Spring 2019

I can't believe we are still doing this!


  1. Hey! I am the first commenter! I am still raising sheep. Always work to be done, and improvements to be made, but as I listen to John Denver Rocky Mountain High, it's the only thing I really love to do- is to work out on the farm. Truly.

  2. Hold on. She's asking everyone to be patient with soap and art orders because she is trying to make the mortgage payments. But isn't that the purpose of the soap and art orders? To make the mortgage payments?

    And then she ends by saying she's off to play the fiddle. Of course she says it's a dented one, to get sympathy, and maybe a new fiddle.

    If she is too busy to make soap and art, shouldn't she be too busy to play the fiddle?

    Honestly, she reminds me of Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.

    1. Lol, Nero. And there is absolutely no reason to mention that her fiddle is dented. None whatsoever. Definitely a plea for sympathy.

    2. Totally! Jenna's addled brain is constantly looking for a way to manipulate others for sympathy.
      Fiddles aren't made of metal; they don't get "dented." Cracked maybe- just like Jenna's mental health.

  3. Earth to Jenna - maybe you should put down your dented fiddle and work on the products that your foolowers have already paid for. Or maybe not broadcast the fact that you'd rather play than work.

    This gal has absolutely no motivation to provide product once she has the money in her hands.

  4. Jenna insists on payment up front for her logos and pet portraits. Then, just like the Birchthorn kickstarter where Jenna received $15,000 up front and then shirked her obligation to patrons, she moves on to the next person she can screw over.

    It just goes on and on. Then when someone complains that she isn't completing her projects on time, she goes on social media and whines her woe is me malarkey like the whiny little bitch that she is.

    Basically when Jenna says she's too busy trying to pay the mortgage to work on the commissions that are paid for, she is saying that she already got their money and now she's too busy trying to get the next sucker's money so she will get to them when she gets to them. Nice.

    Like Anon 6:05 said, in the mean time when Jenna has buyers waiting for their crappy logos/artwork she announces on social media that she's going to start teaching herself to play the "fiddle" from scratch. (Jenna needs to rewatch the video of her atrocious fiddle playing at the brewery and realize that perhape she isn't fit to teach anyone how to play including herself).

  5. Perhaps Jenna us saying that Dash has been spotted and that she is goinv to lure him in to remove the leather gear from him because she has the leather gear at her house and Dash is dead.

    Then if she is investigated, her report about how he "flew away" (which would be in his gear if he was out with her hunting) and how she then found him, lured him back and removed his gear, it wouldn't be suspicious if his gear is at her house.

    Jenna had to get this lie out there fast because we have been discussing her hawks dying on here the last couple of days and how we are reporting her.

    1. Doesn't make much sense, does it?

      Why wouldn't she keep him, if she lured him back and he was hers to begin with, at least for awhile?

      Just sounds like a kid, trying to make up lies to cover up lies and thinks they are so smart.

    2. Right WH and FL. We will see how this lie plays out or how Jenna will spin this. How could this hawk be spotted about one month after it "flew" away with its jesses on? Something stinks at CAF. As usual.

    3. I think you guys are right. In theory, if Dash died in her care she would obviously remove the anklets/jesses because she's going to need them in the future for her next victim. So she made up the story of him flying off, and also fabricated Dash being spotted. Next she'll say she captured him and removed the anklets/jesses. How convenient. She is such a strange person.

      If you look at her Instagram there are many photos of the other hawks with closeup shots of their anklets/jesses. And she knows that in the future, someone may notice the new hawk has on the exact same anklets/jesses that Dash wore. Hence this crazy story.

    4. Jenna constantly acts like a spoiled, unstable pre-teen trying to pull one over on mom and dad. She's too dumb to realize that everyone around her knows exactly what she's all about and she's not fooling anyone.

    5. To be totally fair, this isn't completely unheard of. Locally, a falconer 'lost' his peregrine - flew off with its gear on. He put notices out to all the area birding communities to keep a lookout. Sometime later, someone spotted the bird. I didn't follow the story so I'm not sure if it was recovered, but I think I vaguely remember he did get it back.

    6. I would imagine it isn't unheard of.
      However, if you take into consideration the questionable circumstances of what happened to two other hawks in Jenna's care, a pattern emerges.
      The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and Jenna has shown that her behavior has consistently gotten worse over time.

    7. Also, in my opinion, Jenna doesn't deserve fairness or consideration.
      Jenna has never been fair or considerate to the helpless animals in her care or to the many kind people she has scammed over the last 10 years. Jenna is a monster inside and out.

    8. Thing is she has already laid the ground work that IF she lure him back, she will take off the jesses and let him go.

      If the falconer up above got his bird back, he kept it. Why wouldn't she keep the bird if she lured it back?

      Yeah, right. She's just setting us up to feel like she's some hero when really she just doesn't want to buy new jesses from the dead bird.

    9. Yup. There's no other way to explain in the future why her next new hawk will be wearing the anklets/jesses that Dash had on when he escaped.

      And yes, anyone who purposely abuses an animal, specifically shocking an innocent animal is a monster. Imagine all the other stuff she's done and never mentioned. She probably kicks her animals too.

  6. The latest pet portraits look nothing like the actual pets that the recipient posted. Have to conclude that the recipient is lying for some reason.

    1. Jenna begs people to promote her work. I wouldn't be surprised if she gives a discount if they agree to give her a positive review.

    2. The horse, especially, is really lame. The coloring is not true at all and it just looks like the person ordered generic horse head #2

    3. Oh god that horse is REALLY bad. What's up with its neck?! And yes, the coloring doesn't even come close to the picture. I don't want to shit on people's creativity but that is an AWFUL "portrait" to charge money for.

    4. FarmLass - Spot on assessment. The actual photo of the horse shows that he/she has a square mouth, but the Pig Shocker drew it more diamond-shaped. It looks more like a giraffe than a horse. I don't understand why she can't render the horse's features into a proper drawing. It looks like she rushed that one, as she needed more time to surf the internet. And beg for her mortgage.

      And that horse's neck was sloppy and no attention was given to trying to draw the correct width. I'd want my money back for that one.

    5. No talent combined with drawing while drunk. It's not pretty.

  7. I haven't checked in in awhile, but I see it's the same old CAF sh*t show. Can someone get me up to speed on the hawks? If I remember correctly, there was Italics who was supposedly released. Anna Kendricks who died. Aya Cash who escaped. Who is Dash? Don't recall that one. Were there any others?

    1. Aya Cash was suddenly "released" shortly after Jenna described going to buy bandaids for "deep scratches" on her face. Even though Jenna had just days prior posted on social media about how excited she was to start training Aya for the upcoming hunting season.
      After constantly taking photos of Aya for three years and after having had someone film her release of the first hawk Italics, there wasn't one photo or video of Aya's supposed release.

      After Aya was gone, Jenna suddenly had a new hawk and named him Dash. It is legal in NYS for a falconer to buy a bird from another falconer. Which is obviously how Jenna acquired Dash so quickly when prior hawks took weeks of Jenna trying daily to trap a hawk thanks to Jenna's ineptitude.
      Jenna didn't have Dash for long until he "flew away" and didn't come back when Jenna was out "training" with him. We think that Jenna found herself in a pickle when she realized, as Anon7 described, that if Dash truly flew away while out hunting with Jenna he would have had his leather gear on. Which is problamatic only if Dash didn't fly away and instead met an untimely demise. In that case Jenna would be in possesion of his leathers and she would want to use them for future hawks.
      How would she be able to photograph future hawks in the same leather gear if Dash flew away wearing it?
      At first Jenna's explanation is that the leathers were designed to eventually fall off which is a lie. She had probably planned to say that she found the leathers somewhere near where Dash had flown away.
      Jenna realized that lie wouldn't cut it. So she recently made up the latest lie that Dash had been spotted by someone. Jenna then said she planned to try to lure him in and would weigh him, remove the leather equipment and then release him. In Jenna's crazy mind, problem solved. She will lie about catching him and removing his leather gear and then she can use the gear for future hawks.

      This is consistent with Jenna's sociopath behavior. Lie, lie, lie as a means to get what she wants in the end.

