I wish I had a blog to whine!

oh, wait.....I do.

Winter's bottom has hit ME!  It snowed.  Friday I lost both internet and tv.  Too much snow piled on the dish.  Then Saturday I lost power.  I might have been TERRIFIED but instead I put on more clothes and lit a fire in the fireplace.  I didn't open the fridge often and didn't use water from the tap.  I grabbed one of the gallons of drinking water I have put back.  When it got dark I got my oil lamp and brought my flash light close.
I snuggled under a blanket with dogs.  Nice and warm and toasty.  I didn't even try to get my car out.  I've got a long driveway anyway.
And the Very Worst part...last night one of my smoke detectors started chirping.  So this morning I had to climb two steps up my stepladder and change the battery.

So in conclusion....Shut up Jenna.  Inconveniences happen to everyone.  Grown ups handle them.


  1. Hear, hear! Glad everything worked out. In November 2015 we had an epic windstorm the likes of which have not been seen before. A 72 mph wind blew over one of my 50 foot spruce trees and it landed parallel to my house. It was almost as long as the house, and the top part landed on my front porch. Truly a miracle it didn't land ON the house. Naturally, trees were down everywhere and my power was out for five days. I wasn't 'terrified' and didn't panic. I lit my LED button lights I have throughout the house on the walls. I stoked up my woodstove and even cooked on it plus my Coleman camp stove. It was cold (zone 5b) but I was perfectly fine. My neighbor came over and cut up the tree and hauled it to his place. They only have wood heat, no furnace. Eventually, the power came back on but I really didn't miss it that much.

    So, yeah, Jenna. Quit yer bitchin'!

    1. Yikes!....those close calls keep you on your toes.

    2. 72 MPH...that's crazy. Those LED lights are cool and handy. I just found these ones that have a dimmer switch and use adhesive to stick to the wall:


      We don't get much in terms of weather here, but we do get nasty earthquakes that knock out power.

    3. Those lights are cool. Mine don't have dimmers, but they do stick to the wall like that. Very handy. And yeah, I don't miss the earthquakes in San Francisco. I was in the Loma Prieta quake, downtown, in a skyscraper, on landfill. At least I could walk home as I lived in the city. :- o

    4. The 1994 Northridge earthquake messed me up bad. I literally thought we were going to die. No joke. I was so traumatized, that as a result, there were certain rooms I refused to go into for months because I associated them with the big one and two major aftershocks.

  2. HD, surely you have some epic fresh soap to sell to earn up some slung luck in your winter's butt cheek? You know, those grubby little end pieces that break off when the bar is almost finished? You could charge $15 per piece +$45 for shipping? Oh, wait, you aren't delusional. Nevermind.

    1. Winter's butt cheek. LOL!!!!

    2. ROFL!!!! Winter's butt cheek...

    3. Lol, last year for Jenna was insane according to her bleg. Seems like she's getting a break this year. Not that she deserves it.

  3. Kudos! Looks like Hound Doggy really knows how to adult, unlike someone else we know.

    Sorry to hear about your issues, but glad you were able to deal. So, the no power/fridge dilemma, can you grab a couple of pots of snow and put them inside the fridge to help keep things cold?

    I've read about people in snowy places having to shovel out their driveways. How long is yours and have you ever had to shovel the whole thing?

    1. I didn't worry about the food. I didn't open the fridge but once. I just stayed hopped up on Cheetos and Mt. dew. Actually I'd just stick stuff outside...or in the car.
      My driveway is long. No way I'd even attempt it. When I lived in town I'd shovel it...until my neighbor bought a snow blower. He liked to play with it so he'd do my driveway and I'd bake him brownies.
      I don't have to go in to work so nothing is pressing. I just stay home. I did cancel a Dr appointment today but just rescheduled...no biggie.
      Also, I hear rumors the gravel roads are bad. So even if I get out my driveway there are still the roads to deal with. I live 15 miles from town and I'm not walkin'.

    2. That's sweet, the brownies in exchange for snow removal! On reddit, I've read stories about someone in a neighborhood buying some new fancy snow removal machine and being bummed that they couldn't have more fun with it after clearing their small driveway. So, they offered to clear the entire neighbor's so that they could get more enjoyment out of it! Neat story I thought. :D

  4. From the last thread about Jenna Woginrich's failed Etsy endeavor, Redhorse wrote:

    "She was shown the door because she followed her standard practices, didn't fulfill her orders."

    Unbelievable, but what else would one expect. How many people did she rip off? And how hard is it to make a sale and then ship the order out? It's not exactly rocket surgery.

    1. On the first Cold Antler sham blog, some people wrote in about their Etsy adventures with Jenna. I don't remember how many there were. I think you could still find her page back then. It was one of the things that convinced me she would never change. She has one way of doing things, and this is it.

    2. There are some good ones on there. It's pathetic that she took money from people to write the "clan" blog, and couldn't even manage to write a couple of paragraphs twice a month.

    3. Thanks for the link, sash. Other than Meredith's first comment I didn't see mention of the Etsy disaster. Do you know which message it's in? I carefully scanned but didn't see it. But I did see this comment:

      "[...]...her mortgage remains 3 months behind and she's spending afternoons buying t-shirts, riding merlin, sipping store bought coffee and bingeing on Netflix."

      This was written back in 2015. 2015!!! This could have been written today! Cannot believe that her habits have not changed and she's still crying poor while wasting precious time that would be better spent at a real job that delivers an honest paycheck.

    4. Nobody mentioned Etsy on Meredith's blog. But there is a good list of other people's complaints. The Etsy comments had been posted on the original CA Sham blog. One of the first posts was a running list of people posting about being ripped off by JW. I believe it was over 1,000 comments before the blog ended.

    5. Over 1,000 comments?!? Geez Louise! I'd love to see that. Anyone here know how to (successfully) navigate the Wayback Machine?

  5. Jenna really should re-think that grisly hunting pic she posted on Twitter -- the one that shows the hawk with blood dripping from it's gob all over the snow. Yeah we get it, she's trying to look like a cool falconer. But the dead bunny one was enough.

    If she had a brain, in terms of promoting her "brand" (and I use that term more loosely than her dog's stools) she should think about appealing to the broadest group of people. That pic is going to turn the stomachs of all her vegan and vegetarian followers.

