour? Max? Or do one of her awful little logos... a few lines of the same dull 4 or 5 fonts, straight, no kerning and a silhouette of a ripped off clip art piece. Ding, another hour.
DeleteShe needs time to loose your information, contact details and purchase history because she can't use Etsy anymore because she was kicked off. The nice thing about using a legitimate platform is that it helps you keep things straight. Too bad, she doesn't want to keep anything straight.
Jenna Woginrich's sheer arrogance never fails to astound me. Before she wrote "If you're not in a hurry for it" she tweeted that she's behind on work and needed people to message her to let her know who's work she hadn't completed yet. Then she asked them to be patient.
DeleteAnd just now she tweeted that she's re-watching both Game of Thrones AND the L Word. WTF? She's already seen these shows but she has free time to binge watch them again? What about the work she's so behind on? Don't get me wrong...most hard working people deserve to kick their shoes off at the end of the day and relax with a little TV time. But wasting time on shows that are an hour long each...when you still have customer orders to fulfill?
And I get it, as it does suck to have to do work when you've already been paid and the money is already spent. When I was 12, my mom used to pay me $100 to wash all the windows of our house, both inside and out. And this one time, I asked for her to pay me in advance so I could buy a concert ticket. She kindly acquiesced, but when it came time for me to make good, I found it difficult to find the motivation to window wash. Week after week I made excuses until my dad sat me down and gave me a long lecture about responsibility and accountability.
Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do what you are supposed to do...what you have been PAID to do. And here's the thing: She obviously doesn't have many customers, cuz if she did, she wouldn't have to beg so hard for her mortgage to be paid by strangers. So this whole "wait awhile for artwork and logos" bullshit boils down to 3 things:
1) She has no motivation to do the work, as the money's already spent.
2) She's trying to look busy, like her artwork is in demand. Or hoping they'll forget.
3) She really doesn't have time, as she's too busy re-watching TV shows.
Have you ever tried to eat two moon pies and chug a glass of bourbon while trying to draw a shitty pet portrait?
DeleteWell, it ain't easy.
Sometimes Jenna's girl Patty comes over and they play boxer and Jenna pretends to be in the corner of the ring between rounds while Patty plays coach and shoves multiple moon pies in her mouth and pours bourbon down her throat. Patty then gives her a pep talk and before you know it "DING DING DING" and it's time for the next round of producing shitty portraits.
Twitter Twaddle:
ReplyDelete1. "Support crazy artists out there making a living doing what they love!"
Once again, in a show of faux support, JFW touts the skills of someone else who is more talented than herself. Way to go, weirdo, when you're trying to earn more mortgage money.
2. "I just broke a molar that already had a root canal that I can't afford a crown on yet and had a had a good long cry about it. I don't think I can eat anything that isn't soft for a long while. I am so sick of these issues. If I EVER get any sort of money I am buying a new mouth."
Does she ever edit her stupid tweets? Not only does the first sentence lack proper punctuation, she repeats this crap "and had a had a" which makes no sense at all. Complaining about eating only "soft" foods is repetitious, too. (At least, she can still binge on booze.) We've heard this before each time she has dental issues. But the biggest bullshit is her entire lie. It's like people have said in previous comments. When she doesn't have enough money for the month, then she gets desperate, and invents another predictable crisis. Why this able-bodied, college educated woman doesn't stop whining, and just get a job like normal adults is crazy. It's an unsustainable way of life. You can't count on continual support from internet strangers.
In addition to a show of faux support, it's also a way for her to get her name out there. The more she tweets about random stuff, the more exposure her CAF brand gets. That's one of the reason she spends so much time on Twitter looking for crap to re-tweet.
DeleteMore foollowers = more 🐩 💰
As for the editing, both Jenna and Jon Katz are guilty of never proof reading what they write. Both of their blogs are riddled with typos galore. And these two are nationally known published book writers. *SMH*
“Since farming I have walked over the soil in places so many times, and rain from the hillside eroded, most of the soil and earth that allowed for grass in a lot of the front lawn area under the maple tree. It's where I go to fill buckets several times a day.”
ReplyDeleteWhat “farmer” wastes time filling water buckets for large livestock? This has been mentioned many times before: GET A FRIGGIN’ HOSE!
“I don't always reply but I do always read them. It really means so much to me.”
It means so much to her that she doesn’t even send a quick reply.
“I hope to write about new books and lambs and piglets and summer gardens soon.”
When is the last time she grew ANYTHING for a garden? Actually, I was curious about this so searched her bleg for anything garden-related. 2009 it appears she had an actual variety of stuff growing. Then there’s this from 2013: She still can’t “swing” getting a hose, folks! (What happened to all the thousands she got for ‘farm improvements’ from that loan recently????
“Now you realize the garden is dry, it didn't rain last night, and you want to be out all day at an off-farm event. So now you need to carry four more buckets to the garden and water with your trusty metal watering can. You think, perhaps for the 600th time that week, that you need an outdoor faucet and hose but know you can't swing it.”