  8. So, she has enough money and time to restring her fiddle, ride her horse, and shoot her bow, but not enough time to be employed or work on pre-paid orders.
    My question to her foolowers is: when will you have had enough of her bullshit? She is playing you, just like the new strings on her fiddle. She is bragging about her foolish use of your donations for her playtime activities. How you cannot see that is beyond me....
    I don't care if the strings cost $1; that money should be going towards her "under $200 to make the mortgage", and when you are "broke" or "poor", you do not have time to play around shooting your bow or riding your horse. Those are luxury activities that you earn the right to after your bills are paid.

    1. I imagine that Jenna's Foolowers have to be as bat shit crazy as Jenna is at this point.
      It's the only explanation that makes sense.

    2. Yup, Anon 3. Makes no sense. And as I wrote below, just days ago she had no time or money to fulfill her obligations, but today she spent hours walking to a store to purchase deli take-out and a fancy beverage. I really hope her foollowers notice stuff like this.

      She should have used that time to complete the work, and used the money towards next's months mortgage. (Or the January mortgage rather.)

  9. I just read that she now has PORK and LAMB shares available. I thought several days ago she posted the lamb shares were all sold out. Which is Jenna Woginrich another lie or someone read how you play all day long but can't get work out and they canceled out of the contract? She never keeps her stories straight.

    1. In previous years, the same exact thing has happened. This is another consistent pattern. Say meat is sold out, then when desperate for more money, say there are suddenly more shares available.
      It seems as though the CAF business model is to resell the same meat shares over and over.
      Then when it comes time to provide the meat explain the meat isn't available because "that's farming."

      No, that's stealing

  10. I see she is now lecturing us on when to shower and when to change our sheets. Jenna Woginrich is the last person to lecture ANYONE on when to shower and change sheets. Just the thought of her and her gross ideas (jeans in the freezer with meat and other foods along with dead rats etc.) makes me want to hurl. Why don't her parents have some type of intervention with her? They must think this stuff is crazy for sure.

    1. From what she has said of her mother, she is also a narcissist. So either one narcissist wouldn't see anything wrong with another narcissist's behavior or one narcissist is so enveloped in their own existence they wouldn't be concerned about anyone else, including their own child.
      Her dad isn't mentioned much except that he is a veteran. It seems as though her mom wears the pants in the family. Her dad might just tolerate both of them but wouldn't be able to criticize JW's craziness because his wife might possibly display the same behavior.
      Or JW is such a pain in the ass and refuses to get help so her parents have washed their hands of her. I lean towards the first scenario.

    2. That's a good point Whackadoodle, about her mother not admitting there's anything wrong with her daughter, because in doing so, she'd be appearing to accept blame. I often wonder about her parents. I mean, if my parents saw me begging online for money they'd give me a talking to straight away asking what's up. And if I needed financial assistance they would give it.

      So I imagine her mother and sister see all of Jenna's pathetic tweets, bleg posts, and turn a blind eye because they don't want to admit that there is anything wrong with any member of their family. Makes sense.

  11. Change sheets..... Everytime you shower.. Umm... What? I shower every single day.. don't most people? And if I do something that gets me particularly dirty or sweaty I'll shower a 2nd time that day so I don't got to bed disgusting. Again.. don't most people do this? Is she saying she only showers once a week or only every few days... while living at that mud and shit pit she calls a farm? That's disgusting. We KNOW she doesn't change her sheets everyday... We've seen her ridiculous to-do lists, that list everything she does almost down to breathing just so it looks like she does anything other than watch Netflix, and "change sheets" has never, or maybe almost never, appears on that list. Come to think of it... Showering has never appeared on the list either. Gross.

    1. It's more sociopath behavior to compulsively lie about mundane, everyday activities and it's also "magical thinking" to think that your way of doing things should be the ultimate example for other's success.

    2. And the fact that she prides herself on not washing her hands before preparing food -- those are the same hands that prepare the soap she wants people to pay $48 bucks for. Nooooooooo thanks.

  12. The twit: I will share this secret to a better life: every time you shower, change your sheets. ESPECIALLY if you are someone who works outdoors.

    I got an even better idea. How about showering every damn day! Saves a hell of a lot more time than laundering my sheets every time I shower. I'd be laundering my sheets every day, even twice. Who has time for that ridiculousness? I guess the Pig Shocker does. She lives life ass backwards.

    1. How hard is it for her Foolowers to deduce that it's a lie?

      Jenna has to go to the laundry mat. She would have to have a truck load of sheets or be at the laundromat everyday. Jenna couldn't afford to do laundry that often.

    2. WH. I've thought the same thing about JFW boasting about changing her sheets so frequently. We've been to the same laundromat several times in the past. It's not that cheap. If she'd just get a job then maybe buying her own washer/dryer would be possible. But Jenna Woginrich isn't known for planning ahead. She'd rather beg online for a living rather than make a wise investment.

  13. "Sun warmed arrows" ? Oh, for the love.....

    1. After seeing Jenna's photo with that tweet, I have an honest question.
      Is Jenna too big to be on an elderly horse like Merlin? Is there a point where older horses shouldn't have to carry large loads or are they fine with large loads their entire lives?

    2. Funny you mention that. I have often thought that she looked almost like her feet were too close to the ground on that pony. Especially in the much used kilt, bow and arrow, barn. etc. photo. Ooof, says the pony.

    3. She totally looks way too big to be riding poor Merlin. Like an overgrown loser riding a child's pony.

    4. "Sun warmed arrows" -- nonsensical descriptive drivel like that is the whisky in her morning coffee talking.

    5. People who cannot write, and that includes Jenna, insert nonsensical phrases in their writing thinking it makes them sound so creative and so smart and it's totally the exact opposite.

      Instead it is like a huge neon sign that says "An Idiotic Poser Wrote This" with an arrow pointing to those mumbo jumbo phrases.

    6. She likes to use sort of weirdly phrased archic phrases and such to show just how smart and well read she is, but then she gets them wrong half the time and poorly placed and just weird at other times. It's like she is trying to impress a teacher or something. Or prove how she is just the ONLY person in the world to know these old things. So so smart, this one is. An Ancient Soul... haha... ahem.

  14. Is the stat counter at the top of this thread the number of views? 22,000+ views of this thread? If that is the case, WOW!

    1. Looks like it might be overall site views, rather than single post views. I'd also guess it's total views, not unique views. I quickly opened and closed the page and saw the numbers click up accordingly.

    2. I've seen that number and wondered what it was. Perhaps Hound Doggy will enlighten us.

  15. coldantlerfarm
    6h6 hours ago
    Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Jenna Woginrich
    Hey Folks! I am under $200 from making a mortgage payment and if I make that I can start focusing on keeping my health insurance! Get art! Soap! A share of lamb or pork! Want to support 12 years of writing! That's an option too.

    Sounds like some sort of telethon... help Jenna's Kids...

    So, like what the heck is she going to do next month? Start it over? Hey guys! Only $1000 to go! We've got 29 days to make this happen or the pony gets it!

    Yeah! $50 from a hipster in WA... thanks so much! Oh, and look a call donation just came in for a soap order for $48 from a lovely old cat lady in New Hampshire! I'll get to it after we finish up this month's telethon!

    Okay, everyone... let's check the score board... only 902 dollars left! We can do it! Merlin's life depends on it!!!!

    Oh, I'll let Patty take over for the next couple hours because I gotta go smash some mountain and play my denty fiddle!!! Keep those calls coming in guys!

    Can you only imagine if even 10% of the people on twitter started to do this, monthly? OMG.

    1. Farm Lass. Jenna Woginrich does this "I'm so close to my mortgage goal!" on a monthly basis. It's pure manipulation for money. She knows that this will make people more likely to give small amounts since she's "almost there!"

    2. Who would ever hook up with someone who is always financially desperate every month? Every single month. She'll never attract someone until she shows she can pull her own (substantial) weight. If she worked somewhere, she'd maybe have health benefits, and could possibly meet someone. Now, no one will respect her for what she is doing - begging for mortgage payments every month.

    3. Oh, I know she does it, been around for years and years, this Farm Lass has been.

      I just think it's funny how lately she's been tweeting over and over totals like she is Jerry Lewis. Making it like a crowd thing for something important. She really burns my biscuits. haha...

    4. Lol, telethon! That's exactly how she operates. Every single month.

      Feral Farmer - I think you're right...if she says she's thisclose to her goal, the people who don't want her crap art and soap probably do throw small amounts at her PayPal to shut her up. But hey, It's almost April 1st, which is when the whole cycle starts all over again!