    So go ahead Jenna, keep posting bloody photos. Less poodle cash for you!

    1. At this point and since she has a history of staging her photographs, I don't believe her! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't get a rabbit from elsewhere and just feed him to the hawk, posed outside for photographs. After all, we hammered her because her previous hawks were massively unsuccessful at hunting, so she wants to "show" the doubters this.hawk.can.hunt. Even it's bs.

    2. Held my nose and read her thread about hunting with the hawk. If the hunt successfully took place (which I'm still not entirely convinced about) please note how much she BRAGS about the hunt, and POSTS about it again and again??? Her CROWING shows just how sad and pathetic her life is, bragging over this tiny success.

      Now think back.

      She NEVER posted about a successful hunt with Aya Cash; this means she never had one.
      She NEVER posted about deliberately letting Aya Cash fly free; this means she didn't do it and Aya died, was killed or flew away.

      I've also noticed she's more careful photographing the newest hawk. Perhaps she was visited by NYSDEC or perhaps the word got to her, but (so far at least) she hasn't posted stupid photos of Dash inside a bar or hanging with her drunk friends. And, with the exception of one IG story of him perched on a chair, she's only posted curated photos of him outside. My opinion is she's trying to tamp down criticism for (1) not paying attention to the hawk unless it was for social media (2) insufficiently exercising the hawk and (3) not having successful hunts.


    3. I thought the same thing. I don't think her other victims have ever caught anything because if they did, she would have done just what she did with this one... pictures after pictures and praise and all that. She is so easy to see through. She thinks we are all just as dumb as bricks...

    4. Agree with you on all points, PoodleDiDoo. Can't remember seeing any photos of the other hawks with fresh kill. And if there aren't many photos (or mention) of this new hawk inside, that's a great improvement. She's no doubt aware of the criticism and is trying to lay low it would seem.

  6. So she gets a prepaid visa card from ACA to use on martial arts classes? How is this even possible?
    Seriously people please help me understand this.

    1. Speaking of her and money, why is is that I don't seem to be able to comment on her blog posts? But the send me CASH link sure works. HA!

    2. I don't think she can use that for martial arts classes. I can't even buy vitamins with mine.

  7. Yes the bunny pictures are too much, but Jenna seems to get off on showing people gross pictures. Seriously, there is something really wrong with her. Almost like a serial killer. Actually she is a serial killer of animals when you think about it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's a very unnecessary and disgusting photo. And she captioned it, "Sweet dreams!" What an awful wretched person she is.

  8. are you effing kidding me??????????????


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That whole article was like so annoying. I just cringed at every little ME ME ME thing she added, like pretending to not like the flower on the back or that she has HIPS... hahahahahaha oh my word. And then the picture of the border collie is not with the border collie bag. What a bunch of crap. Seriously. And she is supposed to be qualified to write about these because she just started hiking and did like 3 hikes? Shesh.

    3. Great find, Erin! I'm wondering where those other breeds came from. I don't remember Jenna posting any mountain smashing pics with any dogs other than that black and white one.

      So where did find a Siberian Husky, Golden Retriever and a Weimaraner to supposedly test these packs on? If those test runs did happen, where are the pics? Is she bullshitting?

    4. Anon7, she was comparing the packs to different dog breeds to be cool. Saying that if you wanted a border collie type day pack, pick this one because it's smart and cool and blah blah and if you would rather something hard working, then go with a husky. Just kinda dumb.

  9. So it would seem that Jenna Woginrich may have a bit of a conscience, as she deleted something that she wrote when she posted a pic on Instagram yesterday of her hawk standing over a dead bunny. Here's her original statement:

    "Just one hour on the mountain, a few flights after game, and then SLAM! BUNNY DOWN!!!! Watership down!!!"

    Watership down? That's fucking horrible, excuse my French. Watership Down is the story of survival amongst a group of rabbits. Only a sociopath would think it's funny to show a poor dead bunny and make such a heartless comment. Either she realized how callous her stupid words were....that, or someone called her out.

    1. It also shows her illiteracy, obviously never having read or understood the classic adventure tale. She's such a shallow, uncaring creature.

  10. Jenna's next project is another book. Yea okay good luck finding an editor or someone wanting to print that garbage....like Birchthorn. The book you still have not mailed out.

  11. I've just read her Twitter from the last couple of days. I've lost IQ points.

    1. Lol, I felt the same way when I tried reading her bleg from the beginning. I only made it as far as the first two years before my brain shouted, "Stop! Please! Any more of this shit, no CSF for you!"

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I wrote to them yesterday about her. Of course I haven't received a response.

    2. I have been a loyal Outside reader for DECADES. This pains me down to my soul. I just can't understand how they could be duped by this troll.

    3. I think it's an online article, which has a different set of editors. Check it out - they're all younger than Jenna.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It pains me to say this because I know first hand what a scamming liar Jenna is, but I think any outlet doing due diligence on her would probably think our blog is "mean girl trolls." No? Yes? Maybe? How can we change that or make it more more clear so when she tells others we are trolls, it is clear we are not?

    6. Anon2011 - Perhaps with the last CAS blog one might think "mean girl trolls" because of some people calling Jenna a fat ass or gorilla, but this blog so far has not resorted to those types of facts. I'm guessing that Outside didn't do any background check beyond perusing her pathetic bleg.

  13. What happened to my reply about the dog packs????

  14. What strikes me is how Jenna Woginrich can't resist lying even when it's totally unnecessary. Good for her to get out and try to earn some income by writing a review (though I wonder if it was a paying gig, was she gifted the backpacks or was that another expense during her root canal crises, and did she even actually hike with all 4 of them?) In the OUTSIDE magazine review, she says that she hiked with both dogs, when she explicitly did not ever take Gibson and wrote about it being because of his tick-born disease. What is even the point of that lie? It's pathological lying, she does it all the time about everything and seems incapable of simply stating the truth, even if the truth is perfectly fine.

  15. She says she's donating a lamb share someone supposedly bought for a family in need.

    If this is even a real person buying a share to donate... who else is placing a bet that she's just going to sell that share again?

