Awwww...she had a bad day....

Who cares, deserve every bad you get.


  1. If the truck can't be fixed, she can always hop on the Karma Train. It appears to be leaving for "this farm" soon.

  2. could we have a show of hands of hands who HASN'T had plenty of bad days and figured out how to fix things on their own weather it be money or time or job? Never been a line of people out there to donate to me after these things happen. Suck it up butter cup Jenna Woginrich.

  3. Gah, Jenna Woginrich's formula is so stale and so predictable. Her latest bleg post "Nine Miles" starts off listing all of her ummm, "accomplishments" for the day including raising chicks and walking for groceries, not drinking -- all of this "Be proud of me!" stuff before she launches into her latest beg: Money for the truck.

    She tucks it away at the end: bank threats, $340 mechanic bill (not including the tow truck!) and hoping for sales. And in the final paragraph she laments how she's working SO HARD to "earn up" some money, but so far, no slung luck. Her situation is so sad, I have tears in my eyes.

  4. Yes we have all have had bad days. I don't have a crowd waiting to bail me out either. In fact I have two jobs so I can deal with the hardships that come along. Deal with it Jenna and get yourself a real paycheck.

  5. Hey, did you guys see the latest tweet on the ColdAntlerSham Twitter? Brynner42 discovered that the "dancing chicken" photo that the Pig Shocker frequently posts is NOT HERS. Looks like it's a stock photo that she swiped because the barn behind the chicken is roughly the same color as hers. And she's trying to pass it off as hers. Way to go in uncovering more fraudulent activity from Jenna Woginrich! Makes you wonder how many other photos of other people's animals she's stolen and posted?

    To anyone new here, last July Jenna was called out for stealing a photo of someone else's cooked pork chop skillet dish and trying to pass it off as hers. Cook yer own damn pork chops, Pig Shocker!

    1. Remember how offended PS was that library readers dared to borrow her books, instead of buying them? She likened it to stealing music by streaming it.

      Pretty ironic coming from someone who stole multiple social media images and pretended they were hers. But what else would you expect from a person who sold free clip art for business logos, an act specifically prohibited by the original dedigners?

  6. I'd comment but I'm too upset at the moment because Jenna is having a bad day.....

    1. I'm also engulfed by grief at the thought of Jenna Woginrich having a bad day. Poor widdle darlin'. Maybe she can get off her fat ass and actually accomplish something for a change.

    2. Hopefully someone called her a wahhhhhmbulance and they took her to the Suckitupital.

      She's almost 40 years old and is whining like a two year old. Lame.

  7. Dear Twitter
    Sure you sent me some effin dog pics but could you each attach 5 clams or more dough and PayPal my ass now cause baby needs a new pair of transmissions and I'm having a bad day
    Do it poodles

    1. I thought it was pretty interesting that when she asks for dog pictures, bam, 150+ show up.

      When she asked for anything else, sales, logos, soap sales etc... it's crickets.

      If that were me, I would be really quaking in my boots. It shows that she has people out there, but they are not interested in all her "wares"....

    2. Lol, I saw that and could not believe how so many of her foollowers (about 180) un-muted her to send dog pics. Just goes to show that people just love a chance to talk about themselves, their pets. Now if only she could harness that kind of interest regularly.

      But she no doubt alienated all of her cat-loving foollowers when she wrote:

      "DO NOT send cat photos I don't need to feel worse."

      What an idiot to insult cat lovers everywhere. The only thing I'd deign to send her is a pic of my cat's litter box. Before it's cleaned.

  8. Oh my God. She has chicks. Death coming.

  9. Obviously Jenna has the money to fix any additional repairs or the shop has agreed to fix whatever they missed the first time or else she wouldn't be putting it back into the shop. Or the entire scenario is another lie.

    1. Forgot to add: Love how "this is the only vehicle I can afford right now." With the amount of money she has put into that pos truck, she could have made payments on a car loan. Throwing good money after bad every day at CAF....

    2. On her bleg she mentions that the mechanics "road tested it several times" before returning her truck to her. Isn't that interesting. Like she read "somewhere" that her truck breaking down 5 times after the first time she received it back was bullshit. Just love that she reads here and corrects her statements to cover all her lies.

  10. Tweet: Trying to move these soon as possible to buy in the lambs and secure the piglets ASAP. DM to support this farm and get some amazing upstate NY meats! Or, if you want to support the farm and don't live close - there are other options!

    If she's being sincere -- meaning if she needs to get all the money she will ever get for these shares in order to just buy the raw materials -- that's a terrible way to run a business. I mean, I know she's not sincere, she just wants money by any means, but how are there people who think she's sincere and can't see what a bad business plan this is?

    1. Let's say you're foolish enough to send her $1000 for half a pig. You think this will assure she buys a good piglet, feeds it top-quality feeds, provides vet care and butchers/processes properly.

      But it's evident your money isn't reserved for raising and butchering your pig. It seems your money will be used for almost everything BUT raising the pig: her fuel, mortgage, insurance, truck repairs, etc.

      Based on past practices, Jenna Woginrich will beg for more money later in the year (or cry poverty) because she will have spent the money you sent for "your" pig. She'll lament she doesn't have funds to buy the hay, or buy the feed or pay the butcher. This likely means throughout the year YOUR pig may get sub-par food, may not grow as much as it should and may be butchered too soon or too late because of $$$ problems. Even though you paid for everything in advance.

      It all seems a little bent to me. And don't get me started on the free rotten deli foods/leftover donuts she'll toss to the pigs...or the fact that she never posts about their vet care...or that she feeds the pigs on top of their own manure.

      What sort of people actually buy into such a ridiculous business model?

    2. I agree with what you wrote. We're far from being a bunch of "mean girls" here. Jenna Woginrich has despicable and unethical business practices for her hovel. It's little more than a feedlot for pet props, and to make PayPal poodles pity her pathetic existence.

    3. I've belonged to several CSAs in the past, both veggie and meat. Every year former members got first priority to sign up, and shares would usually sell out quickly and go to a waiting list for new members. Spots would open up when someone moved or had some other kind of life change. So for someone who has been doing this for years, and should have a large base of customers, to not sell out right away really says something about the product.

    4. BTW, I couldn't find Jenna Woginrich's Cold Antler Farm in any legitimate CSA list published for Hudson Valley NY. That should also raise some red flags.

      Even a cursory (non-emotional) check will point a prospective buyer in a different direction.

      If I've missed Jenna's CSA being listed with NY State, County or region, do let me know. If it isn't there, maybe Jenna should consider getting her farm affiliated with others and on a CSA consumer list, you know, if she can take time from her busy, busy days.

    5. Interesting link...I didn't see CAF on there either. But it did make me wonder if Jenna's buddy Leah Hennessy's Moxie Ridge Farm was listed. Which led me to checking out Leah's Instagram page where it shows that Leah is now Lee (their, theirs) and is continuing to astound with their stellar farm operation.

      Lee and Moxie Ridge make quality cheese, meat and eggs. Their website shows that the animals are fed proper food. And the photos show lots of hard work and well-cared for animals. Lee is a very active farmer with a legitimate setup and they also participate in local farmer's markets. Lee is the real deal. Jenna could learn a thing or two if she wasn't so stubborn about advice and how to do things right.

  11. I'm still trying to figure out what Jenna Woginrich means when she says "I farmed." No real farmer says that. Did she stack hay? Did she plant crops? WTH did she do when she says that? Do the city folks really think that's a legitimate term? It bugs me because I actually have a small farm and every single one of my friends would give me a strange look if they asked what I did today and I said "I farmed."


    1. Once again, it's Jenna Woginrich's lame attempt to appear productive. She certainly can't say on Twitter: I binged on watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gilmore Girls today, and then bought new items that I'll claim were found at our town dump.

    2. Much Ado About Nada.

      FFF-PS works hard at making the little she does sound difficult and inspiring. Take today's bleg:

      "Mighty proud that the sump pump had issues and water was filling the basement...and I was able to repair the hose and reroute the water as if I was making toast"

      Uh, Guys??

      1. The "hose" is a garden hose.
      2. "Reroute the water" means she moved the garden hose.

      Golly Gee. Who knew farmin' and homesteadin' were so difficult? We'd better send some her some Poodle Cash right now!

    3. I can't imagine the mold that must be in the walls of her house. With the frequent flooding of the basement and the general humidity in the East, the house has got to be condemnable at this point.

    4. According to the Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm Dictionary:

      farmed (noun? verb? adjective?) - To haul buckets of food and water to furry prop animals twice a day. These twice-daily activities serve as bookends of activity encompassing the bulk of a day spent on one's butt in front of the computer binge watching Netflix and scrolling thru Twitter feeds.

      See also: fauxrmed, fauxrm

  12. So the animal hoarding begins anew...

    Bottle lambs, piglets, rabbits. And her geese are laying? I thought she got her poultry taken away? She mentions selling meat shares so she can even buy the pigs and lambs? There goes the feed and butcher money. Better over-sell some shares twice!

    She wants to plant a bunch of sweet corn. Hmm... the deer in her area will be well-fed, as she doesn't have fencing or deterrents for deer.

    Now she's not "earning up" money, she has to "earn back" the money she spent on the truck. Whaaaat?

    The poor animals... I just can't.


  13. "Happy Birthday Gibson" -- More like Congratulations on surviving another year on Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.

    To her credit, Jenna Pig Shocker Woginrich does really seem to love her dogs, but her animosity towards her so-called "asshole" cats, coupled with the poor care she gives her farm animals and also a lack of proper veterinary care, I'm surprised poor Gibson managed to survive 9 long years with her. So good on you Gibson!

  14. On Twitter this week:

    "Looking for pet portraits? Meat Shares? Handmade goatsmilk soaps? Logos? ALL ARE ON SALE because this gal's got 2 weeks to make the month's mortgage happen and the bank seems to want one every month. If you're into it DM!"