    5. Anon 1:05 - It's amazing to see the Pig Shocker wondering why she can't get a date and not making the connection that potential romantic partners are Googling her and seeing all of her exposed scams and online panhandling -- and then steering clear of the hot mess that is Jenna Woginrich. Is she that dumb? Perhaps she should tell people her name is Corbie McKenzie, lol.

    6. Jenna's many online names used for scamming over the years:
      Oakpaw, Corbie McKenzie, Shieldmare, Asshat.

      (One of these names may or may not have been used by Jenna but should have been).

  16. Jenna's Twitter from this afternoon:

    "Here, just in case you're some sort of monster that doesn't have the memorized pitch and accent from the OCR. https://t.co/kkayigWqTS"

    Funny how I called Jenna a monster in comments on here this morning at 6:30 am. Jenna isn't creative enough to come up with her own insults.

    ...But Jenna never reads the comments on here.
    Yeah right.

    1. Jenna used to post on here and reiterate to us whatever insults we threw at her.
      Jenna doesn't have one single funny or creative molecule in her body.
      The Foolowers who buy artwork from Jenna must be basement dwelling psychopaths who buy her crap in hope of developing a friendship or a compliment from her.
      That is scary af.

  17. Jenna 's latest bleg post is more whackadoodle horseshit.

    Jenna describes her lengthy, leisurely walk.

    Hey hag, what about those orders people are waiting on?
    Oh yeah, they already paid you up front so screw them, right?

    What a loser. Jenna deserves to be as miserable as she is. She also had to go on and on about her anxiety over what might come in the mail.
    Oh FFS, she needs to be inpatient for mental health treatment.
    Money won't help her money problems because clearly she is too crazy to spend it responsibly. Only a nutjob refuses to work and then whines about financial anxiety.

    1. I was actually kinda surprised at this latest bleg post (Laughing at Coopers) because one tiny part of it was actually somewhat sort of decent. Like the part where she describes all the animals she saw on her walk, and the fact that ravens use horse hairs for nesting material. Now that is interesting to read about. But she really should have dedicated a few more paragraphs, as she genuinely had my interest for a split second.

      And of course she had to ruin it with talk about mortgages, student loans, panic and anxiety. How hard would it be to make just one bleg post without mentioning her effing finances?

      One strange thing in that post: She mentions that she bought a "butter beer" but then in the next paragraph she refers to it as "butterscotch soda" -- was that a slip-up or or is butter beer non-alcoholic?

    2. Also, it's interesting that just a few days ago she didn't have enough money for the mortgage, she didn't have enough time to complete artwork, but then today had hours to waste walking 10 miles and money to spend on take-out food and fancy drinks.

      I really hope her clueless foollowers are picking up on these types of donation abuse.

    3. Apparently, butterbeer is some sort of (non-alcoholic) Harry Potter drink/soda. However, butterscotch beer is a thing, and it contains alcohol. There's also butterscotch soda, so who knows? They're all pretty expensive.

    4. Knowing Jenna she probably stuck a stick of butter into a glass of beer.

    5. Who knows but she's on this new diet kick where she eats whatever she wants but walks miles a day. So glad she has the time for that. Meanwhile everyone's artwork and soap orders that she begged them to buy will just have to wait. Poor thing gets so upset and anxious when the mean people are asking her where their orders are. She's hoping they will forget about it and not ask for their upfront money back. Yes that's the way to do business.

    6. She hasn't said that it's dead and lord knows Jenna would be whining about that.

      I think this last bleg post was to illustrate how physically fit she is (eyeroll) and so she can mention how she walked 1,000 miles in 33 hours (or whatever the latest asinine distance) while somehow managing to look like she hasn't been off of her couch in 8+ years.

      It is Not physically possible to consistently walk long distances and look like Jenna.

  18. I really wish she would shut the f up about her anxiety and the mortgage. I know she's not as bad off as she claims and these posts are designed to make people feel sorry for her and pay it. She really lays it on thick and yet somehow she always makes it. We all have mortgages bitch only we don't constantly whine about it.

  19. Walking is easy, easy work for Jenna. She thinks in the back of her mind that if she puts out enough strenuous effort doing something physical (walking, hiking, riding, washing sheets) she should/will get kudos and be paid for that effort.
    The hard part for Jenna is to put her butt in a chair and her mind in gear and do her art clients' work for them. That takes self-discipline and self-control. It takes thought, not simple repetitive physical effort. But that's what pays the bills.
    Maybe she should wait tables - lots of walking, or sell the farm and thru-hike the Appalachian Trail and blog about that. Write yet another memoir book about AT adventures and no money coming in.

    1. Except the walking, which used to be running, is all a lie.
      Odds are, the entire walk discussed in the post didn't even happen.

      This whole obsession of Jenna's about lying about how physically fit she is plays into the image Jenna wants out on social media that she is hard working and not lazy.
      If people dismiss Jenna as lazy, they won't feel sorry for her and they won't donate money to her pity fund. Since she refuses to get a job, she has to come up with some other means of puporting being hard working and not lazy.

      That's where the claims walking 10 miles and running 4 miles a day comes into play.

      However, you can look at Jenna's and see her lack of physical fitness and see that it's a lie and there's video of Jenna walking a few steps and huffing and puffing like walking a few steps is too strenuous for her.
      The miles of walking and running are beyond Jenna's physical capabilities.

    2. Exactly. How are you not putting the butterbeer and sandwich on social media - didn't happen.

    3. I suspect Jenna sucked both down like a vacuum before she even had a chance to chew it, let alone take a photo lol.

    4. The butterbeer and sandwich was a 40 oz can of Schlitz and four donuts from the donut cart trash.

    5. Funny how for at least the past year Jenna has been lying about running long distances 4+ days per week.
      Now suddenly she has changed the lie to walking several miles several times per week.

      Why? Who successfully runs long distances frequently, doesn't acquire any injuries and then switches to walking.
      My opinion is that after reading comments about how there is no way in hell Jenna is a runner when she looks like she does, Jenna decided to switch to walking because Jenna thinks that is more believable.

      Nope. Wrong again. Power walkers look similar to runners. Neither have the fast food and booze diet body type that Jenna has.

  20. Twitter's I.Q. just took a nosedive:

    "I respect the hell out of coyotes. No predator in America is more ruthlessly killed, more disdained by the uneducated, and more treated like garbage AND YET they're successful, clever, and thriving survivalists where other predators fail. You can't keep them down. ICONS. https://t.co/bzXH2faiPr"

    Now that she has put that out into the universe, I would not be surprised if a rogue coyote, perhaps rabied, attacked one of her dogs.

    That's the lesson to be learned folks. Befriend a predator, a predator such as Jenna for example, and be prepared for an attack when you least expect it.

    1. And she feeds them from "this farm" on a regular basis. A predator recognizing another predator.

    2. "A predator recongnizing another predator":

      More like a parasite (Jenna) recognizing a scavenger (one rung up on the food chain.)

      And YOU, anon 12:01, made me laugh out loud Anon7 style!

      "The butterbeer and sandwich was a 40 oz can of Schlitz and four donuts from the donut cart trash."

  21. Not only did Blair Braverman recently complete the Iditarod, she announced on Twitter that she was selected and did participate in the Discovery Channel survival show Naked and Afraid.

    Blair received permission to write a survival book based on her Naked and Afraid experience
    Blair managed to write her book in less than the asinine three and a half years and without stealing $15,000 in the name of a kickstarter (Birchthorn!) like a certain Cambridge fake farmer and
    blogger we know (Jenna!). Blair's book is currently in edits.

    Can I just say that Blair and her awesome ass kicking successes make a lazy sloth like Jenna look pathetic? Jenna can barely move her body without whining about it or begging for money on social media.

    Blair's MANY accomplishments are a shining example of a drive to succeed, an unyielding work ethic and the admirable integrity to reach personal goals without harming or taking advantage of others along the way.

    Wow, Blair congratulations and may you have many future successes!

    1. Damn you, WH...I thought you were going to reveal that the Pig Shocker, inspired by Blair, also tried out for that Naked and Afraid TV show. So my mind briefly went there, and now I have the most horrid image of Jenna as a N&A contestant forever seared into my brain. I cannot un-see it. Thank you SO MUCH for that.

      But being that there are only so many blurring pixels in an video editing application, she never would have made it onto the show anyway.

