First batch of chicks

I'm not sure how many.


  1. Her entire house is probably filled with chicks with the way she hoards animals.
    A month from now there will be two survivors and they will be sick.

    1. Oh, but they make such cute props! And they provide valuable fodder for her bleg! I gotta say, nothing makes me want to whip out my wallet faster than seeing a goat or some chickens wandering thru someone's living room. It just brings out the "giving" $pirit in me!

  2. If I was a donor, helping to fund Miss Snowflake's fantasy life that was ONE payment away from foreclosure, I would sure be scratching my head in puzzlement where she got the money to by chicks. Even a six pack at the Tractor Supply would cost $10-$20 bucks.

    Or any of the other things she "finds" at the dump....

    1. Oh, but those new chicks are an investment! -Her, probably.

      And with Spring coming, she'll no doubt brag about another lucky "dump" find -- something along the lines of nifty hiking gear or clothing that she really bought with poodle cash.

  3. On Twitter today:

    "I feel like I need to clarify that the bank cashed a mortgage payment I recently mailed, which means they accepted it and aren't moving into any foreclosure actions for at least a month. Not that I got some windfall and have my bills covered for a month. Not there yet!"

    Does anyone know how many payments you have to be behind on before the bank starts foreclosure proceedings?

    But basically, what the Pig Shocker is really saying here is: "Even though slung luck made another mortgage payment possible, I'm still not above the danger lines. And I might be foreclosed upon next month!! So y'all need to get crackin' on helping me make another payment possible. You know what to do:"

    Really unbelievable that only about 4-5 days have passed and she's already harassing her foollowers for another payment. Despicable woman.

    1. well she said a few blegs back (by the way never saw her post so much so quickly she really needed Poodle Cash) that this caught her up for Dec. and since March has rolled around like it does each year that makes her 3 months behind. Why you people sit here reading this when you should be pushing that paypal button is beyond me. Get busy.

    2. For most mortgage companies the loan has to be three payments behind.
      At that point they start filing the preliminary paperwork to get the ball rolling on foreclosure. I only know because of a job I had many moons ago.

      There's certain steps they have to take before they can officially file to foreclose. They have to offer the loan holder a chance to modify the loan or make payment arrangements.

      If she has already made payment arrangements and defaulted on that agreement, she is screwed.
      There's other steps too. The mortgage company has to put a public notice in Jenna's local newspaper stating their intent to foreclose on the property. They won't put her name in the notice but will put the address.

      I'm pretty sure Jenna is playing her Foolowers for the fools they are and she is not behind on her mortgage.
      Right before she got the most recent Kiva loan Jenna had been scrambling for money per usual. For mortgage and whatever else. Then we read thru the Kiva loan terms and it states that they will request a mortgage statement from all applicants to make sure their mortgage is current as they did not want the loans used to pay off mortgages. If the mortgage was behind the applicant was denied.
      I guess that's not the premise of what the Kiva loans are for and people were probably clammoring to get a no interest loan to pay on defaulted mortgages.
      Anyway, Jenna got the loan so her mortgage must have been current then. She wants play money to waste on trying to improve her looks, to buy booze and all of the junky extras she claims people gave her or that she found.

    3. Something doesn't add up. That's what stopped me from giving her my last dime years ago. I wanted the math. She wouldn't answer simple math questions and became abusive and claimed it "made her scared" to be asked those questions.

    4. Thanks guys, for the info. You have good memories. Whackadoodle, I did not know that about the Kiva loan. That would explain why she hasn't taken out a new loan with them. And she's probably bummed about that.

      So three months behind, is she? Let the begging begin!

    5. For all anyone knows, that house could have been paid for long ago by her or family. Some people live hand to fist because they don't have a choice, their sick or elderly, or whatever. Why would someone totally capable of working refuse to and put themselves under that much stress? I don't believe it. And she could have bought a new truck with what she pays in repairs, if that's true.

    6. Audrey. I agree with what you wrote. I've long suspected that there's something suspicious about how Jenna Woginrich lives. She must have other income available. And her incredible claim that anxiety propels her to succeed is insane.

  4. Thanks, Hound Doggy, for creating a fresh new thread!

    And thanks to those who answered my Mourning Dove question on the last thread. I think we're going to continue to leave the porch twinkle lights on. This is their 3rd or 4th year there, so it can't be that much of an issue for them.

    Can't remember if I mentioned this before, but last year one of them was startled and flew off into the night. We searched for her and found her at the base of a tree. Gently grabbed her and placed her back in the nest, and all was well! I also make sure to be up super early once the babies are born so I can listen for and chase off the ravens and crows who'd like to make a meal out of them. Just LOVE those cute little guys!

  5. Also on Twitter:

    "Ever since I have stopped drinking and made myself walk or run at least 4 miles a day, I can't understand why anyone would want to stay up past 8PM?"

    It sure says a lot about one's drinking habits if you have to mention that you've stopped. Of course, this might be a ploy for sympathy. "Awww, poor Jenna is soooooo stressed out she has to drink herself to sleep...I should give her some money."

    As for the "why would anyone want to stay up past 8PM" she serious? People stay up later because they have a life. Or a date. Or they have work to catch up on. What a nimrod she is.

    1. Well if you are a social pariah and all around piece of garbage of a human being, there wouldn't be any social reasons to stay up past 8 pm.

      As for the running, here we go again with the lies. She isn't running 4 miles a day.
      You can tell that she isn't running long distances regularly because she is out of shape. It just isn't possible at her current weight to run those distances regularly without injuring herself.

    2. Shesh, she is up all night long and all hours of the day and night. She posts like every ten minutes some days, all through the night and day. The things she says sometimes are just so stupid.

    3. Totally agree about the running, or lack thereof. People who run do not look like that. She's just throwing out that 5K bullshit to appeal to her foollowers to get them to think that she works hard, plays hard and so they should hit her PayPal button hard.