And again, she’s scared… OMG just get a job bitch!
“I hope to get through all of this. But tonight I just want someone to say it'll be okay because this is getting scarier every year."
She's such an idiot. Only in her ignorant world is getting a faucet/garden hose adapter for a rear room water tap SUCH a difficult thing to accomplish.
DeleteShe could run hose out the door (blocking most of opening). If she didn't want to leave the door open a crack, she could drill a hole in the wall, put the hose through and seal up when not in use.
This lunacy is what makes me believe she makes this sh** up. No one can be so stupid as to use water buckets instead of a garden hose when watering livestock.
I'm with you PDD.
DeleteIt is so asinine that a normal person can't fathom Jenna's craziness as being true. It just seems too crazy.
There is only one thing that Jenna currently does on her property that she could not do in some cheap apartment somewhere.
The horses would have to be sold (which totally goes against Jenna's lack of common sense and her innate selfishness to keep them as props) or boarded. Boarding costs would be a drop in the bucket compared to what Jenna's Foolowers are paying for her to stay on her property.
However, the having horses is not the one thing that I'm referring to.
Aside from the horses, the only thing Jenna couldn't effectively do from a cheap apartment is scam and beg for money to "support this farm."
Jenna already looks insanely ridiculous as a 40ish able bodied woman who flat out refuses to support herself while crying, whining and begging daily for luck which is Jenna speak money.
If you take Jenna off of that property, the I have a dream grift disappears. Once that scam/pity money disappears, it is a wrap for Jenna.
If she chose to still stay unemployed, she wouldn't even be able to afford the cheap apartment. She would quickly find herself living in a relative's subterranean villa (basement).
She can do and be anyone or anything she wants from an apartment. She lies about so much anyway. She just needs to steal a few more pictures and she can be beautiful, rich, and successful. Or continue to be on the edge to get more donations.
DeleteHD. I agree about the apartment. Without her pet props to attract poodles, and their direct deposit donations, her online scamming won't work. Which is why she's so manipulative about money.
DeleteShe can lie about the animals too. She can either steal pictures online or go out and take pictures of other animals. Now she could take 100 of pictures of Merlin and just keep posting about him for years while she's in her apartment.
DeleteYou are right, HD.
DeleteFor all we know, she could have lost her place 6 months ago and is living somewhere else.
Much like the pigs, which I have said since last summer that she had to re-home like the rest of the livestock, Jenna can post old photos of the animals and her property forever and act as though they are current.
Jenna has done that a lot the since she's been on the property but has been doing it constantly for the past year.
Public property records can take a long time to update when a property changes hands, so you can't even go by that as current information.
Without someone local checking to see if she's still living there, we don't know for sure.
The problem with all our move to an apartment notions is that I believe Jenna actually really wants to be - and can only see herself as - a spunky, scrappy, can-do, animal-raisin', farmer/archer/skills-teacher/riter etc etc but also a damn cool chick living the rural dream - 'dream' being the critical word, thus her living in the country in ID, VT, and now NY...can't remember what her living arrangements were in KY, or was it TN? Lordie, that was a hideous, tortured sentence, argghh. I apologize; I have zero skills as riter.
DeleteAnd by now, of course, the conglomeration of reasons showing so clearly that she is not fit for this lifestyle are all too obvious and her issues, problems, character traits and/or mental health status are chronic; no amount or consistency of donations could ever get her back on her pretty useless feet and get the farm solvent. She doesn't have the stuff.
Whether or not she can actually support herself w/out living off handouts from strangers somewhere off the farm is questionable - but, as others have said, at least no animals (beyond her supposedly dear yet minimally cared for) dogs would be harmed. I don't see it happening unless she is actually kicked off CAF and she would likely start right away to scam the funds to relocate on another piece of land and ply her pathetic, unethical trade. Any apartment sitch she might worm her way into would be temporary while she schemed and begged a walk back to her fantasy. I said 'wormed' because it's going to be damn tough to be given a lease without a co-signer - with the no job thing she insists on.
Oops...the word "dogs" escaped from the crappy parens fence above.
DeleteI could see Jenna worming her way to finding a cosigner.
DeleteJenna's girl Patty is probably itching to help her by cosigning. Then there is Jenna's sister. There's also the nun with the goats Jenna seems to have fooled lol. We can't rule out someone from the cult next door to Jenna. I imagine there could be some cult members with decent enough credit.
Then there is also Jenna's crazy Foolowers. Jenna could have a contest to decide who gets the privilege of cosigning for her.
Those idiots would trample eachother trying to be the first in line.
Regarding her comment: “I don't always reply but I do always read them. It really means so much to me.”
DeleteI don't get that. It's like receiving a ton of baby shower gifts, opening them all, but then only writing "thank you" cards for a few of them. All I can say is that she wasn't raised right. Even if her reply is just a quick "thank you so much" that would be much better than total silence. What an ungrateful person Jenna Woginrich is.