    2. She sent in a try out video and the show finders were struck blind after viewing it.
      In the video, Jenna helped the traveling butcher harvest some pigs while naked as a jaybird. After that she rode merlin around town like a frog faced lady Godiva (naked as a jaybird).
      She was quietly told by town authorities that if in the future she so much as stepped out of her house without shoes on, she would be hauled to jail and they would throw away the key.

      Word around town is that if you listen closely, Merlin can be heard softly crying "my eyes!"...

  22. Ok so let me get this straight....
    She sleeps with dogs that have worms...
    She works around animals....
    She exclaims to change your sheets every time you shower. Uhhhhh, isn't that every day in your world???
    And she laments the fact that she's still single?
    BIG SURPRISE THERE!!! Hahahahahahah

    1. Most people change their sheets once a week. And most shower daily. Only an extreme germaphobe would waste soap and water washing their sheets daily. So the Pig Shocker's Twitter foollowers might wonder how often she showers...but if they also read her bleg, they'll see the many times she proudly announced that she only showers twice a week. If that.

      And she wonders why her pig and lamb sales are sluggish? That, along with mentioning wormy dog poop and de-worming the horses is enough to turn anyone off her meat products. Grotesque woman, gross farm.

  23. Twitter:

    "This farm raises lamb and pork. It also raises fiddle players, archers! You can sign up for a 4-hour intro class in either beginner mountain fiddle or beginner longbow archery, each class comes with either fiddle or bow! https://t.co/RmnQHCNPZX https://t.co/ten8Cwilj0"


    Jenna wrote a recent bleg post about how she was ashamed of how bad she sounded when she "played" fiddle at a local bar. Jenna blamed being drunk for her complete lack of skill or talent. The problem is that Jenna taught herself and she doesn't have any musical talent. So someone terribly lacking in musical knowledge or talent cannot successfully teach themselves the skill of playing an instrument.

    All the practice in the world will only enforce bad form without a foundation of knowing the basic principals and the correct way to play.

    Now less than one week after posting about her fiddle shame, JENNA IS OFFERING LESSONS. Anyone who agrees to pay hundreds of dollars to Jenna for lessons and then drive hours to attend those lessons, needs to watch the bar video of Jenna's terrible form and HORRIBLE playing.

    After watching the video, I think the only reason they would still want lessons is that they want to see the Jenna shit show up close and in person. Otherwise they should invest the hundreds of dollars in a quality instrument and learn to play via youtube tutorials. At least then they would have a good investment, as quality instruments only increase in value, and they would save the gas money.

    1. And she expects these suckers to pay $250 to learn from a novice who plays poorly. And $400 for a full 8 hours of having to hear her play. And talk. And breathe. No thanks. And it's no wonder nobody is signing up.

      As you said, free lessons can be had via YouTube. Or a real lesson from a professional for about $25-$35. People aren't as stupid as she wishes they were. When's the last time she had any takers for this or the archery lessons? Alex, I'll take "Rare occurrences" for $500.

  24. Classic Jenna Woginrich: "I am behind on the mortgage and I am scared. Really scared."

    When did she write that, you ask? Today? Yesterday? Last week?

    Nope. That was written back in 2014. Frickin' 2014!!!!!! Man, I know she's been begging for her mortgage for quite awhile now, but not quite that long ago! So she's been using this sad tactic for over 5 years now? Well, the lack of comments and likes on her Twitter page makes way more sense now, as the vast majority of those supposed foollowers must be old ones from back when she started begging, who got sick of the noise year after year.

    Stay classy, Pig Shocker.

  25. Forgot to mention that I found that "scared about the mortgage" comment while looking for something else: Her latest tweet is a retweet where she pleads for someone to buy a spam share that she can donate to her local food bank/elderly folk's home. If you remember, she said that someone once did just that. But we all assume it's a bullshit story, as many have pointed out that she could re-sell/donate the same share over and over and who would ever know?

    So I searched her bleg for the words "food bank" but found absolutely nothing about donating anything. As we all know, Jenna Woginrich never misses a chance to toot her own horn so if this had really happened, she would have written about it. Or perhaps she tweeted about it instead?

    Does anyone remember her ever talking about the time she donated spam shares to the needy?

    1. I bet that if anyone called the cambridge local food bank, they would say that they do not take wild meat or home processed meat, etc.

      They probably frown on meat that had infected pus filled organs too...

  26. One more thing I found in those search results, in a bleg post titled "Don't Let Your Children Grow Up To Become Farmers" -- which is where she waxes pathetic about how people who have office jobs are living mediocre lives and how everyone on the planet should aspire to live a superior life like she does. A few choice quotes:

    "LET your children grow up to become farmers. [...] Let them challenge themselves to be forever resourceful and endlessly clever." [...] Let them grow up not having to ask another adult for permission to go to the dentist at 2PM on a Thursday."

    The fuck? Is she serious? Or "was she" rather, as this is also from 2014. And since then, she has devolved into someone who is most decidedly NOT resourceful and very far from clever. She can't find the resources to pay her mortgage or bills. And she's not clever enough to realize that she needs a JOB.

    And the part about the dentist...um, how many times has she asked other adults online for permission to have a root canal? Because begging for emergency money is the same thing, being that she can't go if they don't give her the money in which to do so. Good Lord, this woman.

    And this stinker of a statement:

    "(As farmers) They can achieve the most basic of human needs in a society clueless about how to take care of themselves without a car and a supermarket."

    Just wow. So all of us non-farmers are clueless members of society unable to care for and feed ourselves? Is she serious with this shit? She who month after month can't come up with her own mortgage? And her last line in that shit post: "Let them grow up to be farmers...Let them be brave."

    Oh, for fuck's sake. Brave? I'm not even going to touch that one.

  27. The girl is a hypocrite, that's for sure. She is the most clueless, needy person out there. And yes she has begged for years. Always sounding the alarm. She used to do it once in a while, now she can't write a post without mentioning her financial difficulties, mortgage payments, how much she deserves to live there. She wont ever change; in fact she has gotten worse.

    1. And she tweeted this today:

      "I don't understand why any democratic candidate thinks their campaign contributors or possible voters want 5 emails from them a day? I don't want five emails from anyone a day."

      1) But what if those 5 emails were from people wanting to buy her crap? Yeah.

      2) She doesn't want to be harassed and bombarded with emails, yet she spams her Twitter feed with pleas to buy her stuff, multiple times a day.

  28. Someone save the dogs........ she said she would practice her fiddle until the dogs forgot their names. I think I just forgot mine.

    1. Jenna is so effn nuts. She's wants to give lessons yet she acknowledged the shit show of her playing fiddle at her local bar.

      That video shows someone who is so totally inept at playing that she should just take her $5 fiddle to the dump and hope like hell that no one sues her for scamming them into paying hundreds of dollars for a "lesson" when she doesn't have a clue how to play.

      Jenna blamed beer. That wasn't drunk playing, that was she- doesn't- know- wtf- she's- doing- drunk- or- sober playing.

  29. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Had an awful nightmare about losing my dogs. Woke up sweating. I swear on my name that you could offer me a million dollars and a hundred birthdays to put my dogs in a kennel for a week, and I would easily turn it down. They are always by my side. Every day. Every night."

    Sure you would, Jenna. The always desperate for mortgage money each month moron wouldn't turn down millions or even thousands/hundreds. Especially, when her bank account is in the double digits again, and "this farm" could be foreclosed upon. Her point was stupid. I love our dog, too, but we'd put him in a caring kennel for that kind of cash. She's a fucking moron, and her hyperbole is obnoxious.

    1. Jenna had that dream because she knows it could happen.

      We have been discussing what we think happened to 3/4 hawks she has had and that we have reported her.
      The day after a most recent discussion, Jenna started lying about Dash being spotted. We think that Dash met with an untimely demise while in Jenna's care and that she has Dash's leathers in her possession that she had said he flew away wearing.

      First she said they were designed to fall off eventually. They are not designed to fall off. Jenna probably planned to say that she had "found" them near where she last saw Dash. Then she could use them for the next bird and having them was ok.
      Once she realized that people knew the equipment was not designed to fall off, she needed a new lie.

      So Jenna came up with the story of Dash being spotted and how she was going to try to lure him in and remove the leathers from him. You know, the leathers that Jenna initially said would fall off of him.

      We ripped that bullshit story apart and Jenna hasn't mentioned the Dash sighting since.
      Jenna knows that she has been reported, possibly multuple times by multiple people. She knows a visit from authorities is inevitable.