    4. She's probably up til midnight trolling this site and other places where people ate honest about her. She's a pos.

  6. she mentioned in last blog she bought "last summer" a new Kelty sleeping bag but of course it doesn't work out for her big hiking trips etc. They run around $120.00 and she didn't even find it at the dump!! Plus the new chickens but her bank account is $9.00, how does this happen? Somethings just never add up in this world. Obviously Poodle Cash is flowing around her house.

    1. Speaking of the money she spends on non-essentials, after seeing that blurry "accidental" selfie she posted on Twitter and Instagram, I am wondering: Who cuts her hair? She never mentions going to a salon but her hair is always the same length. So someone is cutting it.

      It's a possibility she cuts it herself, but that would be difficult if not impossible to do with that short length. I'm able to cut my own, but only because it's really long and straight. I simply part it in the back and bring it around the front, and then make two quick chops, and done. Simple as that. But you can't do that with hair as short as hers.

      So I wonder if salon visits are another thing that she wastes donated money on.

    2. That was why Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich took the selfie. She wants people to comment on her new do. If she said "got my hair cut today" people would be like apparently she has money for non neccessities.
      She's a lying snake always looking for attention.

    3. Ahh, good point. That must really burn to have to pay for a hair cut when there's so little to cut.

    4. It looks like she colored in her bald spot with a brown permanent marker.

  7. Clueless Jenna on her blog:
    That's the biggest news I have for today: a small adventure and a kind farming friend. But hopefully soon I'll have lambs and piglets here of my own bought in to raise all summer and get this place back into full production. There will be green hillsides before we know it. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

    Yea, keep telling yourself that. You could have that if you just learned to farm properly and be a good animal steward. But you are not, and you never will be. You're an abuser and don't deserve animals on your farm.

    1. I'm confused: Doesn't she already have a few lambs and pigs that she's trying, and failing, to sell? If she can't sell those spam shares, why would she buy additional animals?

    2. I thought they are at another farm and she acts like she is the one raising them.

    3. she is selling shares of animals she hasn't even bought yet. These will be ready next year. Good heavens girls get your Poodle Cash ready and start hitting that paypal button.

    4. Looks like Jenna outed herself saying she wants piglets and lambs as if she doesn't have any now.

      I knew she was lying from the get go and that those animals are being raised on other properties.

      Jenna knows that if people find out she only has two horses, two dogs and the soon to be dog snacks chicks, the pity donations would go way way down.

      Once again, Jenna is her own worst enemy and can't keep her lies straight.

  8. Jenna, leave your chicks alone. Don't take them out of their box to fondle, pose or disturb. They have a job to do....grow, learn and produce. Get it? Grow and learn how to live and produce! It's what even humans are supposed to do. And FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY! Keep the dogs and cats AWAY from them. Why are they photo props?

  9. What some of you missed earlier today since it has been deleted is someone tagged her about a logo design contest someone was having for their business. JW responded that although she "didn't have time for a contest," they could hire her to do their logo.

    Didn't.have.time. she said. So, you can't submit something, but you could if they paid you first?

    1. Oooh, this is interesting! Screen shot by any chance? So let me get this straight: Someone held a contest in which they would choose a logo from the ones submitted? And this person wanted the logo for free?

    2. No, let me clarify:

      The business needs branding, or new branding.
      They said they were thinking about a contest where people who did logos could submit something and have people vote on it.
      I assume they would then buy the winning logo.
      Someone tagged JW's twitter.
      She responded by saying she didn't have time for a contest, but if they wanted a logo she designed they could DM her and discuss it and pricing.

      And no, I didn't screen shot it.

    3. Jenna knows that her clip art, piss poor logos would never win a contest. Jenna doesn't want anyone to see her logos in comparison to others.
      Jenna knows losing a logo contest would mean losing future pity purchases. Who wants a logo from the loser of of a logo contest lol?

    4. Thanks for the clarification, Anon 1:10 - So she won't do any work unless she's paid. Huh. Doesn't she realize that being in the contest equals exposure and possibly new clients? I guess she fell asleep during her college networking course.

      It only takes her a few minutes to steal some clip art and she could have thrown together a concept or rough draft at the very least. Lost opportunity there. Plus it made her sound greedy. No wonder she deleted that tweet.

    5. If it was the same post I saw, then the person running the contest was *not* offering payment. Instead, they were asking people to submit unpaid logo work for them to then pick the best one.

      This belittles the work of (real) graphic designers. Exposure does not equal payment.

    6. Sounds like another scammer, Anon 7:40! Where the hell do people get off nowadays thinking artists don't have to be compensated for their work? (Not that I'm considering Jenna an "artist" - not even a scam artist, because that implies some finesse - but anyone else submitting a logo is getting completely ripped off.)

    7. Yeah, that might be the only good thing Jenna does: refuse to participate in these ridiculous contests where people think artists should do work for no money.

  10. Can someone explain to me this strange statement from the Pig Shocker's Twitter:

    "Still have one lamb share and 2 half pig shares for sale!"

    Two half pig shares? She's offering a full lamb but not a full pig? Why offer it in halves? The way I'm reading this is that she has two pigs and sold half of each one? I don't get the math.

    Also, on her bleg, she wrote that she had to travel to buy hay from some random farmer and said this:

    "My usual hay banks were getting politely conservative about their quantity with winter still hitting hard in March."

    What does that mean, "politely conservative"??? She has stated that she only buys a truck load at a time so why would they hold out on her for such a small amount? Maybe because she owes them money?

    1. It may be true, but in her case I would guess they are probably tired of not being paid. We buy hay for our horses and would never dream of asking for hay and not paying cash at pickup/delivery. It puts people in an awkward position, and how would she like it if someone did that to her? Oh, that's right - she demands payment up front. Imagine that.
      She may be wearing out her Washington County connections; we are a rural county, and word gets around. You aren't very bright, are you Jenna?

    2. So basically she had the money, but only for the hay she needs now. And when she called up her usual place, she offered the money for the last batch but was asking to get the new batch on credit? If that's the case it makes sense that they turned her down.