    1. I'm seriously tempted to ask her for proof when the time comes that she actually donated to a family in need ( other than herself... who is always in need) or a food bank. I will bet 10 lamb shares, 100 half price logos and 50 lbs of soap and shipping costs that this will never happen. I'm positive that by the time the lamb is ready 14 years from now the person who donated that lamb will still remember that they spent the money but Jenna Woginrich will have lost their email or forgotten who this kind person even is.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. She pulled a similar scam with classes a while back. She told her followers that if anyone wanted to donate the cost of a class for fiddle or archery, she'd make sure that "someone in need" was able to take that class. Because poor folks worry about being able to learn archery... Anyway, nothing seemed to come of it because she never mentioned it again. Failed scam!

    4. Yeah, I may be a little slow on the uptake but even I smell a rat. She just wrote this in her new bleg post:

      "Yesterday the most amazing thing happened! A stranger on Twitter bought an entire lamb from this farm for a family in need. I will either find a family that needs it or donate the meat to my local food bank or the elder care home in town."

      Gotta admit, this is a clever scam as she could supposedly "sell and donate" an animal and who would be the wiser? She could then "sell" the same animal multiple times!

      Funny that she mentions donating to the elder care home in her town. Is she referring to The Mansion that Jon Katz works with? Someone should make Katz aware of this offer so she'd have to pony up the goods!

      Also, if "someone" really bought a lamb why didn't she say who it was? In the past she's proudly named people outright, but not this time. Did the buyer explicitly tell her not to mention their name? Doubtful. She didn't mention the name because no one bought a lamb from her.

  16. Interesting detective work regarding Jenna Woginrich's connections to Outside Magazine, PoodleDiDoo. I'm seriously disappointed in Outside's choice to publish her article. Like everything else she tries once, she makes herself sound like an expert and runs with it, including her newfound "mountain smashing" activity. And like everything else, it doesn't sound like she's telling the truth.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Exactly, PDD - no editorial integrity.

    3. PoodleDiDoo, do you have to be logged into Twitter to do a search history for Jenna's CAF Twitter? Cuz the only search field I see is a general one at the top that searches all of Twitter and not specifically hers.

  17. Happy to report that "Cold Antler Sham Truths" finally showed up for me in the Google search results. But not yet on DuckDuckGo, my preferred search engine. Although "Cold Antler Sham Twitter" still shows up as the #2 result. So suck it, Jenna!

  18. On Jenna Woginrich's sad little bleg today:

    "A significant storm is heading into Veryork! It's hitting this weekend and I'm starting to plan for it now. Making sure everything is ready on a tight budget means careful planning - both here with farm as well as work and finances."

    Thar she blows! Laying the groundwork for beggin' as Winter's Butt Crack Bottom may finally be afoot! Love how she manages to mention money TWICE in one sentence with "tight budget" and "finances." Popcorn is on standby.

    So, how is everyone else's weather? We've had several days of rain in So Cal, which is just pure heaven! However, our temps are in the damn mid-sixties so as usual there's zero chance of any snow. :( Man, I'd even settle for a bit of graupel.

    So who's getting snow?

    1. We're in similar snow warning zone, although there is discussion that the big snowfall prediction may pass us by. If not, the forecast ranges from 8-12 inches. If we escape, only 2 inches. In New England everyone is used to dealing with a foot plus of snow. Roads are easily cleared by road crews and as FFF lives on a main road, she won't be stranded. The bigger issue with this storm is zero-subzero temps after the snows, then 10-20 mph winds. That means people/animal snow paths need to be shoveled right away before the cold temps harden the snow. FFF must pry herself away from drinks and Netflix, get a shovel and actually do some outside work.

      I really feel sorry for her horses, stuck outside in the snow, winds and subzero temps. If she had any decency, she would send them to Pember Patty or somewhere else.

    2. I'm not in the East, but in the West zone 5b. We're under NOAA's big purple blob of "winter weather advisory" on their map. Snow, freezing rain, rain, more snow, freezing rain, etc. all week/weekend. I don't mind snow much. It's the damn freezing rain that ices things up and turns roads into skating rinks. I work from home, so that's where I'm staying.

    3. Here in west Texas, it got up to 70 degrees today! :D

    4. PoodleDiDoo - You are so lucky with all that snow! It's currently sunny and 74 degrees here. That's almost 80! This weather can fuck right off. But at least we just had 4 days of delicious rain!

      Duckmama - The NOAA site is down due to gov't shut down. What is West zone 5b? And what zone is Southern California?

      Crokid - I see you are in hell just like me! But it sounds like you like the warmth. Lucky you!

    5. I like the warmth to an extent- the heat in the summer is just excessive! Plus, it was nice to have the warm weather for our first kidding of the year. I spent an awful lot of time outside!

  19. Notice that in her list of preparations for her animals, she never ONCE mentions any poultry. That's because they had to be rehomed. I wish that for just one bleg post, she would not mention finances/money/keep this place afloat, wolves at the door, etc. Just one. If wishes were fishes.....

  20. You know, I've reconsidered my comments on OUTSIDE Magazine. Any endeavour that gives FFF money and keeps her away from animals is all right by me. OUTSIDE Magazine may have the business integrity of the PR agents at "Absolutely Fabulous", but their behaviour is probably systemic in the publishing industry. I'll be deleting my comments on the topic.

    1. Whoa. Why such a huge change of heart so suddenly?? Did they threaten you for slander or something??

    2. No, Anon7. I just decided I was wasting energy expecting NY social media scamps AND Jenna AND magazine writers (who would sell their souls for free hand soap) AND editors (who would sell the country for readers) to do the right thing together.

      In 2019, I'm going to focus on direct fabrications and animal / farm neglect. And, of course, I'll need to add the occasional quip when she's done something too stupid or awful to ignore.

  21. There's a really sad photo of Merlin on her twitterfeed. He must have about an inch of snow on his back. I know he's a hardy kind of pony BUT he should at least have a rainsheet on which would keep him dry. Now maybe his breed is like an Icelandic which has such a heavy coat they dont need blankets but Merlin looks miserable. Horses tolerate cold, wet and wind but not at the same time. Especially at his age. And he has no shelter. I thought with the $6k she was going to build one. Why does she continue to have animals when she clearly doesn't give two shits about them?

  22. This image of Merlin is from her bleg, dated FEBRUARY 9, 2017. Yes, another archive photo from Jenna Woginrich, passed off with the veiled suggestion that the photo is current.