      Jenna's dogs being taken is a possibility. When authorities show up for that visit it could lead to other authorities being notified and the whole thing can become one giant karma snowball. I hope it is sooner rather than later!

    2. She woke up "sweating" -- time to wash those sheets again!

  30. Delusional Jenna Woginrich wants you to pay $250 to learn how to play the fiddle. Yet in her latest bleg post she wrote this about re-learning to play her fiddle:

    "As for my playing? Well, If I am honest, the notes that first came out were awkward and tired as a drunk cat. I cringed, trying to remember how to match the balance, tension, fingering and sawing motions. After twenty minutes or so I could hear pieces of the D scale fall into place."

    So she's charging $250 for what exactly? For learning how to sound like a drunk cat?

    1. Interesting that "sawing" is how I described her bowing in the bar video. That was not a compliment.

      I could not believe that she was saying she needed to save up for some hillbilly rosin. A cake of rosin is not expensive at all and only a moron like Jenna would buy expensive rosin that she needs to save up for (and odds are it's not expensive).

      Jenna is such a hack. Some people aren't musically inclined and should just find other hobbies. Jenna is one of those people.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Twitter:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! Heading into the day a little nervous, a little wary, but my fiddle is tuned and the coffee is plentiful. Have a lovely day, all of you! https://t.co/ZxLTdScfhX"

    Jenna is the biggest wimp.
    She is a joke. She doesn't live "on the side of a mountain" nor does she live in "the middle of nowhere." She's just a short walk from town.
    Yet she is constantly scared and nervous.

    Who enjoys reading about her nervous condition or her self induced financial armageddon.
    It's like watching a nervous breakdown everyday. It's beyond pitiful and more like call the guys in the white coats.

    1. I personally don't believe her hype about being "nervous". I think it's bullshit. I think she writes that so people will feel bad for her. It's all part of her sham. If she didn't say she was nervous, people wouldn't feel sorry for her, then they wouldn't send her money. Someone who refuses to work and stays home and plays all day has nothing to be nervous about. So Jenna shut the f up about being nervous.

  33. I'm calling complete bs on her entire story of playing the fiddle and it sounding like anything other than dieing cow if, as she claims, she's playing with a bow that can't be tensioned. She said she stepped on and broke the frog of her bow. Even if when she stepped on it, the bow was in proper tension, the bow hair would have stretched and lost playing tension within just a couple days if she wasn't able to relax and retension the bow between playing sessions.

  34. Hi Guys

    Hey, do you all remember Clucky the Chicken dying horribly in the cold, freezing to death outside in "the bottom of winter"?

    Do you guys remember when poor starving Jenna sent AC Shilton, a real writer, a saddle pad?

    This is from AC Shilton on twitter, today. (Also, note that it is APRIL, and while it may have been chilly last night, it wasn't Clucky Freezing Subzero):


    AC Shilton
    ‏Verified account @ACShilton
    5h5 hours ago

    A sweet story: Our chicks are now living outside in their coop, but it was supposed to be reallllllly cold last night and I was worried without all their adult feathers they might freeze.

    So, around sunset last night, my husband and I rounded them all up and brought them one by one into the house. (My husband was not thrilled to have them back in the house after finally kicking them out. He just barely tolerated them being inside when they were babes.)

    There are 11 of them and it was a long walk from coop to house. This took a while with them clucking their disapproval at being picked up.

    Welp, it turns out they've grown a ton in the past three days and they promptly all flew out of our indoor brooder and proceeded to walk around our kitchen. So. That wasn't going to work.

    One by one we carried them back to the coop, the angry clucks of protest were even more furious this time. We set up the heat lamp and I spent the next few hours stewing over whether they'd be okay.

    I went to bed worrying about them, with Chris telling me that they'd be totally fine. "I hope so," I sighed as I crawled into bed. I am extremely good at worrying, so I laid there for a long ass time.

    The only real way to run a small farm as a two-person team is to divide up the projects. These are MY chickens. The bees will be Chris' project. And I've mostly assumed Chris only put up with the birds because he loves a good omelet on a Saturday morning.

    I guess I assumed wrong. At 1:44 a.m. I feel him stirring and I ask what's up. "I'm going to go check on the chicks and make sure they're warm enough," he says.

    I got up too, and we put on parkas and trudged out back under the Milky Way. There were 11 chickens sleeping in a Chicken Lump under the heat lamp. They were just fine. But my husband's "whatever, they're just chickens" tough guy cover was forever busted.

    Please note that their chickens are all safe, and aren't fed to coyotes through neglect. Also, their bees are still alive. Jenna killed all the bees that her heathen circle had to buy for her.

    And please note the Shiltons are good people who care about their animals, and don't get them taken away.

    1. https://twitter.com/ACShilton/status/1112744550332813318

    2. Since Jenna is not a farmer, or animal steward, she does not like, or care for animals. They are props, always have been. Jenna lacks empathy for anything other than herself. She is a classic narcissist.

  35. Twitter Tantrum:

    "Do you think it's an insult or a compliment that all the roosters start crowing during my fiddle practice?"

    Hey scammer, how about you work on cranking out those shitty logos and scary portraits that your victims paid you for? You remember those payments, right?
    The ones that bought you some time before you have to move to your sister's basement ?
    Of course you are going to end up there eventually...

    Now about the roosters.
    We get it, Jenna. You are "practicing" and saying the roosters were crowing is your half wit way of mentioning your practice AGAIN.

    We have seen the video of you at the bar attempting to channel Quasimodo playing the fiddle.
    It was absolutely the worst.
    Those of us who actually play and have for years can honestly say, set your $5 fiddle on fire and forget you ever had it.
    That wasn't the beer playing.
    That was someone who refuses to admit that they don't have an ounce of musical talent. A lot of people don't. Only most people are self aware enough to realize playing an instrument is not their thing. Not you. You refuse to admit it and then whine and wah wahhh about how poorly you have recently played.

    Obviously, that whining about the video was just your way of fishing for compliments. Not long after, you decided that you are competent enough to give other people lessons.
    For money.
    Huh? Are you really that screwed up in the head?

    Here's what is going to happen to you:
    Someone will pay you for lessons, drive for hours and then when they sit down with you and the lesson begins and they hear you play, they will become super pissed.
    As they should be.

    Then that person, another one of your victims, will follow up and sue your crazy ass for the hundreds you charged for the lesson and for their travel time and gas money.
    All they need to do is play in court that video of your recent playing at the brewery, which they will obviously find online AFTER the fact, and the judge will find you guilty of fraud.

    1. It's mind-boggling really, between that video and admitting that she can hardly play, that she has the audacity to beg people to pay $250 to learn from her. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. And this is her sale price, down from the $400 she was originally asking.

      Wonder what she'll try next? Singing lessons? Irish dancing lessons? No wait, cooking lessons! Come to Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm and learn how to make pizza dough and bread from scratch! Learn how to steal other people's food pics to post on yer Instagram! Come to WHF and leave as a gourmet chef!

  36. MANIC:
    This was a fine day. I farmed. I baked bread. I picked up a hay order in my trusty pickup. I worked on logos, on illustrations, and I made soap. I walked, I shot 2 doz arrows, rode my horse, and played my fiddle. It didn't rain. I saw green under long-dead brush. Happy woman.

    Just spent $370 on truck repairs and it literally died five times on the way home from the mechanic. This is the only vehicle I can afford right now and it needs to go back to the shop tomorrow. I'm going to let myself have a good long cry about this and take a walk.

    1. Definitely! Although out of her supposed completed tasks, I doubt she even did one of those activities. I'm surprises she didn't throw in "walked 20 miles (mileage total up to 548 for this week)" for good measure.

      Jenna couldn't stay off social media or stop watching movies or playing WoW long enough to do anything outside.

    2. What does she mean by "farmed" exactly? Throwing hay over a fence to 2 horses, feeding kibble to dogs? She makes it sound like she plowed a field on a tractor, herded sheep for miles, dug up turnips for hours, put crops in, rounded up cows for branding.

      She didn't "farm." She played.

    3. I've mentioned that a few times. I've never hear a real farmer say "I farmed today." They would sound like an idiot. They plowed, they herded (insert livestock here) to a new pasture, they spent the day repairing the John Deere. All farming. Jenna Woginrich doesn't farm, this is simply posturing for the city folks who don't know any better.