      In the past she's mentioned all the times she's helped her buddy Patty load 100+ bales into their barn loft or whatever. So being that Patty has a large quantity on hand, why not just ask her to borrow some?

    3. Sounds to me like she is going with another hay source. Maybe Common Sense Farm got tired of her bullshit and told her they were out of hay. Burned too many bridges and people are sick of dealing with her. There is a hay shortage going on here in the Mid-Atlantic; don't know if they are up North. It's lousy "farming" procedure to wait until the last minute to get hay for your animals. Why she can't think ahead is beyond me. Oh wait, I'm sure Netflix and mountain smashing gear is more important than FOOD for her animals.
      Anon7, I don't know why she doesn't ask Patty; I guess she asks her so much for favors or doesn't want Patty to think she's a faux feral farming FAILURE!

    4. Same reason Jenna takes her dogs out of town to a veterinarian. There's much closer ones but she must owe them money.
      What a dick move to screw over the dr. who saved your pet's life.

  11. Just a friendly reminder that typing Jenna Woginrich often and regularly is helpful to keep this blog showing up in searches. I went searching some years ago to see if other folks thought there was something that stunk about Jenna Woginrich and found one of the previous blogs. So even though she is a Pig Shocker and and Faux Feral Farmer, also mention that it is Jenna Woginrich, self-proclaimed public figure, who is abusing her animals and running a con job on her donors.

    1. Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich is even better.
      I'm going to put a link to the Pig Shocker bleg post in my profile info. so that anyone who looks at my profile can read the post.

  12. Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich just posted a new bleg post asking Foolowers to subscribe to her blog. That's hilarious.

    Please pay money so I can continue to write and beg you for more money.

    1. It's bad enough that Jenna Woginrich slapped all over that bleg. But to make specific entries begging people to subscribe? That's beyond desperate. If people really wanted to, they would, without her having to ask. But she's slow to figure. And in reality, no one wants to pay for seeing a downtrodden account of disasters, anxiety, crises and bullshit.

      Hey, Pig Shocker...No one is subscribing to your bleg because it's crap. Get a clue and actually write some quality posts and just maybe you'll succeed in gaining more suckers to support your lazy lifestyle. Or even easier, get a job.

      p.s. Your bleg is a massive failure.

  13. Money for nothing and chicks for free
    2 half pig shares divided by 1 lamb, times 16 pea seedlings divided by 1 mortgage payment times cell phone plan plus fix the truck here come frozen pipes the dental bill fresh cash baking in my mailbox plus stop the fox and feed the possim plus Gibson needs a vet multiplied by Merlins an asshole, so is Bo, so that adds up to time for a 24 mole run to the brewery to meet all my friends with hawks

    1. Don't forget to carry the wolf contacs and divide them by some Rogaine

    2. LMAO...OMG how heartily I laughed at that. Now that's math I understand!

    3. Jenna most definitely is not in the circle of trust.

    4. Oops, I replied to the wrong post.

      The circle of trust comment was in reply to Anon7's reply to Anon 6:45's post.

    5. Lol, I was wondering if anyone would catch that reference!

  14. Jenna took the sheep to Leah's farm in July 2018, (July 22, 2018 bleg post) after they broke through the fences and escaped, and in the fiasco, she had to deflect the shearer to Katz's. Leah, the other farmer said she'd pay Jenna when she could. Maybe Jenna is selling 1/2 of one of those sheep, as part of payment. Or, it could be on lambs she hopes to get this spring. Also the goats were rehomed. How does she make goat's milk soap without any goats?

    1. She uses Border Collie milk. They have nipples. I heard you can milk anything with nipples.

    2. Jenna Woginrich gets milk from other farms (if she even uses it). She certainly posted a query asking local dairy farmers to help her out.

      The gross part (to me) is that she uses the same freezer for goats milk, processed meat, wild game, road kill, hawk food (including rats) and freshening her dirty jeans.

      I sure as hell would not put beauty soap on my face, with a key ingredient stored next to rotted wild game.

      If you are new to reading about her hygiene, you are reminded that she has frequently posted that she's not overly concerned about food sanitation.

      From Jenna Woginrich. Pig Shocker February 4, 2007 bleg:

      "...After these hours of hunting, chores, dead things, poop, and mold I went inside and made a cup of afternoon tea and didn't wash my hands or worry about residual deer blood on my lips. I was grateful for no longer moving. Later that night I would invite my working dogs in my bed —under the covers if they liked — and fall asleep breathing in black silky fur and feeling toenails rake past my naked body. I will not have showered first..."

    3. Oops, I meant 2017... "Germ Freaks and Ice Cream"

    4. Ewwwww! My skin is crawling after reading that one. And not because of the dogs.

    5. It really doesn't take much goat's milk to add to soap to be called goat's milk soap. If you look at even the hot recipes, the ratio of milk to lye and fat is very low. And you can get melt and pour in goat milk formulas as well as other types. So, yeah, she doesn't need goats to make her soap, just the click on Amazon for it...

      Free shipping, 2 pounds for $15, way way cheaper then sourcing it locally and running all over and using lye and all that stuff. 2 pounds will get you 8 to 10 bars of molded soap. Have done it with my kids, it's fast easy and cheap and fun...

      Can't wait for the line of Cold Antler Farm Macaroni Necklaces to come out!

      Though you need to order your Thanksgiving Turkey Handprints ASAP... if you want for this year!!! Don't delay!!!

    6. CAF Macaroni Necklaces!!!! I laughed right out loud with that one. Good one, FarmLass!!!!

    7. LOL, if she did make macaroni necklaces she'd try to pass them off as "antique carved bone beads recovered from an ancient burial site, stung with authentic cord made from sheep's hide raised on this farm" and charge $350 for them.

      Man, I hope we're not giving her any ideas.

  15. Twitter:

    "March is here and tonight the farm is 4° and covered in ice and snow. But the pigs have thick straw bedding in the barn. The horses have hay and the mare her blanket. The house is so toasty thanks to the wood stove and bread is baking in the oven. A good night."