    I've often said Jenna doesn't really need to animals at CAF. And IMHO, it would be better for the animals if she didn't have any.

    She could indefinitely pass off old photos, others' photos and extreme close-ups of the occasional animal, even package and sell products from other farms. I would not begrudge it. In fact, I would APPLAUD any opportunity for her not to have an animal. But it would be nice if she would be truthful.

    When will her readers figure out there's not much truth in what she publishes?

    1. Not long if she keeps up the fakery. And especially if her foollowers discover this new blog. Which they will.

  23. Just read this little plea for sales. (Sad when you have to ASK for sales)

    Jenna Woginrich

    16h16 hours ago
    Jenna Woginrich Retweeted Jenna Woginrich
    Hey guys! Still offering a pet pic and soap in a combo! DM for details. Share if you can, really need to get this mortgage check mailed soon. (Yes, I still use a check)Jenna Woginrich added,

    Jenna Woginrich
    Hey friends! Do you want a custom pet portrait and 5 bars of handmade soap for a combo deal?! Well send me a DM! My goal is to sell three of these combos today! Money goes towards January Health Insurance Premium!

    So, she's ASKING (begging) for sales to pay her mortgage and her January premium, which it's almost February, but anyway... Yeah.

    So like, how does she not see that this is just a hobby for her? I mean, there are 11 more months she is going to have to beg for. And more years after years. How much $45 packs of melt and pour soap are her peeps going to want? Obviously, it's a well running dry if she has to keep begging and letting people know they are SAVING THIS FARM, instead of just enjoying a good product and wanting it.

    In my life I have never seen or known any human being that was SO against just getting a job, or a side gig that really pays or selling off stuff or whatever, than Miss Jenna Woginrich. She's an author with several books yet she'd rather beg and peddle kid's crafts to unsuspecting non-craft noobs.

    Obviously, something is working for her, because she doesn't seem to lack for the basics of life and has these expensive pets and all. Still, just can't believe this show continues on, month after month after year and so on. Just amazing.

    1. Beyond pathetic. It takes enormous chutzpah to live that way. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

      "Buy my soap so I can pay my mortgage! If I lose the deed, it's on you, not me."

      "Buy my soap so I can keep my health insurance! If I get sick without it, it's all your fault!"

      "But my soap, art, logos, classes, spam shares...or the farm gets it!"

      Farmlass, the way you put it with the "11 more months of begging" comment really puts it into perspective. That is such a daunting way to look at it. I really hope Jenna Woginrich reads what you wrote there so she can gain some perspective on her life and see it for what it really is. Opportunistic and sad.

      It's the beginning of the year and that's all she has to look forward to: Online panhandling and begging. Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Yearly. So depressing when you look at it that way.

  24. Y'ALL. The magazine she was publishing her LGBT essay (INTO) closed down.

    I can't tell if she was ever really getting it published and this is just an excuse for not showing everyone, or if she really did miss out.

    Either way, I could definitely use a laugh today!

    1. The magazine probably rejected her mess-ay but she's playing it like it was going to be published. Because since they're closed down, there's no way to call and confirm what she says either way.

      She'll probably hunt down and harass all the other LGBT publications into publishing her droll unexperienced drivel.

  25. Jenna Woginrich on Twitter: "Heading out to get some more feed and hay to feel safer, it's the cold snap after the snow comes that has me far more worried...intense cold on a 180 year old house... scary."

    Two things:

    ▶The cold snap is going to last 24 hours; it will be THIRTY EIGHT degrees on Wednesday.

    ▶Don't you think she should be more worried about what intense cold/high winds will do to two old horses instead of worrying about her farmhouse?

    1. Yup, same with her bleg too. She wrote two entries and it's all about the cold and "me me ME!" Nary a word about the animals save for the pigs, the dogs and the hawk. She posted a pic of a snow-covered Merlin but not a word of worry for him or Mabel. She's more concerned about herself and the fear of the barn roof and the roof above the kitchen collapsing.

      Nothing at all about keeping the horses safe and warm during a storm that, in her words, "is going to be hell for me." Hell for HER inside a house kept warm by TWO wood burning stoves? What about the horses? They are a big part of her meal ticket. You'd think she'd do more for them than just hope for slung luck to protect them.

    2. She's slinging old photos again. On Twitter, she posted a two-week old photo of her and hawk, suggesting it was current. No credit to the photographer either.

      Then she posted a several-year old photo of dog and mare in the snow, again with the strong suggestion that it's from today.

      Can she ever just tell the truth???

    3. The truth to Jenna is akin to a long lost penny burrowed down deep in the cushions of her hawk shit covered chair. Not worth the time or the effort to pursue and procure.

  26. Seems that Jenna really has toned down her outright begging tactics and is trying to be more subtle. In her latest bleg posts she mostly talks about the farm but she did manage to slip this in:

    "I'm okay with the uncertainty of how the hell I'll mail this mortgage check sitting by the family altar in my front room."

    Yeah, Jenna, ask your ancestors to pay your mortgage. Bright idea there. Everlasting eternity must be really boring, so I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to have something to do, like come up with money for you!

    BTW Jenna, you could avoid the uncertainty and "how the hell" moments each month if you just got yourself a dang job. Imagine that and all the certainty and security that would bring!

  27. On Twitter right now, Jenna is giving storm updates. Like any of her muting readers give a crap. And check out this particular storm update she tweeted:

    "While I am trying to scrap together a very late mortgage payment, I am healthy and encouraged by this town and you lunatics online. I'm here, alone in the storm, and howling back."

    Forget what I said minutes ago about her being subtle about begging. This is her third mention today of her unpaid mortgage bill. In the middle of a bunch of storm updates. What does her mortgage have to do with the freakin' storm?

    But hup hup, poodles! Her mortgage is VERY LATE!!!

    1. Oh man, she just won't stop now with the mortgage crap. Here's her very next tweet:

      "It is warm inside, power is still on, bellies are all full, I still own the deed. Friends all accounted for and safe. Cats asleep in piles of fleece. Dogs tired from tracking horses uphill. Me, ready for more dark beer."

      So she still owns the deed! (For now) Raise yer dark beer glasses! Cheers!!

      She's drinking and tweeting. It's going to be a very long night.