    4. Jenna participates in "Insteading" rather than homesteading or farming.

      Jenna participates in a lot of time wasting activities instead of what she should be doing.
      That's why she was investigated for animal neglect this past summer and then re-homed her livestock herds.

    5. Here's what the Pig Shocker did today between feeding her furry props:

      "I baked bread, went for a long walk with Friday, and wrote with Gibson sleeping by my side. Later in the afternoon I practiced my fiddle, shot 2 dozen arrows off a light bow, and worked with the horses. Feeling overly confident, I tacked up Merlin to enjoy a short ride."

      Funny how she didn't mention all the time she spent on Twitter looking for things to re-tweet. And the time spent reading this blog, and watching Netflix, and napping, and playing World of Warcraft with the only other 3 people on the planet who are intellectually equipped to understand such a complex game! Wow, Jenna Woginrich must be really smart!!

  37. Jenna Woginrich

    24h24 hours ago
    More Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Jenna Woginrich
    Sale is still going and right now you get a portrait for yourself and one you can gift for the price of one! (or two for yourself!) Small soap and art sales are what make this farm run between harvests and book contracts, consider supporting this One Woman Farm!

    WTF is she harvesting? Seriously. Kale? Is she harvesting squash out of someone's compost pile?


    I just can't get over her nonsense!!! I bust my ass all day doing engineery things and then go home and feed my cows check for labor signs, feed the chickens, cats and husband and I just don't understand where she gets off pretending like she does a damn thing all day. aaaahhhhhh

    1. Check out what she wrote on her latest bleg post ("Sturdy Bread"):

      "I did all the morning chores, which right now focuses on keeping the pigs penned and not exploring the wider forest. I carried hay, grain, and feed. I carried buckets and when I needed a break I pulled the little tin whistle from my pocket to play a tune."

      So after shocking the pigs and feeding two horses and a few chickens, she needed a friggin' break? And then she played a tune on her tin whistle. How quaint. Hey, Jenna...do you take requests? How 'bout "Fool on the Hill" by The Beatles?

    2. Oh wait...she also wrote: "I tended pea seedlings, and collected eggs."

      Man, she must be exhausted after all that hard work.

    3. I bet she needed a fifth of booze and a box of twinkies to replenish herself after tending to those pea seedlings.

    4. ...and that pea crop is planted in a 10 inch flower pot....must have needed a nap after that.

  38. She harvests bullshit. That's what she harvests.

  39. According to the Pig Shocker's latest bleg post, upon seeing that her mortgage payment check cleared, Jenna Woginrich hugged her dogs and raised her mug of whisky up to her ancestors.

    Yeah, like they made it happen. Hey animal abuser, why not thank your idiotic foollowers instead? THEY are the ones who made your mortgage happen.

    1. At the end of that post she wrote:

      "I am now into April, the creepiest month, my least favorite. But I am here. I am still here, and with good work and high hopes. Things feel better and if I am lucky and smart I will get to stay here. I have good projects of all sorts ahead of me. I have shoots of grass, two healthy (and loud) horses, and all the flour and eggs I need to survive off french toast if I have to while I save up for another month. Which starts today. Which starts in earnest."

      And so it begins once AGAIN. But in earnest this time! She's an earnest beggar!!

      But the "lucky and smart" comment is rather telling, as I get the lucky part, but smart? I think she means if she's "smart" enough to think up a fresh new round of lies to keep the money rolling in. "Smart" enough to dream up some new catastrophes and emergencies that she hasn't used before. Boy, being that "smart" must exhaust her poor brain!

    2. I guess that her stupid "slung luck" hasn't manifested in making mortgage money magically appear.

  40. Looks like JWog is once again casting a wide net to draw in new suckers to fund her lazy lifestyle:

    "People who also don't like talking on the phone (to anyone) can you help me explain why? Especially if you are otherwise social?"

    All she needs to do is listen to how she sounds on her YouTube videos. No one likes talking to an obnoxious wind bag.

    And speaking of working Twitter for financial gain, about a month ago we noticed that her foollower count was dropping, but now her numbers are back up. Looks like someone used precious poodle cash to buy more fake foollowers.

    1. I have a theory that ppl who don’t like to talk on the phone, but are still all over social media, are ppl who are socially awkward in real life, they aren’t quick witted, can’t think of what to say, are not really communicators. On Twitter, IG and blogs you have time to think up one line zingers and edit every feeling and thought. Just my opinion, but it’s the impression I get from ppl I’ve known my entire life who thrive on social media but not so much in real life. I have a cousin who will drive me bonkers with texts throughout the day but if I pick up the phone to call her her she’s so quiet i’ll Have to actually say “Are you still there?” LOL!


    2. Anon7. I've noticed the slight increase, too. And I agree about her purchasing more followers. She's trying too hard to become a coveted blue check account on Twitter. Unfortunately, she has nothing to offer other than insipid witticisms and constant begging for mortgage money.

  41. Per her bleg... There is yet another broken camera. How many does that make for her now? 3 maybe 4? I think she's just pawning them or selling them on eBay for cash. Plus she claims she uses a Kindle fire.. which has a camera. So what's the excuse for not using that? Oh yeah.. it's April, the"farm" is a shit covered mud pit that's doesn't have anything worth taking photos of. The true state of her "farm" would disgust people.

  42. The latest blah bleg:

    Thursday, April 4, 2019


    "I am a bit worried my blog posts are getting a bit too dire to keep posting them, and I don't want every single post to be about the same concerns related to the struggle here. I will be checking in more when things are better, but things are not better yet. Right now I need to put all my energy into making sure things are okay today. I appreciate your understanding. Posting often on Twitter. Not as much on Instagram since my camera broke when dropped 4 feet a few weeks back.

    Keep going out there. I will too."

    I'll rewrite it for the FFF:

    I'm a bit worried that my constant kvetching will cost me more money from PayPal poodles. But since I'm a lazy lifestyle loser what do you expect?! Things will never be better, because I refuse to just get a job. I also won't stop living like fiction so keep your donations coming.

    1. As someone new to her blogs, all I’ve seen is dire! Her blog is so obviously meant to scam for money that I just can’t believe all the suckers she nets! Truly, how has this gone on so long? I tried reading backwards on her blog(I only knew her from twitter a short time before she blocked me for daring to question her, lol)and was so bored to tears I had to quit not even a yr in. She has all the characteristics of a scammer, how can ppl not see this?!?


    2. Jesse,
      I don't get it either. I've been following this shit show for years since it's so fun and entertaining. But either she's not off as bad as she claims or people are just plain stupid. I realized pretty much into a few months of following her something smelled at CAF. But she also didn't beg post as much. There was some actual content.

    3. I'm also baffled by her bullshit, and the begging online. Apparently, there are a lot of stupid people who fall for her crap. Even though it's obvious to all of us here.

  43. Jenna is getting called out on Twitter for continually posting old photos and pretending they are current. Her farm updates are a sham. For the record - she has ALWAYS DONE THIS, so using the recent excuse of a "broken camera" is likely another fabrication.

    Her farm probably looks disgusting, with mud and leftover manure everywhere and she didn't buy enough hay to cover it up for the camera. She must be waiting for grass to hide months and months of sh**. Maybe she can't motivate herself to take decent photos, real-time?

    Unfortunately, the only constants with Pig Shocker are animal / farm neglect and LIES. Oh, and parasites too!

    1. Plus from what I’ve seen, she doesn’t really do anything to write about or photograph. I’m 62 yrs old and happily retired(because I worked my ass off to get here) and I imagine I accomplish more in the first 2 hrs of my morning than she does all day. You can tell she’s idle because she has nothing interesting to write about!


    2. Jesse. I'm also old enough to be her mom (that's a scary thought), but do more in a morning than she accomplishes during the entire day.

    3. "Earn Up Money" is a GREAT user name, lol.

      PoodleDiDoo - Yes, the person(s) behind the ColdAntlerSham Twitter are doing a great job finding and pointing out all of the Pig Shocker's bullshit. And Brynner42 figuring out that the "dancing rooster" pic is not hers, it's stolen of course and she's been trying to pass it off as hers for several years. Fantastic work by those guys!

    4. Thanks! I figured that the inside joke would be obvious to most of us here.

  44. My cat does more in a morning then she does. And he's an indoor cat!

  45. We've probably gone over this before, but I just don't get the "custom soap" thing. It's not like the customer gets a special design, they get one of the same old design everyone gets, so what's really "custom" about it? What's the point?