    Meanwhile the chickens are freezing to death on the driveway....

    1. Not to mention Dash, the poor hawk is probably tethered to a tree, upside down and frozen.

      It's a good thing that Jenna Woginrich will most likely not breed. Children don't do very well on driveways in freezing weather conditions either.

  16. Jenna posted a photo on twitter of her cat "using the toilet." Yeah, after she set him there.

    The picture looks like she took the photo sitting on the bathroom floor right in the cats face. Right where she would need to be to set him on the toilet and quickly snap a photo. Jenna is nuts y'all!

    1. Is that even her cat? Or did she swipe a photo off Google?

      Either way, it seems in bad taste her bragging about her cat on social media when she admittedly doesn't even like cats...and calls them assholes. Obviously she's just using them to appeal to the wallets of cat owners everywhere. Those poor cats should also be re-homed along with the rest of the animals at Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.

  17. Latest bleg post once again brought up buying a share to donate to Jenna's "local food pantry."

    Any locals know the name of that food pantry? Time to make a phone call and ask some questions.


    2. If she truly cared for needy families she'd just donate the meat outright. But this way, she can collect the funds for the spam shares and then pretend to donate the meat. And then keep selling and pretending to donate over and over. Hopefully, no one will fall for this scam.

  18. Twitter:

    Fell asleep in a 70° living room early. Woke up after 9 glorious hours of sleep to a 46° home (fire went out probably around midnight). Started a fire, made coffee on the stove top, warmed up beside it.

    My mornings are a lot like your camping trips.

    More of Jenna living like fiction. Reality: Jenna's space heater kept the temp at 70 degrees.

    1. More pathetic prose intended to elicit sympathy and pity donations. And you're right about the fiction part as Jenna Woginrich will say ANYTHING that will keep the money trickling in. For example, she talks constantly about not being able to sleep at night due to worry, terror and anxiety. In fact, she just made this lame comment on her Twitter:

      "In the dark I'm jealous of anyone with direct deposit and Ambien."

      And she wrote this needless personal information on her bleg 4 days ago:

      "I don't know what it is about those early morning hours of 2-4AM but my mind is running at a faster frame rate than logic. Things that seem so easy to overcome in daylight are terrifying. I started a full-flown panic attack. Worried that I won't be able to make it through another month. Worried that something bad will happen. Worried that every choice I made that lead to this farm was a foolish escape from reality or a prison sentence of loneliness and isolation. I couldn't fall asleep till around 3:45 and when I did it was from exhaustion, not peace."

      But now we're supposed to believe that she peacefully woke up after 9 glorious hours of restful sleep? Bullshit. Pick one Jenna. It's one or the other. Either you can't sleep or you sleep wonderfully. Choose whichever one you think will "earn up" some more free money for you, and the one that best fits in with your false narrative.

    2. Direct Deposit is usually the direct result of having worked and earned. Something Pig Shocker knows nothing about!

    3. Caroline. That's well-put. And her asinine attempts to be witty are always epic failures on Twitter.

  19. Every now and then while checking out the Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich's Instagram, I explore the #coldantlerfarm hashtag for new tagged pics. Checked today and there's nothing new posted but I took a second look at this photo and saw something odd:

    Can't believe I didn't notice it the first time, but check out the body language in this photo. Specifically the little girl. It would appear that when the dad bravely put his arm around the Pig Shocker, Jenna leaned towards him (and the girl). In response, the little girl brought her arm up defensively and she's also leaning away from Jenna. Also, note the smiles: Dad and son both have smiles that reach their eyes, while the little girl is only half-smiling. She looks pensive and a bit scared too.

    That little girl must have seen something about Jenna that frightened her. Which would go to show that Jenna must have let off animal abusing vibes or some other strange mannerisms that gave that little girl pause. And children KNOW when there is something not right with someone. So for any fans who defend Jenna Woginrich and think she's a good and honest person, just look at this photo. Facial expressions and body language don't lie and are very telling.

    1. Children and animals know evil when it presents itself.

    2. I considered that possibility, but the bird is perched calmly on her arm, and not flapping it's wings in a frightful manner. And I imagine that once that family was in their car, backing out of the driveway, the little girl said, "Dad? What was that?"

    3. I can imagine that too. LOL.

  20. I also check the Birchthorn Kickstarter Scam page for new comments. There's none as of today, but couldn't help but notice the most recent one from one of Jenna Woginrich's many victims:

    "Were the paperbacks mailed? I filled out the address form ages ago, and have not moved nor swapped my email address."

    That was 3 months ago and there's still no reply from Jenna. But what does she care, she got the money 5 years ago. She might as well respond to that comment with "Suck it" as not even bothering to reply basically says the same thing.


  21. To anyone who has ever suggested that Jenna Woginrich's sexuality (or lack thereof) is something we have no business discussing, behold this new tweet of hers:

    "I hate to be the one to break this to you ladies, but if Emily Hampshire is your favorite part of Schitt's Creek, you are not straight."

    Yay...more gatekeeping from the Pig Shocker. Here she is telling all of Twitter that they are GAY if this actress is their favorite. And of course, implying that Emily Hampshire herself may not be straight. As far as I'm concerned, Jenna just leveled the playing field. And for the record, I believe that she's attracted to whatever sex will pay her bills. Man, doesn't matter to her as long as they have a steady paycheck and were born without an olfactory system.

    1. Totally agree! Jenna tried for years to find a man to pay her bills. Not suprisingly, there weren't any takers.
      Then, panicked she would spend her retirement years in a cardboard box under a bridge, she decided to try her luck with women. Once again, no takers.

      Better start picking out that box and bridge location, Pig Shocker!

    2. So Emily Hampshire is gay. BFD. I am tired, tired of Jenna Woginrich's pathetic commentary on streaming entertainment. She spends way too many hours watching her little monitor.

      Some of us actually lead busy lives, working and training our animals, taking day/weekend/week trips and enjoying multiple interests.

