Still Winter

How will anyone survive?


  1. Well, if you "earn up" enough money through your constant retweets of yourself, anything is possible! #blessed

  2. Oh please, she'll be fine. She's added a new level to the scam...asking others to try to sell the stuff for her. Man.

    1. Well, when your entire sales strategy is Twitter...

    2. and she is asking her former customers to try to sell for her now. There are no words for this woman.

    3. Let's not forget Patty selling the sheep hides for Jenna which makes zero sense unless it is a scam.

    4. Yes, Unknown 11:50 - Cuz when your work isn't good enough for others to tweet about, you then have to beg them to put the word out for you. Obviously, her work doesn't speak for itself and it doesn't speak to the suckers who bought it either. Seems like the only time someone gushes about their pet photo, it's cuz Jenna asked them to.

  3. The title of Jenna's latest bleg post "so very tired" made me LOL.

    That hack couldn't run a real farm. Jenna can barely function in her boring life. Jenna has nothing to do but beg and lie and she sucks at both.

    What a joke and it totally made me laugh when I saw it.

    1. Exactly. Hasn't Jenna Woginrich stated many times that taking care of her farm animals only takes about 20-30 minutes twice a day? And it probably only takes a half hour to crank out a few subpar sketches. This means she spends the other 22.5 hours surfing the internet, watching TV, eating, napping, playing video games and she's so very TIRED?

    2. It's also her Twitter "foollowers" who are "tired" of her stupid, self-promoting tweets. The daily drivel is continuing to drop her numbers. I think that many of them have already muted her bleating begging, too.

    3. Yup, Anon 1:45, she's lost over 10 in the past few days, lol.

  4. I just get a kick out of the fact that the sheep JW gave to Leah @ Moxie Ridge are popping out lambs with no fuss, muss, or problem. Unlike at JW''s farm where those same sheep were presumed pregnant for weeks and weeks and never gave birth at all...

    1. Yes, even though I don't know anything about farming, even I picked up on that. Jenna stated, "Leah is doing so well with them."

      Well of course she is. Because she doesn't get drunk every night and drink whisky with her coffee all day. Duh!

    2. Anon 7:44 pm. The success others have with PS's sheep could also suggest CAF ewes didn't conceive or lambs were born but died from exposure or predation. Better for PS to suggest ewes weren't pregnant than to admit her lack of adequate care caused deaths.

  5. Hey, everyone! Guess what's new? Jenna's bank account is nearing double digits!! Oh wait, that's not new. Nor is it anything that anyone but HER needs to know. And the only reason to tell a bunch of online strangers this kind of info is to illicit pity donations. Could she be more transparent? And of course she peppers her bleg post with all her doings and "hard work" so that the poodles will say, "Awww, poor widdle Jenna, she works sooooooo hard and she just can't catch a break!"

    Here's what our favorite lazy freeloading scam artist had to say:

    "So very, very tired. Last night I couldn't fall asleep because of anxiety about the farm [...] My bank account isn't negative [but] once I am through with tomorrow I'll be down to double digits on the ledger and need to work like hell to figure out a house payment. [...] But that's something to wake up for, fight for."

    Wait, what does that mean, "fight for"??? Is fighting a new euphemism for begging? Usually when I hear the phrase "fight for" it's in regards to someone trying to hold on to their job. Their JOB. J-O-B, Jenna. Get one and learn to love the security of having a steady income of money like most people.

    1. I got $5 bucks til tomorrow. Should I tweet that?

    2. (sash, that made me smile.) At least, you're not on Twitter shamelessly mooching for money. I've never seen any adults talk about their "double digits on the ledger" the way that our feral farmer constantly does. It's no wonder why no one will date her. What she really wants is a rich sugar mama or daddy, but she's too unattractive (externally/internally) to appeal to anyone other than a weirdo. Jenna must justify her jobless status by claiming that she has "talents" to support herself. But that only works when one is in demand. Clearly, she isn't, and her alleged "backlog of commissions" is bullshit.

    3. You know, her mortgage is close to or if not a grand a month. That is 4 digits. For her to be constantly in the double digits is just totally irresponsible when she has 2 large horses, 2 beloved dogs, and all the other victims at THIS FARM. I think that is something that just really ticks me off the most.

      Her irresponsibility to herself is one thing. But having so little money at hand, and the unwillingness to work even a part time job, just reeks of abuse. I totally get being tight because of an expected situation... we have all been there. But she is CHRONICALLY there. Every freaking month.

      Just because she can sling a phrase or two and it sounds dreamy at times, of course, if you ignore the 200 other phrases that are poor me and sad me and no date me and lonely me and drinking me and terrified me and tired me and only me.... I just don't see how ANYONE can find her life dreamy and desirable.

      Newsflash... those seeking someone with brain, looks and a feral demeanor might aught to check out the Moxy Ridge Farm person. They seem to be someone to admire and dream about "getting it done".

      Jenna Woginrich is just a pretender. A poser in the world of hip, farmer wanna be-s.

    4. Sorry to hear that, sash. Anon 1:53, good point. Because Jenna's "art" is not in demand, the few sales she does get are pity purchases. And FarmLass, agreed that Jenna has no right to own animals she can't afford. Child Services places children in foster care if the parents cannot properly provide for them. Too bad there's not a CS for domestic animals.

  6. "Last night I couldn't fall asleep because of anxiety about the farm but finally managed to not off around midnight."

    She "notted" off around midnight... She's a 'righter', ya know. LOL

    1. Jenna recently announced that she's working on a new book proposal, lol.

      What do you think it's going to be about this time?

    2. Terrified and Lonely

      The memoir of a single gay woman stalked by stalkers online on a mountainside. Alone.

      With neighbors next door, but like not too close because they are just poodles.

    3. Well, her "Live like Fantasy!" proposal wouldn't work with any reputable literary agents, so she might "right" a wacky, werewolf/lesbian/heathen/falconer/farmer murder mystery.

    4. Yeah, and in addition to that, I think she also mentioned pitching something about the difficulties of trying to date in the queer community. But that might have been for a magazine. And I don't see how she could parlay her limited experience into an entire book. I mean, she's only been supposedly queer for about 5 minutes and has only gone on a few dates. And one of them wasn't even with a real was with a rose wearing black heels or some shit like that.

    5. Anyone else remember the days of her posting repeatedly about searching for the 'right man'? She wanted to date and she wanted a partner (not surprising for a young single female). She asked friends, acquaintances and even Internet strangers to help her look for dates and to point eligible men her way. Being Jenna, she had very specific selection criteria for any man she would date; they should have beards, like Civil War history, be suitably professional and they needed good-paying jobs. Alas, she didn't have much luck with on-line dating, with no less than eight prospective members passing on her after they read her blog. Next thing we knew, she'd shifted from heterosexual to bisexual / queer and, as others have pointed out, she now seems exclusively SUPER interested in women - with nary a mention of men.

      It's a little confusing, but like others, I couldn't care less about her place on the sexuality spectrum. My theory is she looks for attention and financial support, and she casts her net all over the place, until one catches donations/followers. Over the years she has also "tried out" a variety of different cultures and religions. All part of 'living like fiction' IMHO.

  7. Some unfinished business from the previous thread:

    Anon 7:37am on 2/11 wrote: "What's also annoying is her refusal to use either her furnace or heaters. She doesn't even need the firewood. I think it's all a prop for PayPal pity poodles in the same way that her hawk and other animals are. It's all about money mooching, and photo ops on Instagram and Twitter."

    Are you saying that she lies about needing firewood just to bring in more money? That would make sense, as it seems like she supposedly procured so much this year. Like 4 or 5 cords worth. I lived with some folks who kept their wood burning stove lit 24/7 and one cord lasted them all winter. Plus, someone here said that some lady gave Jenna $1,000 for firewood at the end of summer. So you might be right.


    FarmLass wrote at 2:58pm on 2/9: "I like how she says that lesson days and workshops are good up to five years. Yet, every freaking month she is on the edge and worried about loosing the farm and posting all this sad, woe is me, THIS farm needs a lucky break, etc etc etc etc etc, ad nauseam... So like you are going to send her a bunch of money for an overpriced workshop that you hope to take in the next oh, sixty months???? When every single month is like possibly the last??? You have to be a pretty special sort of snowflake to fall for that one."

    Lol, I am a dumbass cuz I didn't even think of that! But you are so right...she can't have it both ways. So which is it Jenna Woginrich? Why are you offering classes for this summer when you continue to threaten that every month might be your last? Doesn't sound like a good investment.

    Unknown 12:59pm on 2/9 wrote:

    "Anon7 your comment reminds me of an obituary I just read 10 minutes ago.
    The obituary has went viral and has been all over the various news outlets. So funny!"

    LOL, that's exactly where I stole that joke from! That lady sounded like two hoots and a holler and someone fun to know.

    And last but not least, some great research done by Duckmama:

    "And this little gem from 2012. 2012!

    October 2012 'The horse barn still isn't walled up for winter, and I'm not sure how far along it will get. Right now I just can't get the finances together so I may just get some long boards from Home Depot to reinforce it and some plywood to make a wind break. It won't be pretty as planned but it will suffice.'