I'll bet she only replies to the letters and emails that send money to her. No money, no acknowledgement.
Anon7, I doubt that Jenna responds to any letters or emails if money is enclosed.
DeleteI think the only time she would respond is if the person needed more information to send money.
After she has the money, Jenna probably makes like the Birchthorn kickstarter and doesn't bother with the person again.
Merlin in his latest photo looks kind of skinny. I know he's old, but his shoulder bone seems to be sticking out and his abdomen seems not as round as it should be. I hope she has been feeding him enough hay and grain this winter and worming him, and that Mabel is not stealing his food.
ReplyDeleteThe dogs had worms recently if that means anything for the horses.
DeletePoor Merlin deserves to be living a life of luxurious retirement instead of the nightmare of living on Whackadoodle Horseshit farm with Jenna.
If Jenna felt even a tiny bit of empathy or care for the horses, she would give them to someone who could provide that luxurious retirement for both Merlin and Mabel. A place where they are fed top shelf food and given top notch veterinary care.
The life they suffer through with Jenna is like a punishment. They must wonder what they did to deserve it.
Bless both their sweet hearts♥️♥️.
Wonder if that's a recent photo or an old recycled one?
DeleteBut lolz in the comments where someone asked Jenna: "I was just wondering what kind of things do you plant in your garden in the spring and in the summer?"
Of course, Jenna did not bother to reply. But the answer is NOTHING. Maybe some lettuce starts...maybe.
It might not be in a garden but Jenna does grow more increasingly annoying everyday.
DeleteCould you provide a link to the pic of Merlin? I cannot ever find these pics you guys speak of unless they're on her blog or Twitter. I can't seem to navigate Instagram. Thanks!
DeleteOn Twitter just now, the Pig Shocker re-tweeted some guy's tweet about starting his own farm:
ReplyDelete"I want to raise animals on a large green property where I also grow vegetables and chop my own firewood and mind my own business."
And instead of offering encouragement or helpful advice, Jenna said this:
"I hate to tell you, as much as you mind your own business. People will mind yours. Take my advice: get offline."
As usual, Jenna Woginrich tries to make it all about HER. As for her advice, "get offline" -- what in hell is she talking about? She spends all her time online. She is so whacked.
Yeah guy, watch out if you beg and cry and whine for money from strangers online to pay for your farm because when you start scamming and neglecting your animals, people online will notice.
DeleteShe forgot to add "Hiccup" to her tweet from the booze she's obviously drinking.
DeleteSo what happened to the mortgage? All of a sudden it is all about non-stop tweeting about movies, Netflix specials and pop culture.
ReplyDeleteA new thread?
It could be for the same reason that Jenna deleted her slogging woe is me bleg post- she's worried she has shown her true, manipulative, conniving, lazy self in her bombardment of whining social media posts. I think it's a sign that she has met resistance from people who have sent critical dms or emails to her in response.
DeleteSo she stops for a while. Which for Jenna a while could be as little as a day.
Then after a little break, she will start begging again.
Jenna doesn't seem to realize that begging sticks out like a sore thumb to quite a few people on public forums. Be it a little or a lot of begging, it clicks with people that Jenna needs/wants money.
Jenna is like a gorilla in a china shop without the care or patience to tiptoe carefully around the subject. Jenna isn't smart enough to hide her true intentions but she seems to think she's managing to do so 95% of time. The other 5% of the time she deletes what she has said and backs off for a while. During the begging breaks she is all about celebrities and movies and tv shows.
I wondered that too. Where is that pat-on-the-back “we did it!” post? She always posts it like we’re all helping her run a race but she did all the work. Is it possible she didn’t get enough poodle dollars in April?
DeleteWe can hope, LC.
DeleteYou're so right, Anon 5:32! Very, very fishy this. Perhaps she's gearing up for a new bleg post in which she claims the foreclosure process has officially begun. Then she'll launch a huge "SAVE THE FARM" campaign. Ugh...makes me nauseous just thinking about it.
If that farm truly meant so much to her she'd get a damn job in order to save it. I mean really, if you were about to lose something very special and important to you, would you rely on a bunch of online strangers to save it? Would you put all your hopes into "possible" sales that may not happen? No, only an idiot would do that.
Twitter Twattle:
ReplyDelete"Reasons I am rejected on OKCupid in order of least to most deal breaking.
5. Live too far from any city
4. Self-employed
3. Raise meat animals
2. Didn't really like Carol
1. Disdain for astrology"
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
#4 "Self employed" -- most people will see that as unemployed and broke-ass broke.
And those are the ONLY reasons? Huh, I guess OK Cupid doesn't allow user profile pics.
How is she watching SO MUCH TV when she apparently doesn't have enough hours in the day to complete orders for paying customers?? I don't know how long an episode of GOT is but I'm assuming being on episode 4 means she's at least 4 hours in, plus all of the L Word reruns she's apparently watched. I would be furious if I were a customer of hers.