      For a long time, it's seemed she lives only to post carefully curated photos of a life she barely leads. How insecure do you have to be to ask people how you should spend your morning? How dull are your choices to stalk a cat going to the bathroom?

      Really, she needs to give up her poor prop animals, give up her overgrazed 'farm', move to California and work for Netflix.

    3. Lol, no PoodleDiDoo, not California! We don't want her!!!

  22. Twitter:

    "My truck died about 200 feet from my house on the road. I was on my way to dump and laundromat in town. I carried back the laundry. Trying to figure out what the hell is going on with it?"

    First: hahahahaha!

    Second: This could not have happened to a more deserving person.

    When Jenna wonders why it is happening, there are plenty of reasons why she would have bad "luck."

    i.e. Jenna wrote a blog post about how she shocked her pigs for spite when she was upset with them, Dash the hawk is probably tangeled in a tree dead thanks to Jenna, the myriad of animals Jenna has made to live in horrible conditions, Birchthorn- the kickstarter that Jenna took $15,000 from and didn't fulfill her promises to the patrons, all of the items purchased by people that Jenna made excuse after excuse for and never sent to the buyers, all of the times Jenna begged for money to pay a bill and then used that money for frivolous purchases, the second hawk Anna Kendrick who also died in Jenna's care, the hawk Aya Cash who scratched Jenna's face and then was "released" shortly after, and so on.

    This list barely scratches the surface of why bad things happen to Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich.

    1. Love your commentary. Karma rules!

      This must be the "softening up" for Pig Shocker's next big beg:

      "Pooooodles, wah, I need a new truck!"

    2. Oh yeah, the truck and all it's brand spanking new problems. Now she's gonna need a new one. This is going to be interesting. As Whackadoodle pointed out, Jenna Woginrich can't get another Kiva loan due to her mortgage being in arrears.

      So that leaves her with one option: Begging online strangers for money for a new one. She'll scour local listings for an older used one and then present her findings on Twitter and her bleg. And then she'll say: WE CAN DO THIS!!! Just like last time.

      But wait...didn't she justify owning two horses by saying that she can use them for transportation if her truck breaks down? That she can ride into town on them? Yes, she did. But she seems to have forgotten.

  23. Wahhhhhhhh my pos truck won't start AGAIN. Now tell everyone again how cool your old rust bucket is.

    In the the latest, whining bleg post, the following stuck out to me:

    "I got outside for over 6 miles of walking with my hounds by my side and after a morning of cleaning up around the farmhouse..."

    If Jenna is making Gibson walk for miles, he needs to be taken away from her. She has stated more than once that he has mobility issues due to having a "tick borne illness" and in every recent photo of him the poor dog looks terrible.

    Jenna shouldn't be allowed to have house plants let alone pets.

  24. Twitter:

    "I am so tired of fads and trends. I am tired of policing and counting calories. I am eating whatever the hell I want, without restriction, and doing so with plenty of water and exercise. Will report back in a few weeks."

    So in other words, Jenna is going to continue doing what she has done for the past 36+ years! Jenna has NEVER in her life counted calories, obviously.
    This from the liar who claims to run "4 miles" a day.
    Real actual runners could never run "miles" on a regular basis having eaten the sort of junk that Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich lives on.
    Booze + junk food does not equal successful long distance runner.

    If you wonder what Jenna's non existent diet and excercise program is, look at her. Jenna's physical ineptitude doesn't lie.

    1. I bet if she just gave up eating sugar and drinking alcohol she would do a lot better.

    2. Totally agree. There's no way she runs a 5k several times a week and still looks like she does. She's lying to create a persona of a hard-working farmer so that more people will donate to her cause. It's just lip service and it's all for show.

    3. LOL at the commenter who replied "Intuitive eating! I am reading about this right now!" In other words, she is doing the latest fad and trend.

  25. Kreminee criminals we have to help her, this blog, the third incarnation of pure evil and hate towards independent women farmers in Veryork must come to the rescue now! O shamtruthers this is on you and only you, we can do this. So to make things easy I am collecting the funds for our campain, I call it T3. This stands for, you guessed, God you're smart, Truck Three!!!! Yep, T1 sits pathetically rusting in the driveway, a monument of superior farming as all farms have one old truck with trees growing out of it. T2 tragically lies down the road, uselessly cool and retro a recent casality of shit knows what, bad karma, another "distributor cap" issue or maybe it just gave up the chevy ghost. Merlin ain't up to the laundry ride and Mab's is warm in her fleece blankee waiting out another mini bottom. Dammit shamthreers this is where we come to the proverbial rescue with T3! Dig it, we raise the money, we buy the truck, we own it, the whole damn show is ours, so cough up the rainy day finds cause its pouring on CAF and not only am I eating everything I now can't drive the eff out of here everyday, yep Patty will do everything I need but I have to have a trick, so please, you did it before, do it again. Send the money, its you karma too suckas

    1. LMAO...OMG...f*ck, this is brilliant! Anon 3:55, whatever you're on, I want some.

      Is it true that her first truck is really still sitting in her driveway?

  26. And so the truck begging begins via Jenna Woginrich's newest bleg post on 3/10/19:

    "I just hope it's an inexpensive fix. Right now I only have a couple hundred bucks to my name while I save up for another month of bills and the mortgage and I'm worried that won't even be enough to get Taylor running again."

    Translation: I need money. To fix the truck. And for bills. And the mortgage. And other stuff. Because I DON'T HAVE A JOB and so I need you guys to give me money and buy me all this stuff. Capisce?

    1. She was just single digits on her bank account like less than a week ago. Now she only has a couple hundred bucks? Shesh, it sure does pay to beg and have poodles around you to fund your life.

      Time to go get a real vehicle instead of a piece of crap truck. Vintage old trucks are only good when they run and you actually take care of them. They are cool then. They are not cool when they are always in disrepair and you don't have a clue how to work on them.