    2012?!!! And the horse lean-to STILL doesn’t have sides. What a lazy, animal abusing piece of shit she is."

    Wow...this is just like the Kiva loan where she stated that part of the money would go towards barn repair. Four years later and the dang thing still looks like it's about to collapse. Just hope there aren't any animals inside when it happens.

    1. I wrote the comment at 7:27, and believe that she's lying about needing the money for firewood. But since she's a pathological liar, it's difficult to discern when she tells the truth.

  8. Duckmama, or anyone else who is familiar with the lay of the land: Where exactly is the horse lean-to located? Just past the main hovel, there's the barn and there's a chicken coop to it's left. To the right of the driveway there are two small structures -- for pigs? And then further past the barn is another structure -- is that were the horses suffer?

  9. I love that no one wants to buy Jenna's pork or lamb shares!

    Everytime she posts about the shares being available, all I see is "Someone, ANYONE, PLEASSSSE buy my rotten meat"!

    1. I wish I were as optimistic as you. Every time I see those posts, I think, "Hm, how many times have they already been sold?"

  10. So, uh... did she take the picture of those "chicken paw" with her kindle (that she apparently brought to the grocery store)? 🙄

    1. great question cryokid! I usually have a list and a pen with me and not a kindle or any type of camera but I guess from now on I should bring one with me to grocery store you know just in case I see chicken paws.

    2. Oh, that picture has been going around. Of course, she makes it look like she took it... shesh...

    3. What, pray tell, are those chicken claws used for? I don't imagine they'd work well for chicken tacos.


    5. Thanks, Anon 1:08! Being that I don't like chicken, I think I'll pass. :D

  11. I think that this good comment got lost on the last post, because it was at the bottom of the thread. But it's worth copying for more of you to see it, and also marvel at the moron who wrote it:

    The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Gibson is a working for that kibble. Herding, chasing, guarding. Friday has chosen a life of posturing, mild threats, theft, and begging."

    She's discussing her dogs, but the description of Friday sounds like JFW. She's "chosen a life of posturing, mild threats, theft, and begging," too. Yet her complete lack of self-awareness allows her to make tweets like this inanity. It's unbelievable.

    1. Yes, for anyone who is new here: When a thread has over 200 comments, the latest comments do not show and you have to click on the "Load more" button (at the bottom of the page) to see them.

      And very astute observation. Jenna described her entire persona perfectly. But she forgot to add "lying manipulator" to that list.

  12. Good afternoon, Shammers! On Jenna Woginrich's Instagram page she babbles about some expresso machine that her partner in crime, Patty, gave to her. And the first thought that crossed Jenna's mind was, "How much could I get for this on eBay?"

    Need proof? Look no further than what she had to say in the comments:

    "well these are on ebay, I found some while researching my new favorite trinket. Worth every penny."

    Bet she was sorry to see they aren't enough for a mortgage payment.

    1. Speaking of her Instagram page, that pic of the black-nosed piggy with a pink spot in the middle of it: Is that where the pig got shocked when Jenna purposely and manically electrocuted the poor thing after spitefully pouring water on the grounding rod?

    2. No, I think that the reason that she knows how much they cost on Ebay is because she's lying about how she got it in the first place. She bought it online and just covered her ass with the Patti story.

      Just saying.

    3. I agree FarmLass. I think she bought that expresso machine on EBay. No way she just happened to find it at Patty's. Like the "trash saddle" and other shit she's "found." Liar.

    4. I doubt that Pember Patty would give her an expensive espresso machine. I also agree that she bought it on eBay, or maybe found it at the town dump. Just like the new bike. (She said with sarcasm.)

    5. Yeah, like who gets a gift and then runs to ebay to find out how much they are? Because you are going to buy another? Or you are going to sell it? Whaa?

      She is so transparent.

    6. Does Patty not care that she used her in such a lie??

    7. Pember Patty, as described in detail on CAST, is also a crook like Jenna Woginrich. They appear to aid and abet each other.

  13. Anon 7....Chicken 'paws', usually just called chicken feet, are great for when you are making stock or soup, they have lots of glucosamine I think it is. They are also a great addition to your dog's diet if you are feeding raw. I have used them lots of times.

    1. Thanks for filling me in. Don't think I've ever seen those here. But I have seen horse tongue and pig's feet. Pickled. Interesting.

  14. Folks looking for dog art? There are better ways to get a drawing of your pet than Jenna's quick-draw, slo-delivery crap art. This site just popped up on my Instagram feed, and they're having a genuine 50% off Valentine's Day sale. Very likely their artists use sales to 'earn up' enough money to pay bills and keep wolves from the door! I might try them!

    1. Holeeeee-crap! Those are above and beyond way better than Jenna's sketches! And they are only $40 compared with, what is it that Jenna is asking? $150? $75? I've lost track with all her "sales" she has.

      Jenna's work reminds me of an artist I used to follow who offered "10 minute sketches" for $10 each. And even though Jenna's crayons hers in, they looked quite similar. And only $10.

  15. Let's talk about farm shares...

    A few days ago, our FFF wrote: "Shares are open for 2019 half and whole pigs and lambs! Looking for small-farm raised food at very competitive rates? Send me an email!"

    OMG, Shammers have the good sense to run away!! When animal welfare, quality, production delays and transportation costs are included, NO NO NO. Just NO. In my area of the country, we’re blessed with excellent farmers; they feed top quality food, and they understand, probably to the pound, what their finished animals will weigh. Their “pasture raised” livestock are actually pasture raised under humane conditions.

    Now I've read about the faux feral farmer for years. She posts old photos of piglets running in grass, but the reality is her pigs do not live like that. If animals are what they eat, hers are filled with despair, discarded deli meat sandwiches and leftover/stale donuts. Weirdly, she can't predict how much her meat animals will weigh and when they will be butchered. So even though you will have paid IN ADVANCE to cover all animal care costs, past experience shows FFF delays butchering for her convenience - mostly until she has gathered enough money to pay the butcher.

    But, wait. Didn't you already PAY for your animal's expenses, including butchering? Silly person; by Fall/Winter 2019, she will have already spent YOUR money and she will need more. So you likely will wait... and wait. November, December, January?? How long must you wait??? At the end of your very long wait, you may be surprised at your final product. FFF has actually warned new buyers not to be shocked that a lamb share might only be 20 pounds of finished weight!

    FFF tried to sweeten her sales pitch by adding: "MY prices include the price of the animal (which you either own or co-own) as well as the butchering and smoking/cutting fees. Most farmers have you pay for the meat and then pay your butcher bill later, I offer a lower rate to pay all upfront."

    Lol. As though this is a good thing. You’d have to be a special kind of innocent (or stupid) to let FFF manage both ends of meat production. In the past, she’s publicly tried to sell multiple shares of the same animal; she did this so she could squeeze more money out of the same animal and, yes, cheat the share owner. Why would you give such a person total freedom to butcher AND weigh /distribute your product?

    Using an independent meat processor assures the meat is handled honestly - and correctly. They are licensed for processing and storing meat until pick-up. This is important because improperly handled/stored meat can increase disease. FFF posted repeatedly about diseased animals on her property, being worried about catching ringworm etc.

    Also, why on earth would anyone want meat stored by someone (1) whose electricity/freezer was shut off by the power company and (2) likely stored wild animal carcasses and raw milk soap ingredients in the same freezer as food product? Just asking.

    As a final incentive, FFF added: "NY pickup only - I do not ship meat. So if you're in the Capital Region north of Albany or like driving - consider supporting this farmer by buying food from her!"

    Wow. Folks, please drive to upstate NY to pick up 20 pounds of lamb, then add $50 for gas (an additional $2.25/pound for a 300 mile round-trip). Although I excluded tolls, wear and tear on your vehicle and/or rental car costs, food, time traveled and the loss of your soul when visiting CAF, those costs should really be included.

    When making a small farm purchase, it's critical that you consider the true cost of getting your product. With just a tiny bit of research, you can find a reputable local farmer and buy meat from them. Your product will be better, overall costs more predictable, the distance shorter and your smile wider.

    1. Excellent! Yes, yes, yes, you nailed it.

      And I do believe, offering the whole package is generally illegal, isn't it? She's not a licensed seller of meat. When we do butcher hogs, we are only allowed to sell the animal. We can't collect the butcher fee, too and all. It has to be handled through the butcher. (I mean, I have taken a check to the butcher for my customer, but it was written to the butcher, not me...) That is how you ensure that you are getting ALL of your meat.

      And she grossly misrepresents the whole farm share scenario. I remember her being very excited that a hog weight was like a hundred pounds or something when a decent weight for that breed would have been double or more. She butchered way early because she needed the cash. She has no understanding of the basics of livestock management for meat.

      Or well, any livestock management, really. Maybe instead of all that time online stalking celebrities or learning how to point her eyebrows, she could "learn up" a little livestock and farm management as well.

    2. FarmLass, what interesting points. I wonder if what she is doing IS legal? Anyone in NY know???

      None of the small-farms that offer meat shares around me do this -- I pay them for my share of the animal and then I arrange for the cuts of meat I want through the butcher/processor and I write them a separate check. Since the livestock managers feed a known amount, they know exactly how much weight gain their animals will have. FFF's almost random experience in producing meat animals makes me wonder if her animals are underweight because of the garbage she feeds them, because they are borderline sick or because she is lying about their real weight so she can sell multiple shares of the same animal.

