February is nearly over...

....and it's the same story.  When was the last time...if ever...she did not beg for money for a mortgage?  Slow learner I'd guess.  It comes along every month.


  1. I love how she just recently explained to some nice, well meaning self employed crafty gal that she, Jenna, can't manage a real online shop because she can't handle keeping things in stock and making sales and all. That she would need to be three people. The lady seemed nice and sort of agreed and all, but you could tell that she was thinking... "WTF?"

    For god's sake, ETSY was formed exactly for single individuals to have all the tools they need to easily run an online shop. Manage stock, do social media, rock the small biz boss girl thing.

    Oh yeah, there is that one little pesky thing, like how she was run off Etsy for not taking care of orders and such? That darn old keeping track of money from poodles for stuff they won't get for months and months and probably never unless they REMIND her about it. Shesh.

    She admitted recently that her mortgage was $900 a month. Just the mortgage. And then you add in living expenses, feed, hay, animal care, etc., all her toys and such, she has to be needing close to 2 grand a month. She ain't getting that selling soap and clip art logos.

    She's been begging for the mortgage for YEARS, ever since she got it pretty much. And she is still here. Face it, guys... she has a knack for finding poodles to take sympathy and she works it like a pro.

    Yeah, eventually, her feral farmer gal hipster fantasty hawkkiller archer heathen queer thing is going to get old and stop filling up the coffers but that will be when she gets a part time gig doing something totally cool... whatever that might be. This shit show has the possibility of going on many more seasons... unbelievably so...

    1. I don't understand it. How hard is it to melt-n-pour a few dozen soaps and then store them away until someone places an order? You don't need three people for that. Also in those comments someone asked where they could view prices and the Pig Shocker said, "DM me!"

      It's been said that she doesn't list her prices because she's trying to avoid the tax man, but I'm also thinking that it's quite possible she doesn't post prices because she has different prices for different people. Meaning, after they DM her, she Googles them to see how much money they have. Apartment dweller = Normal price. Homeowner = Add 25% to normal price. Big home in a posh neighborhood = 75% or more!

    2. One more thing from the comments for that "3 days to make a crucial mortgage payment" tweet: One of her foollowers wrote, "For those who want to donate, there's a link on her page" and then retweeted the PayPal.me/JennaCAF

      The Pig Shocker replied, "Thanks for posting this Sara, but I'd prefer to sell stuff if at all possible? If folks want to contribute there's a way to subscribe to the blog at http://barnheart.com to support regular content there!"

      1) LMAO...She prefers to sell stuff as opposed to straight up donations? In what universe?

      2) Earlier this month she ended a couple of bleg posts with a desperate plea to donate to her PayPal. Boys and girls, the word of the day is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

    3. Her phrase, "...if at all possible?" is a caveat that makes the first part of the sentence meaningless.

      It's Pig Shocker doing what she does best. She throws around meaningless phrases that strongly suggest she's a dedicated & hard-working feral farmer; in reality, she's a time-wasting, deceitful, money-begging, animal-neglecting dilettante POS.

  2. OMG Jenna needs to stfu with the whole "gutter crimes" schtick. She clearly learned the phrase, thought it sounded funny, and is now beating it to death and thinking it just the most hilarious thing ever.

  3. Also predictable: When she is working on a book proposal, she suddenly starts putting (poorly written) content about the same thing - carrying water, writing lists, drinking coffee, asking for mortgage money, blah, blah blah, much more regularly on her blog and writes about her day in the past tense as if it is a book chapter. She has posted daily for a whole week!

    1. I noticed that too. Except I thought she was trying to beef up content in order to disguise/bury her latest begging attempts. Either way, it's painfully obvious she's doing it for personal gain rather than for her reader's benefit.

  4. From the latest Jenna drivel:

    "What is the point of constantly struggling to keep this farm? Why put yourself through the constant anxiety? Don't you want to have a dependable income? It's okay to change your life? Please, stop."

    Only a mental midget such as Jenna would say "please stop" when she is given advice. One minute she is asking for messages and emails of encouragement and the next she is whining about the emails and messages who attempt to say "have you ever looked at your situation in this way" or "have you ever thought of this possible remedy..."
    Jenna sees her truth in those words of advice that say she is fighting the inevitable of losing her property and home. Much like a bratty child, Jenna chooses to push reality and truth to the side and pretend they don't exist. I picture Jenna with her arms crossed in defiance, a scowl across her fetid face.

    Jenna's days of wine and roses are on a sharp decline. Jenna is quickly approaching 40. Jenna's farm dream is now pathetic and delusional. Gone is the once motivated young woman who claimed to fight and claw all by herself to maintain her lifestyle.
    Hindsight says I doubt that was ever the reality. Hindsight says Jenna has always been a lazy, mentally ill person whose "battles" and "wins" exist only in her head.

    One such example of a Jenna delusion is that Jenna is unemployed, not self employed, as she claims.

    Jenna's "fight" for her lifestyle consists of camping out on social media 24/7 desperately searching for the next Fool who will hand over their cash for Jenna to misuse in a million ways. Not only does Jenna want the cash without earning it but she now insists that the giver stop expressing their opinion regarding her meaningless existence.
    No negative (any not her own) comments or opinions please as they tend to block Jenna's contrived fantasy of her life that exists only in her diseased mind.

    1. Oh you just know that she HATES receiving advice! On her "2 days to make this (mortgage payment) happen" tweet someone responded:

      "Twitter just sadly has a low click through rate, and it's also hard to get support from Twitter. If your farm were closer to one of my friends I'd have bought a pig already. [...] Hey so I don't know you (and unsolicited Twitter advice is the worst) but have you tried marketing on Instagram, FB marketplaces, and Craigslist? I work a day job in marketing and I hate to see someone lose their farm."

      LOL, on the last thread here someone made a wry comment about "When your whole marketing strategy is Twitter" in response to the Pig Shockers lack of sales. But it's so true. She's really limiting her sales what with being kicked off Etsy and Facebook, and not having the brains to try other avenues it's no wonder she has to beg online strangers to pay her mortgage in addition to their own.

    2. The person also works "a day job" which is kryptonite to Jenna. She's been whining about losing her farm for years now. And she hasn't yet. Just trying to drum up more sympathy so she can buy more toys FOR HERSELF.

  5. Jill Gutowitz

    Verified account (Blue check person that Jenna stalks...)


    Also I guess I'm just wondering if other female writers and queer writers get picked apart this hard? Or any writers?

    Jenna Woginrich

    Replying to @jillboard

    Good god, yes. I once wrote during a cold snap that a chicken died in the night on my farm The state police were sent to my house by a blog reader. The internet is fun.
    7:33 PM - 25 Feb 2019

    Yah! It's working! She just verified that the state police actually came to check on the dead chicken, that of course, she neglected to say was frozen in the driveway, because she doesn't bother to take care of her poultry... rather leaves them to the elements and predation.

    But yeah, go for it Jenna honey, you are so in league with that bluecheck gal! You're best friends now. Commiserating buddies!

    1. Jenna must be so proud of herself. Once again via her own big mouth, she has casually told the Twitterverse that she is an animal abusing Twat. Let's recap what really happened that winter night:

      First Jenna scammed some sort of chicken coop from the manufacturer in exchange for mentioning how great it is on the CAF blog. Problem being that Jenna couldn't get up off of her ass and collect the chickens and put them into the coop prior to a night of subzero temperatures.
      Which by now we all know resulted in some chickens freezing to death on Jenna's driveway.
      Even crazy Jenna can't spin that in her favor. That is way beyond ridiculously lazy and cruel.

      Then Jenna, the animal abuser, mentioned on her blog that she was afraid that since it was so cold overnight she would find Merlin "down" in the field, dead from exposure. Jenna did not (and does not) have shelter for the horses. She has a shitty lean to for them that doesn't come close to counting as shelter in subzero temperatures.

      Jenna also had pigs in a shitty, barren, barely fenced in area in the woods on her property. The pigs had long ago destroyed their shelter, a shabbily constructed "pig pagoda," and were also out in the subzero temperatures overnight.

      Some chickens had already died thanks to Jenna's stupidity and laziness and people were worried about Merlin and even wondered if he might already be dead from the cold at the time. That is when the state police were called to check on Jenna's animals.

      They do not have an animal control agency in Jenna's town. Local law enforcement officers handle all animal welfare checks and that is why the state police showed to check on Jenna's animals.