    *crickets* Yeah, no one wants to hear that this "gal" only has two weeks to come up with a mortgage payment that she can't make on her own. And no one wants to be bombarded daily with reminders to buy her crap so she can make that payment. It's too much, all this begging.

    "I know I self promote a lot here. I wish I could lay off a little too, but until my luck changes this farm is constantly treading water to make it. Consider supporting us if you can. Good soap, art, logos and meats!"

    *the nodding of heads* by the few foollowers who read this tweet and also wish she'd knock it off. But at least she's aware of how irritating her constant begging is.

    "For 2 customers who commit and buy tonight I will offer 3 for the price of one! get three gifts! Support a scrappy farm! Surprise a friend! Treat yo [sic] self!", she's downright D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E here! So this must apply to all her stuff. But if someone commits to buying soap, she'll actually lose money on the deal. Her latest soap offer was 6 bars for $45 (with $14 shipping included). So 18 bars for $45, well the weight increase will bring the shipping cost way up (around $25*) so she'll really only make about $20 bucks on the deal. Not a very smart business plan for "earning up" mortgage money.

    *Her soaps are about 4 oz., so 18 soaps total 72 oz. which is 4.5 lbs -- and if her buyer is on the West Coast it would cost $25 to ship. And if she follows thru with her promise to throw in one of her books, the package will weigh even more. Lol.

  15. Can you only imagine how it would feel to just go get a part time job somewhere... just work the hours and then get handed a free and clear check of a couple hundred bucks? All this hustling, begging, selling, making, and bargaining with everyone has to be exhausting. No wonder she's stressed and can't sleep and all that crap. Just go get a freaking job. Just for awhile, do what EVERY OTHER RURAL FARMER PERSON has to do now and then. Tighten the belt, get a second or part time gig, get out of the hole and then go back to peddling your crap. She does not need to go and buy more animals. Well, I guess she does because she already took money for some of the shares, but still hasn't bought the animals to raise for those shares.

    Wake up share holders. She doesn't even have the money to buy the animals YOU paid for.

    How the heck is she going to afford to care and feed them for months until Fall and then the butcher fees?

    Keep hoping for the day that snowflake wakes up and says, oh, I can have both... fantasy life and a job. Just about everyone else in the world does it that way.

    Even Spiderman has a day time gig.

    1. Lol, Spiderman. True that. And yes, it's mind-boggling the constant daily begging. All she needs to do is get a part-time job during the day. Maybe at a bookstore, Subway, anything.

      -Part-time work of 6 hours x $12.00 minimum wage = $72.00 a day
      -$72.00 x 5 days a week = $360.00 a week
      -$360 x 4 weeks = $1,440 a month

      Hey Jenna, I found your monthly mortgage payment!

  16. From the Pig Shocker's latest bleg post titled, "SPRING!!!" Jenna Woginrich wrote this:

    "And I need to earn back the money I spent on the truck while still juggling the same monthly bills and this new habit of having health insurance. I am working on it. I have my income goal set for the day, my list of work to do, my silly hope, and 2 very good dogs. With all this and hot coffee, what can't I accomplish?!"

    What can't she accomplish? PAYING HER MONTHLY MORTGAGE, that's what. This moron is clearly off her rocker. And the "silly hope" comment is nothing more than an attempt to try to get her foollowers to say, "No Jenna, having hope is not silly. Here, here's some money. You see?"

    Nice try, Pig Shocker. Get a job.

  17. And think of all the praise and people that would actually find more time and money for her side gig crap if they thought she was actually a hard working gal that earned UP her most basic needs... shelter for herself and her animal crew.

    It would give her so much more street cred then this constant "wolf at the door" poor me crap over and over, month to month.

    1. Yup. And imagine if someone like Lee Hennessy (Jenna's farmer friend who I mentioned up above) if they, in addition to their cheese/meat/egg operation ALSO made crafts on the side to sell, people would buy them out of sheer amazement. Because people like to help support those who work hard and whom they admire.

      Lee mentions on the website that they love volunteers and interns. And the first time I saw that, I thought it was a lot to ask. But then I fully checked out their website and Instagram and when I saw how hard-working Lee is, I no longer found it strange, as that is a LOT of work for one person. And if I lived close by, I would totally volunteer just out of admiration and interest for what Lee does. And in the hopes of being gifted a tiny chunk of cheese, I won't lie, as the cheese there looks sooooo good!

    2. It's a slippery slope this intern thing. I would pay anyone who worked for me, even those newbie want to learners.

    3. Yes, I agree that it's a slippery slope. A case can be made for, an internship could be framed as basically a free course on cheese-making or whatever in exchange for some work, but I'd want it carefully designed to make sure the person leaves with ability to carry on independently. It doesn't make sense to just be able to get free help and so that's how you plan the economics of your business or farm or whatever.

  18. I just came across these postings. I'm curious about something. I read Jenna's blog once in awhile. I also read Jon Katz's blog sometimes. Recall, he knows Jenna. When I read her blog, I just see a foolish thirty something year old who is caught up in the false celebrity that the internet provides. Yes, she scams, I would never put myself in the position of trusting her. Her manipulation is so transparent to me. She's just so bad at it. But she seems benign next to Katz. If you read his blog, he's far worse-and far better at manipulation. He exploits anyone to get a story and money for his blog. And I have to wonder about whether all those donations are being used as promised. So, why is Jenna such a big deal but no one seems concerned about Katz. This is just a general question, not an indictment of this blog. Why Jenna and not Katz. Both are narcissists.

    1. Welcome, Anon 8:59. I have given thought to this. And I also check out his blog from time to time. Yes, he does ask for money but it's not all for himself. He collects funds to help out the elderly folks home as well as certain individuals. And he provides some proof, with photos taken of what he buys, and the items in the hands of the recipients.

      He has two donate buttons, one for his blog and one for the people he helps. Does he dip into the funds meant for other people? Hopefully not, but I suspect he does when he's in a financial blind. But I have no proof. It's just a feeling based on something he once said, though I can't remember what it was.

      As for Jenna, it's clear that she abuses her donations, as several clever people here have caught many of the lies she's told. Jon Katz tells you exactly why he's asking for donations. Jenna Woginrich makes stuff up. And then spends it on luxuries. So that's why he's not discussed that much.

      Also, this new blog was created just a few months ago as the old one was deleted. And on that blog there was a good deal of Jon Katz talk. Especially about how they used to be friends. Did you happen to see his blog posts about her? They aren't very nice. Quite mean, in fact. But rather amusing. Just do a search for her name and 5-6 of them will pop up.

    2. Forgot to add: I could be wrong, but I don't think I've ever seen Jon Katz ask for money for his mortgage. Or his mechanics bill. Or dental bills. Or basic food for his farm animals. But Jenna does that month after month, day after day. She's waaaaaayyy worse than Jon who did once ask for money to buy a new camera, but just that one time.

    3. I have a two-syllable word for Jon katz.

    4. This is in response to sash above. I've met him many times in Cambridge. I think that "asshole" will work to describe his arrogant attitude.

  19. I genuinely don't understand whats going on with the pig and lamb shares. She's acting like she doesn't have money to buy animals, but wouldn't she ONLY buy animals if she had the money for them? Like, the model is that someone pays for the animal and the animal's rearing up front, and however many animals are pre-sold is the number of animals she buys, so there's no "not having enough money." That also means you don't have "two shares left" or whatever because, again, the number of animals you buy is directly determined by the number of shares sold, so there's no "left" to sell. But she's acting like the shares she's selling are somehow different than the lambs and pigs she's looking to is she selling shares of her sad old pigs (that should've been slaughtered last fall)? But she doesn't currently have sheep, so selling shares of current animals doesn't make sense...Someone help me out here.

    Honestly, I do think this blog gets petty and cruel at times (often times, tbh), but Jenna's lying keeps bringing me back. And, yes, I was one of her former supporters.

    1. My guess is Jenna determines how much CASH she wants (in advance) and converts it to share-equivalents and promotes-like-hell to get people to buy shares. There isn't transparency, so no one knows how many people purchase shares. As Anonymous indicated, if what Jenna says is true, she could buy piglets/lambs for all of the people who have purchased shares (and paid for full-year care for their animals), but she doesn’t.

      I get that she wants a CSA deadline because she wants to get animals about the same age, but she never speaks about a deadline. Our local (legitimate) farm CSA sells shares 3x yearly. They base their harvest on the number of CSA shares they sell. If they sell 80%, they raise 80% of their seasonal goal.

      On the old CAST, I estimated growth rate of Jenna's feeder pigs and lambs over a season. Based on snippets of social media posts, Jenna’s animals’ final weights seem low at butchering time: this suggests either her animals are sub-par (fed insufficiently/poorly or the animals are ill) or they are butchered too soon. But there is another possibility: the animals are suitable weights but share portions are small, because there is weight taken off each share to create additional “duplicate shares” from the same animal!

      It is nearly impossible to determine if she is selling duplicate shares because she alone arranges for the butchering and distribution of the meat (a very bad idea imho).
      However, Shammers were forced to consider all possibilities when Jenna's earlier posts indicated she tried to short-change a share owner out of his rightful share because the animal grew too large. Jenna wanting to limit what the share owner received is contrary to CSA procedure and probably illegal. Small farmers can only sell shares of entire animals, not specific cuts or poundage. (They can sell specific cuts and individual meat packages if they follow stricter gov't requirements).

      The bottom line is we aren't saying that Jenna would short-change customers today, but it's true that the business model for raising/selling meat at CAF doesn’t make sense.

  20. From her twitter...."That's going to mean well over A HUNDRED mortgage payments made. I managed that so far by myself, mostly self-employed, and following this dirty dream. When I'm nervous I need to look at the statistics and remind myself who I'm dealing with."