    2. FarmLass, it was $9...doncha remember? NINE dollars. Lol. In that bleg post, it wasn't enough for her to just say "single digits" so she had to spell out the terror with an exact number. She wanted to give fear a number. I'm just surprised she didn't go with the number 3. Works so well for her.

  27. Via Twitter:

    "Pet portraits are 2 for the price of 1. Get two for yourself, or get one and give an emailed gift certificate to a friend! Helps support this scrappy farm and get some art along the way! Wait is a bit, but all art gets done!"

    Hey, Jenna you do bulk commissions? I'd like to buy a portrait for every Shammer on this blog. Please let me know how much it would be for you to draw a portrait of your poodles. Thanks.

  28. Also via Twitter -- Break out your violins...and yer wallets:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Not a great weekend so far: broken down truck, low sales, and bad weather... but I am warm and the farm is well fed and spring can't be too far behind. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going."

    Womp womp. Not a great weekend. Keep PayPaling. Keep PayPaling. Keep PayPaling.

    BTW, is that an old pic of that sheep? She doesn't have any on her farm right now, right?

  29. Little does the guy who helped her with her truck (the saint) know what he's stepped in via helping Pig Shocker Jenna Woginrich. It's like feeding a rabid cat ...

    1. I think that Patty and Miriam are both burned out victims when it comes to helping Jenna Woginrich. And she needs to stay in their good graces for emergency backup assistance. So she's always scouting around for new stupid suckas to help her.

  30. So why don't we contact him and let him know? Just has me worried that she will set him up and take him for a ride. He seems very nice and shouldn't be taken advantage of.

    1. I think it's weird that Patty is supposedly Jenna's bff, yet rarely does Jenna call Patty during these so called "emergencies."
      Instead Jenna, who is supposed to be "terrified" of strangers, latches onto any Tom, Dick or Mary for help.

      Jenna is never terrified of strangers' time or money.

    2. Yes, agreed. If you were really terrified of strangers you would learn to be more self sufficient. And who has lived in the country - NY or MN or ANYWHERE COLD!
      for ANY number of years that doesn't know to keep the gas tank full when the temps drop that low..really?

      Dave Brushett - (before she deletes his name).

    3. Good thinking, Anon 9:44. And if anyone is interested in his contact info, just type his name in (David Brushett) over at -- there are only two results and both look to be him.

      Yeah, he should definitely be warned about the sociopath Pig Shocker who just forcibly became best friends with him. And you know what? Jenna Woginrich probably laid on this whole "I'm a single woman living on the side of a mountain, I have no family near by, I have no job, no real income so can I pay you later for this hay?" Just pouring on the whole woe-is-me frightened and helpless female routine. And it looks like it worked. SMH.

    4. She seems to constantly be on the lookout for a new mark. I hate to see someone being taken advantage of. It reminds me of my own father who would help anyone with anything. If I were that man's wife or daughter, Pig Shocker would find herself without a "saint."

      Do any locals know who this man is? Maybe he is new to the area and therefore not familiar with the town mooch.

    5. Can someone please warn him about her? She is NOT deserving of this kind soul.

  31. Oh wow guys, I did not make that connection the first time. So let me get this straight: According to a bleg post 3 days ago, she was driving to meet a stranger who was selling hay, this Dave Brushett guy. Her truck broke down on the way and he came to the rescue, giving her gas and then following her into to town to the gas station and then all the way back to her house.

    Fast forward to yesterday, her truck breaks down again, and instead of calling a trusted friend like Patty, she emails her "new best friend" Dave Brushett for help. A man who. She. Just. Met. Holy shit, that's beyond bizarre and inappropriate. And I'm sure that Dave had better things to do that day than to run over to the Pig Shocker's fauxrm and bail her out of trouble again. He helped her get her truck back home and gave her another ride into town.

    Yes, it looks like Jenna Woginrich has found a new victim, and is playing upon their sympathies. Like, she totally fucking could have called Patty. Or Mark. Or Leah. Or one of her drinking buddies at her bar. But nope, she instead emails a near-complete stranger who she only met a few days ago. I guess she really knows how to spot a soft-hearted person and has no intention of letting this one go. Just wow.

    1. Maybe she can dust off her lame line: "I have curves, and know how to use them!" I wouldn't put it past Pig Shocker to flirt with any man who could help her for nothing.

    2. Did she actually once say that? *mouth agape*

    3. Yes, it's a direct quote from a past post, but I don't know how to search for it. She was bragging about her sex appeal to men. It's cringe-worthy.

  32. And another gem from that first bleg post:

    "The first thing Dave did was offer me his lunch, which I declined having just eaten at home. When I declined he asked if I wanted to take it with me? Insanely kind, but if there was one thing I have covered it's calories at my farm."

    Obviously Jenna Woginrich was not taught any manners growing up. Everyone knows that when someone offers you food, you take it. If grandma offers you food and you're full, you make room for it anyway. And if she wasn't hungry she could have gifted it to someone else. Or given it to her animals..Lord knows they're probably starving. And then Dave offers it again, to-go, and she still declines. What an ungrateful little bitch. And you know her refusal hurt his feelings.

    You know, people can really suck sometimes. But Jenna is an industrial-strength vacuum.

    1. That is total sociopath behavior. She is not able to behave appropriately in social situations.

    2. She has calories covered? What does she grow there besides, as far as I can tell, butternut squash and last season's pork? Never any word of gardening, current laying hens (maybe she's snacking on those chicks along with the dogs?!), the apple tree...nothing. Aside from her $8 trail meals, I'm genuinely curious what else she eats.

    3. Fast food. Otherwise she would go on and on about her meal choices as she does but once in a blue moon.

    4. Are you really curious what else Jenna Woginrich eats? Here's your answer:

      Now you can stop wondering what happened to all those missing chicks last year.

  33. Hey Jenna, leave that poor man alone; he's got enough on his plate without you whining to him about your truck. Figure out your shit yourself!

  34. On Twitter the Pig Shocker is whining about pulling her butt muscle:

    "Do you think this has anything to do with me walking 41 miles in 7 days after a winter of mostly sitting around? Probably not! Right?! RIGHT?"