      According to Jenna, she made the officer sound like a happy moron who, golly gee, thought everything looked fine and great and wonderous. Which, unless the officer was visially impaired, is total bullshit. The livestock were without shelter in subzero temps and Jenna said herself via her crappy blog that the animals were in a precarious situation. The animals were also standing in and eating off of two plus feet of old feed and their own shit. It had snowed and covered just how nasty the conditions were.

      Of course if Jenna's tale of animal woe had garnered lots of donations, Jenna didn't mind making herself look like an animal abuser. But since it backfired and resulted in law enforcement showing up, Jenna said she became enraged. Yes, dumbass was fit to be tied that anyone would dare call authorities to check up on her animals.

      Does that make any sense at all? Nope but that is the shit show that is crazy Jenna and Cold Antler Farm.

    2. Oh exactly! Our grief with her has nothing to do with her womanly riter skills... all with her horrid animal care history and her scamming ways!

    3. Great recap, Unknown 17:11 - I believed she even mentioned it was too cold to go looking for the wayward chicken. So she let it spend the night outside and freeze to death. Evil woman. BTW, "Pig Pagoda" lol, I think that would be a great new name for the Pig Shocker's hawk shit covered house. :D

    4. She seriously wrote that about her horse??? This woman needs to be put down!

    5. She sure did, Sash.

      How could anyone read that and after Jenna admitted to at least one chicken freezing to death (and when it comes to Jenna I think that if she admitted to one frozen chicken, there were probably at least a dozen more that froze to death) and not call authorities for an animal welfare check?!

      If the animals were fine, then no harm calling. If the animals were at risk, the call saved future victims of Jenna's animal neglect and abuse. The fact that Jenna said she became "enraged" about someone daring to call the authorities, speaks volumes about Jenna's complete lack of empathy for her animals.
      A decent person would not have blogged about a chicken freezing to death or fears of finding their horse "down" in a pasture from the bitter cold because it never would have happened to a decent person.

      Then to say those things on a public blog and have someone care enough to call authorities to check on the animals and have that response elicit rage in the person who owns those animals is ridiculously psychotic.

  6. Didn't read Pig Shocker's tweet, but her lies of omission are almost without equal. Funny that while trying to get the attention of a blue check person:

    She didn't mention the number of chicks killed by her dogs, rats, predators and elements.

    She didn't share her preferred technique for poultry husbandry: buy twice as many chicks as needed, because HALF of them will die/be killed due to her neglect.

    She missed detailing the many chickens and lambs that froze to death because she couldn't be bothered to put them into shelter. The frozen chicken story was especially interesting; she blamed the chicken because it didn't want to be caught.

    She didn't discuss the many lambs that seemed to not have been born or survived despite her announcing ewes were pregnant. Shocking how bad snowstorms and predators can kill off lambs with the misfortune to be born on her frozen crap-filled pen.

    And last, she didn't discuss her other abysmally shi**y farming methods: animals fed on top of their own manure; birds left outside for foxes to attack; sheep not given vet care following illness (and thrown into a wheelbarrow to die) and old horses left outside without adequate protective shelter.

    But the most tone-deaf absurdity is Pig Shocker's audacity to suggest being a 'riter' or a 'woman' or 'queer' has ANYTHING to do with people detesting her - for her lying, scamming, cheating animal-neglecting ways!

    1. PDD - your last paragraph is spot on. Well said.
      I'm surprised she admitted to the police being there; I would think pointing that out would make people research her a bit more.
      I also don't buy her story about the chicken not wanting to be caught. I have chickens and they find their way to their coop every night with no help from me. If I have a few that are milling around the door, a handful of cracked corn does the trick.

    2. Exactly. It takes about 10 seconds to train chickens to come to roost.

      I remember back in the old days when someone/some company/hatchery?, sent her some FREE Swedish fancy chickens that at the time were like $200+ a bird... those didn't last long. If she had protected them and nutured the breeding group, she could have been selling the birds for $$$ as well a fertile eggs and it would have been an amazing thing.

      Instead, she just let them free range and breed with her mutt roos and die and create what she called her Antlerborn chickens... AKA grade mongrels and then soon enough, there were none left.

      She has had so many opportunities to do good things, good farmy things and she is just too stupid to understand or appreciate the opportunities.

    3. Excellent synopsis of all the animal deaths that have occurred at CAF. Even one is too many, but Pig Shocker's count is in the hundreds if not more. Pretty sad that she's still allowed to abuse animals like that.

  7. From the last thread, in case anyone new here doesn't know that you have to click "Load more" to see newer replies after a thread goes past 200 replies:

    PoodleDiDoo wrote: "Who do you detest? This is the perfect gift for your enemies. Who deserves scorched pork that was kept in a freezer that periodically lost power? Who needs meat stored next to road kill, mauled rabbits and feces-covered XXL designer jeans? Past meat from Pig Shocker's fast food feed lot included animals with ringworm, liver damage, oozing cysts and mange before their sad lives were brought to an end, their entreals discarded like so much refuse. Pray that Animal Control frees any remaining animals sooner rather than later."

    Sooooooooooooo true. And I'm so LMAO at that apt description! So Gross!

    Also, in response to the Pig Shocker's "Okay Twitter! I have 3 days to make a crucial mortgage payment. WE CAN DO THIS!" tweet, Feral Farmer wrote:

    "Let's make my mortgage payment everyone else's responsibility. I'll rewrite it for her:

    Okay, Jenna! You have 3 days to just get a job and support yourself. No one wants what "this farm has to offer!" either. Your meat is crap and diseased. Your "boks" suck since you don't take time to ever edit. Especially, Birchthorn, the one that backers were bilked to the turn of $15,000, yet you still haven't mailed them all their copies years later. Your stupid soaps are melt & pour. And your "half-price!" pet portraits and lousy logos are childish scrawling. The only "lessons" that you're experienced enough to give are those relating to super scamming PayPal poodles."

    You know, it takes a lot of nerve to tell a bunch of online strangers that you don't have your mortgage payment and then heap upon them the responsibility of THEM having to come up with the money to make it happen. Screw people like her. Figure out your own mortgage payment, Jenna F*cking Woginrich.

  8. One more thing: Unknown 10:45am on 2/24 coined the phrase, "whackadoodle horseshit"

    That does it...I'm formally going to start a petition right here and now to officially change the name of Cold Antler Farm to Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm aka WHF. All petitioners please affix your name below. (Or submit a better farm name change.)

    1. I'm unknown 10:45 and I cracked up when I saw your suggestion! Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm!

    2. Maybe Jenna can open up an AirBNB at Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm:
      Fecal Towers!

    3. Alrighty then...look's like it's settled! Whackadoole Horseshit has got to be the BEST phrase I've heard in quite awhile. Just love it.

  9. Another post about a perilous day hike. Is there ANYONE here who would erect a shelter because of rain instead of throwing on your poncho and carrying on? Does anyone take a full tarp or tent with them to go five miles? Maybe if she was above treeline (in which case, just...you know...turn around), but she was scaling all of 2500 feet. Her fabricated drama is truly unbelievable, I can't believe Outside magazine though SHE would do a good job testing packs.

    1. Jenna would- down on Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.

    2. I would think that if it were raining, it would be a mistake to bring anything metal like tent poles cuz of lightning strikes, right?

  10. Still singing the same old "foreclosure" song on twitter. Get a job moron. People don't owe you anything, certainly shouldn't give you any of their hard earned money, so suck it up and get working!

    1. The Pig Shocker also retweeted (for the 1,000th time this week) a desperate plea for people to buy her spam shares.

      And someone named Dria commented: "I wish you were local to me!"

      Oh sweet Dria, you'd better hope Jenna doesn't see your comment because she'll message you to tell you how "some folks" in the past bought shares for her to "donate" to her local food pantry. And then you'll have no excuse to give Jenna money. And the meat? It won't be donated. She'll pocket the cash and resell that share over and over and over.

    2. Just for giggles, I email Jenna yesterday about my interest in shares. Fake of course. I asked several pointed questions regarding the animals, their care and conditioning and asked if my animal is tagged as mine so I could monitor its growth and development. Funny enough Miss "I am checking email regularly hoping for that one......blah blah blah" has not responded to my email. I guess she only wants money with no strings attached.

    3. Unreal, Anon11:54! Jenna is most interested in stupid people's money. The more questions someone asks the more likely Jenna can't screw them over and get away with it.