    Right.....every mortgage payment....all by herself.

    1. "I know I self promote a lot here. I wish I could lay off a little too, but until my luck changes this farm is constantly treading water to make it."

      Your "luck" will change drastically when you get a job.

    2. You guys! I, too, have made over ONE HUNDRED-TWENTY rent payments ALL BY MYSELF. How did I accomplish this miraculous feat, you ask? Surely you've never met a person making so many unfathomable payments on their residence before! I'll tell you, friends: I developed skills and got a job! Yes, I KNOW! A JOB! It was crazy at first and I had to explain to many people how I would do work in exchange for money, but this insane new idea caught on and I've been able to live on my own for over a decade now. ARE YOU IMPRESSED??

  21. I just read how SHE has made over 100 mortgage payments HERSELF? Really didn't that come from all the Poodle Cash? And she has made over 100 mortgage payments--her math sometimes just doesn't add up since she is so far behind. Geeezzzz.

  22. Oh good, we're feeding donuts to the livestock again.

    1. And she's too stupid to realize that any future meat buyer will read between the lines.

    2. I think it was the horse. She wouldn't take the wormer. I actually don't blame her on that one. I've mixed meds with jelly to get a horse to take it. I'm also surprised that she wormed them.

  23. Really??? A 100 mortgage payments made all by yourself?? I think NOT! More like poodle cash from all your poodle begs. Get a freakin job already and quit bugging people about buying stuff and shut the hell up about your stupid mortgage. No one wants what yer selling.

  24. Something positive: Blair Braverman and her team of #uglydogs have raised over $100,000 for rural country Alaskan schools.

    Blair has been competing in the 2019 Iditarod and her team's success shows how dedication, integrity, hard work and social media can work together to genuinely help people in need.

    Well done!!!

    Check out @coldfootfilms’s Tweet:

    1. Jenna must be so jealous. Over $100,000 just like that.

  25. I guess I've forgotten over time. Why is it that she doesn't have a paying job? You need money? You don't persistently ask people to give you money. You go out into the world and earn money. Or did I miss something?

    1. Because she makes too much money to stop and go back to work.

      That's what she said. Honest.

  26. When I see Jenna post these "twitter stories" where she posts something oh so clever and then like a few minutes later, posts another quipy statement... and then nothing happens, so she posts AGAIN... and she gets like a couple likes and maybe one "atta girl woo hoo" post... I just cringe a whole lot.

    It's so creepy. I see NO ONE else do that on Twitter. Do you? How weird is that?

    I feel bad for her somedays. It must be hard to live with such an out of whack ego.

    1. She's the only person I know that answers herself. I guess you talk to yourself a lot when you're wackadoodle.

    2. Actually that is creating a thread, which is a pretty common thing on Twitter. Does nothing to improve the content Jenna Woginrich puts out, but there are a lot of people who do it well. The lack of response or interaction on her threads just shows that you still have to have something worthwhile, funny or intellengent to say. Any her whiny-ass tweet about contests for logos today is all kinds of pathetic and attention seeking. Especially since she asks for people to do everything for free for her or pays with Poodle cash when she has to.

    3. The irony is strong with the Faux Feral Farmer.

      COMPLAINS if people borrow her books from library instead of buying them (because it's so important to support artists) - then BRAGS about dumpster finds, using the library, and buying an alarmingly inexpensive saddle on Amazon because the Seller likely made a mistake.

      EXTOLS the importance of artistic integrity - but USES clip art for non-authorized commercial logo purposes and POSTS other people's images (suggesting they come from her farm) without giving proper credit.

      LAMENTS curated photos on Instagram - then POSTS clearly manipulated or archive photos, while pretending or suggesting they are current photos from her farm.

      REFUSES to get an outside job to help pay for home and farm expenses because she says she (1) cannot be away from the farm and (2) makes too much money working from home - but LEAVES property for long hikes and mountain climbs and BEGS for money each month to cover cash shortage for home and farm expenses.

      WHINES that her desired cosmetic dental procedures are too costly and begs for contributions - but ADMITS she earns too much money to receive discounted dental care. *Broke isn't the same as poor* she sniffed.

      CLAIMS to deeply love her dog (even calls him her husband) - but admitted he has UNTREATED tick borne disease that likely makes him suffer.

      CONDEMNS people who post critical comments about public figures - but THRILLS at belittling local townspeople and laughs at sucker Poodles who work for a living and do not have the freedom to screw off during the daytime.

      BRAGS that she would be the one to survive the zombie apocalypse - but cannot keep her pipes from freezing, her truck from breaking down and her animals from dying.

      Did I miss any of your favorites???

    4. ^^^
      That would make a good Twitter thread

    5. You are right on PDD...Jenna is a giant HYPOCRITE!!

    6. I've been saying that she's a huge hypocrite for years. And PDD's list was spot-on.

  27. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "I am halfway there! Want to support this farm and get it through the month! Hire me for art or soap, get amazing small farm meats, get a portrait! Get a logo! Support the 10 years of writing at !!!"

    Jenna Woginrich recently wrote that she's been at her hovel for almost 9 years not 10. That's a blatant lie.


    "Someday I won't be so afraid I made all the wrong choices after it gets dark out. Someday. Not tonight."

    The poor widdle darlin' is "terrified" again in her lonely home on the side of a mountain far from civilization. I've never seen any normal adults who are constantly "afraid" that they made "all the wrong choices." That's a revealing tweet. I think that she knows her dumb decision to quit the Orvis job just to buy a faux farm was stupid.

    1. She is probably rethinking her whole farming existence because deep down she knows it's all a giant sham. When you lie for a living, it's going to come back to haunt you.

      The Orvis job? That sounds like a dream job to me. Who in their right mind would quit it? That's just plain stupidity right there.

    2. I agree about the Orvis job. She was able to take her dog to work with her and they even allowed her to reduce her work hours to 32, with Fridays off--"so she could have more time to farm." lol Who in their right mind would leave that job???? She is so far behind on her mortgage. You have to be 120 days late to be in danger of foreclosure, which means she is chronically on the verge of that happening. She finally sounds nervous, so I wonder if it's getting close and she sees the writing on the wall. One last outreach for cash to the remaining people who are supporting her. As a friend told me when I told him about this story--"She is a train running out of track."

    3. Yes maybe she's late again or maybe not. Could be another pity beg so that she can make the mortgage months in advance. I don't really pay attention when she says that she is "terrified" and "wolves are at the door", please help her out so she can "earn up money." Always the same story with her and I guess it works because she keeps running it every month.

      Yea she had it pretty damn good at Orvis. What a fool.

    4. There are thousands of younger people who would kill to have a career start at a reputable business like Orvis. She could've used that position to gain good experience, and also save a lot of money. Then in the future, buying a farm would make more sense. It's like she does everything backwards.

    5. What she should have done is stayed there, builing up that 401K, learning new design skills while networking and building up a portfolio, and then retiring and doing the farm things as an older, more experienced person. Instead she quit, as a twenty-something, and got in over her head. And it's not paying off. Her dream is now a nightmare. Fool indeed.

    6. Maybe she didn't leave the job by choice. Do we know the true details? We all know she fails to tell the truth about many things........

    7. This was from the bleg, 2015:

      You all know that I sell custom logos, and the regular price goes from $300-$500 a design. Right now logos are on sale for $250 and that includes the entire process, which is not billed hourly. You get a professional logo created by a BFA degreed graphic designer who has worked for corporations such as HGTV, Coldwater Creek and Orvis and that price also includes my purchasing of any font or image rights I may need.

      My, how things have changed. From $500 down to less than $100 per design, and I guess 'purchasing' image rights has gone by the wayside big time.


    8. Caroline, she went part-time with Orvis (something like four days a week with Fridays off). I don't know, but I just bet that she abused/took too much advantage of that schedule and they fired her.

  28. Jenna knows that it's only a matter of time before she's the crazy aunt living in her sister's basement. When you neglect animals and scam for a living, you either end up with another psycho as a partner or you end up alone.

    Jenna doesn't qualify for social security retirement or medicare retirement health insurance. Even if she started socking away piles of cash today, she will be still be screwed for retirement. Good luck with that, hag.

    1. That was well-put. Eventually, she'll run outta road. Just wait until she hits her 40's and is officially middle-aged. None of her pet props will work to entice the PayPal pity poodles.

    2. Yes, you can kinda get away with being scrappy and struggling in your 20s, early 30s, but once 40 hits, you really need to have your shit together. It's just no longer endearing to see a middle-aged woman without a job and begging daily for her mortgage payment.

      She'll lose foollowers fast, especially since she hasn't had a new book deal in ages. And she can't continue to coast off the success of the old ones much longer. Even now people who discover her books and see her struggling must realize that perhaps the advice in those books is not the way to go. She's far from a success story.

  29. I.Just.Don't.Understand. why Jenna doesn't take her supposed survival and business experience and make a freaking plan to get herself out of financial trouble and WORK THE PLAN.

    Recently, there have been a handful of people (new potential customers) who have asked if she has a website, or an online store. In EVERY case, she has replied NO, along with a litany of excuses, along the lines of "too busy". If ever there was an opportunity to legitimately expand her business, this is it.

    Really, I cannot wrap my head around her refusing to put the 'farm' on safer financial footing (assuming it is on shaky ground, and this isn't just another scam).

    Step One. She needs to figure out what brings in the most money, and do more of it!

    If her melt-and-pour soap is profitable, make a lot and post it on a website. Her network of stressed New Yorker LGBTQ and friends-of-LGBTQ could probably support her themselves. Buying melt-and-pour base is cheap and I'll bet the under-age children at Common Sense Farm would be willing to work under-the-table to make it. She just has to ship once a week.