    Uh, pretty sure she mentioned going on 5K runs several times this winter. And if she truly had, her body wouldn't be in such a state as to pull a muscle all the sudden. Conclusion: She lied about running.

    1. Let's analyze this 41 miles in 7 days. I walk a lot: typically 10km a day (6.2 miles), 5km to work and 5km from work. I'm 5'9 with long legs and a fast pace. My route has a significant hill (~50m elevation gain). I can usually make the walk in 55 minutes, so let's round up to an hour. 1 hour per 5km.

      41 miles is 66km. At a generous 1 hour per 5km, Jenna would have been walking for 13+ hours over 7 days, or close to two hours a day. Now that's definitely not impossible and I often walk close to this in a week. However, that's a lot of time and I'm not quite certain, with how busy she claims she is, she would be able to find time for all this walking.

  35. It's strange, all that talk over the past few days about her broken down truck and specifically mentioning that she'd deal with it on Monday. Today. But not a single word about it. I totally thought the other shoe would drop and she'd announce that the truck was dead for good. And that she's looking for a new one. Wonder what happened?

    1. She hasn't quite decided what lie to tell is my guess. How to spin it for the most pity donations and what to say considering she has been reading on this site about how someone might contact her new BFF Dave.
      If she lies and then Dave looks at this site, there goes another cash cow.

    2. She was stupid to mention his name.

  36. Truck, what truck, I walked 41 miles in 7 days, or was it 7 miles in 41 days, who knows. But the butt is broken, so the new fundraiser name has been changed to T3B1. Please send all your spare change, get that bake sale up and running, canvas your neighborhood with a time can with Merlin's picture on the side, put that plastic bucket outside of Walmart and ring that bell - Mama needs a new mortgage payment

  37. Well with her "broken butt" she can now work on the logos and artwork she has promised everyone for months. Hey get those damn books out too. Anyway some how she will tie in this latest catastrophe to why she can't do chores, etc., the farm is falling apart, etc. she needs money.

  38. Odd that FFF doesn't have beef, with all,the bull crap she flings.

    She has to stay put, but Pig Shocker is only 3.8 miles away from Stewart's, Subway, Chinese food, etc. Since she's a mountain-smasher and all, it's pretty simple to walk the distance (1+ hr each way) or bicycle (17-18 min each way). And yes, she justified buying her expensive horses because she could ride one to town if the truck broke, so why doesn't she ride a horse?

  39. She's complaining about celebrities using dogs as photo props.


    1. "Pot meet kettle." Jenna Woginrich is a huge hypocrite. She constantly talks about her "gutter crimes" canine, and also acts like the two dogs are her spouse.

  40. You people are sick.

    If you don't like JW's life, stop following her. If you don't like her business practices report her to the BBB and stop buying from her, hell leave negative reviews on websites built for reviewing businesses. But you all have turned to shredding JW limb from limb on a daily basis; her size, her hair, her sexuality, her methods of heating her home, her style of art, what she eats, where she goes the list is astonishingly long and it is insane. You all have created a blood sport out of it.

    I have read enough to know what the response to this will be. You all like to hide behind the notion that you are doing what you do out of concern for the animals at CAF or hoping to protect future customers or supporters from giving to Jenna but it is obvious what this really is. You are all the "mean girls" from every horrible school experience. The bullies that don't stop until they break someone and then claim innocence.

    One question... Would you all be happier people if she killed herself? If JW were to ever have that moment of weakness how would you react? Relief, happiness, sadness, shame?

    I am glad children today go through so many programs about cyber bulling (and bulling in general) hopefully people like you will disappear entirely.

    Be best folks.

    1. We are not "mean girls", never have been and we are not hiding. Jenna is a total online scammer -- she cheats people and neglects her animals daily. In fact, they were rehomed because of her neglect. She fabricates farm catastrophes so she can cash in on the pity money. She made off with $15K from hard working people promising a book which she still has not delivered and $6K from a Kiva Loan. So yea, we are not going anywhere until she stops.

      If you don't like what we write about, then go complain somewhere else. We are not going away.

    2. Oh my, an angry supporter. Take a good look at how people support themselves in a real way and then read again comments. Every month, every stinkin' month comes the beg to buy products that are secondary to real life....."goat milk soap" and logos.

    3. Does Jenna have victims?

    4. Yes she has victims and marks and kindly people she preys upon.

    5. Anon 10:50, please tell Jenna Woginrich of ColdAntler Farm that sometime the solution is worse than the problem.

    6. As a suicide survivor... shame on you for even saying something like that. That's sick.

      Believe it or not, plenty of people here used to support Jenna. I certainly did. But personal experience, the evidence, and her continued scammy behavior is what turned us off. Now we see people falling for her manipulations, and what are we supposed to do? We can't "leave reviews". We can't "report her to the BBB". We want people to see her for her animal cruelty and disgusting business practices. We're sickened by the things she's done and only aim to shed light on this so other people aren't sucked in.

    7. Cryokid. You can write a review on Jenna Woginrich here, and also do it anonymously: Each negative review lowers her score, and it's one way to alert potential PayPal poodles. Her sycophantic fans and pathetic enablers are stupid suck-ups.

    8. "Be best"? As in Melania's grammatically incorrect, shit-pile facade of an anti-cyber bullying initiative? Despite the fact that she supports and enables the biggest, pettiest cyber bully out there? Ironic.

    9. Ohhh. How did I not know about this?! If we ever have a sticky post or sidebar or something, this should definitely go on it!

    10. Cryokid. I assume that you're referring to this information: I've posted this a few times before, even on the other site. I'm surprised that more of us haven't contributed rotten reviews. It's anonymous and easy to do, too.

  41. Hound Doggy, is there some way we can take the blog private?

    1. Redhorse. The only issue I have with your suggestion is that this site wouldn't warn as many people about the super scammer and animal abusing, Jenna Woginrich, if it were private.