    3. Wow, great and informative post, PoodleDiDoo!

      Question regarding the finished weight of the animals: Do real farmers take into account weight lost during cold weather season? Reason I ask is cuz we've been feeding a feral cat for years and when it's cold out, we give her extra food because we know she's burning calories trying to stay warm, so she needs the extra calorie consumption.

      Is this a consideration in raising meat animals?

    4. Ok, so I already know I worry a bit TOO much about what others think in life, but I simply cannot fathom how she lives with herself knowing she will give low quality meat, overcharge for it and ask someone to drive to her state to pick up said crap product. I have a side gig and I go above and beyond to make sure my customers are more than happy. I would have a rotten feeling in my gut if I knew I was selling something half-ass.

    5. Everything Jenna does is a crap, half-ass product. I don't know how the girl can live with herself. No wonder she feels "terrified" and has anxiety issues.

    6. Poodle, we sell beef (not many anymore, getting old and cutting back) and I've never heard of anyone, anywhere trying to cheat the system the way Jenna does.

      Anon 7, weight lost? If an animal is losing weight in the winter, you either aren't providing enough food or shelter. We always feed more in the winter and they gain weight all year round. Except the horses. I just try to maintain their weight. Jenna is not a good farmer, and doesn't seem to care about her animals at all.

    7. Yes, in extreme cold, you need to up the calorie requirements for large livestock. All farmers know this and just do it.

      Anon 7, Your kitty friend might need to be wormed. :-) Our barn cats will start to loose a little weight and we give them extra feed, but still doesn't help. Finally figured it out... worm load was high from eating mousies and such. And a feral cat probably gets into occasional ickies even with your food service. A simple wormer in a treat every so often is enough to help with that. I hope that helps. :-)

    8. Red - We haven't noticed any weight loss, but are giving her extra food anyway so she doesn't shiver herself skinny.

      Farmlass - Good tip, thanks. I've seen worms coming out of a cat's butt before...and oh boy. So we always make sure to look at her behind area for that type of thing. So even though we've never seen any, do you think it's a good idea to slip her occasional wormer treats anyway? Or would that be unnecessary?

    9. Yes, you just might be seeing them at the right time, if they groom them away or what have you. If kitty is mostly feral, outdoors, there is a pretty good chance they will need a little parasite help. I would do it just every other month or three. Just see if maybe that helps a bit. I know it helps with barn cats. I've heard many a farmer person talk about it and I've seen with our own barn kitties. Even a light load, plus super cold will kinda put a strain on kitty that comfy weather might not do, ya know? Just thinking out loud and wishing you the best!

  16. Oh, look. The celebrity seeking attention whore is trying to attract another famous person's attention:

    The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Kristen Bell (Surprise, another blue check account.)

    "That brunette better be Elsa's girlfriend."

    It's pathetic how her tweets are focused on anything that's lesbian related. I'd bet that she hasn't even kissed a woman yet, but behaves like she's been queer forever. Just like she's an expert on farming, "righting," and "half-price pet portraits!"

    1. But the "representation means so much." <--- Actual quote by FFF

      I follow so many actually LGBT folks on Twitter, and Jenna trying to be them is so cringy. Being queer is nothing more than a "cool thing" for her and it pisses me off that she's acting like she grew up with discrimination when we all know the truth of her "super duper gayness." She's not celebrating for the sake of a potentially lesbian Disney relationship. She's using it to try and show off how gay she is so people will pay attention to her.

    2. Agreed. Beyond pathetic. And then she made this proclaimation:

      "The entire queer community getting ready to throw down if Disney doesn't make the gayest character in their history canon."

      The entire queer community? How could she even know this? Jenna reminds me of a newly-minted lesbian walking into a gay bar wearing a rainbow shirt, earrings, belt and shoes, waving her pride flags and butting her way into conversations like a long lost friend. And she's pretty much doing the online equivalent.

    3. Ugh, I know. I'm gay, absolutely not ready to 'throw down' if Elsa's not gay although it would be cool, and definitely find it super odd when Jenna tries to speak for all of us.

      There was another time when she was claimed a certain actor was known to the lesbian community only "as a guy who was in an Anna Kendrick movie" but it wasn't even, as far as I could tell, any kind of queer movie and Anna Kendrick was straight and married in the movie, and it's like, "what does that have to do with anything queer?"

    4. I'm also a bisexual woman, but wouldn't claim to speak for "my people." What a bunch of bull. All of a sudden she's an authority on "the queer community." It's no wonder why she continues to lose followers on an almost daily basis.

    5. I have several gay friends whom I have learned a lot from. You cannot bullshit your way into anything; they are strong ladies and can smell a fake a mile away. Jenna's a poser.

    6. I'm a homo too and I haven't even seen Frozen!

  17. On Twitter, some pearls of wisdom by Jenna Woginrich:

    "Happy Valentine's to the long-haul single people out there creating the life they want without waiting for a partner to live it. You take on the damn world. You are my people."

    Oh do shut up, pig shocker.

    1. Priceless closing phrase !!! :)

    2. Anon7, THAT is the name I've been searching for! From now on Jenna is, and will forever be, PIG SHOCKER!

    3. That stupid tweet was cringe-worthy. And she's used the lame line "You are my people." multiple times before.

      The twat on Twitter:

      Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

      Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Nicole Cliffe

      "I was on a You're The Worst tear when I trapped and trained my third hawk, which is why she was named Aya Cash. That woman plays such a sharp, mean, amazing, honest character. #redheadredtail"

      Once again, she's trying to tweet to another blue check account for attention. And as of this morning it received no "likes" or responses. JFW is like an annoying, fat fly who won't be batted away once it sees a target.

      Jenna Woginrich added,
      Nicole Cliffe
      Verified account @Nicole_Cliffe

    4. Of course she had to mention "when I trapped and trained my third hawk". Yea okay, isn't this the same hawk you killed?

    5. Haha...glad you like it! It just kinda slipped out but it epitomizes my deep dislike of Jenna Woginrich. When I first heard about her I was at first amused by her reddit thread that went down in flames. Then I found the Sham blog and my disgust grew as I read about her scamming ways. But when I read about the pig shocking incident I was filled with rage that someone would purposely harm innocent animals like that. So Pig Shocker it is. Give or take a few expletives.

  18. What do you think the truth is about her finances? Is she broke, or is she sitting on money and pretending to be broke for donations?

    I just doubt that all her begging is paying her mortgage each month. Surely she has some other income coming in? We've all seen her followers dwindle so no way are they supporting her entirely. Is she drowning in debt or are her folks supporting her?

    It makes me so sad to think of that lovely property being ruined by this bum. She has had so many opportunities and squandered them all. Even now, there is so much she could do with the space she has but she wont because she is so profoundly lazy.


    1. I've often thought the same thing about her running that house down. I am a home and property owner a few times over and always like to think we improve our properties...and not by begging.

    2. I have no idea. I do know that the farm fabrication stories/begging starts when she wants something. Like a new puppy, snowshoes, tent, espresso machine, saddle, etc. The list goes on and on. I don't think she needs firewood or repairs on the truck, root canals; I think all that is bullshit. I do think she is lazy, has a serious drinking problem and is an internet/pop culture addict. To the point she can't do much of anything else. I think when she first got the farm, she was sincerely wanting to make the place profitable and had all kinds of plans and energy. But over the years, she has gotten lazier, more out of shape to run a farm and become very complacent. She is now a constant online begger and has run her place into the ground. She is in way over her head with all the work, animals, maintenance and general upkeep. She can't handle it all so she stays inside on the internet begging and drinking and totally in denial. That's her in a nutshell.

    3. Graphic Girl: I agree with your assessment of JFW. I've noticed the same patterns for years. She's like a child who wants something that they can't afford. So they whine, plead and beg for it. And it seems like no amount of public consternation ever changes either her approach or behavior. I also think that she has a huge impulsive control issue, in addition to being an alcoholic. She never should've bought "this farm" to begin with in her twenties. And quitting her Orvis job was a big mistake, too. At least she had a steady income plus insurance. In no way, shape or form is she a normal adult. I mean one with the desire to earn their own way in the world instead of stealing it from PayPal pity poodles.

    4. I have noticed it as well. Her earlier writings were about the farm and rather amusing. I really enjoyed reading it. But now it's just one beg after another.

    5. It's so hard to say what's what with all the lying that Jenna does. Based on what she writes and what I've read discussed here, I DO believe she's broke most of the time cuz she's an idiot who blows money on booze and non-necessities. I think she just barely scrapes by, but at the cost of the humiliation that daily online panhandling must bring.

      I think when things really get bad (i.e. she's several months behind on mortgage, electricity is shut off, junky truck breaks down) that's when she launches a major beg-a-thon. But I agree with Graphic Girl that the firewood and root canals are total bullshit.

      In case anyone is interested in crunching some numbers, Anon 2:19 below just happened to post this bleg entry where Jenna rambles on about how much everything costs and how she (supposedly) makes money:

    6. Graphic Girl wrote: "I think when she first got the farm, she was sincerely wanting to make the place profitable and had all kinds of plans and energy. But over the years, she has gotten lazier, more out of shape to run a farm and become very complacent. She is now a constant online begger and has run her place into the ground."