    If people want to buy "upstate New York" meat, why not enter into arrangements with other farms and sell their meat? Other farms don't seem to have nearly as much animal drama (and unplanned deaths) as Whackadoodle Horshit Farm. For example, using Jenna's breeding stock (and her own), Moxie Ridge has had oodles of live lambs born - in shelter, unfrozen, un-trampled by horses and uneaten by predators. It's a freaking MIRACLE. Capitalize on their success, FFF.

    If people want to buy her logos, hop to it! Charging $250 or $500 (or whatever) only pays the bills if she gets enough business to, well, pay the bills. The time she spends on Twitter could be better spent promoting a legitimate business. All she would need to do is reference her website and people could shop -- even while she sleeps. What a concept! Of course, she would have to quit re-purposing free clip-art that isn't allowed for commercial use, but she can figure that out.

    Artwork? Jenna's anatomically challenged dog/cat/doncow drawings appeal to some people. If there's genuine interest, she could find a sub-contractor, someone willing to whip out quick sketches for $25 each. She can label them Barnheart (or whatever), post them on a website and collect more money rather than less.

    In the meantime, that girl needs to GET AN OUTSIDE JOB to pay the bills, take a business development class for farmers and get her life together. She can even write about it. Soooo tired of hearing her whine about the same crap over and over.

    Really, at this point, losing the farm would be a blessing. There are hardly and animals left (thank goodness). Her horses could be easily settled with someone else in Hudson Valley. She could get a job - any job - that pays benefits; be on best behavior until she qualifies for all company-paid benefits, then fall into disability until she turns 67. At least she'd have 60% of her base income, and if she's not supporting freeloading horses and hawks, she can get by with a lot less money.

    1. I've come to the conclusion that she simply doesn't want to work at an ordinary part-time job. It's more about having an arrogant attitude rather than being responsible for her own welfare. Jenna Woginrich acts like she shouldn't have to lower her stupid standards to do outside work. But clearly, and her daily begging is obvious evidence, she can't make make enough money doing drawings and selling soap.

    2. Excellent examples and write-up, PoodleDiDoo. If only the Pig Shocker would take all those things under advisement she'd be a lot better off. At the very least, take her melt-n-pour soaps to the weekly farmers market. Such an easy way to make some under-the-table cash but she is too lazy to do even that.

      Instead she makes bad decisions, over and over, and then tweets this nonsense:

      "Someday I won't be so afraid I made all the wrong choices after it gets dark out. Someday. Not tonight."

    3. I think you hit the nail on the head FF. Plus, her dream of an easy, pastoral life with hundreds of people heaping praise and luck on her every day is just a delusion. I wonder if she is getting angry about having to continue begging every day, instead of having an automatic direct deposit. Anyway, she sees us as one of the flies in her ointment.

  30. The Beg Blog:

    "If all goes as planned and luck keeps shining on this farm, by June I will have a green landscape I need to mow, slick horses running on the hill, rabbits in hutches eating hay, piglets and lambs running about, and a sense of belonging I am always clawing towards. That is what I want, what I am actively praying for."

    Good God, I hope not. She writes about barely scraping by AGAIN, you think more animals is the answer? Looks like another "poor me" post has been written designed to tug at your heart strings and feel badly for her and her situation. In other words, SEND MONEY!!!

    1. As several Shammers correctly pointed out, subscribers who purchased CSA lamb and pig shares have already paid for the full year's care for their dead-animals-walking. Why doesn't Jenna have the money to buy and take care of those animals?

      Rob Peter to pay Paul, much Jenna?

    2. I am so confused about these spam shares. Are you saying that she's trying to sell new shares of animals that she doesn't yet own, to pay for the animals she has now and already sold? More specifically, the animals she has now were already bought, the money long gone, so she's selling non-existant future shares so she'll have the money to butcher the ones she has now? (I hope my question made sense.)

    3. I just noticed on her newest bleg post that she said that NOT buying the new lambs and pigs she needs is NOT an option. So she's behind on her mortgage but she's going to buy more animals for a fauxrm that may not be around come summer?

    4. And that's exactly why she is in crappy financial shape- those type of stupid decisions.
      Jenna not getting what Jenna wants is NOT AN OPTION.

    5. Yes Anon 7, that's what she does every year. As someone who has raised beef for 25 years, that's not how it's done. We don't have to "sell" meat anymore, we have enough satisfied repeat customers. She's doing something wrong.

    6. Thanks. So to be crystal clear: You offer shares for animals you already own, collect the money, and then spend that money on those animals only. Sounds simple enough.

    7. No, we have cows and breed them. Then they spend a year and a half on pasture and grass, then we bring them in to a smaller enclosure and fatten them up a little and customers order anywhere from 1/4 to a whole steer. We get 1/2 the estimated money before they go to the butcher, and the rest before they pick up the meat. We also have a customer who owns a deli/pasty shop and buys two a month, so, pretty easy as far as that goes.

    8. Anon7, we used to buy half a steer from a local farmer. Butchering took place in the fall, and that's when we paid the farmer. We knew approximately how much the animal weighed. We knew what it ate and where it was kept. We paid the butcher / processing facility separately; through them, we selected preferred cuts, determined what to do with scrap and knew exact weight of everything. They also packaged and stored meat until we picked it up.

      The idea of paying a large fixed price a YEAR ahead of time is highly unusual, to say the least.

      In theory, the meat share money Jenna receives should be set aside to pay animal costs, kind of like putting money into an escrow account. However, Jenna takes customer cash, spends it on ' whatever ' and then begs for more to feed and take care of the animals.

      The people who buy meat shares from Jenna can't be doing any sort of farm comparison or due diligence. I think they are basically pity purchases.

  31. So she's selling pig and lamb shares for a farm that, per her most recent blog post, may very well not exist come summer? If folks are willing to pay for that, then I've got a bridge I can sell them...

  32. To any of Jenna Woginrich's foollowers who happen to read this blog, check out the latest Twitter video she posted for proof that she's just pretending to do 5K runs to gain your sympathy...and your dollars. In the video, she's moving slow, out of breath and she's not even going uphill. Her dog keeps having to stop and wait for her.

    If she truly did exercise as much as she says she does she'd be in a lot better shape. But Jenna Woginrich's body is the equivalent of ALL CAPS. Every inch of it just shouts "I SIT ON MY BUTT ALL DAY AT THE COMPUTER TWEETING AND BINGE WATCHING NETFLIX!!"

    So don't fall for her "I'm such a hard-working farmer who productively exercises, so feel sorry for me and donate or buy my stuff so you can support my inspiring adventurous lifestyle." It's just not true. Take a closer look at the amount of time she spends tweeting. Time that would be better spent working a part-time job for the mortgage funds that she instead begs for.

  33. Slightly off-topic question regarding Jenna's new bleg post "Eggs and Partners"

    She's collecting large goose eggs to barter with a friend for rabbits. What do people do with goose eggs? Are they better or more valuable than chicken eggs? Are these eggs fertilized?

    And she's placing them in a cabinet. Don't eggs have to be refrigerated? And if not, she's been collecting for over a week -- don't they go bad?

    As for the bartering, are goose eggs rare? Not sure how much rabbits are but I imagine a few of them might be worth more than a dozen or so eggs. Weird questions, I know, but I don't know much about homesteading and farm animals.

    1. It's too bad Jenna doesn't take the time on her bleg to write and educate her readers about her "farming" activities. Instead she writes about terror, fear, anxiety and money problems. What a wasted opportunity for her to actually write about something interesting for a change.

    2. Anon 7, I have no idea what goose eggs are worth, but it seems like she is trading fertilized eggs for rabbits. I'm assuming the rabbit owner is going to incubate the eggs to hatch out their own geese. That's why the eggs aren't put in the fridge, which would reduce the chances of producing goslings to pretty well nil. The eggs need to be kept above fridge temperatures, and because they are fertilized, will be viable for quite a while. Think of any bird laying a clutch of eggs to be hatched. They usually lay one egg a day, and some lay quite a few before finally settling on the nest to incubate them.

    3. When eggs are laid they have "bloom". If you wash that off they should be refrigerated.....otherwise they can sit out and be good a very long time. One goose egg equals about 3 chicken eggs.

    4. Eggs can hold their viability until a week or so. After that, there's little chance they will hatch. However, she should be storing them pointed end down.

    5. Anon7, totally agree. What a good opportunity to post pics and a how-to informative post. Really speaks to how her mindset has shifted away from looking for opportunities to share good info to desperately begging.

      However, I agree with those that think her financial situation can't possibly be perpetually as desperate as she paints it, so it's pretty sad to see her missing these opportunities. She must have lost all confidence in her own writing abilities by now to get to the point that she only wants to use them in this desperate way.

    6. Thank you Jam Lady, HD, Anon for the info. Incubation makes sense.

      Tell me, how scandalous is it to sell unfertilized eggs where one actually is? Reason I ask is cuz I had a friend who gifted her chicken eggs to other friends. These eggs were meant to be eaten. This one friend called her up, furious, because one of the eggs she cracked open had a tiny developing chick in it. Which while gross, must happen every now and then, yes?

      But the recipient was beyond outraged, calling up my friend and tearing her a new one for ruining her breakfast. I always thought her reaction was a bit too much...she didn't need to get that mad. Or is it really a big deal?