  11. Jenna on her blog:
    I kept checking emails and Twitter, hoping for an inquiry about a job. Maybe the person who turned down a CSA share because of a gas bill changed her mind? Maybe the nice lady who didn't think she could eat a whole lamb with her husband didn't realize a "whole half lamb" is still just a lamb and can easily fit in a regular above-fridge freezer. Maybe the person who never replied to requests for art prices or logos will get back in touch? Maybe a brand new email will show up with someone wanting to take an archery class with her son in July?! I am addicted to the checking and every time there isn't word - I get more nervous. This is not good for me. Being so attached to the dopamine of social media and email was more draining than a 10 mile run.

    What she is really saying is.....Maybe some cubicle working Poodles will send me some hard earned cash???? That you don't deserve, cause you play all day and piss the money away.

    I have an idea, why don't you go out and get a job like everyone else instead of going for walks or watching tv? Why don't you hunker down and see who is hiring even if it's a part time job? I myself do graphics as my regular job and also just got a part time job at a bakery. You are able bodied and obviously have all the time in the world. If you can take the time to "mountain smash" or watch endlessly watch Netflix, you can work a job. It can be done.

    Constantly checking emails to get money from strangers is no way to run a farm. You are not special Jenna....GET A JOB or shut the fuck up about your damn mortgage.

    1. As always, an implied criticism of OTHERS for not buying, etc. as the reason for her problems. Idjit.

    2. I love how she criticizes someone turning down a share in favor of paying their gas bill. Sounds like good money management, making choices like that. How dare she hope that someone else in a difficult financial situation choose her over themselves??

  12. How can Jenna be faced with foreclosure if she recently made a couple of payments?

    Twitter this a.m.:

    "Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! I am still offering sales on logos and illustrations, soap batches, classes, and I also have meat for sale through the farm's CSA. Trying really hard to make a mortgage payment today to keep the farm from danger of foreclosure. DM to purchase! https://t.co/T56DgaIyu5"

    1. I laughed at your username, and image of the FFF. Whenever I see that demented toddler smirk on her fat face it makes me cringe.

    2. Ha haaa that's great Whackadoodle!

    3. Thanks! I have always thought that photo totally shows Crazy Jenna. The crazy that Jenna tries to hide.

    4. OMFG...Whackadoodle_Horseshit...I laughed sooooo hard when I saw your name AND your profile pic! This is simply perfect. :D

  13. I looked at my Merriam-Wester app this morning online, and today's word was "grift." How perfect for the FFF, Pig Shocker. Jenna knows the meaning of this one well. It's to obtain (money) illicitly. I thought that it could've been sponsored by Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm.

    1. This flu is kicking my ass. I meant to type "Webster" not "Wester."

    2. My teenagers had influenza A. Each were sick for 6 days with it and that was with tamiflu. I took it as a precaution. One a day for 10 days and it worked. I didn't get the flu.

    3. I hope you feel better soon, Feral Farmer!

    4. Tamiflu is amazing. Hope you feel better soon, Feral Farmer!

    5. Thanks, WH and Anon7. I appreciate your well-wishes. I'm finally feeling a little better today.

    6. So very glad to hear that, Feral Farmer. And it was nice of you to continue to contribute to this blog despite how awful you must have felt. I rarely get the flu, but when I do, it's like Satan entered my blood stream. So I feel for you, that you had to go thru that.

  14. I think she begs for mortgage money a few months out. Hoping people aren't keeping score. Well we are over here.

  15. Come on, everyone. She is near to her goal. Don't "heistiate" to order some soap or pork. Man, didn't she ever hear of proofreading?

    1. I think she's full of it. She's using this whole "I'm within a couple sales of this goal" ploy because she knows that if she was too far from the goal this close to the deadline, people wouldn't help. But by making it look as if she's sooooooo close, people might be more willing since it's just a little bit, not the whole amount. Crafty lyin' grifter.

  16. Yes, there's always the "Wolf at the Door" every single month in this drama. Jenna is the protagonist in her story, the Shammers are the antagonists, and her stupid, uninformed fans and new followers are her "rescuers". Always a big build-up and then release when she finally makes it. Whether it's real or fiction.
    She probably gets her melt and pour soap at Hobby Lobby.

  17. She treats her monthly obligation like a freaking hipster marathon... She just needs a tote board with Gibson changing the numbers with every nasty little product sold or sympathy donation.

    And yet, wait, we will be back next month folks!

    How does she even believe or want us to believe that this monthly cycle of hers is ever going to improve? Every freaking month. WE are saving THIS farm from foreclosure.

    Foreclosure would be the best thing to ever happen to Jenna Woginrich .

    It would get her off her platform and make her take responsibilities seriously in her life.

    1. It's diabolical, her begging. Here's what she wrote last month:

      Jan 10th:
      "I know I need to make serious sales this week and I also know how hard that will be. People can't just buy artwork and soap and meat shares they won't eat till next fall after the holidays."

      Jan 11th (the very next day):
      "I need to mail in a mortgage payment soon, to keep ahead of the cutoff where the house falls into danger of being mine no longer."

      Also that same day:
      "I'm just like NPR...Want to make a one-time contribution?

      Jan 16th:
      "Making sure everything is ready on a tight budget means careful planning. [...] I am going to remain optimistic about this storm, about this farm, and about my own future here."

      Jan 18th:
      "I'm okay with all of this. I'm okay with the fear. I'm okay with the uncertainty of how the hell I'll mail this mortgage check sitting by the family altar in my front room."

      Jan 20th:
      "I'm encouraged that I am just a few hundred dollars from where I need to be to mail in a mortgage payment and keep the wolves from the door."

      Jan 22nd:
      " I am just $100 away from mailing in my mortgage payment and another few weeks to mail in another. For that I'll keep working and trying and hoping."

      Jan 23rd:
      "The bad news: the pipes that froze yesterday didn't thaw out [...] I already planned on mailing that mortgage check if I could make the last $100 I needed for that check to clear and then start saving for the next. I can't afford to call in a plumber right now."

      Jan 24th:
      "The good news, the biggest news, is that I did mail in a house payment yesterday and that is a big weight off my chest! [...] The bank account will be in the single digits once that check cashes, but that's what the account is for. Making it happen, every single month."

      Making it happen, every single month? Nuh-no, Pig Shocker. More like "Begging it happen, every single month."

    2. Anon7, excellent! When the repetitive manipulation is shown, day by day, it's obvious what she's doing.

      Compare this to February and even the most ignorant reader may figure out she sells the same lies over and over.

  18. Jenna posted more begging on her blog this evening. Jenna listed all of the costs for "emergencies" this month.
    Then Jenna said that had she not had to spend money on those emergencies, she wouldn't have been behind and could have mailed a mortgage payment no problem.

    Then why in the hell has she had to make three mortgage payments in approx. 30 days? The one she is currently whining about trying mail off asap is the third payment in the past month.

    I realize Jenna is an idiot but good lord. Obviously she was behind BEFORE she had the so called "emergencies" to pay for. I mean really, how dumb can Jenna possibly be? Or how dumb does Jenna also think her Foolowers are? They must be a herd of drooling morons.

    1. Wait, what? The third payment in a month? Was this info on her Twitter or the bleg?

      As for the "emergency" money she had to spend on "other" stuff, did you notice that she snuck the dental work onto that list? If y'all remember, the Pig Shocker said back in December that PART II of her root canal work wouldn't cost anything in January as it was included on the bill for PART I.

      And that's another thing: The dental work took place last month, right? I don't remember her mentioning anything dental-related in February.

    2. Anon7, good point,on the dental. Also, remember that a CAST contributor said she mailed Jenna $1000 which would have paid for dental and/or 3-4 cords of wood.

      Pig Shocker treats her begs like meat shares: multiple donations received for the same body of lies.

      An investigative reporter should really piece PS stories against contributions; I'll bet she's the strongest case for Internet fraud in Hudson Valley, NY.

  19. Hey Jenna, guess what? That is how life goes. There is always something that will come up where you have to spend a little more money than anticipated. Don't think this happens once in a while; it happens all the time. What would help is if you get a part time job. Have some extra cushion when these little emergencies come up. Quit asking for help. Deal with it.

    1. What would also help is if she learned how to suck the chrome off a tail pipe.

  20. The Pig Shocker's new photos on Instagram: If you aren't blinded by the first pic, check out the second one and tell me, is she slipping her dog the tongue? At first I thought her dog was licking HER but then realized the dog's mouth isn't even open. So I guess she's gone from men, to women, to furries now? That's sick man.