    1. For awhile she was running this lame scam:

      "President's Day Soap Sale! Offering 6 random bars plus the $14 flat rate USPS box shipping for $45 and will throw in a signed book with one random order picked out of a hat! Help out this farm, get clean, order soap! DM!"

      I guess she didn't have many takers wanting random soaps where they couldn't choose the design or scent...as well as a book they may or not receive. So I guess a light went off in her head that people don't like purchasing soap with an unknown mystery scent, hence the new "custom soap" sales tactic. And she must've run out of books cuz now she's offering a free sketch that won't look anything like your pet.

  46. "I mailed my health insurance check yesterday, had it post marked for the day it was due. I don't know if they'll let me keep it or cancel it for being a week late."

    Phrased awkwardly so that at first I thought she meant that it is now a week late, and when she mailed it yesterday she requested the postal worker to postmark it for a week ago, but now I think she means that yesterday was the due date.

    I don't understand: does she pay everything by physical check? Does she not know that you can usually pay online or by phone, and it will usually be credited to your account the same day? Is she just being old-timey?

    1. I pay everything online. As much as JWog is online all day, every day, why doesn't she just pay that way? Stupidity and inefficiency rule at CAF.

    2. There's no way in hell Jenna does not have online banking. She just likes to make a huge deal over "mailing" a payment.
      It's more dramatic.

    3. Postal Employees are not allowed to back date mail/post marks. It's against their policy and she could be getting her local postal clerk in a lot of trouble for doing so. Can you only imagine how the worls would be if that were commonplace? Everyone would be doing it.

    4. I don't think she meant that she asked the post office/man to do anything. I think she meant that she mailed it on the day it was due and it was postmarked that day, therefore, she could argue with the insurance company that it wasn't late because it was postmarked for the due date.

  47. Is it true that the mortgage company only cashes a check if they are not foreclosing? I have a hard time believing it. The internet told me that they typically wait 90 days after the homeowner stops paying, and that you can pay while it is in foreclosure but that won't stop the foreclosure unless you are able to fully catch up, so it's hard for me to make sense of Jenna's claim. If she's just one month behind, there's no danger of foreclosure, and if she's 90 days behind, she's unlikely to catch up with just 1 check.

    1. Yes, thats true. If you are that far behind and send in less than what is due in total of late payments, they will hold that payment until you send in the entire past due amount.

    2. Which would also mean that she is lying about being on the verge of foreclosure with more than one payment due or they would have kept her payment.
      It is hard to believe how often Jenna outs her own lies.

    3. She is lying about being behind on mortgage and never having any money. It's all bullshit and lies.

    4. For anyone trying to keep track of her bullshit:

      March 6th on Twitter: "I feel like I need to clarify that the bank cashed a mortgage payment I recently mailed, which means they accepted it and aren't moving into any foreclosure actions for at least a month."

      April 2nd on her bleg: "The bank cashed my mortgage check, which let me exhale for the first real time in weeks. They only cash it if they aren't moving forward with any foreclosure proceedings."

      I thought the 15th was when her mortgage is due?

  48. Good grief and barf...Jenna Woginrich once again weasles her dishonest, icky way in, and on....and on.....She's like a horrible, itchy rash that keeps worsening and spreading.Blechhh.

    To the undeserving wicked goes the chutzpah, the unearned spoils, and the continued contamination of new territory.


    1. It will catch up to her and when it does, her entire world will implode.
      In the meantime, Jenna gets to wonder when the other shoe will drop and I think that is hilarious and what she deserves.

    2. I went to the link on GoodReads and I about fell off my chair laughing! Under the photo of her holding the lamb (which, incidentally, was about 8 years ago) is an ad for a book "The Obesity Code. LOLOLOL


    3. It looks like comments might be available on this site....... hmmmmm.

  49. We should leave comments about being a scammer, etc. on that site too.

  50. Breadbetter = you poodles send me the bread and the drinks are on me
    C'mon peeps buy logo, soap, pet pic or pork, the more bread the better

    1. Anyone who orders soaps today gets a free pet sketch! That's a $75 value! What are you waiting for?!?

    2. I really don't understand Jenna W. throwing in a pet sketch for free with an order of soap.
      1. It really shows her sketches are not worth $75.
      2. why is she creating more work for herself ... unless she spends less than 10 minutes on the sketch...
      3. It should piss off the clients who already paid and are still waiting for the Jenna to produce their order.

      Makes my head spin.


  51. Apparently Jenna is not having much luck on dating sites:

    Oh not angry! Just very tired of queer girls who think telling you "you're a great option for the end of the world, but that't it" is being cheeky.

    Who knows what she tells them eh? I'm sure it's hilarious!

  52. The Pig Shocker's latest low-effort dating ad on Instagram's personals:

    I will always regret not
    pursuing a career in stand up
    comedy, but not enough to give
    up my pony.
    Cambridge, NY

    Now check out the comments:


    My favorite: "You are a next level badass!! Obviously hardworking and a total babe."

    Obviously hardworking? No, obviously Jenna's carefully curated Instagram wall of bullshit is creating a false first impression for the naive. All they have do to is read her bleg to see that she's wallowing in debt and is an online panhandler. And her stand up comedy claim? WTF? She's not even remotely funny. Yeah, we all laugh at her but it's not because she's a comedian. She is delusional.

    And with her dismal situation, why is she even trying to date? Dating costs money and her finances are always in the shitter. I don't get it. And today she's grumbling on Twitter about how other queer chicks will only go out with her in the event of the apocalypse.

    1. I think that the FFF deleted it, because the comments can't be seen. Nah, she doesn't read here. LOL!!!

    2. The comment should've been written:
      "You are a next level scammer! Obviously lazy and a total loser."

    3. Stand up comedy? I don't think there is anyone less self aware than Jenna. She doesn't have a funny bone in her body.

    4. WH. I agree. Her "humor" is very contrived and isn't funny at all.

  53. Haha, social media wannabe Jenna posted an old photo of one of her lambs on IG...you know, in a vain attempt to promote her no-talent fiddling class...and Lee recognized the sheep-to-be and commented. She caught Jenna unawares because the fake animal lover & serial animal neglecter couldn't recognize one of her own prop animals!

    Would you expect anything less from a woman who once swore her four-legged husband, Gibson, was pictured trying to enter a delivery truck, but she totally had the wrong dog??? Yep. She couldn't recognize the dog she actually sleeps beside.

    1. I wrote to Lee at Moxie Ridge Farm & Creamery, and told them that we'd be boycotting their business due to an association with Jenna Woginrich. We've bought cheese from them before. We won't support anyone who knowingly has relationships with sadistic, animal abusing people. Especially, since they've been warned about JFW before, yet choose to ignore the information.

    2. Good for you Anon 3:10! Everyone of the handful of people who spend time with Jenna on a regular basis raise red flags.

      Each one seems a little to a lot off.
      That's why they don't care about Jenna's dishonesty and cruelty.

    3. I wonder if Lee has seen this blog?

    4. I sent her a link to the old one before it was sabotaged by her sycophantic fans.

    5. Should've typed in "them" not "her" to be respectful of Lee's identity. And "her" at the end refers to JFW.

  54. So for the few people who fell for Jenna's bullshit and actually pay monthly to "subscribe" to her bleg, screw them? No new content because she's busy trying to get other people's money now?

    That is why there are tumbleweeds rolling by on Jenna's blog. It's just crappy content and whining when she bothers to post.

    1. Oh that's rich. She yells on Twitter, "Please subscribe to my bleg! I'm just like NPR!"

      And on the bleg she whimpers: "PSA: Things are too dire to keep posting here, sorry!"

      That is the equivalent of not looking in the mirror before you leave the house.

  55. Latest Kickstarter Birchthorn comment from April 2019:

    "I received my paperback, with tissue-thin paper and the title page scrawled with black magic marker. But yeah, it arrived some months ago."

    Another dis-satisfied customer.

    1. Wtf? Magic marker for the title page?


    2. Wait, what? Does that mean that the publisher screwed up and the title was haphazardly written in with marker? Or that Jenna thought the book was worthy enough to be autographed?

      Either way, that's some shady shit.

    3. Anon7, I took that to mean that the shipping paper was so thin the marker used to address the paper bled through onto the book cover. But maybe I read it wrong?