      This is a perfect summation. And so very sad. Not that she had much potential given her personality and mental issues, but still sad.

      Anon 11:38 wrote: "She never should've bought "this farm" to begin with in her twenties."

      And especially since she couldn't even afford it and had to ask online strangers for help. "Hmmm, gee, I don't seem to have the down payment...maybe I'll ask the internet!"

      Who does that?!?

  19. Apparently, I got Valentines Day wrong all these. I thought it was for wishing those you love and care about a nice day. Instead I should say the words followed by several snarky comments. Who knew?

    1. what? what happened.. did it happen here?

    2. I'm assuming that they're referring to one of JFW's tweets.

    3. It was my comment and I was referring to her Happy Valentines Day tweet. It just annoyed me.

    4. Sour grapes again because Jenna doesn't have a partner.

    5. I'm 11:39. That's what I thought. As a special Valentine's Day gift to our lovely shamsters, I found this blast from the past. Check this out: It'll make you wince and smirk.

    6. Oh gawd...that effing bleg post. 27 paragraphs of Jenna trying to convince HERSELF that her pathetic way of life is honest and justified. Think about it, no one asked her to write all that. In fact, no one asked her anything. She was just replying to someone who called her out on her bullshit. A lot of wasted keystrokes trying to justify a dishonest life spent panhandling online.

      Thanks for reposting, Anon. I can always use a good laugh!

    7. Almost forgot, one of Jenna's snarky tweets from today:

      "The restraint (and sobriety) I am sporting right now is saving you all from a way too personal Valentine's Day rant."

      Awww, bummer. But in case anyone is wondering, it would've sounded something like this:

      "I've always hated Valentine's Day because nobody has ever given me one. Not even when my school teacher said we had to give one to everyone in class. Poor me, I went home terrified that my popular sister would see my empty bag. And then after I sobbed for hours, I placed the bag on my head where it truly belonged. And it's such a stupid holiday anyway. Why waste a bunch of money on flowers that will die in a week, and chocolate that's one minute on the lips and forever on the hips (and upper arms)? People shouldn't spend so much time and energy on this useless consumer crap."

      Fast forward to a day when hell freezes over and Jenna finally scores a date. On Valentine's Day no less:

      "OMG, guys? Valentine's Day is the best??!!!??!!! A green cactus in hiking boots took me to the best restaurant ever (Subway) and even gave me a box of chocolates! And flowers too! Woooooo!!!"

      Only then would the gatekeeping end.

    8. I didn't realize she identifies as bisexual. She seems so completely woman-focused now (e.g., it used to be that if she mentioned a prospective spouse it was a given it would be a man, whereas now it seems like if she mentions a prospective spouse or date or lucking into a bed that's effortlessly warm, it's assumed it will be a woman).

    9. Pig Shocker's ideal date is anyone with a full wallet.

  20. It looks like our fave FFF wrote another insipid piece for Outside online. She bragged about it on Twitter today. This one is on sling packs. Maybe they're big enough for some "slung luck" and bottles of bourbon, too. I'm curious to know how much they paid her for this drivel. And she's also lost more followers since yesterday.

    1. Yeah, just saw that. OK shammers: Who's gonna take one for the team and read Jenna's stinking turd of a review for slung luck sling packs?

      Here's the tweet:

      "My second piece for Outside! A review of sling packs - the kind of packs that people need who are using their main hand for a fishing rod, camera, reins, or a hawk!"

      More like the kind of pack that Jenna needs when using her main hand for pouring water on a grounding rod for extra spite. Pig shocking wench.

    2. Or for pouring whiskey down her throat.

    3. I read the review and it was boring. A high school senior could've written it better.

    4. I checked it out too and was surprised at how little she wrote. She put a lot more effort into her previous review of backpacks. In fact, for one of the slung luck packs she only wrote TWO sentences. WTF? She most likely wrote those reviews while on the toilet, with a mug of whisky in one hand and her cell phone in the other.

  21. Someone should be charting the loss of followers and such every day. Wouldn't that be fun to watch the downward spiral?

    1. Well, last week she had 4,428 foollowers (28 real ones, 4,400 purchased). Then yesterday it fell to 4,419 and today it's 4,417. Slow but steady!

      As for the downward spiral, color me ready.

      But I think the best person to ask is the Shammer who noticed and mentioned it a few weeks ago, as they may remember what their starting count was.

    2. I responded to the losing more followers below in my morning comment.

  22. Now she's saying that the setting for Frozen 2 is in the Adirondacks. Never mind that the setting for the original Frozen takes place in Norway or something.

    But Jenna has to make everything all about her own life. The narcissism on this one never ceases to amaze me.

    1. Pretty soon Jenna will be claiming that the setting for Frozen is on the surface of her frozen toilet water.

      Oh hey Cryokid, you're famous! My mother-in-law came over today and started telling me about this interesting story she saw on TV about a group of siblings that just found out they're all related and I was like, wait, I know her! Lol, well kinda. I told her a bit more about it (what you shared here) and she just loves the story...she called it fascinating and sweet!

    2. That's so funny!! I love that people are so into our story. It's hands-down the weirdest thing to happen in my life. I gave a talk this summer about my personal experience, so maybe I'll share with y'all one of these days. I'm so tickled that your MIL randomly brought it up to you!

    3. Maybe I'm being nit-picky, but she doesn't even live in the Adirondacks. The photos she posts are from much further north. She lives in the upper Hudson Valley of NY. It's quaint and charming, but far from the rugged, wild picture she tries to paint it as.

    4. Cryokid and Anon7 - my neighbor brought it up to me recently too!! I was like "oh, yeah, I am friends with one of them The woman from the far left of the picture!!" Neighbor was like "cool! What's her name and what is she like?" I was like..."um..Cryokid and she is super hilarious and fun!" Hahaha.

    5. LOL. I'm so tickled!! I really wish they had left in the part where I was cooking eggs for everyone. I think that's the closest I'll ever get to being on a cooking show.

      Here's a link to my talk about being donor conceived, if anyone's interested!

      The sibling count is out of date, and it's a little long, but my story is pretty unique/interesting.

    6. Thanks for the link! I'll watch it as soon as I can wrestle my headphones away from my music-obsessed son.

  23. Aannndd here we go again -- Jenna Woginrich via Twitter "Guys please be patient if you are waiting on art or soap. I am doing my best to catch up. I work on 3-6 clients a day and mail out orders and art several times a week. Dealing with keeping the farm and avoiding foreclosure to luck turns around. Most of you are and I am grateful!:

    Translation: Most of you are pissed that you have been waiting since last summer for your order, but I am too busy pre-selling orders that I will also fail to fulfill -- delaying in hopes those clients will also forget so I can just keep the money. Plus going to the bar, watching television and obsessing on social media.

    By the way, I am slapping together orders for people who have finally had to pressure me to get what they paid for, but if you believe how often I am stuck at home with truck problems, you know for sure I am not mailing art and soap out more than 1 or 2 times a month at best. If it was more often, you know I would be tweeting about it. So keep sending me your $$ and get off my back about delivering the product you ordered. And just wait til you try to get your pork or lamb."

    1. She's only "grateful" when PayPal pity poodles send her money for no reason.

    2. LMAO, Anon 9:33 - So true! And it's funny that instead of continuing to "catch up" on artwork today, the Pig Shocker has instead wasted time on Twitter looking up crap to retweet, including: Recipes, new books to read, carbon footprint info and reading about interpretive dance. No less than 9 tweets about this stuff. What a time wastrel she is.

  24. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Jenna Woginrich

    "Get lamb or pork for your freezer next winter by reserving meat now! Don't live close and want to support the farm? Some folks have bought shares to go to my local foodbank! DM if interested!"

    Sure, JFW. There's no way that anyone is buying her crap meat to be sent to local foodbanks. Again, it's a bunch of bull from the pathological liar and multiple scammer.


    "Good morning from a very icy and challenging Cold Antler Farm! For all of our sanity, here's a picture of the same place in summer with shedded coats and moss under our paws."

    Give it up, pig shocker. No one wants to hear about the hardships that "this farm" is going through during "Winter's Bottom 2." And here's yet another opportunity for a photo op with her pet props.

    Plus, she has more inane tweets about gay Disney cartoon characters. And it's "lest we forget," you moron, not "less we forget." She still continues to lose more followers. Yes, Anon7, I've been keeping track in a loose way. I'm unsure exactly how many have quit the FFF over the past month, but she's down be an obvious amount.

    1. "by an obvious amount."

    2. LOL!!! Clearly, she reads here, because she just made the correction to "Lest" on her stupid tweet. But it's after the fact, Jenna, so it doesn't count 'cause I called you on it first. And she never does that on her own. We must be on her morning reading radar. The time difference between my tweet and hers can't be coincidental. When I wrote my comment she hadn't made the correction yet. Busted you, again, idiot.

    3. Yup, it looks like this is another way to sell the same animal more than once:

      "Don't live close and want to support the farm? Some folks have bought shares to go to my local foodbank!"