    1. Oh Anon7, now you made me look. Yuck! First, she took the photos in her backyard, so I sure don't believe she was out hiking. Second, the photos are supposed to be casual selfies...but clearly aren't. Her eyes are made up & she put on lip gloss. She's trying hard to look like an 'outdoors woman', but the only thing her puffy face says is that alcohol is probably her favorite food group.

      The dog's side eye says it all!

    2. Thank god I don't do Instagram.

    3. Could you give me a link? I saw nothing of the sort on either of her Instagrams. (coldantlerfarm or jenna woginrich)

    4. Here you go, Duckmama. If you click on the left photo you'll see Merlin in,the background.


    5. What is going on with her face? Did she have an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting? Jenna's entire face looks even more swollen from alcohol than usual.

    6. PDD, I agree, the dog's side eye says a lot. Jenna's dogs usually look like they are cowering or waiting for Jenna to smack them if they don't sit still and pose for her. You can see when an animal looks comfortable in a photo and Jenna's dogs always look like they are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  21. A month and a half ago on her boring and blunderful bleg:

    "Yesterday the most amazing thing happened! A stranger on Twitter bought an entire lamb from this farm for a family in need. I will either find a family that needs it or donate the meat to my local food bank or the elder care home in town. It was such a beautiful way to help out both this farm and other people. If you're reading this from a position able to do this, send me an email."

    Hey, Pig Shocker, did you find a family yet? Did you contact the food bank or the elder folk's home? Or better yet, did'ya call up yer old buddy Jon Katz to donate that whole entire lamb to The Mansion folks? Keep us posted, ya hear? Don't forget to bleg about this non-existant lamb come fall or whenever you plan to pretend slaughter it!!

    1. Anyone else betting "the family that needs it (the lamb)" lives in a derelict feed lot on Colfax Road?

    2. Yeah,? like she's going to have an honest, ethical, relationship with a non-existent? needy person after the slung luck funds have cleared Paypal.?

    3. You can't just donate random meat to a long term care facility (what she's calling 'the elder folks' home. There are federal restrictions and regulations on the resident's dietary care. She's making all of this up. That money went to her pocket, no family 'in need' will ever see anything donated to them.

    4. The thought of some innocent family feeding that disgusting meat to their children makes me want to hurl. This is the one time that I hope Jenna is lying and no one is gifted that meat.

    5. If she's so concerned about families in need, why doesn't she just donate the meat herself, directly to them???

    6. Yes, Duckmama! Jenna thinks it's great to donate to a family in need but only if someone pays her for the meat first! Then she has the audacity to suggest that others do it as well. That hag must not have heard of the old addage that charity begins at home.

  22. More thoughts on today's "Cold but Cheery" bleg post: She really seems to be running the gauntlet with this new offering up and/or selling non-existant items. Like the "free book" she'll gift to a random soap-ordering poodle. As-if. Or the "buy spam shares" for non-existant recipients. *eye roll* And now there's this:

    "Someday, when I am far more stable when it comes to these things, I am going to make sure I start a fund for single female farmers. I will go out of my way to find them. I will do whatever I can to encourage them. Not everyone feels comfortable sharing every thought, fear, joy, and story online. But many quietly do share the same roller coaster of highs and lows this farm does. When this ride starts to glide smooth I am going to dedicate as much time as I can to straightening other women's tracks."

    Oh yeah, riiiiiiiiiiight. Like she's really going to ever be in a position to help anyone. No, what she's gonna do is start a fund where she solicits donations to go to a needy feral farmer...aka HERSELF. One of us here said, not too long ago, that it's surprising that she hasn't copied Jon Katz's example of using his website to procure funds for needy people. Well, it looks like she just started.

    As for her "roller coaster ride" starting to "glide smooth" -- that ain't ever gonna happen without a job and a steady paycheck. Instead, she'll just keep riding her shit show clown cart over rickety jagged tracks, barreling towards a hellishly unstable middle aged crisis-ridden future.

    1. Let's hope the clown cart goes off the rails!

  23. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "What is happening to my body, scientifically, that makes anxiety flare at nignt? The same exact triggers aren't causing it in daylight. Is it primal lizard brain stuff? Exhaustion? Demons?"

    Gee, Jenna. Maybe it's called normal adult guilt for grifting, and being a lazy lifestyle loser. The only "demon" that you have inside is that of a scammer.

    1. Agreed. Well said. And I also think it's cuz she lacks the security of a job with a steady paycheck. Each month this idiot scams and connives people to give her a portion of THEIR paychecks to fund her lazy lifestyle. And it's just so so so wrong. And she knows it deep down. And that's what gives her anxiety at night.

    2. People actually attempted to answer her question.

      Um, Jenna doesn't want an answer. She wants you to fall for her poorly masked attempt at eliciting pity donations. You pay while Jenna plays.

    3. Yup! She wants some poor sap to say, "Awww, poor Jenna can't sleep cuz she's worried about losing her farm. Well, this $50 oughta cheer her up!"

  24. is that a new coat and hat Miss Jenna has on in the picture of cold but cheery? I know she got herself a cammie kind but this appears new and such a shame with all those wolves at the door.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The old blog got knocked out of commission partly because of comments like this about her looks. Let's stick to the scams and animal neglect. Agree if she is begging for her mortgage that a new coat is a scam. Just don't want to lose snotjan blog going on about her appearance. I think we all want to keep up a blog warning others about her!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I don't think Anonymous was saying anything about her looks. Just commenting on the coat and hat. Which I wondered too as she was whining again about trying to make "sales" so she can pay the mortgage. Now we see her in new clothes so obviously things aren't that bad at CAF.

    5. GG, Anon11 was commenting on my comment that said (amoung other things) that smashing mountains doesn't cure ugly. I deleted it after Anon2011 said that comments about Jenna's looks is a reason the old blog was taken down. I must have missed that HD was finally told why the site was taken down. I thought it was still a mystery.
      Anyway, I deleted the comment and my reply to Anon2011 because it is mindnumbing to me that people still feel the need to censor other's opinions.
      That's what Jenna does on her site by disabling the comments or when the comments were allowed she would only let the Amen Charlie comments thru.
      It really isn't worth a reply but I wanted to clarify who Anon2011 was addressing in comment 7:55.

    6. Anon 6:35, PS has been showing off quite a few new toys, ahem, 'given to her' or found (lol).

      Snowshoes, poles, backpacks, new camouflage coat, new Kast hat, new fleece jacket, new board game ($44 + s/h) and on and on. Jenna never hides her love of unnecessary crap.

    7. But Poods, she found all that stuff at the dump! Slung luck provided!

      Whackadoodle Horseshit - I agree it sucks having to censor ourselves. But...if you can tie-in a comment directly to Jenna Woginrich's misdeeds and scams, then her appearance is fair game. For example, calling her fat or fug all by itself could bring trouble -- but mentioning her weight in the context of pointing out that she's lying about exercising, and thus misrepresenting herself in order to bring in funds is justifiable.

      Also, mentioning her alcohol-flushed-broken-cappillary-fat-swollen-cheeks is fine in the context of pointing out to others that alcohol purchases is really where their Jenna donation money is being spent.

    8. I don't know why the other blog was shut down. I have heard nothing.

    9. That's what I thought HD and then Anon2011 seemed to know something that not even the site's host was informed of.
      I can appreciate that no one here wants this site to be dismissed as a mean girl site. We have way too much insight into the Whackadoodle Horseshit show at CAF for that to happen and all of our diligence would be for naught.
      However. I will be the first to admit that when I think of the apprehensible treatment her animals received, it makes me not bat an eye at saying what a foul person she is inside and out.

    10. Geeeeez you guys. I was trying to help us keep this blog!! If you read bloggers rules for posting there IS censorship in their terms of agreement. Have any of you read it? Go ahead and keep saying whatever and watch what happens with Blogger. I am watching this new blog go down the same road as the last one and didn't want this to get shut down too.

    11. Any criticism of Jenna can be taken as a mean girl comment. What is considered mean to one person is considered not mean enough to another.
      I deleted the comment I posted that ended with "mountain smashing does not cure ugly." That was removed as a courtesy.
      I find it to be funny that as soon as someone comments on Jenna's appearance someone comments that this is a mean girl site. This is a critical site. We can criticize anyone we see fit to criticize.

      You, Anon2011, like the rest of us have no idea why the former blog was removed so please don't act as if you do.
      There are sites critical of millionaire bloggers and those sites have never been taken down. The criticized blogger has plenty of money to throw at the host of the blog legally, yet they are not able to have it taken down.
      In case you are not familiar, I can tell you those blogs say way worse things than we do.
      If we spoke fondly of Jenna in one breath and called her an animal abuser in the next, we would look as mentally ill as Jenna does.