    2. And this gem, sponsored by whatever brand of dark beer she's drinking:

      "Alone or not, I am here and proud. This place is my tiny empire of wool and bacon. We are okay."

      No Jenna, your "place" is a huge empire of laziness, abuse, alcohol consumption and panhandling props.

    3. What is it with Jenna and howling?!

      Jenna, you're not a wolf. Not even a lesbian wolf. Just a human with fleas.

    4. LMAO, Jenna Woginrich will say anything to appear relevant and to attract hipsters with fat wallets. She's trying to sound cool but the only sound I hear is the loud splat of her falling teardrops as no one is stepping up to pay her mortgage and health premium.

    5. "Dogs tired from tracking horses uphill..."

      What the heck does that mean? Tracking them seems to imply that they got loose. Probably searching for shelter. Or just anyone to take care of them.

  28. Not sure if y'all ever scroll up to look at older posts, so a heads-up to anyone that responded to that weather post, as I just responded back. :)

    Anyway, happy Saturday everyone!

  29. Hope everyone is doing good out there during Winter's Fart! It's blowing something bad from Winter's Bottom here in Ohio!!!

    1. So jealous of all you cold weather folks! Yesterday it was an nasty 74 degrees and after the sun went down I turned on the A/C cuz it was cooler outside than it was inside, which irritates me. But the evening brought awesome 49 degree temps!

      This winter has actually been slightly colder than previous years. But I'm still dressed for summer in cut-offs, sleeveless t-shirt and barefooted. I can't remember the last time I wore a jacket. All the money I've wasted over the years on Columbia fleece wear is maddening!

  30. On Twitter, Jenna posted a bunch of pics of her frozen furry props. The one with the pig, he's totally giving her the stink eye! Lmao.

  31. She just said she hasn't touched emails, DMs, or worked on logos/illustrations because of the storm.

    Yet here she is... on Twitter.

  32. We live in the north woods. We moved here years ago to raise our kids. We work all summer and into fall to prepare for summer. It was our CHOICE to move here and STAY here. Lots of folks move here in the summer, misjudge how hard winter is, and move the following season. Do I miss fun outings with friends because I have to milk the cow? Yup but there is no complaining because I choose to milk the cow. Do I have to get up in the night to check the fire? Yup because I choose to heat with wood. No complaining. Do we have to shovel our way out of the house? Sometimes but again that's our choice. No complaining.
    If folks can't live in the north woods without complaining or having to be rescued from their own ignorance by not being prepared for winter then they don't belong in the north woods. Go home.

    1. Oh for the love..... she survived a fizzled out storm. We all did. I've done it all with five to seven kids, alone in an ice storm without a "storm log day whatever" and without a blog to beg, bitch and moan on. Knock it off Jenna. Grow up and look around. Everyone deals with winter in New England. It comes every year. And you start to think about preparing....every day it ISN'T winter.

    2. Great post, Mountain Walker! Yes, we are our choices. And we cannot escape the consequences of our choices. And that is the harsh lesson that Jenna needs to learn.

    3. Unknown, I might be crazy, but a bunch of kids during an ice storm sounds like fun! Hot chocolate, marshmallows, board games, hide-n-seek. Can you have pizza delivered during an ice storm?

  33. Just when I thought Jenna has toned down her begging ways, thar she blows! On Twitter:

    "Hoping to mail in a mortgage payment tomorrow if I can. This May will mark 9 years in this farmhouse."

    Hmmmm. "If I can" Jenna says. Well, obviously she CAN'T or she wouldn't be talking about it online. Even the dumbest of her foollowers can see that this is a passive-agressive plea for $100. She just needs $100 to ensure that the 9 year anniversary in May will come to fruition! Seriously, her tweet translates to: "Please give me money so that I can keep my feedlot." Jenna is communicating what she needs, and conveying the threat of what will happen if she doesn't get it. Puh-thetic.

  34. Now onto the bleg for today's sob story:

    "The bad news: the pipes that froze yesterday didn't thaw out despite the space heaters and two woodstoves. While trying to refill buckets to use to flush the toilet the cold water stopped working all together in the last faucet that worked and a pipe burst in the mudroom."

    OF COURSE a pipe burst. It wouldn't be a normal winter at Cold Antler Faux Farm if a pipe DIDN'T burst. And it burst at the worst time: Right before the mortgage payment (that she doesn't have) is supposed to be sent in! Crikey!!

    And then:

    "I am hoping to get on the phone with my plumber and find out what that piece is and if I can do it myself on Youtube before calling in hired help."

    Why is she blogging about this? Just get on the damn phone and figure it out! There's no need whatsoever to give a play-by-play of the problem unless...ah, I get it...she's setting up for the long con. Next she's going to say that the problem is bigger than she thought and that it will cost $400 and now the mortgage is going to be suuuuper late and that will result in wolves at the door. Damn those pesky wolves!

    Yup, here it is in the next paragraph:

    "I already planned on mailing that mortgage check if I could make the last $100 I needed for that check to clear and then start saving for the next. I can't afford to call in a plumber right now - but I really think I can fix this if I wait until tomorrow when it is 40° and all the pipes thaw out, or should. Then I can use the money I earn straight away for more firewood. I have enough to last another ten days or so."

    The old "I have the money, but it's earmarked for the mortgage! Oh noes!" If she could JUST make that last $100!! If only. And just in case you were wondering poodles, Jenna cannot afford to call in a plumber! But she really thinks she can fix it...she knows she can, she knows she can, she knows she can!

    And then she can use the money she "earns up" to pay for more firewood!

    *record scratch*

    Wait, what?!? I thought the earned up money goes to the mortgage? What's this about firewood? Oh right, she only has about 10 days worth. And she's in the middle of nowhere in the midst of Winter's Butt Crack where the temps are below freezing! Someone call the cavalry!!

    And then:

    "In the larger scheme of things, this isn't horrific. I've been in much harder positions and figured those out."

    OK, if you've figured things out in the past, then why are you writing about this, Jenna? Because it's interesting? Because your bleg readers prefer this type of riveting content? No, it's cuz you want money from them, plain and simple.

    And now for the qualifying statement:

    "But today I need to work first on making sure I run into town for water for me and the dogs through the next few days and to get this pipe repaired. And possibly shower at a friend's house so I don't scare the locals when I go into town."