      Kinda like when she asked her foollowers to purchase fiddle lessons that would be donated to some poverty-stricken person in her town who doesn't exist. Who would ever know if the food bank received the rotten meat or not? I doubt that the pig shocker has ever donated anything to her local food bank.

    4. Anon6:45/6:03. I like when she gets busted on her bullshit. She won't even take time to correct major mistakes on her bleg, let alone a single tweet from a day ago. So it's obvious that she read your comment, then scurried over to Twitter and made the change. You alerted her to the error. Otherwise, she never would've realized it.

    5. She just shoots herself in the foot all the time. Who wants to risk a YEAR to get some expensive 10 or 20 pounds of meat when she is belly aching about loosing THIS farm all the time? She doesn't have a clue.

      Sorry, but anyone can pay top dollar for decent meat these days and get it right away.

  25. I believe she had 4,439 followers before she suggested people who find her constant repeat of selling her products tedious just unfollow her. That was on Feb. 8th. I guess they took her suggestion because she has 4,414 today.

    1. Only 4,414 foollowers (and almost all having PS on mute)?

      Uh oh! Time to trigger the Pig Shocker Twit Alarm!!!

      More, more MORE carefully curated photos and tweets on animals and yet another manufactured crisis on her animals.

    2. Thanks for the info, Anon! And you gotta wonder how many of those foollowers were purchased. It's a thing. And she only has 2,000 foollowers on her Instagram, so something's not matching up.

      BTW, y'all now calling Jenna "Pig Shocker" is cracking me up!

  26. JW: Anxiety is a monster, no doubt, but some of us bridle it and jump on its back to get where we need to go. We need it to carry us towards the next foothold of relief.

    If this is how she thinks anxiety works, she clearly has never had it.

    1. Seriously, anxiety is a debilitating condition. Her ability to "get where she needs to go" (aka hustle for money) is powered by the realization that she'll lose the farm if she hides in bed all day. Free money is her motivator, not anxiety.

  27. A trio of related tweets today from our favorite Pig Shocker:

    "Getting cabin fever so I pulled out all my hiking gear to go over packs and supplies and plan the perfect outing. Holy crap I bring a lot. I bring everything I need have a 5+ hour workout, cook a feast, read, nap/meditate. I am the anti ultra-light hiker. I am a draft pony."

    "*sees marathon-running-ultra-lighter with a waist pack at summit*

    Him: That pack? You out all weekend?

    Me: *Pulling out everything I need to make a pizza* "No."

    Him: You hiked 4 miles to make a pizza?

    Me: *pulling out book* 'And read.'"

    "You ever make a pan pizza by a fire at dusk on top of a mountain while reading from The Hobbit for the 30th time? This is what the monks of my order do. I suggest joining us."

    OK...I have a few thoughts about this so-called adventure:

    1) She is really behind on artwork but instead of putting her snout to the grindstone, she instead wasted 5+ hours mountain smashing, eating pizza and reading. And she hiked 4 miles each way? Rrrrrright.

    2) She must have been in bi mode today, ovulating, and that dude must've been hella cute cuz normally she'd be "terrified" about running into a "creepy" man all alone on a mountain top. Also, he asks her a quick question and she answers by emptying out the contents of her backpack? Sounds more like a scenario from one of her bodice-ripping romance novels. And a desperate attempt to look cool.

    3) The monks of her order? She leads a less than virtuous life and thinks she can compare herself to a monk? She's got the celibate thing in common, but that's about it. She's nothing more than a culture-appropriating scam artist.

    4) She says made the pizza at dusk. And in the time it took to bake it, eat it, and do all the clean-up and packing up, it was no doubt dark by then. Are we supposed to believe that she hiked 4 miles back down that mountain in the dark? Even with a headlamp, that would be really stupid.

    5) It was 25 degrees in her area today, and we are to believe that she had a relaxing time on the top of a mountain in FRIGID temps and cooked, ate, read, napped and meditated for over 5 hours? Bullshit. If it were summer, maybe. She made up the whole story to add to her supposedly idyllic feral existence. And the back and forth exchange with the man was nothing more than a humble-brag to suggest how "quirky" she is. "I make pizza on mountaintops. RAWR!" Isn't that just precious. Unless she posts pics tomorrow on Instagram, I don't believe any of this happened.

    1. Anon7, YES! Reading your post made my morning coffee break. You are exactly right. No photos, no evidence of Pig Shocker trudging up a mountain yesterday, then lounging in 25 degree temp to eat pizza.

      Laughing because right now PS is frantically searching her archive pictures to see if there is a close-focus photo somewhere she can pass off as "evidence" of her being on a mountain night. Must suck to be called out on her lies.

      Btw, PS, Hello! How is catching up with your orders going??? You were eager to take poodle money, but not so eager to complete their orders? Tsk. Tsk.

    2. Anon 7 wrote... 4) She says made the pizza at dusk. And in the time it took to bake it, eat it, and do all the clean-up and packing up, it was no doubt dark by then. Are we supposed to believe that she hiked 4 miles back down that mountain in the dark? Even with a headlamp, that would be really stupid.

      Aw, don't worry, she has a cell phone in case anything bad happens! Oh, no, wait. No cell phone. Just a kindle. A super kindle.

      Good catch about the whole pizza meditation nap session. what a gumby. And how lovely of her clients to know that instead of working on their LATE orders, she is out fooling around in the cold, dangerously cooking and sleeping on a mountain hill in the extreme cold with scary jogger men without a cell phone. Or apparently a dog. Because she didn't mention any canine protection.

      And no pictures in this day and age, yeah, nope.

    3. Awww, I'm surprised she didn't say she was out looking for know, the hawk that escaped and has likely died from being entangled in its anklets/ jesses.

    4. She must have read your comment, Poods, cuz today she tweeted that she hiked and had lunch near the spot where Dash escaped. She said, "I miss him so very much. I hope he's okay." Sure she does.

      If she really felt that way, she'd be out looking for him. I lost a parakeet when I was 10 and I spent all night and got up early the next morning to search. I found him in a tree on another street and successfully captured him.

    5. Pig Shocker is an online panhandler. Her business model depends on begging cash and 'sympathy buys' from new people who like the fake story that she's a scrappy small-time farmer struggling on a mountainside and running out of firewood. The story is much less appealing once they learn she lives in a comfortable town, chooses to use/talk about firewood (she has a whole-house oil furnace) and lurches from crisis to crisis mostly because she refuses to do farm maintenance or (gasp!) get an outside job to cover the bills. It is much less romantic to prop up a nearly 40 yo heavy drinker who binge watches Netflix, fantacizes about young women, does minimal farm/animal care and lives off the goodness of others.

      Because she only learned the minimum of farming before calling herself an expert, PS offers nothing to people who actually live (and function) in the country. From an information standpoint, she can only appeal to an ignorant base - people who live in city/suburbs and are fascinated by the thought of life in the country, but who won't bother even learning the basics of country life. Real farmers, breeders, gardeners, riders and ranchers catch onto her bullsh** pretty fast. Real soap makers, illustrators and graphic designers also figure her out right away - and depart.

      Like the street panhandler that keeps a sad-looking puppy chained to him, Jenna will continue to use animals as props. They get attention and generate pity donations. Expect more photos of animals! After all, in Pig Shocker's world, animals SELL.

  28. So it doesn't get lost up there, I'm reposting Cryokid's link to her short YouTube video:

    I still find this fascinating. The story about the 23 and Me must have been the most surprised customer ever! There you were, just wondering about your ancestry, and then boom surprise! I also have a few more questions:

    Even though you all have different mothers and many of you share a resemblance, are there any siblings that look a lot alike? Like twin look-alikes?

    Also, you mention that the theatre gene is strong -- is there anything else that is predominant with all the siblings? For example, in one half of my extended family the music gene dominates big time. Every single one who has the Irish blood is musical. Drummers, guitarists, singers. It's almost criminal how many musicians there are in my family. Anything like that in yours?

    1. Ahahaha, thank you!

      Other than the set of twins and set of triplets, there are a bunch of us who definitely resemble each other strongly. I gave another talk once where I put up a bunch of sibs' pictures side by side, and the reaction I got to that was pretty wild. A ton of us have the same eyes. Most of us have the same bags under our eyes. Whenever a new sibling pops up, we try to figure out which of us they most look like.

      In addition to our creativity, most of us share our political beliefs and lack of religion. We're all extremely liberal, and even if we were raised in a certain religion, most of us are either non-practicing now or just atheist/agnostic. Our creative side is pretty insane, though. We also tend to be huge animal lovers across the board!

  29. The FFF, PS has lost another follower as of this morning. She's down to 4, 413. And I doubt that she "naps" and "meditates" while "mountain smashing." Especially during winter weather. What a poser and liar.

    1. Down to 4,412 now. Drip, drip, drip...every day a few more drops down the drain as people wise up to her scamming ways.

  30. Luck and Stubbornness

    "It's been a rough month and I am doing my best to get through it. The farm is warm and the animals are well but the same anxieties are filling every corner of my day. It's why I don't write here as often. It will be the same content: fear of losing the farm. It's been especially frustrating this week with three people messaging me about meat shares (one even committing to buy) and then all of them backing out. Which is understandable. Everyone is trying to budget and figure out their lives. I am going to try and find some things I can sell online or auction off. I have 11 days to have that mortgage payment postmarked before the house is back in the foreclosure zone. This is all I am thinking about."