    2. I agree, but they'll try to have this one shut down too.

    3. Could we have this one private but have a public one to post our factual complaints and evidence of her lies? That way, we could discuss freely, but use a public forum to warn people in a more disciplined way.

      My $0.02.

    4. Or even a private message system in case they get it shut down again.

    5. I agree with PoodleDiDoo and Redhorse about maybe having either a message system or separate blog. Both would be better if it's not too much trouble for HD.

    6. I vote that one of you fine creative folks set up a new blog...or whatever is decided. I can make this one a members only if that's what people want.

  42. I thought her ass was broken, now she's talking about the walking she does now. So which is it?

  43. Looking at CAST, I think Jenna Woginrich's business would see a 50% drop in critical comments if CAF no longer had animals. After all, there is a long public record of animal abuse and neglect allegations associated with her and her farm. Her farm practices don't seem to have improved over the years (in fact they may be worse), and that's a problem.

    The other 50% of critical posts would dry up if Jenna Woginrich posted honest & interesting articles, stopped the hyperbole (and apparent outright lies) and ended thinly-disguised public begging (pity-buys and cash donations for preventable crises). She is an able-bodied woman in good health, with time to hike, ride, fish, run, snowshoe, mountain smash and watch endless hours of streaming entertainment. That she still cannot reliably make her monthly mortgage payment - yet refuses to get even a part-time job - is shockingly irresponsible.

    Will she change in meaningful ways and run a better business? Past practices suggest not. She doesn't allow critical or questioning comments, hasn't got a website and has vilified people who offered constructive suggestions. I'd wager CAST would stop posting if Jenna became a genuine force for good. But, as they say, there are two chances of this happening: slim and none.

    My opinion has always been that as a self-admitted public figure, Jenna could be far more successful if she used her public forum to promote other farms, to form a consortium of them, and to act as an agent for reputable farms that sell meat/dairy products. She could draw or write or date or mountain smash to her heart's content...without worrying about looking after creatures whose very lives depend on her. She could take a percentage of everyone's sales in exchange for promoting the heck out of them. You know, a scrappy former farmer who promotes other scrappy farmers. Really, it's win-win.

    But Jenna doesn't do this. As a public figure who is selling a brand (herself), she must know that any public lies and misrepresentations will be picked apart by the public. She's not a private person alone on the mountain. She's a published author who has held multiple public events at her property. She runs a business (selling meat shares) and she "is" a business (teaching, writing, illustrations, graphic design and soap making). Like any business, she will be complimented when appropriate and criticized when appropriate.

    We'd all like to see Jenna Woginrich write honest articles about life in the country. We'd like to see her learn and become more proficient. We'd like her to promote high quality products that stand on their own merits. We'd like her to be a fully contributing member of the community, not someone with a hand out. Frankly, seeing a person scam people for pity-buys and donations because of fabricated hard-luck stories is disheartening.

    In case Anonymous doesn't know, many people on CAST are knowledgeable about country living and have tried to help. I lived out west for a lot of years as a single woman and I was self-sufficient. I tried to help. If, after 10 years of living in the country, Jenna continues to have the same damn crises, that woman needs to move back to the city because she clearly is a slow, slow learner and too unsuited to live a successful rural life.

    Seriously, at this point in her farm career, she should be good with hand-tools, power tools, house, farm and truck maintenance. Her continued incompetence discredits single, and single scrappy women, everywhere.

    Simply put, she needs to get a new gig.

  44. Very nice summary of the situation PoodleDiDoo. We would all like her to be a successful entrepreneur, animal owner and happy person. But unless she endeavors to change her ways as you stated, it looks like the same experiences will continue. Not good for her, her animals, her customers, the community.
    Well, you know what they say, "to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome?" .....but this style seems to work for her I guess.

  45. Hi everyone, I've been absent a long time, but feel like I have a little time to catch up. Amazed this person is still at it. My lambing is just about over, and it was a really tough one this year. But spring is coming, thank goodness. I am glad to see you all have kept the fires burning here, because it needs to be done.

    1. Julie. Good to see you again. It really is amazing that the FFF, PS is still up to her old tricks.

    2. Hi there, thanks a bunch :) I keep hoping if I look away maybe it will go away?

  46. well I see her truck broke down 5 times on the way home from garage yesterday. And it cost $370. to get it fixed before the break downs boy does Jenna Woginrich need Poodle Cash now more than ever. A job is out of the question don't even suggest it that is for us poodles not for her after all she is so special. She can watch Netflex all day long, do social media all day long, mountain smash all day long but a job???? oh no we can't have that. Her life gets crazier and crazier. Also have you noticed about her pet portraits don't mention 2 months now to get them to you, you have to wait a while to get them that way no time limit on how long this is going to take.

    1. Because she is buried in all her lies she can't see herself from afar like we do. Anyone who follows her Twitter can see that she's in front of her computer all day long. She scours Twitter for things to repost so she can be relevant and get attention. And money. Her "full-time job" is sitting on her butt begging for PayPal donations.

  47. Yes it never stops. Jenna's truck could run like a swiss watch for all we know and yet it may be a cash cow for her. No ones truck breaks down 5 times coming back from a garage. The shop will usually will take the truck out for a spin to make sure it runs. I smell another lie. Girl must be desperate for poodle money AGAIN.

    1. But don't you dare call her hunk of junk a POS. Only she's allowed to put down her truck. I'm waiting for another bleg moaning about her "double digit bank account" due to either her truck or teeth. Put on your ugly cowgirl skirt, Jenna Woginrich, and just get a job.

    2. no I am sure it will be a single digit amount in her bank account she seems to be comfortable with the $9. amount these days. Don't dare mention her getting a job you know you will hurt her feels and she will have to start drinking again and it will be all of our fault. After all as she put it she has been "sober" for a month now.

    3. Good catch, Graphic Girl -- Mechanics DO test drive vehicles before calling their customers to come pick them up, and if it really broke down FIVE times on the way home, then it would have broken down for them too. Total bullshit. Total money grab.

    4. It could if it was a Fiat! lol


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