    This is the crux of the problem. The end result in the event that she fails to "earn up" that elusive $100. She won't have water. The dogs won't have water. (Can't she just boil some snow and then drink it once it's cooled?) She won't be able to shower. Wait, since when is that a problem for her? As for scaring the locals, no amount of showering will ever prevent the collective shudder every time Jenna steps foot into town.

    And lastly:

    "Homesting! YAY!"


    1. Haha, welcome back, Anon7.

      Jennah has an artesian well, so she can carry buckets of water to the horses, but that water won't suffice for the dogs, flushing the toilet and using boiled water to wash up?

      Oh, and of course there aren't any photos of the plumbing problem cause, y'all know, it didn't really happen.

      Amazing how a feral homesteader just cannot seem to figure out how to keep pipes unfrozen, or - if frozen - how to properly thaw out.

      One might think it's deliberate ploy to get poodle cash.

      Hustling! YAY!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. So good to see you again Anon 7. Love your comments. So write about the begging starting up again. Her damn pipes burst every year. And firewood? I thought she bragged a few weeks ago that she had plenty. It hasn't been that bad a winter. There's so much she can do to fix her situation. She can start by getting wood off of her property. I'm sure there are some small enough she can haul out herself, chop up, let it dry and then burn it. But hey, that takes some planning and something she should have done in late summer...instead of pony rides, dunks in the river and showing off her hawk. As far as pipes, wrap them up if she has to. You're telling me with TWO woodstoves going, they still burst. How can that be? We have one woodstove going and it is so hot in the room, we have to open a door or a window.

    I love this one....""I am hoping to get on the phone with my plumber....." I am HOPING? HOPING TO GET ON THE PHONE?? Is something stopping you? Get on the damn phone then!!

    Me thinks this is a bunch of lies once again. You can't live 9 years on a farm and still have the same shit going down every year and you still can't handle it. Or at least prepare for it. What a liar.

    1. Hi Graphic Girl, agree. When I was younger, I wintered in Michigan's upper peninsula; it was cold and snowy, much worse than the protected Hudson Valley NY.

      If water pipes freeze, it's usually because they are situated near outside walls or inside unheated areas. When temps plumnet there are well known remedies:

      1. Add more insulation to water pipe area. We placed hay bales (wrapped in plastic) on the OUTSIDE wall of the house. We also added insulation to the INSIDE walls.

      2. Keep pipes above freezing. This isn't rocket science. Use wood stove, space heater, pipe heater tape to keep pipes/area warmer.

      3. Keep water running. An open tap at the farthest end of the water line keeps the water moving in the pipe.

      4. If lines do freeze, learn how to correctly unfreeze so joints or pipes don't burst.

      After living in her house for 8-9 winters, how can she STILL not know how to prevent her water lines from freezing?

      Either she is monumentally ignorant, incompetent, lazy or the "frozen pipe crises" are really scams for collecting money from unsuspecting strangers. Thoughts?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Love your posts as well, Graphic Girl! And oh, the firewood. Good Lord. Yes, Jenna Woginpoor addressed those worries a few months ago, saying that she had plenty, thanks to PatheticPayPal donations.

      And it is very clever of you to pick up on the whole, "Hoping to get on the phone with the plumber" bullcrap. What is that? Who speaks like that? I'll tell you who: A certain person who wants YOU to KNOW that SHE can't adult to save her life. So she needs donations. So she boldly tells you what her intentions are, in the hopes, (or slung luck) that you will be stupid enough to allow her to "earn up" a portion of your paycheck. Sometimes the thought of Jenna Woginrich really makes me want to vomit.

      "So, poodles, you have a 40+ hour a week job and get paid an actual paycheck? Well, I want some of that paycheck. Cuz I raise Spam Shares and all. And I pepper my melt-n-pour soaps with mint, which is really just the spinach I pick out of my teeth. Cuz I'm crafty like that!"

      Jenna, please.

  36. I've always wondered why she doesn't use heat tape? That's a project she can do over the summer. Easy and done and no more "bursted pipes"

  37. I live in a drafty Airstream trailer in the middle of Pennsylvania, high on a hill. We get blasting winds, snow and ice just like every other winter. I've lived here four years and still don't have a frozen pipe. Of course from the very beginning I've had one line of heat tape covering the main water connection to my trailer. I'm cozy as a bug in a rug but with better living conditions and higher intelligence. If she can't keep up her house she could certainly live in a small trailer like I do and get rid of a multitude of problems. But that's not the point. Her point is she likes living this way and there isn't much incentive for her to change.

    P.S. My comment name is Lily of Mulch Valley - that's where I lived, in a valley, before I moved to this mountaintop! Oh, and there was a lot of mulch in my gardens. Used to haul it from the garden store by hand in my compact car. No big deal to have them deliver 100 bags of it once in a while, and spread it all myself by hand using a wheelbarrow. Why did I do it? Well, because I love to garden! Used to move boulders too. Built a 7 foot deer fence after 3 years of having all my flowers eaten. I used to have a blog where I complained about the job I had 40 hours a week, and the 40 mile commute each way on Route 80 in New Jersey, especially through the big snowstorms. And I complained about the deer and the lawn mowing and watering, etc. but and it's a big BUT, I never asked for money. Cause I had some!

    1. Lily - You are living my dream life with that lovely weather of yours. Today was almost 80 degrees here and I had to turn on the air conditioning twice. And that is no way to live. I enjoyed reading your account, especially since it reinforces the notion that Jenna Woginrich is lying about her supposedly frozen pipes. More likely that it's her bank account that's frozen in the single digits.

      One question: What does a 7 foot deer fence look like? What is that made of?

    2. Well...Anon7, it's made from a bunch of things. First of all, you can't really have a 7 foot fence - the limit was six. I got around that buy purchasing this specialty deer fencing online - it's a mesh made out of plastic or something stronger than plastic but you get the idea. Then I attached it to the top of the legal wood fence I already had so that the DEERS couldn't jump over (I said deers on purpose cause I think it's funny). Anyway, part of my yard was a rocky hill where no fence posts could be dug, so I used just the mesh to build "the wall". After years of trying, I finally had a fence that worked. Of course, then I turned around and sold my house and moved away. It figures.