    "And the honest truth is if something doesn't turn around here fast, some sort of real luck like a book contract or a big freelance, I'm in real trouble. Living a life where you are always just ahead enough of the pacing danger chasing you means working your ass off just to stay out of failure's cross hairs."


    "I am hoping for luck and stubbornness. I am hoping soon I am writing you about spring lambs and piglets and not about being anxious and somewhat lonesome for a partner in all of this. Both seem like such long shots: financial stability and romance. I'm okay if both are. But every so often you need to reach those footholds for your own sanity. So you are encouraged to keep trying when Spring seems so very very far away."

    Someone call her the wahhhbulance. Her latest bleg is the usual whining complaints, and losing "this farm" crap. I've come to believe that she thrives on drama and creating crises for money mooching chances. Maybe the people who backed out of buying diseased meat did their due diligence, and discovered this site and our Twitter account. I can't wait until she loses her hovel, and her pet props find new homes. Jenna chooses her life filled with "terrors" and "anxiety." It would be easier to just get a job, and have some financial security. Yet she refuses to be a mature adult and handle her own life.

    1. So happy she was relaxed enough and had time to post about purchasing her latest hiking patch from Etsy. Whew! For a moment, I thought she might have to get a job.

    2. She's always talking about being thisclose to losing the farm, yet she hollers, "Come learn to play the fiddle or shoot arrows this summer!" But as others here have pointed out, there's no guarantee that she'll be there by then.

      But guys, she's in "real trouble' now. All this foreclosure talk must mean she's behind several months. Anyone keeping track of the mortgage payments? Last I recall she mailed in November, but I don't remember hearing about Dec or Jan, not to mention Feb, lol.

    3. Her financial situation is a mystery. She reminds me of the fake animal rescuer in my state who pleaded "poverty" (too poor to get regular hair cuts for example), but the courts discovered he and his wife each earned $190K/year, he had numerous time-shares and a suburban home worth $350K+.

      Anyone remember how dismissive Pig Shocker was when she refused the good advice to get discounted dental care for her teeth?? Getting that discount would have required reviewers to examine her finances. She rejected that idea right away and said words to the effect of "I'm not poor enough to qualify. I'm broke."

      Hmmm. She's not poor. She's broke. Consider this...

      Anybody else think Pig Shocker is just a self-indulgent, entitled wannabe who happily wastes money she earns/is given?? Anyone else notice how often she expects others to bail her out & sponsor her frittering, drink-filled lifestyle?? Anyone else shocked at the disdain/anger she shows when people suggest she build a website or open an online store to 'sell' her products??

      Lol. Her business isn't selling logos, art, soap or meat shares. It's selling her pathetic story so she can get subscriptions, handouts, donations and pity purchases.

  31. if she is so terrified of loosing the place and no money perhaps just for something different why not go mountain smashing tomorrow in the new snow stay home and work on orders. Oh wait forget I said that it made way to much sense if you are a self employed wana be.

  32. More from today's bleg:

    "...The sun is shining on the icy hills and so far I only fell over once today. I am home and working. I am ready for the snowfall that is predicted and I have all the firewood and dogs I need to feel safe and warm. I've stopped drinking and plan on being dry for a while. It is helping with my sleep..."

    First thing: there is ONE INCH of snow predicted for Cambridge, NY tonight and ONE INCH of snow for tomorrow. Hahaha. Nice try at worrying your readers.

    Second thing: how much alcohol do you have to routinely drink to post to the world that you "plan on being dry for awhile..." ???

    Just a thought, but maybe excessive alcohol consumption is part of the reason the 'farm' is in shambles, client work is late and projects don't get done on time?

    1. PoodleDiDoo, alcohol definitely plays a part. She admittedly drinks every night before bed and when you do that, you don't get the proper deep sleep that you need. When a normal person sleeps, that's when the brain organizes and files away everything that happened that day. And that's how memories are created. But when you drink like she does, you don't really sleep, as you are heavily sedated. And the brain can't do it's job unless you are having deep REM sleep, and not just merely sedated.

      This is why she can't remember who ordered sketches and soap and why she tweets out those, "If you haven't received your product, please reach out to me" messages.

  33. Jenna Woginrich

    Blog readers*: WRITE MORE BLOG POSTS
    Me: I just wrote one
    Me: But I'm anxious and worried all the time...
    Me: It's just me here and...
    Me: But

    *not all readers, but enough

    Okay Sham Class... let's talk about this post.

    Our snowflake says that enough readers are telling her... we want REAL content, not just gloom and doom and personal angst. And she feels they are somehow not worthy to try and create said content to keep them amused.

    Yet, on the other hand, she needs them for their poodle money, buying into her fantasy farm life and supplying her with the resources to keep THIS FARM...

    Sweetheart, you can't have both. It takes a special kind of stupid to build up a following and then not leverage that following to helping to support your dream.

    I get it, she MAKES TOO MUCH MONEY to be able to go to work. Okay, that is great. But apparently, she is NOT making too much money if she is still having trouble after unloading a bunch of livestock and all.

    So like, WTF? Write some happy content to take care of those people. Talk about hikes and hawks and her little happy places and whatever. Save the hardcore whiney ass stuff for a private blog. Time to separate the two if you want to get ANYWHERE in this life.

    Hey, I'm sure there are 5 or 10 other people out there that want to read about your anxiety and dreadful life pains and all... But clearly, the other 4,000 really don't. Cuz if there are that many writing to request content that she has to write a post about it, there are 10 fold that don't write and have muted you, darling.

    Just the way the web works.

    Oh Jenna? Check out the video vlog work of a fellow by the name of Gary V... his stark in your face approach could really give you some advice on how to manage your business. And your life.

    And friends of Jenna? (those few, those proud) WTF? How can you stay friends with a person like this? Do you hope that maybe some day she will change? How can you really be comfortable with all the poor life choices this woman makes? Puzzling.

    Just a few thoughts...

    1. Check this out, especially at 4:15 about work ethic and getting healthy.

    2. That tweet just blew my mind. How out of touch with reality does she have to be?

      NOBODY gets a following when all they post is about how anxious and depressed they are, and how broke they are. I had a few depressing blogs in my day and NOBODY was interested in reading them for a REASON. Does she really think current readers want that?

    3. I call bull crap on Pig Shocker's latest tweet. First, I doubt anyone bothered to chide her about lack of interesting content and whiney posts. She's fishing for Attagirls and attention and playing the victim (again).

      Poor waif...she wants to write about meaningful feelings *sniff*, like a reel riter...but some mean readers want her to put aside her deep emotions and write about 'fun stuff'. As expected, disaffected and depressed readers want her to keep on, probably because her sh**show life makes theirs look positively radiant.

      I also think this is her backhanded way to test the waters about getting more lambs, sheep and goats.

      As I said, when all else fails, more more MORE animals!

    4. Addendum: some seemingly normal people also replied to Pig Shocker and they supported her desire to write drivel.

      I'm going out on a limb to guess they are new to this rodeo and haven't seen years of repetitive bleats from PS, covering the same topics. About 10 years of problems; nothing is solved, and not much is improved.

      Wasn't it Einstein who said it's insane to do the same thing over and over again, but expect different results? Sound like anyone we know?

    5. But pood, the problem is that she DOES get the same results: new sycophants and new $$. Sure, they'll catch on eventually, but her drivel is still getting her exactly what she wants. And, JW, yes, we do want you to write about lambs and crops and farming because your blog is called Cold Antler FARM, not Cold Antler Won't-shut-the-fuck-up-about-the-mortgage.

    6. Just WHERE did these supposed foollowers complain to her? She doesn't accept comments on her bleg. And she didn't tweet to announce her newest bleg post either. So is she saying that they DMed her out of the blue? Highly doubtful. I think she made it all up.

      And in the comments of that tweet that FarmLass posted, someone wrote:

      "Have you considered creating a CAF Website/online shop? You already have a great brand, and you can do the web design work! You could then add HIGHER ticket items that would earn you more $ per sale like: fiddles, horse blankets,boots,garden gear."

      And the Pig Shocker replied:

      "I'm stretched too thin right now but thanks for the rec."

      Stretched too thin? Is she f*cking serious? A quick look at her Twitter shows how she spends most of her time online, watching TV and mountain smashing. If she stopped doing all that she'd have time to do what that foollower suggested. But that would take hard work on her part. And she's too lazy for that. Plus, online panhandling is much easier.

  34. So she refers to her crush and her hero, Blair Braverman (who is, of course, quite a badass), as "Bler." How drunk was she when she wrote that post?

    1. Hey, cut her a break, would ya? It's not easy tapping those tiny cell phone keys with thick snow gloves on.

    2. Jenna Woginrich admires "Bler" for being a badass instead of a sadass like herself.

  35. Aaaaand we're snowshoeing again. Rather than do anything responsible, she hikes out a little ways on her fancy snowshoes and eats specialty hiking food. All of that instead of staying at home and, ya know, working on orders. And then she'll moan that she has nooo money.

