Great Job DASH!

Dash has escaped!  This is such great news to me.  I didn't know much about falconry before but as I learned more about it and heard the stories from our loser, I came to really hate it.  People are really awful.

I don't believe in karma....but I do believe in consequences for poor decisions.  So it adds a little spring to my step when hardships rain down.


  1. Good for Dash escaping his evil animal abusing tormentor, Jenna Woginrich. I hope he can survive. Jenna wrote that his jesses and anklets are designed to fall off naturally. That is a blatant LIE. Just check out this article that has photos of escaped hawks with the hinderance of their leather equipment. They are destined to die. (Be sure to scroll down to read the comments, too.)

    The author of this article says that jesses and anklets are "an obvious death trap because of the virtual certainty that they would become entangled around a branch or wire and kill the (hawk). And a miserable death it would be."

    The jesses and anklets are NOT designed to just fall off. Jenna is LYING to her foollowers about that. And it's a HUGE lie. The article also states that these poor escaped birds expend "significant amounts of time, effort and energy trying to remove jesses, anklets and even falconry bands. That's energy they can't afford to waste."

    Poor Dash. Jenna says he escaped while out hunting with her friend. Didn't Jenna recently mention that Dash was skittish around other people? If so, his catastrophic escape was no doubt due to Jenna's narcissism in which she only brought the hawk out hunting so she could impress her little friend. A hawk that was NOT comfortable around strangers. No wonder he flew off.

    Jenna Woginrich was no doubt thinking, "Look at me! I'm a feral fearless scrappy falconer! Let's pretend we're on the set of Game of Thrones! We can go hunting in the snow! I'll bring my hawk!"

    And then Jenna said this on Twitter and Instagram:

    "So he is okay. I am the one that is without a hunter and friend."

    Oh, boo hoo. Love how she makes it all about HER being the victim who is suffering. "Dash is OK! Feel sorry for ME!"

    What a sick thing to say. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. And please be sure to call the North American Falconry Association to report your fuck up, as it is something that you are REQUIRED to do by law.

    1. I posted on the previous entry, but here is the site where I got some information about falcons escaping with equipment still on. Heartbreaking.

    2. I saw that you posted on the other thread! Thanks for this new link.

  2. So, it looks like the shit show has finally begun on Twitter:

    "Just had my neighbor (town sheriff) and another police officer here trying to start my truck in a snowstorm. It's shot. They think electrical or the manifold. I need to call a tow truck before its all over."

    Welp, that tow truck is going to cost some serious coin. Not to mention the cost of overhauling that hunk of junk. Remember, this is the truck that Jenna promised would be cost efficient and a good investment of poodle cash. However, this is going to be expensive and require spending money that Jenna does not have. But her poodles do!

    And then she wrote this:

    "Truck isn't running. A storm is about to fall and snow is getting worse. Low on firewood and behind on work and overall very very bummed out today because of recent bad news. But on the upside I have all the hay and feed I need for the animals and running water."

    OK, poodles, to be clear, Jenna Woginrich wants:

    1) Money for a tow truck.
    2) Money to fix the truck.
    3) Money for firewood.

    Now, why does she mention being behind on work? How does that play into her current crisis? Oh wait, I get it...she's saying that if you want a logo, crappy sketch or sucky soap, she won't have time to do it. But please give her money anyway. She wants it for free without giving anything in return. Because she can't. Cuz she's too behind on past work. Alrighty then.

    1. I almost forgot, Jenna needs money for new tires too! Her's are bald. And that's so very dangerous. Especially in snowy conditions. So be prepared for that beg too. Heck, with the truck being in such poor shape, she'll probably beg for enough cash to buy a NEW one!

  3. Ok, for those who are new here, this is what Jenna had to say about her truck right before she bought it with poodle cash:

    "I found this girl on Craigslist. A 1989 Ford f150! She’s got 4WD, barely any rust, and a NEW transmission! She’s for sale for 2 grand. A truck in this good of shape for that price is a STEAL and exactly what I need for both farm and writing gigs. [...] I planning on buying this used truck outright. It’s safer, easy and cheap to fix, and honestly… it’s my dream truck."

    EASY and CHEAP to fix. No, it's not. Jenna Woginrich only said that because in the next paragraph she admits that she doesn't have any money and begs her foollowers for help:

    "But I don’t have the money for her. That’s where you guys come in."

    You can read the loser's full post here. It's titled, "Getting Back On The Road!" (August 2015) And it's the second post when you scroll down:

  4. Older vehicles are money pits, but one thing that’s good about them is that they’re relatively easy to work on if you have any mechanical skills at all. Obviously she doesn’t. She’s pitifully helpless in all things. And Dash... That poor hawk doesnt have a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving.
    My neighbor had a free range rooster he couldn’t keep penned so he roosted in a tree at night, apparently one day he got some twine wrapped around his leg then later flew up in a tree to roost. The next morning when he went to fly down from the tree the twine got hung and there he hung all damned day, by one leg, upside down, until someone found him with a blackened foot. He eventually had to be put down. Chances are good that’s what will happen to Dash.