    12. Anon2011 is trying to help and I appreciate that. Yes, I did read Blogger Rules and I do feel it's vital that we stick to satire and criticism of Jenna Woginrich, as the public figure she claims to be. Under 1A her public posts are open to commentary.

      Where it gets wonky is when comments are construed as threatening or intimidating. And Jenna is oh-so-good at playing the victim, 'terrified' if anyone says something critical of her public pronouncements. My opinion is we have as much right to comment on public postings as the original posters have in writing them.

      Although I haven't seen her around recently, Jenna also had a particularly strident supporter who reported people to Blogger / Twitter if anyone questioned her heroine. You remember, the person who trekked to Dead Antler Farm for fiddle lessons.

      Whatever happened to her?

    13. The only person I remember who had been to Jenna's for one of her clown shows was Alice.
      Alice wasn't a supporter so I know you aren't referring to her.
      Were they posting as unknown/anonymous on the other site?

  25. Twitter:

    "My neighbor, a town sheriff, lets me hike, ride, and hunt on his property. Friday and I went about 1.6 miles today on a small loop. It only took about 45 minutes but to be able to get outside in the sun after a morning of computer work. What an amazing break!"

    Jenna loves to tell people her neighbor is a sheriff and he likes her so she must be a good person, right?

    1. So she loves her sheriff neighbor and lumbers all over his land. And if she were to injure herself on said land, no doubt she would sue him without pause or consideration.

    2. I thought the same thing Anon 7! What a liability! Especially to allow her to hunt on the property? The sheriff neighbor must not be familiar with Jenna's "hunting" tales. Like the time she thought she might bave shot a deer but decided not to look for it until the next day because she wanted booze and something warm to drink. She shouldn't have a hunting license let alone be allowed to hunt on anyone else's property.

    3. Her neighbor should be more concerned when Pig Shocker takes her urban friends horseback riding on his land. She admitted arthritic Mabel bucked off two of her friends. If someone gets hurt on HIS property, he'd better have great liability insurance, sheriff or not.

      So thanks for posting that he gave you permission to be on his property huntin' and ridin' and hikin' . This will help anyone who wants to sue the sheriff!

    4. Actually she would be held libel too if the person riding her horse got injured. They should sign a release form before they even get on which I doubt they do. I don't know if she provides helmets, according to her helmets are for sissies. Which is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

    5. Jenna is the poster girl for stupidity. Stupidity steers Jenna's ship 24/7.

    6. Yes, Jenna would be liable. She lets people ride an arthritic horse with a history of bucking. She does not give the horse joint supplements, as promised to the previous owner. Her horse's riders don't wear helmets, ride on mixed footing and quite possibly have alcohol in their system when playing fantasy cowboy. Unfortunately, Jenna probably owns the square root of fcuk-all, which means the personal injury lawyer for the injured party will move up the food chain. A sheriff who allowed an irresponsible person unfettered access to his land sounds like a great target.

    7. Woah...she shot something and didn't go look until the next day? When was this?

      I know nothing about hunting, but it seems to me that it would be a good (and humane) idea to go over and investigate, as what if you needed to put whatever it was out of it's misery? What if it had been a person?

      So did she ever reveal what she shot? Or did the poor thing just lie there in pain 'til it died?

    8. When she was "deer hunting." She supposedly shot at a deer and wasnt entirely sure that she missed it. But oh well, the booze and warm food was calling so that possibly injured animal had to wait. Sociopath behavior!

    9. What a horrible person she is. Alcohol is calling...gotta go now! Is that even legal to shoot something and waddle away? Are there any laws requiring a hunter to investigate?

  26. The animal abusing Pig Shocker of Whackadoodle Horseshit Farm retweeted:

    "PSA: if you see a woman who is working super hard to become who she's meant to be, and achieve the things she wants to achieve, and you have nothing to add to her life, or to give back to her in any way, please just leave her the fuck alone."

    No, Jenna, this does not apply to you. You are not working super hard at anything beyond upping your alcohol tolerance. And we Shammers have plenty to add to your life in the form of advice. Advice to stop abusing animals and giving them subpar care. Advice about getting a fecking job already and stop begging every month for strangers to pay your mortgage. And so no, we won't leave you the fuck alone. No...not until you rehome all your animals.

    And puh-lease stop posting photos of your pigs. Because every time you do, I wonder if THAT'S the pig that you shocked out of pure spite and hatred for sweet innocent animals.

    1. Also, someone who begs for every penny paid to fund her Whackadoodle Horseshit lifestyle opens themselves to criticism. People feel as though they have a horse in the race if their money is being used by Jenna.

      The same thing applies to her photos, IMO. If she insists on posting unattractive photos, I am happy to point out as much. Jenna is a narcissist and narcissists can't stand to be told the truth about themselves. You can call her an animal abuser all day and she could not care less. Call her ugly and she ends up in the fetal position sucking her thumb. Well deserved if you ask me.

    2. I wouldn't see her scamming, lying and begging if she didn't put it on the internet. Also, every time her mortgage payment is due, the begging intensifies. I have tried to add to her life, but she doesn't want to have a conversation about budgeting or getting a job. I can't give back to her, all she's ever done is take and complain that she needs more. I'd be more than happy to leave her the fuck alone if she would shut the fuck up about how everyone should be donating to her.

    3. Tell me, why do we need to add to her life, why should we give back to her? For what? Does she give to us? No, all she does is brag and beg, beg and brag. We won't leave her alone as long as she continues to run scams and fleece people. We're in for the long haul, baby!

    4. Years ago, our naysayers would have never thought that Jenna would re-home her goats and sheep herds (and most likely the pigs as well).
      We were often told to give up and that we weren't making a difference .
      We are definitely making a difference. As GG said, we aren't going anywhere!

    5. Well said, Red!

      And I totally think we've made a difference, as I've been contributing to this watchdog blog for exactly one year (anniv. was yesterday, lol) and have noticed that she's toned down her begging a bit. She's knows we're watching so she more carefully chooses her words these days. And also, public support for her is waning as more and more people discover this blog. And the truth.

      And like Graphic Girl said, we're in it for the long haul as long as Pig Shocker continues to try to scam the public.

    6. Definitely. The other site wasn't targeted and taken down because it was ineffective. Quite the opposite.

  27. According to a recent twitter remark, she doesn't have copies of her book, not even for herself. So where does the book that she will put in a random soap order come from?

    1. Or the pile of books she posed behind Aya Cash in her Twitter brags???

      Poor PS. Hard to keep her stories straight.

    2. Jenna said the same thing when someone offered to fix her truck in exchange for a book. Silly person- Jenna doesn't want solutions. Jenna wants your cold hard cash.
      Not long after, she started offering her books in packages with soaps.
      Jenna lies as much as she breathes.

    3. I really find it hard to believe that this narcissistic Pig Shocker doesn't own a single one of her own books. I also call bullshit as I have a vague memory of seeing her books on a shelf somewhere in her hovel.

      And yeah, where the hell are those random soap order books coming from? I think she just caught herself in a lie, proving us right that she had no intention of giving away a free book with any order. SMH.

    4. Me too, Anon7. I picture Crazy reading to the dogs from her books every night at bedtime. Punishment follows if they don't wag their tails in unison afterwards.

  28. Jenna has to tell herself over and over how scrappy and hard working she is because she knows she is lazy. And now that she is down to almost no animals, she keeps repeating the word 'farm' so she can convince the gullible readers that she actually has one. She doesn't. She has an old house on land that she has ruined. 2 horses, some chickens, and maybe pigs/lambs (I don't believe she has any as she previously stated they would be raised 'off the farm' by others) does not a farm make. I don't even have 2 acres and I am closer to a farm than she is! At least I have a few raised beds, a proper coop and predator proof run, and bee hives. Being sane, however, I don't claim to be something I'm not.


    1. HH, sounds lovely: chicken coop, raised beds and bee hives. Are you in a part of the country that is warm (spring-like) or still frozen??

    2. Anon 8:02 - I posted below before I read your post. But yes, that's EXACTLY the vibe I got while reading her newest bleg post. She listed bunch of things, including fauxrming, just to prove to her foollowers that she's productive and hard working.

      And, as you astutely pointed out, she no longer has a farming operation. She's not producing any milk, honey, vegetables, or any other products you'd associate with a farm. And that's probably why she never has her mortgage.