  56. Looks like Tyr's Good Hand(ymen) is dead. No events scheduled. Only sparsely attended last year, sometimes by only one or two people. Those Heathens caught on fast! If only the same could be said for her foolowers....

    1. LMAO at Hand(ymen)! Yes, they did catch on fast it seems. And I feel pretty bad for them as they must have been excited at the thought of holding meetings on a farm run by a Heathen archer and fiddle player, only to find they were there to do work.

      Can't remember what she fooled them into doing...I think it was hauling wood and moving bees or something?

    2. I believe she had them stack her wood for 'community service' and pay for her bees because she was going to make mead for everyone but she killed the bees.

  57. The twat on Twitter:

    The FFF responded to a stupid sucker who might want to buy soap. The woman asked about how to contact her, and she used the same old tired line:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "you just DM. Nothing fancy set up yet!"

    What a bunch of bull. She keeps doing the DM rather than have a special site. That way, she can avoid paying taxes, and keep it under the table. She's been asked that question multiple times on Twitter, and rather than do the work of setting up a site, she makes it sound like it'll happen in the future.


    "Gals on dating app: Your life seems wonderful! You're a bit far from the city but when the Apocalypse happens I'll ask you out for sure

    Cut to me grumbling away from the computer until I physically transform into a spite bear from the power of my very loud harrumphing waddle."

    The "loud harrumphing waddle" perfectly describes the "spite bear" that Jenna Woginrich is in real life. She doesn't need to "physically transform" into any other animal, because she's already the big "beast" that she was in high school when called that nickname. "Gals" don't want to date JFW anyways, because of her rotten reputation due to animal abusing and serial scamming.

    1. Sounds familiar, again. We have said she waddles. I like to say that her mountain smashing is really Jenna waddling up hills. Jenna can only regurgitate what she's read or heard.

    2. "Spiteful" is an apt way to describe herself. I wonder why she deleted that gif of the spite bear? Maybe cuz it was too reminiscent of the time she spitefully added water to a certain grounding rod?

      As for her use of the word waddle, that just goes to show that the truth she reads on this blog becomes ingrained in her subconsciousness, lol.

  58. On Twitter today:

    "The short story is this: all the pigs are inside the now-electrified fence. Once inside, I played Cluck Old Hen and Shortenin' Bread on the fiddle for them. The long story will cost you."

    So instead of being an evil Pig Shocker, she's now the pied fiddler of Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm? And if the long story involves electricity, water, grounding rods and tiny pink noses, I'll give that a hard pass.

    Also, in that "About me" paragraph on her bleg she writes: "Cold Antler Farm...where pop culture meets agriculture!"

    Shouldn't that be "prop culture" instead? I think so.

  59. Also on Twitter:

    "Today I took care of a farm, ran a 5k, loaded a truck full of hay, restarted an oil burner with diesel, chased pigs, set up an electric fence, and now I'm making a pan pizza from scratch while dreaming of mowing the lawn someday. I am husband material."

    WTAF? Husband material? This also gets a hard pass from me. But she actually got a decent amount of comments for once, as well as several of her idiotic atta-girl foollowers swearing that they'd totally marry her if not for being straight, not living near NY, already in a relationship, etc. Riiiiight.

    Now take all of those qualifying obstacles away and tell me how many of those chicks would still go thru with marrying Jenna Fraudster Woginrich? *crickets* So nothing but a bunch of useless admiration signalling to stroke JWog's fragile ego...which is exactly what she was aiming for.

    1. Yeah, it's always "ran a 5k," or "worked on 3 logos." What a lying, POS Jenna Woginrich is online. She's only "loser material."

    2. Why she can't just say "ran 3 miles" instead of a 5K. It's the same thing and who cares what distance she ran. Always 3 logos too.

  60. And more tweets, this one from her friend Christopher McDougall who posted a logo and wrote:

    "It took me two years to describe what it's like to run with Sherman but @coldantlerfarm nailed it with just one image."

    So TWO years before Jenna finally started on his logo long after taking his money? Or two long years of him trying to explain what he wanted because she just wasn't understanding? And the logo is simply a silhouette of a donkey running with the words "Running with Sherman." Oh, there's a setting sun. But it's literally just a donkey running. Why did it take two years to get his idea across? And the "running with" part...shouldn't that have included a silhouette with him in it? Or does the setting sun represent how he has to chase that ass all day?

    People are dumb. And that logo is crap and says nothing. Hope he didn't pay $250 for that.

    1. In this case I'm pretty sure the author was saying it took him 2 years to write the book about him running with a donkey.

    2. that logo probably took about 20 minutes to do. Pull 2 cliparts together and pick a font and type it in. DONE!!! Wow, that's a lot of dough for that. Totally ripped off.

  61. Oh, and in case it wasn't made clear on Twitter, logos are on sale! Half price if you can wait! Also custom soaps come with a free pet sketch! And there's a saddle for sale! And spam shares! Fiddle and archery classes too! Sales support the farm and are very much needed! DM for info!!!

    Shutupshutupshutup you imbecile. But notice how she wrote that sales are "very much needed to keep this place online this week."

    This week? And the "online" part...that must mean it's the internet bill she's trying to "earn up" -- so pay up Poodles, so that Jenna can keep streaming Netflix.

  62. Jenna Woginrich has over 4500 foolowers now. Here is a quote from a site that sells them. I wonder if this is where she goes. She tweets nothing amazing or meaningful, and rarely her own thoughts that aren't about begging. I have a hard time believing that those people intentionally follow her.

    "Sep 9, 2018 - On the cheap side, you can buy 1,000 Twitter followers for $14 on a site called InterTwitter; 5,000 followers cost $43; 100,000 cost $487."

    I had no idea this was a thing.

    1. It's been around for awhile. If you examine the new followers that many people buy, though, they're often inactive accounts. I suspect that she's doing it to appear more popular. It's all about her enormous ego, and being an attention whore on Twitter.

  63. Whining about her pigs escaping. I thought the $6k that Jenna scammed from Kickstarter was supposed to go toward new fencing? I guess it went toward more important things like Rag & Bone Jeans, wolf contacts, Cabbage Patch Doll hair extensions (which I see she no longer sports after we made merciless fun of them!), Netflix. Where'd all the money go scammer?

  64. Twitter Tantrum:

    "My camera broke, so this Kindle Fire with a cracked screen is my "camera" for the now. But 185 miles walked/ran/hiked since I started March 4th! (min 4 miles a day)"

    So now the kindle's screen is cracked. SURE IT IS!

    What a load of bullshit. Pretty soon Jenna will start claiming that she's paralyzed to get sympathy. Woe is me, wahhhhhhhhh.

    1. Hey, this new selfie, and don't laugh at me for asking this: Is that her horse Mabel or a cow that's behind her?

  65. you people are terrible, terrible I say

  66. Ok people.... I just saw a job for her

    and I wasn't even looking for it. It would give her some actual farming to write about. Can't wait to see if she goes and works for someone.

    I have figured out that I could make a good side income from chickens, quail, rabbits, etc, and I don't even claim to be a farmer! If she had kept those special breed free chickens she had been gifted, she could be selling fertilized eggs. Hell, they just go in the mail, like soap. See if she takes any of these ideas. I hope not because animals in her care are doomed. Whatever happened to last years chicks? Huh???????????????? She buys them buy the hundreds. She bought enough chicks to make three mortgage payments.

    Her blog should just be called "I'm Special Because I have a Mortgage, Pay It For Me." It's all she writes about, aside from make believe reasons she can't find love. Wonder where she's getting these lambs and pigs from.

    Her twitter handle should be "Ilikewhenyoupaymymortgage." And the stupid, stupid, way she's thrown herself into politics. You'd think it was like every other religion she's grabbed onto.

    And now she's the Matchstick girl, picking up little dead sticks on her property to warm herself once a day. Puh - leeeeez! That same Craigslist is STILL giving away free wood to people who get off their asses to get it.

    One more - She's looking forward to mowing the lawn? Since when? She's paid young men to do it for her. That doesn't sound like someone who like mowing the lawn. The lies never stop. Seems like
    Angie Baby

    1. Great find! That job would be perfect for her. And she wouldn't have to worry about showering before work either. No one to offend, unlike at an office job. And $160 is nothing to scoff at...that would get her over the hump when she tweets that "We're almost there folks" crap when her mortgage is due. And it's right down the road...she could walk there! She really needs to try to get this gig.


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