    7. The price of goose eggs to a point would depend on the breed of the goose itself, some are worth more then others. The eggs should be collected and kept at room temp, normally we might buff off with a dry cloth if there is a bit of poo on it. you want to keep the eggs "bloom" intact. they are marked with a x and o. While chicken and even duck are kept in egg cartoons with a book under one end and that is switched side to side at least once daily, Goose eggs tend to be kept flat and rolled over which is why each side should be marked.. all x in the morning, all Y in the evening. Normally ten days is the max collection timing before you have reduced hatching rates. Ideally if you have big enough flock you are aiming for 5 days and under but many don't and you can with proper handling and care safely go ten days. I have seen girlfriends go a full 14 days for smaller rare breed flocks in terms of collection. I have never gone longer then ten days myself. As for eggs going bad, I have held eggs at room temp for upwards of 2 months will no issues.. its only if eggs are dirty and or washed that they need to go in the fridge. Its a N.A. thing to wash and put eggs in the fridge, in a lot of places in Europe, eggs are kept on the counter like we keep them in the fridge.

    8. You can candle the eggs before selling them to make sure that doesn't happen. You can also see "meat spots" and other defects. They make LED egg candle lights, but I just use an LED headlamp light.

  34. And speaking of that bleg post, she made sure to remind everyone that she has only 10 days to make a mortgage payment. And it's a late one. Didn't we just go thru this?

    Oh yeah, we did. And she knows donor fatigue is real so she throws in the threat that she'll most likely be losing her health insurance if poodles don't pay up. Isn't someone like her who lives at poverty-level qualified for free Medicare?

    1. Anon7, during last year's tooth implant saga, she finally admitted she would not qualify for discounted dental because she was 'broke' not poor.

      Remember, there is always the possibility her pleas and laments are 100% scammery - that she makes sufficient money begging to keep wolves away from the door.

      Alas, if she quits crying disaster, the Poodles will quit donating.

    2. I think that's it exactly. She keeps crying and begging about losing her health insurance, losing her farm, losing her animals, blah, blah, blah, but it's all part of the scam. Then she writes about being "lonely" and probably not going to have a partner in life so people will feel sorry for her even more. It's all bullshit, the girl is all bullshit. She's probably sitting on a big pile of money for all we know.

    3. A pile of money and a loving partner, lol.

    4. I think GG may be correct. Cambridge tax roll shows the mailing address for CAF to be 70 Sophies Way, Arlington, VT. (also a rural/farm type property). Why would her mailing address not be the Colfax address? So many questions and inconsistencies.

    5. Maybe taxes are cheaper in VT than NY? Dont know but I'm sure Jenna is working (cheating) the system any way she can.

    6. That is the rental property where she used to live. I don't know why they have not corrected her address. Incidentally, she got kicked out of that property after animal control was called for making a holy mess of the place and hoarding/neglecting animals.

    7. Hmmmm...maybe you guys are right about her not being as broke as she claims. Because from what she writes (single digit bank account, behind on the mortgage) she sounds totally broke. So it would be easy to qualify then. But if she has bank accounts with plenty of cash, then she would not qualify. Interesting.

  35. On Twitter she mentions she lists "Talk to local dairy about part time work" as something she did so far today. That's different.

    1. She's probably begging Leah for a job at Moxie Farms.

    2. Why does she find it necessary to list menial tasks...such as carrying water? It is hysterical when she does this...I generally do more before my 8am start time at my job than she does in a day. Very sad Jenna Woginrich.

    3. Because she thinks it makes her look super busy. Funny how she doesn't list all the time spent surfing the net and watching Netflix.

      Anon 10:38 - Lee's farm in Argyle is 25 miles one way from Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm. I doubt the Pig Shocker's dump truck could make it there. Unless that's part of a new con: Announcing a new part-time job but needing a new truck for the work commute.

    4. Anon7, You brought up a great point about how Jenna doesn't mention watching Netflix.

      It's long been Jenna's m.o. to discuss the t.v. shows and movies she has watched on various streaming services (for anyone new to the Jenna shit show, the "broke" non-farmer has asked for viewing suggestions for Hulu, Netflix AND Amazon Prime).

      Lately, Jenna hasn't mentioned watching movies/tv shows or asked for suggestions.

      I hope that means Jenna's donations are truly tanking so she isn't mentioning anything that makes her look like the begging slacker that she is.

  36. Looks like Jenna Woginrich found a new activity/targets to pursue for donations: The rock climbing community. On Instagram she mentioned she found a "cool" rock wall great for bouldering.

    Bouldering. I...just no. I can't.

    1. If Jenna is on the wall, it's more like avalanche-ing!

  37. Jenna Woginrich Retweeted
    Mar 19
    Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Jenna Woginrich

    I am halfway there! Want to support this farm and get it through the month! Hire me for art or soap, get amazing small farm meats, get a portrait! Get a logo! Support the 10 years of writing at !!!

    Then what, Jenna? We get you through the month. Does something happen then?

    Oh, no, wait, then we get to help you through another month.

    And then another month.

    Just such a class act. Just how does she sleep at night? How can she beg for monthly sales for her most basic need, shelter and then talk about buying Friday a new pack and so on and so on?

    How do her friends even deal with such weirdness? And customers? Too busy to draw pictures or logos or have a website or Etsy page for her busy, but sure ready to have everyone pay up front for something they may or may not get in a few weeks or months or years or never.

    Grow up Jenna Woginrich.

    Family members and friends of Jenna Woginrich, time for an intervention.

  38. OMG...her latest bleg post. The Pig Shocker really lays it on THICK. To save you the read:

    -Things are grey, gloomy; but fingers are crossed!!
    -But then a Law named Murphy came a knockin'
    -Jenna did made the Kiva loan payment
    -But now she needs the mortgage
    -And the health insurance payment too
    -But sales are at a trickle, no one's buying
    -And now more bad news: Friday has worms...WORMS!
    -So that's another unexpected, unnecessary vet bill
    -But she just made that darn Kiva loan payment!
    -But even worse: Dog's due for her rabies shot too
    -That bastard Murphy strikes again!!
    -This will cost even more moneys she doesn't got!
    -And wait, there's more: Gibson chewed up a hose -- Oh noes!
    -So she had to spend mortgage money on a new one
    -AND...the truck died again, but she tinkered with it
    -But she still might have to buy a small car now

    Oh, those damn Ides of March. No slung luck this month. What's Jenna Woginrich gonna do to earn up the money for all these new emergencies? Somebody cue the poodles.

  39. Let's talk about the WORMS which constantly drop out of a dog's butt even when they aren't pooping. Jenna sleeps with these dogs in her bed every night. And she failed to notice a bunch of dried up dead worms all over her sheets come morning? Did she think they were chunky dog dandruffs?

    I'm not sure if I believe this story. But if it's true, remember that she sleeps naked with these dogs, feeling their claws rake and scratch her body -- which has steam coming off it. Ugh. Those are breeding ground conditions for disease right there. Good thing she has insurance. And hopefully she washes her hands before breakfast. I'm officially nauseas.

    1. Friday likely got the worms from Jenna, lol!
      She seems to be one giant cesspool of filth. Between the whining, woe is me bullshit about expenses that everyone with a mortgage and car has to deal with and her filthy lack of decent hygiene practices, good luck finding that partner she was recently lamenting about.

      I like Gibson's big F you to Jenna of chewing up the sump pump hose. That's what the nasty hag deserves for leaving him alone and in pain while she waddles around town with Friday.
      Gibson, whom she supposedly loves so much, managed to stay in the basement alone long enough to chew up the hose.

      Gibson is an elderly dog with a "tick borne illness" according to Jenna and now she doesn't have much use for him. It's a damn shame that he has such a mentally ill moron for an owner!

    2. OK Folks,
      The heading of today's bleg "Preventative Measures"............ummmm.....deworming pets and livestock is a Preventative Measure......if Friday has worms it looks like she failed again. Meanwhile, the Pork/Lamb share beg is on the bleg again this morning.

    3. Cleaning up horse/dog/pig/sheep/goat manure is preventative, along with moving manure away from eating and walking areas. She should also compost or treat old manure/bedding before using it on the gardening.

      But FFF never cleans up manure. The only manual labor she does is hand-carrying buckets of water, and really, since garden hoses were invented a LONG time ago, isn't that the stupidest thing you've ever heard a wanna-be farmer do?

  40. From Jenna's most bleg post:

    "This is the time to support the farm if you are at all interested in doing so. Please send an email. I'll be in touch withe everyone who isn't clearly a troll!"


    Jenna couldn't sound more like an unprofessional hack if she tried. What business person online says that they will contact/reply customers who aren't trolls? She is such an idiot!

    1. That plus the irony of the post before it where she claims to be doing preventative measures, added to saying she has 10 days to "pull things off toward this month's safety net" when it is actually emergency funds. No self awareness at all. Especially when she just tweeted that she watched the Theranos documentary - an HBO film that she is watching through a premium cable service.

    2. The Bleg:

      Friday, March 22, 2019

      Pork Shares Still Available! Lamb Sold Out!

      "Okay guys! Still looking to move shares of pork! Get some amazing meat for yourself or buy a share to be donated to my local food bank/elders' home!

      This farm needs to make the sales to stay solvent and the clock is ticking louder by the day. I have less than ten days to pull things off towards this month's safety net.

      This is the time to support the farm if you are at all interested in doing so. Please send an email. I'll be in touch withe everyone who isn't clearly a troll!"

      Okay, guys?! It looks like Jenna Woginrich is getting desperate. BTW: The "local food bank and elders' home" wouldn't want her tainted meat, and it's likely against the law too. She has no "safety net" with her hovel. It's living hand to mouth each month, and it's courtesy of cash from PayPal pity poodles. I also don't believe that the "lamb shares are sold out!" She's a pathological liar. JFW always pretends that her "busy schedule" prevents her from doing drawings right away. That way, people won't pester her for products right away.