    3. PoodleDiDo: still frozen solid and more cold weather on the way! I am literally dreaming about bees and sunshine now. I am going to be so relieved when Spring is upon us.


  29. Hey Shammers! Here's the Cliff's Notes version of Pig Shocker's latest bleg post:

    "I need $200 ASAP. And look how productive I've been! I farmed, made soap, sent soap, made logos, wrote a book, an article, and promoted all my crap! All that just to prove to you that I deserve your hard-earned money! So don't you see, I'm such a busy little bee!! And that's why I don't have time to work a regular job. So if you want to help my sorry ass, here's my PayPal.me/JennaWHF -- Please, I really really really need $200, like yesterday!!!"

    1. Yes! My take on it:

      "...Even though I claim to want to earn the money through the crap I offer for sale, hopefully you won't want to be bothered with all that and instead will just donate money! Here's the paypal link! Use it multiple times a day and encourage others to use it too! What was that? You have bills too and you have a job so you can pay them?
      Well, darlin' sorry to hear that! I'm so extremely pathetic and incapable, complete strangers pay my bills for me! I'm a Twitterverse charity case!

    2. One of her new marks did just that. She wrote that she didn't want any of Jenna's (crappy) soaps, meat or classes, but wanted to JUST SEND HER MONEY so she could (SOB) help the scrappy farm survive. Seriously, How naive and ignorant are these people? I could understand before Reddit, and Cold Antler Sham and Cold Antler Sham Too, but now???

      I genuinely hope one of these contributors is really an undercover agent for the FBI checking out interstate fraud. The chance that she will be caught for fraud and misrepresentation should keep her up nights.

    3. Oooooo, I hope they are too! That would be grand!

    4. Lol, some sucker actually did say, "I don't have a need for art, soap, or a class at the moment..."

      Yeah, neither do we. Like ever.

    5. And on another "Give me money" tweet some foollower wrote:

      "I has zero monies, but I am praying for you."

      Jenna Woginrich doesn't want your prayers or excuses! She wants you to get a second or third job so you can show her the monies!! Sell one of your children if you have to! No more excuses!

    6. Jenna hates prayers and well wishes because she can't pay for booze, wolf contacts, or Muppet yarn hair extensions with them. The nerve of some poodles!

    7. I'm still trying to figure out what she means by "I farmed." I was just out doing sheep-watch. It's lamb season. No I don't get up every two hours like she supposedly did, but I check on my girls and see if anyone is close, then she gets put in the nursery to have her baby in peace. Did I "farm?" I really didn't know it was a generic term!


    8. PD - the answer to your question, in my opinion, is that when people quickly scroll through this site, it looks like mean-girl troll central vs facts of her scams and neglect.

    9. I'm not interested in someone calling mean girl comment wolf.
      That's what people do who can't come up with anything meaningful to contribute to the conversations on this site.
      I personally have sent countless emails and had countless phone conversations in an attempt to get the animals at CAF, including the hawks, some help. Unless you are in the arena fighting to make a difference, your criticisms mean nothing to me, Anon2011.

    10. Anon 2011, many many people (including me) who used to call all the sites, including Meredith's, "troll central" have been scammed by JW and now are commenters here.
      Jenna does have her "charm" for many of her readers, and I'm convinced that many of them have as despicable a character as Jenna and actually cheer her on when she scams and steals. I've seen it on twitter. Nothing we can do about those people, and nothing we can do about Jenna. She seems to be committed to grifting. We can plant a seed in the minds of some honest, well meaning people. They'll be back with a new understanding someday.

  30. Anyone else notice that Gibson hasn't been mentioned in a long time?
    I have also noticed that rarely in the years Jenna has been blogging has Jenna ever noted having a vet bill as a monthly expense.

    Especially this year since she announced Gibson had to be rushed to the vet. What about his follow up care? Where are those expenses discussed? Obviously, he isn't receiving any or she would be whining about it.

    1. $50 says she sold him to pay for a six-pack of the latest hipster beer brand. And hair extensions for Friday.

    2. Friday does look good in those rainbow braids....

  31. Jenna Woginrich
    5h5 hours ago

    Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Jenna Woginrich
    (haha, she does this all the time, retweeting and tweeting herself, now isn't that lame?)

    I am so close to getting to the farm's goal, now's the time to consider art or soap or a class at the farm! Your support is needed this weekend!!!

    She makes it sound like it's a one time thing, like something bad happened and she just really needs help. Like it's a marathon! A go fund me...


    Ah, like what EVERY OTHER ADULT in the WORLD has to do... Monthly... assure their living structure and BASIC requirements.

    Does she need a kidney? Nope.

    Does she have some terrible terminal illness? Nope.

    Did a bad storm level her home and she is living in a tent? Nope.

    Did someone rob her and beat her and she's suffering from the trauma? Nope.

    Did someone deny her justice and equality because of her gender or whatever? Nope.

    She's just a privileged white girl who thinks WE all need to save THE FARM because, ah, ah? Not sure? Because of all the wonderful content she supplies? Nope.

    Because she works hard to help others to reach her fantasy life? Nope.

    Because she gets to go hiking and hunting and playing games in the daytime when we are all hustling and working to be able to afford our lives? Nope.

    Shesh, the gall of this chick. Step right up folks, help her SAVE her farm... this month. And next month. And the next month... And again... and one more time again... ad nauseam ....

    1. Her Foolowers really are a bunch of Fools. Money problems aren't ever solved with money.

    2. Great post, Farm Lass. The Pig Shocker has none of those devastating and life changing circumstances you listed, but she begs for her bills to be paid just the same. And karma does not look kindly upon those who do that.

      Just wait, wait until she experiences a truly devastating and traumatic situation. Her begging will fall upon deaf ears due to donor fatigue. Karma can sometimes take it's sweet time, but it always shows up.

    3. Wow Whack, what a good point. I wish we could teach that one to our Feral Farmer.

    4. Red, Jenna could benefit from advice from a lot of people but she thinks she knows it all. I know you have experienced that first hand with her.

      She can't afford to finance her own lifestyle but still thinks she is the smartest person in every room.
      I don't know about you but I relish the advice of others who have been there and done that whenever I set out to try something new. That is a true fool who refuses to listen to those with more experience.

    5. Ha ha. Advice terrorized her, so I guess I'm a terrorist.

  32. Jenna said in her last bleg that when she gets the $200. so she can send off her mortgage payment then all of last years bills will be caught up!! So this mortgage payment is for Dec.? Good golly how can this be? So now we start begging for Jan. in March? Good grief.

    1. It probably won't be long before she starts asking online strangers to contribute to her retirement fund. Sample upcoming tweet:

      "Okay Twitter! I have 30 years before I start digging into my crucial but currently non-existant retirement funds. Help me spread the word about why it's so important to support me long after I stop pretending to farm. I have no inheritance! I have no trust fund! I've paid NOTHING into social security! This gal needs your support! WE CAN DO THIS!!!"

      Go ahead, Jenna, cut and paste this into your next tweet. You know you want to.

    2. That will totally happen!

      Jenna is looking at a bleak future. That should be her foremost concern.
      She could move into a relatives home today, live rent and bills free from now until she is retirement age and save every penny of her grifting money (which the grift would be over once she moves) and Jenna still would not have enough saved for retirement considering she won't qualify for social security or medicare because she doesn't have enough work credits from the few years she held a job.
      THAT is what should terrify Jenna. A monthly mortgage payment is peanuts compared to the hell she will be living in 20 years from now.

  33. It's people like this woman, featured on the Ellen show, who deserve all the kindness and help in the world.

    Check out @TheEllenShow’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheEllenShow/status/1100876081622528000?s=09

    This is the sort of treatment that Jenna feels she deserves. Because she think it is owed to her, she won't ever be handed gifts and blessings like these.

    Here's a reminder of people who truly struggle and fight everyday. It makes Jenna's refusal to get a job and help herself even more outrageous. People could do so many good things with their donations of money instead of wasting them on Jenna.

    1. Sorry, this should be the correct link:


    2. So true. And not just people like her who are more worthy, but also people in 3rd world countries, disabled persons and anyone else who would love the opportunity to work a job that brings in a paycheck. Yet the able-bodied Pig Shocker thinks she's above all that.

    3. Totally agree, Anon7!
      A great example would be the Kiva loan Jenna received for "farm improvements " which never happened.
      The Kiva loans are a lifeline for women in other countries. Jenna looks like a spoiled brat with first world problems in comparison to those who really need the help from Kiva.