    Her little circle of life is a sad one.

    1. And she just announced that logos are half price if you can wait 8 weeks. Still up to her old tricks I see. Pretty unbelievable that you have to wait that long for her to spend a hour slapping together some stolen clip art.

    2. It bears repeating that her crap clip-art is always "half-price," so there's never any real savings to be had by duped customers. And it's a lie for her to pretend otherwise.

    3. With this formula, if I'm willing to wait 4 months it's 1/4 off then? And If I wait 6 months, it's free?

  36. A tweet from today just begging for sales:

    "President's Day Soap Sale! Offering 6 random bars plus the $14 flat rate USPS box shipping for $45 and will throw in a signed book with one random order picked out of a hat! Help out this farm, get clean, order soap! DM!"

    Lemme get this straight: You pay $45 for 6 soaps and you don't even get to pick which ones? What if you can't stand mint or some other ingredient? What if you don't want a Heathen design? Then yer screwed. And you just might maybe receive a book? Even if just one person took her up on this "deal" they still wouldn't receive a book.

    And hey, Pig Shocker...we know you read here so here's a little tip: You can save your customers some money on shipping by using USPS "Regional A" boxes. It costs just $9 to send your nasty soap clear across the country and just $7 if the destination is closer to NY. The weight limit is 20 lbs. You can order these boxes online to be delivered to your post office. So quit charging your foollowers a whopping $14.

    1. On her recent twitter comment, she said that people who don't mend clothing still in use have a red flag character flaw. Huh? She lies, scams, begs, and is arrogant, neglectful to her animals, property etc. but at least she mends her gloves. Yay.

    2. I saw that stupid tweet, too. Her lack of self-awareness is amazing. She has a defective character that can't be "mended" or fixed.

    3. Agree! That was a stupid comment coming from someone who spends $200 on the same pair of boots she buys for herself YEARLY because why not? Dublin River Boots which last forever. So don't get all up on your high horse again Jenna about mending gloves. Nobody gives a shit.

    4. More gatekeeping from the Pig Shocker. You know, unless the descriptive noun is something like murderer, pedophile or rapist, starting a sentence with "I hope I never become the kind of person who" is usually a dick move, as you're obviously going to offend some people. I'll bet Jenna was real fun in college.

  37. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Since Friday has chosen her life of gutter crime over farming, she watches Gibson check on the pigs with me instead of doing farm work. She's a real piece of work, her."

    Once again, she appears to be discussing her dog. But it sounds like a description of herself.


    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! The sun is out! The 3° start to the day didn't damper it's shine either! The animals are well, the sky is blue, I feel encouraged!"

    The real "righter" made a mistake with writing "it's" instead of "its." I might appear to be nitpicking, but she claims to be an active author. So the small stuff errors are obvious. Let's see if she reads here, like a few days ago with the "Lest" correction, and makes another one so not to appear stupid in public.


    "Also, I feel I need to mention I finally figured out the espresso R2D2 and had a lovely latte this AM! Sunlight and fancy coffee?! What is this? PARADISE?!"

    Her hovel and animal abusing feedlot are far from "PARADISE" by any normal adult's standards. It sounds like someone is having a high moment. We'll wait awhile. She's sure to be "terrified" soon.

    1. Ha ha, the moods go up and down don't they?

    2. Not to sound like an amateur psychologist, but I sometimes wonder if she doesn't have bipolar affective disorder. Her hysterical mood swings don't seem normal. In addition to just being an arrogant asshole.

  38. It astounds me and saddens me at how much TV this girl watches. It seems like she recommends a movie/series/show almost daily. Who the hell has that kind of time?

    1. Well, when all you have to do is spend 10 minutes feeding animals twice a day, and you don't have a life, that leaves a lot of time for entertainment. As for drawing sketches and melting soap, it seems she only fulfills about half those orders (cuz suckers!) so that leaves a lot of time as well.

  39. Damper "it's" please how did this woman ever get published????

  40. I think that her published book days are over. Not only did she burn the Birchthorn backers, but she simply isn't a decent writer. Even her horrid purple prose can't disguise that fact.

    1. And the older she gets, and the further she is from her educational years, AND the more alcohol she consumes, her grammar and spelling skills will continue to diminish.

  41. The latest query from our FFF:

    P.S. Considering bringing back the YouTube channel!? Thoughts?

    Really? The one you charged $100 for ten but you only did ONE???? And also did not give back any refunds?

    I don't think people are going to clamor for her to bring it back do you? Soundslike another big giant rip-off to me.

    1. What is she, nuts? That's like starting another Kickstarter for Birchthorn II - A Victorian Tale of The Shameless Scammer. But this time, participants don't have to pay extra to become a character in the book, as they already are victims in real life.

      But seriously, does she not remember how badly YouTube turned out the first time? Are any of those people she burned still foollowers? And why is she asking this question on her bleg when there's no way to comment? Either way, I hope she does fire up the 'ol YouTube, as the Sham Blog just loves new material. You have my vote, Pig Shocker!

  42. OK, for anyone new here, here's a prime example of how the Pig Shocker (aka Jenna Woginrich) uses manipulation and con artist tactics to get people to make pity donations. She retweeted this tweet by a semi-famous public figure:

    AC Shilton wrote:
    "I would pay money for a version of social media that makes you post one shitty thing (job you didn't get, mistake you made at work, fight with your spouse) for every three LIFE IS AMAZING status brags. Let's call it Strugglebook."

    Pig Shocker responded: "Have I got a blog for you!"

    So what's in it for him if her checks out her bleg? Absolutely nothing. What's in it for her? Possible sympathy, donations and perhaps more foollowers if they click on her user name. As for her bleg, yep, that's it in a nutshell -- a mixture of shitty things galore and phony "Life is amazing" status brags. And so if this guy checks out her bleg, he's gonna see that all her latest entries are the gloom and doom crap she constantly posts. She's gonna need to write a positive entry to balance things out.

    And sure enough, there was a brand new "positive" bleg post, even though she had already posted one today (and she never posts twice in one day). I don't think you need more proof than that to see how superficial and cunning she is. She's probably kicking herself for not having more "Life is amazing" posts to balance out the shit ones. And...note the topic of today's (2nd) post: The vintage espresso maker she ALREADY talked about one week ago on her Twitter and Instagram. So why bleg about it again today? Oh yeah, to fix the "amazing vs shitty" ratio on her bleg. "I'm terrified I'm about to lose the farm...but I got a new espresso maker! Woo!!"

    So for every action Jenna takes, there's always one or two nefarious reasons behind it. And another thing about her espresso machine bleg post. She wrote:

    "Patty brought out a vintage box from the back of her truck. It was around the size of a small toaster and on faded cardboard I could read the name Via Veneto Espresso Maker. I wasn't even sure what it was?"

    We all know Pig Shocker is stupid, but this borders on mentally challenged. What does she mean, she wasn't "sure what it was?" She just said that the box said "Espresso Maker" duh. This is another tactic her foollowers fall for: Jenna trying to look helpless. Especially when she ends a non-question with a damn question mark. She does this to try to get readers to engage with her. She wants them to feel sorry for her. And to donate to her. Don't fall for it.

    1. Anon7. AC Shilton, I recalled her from past posts, is the real writer that JFW gifted a new saddle to last year. She's female. And I'll guess that she's partially responsible for the FFF's writing gigs at Outside's online publication. So she's probably already read her bleg, and it won't lead to anything more. The rest of her readers will gag at the thinly disguised humble-bragging. In any event, it's disingenuous of Jenna to pretend that she didn't know what the espresso maker was.

    2. I looked at the stupid tweet today, and AC Shilton had responded back to it. Apparently, she also makes mistakes. They're the perfect pair of real "righters."

      AC Shilton
      Replying to @coldantlerfarm

      "Haha I live your blog!!"

    3. Thanks for the info, Feral Farmer! I remember that now. I also get the feeling that AC is NOT a monthly contributor (Seed, Ram, Lamb, Flocker!) to the Pig Shocker's bleg.

      Anon 6:56 - Note that AC said "live" and not "love" lol. And if she was a $$$ contributor, wouldn't she have said so?

  43. The twit via Twitter:

    "Pro Dog Tip: if your dog runs by you in an open space make a swooshing wind sound and he'll GO SO MUCH FASTER!"

    Uh, no Jenna. Your dog thought you were about to jump on for a ride. That's why he ran faster.

    1. Anon 7 I laughed so hard at your comment, I think I even wheezed a little. It was way too early to laugh like that. But great none the less.

    2. Jenna, O great riter that you are, please use proper punctuation. Your run-on sentences make no sense. No wonder you can't get a book deal.
      Here's another "Pro Dog Tip" - spay and neuter your dogs.

    3. I'll bet $100 the Pig Shocker has tried to ride one of the dogs up one of the steeper hiking trails when her legs grew tired.

      I'm surprised she hasn't tried tying them up to a sled like her hero Blair Braverman, and having them haul her lardass thru the woods. "Mush, Gibson, mush!"