  41. I am very surprised that she announced that her dog has worms. Who the hell would want to buy shares of anything from her after reading that? She has stated numerous times that she doesn't really wash up or shower often, so do you really want her as a steward for animals/meat you plan on eating? I think not.
    We have dogs, horses, chickens, a cat and a meat calf. Obviously, you cannot prep for every possible thing that could happen, but general cleanliness and daily checks go a long way in preventing disease and discomfort for your animals. I would think she has plenty of time to keep up with this seeing that she is unemployed.
    And it irks me that she calls herself a farmer. Jenna, you are not, and never will be a farmer.
    Take a look at your hands Darlin'; those manicured nails and unblemished hands are the hands of a poodle or of someone who does not do a lot of manual labor.

    1. You are so right!

      Pork shares still available, and by the way, my dog has worms!


  42. Hey all, apparently putting your jeans in the freezer doesn't work! Saw this on CNN:

    New York (CNN Business)Levi's CEO Chip Bergh has some tips for jeans owners: Don't freeze your jeans. And don't put them in the washing machine.

    Bergh turned heads and noses at a May 2014 event when he announced that he had never washed the pair of 501 Levi's jeans he was wearing at the time. He still hasn't washed that now-10-year-old pair of jeans, Bergh admitted on CNN Business' Markets Now live show with Alison Kosik on Thursday.
    He doesn't freeze his jeans either.
    "That's an old wives' tale," he said. "It does not work."

    I think Jenna is the only person I know who does this ridiculous practice.

    1. Jenna puts a great deal in her freezer!

      Feces-covered jeans.
      Dead rats.
      Dead bloody rabbits.
      Dead squirrels.
      Goats milk.
      Pork product.
      Lamb product.

      And just imagine what happens inside the freezer when there's a power failure or the electricity is turned off for non-payment.

    2. OMG, this is hilarious! Well there you have it folks...your jeans go in the washer, not the freezer. Who'dve thunk?

  43. Whining via Twitter:

    "Morning so far:

    Feed animals
    Carry buckets of water
    Talk to local dairy about part time work
    Fix truck
    Get a load of hay
    Unload hay
    Reroute the sump pump for rain
    Arrange for goose egg pick up
    Get turned down for 3 sales
    Consider quitting
    Brush fuzzy pony
    Back to work"

    She needs to seek treatment for her mental illness and get a job.
    Jenna is quickly approaching 40 and her life is shit thanks to her immaturity and laziness.
    Due to her animal neglect and scamming, Jenna deserves to be absolutely miserable 100% of the time. She gets closer everyday.

    1. "Consider quitting

      I can't understand the mindset of someone who would broadcast this stuff for everyone to read. And she does it all the time. So many tweets and in almost every bleg post she laments her situation, considers quitting, and then cries.

      It's a stale formula and it's only purpose is to elicit sympathy and money. Because really, what other purpose could it serve? I am so thankful her reality is not mine. Total nightmare.

    2. Jenna is too dumb
      to realize that she isn't garnering sympathy. She's making herself look mentally ill. No one looks at an almost 40 year old woman who refuses to work to support herself and then makes a list that includes "consider quitting crying" and thinks awwww, poor thing.
      People read that and think good lord this psycho needs a keeper and a cage.

  44. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "This was a good day. The farm made some sales. I farmed, walked, changed my sheets and had a hot shower and good meal. I worked on a decent essay draft. I painted cats. I played in the snow with a dog no longer wormy. I hope yours was also all the things you needed!"

    Note how Jenna Woginrich didn't "make some sales," but her hovel did. Again, she "changed her sheets" like an obsessive clean freak, even though her personal hygiene is horrid. Normal adults don't boast about mundane matters, but JFW has to broadcast them because she has so little in her life that's worth mentioning.

    1. Jenna celebrates mediocrity. Often she says the complete opposite of how her life really is.

      Jenna claims to love animals- reality is that she re-homed her sheep and goat herds this past summer after she was investigated for animal neglect, at least two hawks have had questionable disappearences under her care, she wrote a blog post about purposely shocking her pigs when she was mad because of their escapes from her crappy fences, and she has an elderly, sick dog with a tick borne illness and limited mobility and never mentions him receiving regular vet care for pain control;
      Jenna claims to constantly change her sheets- reality is Jenna has horrible body odor as experienced by locals who post on this site;
      Jenna claims to farm- reality is Jenna doesn't grow a damn thing other than mold in her house (the mold mentioned by Jenna on social media) and as far as livestock goes Jenna has two run down horses, two dogs, her cats are possibly still alive and there's some chicks in her living room destined to be snacks for either the dogs or wild predators; Jenna claims to run 4+ miles a day- reality is Jenna looks completely out of shape and is on recent video huffing and puffing after only walking a few feet; Jenna constantly whines about being broke- reality is she always has booze on hand, she has every movie streaming service that exists, she drives her gas guzzler truck all over to go waddling up hills (Jenna calls it hiking) and she constantly shells out hundreds of dollars in repairs for her pos truck as soon as it needs them.

      Obviously Jenna is a manipulating, mentally ill, compulsive liar.

  45. Jenna Woginrich
    ‏ The twat on twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Starting March 4th I said I'd walk, hike, or run a min of 4 deliberate (non step counting) miles a day outside. Yesterday I hit 100 miles in under 3 weeks!"

    Sure you did, Jenna. Which is why your bulging beer belly suddenly looks so sleek. Cue her posting that ugly muscleman pic again.
    4 replies 0 retweets 51 likes

    1. 51 people are patting her on the head because they feel sorry for her.

      Anyone who blatantly lies as much as Jenna does about their physical activity must have some serious issues. Anyone who has seen a pic of Jenna knows without a doubt that she is lying about the "miles" she walks or runs.

    2. That's what gets me. A big part of her "sales strategy" is to paint a picture of herself as a hard-working, mountain smashing farmer. But she looks like a couch potato. She must think her foollowers are really stupid not to notice that the words and the photos do not match up. 100 miles...more like 100 lies.

  46. The Pig Shocker via Twitter:

    Jenna: "Okay guys! Still looking to move 2 shares of pork!

    Limecello: "Do/can you ship?

    Jenna: "No I do not ship meat. I do ship soaps, artwork, and email electronic design files."

    Limecello: "Got it, thanks! And good luck"

    Lol, nice try Jenna. How embarrassing. "No, but will you please buy something anyway?" Full sad cringe. But seriously, why can't she ship meat? All she would need is some dry ice, right? So instead of trying to push spam shares on a very small local population she could increase her potential sales by shipping nationwide. I don't get it.

  47. In case y'all missed it, the CAS Twitter posted this hilarious tweet:

    "Jenna's friend posted this!!!! Jenna Woginrich, take the hint! >>>> Ivy Jelisavac tweeted: You know what I miss? Actually personal blogs. Not people having "blogs" to support their ~brand~ and sell their books/courses but straight up peeks into people's lives."

    LMAO...preach it, woman! That reminds me, wasn't Ivy supposed to write about her visit to Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm back in October? Doesn't look like she made good on that promise. In fact, can't remember the last time I noticed Ivy commenting on the Pig Shocker's Instagram or Twitter. Ivy seems to have gone radio silent on Jenna.

    Wonder what happened there?

    1. Remember when Ivy stayed the weekend with Jenna and Jenna went on and on about them "cooking together" and doing whatever else "together"?
      Talk about cringeworthy!

      Ivy was going to be in town and announced to her social media that she was basically looking for a free place to stay for a couple of days. Desperate Jenna's hand shot up in the air and she practically yelled "ME, ME, ME!

      After the first night's meal Jenna acted as if cooking together meant they were engaged. Jenna probably spent the weeks leading up to Ivy's visit kissing the palm of her hand for practice.

    2. WH. Your line about the "kissing the palm of her hand for practice" made me smile.

  48. Jenna posted a "mini documentary " on Twitter about her and Aya the hawk.

    For anyone new to the Jenna Woginrich shit show, Aya was the third hawk that Jenna had trapped and kept prisoner in the name of Falconry.

    Jenna constantly took photos of Aya. They are posted all over social media.
    One day Jenna mentioned going to the store for bandaids because she had deep scratches all over her face. If I remember correctly, Jenna said the cashier asked wtf happened to her. Jenna never said how she got the scratches.
    In a matter of days after that, Jenna announced that she had "released" Aya.

    A couple of days prior (pre-scratches) Jenna had posted on social media about how excited she was to start flying Aya again in preparation for the upcoming hunting season. Then suddenly Jenna said she released Aya. After having had Aya for approximately three years and constantly taking photos of her, Jenna didn't take one photo of the supposed release.

    Those who know Jenna's history of being investigated by authorities for animal neglect, in at least two states that we know of, believe that Aya scratched Jenna's face and in turn Jenna severely harmed or killed her.
    Keep in mind this is the same nutjob who wrote a blog post about how furious she was with her pigs when they escaped her crappy fences and how she purposely shocked the pigs with an electric fence for revenge.
    Jenna seems to be incapable of controlling her anger and her animals have suffered for it.

    So keep Aya's fate in mind if you watch the documentary and how only a severely mentally disturbed person could harm or kill an animal and then promote herself as helping to conserve the species.

    1. Besides you, who is the "they" who believe she harmed or killed Aya? Wild speculation does not help the credibility of this site. Let's stick to the facts because we could equally speculate Aya flew away or that the dogs scratched her, etc.

    2. Save it Anon2011. You only post to defend Jenna and there is no degense for that hag's behavior.

    3. I agree that foul play did happen to all 3 hawks. One died in her home and who knows what happened to the other two. Dash "flew away" with his jesses on, probably dead now.

    4. I agree with WH and GG. The first hawk Jenna trapped was great social media fodder. Its life with Jenna was endlessly documented! To her credit, it seems to have been properly caught, handled, hunted and released. Everything was talked about and documented.

      Jenna's second hawk, Anna Kendrick, had a short stay with Jenna, and little was posted about her demise. A contributor to CAST wrote that Jenna personally told her the second hawk died inside her house. Publicly, Jenna said little about the hawk's disappearance /demise, just that it wasn't with her. No hoopla, no fanfare, no photos of release.