  38. Anon7 asked, and here is what I found of the old blog on wayback machine:


    The post asking if you have been ripped off by Jenna:


    1. "Wayback machine"

      Shout out to Sherman and Mr. Peabody!

    2. Holy COW. Anon401 DELIVERED! I cannot for the life of me understand that website. But I'm glad it exists. And super glad that you can navigate it, Anon401!

      And boy, was that a big read! Recently I've been thinking about how Jenna Woginrich has seemingly toned down her begging ways recently, but reading the entry on the Wayback Machine is a very sad reminder of what a prolific scam artist Jenna is.

      She has pissed off so many people! And this is from years ago! BRB...going wayback to read waymore...

  39. Oh for the love of Odin...

    Jenna Woginrich
    Jan 23
    Inside the record player lid is a hand-knit frame of twin ravens, Mind and Memory of Odin from Norse Mythology. It was given to me at a homesteading skill festival called Antlerstock I used to host before I was afraid of the internet.


    Afraid of the hand that feeds her?

    And who does 20 posts about the crap in their living room that like ah, no one cares about or whatever? Shesh... get a REAL life, Jenna Woginrich.

    1. I saw those 20 tweets for the drunken musings that they were. Friday and Saturday nights must really suck at Cold Antler Farm. Think about it, she was sitting in her hawk shit-covered chair wondering whether to drunk stumble off to bed, or try to alleviate her self-imposed loneliness and worthlessness with obnoxious throwaway drivel. Unfortunately she chose the latter. There is nothing interesting about that living room. Other than the fact that she still owns it despite not having a job. And out of 4,400+ foollowers, hardly anyone commented. Sucks to be Jenna.

  40. Why does she have to "get the mortgage check mailed off"? Why can't she use online banking and save the stamp cost???????

    1. She supposedly "mails" the check because it's the old fashioned way to do things. And it fits neatly into her feral off-the-grid-living-in-the-middle-of-nowhere narrative. And she's hoping people will think, "Oh poor widdle Jenna, she can't afford technology. I should donate to her." Personally, I think the deranged toddler uses her cell phone to log into her PatheticPal and then sends the funds that way.

    2. Yes, FFF wants her readers to believe she's alone-on-top-of-a-mountain, as opposed to reality: she lives in an old house, adjacent to a main road in suburban Cambridge, NY. And she has neighbors!

      It's "so" tough to mail a letter. First she would have to waddle out to her own mailbox. Second, she would have to place the letter in her mailbox. Third, she would have to raise the red metal flag on the side of the box to alert the mail carrier to pick it up. Ta-dah!

  41. https://www.washingtoncountyny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9763/Jackson-PDF

    Well, I just discovered some interesting JMW farm assessment information on the Jackson, NY site https://www.washingtoncountyny.gov/290/Assessment-Rolls
    What's with the Arlington, VT address if she has lived on the farm for 9 years?

  42. Come on guys, we have to keep this blog going. It seems like a lot of you have dropped off since this new one started. Reasons?

    1. You know, it's funny because I know I have been around a long time on this issue of Jenna's s and neglect, but I feel like I am suddenly realizing just how cyclical and ground hog day she really is. Lie everyday. Beg for money everyday. Scam people everyday. Treat her animals terribly everyday. It never stops. She has managed to steal money and get away with it since way before 2011. I almost don't feel bad for the people who fall for it now. The info is out there and yet people still see us as mean girl trolls. Apparently the way she treats her animals although shameful is not bad enough to get her fined or have them taken. It's disheartening for me. I won't go away, but there is so much good I can do in my own life and those around me, so my focus is here. Welcome others' thoughts!!

    2. I have two thoughts on this:

      1) Perhaps members of the old blog can't find this new one? Not sure how all of you arrived at the old blog, but for me it was via Twitter. I'm thinking that if someone accessed the old blog via search engine, they might not have found this new one as it did not come up in a search for me straightaway. It now shows up on Google, but not on DuckDuckGo which is my preferred search engine.

      Hound Doggy, did you have access to people's emails with the old blog? If so, maybe we could invite them here via email?

      2) Many people have stated that if Jenna got her shit together and stopped begging and abusing animals that we would have nothing to write about. Not sure if I'm the only one, but it seems that she's toned down her begging ways a bit. Perhaps we have been that effective. And she's thinking twice now before trying to fleece people. Yeah, she still begs but it seems to me that she's not doing it as much lately. And this Winter's Bottom Butt Crack is not the shit show of last year.

    3. I don't have emails or any way to contact anyone.

      Also, I haven't had any communication about the old blog. They said I'd be getting an email.

    4. That's a bummer. But thanks for the update!

  43. On Twitter, in response to one of Jenna's insipid tweets, someone named Brie Kocher wrote, "You lead an awesome life"

    Brie, Jenna Woginrich is a serial scammer and animal abuser. And even if she wasn't, she looks like she smells like stale farts. Raise your standards and find someone worthy to support.

  44. Okay everyone, PSA for all of you. Do NOT under any circumstances go look at the twitter account of "Chris" --the dude who fixed her, um pipes. I forever burned my eyes and I can't unsee it now. I am a lost cause. Save yourselves. One hint: intimate portiature. (Yes, it is apparently a thing). Maybe JW will be a client of his one day. Seeeee, now I can't unsee that. Save yourselves!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Okay I'm very curious.....LOL!

    2. Oh God. Imagining a soft-focus photo-shoot: muddy kilt, Mary-Jane heels, pig-tail wig FFF holding a soda can prop phone, old deli sandwiches & leftover donuts in a shit-covered hawk glove, sweaty body with two sad dogs scratching. Clean sheets though.

    3. Oh PDD, you're killing me. I saw the whole thing as I read it.

    4. You know, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I just do not understand this type of photography. I mean, you can't exactly have those photos up on the wall...especially when family comes over. So what's the point? Plus, it's just creepy that these women are photographed in various stages of undress by some total stranger. I'm no prude, but this kind of narcissistic art would receive a hard pass from me. Ick.

  45. Never mind. I saw it. (Had the wrong Chris).

    1. I've seen his account before, when she mentioned him for some reason. I think it's a little sad that he has a lot of likes or whatever twitter calls your peeps, but all his posts have like NO comments or NO hearts. That is kinda sad when scantily dressed ladies don't even get a heart! Not sure what that means...