  44. Oh man her ode to the espresso maker is so weird. It's rife with typos and mispunctuation. Part of it reads like an advertisement (make "coffee-house style latte at home," "smooth cafe style coffee"). Part of it is disbelief that such a product exists. And part of it is a strange admission that she usually "neglects or sells" gifts like this, then a hasty reminder that dang if she's not poor and scrappy with her "drug-store coffee and milk from Stewart's" (I think she means Death Wish Coffee...and why is she not supporting the local dairies around her and buying their milk??). Definitely one of the weirder posts from CAF.

    1. Here's a putrid paragraph:

      "I'm going to try and hold onto this. So often when something like this comes my way I end up neglecting it or selling it. This was a gift from a friend and it's special. It makes snowy mornings in an uncertain life brighter. It makes vanilla lattes part of my morning using drug-store coffee and milk from Stewarts. It fits this joint just fine."

      It almost made me weep for her poor "uncertain life" that's been made "brighter" because of an espresso maker. And now "this farm" is a "joint" instead of "scrappy" like it's been for years.

    2. And I've never seen anyone who misuses question marks worse than Jenna Woginrich:

      "I wasn't even sure what it was? I had never seen this sort of device before?"

      Two in a row is a record even for her. It makes her sound stupid and lacking in confidence.

    3. I read that whole post as "please send money, so I don't have to sell this" and nothing more. Just this week she said she was looking for things to sell, etc to keep "this farm," and now she quotes the eBay price and says she usually "neglects or sells". Wash, rinse, repeat.

    4. Looks like we were right: The Pig Shocker's first thought was to check eBay to see if it was worth selling. Some friend she is.

      And Anon 5:40 - Totally agree. Her use of question marks is really lame? I honestly can't remember seeing anyone do that until I started reading her bleg? I, of course, would never do that? Cuz I'm not a moron? Actually, I AM a moron? You get my point? I'm not sure if you find this annoying or not? I think you do?

  45. Those ? make me sick to my stomach!!!!

  46. The twat on twitter:
    A few times a week (more or less) I update the story of this farm. Right now there's candid posts about an escaped pony, 1AM fence repairs, fighting off foreclosure threats, dreams of spring, and the good fight to keep this dream going.

    Yawn. In other words, same old shit at CAF. Guess what? No one gives a shit anymore about your foreclosure threats or your dreams.

    1. Reading through her tortured bleg, she's trolling for an additional $1400 in the next seven days.
      Or one meat share, two logos, several cartoon sketches.

      Is this accurate?
      $700 for a crappy clip-art logo.
      $1400 for a share of garbage-fed meat (pig or lamb?)

      Poodles, why are you waiting? C'mon, ante up!

    2. I think the $194 daily amount is what she's saying those things cost. What she really means though is that 7 poodles need to cough up $194 a piece in pity donations and not ask her for anything in return.

    3. Ummm...I just read that bleg post and it appears that she forgot to talk about her "dreams of spring" in any meaningful manner. I figured she'd describe how lovely the faux farm is during springtime or some shit. But no, she only mentioned spring twice in that post, and both times were related to finances only:

      "And now I am wearing blinders on to get this goal met so the farm stays out of danger's maw and I get one step closer to spring."


      "I need to only focus on the work, on being optimistic, and that something/somehow will lead towards a solvent spring."

      That's it?!? Really??? That's all she wrote about her dreams of spring? More like dreams of money.

    4. PoodleDiDoo - I'm confused about the price for the Pig Shocker's spam shares. Does she really charge that much? Are you saying that a share is $1,400? I assume a share for that price would be half of the animal, yes? If so, why would anyone pay that much for meat? I mean, couldn't you buy the exact same amount of meat at the grocery store for a lot less? I understand people are paying more for farm-raised meat, but why would anyone pay that much freakin' money? That's insane!

    5. Her prices are crazy. In 2017, half a pig in our community averaged 90 pounds of meat and ran $600 plus about $250 butcher fee. It came to about 9.50 per pound. People buy it because it is raised humanely, fed naturally (usually organically or close to) and supports the local community.
      A whole pig was 180 pounds of meat and cost about $9.00/lb. These are +/- estimates.

      I'd wager Pig Shocker's meat shares are much smaller and the animals' diet included stale donuts and rotted sandwiches. Blech!

    6. Wow, that still sounds like a lot. People must really love meat. But with the reasons you listed, I can now see why people would prefer this type of meat. I definitely support the "raised humanely" part.

    7. It is a lot of money; probably 2-3x what national chain grocer would charge, comparable to high end grocer and less than prepared food at good restaurant. We eat so little meat it doesn't really make sense for us.

  47. Instead of begging all the time, why doesn't Pig Shocker get a job at one of the restaurants in town? The hours would work well with her schedule, as you go in around 5pm and you're out by 10-11pm. And you can make an easy $100 on a busy night. At worst, $50, but even that would be worth it you'd think.

    Although, she'd have to shower daily, which is probably a deal breaker for her. And she'd have to be nice, even to the asshole customers. And she'd have to be trusted to brink drinks to the table without sneaking a sip. Huh. Eh...never mind. Bad idea.

  48. Hypocrite of the Day award goes to Pig Shocker, who just tweeted "This is 100% true" to this tweet:

    "If you abuse animals and then try to charge people 3K for them I will be a giant pain in your ass. [...]"

    1) Jenna Woginrich abuses her pigs. She likes to purposely and spitefully electrocute them.
    2) She is also asking over $1K for shares of these tortured and poorly fed animals.

  49. Also on Twitter today:

    "I am so excited/nervous about this phone call I put on eyeliner."

    Looks like she's tired of never receiving any comments on her tweets. So she spews out this vague and ambiguous statement in the hopes that someone will comment and ask her what the heck she's talking about, as there's no other mention of an impending phone call on any of her social media accounts.

    So what is it about? A date? A call from her book editor? She did receive a whopping two comments but neither person asked her what it was about. Probably cuz they know it's the bank wondering where December's mortgage payment is.

    Jenna Woginrich, we see right thru you. Every word you write is designed to do just one thing: Bring in free money. So you make bizarre and vague statements to try to attract new foollowers and keep the ones you have. Cuz mo' foollowers = mo' money, right? You wish.

  50. There are a lot of issues with her latest blog post, but most genuinely concerning is why she has hay in the back of her truck. It's been snowing and raining here, and that hay is going to mold and kill one of her horses. (Also, why is she driving around with that extra weight in the truck, causing her to use more gas? AND why did she throw an ENTIRE bale to the horses after she got the fence "repaired"?)

    1. Exactly. I wondered same thing. Hay should be stored under cover. That Merlin wandered outside her crappy fencing at 1 am probably meant he was COLD and HUNGRY. Animals need more calories in the winter to stay warm.

      But it sounds like Pig Shocker was too busy playing with her new espresso maker to actually do, you know, farming stuff for the few sad animals she has left.

      She really is an embarrassment to the rural community.

    2. She was supposed to get all that repaired with the Kiva loan. $6K she got and probably blew it on crap. I really wish Merlin had the good sense to escape to the farm down the street. Anywhere, get away from Cold Antler Farm! She has no right to have these animals.

    3. Graphic Girl - So funny you mentioned the Kiva loan, as the Pig Shocker just tweeted this:

      "Hey! Wanted to share a great milestone! This farm is halfway paid on this loan! @Kiva has made it possible for my farm to get both the truck I drive everyday as well as much-needed supplies, repairs, fencing and stock for this little business! Thank you to all who supported it!"

      Looks like someone is laying the groundwork for another loan. As the current loan, it must burn to have to make payments for money that was spent ages ago.

  51. I'd be curious to know whether she ever spends an entire day at home, or if she drives somewhere in her truck every single day. It just seems like in every blog post she's like, "gotta go to town." Just live in town if you don't like staying home, lady!!! When I lived in the country and worked from home, I'd be home for weeks at a time and it kills me that now I have to go out 5 days a week.

    1. What I picture is her running in for $1.08 mini bottle at the liquor store every afternoon like all the homeless folk on my street.

    2. Lol, on Twitter she wrote:

      "I'm the kind of person that carries a first aid kit with me everywhere I go. I'm also the kind of person who has instant coffee singles in it."

      She's also the kind of person to stash $1 mini bottles of whisky along with those coffee singles.

  52. Ok, peeps. I don't know a lot about horses, but I think the poster who suggested that Merlin was hungry, or otherwise in need is probably why he got out in the middle of the night. That horse has lived in the same place for years so it's weird that he decided to make a break for it in the middle of a winter night.

    Why is she looking for money till spring? What happens then? It's not like pour and mold soap is suddenly in season. She doesn't sell at a farmers' market. Her feedlot is absolutely not seasonally-based. And she deserves the Lifetime of Achievement in Personal Hypocrisy.

    I've been watching Youtube videos from all kinds of homesteaders/farmers. They are so industrious. Heck, that woman could be raising lettuce right now to sell to farmers markets. I think even I'll start some this weekend, and again, I've never written a how-to book about farming. So many opportunities if you actually raised food. But it does take work, so.....

    The Chickqualizer

    1. Hey Chickqualizer...good to see you! Yes, poor Merlin was probably famished. I'll bet a lucky horseshoe that the Pig Shocker feeds all her furry props the same amount of food that she does in warmer months, leaving them to starve and shiver away the freezing winter months.


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