      The third hawk, Aya Cash, turned out to be a Twitter hit. Despite telling NYT, she kept hawks only for the winter, releasing them in the spring, the hawk was in its THIRD year of captivity. Widely used as a social media prop for Jenna, it was kept on a metal lamp inside the hot house, made to pose for photos innumerable times, dragged to bars, and barely hunted. In fact, CAST questioned if the hawk had ever successfully hunted. During fall of 2018, Jenna announced she planned to step up training for Aya Cash and bragged about looking forward to a successful hunting season. Surprisingly, and within just a few days, she announced that she "let the hawk go". The release was clearly unplanned. It occurred days after Jenna reported deep scratches to her face (hands?). For someone who documented the heck out of her hawks, no photos were taken of its release, and she posted an old photo when she made the announcement. Unlike other Shammers, I doubt she consciously killed the third hawk, but I also believe it died unexpectedly or flew away.

      Hawk #4 arrived quickly after Aya Cash disappeared. Almost too fast for Jenna to have caught it from the wild. There certainly weren't many posts about the "hunt" for a new hawk. The lack of posts about setting up and checking trap makes me believe she purchased the 4th hawk from someone else. That being said, the 4th hawk, Dash, was still in training, wearing its hunting gear, when it allegedly flew off. No photos to document his departure. The small amount of genuine effort and interest in finding him suggests to me that Dash may also have died in her care. In any event, if he flew away wearing his hunting jesses, it means he likely died of exposure or starvation soon after his escape because his leathers tangled in tree / brush branches.

      The only good news about Jenna and hawks is the escape of her 4th hawk means she'll have to wait another year to bother another raptor.

    5. I agree with what you two wrote. It was also unethical and cruel, during a heat spell last summer, when she subjected her hawk to posing outside without shade, while JFW drank herself stupid at the bar. It's merely another pet prop for potential PayPal poodles.

    6. Should've written "I agree with what you three wrote."

    7. Back off, Whacko. If you do your research you will see I have a long history here long before you got here and was scammed by Jenna Woginrich 7 yrs ago. This is why I want us all to be accurate on this site because I was personally affected by her BS. She really does scam people and hurt/kill animals. We have enough proof when there are documented pictures of her scams and neglect. Speculation makes us look like mean girls! I want to keep it accurate to nail her and to dissuade people from working with her. When we get out of control on this site with speculation authorities and her potential clients and potential donators won't take us seriously. So back off calling me Jenna or saying I am defending her. I just want us to take her down accurately with what we can prove definitively. And there is PLENTY of that evidence out there to reference.

    8. PD - thank you for your accurate and non-exagerated post on her hawk neglect.

    9. Screw you Anon2011.
      No one has called you Jenna. Funny how you are defending yourself against something that hasn't even been said.

      You are only on here whining or bitching and the last thing you seem to be concerned about is taking Jenna down.

      I believe anyone who posts on here about being scammed by Jenna except for you.
      You have liar written all over your posts.

      Once again, I have spent hours placing phone calls and emails in an attempt to both save Jenna's animals and stop her scamming. Your "I don't like Jenna either" b.s. is just a lame attempt to try to mask your obvious affection for her. You aren't fooling me whatsoever.

  49. If she gets far with this I'm letting people know she is suspected of negligence for at least 3 of her hawks.

    1. That documentary video was done quite a while ago by another group. It's full of inaccuracies. She doesn't really benefit from it, other than just exposure. It's funny to think of her as a hawk helper when two of her helpees have died in her care maybe even three. So like ah, not really helping, eh?

  50. Jenna is trying to sell a saddle in her latest bleg post.

    Is that the saddle she supposedly found at the dump? (And this time I mean the town dump, not her house).

    Of course it's an urgent sale and she's obviously waiting for someone to give her money, pat her on her patchy head and tell her to keep her precious saddle. (Insert eyeroll and retching sounds here).

    Just think, Jenna could keep that saddle and all of her other ragamuffin belongings if she got an actual JOB.

  51. From a second bleg post today:

    "The last time I played in public it was three tall mugs of beers in and too loud. I didn't know any of the songs at the Celtic session in town. They mostly played contra dance tunes, New England style of folk music. Everything I know is from southern mountain music. Songs like Shady Grove, and Blackest Crow, and Rain and Snow and Wayfaring Stranger. These are not like the high and fast reels of coastal Canada and below. I fumbled and was tipsy and basically embarrassed myself as a musician. My friends were supportive and clapped when I played but that was a kindness for my bravery. When I saw a video of that night I cringed and haven't played since. "

    That was the video we saw from the brewery. Jenna didn't even attempt any notes other than horribly bowed open strings. Then there was her horrible posture. Elbow of the left arm holding the "fiddle" should be swung out to the left clear from the body. The elbow should not be up against the player's abdominal fat roll while the player hunches down like Quasimodo.

    Folks, that wasn't alcohol, that was pure ineptitude drunk or sober. Keep in mind that Jenna actually thought herself capable of giving LESSONS. People came to her, sometimes after long car rides, for these lessons and they paid hundreds of dollars for them.
    After seeing that video, it is clear that Jenna should refund every person she ever stole from in the name of a "fiddle lesson."

    I can only imagine what the archery lessons she is currently offering must lack in substance. Jenna is a hack and obviously unable to judge her own aptitude in any activity. The major difference between the fiddle and archery lessons being that someone could get injured during the archery "lesson."
    I would bet that Jenna's homeowner's insurance policy holder would love to know that a mentally ill, hack is giving archery lessons to the public on a property they insure

    1. Jenna Woginrich has no place teaching ANYONE anything about how to play the fiddle.

      She has not paid her dues in any shape, form or way to be able to malform any new beginner. She can't even drone on with a pack of jammers at a pub.

      Anyone with a few hours and a crappy fiddle can learn to single string play Ida Red or Shady Grove.

      Fiddle on, Lass, while your Fantasty Farm burns.

    2. She should teach a college course on serial scamming. That's her area of expertise.

  52. I guess people are complaining she is taking too long with art and soap orders. Surprising? Jenna you better put down that fiddle and get some work done! How else do you expect to keep the lights on and the roof over your head? The farm doesn't run itself. Priorities girlie.

    1. The implication of her seeking patience (from people who have already fronted money for logos/artwork or, in the case of soap, already paid in full) is that she took money up front, is still broke, and, therefore, must give priority to making MORE sales/collecting more money up front in order to keep the lights on rather than focusing on those pesky people who have already paid for products not yet delivered.

      It's a terrible way to run a business and a vicious cycle, that, once entered into, is very hard to break. The more work you take on for the sole purpose of attaining that upfront payment, the bigger your backlog becomes, and the more likely you are to start screwing customers over.

      I own and run my own business, and it is easier than you think to fall into this trap--I have seen it happen/been called to take over jobs tge previous person abandoned. Better management of time and resources is something most small business owners learn in their first year or two so that things like this don't happen. Jenna? Never.

    2. Everything about Jenna's business practices are terrible (and I use the term "business" very loosely when it comes to Jenna).

      The logos and pet portraits look like a they were made during rec time at a mental ward.
      Jenna doesn't have an artistic bone in her body.

      Then to add insult to injury, Jenna charges a ridiculous amount of money and she can't manage to send them to the buyer in a reasonable amount of time.

      Buyers must not bother to read Jenna's social media posts.
      From her incessant whining about being late sending out her goods that people paid for way ahead of their completion to Jenna's crazy posts saying things like "I will respond to your inquiries if you aren't a troll," I can't imagine other than outright pity why anyone would buy anything from her.

    3. Agreed, Anon 2:02, it is a horrible way to run a business. And speaking of the patience that Jenna Woginrich is asking her customers for, she recently tweeted:

      "Starting March 4th I said I'd walk, hike, or run a min of 4 deliberate (non step counting) miles a day outside. Yesterday I hit 100 miles in under 3 weeks!"

      She should have instead devoted all those hours to completing the work that people paid in advance for. But nope, she's now begging for even more sales and work so she can fall behind even more. And what a waste of time too, 100 miles, as she's just going to drink all those lost calories back.

    4. Whackadoodle_Horseshit, that's a really good point that her buyers probably don't read all of her social media. If they did, they'd see all the inconsistencies and BS. But instead, they learn the hard way.

  53. Man, don't you just want to drop in and say, under that saddle ad...

    "Is that the saddle that you found at the dump?"

    1. A few people have asked her what size the saddle is. Her answer: I DON'T KNOW.

      Seriously?!? She can't grab a tape measure and offer some crude measurements? And there's no sale price. "Make an offer" she says! Gee, how much do I want to spend on a trash saddle full of ass-sweat from someone who only showers 1-2 times a week?

      About zero dollars. Good luck with that, Pig Shocker.

    2. Lmao @she doesn't know what size it is!

    3. She probably doesn't know where to measure it. She probably also doesn't know that the width of the gullet (if she knows what that is) also matters, and it can turn a good horse into an asshole if you get the wrong size.

  54. Do I have this correct? Jenna Woginrich, who charges people good money for beginner fiddle lessons, just admitted she is a terrible fiddle player.

    So now, she plans on spending a lot of time learning to play the fiddle from scratch.

    In the meantime, because she's super busy, she's wants her customers to have "patience with things like soap orders or artwork".


    I hope the Poodles who sent Jenna orders get used to Jenna's view on PAYING customers. They are back-of-the-line and a low priority.

    Adding insult to injury, Jenna also added she "cannot" order lambs and piglets even though she begged people to buy CSA meat shares, and the subscribers paid her in advance.

    Just how foolish are people who continue support her?? She gives farmers, single women and rural homesteaders a bad, bad name.