  34. Out of curiosity (and this will be my only comment on this particular subject), Hound Doggy have you seen a familiar ip address today?

    Either I have a sinus infection or someone needed extra attention today because something smells a little funky.

  35. Twitter:

    "I just walked in on my cat using the toilet... my male cat was perched on the edge of the toilet peeing into it.... I had no idea he had this skill."

    What a load of malarkey! Looks like someone is hoping to tap into the cat lover pity donation market.

    Donate to me, my cat is talented!

    Reality is that Jenna has never had a nice thing to say about cats- even her own!

    1. He probably had to find something to do because she probably doesn't clean her litter box ever or even has one. Everything else pees all over her place... just saying...

    2. The cat was probably tired of her crapping in his litter box and wanted revenge. But yeah, sounds like a made-up story to appeal to cat people. As a cat person, it's not working. I still think she sucks ass.

    3. Color me surprised that she even owns a litter box.

    4. If she owned a litter box, if she ever cleaned a litterbox or ever cleaned her toilet, she would find evidence or lack thereof that the cat was using the toilet.
      I am 99% it's a bullshit story but on the 1% chance it is true, I can guarantee the cat would leave signs of his use all over the toilet.

    5. One being the cat wouldn't flush. Being that Jenna is the one person living in her house, wouldn't she notice that the toilet had been used and not flushed before seeing the cat peeing in the toilet. Proof again that Jenna is too stupid to make up a believeable story.

  36. What an utter piece of shit waste of life Jenna Woginrich is. For a over a week she's been hardcore begging and screaming for online strangers to pay her mortgage while writing stuff like this:

    "Okay Twitter! I have 3 days to make a crucial mortgage payment. [...] WE CAN DO THIS!"

    So her idiot foollowers save her ass for the umpteenth time and this is all she has to say:


    Seriously WTF? Not even a THANK YOU??? Or even a "Thanks to you guys, the mortgage payment has been made." Nope, not one word in that sentence that shows any appreciation for the cool grand that was luckily slung her way, due to the kindness of morons. What an unbelievably selfish and narcissistic twunt this Pig Shocker is.

    1. And she makes it sound like her mortgage is a team effort. Not even her own responsibility at all.

      And then, why would she thank them? She's the one who did aaaallllllll the hard work.

    2. Jenna never says thank you. It's more narcissistic behavior. Why would she thank anyone when she sincerely feels as though she is owed the financial help? Jenna feels that it is a privilege to contribute to her whackadoodle effed up finances.

      It's hard for normal thinking people, who were raised to have self respect, a strong work ethic and to put in the hard work without whining, to wrap their head around Jenna's messed up sense of entitlement.

      Whining is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you don't like something, state it and work to better it. Just whining while moving in place without working on solutions is a major character flaw in my opinion.

    3. Not only was there no "thank you" she's already whining about how people need to hire her:

      "If you're looking for a logo, please consider hiring me! Sales from design work help carry this farm through the winter! Offering a half price sale if you can wait a bit to begin designing!"

      OMG, Pig Shocker, we KNOW. All of Twitter knows that you are offering logos, sketches, soap, spam shares. You say this every damn day. Your. Foollowers. They. KNOW. And their silence should be a big clue that they do not want your crap. So stop whining about how their hard-earned money helps your fauxrm get thru winter. It's very unbecoming.

    4. Someone posted on CAST evidence of Jenna stealing a logo from a site that said it was not ok to use any of their intellectual property and she used it on her site. I will try to find the logo and post links.

    5. As I remember the stolen clip art was for a cow's head and the website forbade commercial use of its clip art. Jenna used the cow head for a dairy farm's logo and posted a photo showing logo on their sign.

      The clip art owner could demand that ALL improper uses of the image be removed/destroyed. Not smart to get a logo from someone like Jenna, with a history of *illegal* use of clip art images.

    6. I was thinking of a heathen type group symbol that she removed some of the writing on it and used it on her site advertising her little heathen playdates.

    7. There's so many examples to choose from lol.

  37. And she's proud to be dumpster diving again.

    Why does she have to make it sound like she's been digging through garbage like a damn raccoon? We know now there's a less-shameful book bin or something. It's like she's going out of her way to be gross.

  38. Shouting out to Blair Braverman again. Yea like they are besties. Seriously doubt Blair invited Jenna to run dogs. Full of shit as usual.

    1. It takes self discipline and drive to cultivate a team of sled dogs.
      Also, I doubt they chug the booze while doing running the team. Jenna
      wouldn't last 5 minutes lol.

    2. Did y'all see the new photo the Pig Shocker posted of Gibson? He looks like he suffered a stroke. Poor thing does not look healthy at all.

    3. Was it on Twitter or Instagram?
      Poor guy. He deserves so much better than Jenna. ALL of Jenna's furry prisoners deserve so much more.

    4. I read Blair's blog. She seems very real and hard working. No nonsense. I hope she does well and stays safe. There are a couple of really gorgeous line drawings on her twitter. Real artwork, not cartoons.

  39. I love how Jenna called the people idiots who left the books she waddled home with from the dump.

    Are there any locals who know where this dump is? Do people really leave the sort of stuff Jenna claims to get from there?
    Is there a Goodwill nearby?
    If it's even true, I wonder why people would leave stuff at a dump instead of donating it.
    The books she recently posted pictures of are probably covered in mold or animal feces if you flip them over.

  40. It never ends! Same ol' same ol' blog post after blog post. Mortgage, dentist, offering soap, classes, etc. Boring! *snore* Wake me up when it's all over!

    1. Ahh...and so the grasshopper can relax "for two days" because the ants have paid her bills. I think the two days will be about two weeks or so before the begging begins.

    2. Seriously, you could skip an entire month of reading her bleg and not miss a thing, as it's just the same shit over and over and over. There's never any new talk about growing crops, animal breeding or anything farm related. It's all about emergencies, broken pipes and trucks, root canals, fear, anxiety and misfortune. She'd be better off in a mental ward than on a property she can't afford, and putting animals in danger.

  41. “I am working hard on a new book, the most personal and important thing I have ever written. If I'm lucky I'll be able to sell it and share it with a lot of people who will find comfort and inspiration in the 3,000 mistakes and fears I made ahead of them!”

    What could be more “personal” that all of her whining, begging, anxiety-ridden angst she throws up on her bleg for the world to see? She has NOTHING going on in her life, she can’t write, and noboby NOBODY wants to read (again) about all her ‘fears.’ I wouldn’t be surprised if the book entails subtle or not-so-subtle begging in it, too. I’m quite sure it will include chastisement of poods who would not donate to her filthy feedlot, and have caused her so much ‘anxiety.’ It’s all their fault, you know.

    As far as her mistakes, topics that will not be included are the two (three?) hawks that died in her care, the fact that Gibson was never treated for his tick-borne illness, and how various other ill farm animals were thrown out in the cold to die. I’m sure there will be a glamorized, untruthful account of how animal control was called to her places twice (Vermont and CAF), and what big, bad meanies everyone is who reported her. “People just don’t understanding farming!”

    Her biggest mistake was to have bought a farm in the first place. I don’t need to read her entire book of her drivel to understand that.


    1. Her agent, Sofa King Stupid, (or whatever it's called) must not have the balls to tell her that her writing sucks as bad as her "art."

      What about the Birchthorn patrons?
      What sort of people would want to represent someone and attempt to get that person a new book deal after she scammed a kickstarter for $15,000 ?
      She got her stubby man hands on that money and could not care less what she promised the patrons.
      Four years later and the Birchthorn kickstarter page still has multiple comments from patrons wanting refunds because they didn't receive their books.
      Four. years. later.

      Jenna doesn't have the thought process, talent or interesting life experience to write a decent book.
      It's just another one of Jenna's narcissistic delusions.

    2. Who in their right mind would want to read something as dreadful as that? If she writes it truthfully, it will involve dead animals, birds, police, animal abuse, human abuse, fleecing the public, making a fool of yourself in your town, online and to the world.

      Yeah, best seller materials, there...

    3. She wants people to find "inspiration" in her story? That's rich. People reading her story, her bleg, will only be inspired to work hard at their jobs to earn an honest paycheck so they don't become indigent like her. Jenna Woginrich is a cautionary tale that warns of the danger of living a lazy life that no one understands. A life of begging online strangers to pay your bills is NOT inspirational. It's well, frankly, it's terrifying trying to imagine an existence where you don't know where your next dollar is coming from. And the thought of waking up and knowing you have to beg people to help you is just horrifying to me. I don't know how she lives with herself, or how she rationalizes her pathetic actions.