    2. Just figured it out. He is the spouse/partner/BF of Miriam Romais, the Diane Arbus wannabe of freaky farmer animal-abusing photos. We have Miriam to that for those magical images of:

      Goats standing on three feet of their own manure.

      Horses being fed on top of their filth.

      Pigs standing in dirty sty, evidence of skin disease (mange?) while FFF kicks-pushes pig in the face using her boot.

      Miriam loves the FFF because where else can a photographer find Appalachian-style clothing, housing and animal care...just a short drive from her home?

      I also saw the following new-to-me image on Chris' photos:



    3. *thank

      I swear, auto-correct is a sneaky, living entity.

    4. Excellent catch!

      That picture...she really looks bad. I mean...I have my moments...but not in public and certainly not in front of a photographer.

    5. Oh, man. What an abomination. Zero self respect for herself. And zero respect for the public. Look at that gut that alcohol built. Lordy!

      Jenna Woginrich needs a roommate who will stop her from leaving the house looking like that.

  46. Hey guys! This is unrelated to JW, but it's pretty nifty. Tune into Inside Edition tonight... my massive cryofamily will be featured tonight, myself included! I'll be the one scrambling eggs lol.

    1. Awesome! I've set it to record.
      It's at 4:30 where I am.

    2. It's 4:30 here in Texas, too. But here's a link to help find channels and showtimes! https://www.insideedition.com/showfinder

    3. Very cool! Do you know if this will air on their website? I ditched cable.

    4. Anon7, I've got a brother working on making it digital!

    5. I saw the story, pretty cool how you all found each other.

    6. Thanks, guys! Here's a link: https://www.insideedition.com/meet-dad-who-has-25-children-after-donating-sperm-decades-ago-50351

      They didn't show the footage of my egg-scrambling skills, but in the photo with all of in the house, I'm on the far left of the second row, in a tank top.

  47. I've been winding down/not posting as much...I'm just kind of numb & tired about it all. After all of these years it is clear that nothing besides jail will make her change her ways.
    If anything major happens I'll be back with bells on, but as of now I think the public can find everything they need that's already on Twitter/here.
    Will check back from time to time. Take care everyone!

    1. Aww. I'm so sorry to hear we won't be seeing you as much. We'll miss you!

    2. Simple as ALC, you are sorely missed! Yes, it's disheartening that nothing much really changes, but sometimes good things DO happen. Like her truck just died! She has no firewood! So stay for the schadenfreude...it's free and it's in abundance!

  48. Seeing that he was free made me so happy. Storm or not, HE chooses where to sleep tonight...in his natural habitat.

  49. Thrilled that Dash escaped from Jenna! Attaboy!!!

    Alas, there goes her No 1 social media prop. She seems more like The Girl Who Loses Hawks... through accidental death, murder, escape and (only one legitimate) release.

    Dash was an interesting hawk. Due to the speed of 'acquiring' him, there is no doubt in my mind that she purchased him from another falconer (probably using PayPal poodle cash). Seems likely there is a side business dealing in stuff like this. He seemed too calm with people and already started in his commands. Because our FFF has been recently too busy binge watching Netflix and stalking social media types to put in the time she spent with her first hawk, I doubt she trained him,consistently, although she was always very anxious to get photos for social media posturing. Hey, I wonder if Caroline got photos of mucho angry FFF, or crying & victimized FFF after Dash flew off?

    So these past months, Dash probably sat in his crappy mews, always hungry (because she kept him hungry so he would hunt), pondering how to escape. Glad he had enough smarts to get away as soon as he could.

    Fly away Dash. Never return.

    1. Dash probably flew off cuz he was scared of Caroline, a stranger. And I'm pretty sure that Jenna recently mentioned Dash being scared around strangers.

      BTW, Jenna is supposed to report his fly off to the North American Falconry Association. I wonder if she'll be allowed to trap another hawk after this disaster?

  50. Sounds like the usual bad luck is following our Jenna. The truck won't start, she is behind on work (wonder why) and little firewood. Plus Dash flew away....yea!! She better hope that bird doesn't get snagged on a tree or branch and end up strangling itself. She says it will be okay since the jesses come off naturally. Really? Does anyone know this? How does that happen?

    She needs more donations I'm sure of it.

    1. Time to fire up the stove and get that popcorn going! The truck is dead, no firewood...shit's about to get real over at CAF.

      Graphic Girl, she's lying about the jesses coming off naturally. Duckmama posted a quote from an article below. And you can find the link to that article on the new thread.

  51. Unfortunately, the bird escaped with equipment on. I've researched several sites on falconry, and escaping with the jesses on is virtually a death sentence for the bird.

    From one site:

    "Over the long haul, jesses on raptors in the wild can be extremely dangerous, for obvious reasons. Even anklets could be a significant hindrance to a bird attempting to eke out survival in the wild. Anklets, with their open eyelets (those eyelets can be seen in this photo), have the potential to snag and hang up the bird. Many of these birds expend significant amounts of time, effort and energy trying to remove jesses, anklets and even falconry bands. That’s energy they can’t afford to waste."

    And from another site:

    "If a bird does escape with all its hardware on, it will inevitably get tangled in a tree branch and starve to death."

    So Dash's escape is not really a good thing.

    1. Looks like Duckmama and I stumbled across the same article. Yes, those photos of hawks in the wild (with their jesses and anklets on) are truly heartbreaking.

      Duckmama, I posted a link of the first article on Hound Doggy's new thread. Do you have the link to the second site you quoted? I'd like to check it out.

  52. Just consider how vile someone would have to be to callously drink whiskey and play board games while your 'pet' hawk is LOST in the woods, especially if it was wearing hardware that can catch on branches and cause it to starve to death.

    F*** that!!! I hope NYSDEC gets an earful.

    1. Wait, what? OMG, you're right! She lost the hawk during the day and then got drunk with her friends that night. I'm almost speechless. She could have been out looking for him instead. I swear, Jenna Woginrich is the queen of making bad life choices.

    2. And it's also curious that the hawk escaped on Sunday, but she waits two days to mention it?

    3. Exactly Anon7. Two days when the hawk would be more likely to be nearby and re-captured. I smell something, and it isn't your popcorn popping!

    4. LOL...She probably sat on Dash and smothered him to death. And then she took the two days to try to come up with a plausible story.


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