    1. Yeah it's difficult to order lambs and piglets after the authorities make you re-home your herds of goat and sheep.

      It's called small claims court. Someone needs to sue her so she stops scamming people.

    2. Just unbelievable. She was in a hurry to make those sales, but now that the money's long-spent she's in no hurry to complete those orders. And even has the audacity to ask for patience?

      "I am doing my best to get them out BUT I really need to get all of my energy towards keeping this farm out of threat of any possible foreclosure..."

      And what does that mean exactly? Where is she putting her energy towards rather than drawing and melting soap? I imagine she means putting more effort into begging for new sales, but how long does that really take?

      Think about it: Writing, re-tweeting sales pitches on all 3 of her social media accounts couldn't take more than 15 minutes...a half hour tops. Unless she means she's going to play her fiddle instead of fulfilling orders? What a lousy person she is. This is no way to attract return buyers.

    3. It's the Birchthorn kickstarter all over again. Jenna took $15,000 from patrons and *years* later many have not received their book that Jenna was supposed to write, publish and distribute. It is however, available for sale on Amazon. Go figure.

    4. Anon7: My thoughts exactly!! Seems like you would be filling orders quickly if your focus was on keeping the farm solvent. That way you would have time to process additional orders that come in--need to keep the wheels turning. But, I guess fiddling is more important than paid work when your home is going under. Makes absolutely no sense!

      She does sound more desperate these days. Things must be getting pretty bad. She has to be at least 120 days late on the mortgage before they can foreclose, so she must be skating along just shy of that. Only a few more days until the end of the month. It will be interesting to see if she gets the next (already late) mortgage payment in.

      I have horses, dogs, and cats. I know how much mine cost me. I'm always amazed how she manages to buy all the food her animals require. None ever looks thin in her pictures, so she must be doing it some how. But, it really does make me wonder. That comes back to the theory that she isn't as broke as she lets on????

    5. I dont think she is. I think all the begging is going toward some shiny new toy, video game, book, cabbage patch hair extensions, etc.

    6. It could be that she still needs the money. But if she has to buy melt and pour soap and drawing paper and then mail the stuff, its takes money out of her mortgage. So sorry suckas! You get to wait. And wait... and wait...

  55. Twitter (WARNING: Do Not read while eating or soon after eating):

    "When I was younger all I wanted was the kind of romance where we stay up all night just talking and now I dream of someone leaning close, moving the hair from the side of my face, and gently asking "Do you want to go to bed at 9?"

    I know. It's difficult to keep breakfast down after reading that. There are many, many reasons why Jenna will either be alone for the rest of her life or end up with someone as psychotic as she is.

    It's difficult to find a life partner when you have been investigated for animal abuse in two different states. Hurting animals doesn't make for good foreplay unless you are batshit crazy like Jenna Woginrich.
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you write a blog post describing how when mad at your pigs you purposely shocked them with an electric fence and then smiled at their pain.
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you are lazy and ambitionless. Add unemployed and refusing to work to support yourself and you have a strong cocktail of date be gone.
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you are a humorless, condescending c#nt.
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you smell like a shithouse rat (as confirmed by locals who have been in close proximity to said rat).
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you are obviously mentally ill and not seeking treatment.
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you waste the money donated by strangers on wolf contacts, hair weaves made of yarn and baldness cures yet decide to wait to fix your busted plumbing and decide that using your backyard as toilet is okay.
    It's difficult to find a life partner when you lie about p how physically fit you are yet in your photos your body looks like 10 lbs. of ham salad in a 5 lb. bag.

    No one likes a liar. No one likes a scammer. No one likes an animal abuser. No one finds lack of ambition attractive. No one likes middle aged women who pose like a creepy toddler for an online article (see my profile pic of Jenna). Nope. Nope. And nope.

    1. All true. She is her own worst enemy, writing about all the horrible stuff she does to animals. It's no wonder she's still single, as anyone interested probably checked out her bleg and said, no thanks to crazy meanness. She also strikes me as the "loves to live alone" type, and the only reason she's looking to date is so she can find someone to pay half of her bills for her. Anything to avoid getting a real job.

    2. Jenna's retirement plan is finding a sucker with money. I hope she gets scammed by someone so she can see how it feels.

    3. OMG, how weird would that be? Some scammer who manages to wrestle her home out from under her. And steal her life savi...never mind.

  56. This is interesting, what she said about her fiddle playing:

    "The last time I played in public it was three tall mugs of beers in and too loud. I didn't know any of the songs at the Celtic session in town. [...] I fumbled and was tipsy and basically embarrassed myself as a musician. [...] When I saw a video of that night I cringed and haven't played since."

    So much to unpack here. So now she's blaming her crap playing on the booze? And she admits that even though she didn't know any of their songs, she asked to play anyway? I'll bet she's a riot at parties.

    As for that video...someone here recently posted it. Although I don't know how as I can never seem to find it when searching for the Argyle brewery's Twitter. I'll see if I can find it here.

    1. I think she had the video taken down because it was beyond bad.

      It definitely wasn't the booze. Three beers is like water for a daily drinker and a big girl like Jenna.

      She sawed with her bow back and forth over open strings and hunched over her instrument like Quasimodo.
      It was total ineptitude!

    2. Found it. For the uninitiated:

      You will need to turn the volume up...if you dare. Also, at the end, she picks up and pounds the last of her beer.

    3. Great find Anon7!!
      Peeps, you have been warned lol.

    4. Yes she fumbled all right. But even fumbling takes some knowledge. She just had one drawn out screech. I bet she is entertaining to watch at the bar, waddling from one group to the other trying to impress people and look like a fool doing so. Jenna stay home.

    5. That clip is hilarious. No mention of the brewery anymore I wonder why. She used to be so up their butt all the time. She is probably banned from not ever paying her bill.

    6. That would also be my guess Anon. Jenna must have a huge bar tab so she scattered like the cockroach that she is.

    7. I'm sure that everyone noticed the empty tables. I think that Jenna Woginrich's terrible fiddle playing scared off patrons. I also don't know how she can wear that ugly, barf brown pleather jacket. It looks like her beefy biceps are busting out of the cheap fabric. Her thick thighs are also straining in those too-tight Rag & Bone eBay jeans. What a pathetic poser.

  57. On her Instagram, she posted a picture of Gibson "herding" piglets then says she's considering breeding her own instead of buying in piglets. Hold up now. CSA members paid for fall pigs large enough for bacon... Typically a pig is at least 6 months old at slaughter on a factory farm where they are practically stuffed with feed. On Jenna's non-farm with crappy inconsistent feed.. the pigs would likely need at least 8 if not even 10 months to reach smoked meats and bacon weight. So.. even if she found suitable pigs for breeding tomorrow... Piglets wouldn't be born before early July. A factory farm couldn't deliver pork on that timeline before January 2020. Jenna would be lucky to get them to slaughter weight before this time again in 2020, more likely May or June of 2020. There's simply no way she's going to find the cash (that was already spent but should have been set aside for this purpose, not used to pay her delinquent mortgage) for these prepurchased lambs and pigs, along with paying not only her current mortgage and bills but also catching up on the late mortgage and other bills she whines about because she's getting threatening letters .

    1. Continuing my thought from above... I estimate her current bills, feed costs and basic living expenses to be no less than $1700. She is behind at least one month on several bills including the mortgage so estimate her delinquent bills to be at least $1200. And now add in the money she owes back to CSA members, assuming she sold any.. we'll say she sold 2 lambs and 2 pigs... Maybe $1200 minimum in overpriced deposits? So just to get current with her bills and refund the deposits or actually fund the purchase and maintenance of the promised CSA stock... The feral farmer needs to come up with more than $4000. Before next month.. when those pesky bills and on the mailbox again. I wonder if she's tried just getting rid of the mailbox... That would make about as much sense as anything else she does. All of those estimates could be way low.. so her actual need could be closer to $5000.

    2. She's just going to reguritate pictures of the past and then when it's time, run to the Aldi's, buy pork and rewrap it like it came from the butcher! So much easier than raising your own and will taste the same as donut, old lunch meat fed dirt lot pigs. No work for months and she will make about 4 or 5 bucks a pound for an afternoon of work!

      Scam Farming is easy!

    3. Farm Lass, the people who buy meat from Jenna can only hope she resells them meat purchased at a grocery store. At least they are less likely to sell meat from an animal who had a huge infected yellow cyst on one of its organs.

  58. Glug.. glug... glug... The CAF ship is going down like the Titanic.

  59. I'm so tempted to sign up for a class at her hovel and document the experience, photos, videos etc.
    Or to hire her to draw something...and see how she responds to the average person/poodle.
    Evil, I know...

    1. No shame. I was tempted too. In search of truth, honesty and the American way...

    2. Great idea! I definitely encourage either endeavor. If she fails to follow thru, you can document taking her to small claims court.

    3. Great idea. I've been tempted to have her design a logo for me since I do graphics for a living just to see what bullshit she tries to get away with.

  60. Jenna should be careful about advertising that she is giving Archery lessons on her property. I doubt that her homeowner's insurance would allow that. Didn't Jenna supposedly stop having "antler stock" because her insurance wouldn't allow it?

    If they drop Jenna's policy, good luck finding another company to ensure it with the barn ready to collapse and the many issues with her hovel.
    Usually if you have a mortgage, the lender insists on having the property insured.
    If she's actually behind on her mortgage and ends up uninsured, the lender will definitely seize it.

    Not to mention what if someone is injured during the lessons and files a claim?
    How dumb can that half wit be?

  61. She says Dash has been spotted.

    Maybe she just bought another male hawk? Ugh.

  62. She's bragging about losing "7 pounds!" on Twitter again. And "walking over 100 miles in March!" Yet Jenna Woginrich is still chunky and klutzy. It's too bad that there's not a personality diet to change her defective character.


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