    4. Jenna's life is a cautionary tale, not sonething to strive for.
      Jenna lives one big nightmare.
      There is not one aspect of her life that I envy.

  42. Jenna wondering what to do today. How about getting off your fat lazy ass and looking for your hawk? Of course that's not mentioned because even Jenna knows its probably a fools errand as the hawk is most likely dead. Then how about WORKING? Working...what's that?

    1. When really, no matter what anyone suggests, Jenna will spend the day attention seeking on social media while stuffing her face, while wearing her wolf contacts, while posed like her version of a sweet toddler (see my blogger ID pic), while combing her comb-over, while chugging her booze. With yard bathroom breaks as needed.

    2. The definition of a farm: A farm is an area of land that is devoted primarily to agricultural processes with the primary objective of producing food and other crops.

      The definition of farming: The cultivation of land and breeding of animals and plants to provide food, fiber, medicinal plants and other products to sustain and enhance life.

      NONE of this is happening on the feedlot that is Cold Antler Fauxrm. She's not breeding any animals or growing any food crops. Nor is she producing honey or fibers. She has a few meat animals that she feeds rotten food to before she slaughters them later this year. That is it.

      The bulk of her day involves planting her lazy ass in front of the computer and perusing social media all day. Hours spent trying to influence people and lure them into her sad story so that they may support her lazy lifestyle, handing over their hard-earned cash to pay her mortgage because she's to lazy to get a real job.

      Jenna Woginrich is NOT a farmer by any means.

  43. Happy March!

    Here's an idea.

    Let's re-start the concept of beginning each new thread (or multiple posts on each thread) with cached links or direct quotes showing why we are critical of the goings-on at Barnheart and Cold Antler Farm.

    We never tolerate lies, misrepresentations, scams or animal neglect / abuse. At CAST you can count on us to write the truth*.

    (*except in cases of obvious satire and parody. In such situations, folks who disapprove need to get a funny bone y'all!)

    1. Is it possible to make a sticky post with the basic gist of our cause and basic guidelines?

    2. Great idea! And looks like Brynner42 on the CAS Twitter is of the same mind, posting a reminder of the time the Pig Shocker purposely and spitefully shocked her pigs:

      "It took another half hour but I grabbed an old two-mile plug in charger and set it up to replace the ten-mile charger that was a deadbeat. With the ground cleared around it (note to self, do not bite nails for a few days or you might wind up with ringworm) I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I HEARD A SQUEAL OF PAIN THAT BROUGHT NOTHING BUT A SMILE TO MY FACE. I ran off to get the pigs their water AND POURED SOME OF IT ON THE GROUNDING ROD JUST FOR SPITE."

      Ugh. What a horrible nasty piece of work Jenna Woginrich is. It sickens and disgusts me every time I read this account of her sadistic ways. People like her do not deserve anything good in their lives. May she continue to be poverty stricken and rejected by book publishing agents everywhere.

  44. On Twitter:

    "I am turning an old storage closet full of junk into an actual working gear closet for hiking, hunting, falconry, archery and I feel like a new woman. So I removed the dirty blinders in this weird door, painted it red, added hardware cloth and old plates from states I lived in, and arranged all my gear inside a place that was formally piles of old magazines, books, garbage, and clothes for goodwill."

    So basically the Pig Shocker wasted time building a shrine dedicated to wasting time AKA mountain smashing. Instead of taking the time to erect proper fencing she does this. How productive.

  45. Jenna Woginrich wants everyone to know that her bank account only has $9 in it. Why does she want everyone to know this? So they can feel sorry for her and express their concern in the form of pity donations?

    Her latest bleg post:
    "We made it! The farm made it! I mailed in the check at least. And once it cashes I will have about $9 in my account, but it is MAILED!"

    I'm surprised my head hasn't fallen off from shaking it so much. It wasn't enough for her foollowers to have gifted her the mortgage payment...she now wants MORE. Cuz she only has $9.

    She also babbles on about Daylight Savings Time and how it will afford her an additional hour to waste each day. And an additional hour to whine and beg her foollowers for more money. Cuz she only has $9 you fools! And I think that's not enough for a bottle of whisky?

    1. It doesn't matter how much you have in your account when the bills are paid. I'll only have $3. But I know I get more money in 2 days, so I'm okay. That's why she needs a job.

    2. Jenna hopes that someone will send her some bank account padding since it's low.
      Jenna chooses to remain unemployed yet wants money.
      I'm not sure how people get money on whatever planet Jenna lives on but back here on earth people usually work for a living.
      It's called being a mentally stable adult and Jenna sucks at it.

  46. From the latest bleg:

    "And as always I try to remind you - for faster updates always check in on Twitter for the newest of news! I update there dozens of times a day. Here once every few, unless things are more exciting. "

    Unless things are more exciting? The only time Jenna posts more frequently on her bleg is when she is begging for $! It's never a daily post about exciting, good things. NEVER!

    Keep lying to yourself, crazy!

    1. Who needs to hear what she thinks and does DOZENS of times a day?

      Why this gal thinks she is so special and worthy of so much adoration when she really produces NOTHING in the way of interesting content or entertainment or advice or anything these days. Just woe is me, scared of wolves, help me, pay my bills, oh, now I play! And then rinse, repeat.

    2. I agree Farmlass!
      It would be fascinating to know what contributed to Jenna's extreme narcissism and allusions of grandeur.
      Was it environnental? Genetic?
      Is she a product of being raised by a narcissist? Whatever it is, she has an extreme case.

  47. Here we go with the lies. Jenna mentioned recently that someone reported her frozen driveway chicken to the authorities.
    As usual, Jenna is too stupid to realize that a whole new group of Foolowers will now have a doubt about her in the back of their mind. Some will turn to google to find out more info about what happened for the state police to show up at Jenna's house.
    Now Jenna has to attempt damage control. Did she say a chicken froze to death and the authorities showed up? What she meant to say is that she loves chickens and loses sleep to protect chickens.
    (EYE ROLL)
    Forget that she encourages predators to hang out on her property and doesn't give a rat's ass how many animals they kill. Jenna says she can just buy more.
    The new chicken bff's tweets today:

    "I've been outside 3 times in the last 15 minutes because of a fox and now i can't fall back asleep because of money, hay, death and love. When is sunrise?"

    "The same hen kept getting chased so I brought her inside. Ever been unable to not stop worrying about the slow march towards emotional entropy next to a chicken at 2AM?"

    1. If. She. Locked. Up. Her. Chickens. At. Night. They. Wouldn't. Be. Chased. By. Predators.

      It defies logic.

    2. Here's a thought. Maybe if Pig Shocker spent a fraction of her wasteful life strengthening the chicken coop...and then SECURING the chickens each night, she wouldn't have to worry about a fox attack.

      SMFH at her late attempt to "care" about chickens. After all, she's the person who loves foxes and buys twice as many birds so the foxes can eat too.

      WTF is wrong with her???

    3. That's the million dollar question, PDD.
      People like her are why mental institutions have locks on their doors.

  48. Jenna has a chicken coop.
    It's not one of Jenna's creations that look like they were made during rec time at the institution. It's a coop made by a coop manufacturer.

    A sane person would put their chickens in the coop at night so they aren't ravaged by predators. A crazy person leaves their chickens loose overnight and then brings one into the HOUSE when they see a predator.

    Not into the coop but into the house where Jenna eats and sleeps.

    1. Doesn't Jenna remember that the mold in her house killed her hawk named Anna Kendrick?
      Maybe she has a tiny chicken respiratory mask for it.

  49. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich@coldantlerfarm

    "To my soap customers: after this walk with the dogs I am taking a shower with some soap I made that I am a little worried has too much orange scent in it. So I am going to be the animal testing it before I ship any bars of this batch. This is the quality control you can count on!"


    "And don't @ me about how you would complain about a rated R movie too. This is one of my favorite mom memories. Don't ruin it with your house rules, also don't come to my parties."

    I guess we should be grateful that she showers at all this time of year. And little Ms. Bossy Pants doesn't have to worry about any of us going to her gatherings.

    1. That was the tired old story she likes to tell about how her mom hung up on parents of the kids who had been at Jenna's party who Mama Wog had allowed to watch an R movie without the parents' permission.
      The kids were probably 5 at the time.

      The psycho doesn't fall far from the tree apparently.


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