    1. What a sad story. I just hate to see and hear about animal suffering, which unfortunately is something that is a regular occurrence on Jenna's bleg.

  5. Ha! I just knew that weasel and serial scammer Jenna Woginrich was going to try to use the Polar Vortex for her next beg fest. But it's not going to hit her at all as it's west of Cambridge NY. And a quick look at the 10 day forecast (courtesy of Wunderground) shows only two days dipping down to a -5 nighttime low. The rest of the week her temps will be 28-47 degrees.

    Nice try, Jenna. Here's her sad attempt at using the severe storm angle on Twitter:

    "Getting ready for the storm and feeling absolutely exhausted."

    "A storm is about to fall and snow is getting worse."

    "I was able to get all the firewood I needed before the storm and vortex hits."

    Yo Jenna, clean yer glasses and check the weather reports. That Polar Vortex is NOT going to hit you. But she just keeps mentioning it in nearly every damn tweet:

    "And yesterday I got all the extra hay, feed, and such I needed for the storm."

    "I got another seed bell for the songbirds set out before the snow really hits."

    "[...] you probably don't rely on firewood you hauled like a pack animal to stay warm in a deep freeze alone on the side of a mountain."

    And that's just from the past 24 hours on her Twitter. And here's what she had to say in her latest boring bleg post:

    "I'm without a bird and without a truck. OH! And a polar vortex is sliding into town! GREAT!"

    "When the truck was running, yesterday before this storm hit, I was able to get plenty of feed and supplies"

    (Yeah, you already said that.)

    "I am okay. I'll figure out the truck, the wood, and this harsh cold that is coming over the next few days can't last forever."

    Jenna has a four year college degree but can't read a simple weather forecast? Actually, she probably can but she's hoping her foollowers can't, and thus praying that they'll buy her Polar Vortex story and toss some slung luck cash her way.

    BTW, not sure what everyone uses for online weather forecasting, but I highly recommend both Wunderground (Weather Underground) and VentuSky. Both are awesome and pretty darn accurate. On Wunderground, it's best to hit the "10 day" forecast tab as it gives a play by play for every hour, letting you snow exactly when you can expect rain, wind and snow. After that, click on the "Wundermap" tab and de-check the silly "Weather Stations" box and instead click the "Radar" box. Then you can go to the bottom of the map and click "10x" in the drop down menu and then hit play to watch storms pass over your location.

    For Ventusky, it defaults to the "Temperature" setting, but "Precipitation" and "Thunderstorms" are great to click too. Love both these websites!

    1. Just realized: While Jenna has been going on and on about how this severe cold weather is going to affect HER, she hasn't said ONE SINGLE WORD or shown any worry about how this weather will affect her poor, lost hawk Dash. Like she doesn't even care. Out of sight, out of mind. Horrible woman.

  6. What were the LEO'S doing at her place? We live in a really small town too and those guys don't have time (nor would I ever ask) to come out and help me start my car.

    1. Officers were driving by when they saw a deranged woman struggling with chains while trying to hitch two horses to a truck. They stopped to tell her that using horses to tow a truck is illegal. Then they took pity on her and took a look at her broken down hunk 'o junk.

  7. Jenna's constant gatekeeping is a sure way to alienate her foollowers. Found this gem on Twitter from a few days ago:

    "Nothing in the world is as disgusting as the smell of Victoria's Secret Love Spell Fragrance. Nothing."

    Nothing? Really? Well then, Jenna Woginrich must not remember writing this on her bleg:

    "This Monday morning started with a trip into town [...] Soon as I closed the door on the sun-warmed truck I could smell....myself. Hooo. [...] I was wearing [...] the same worn in shirt, tights, kilt, and canvas vest I'd been wearing around the farm the last few days."

    Jenna hadn't showered either. So basically she is saying that the smell of BO, dried sweat, crotch rot, and animal stench smells BETTER than Victoria Secret perfume? Really now. Seriously, come on! I know I'm not alone here in which one I'd rather smell. And I'll bet every single one of her poodles would agree.

    And then she goes on to say this in a follow-up tweet:

    "I have not smelled this in a decade and I've smelled it on 2 different women in town this week. It makes me physically react. Please stop, world."

    Yeah, damn those two ladies for assaulting Jenna's nose. Damn them to hell! How dare they go out in public and offend people in such an impertinent manner. Of course Jenna would never purposely subject the people in town to her bespoke stench. But wait, she did:

    "But before I could get the laundry done or hit the showers I needed to finish my morning chores. So I grabbed the grain bags from Noble Ace and then made the trip next door to Stewart's for hot coffee. Walking inside I was self conscious so I kept a wide berth between me and the morning commuters."

    How nice of her. No doubt many people smelled her that day. And as one Anon once said, Jenna's odor could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon. So go ahead, Jenna, keep on gatekeeping and then watch those pity donations dry up. Fool.

  8. Just found this comment by Jenna on her bleg from back in 2013:

    "P.S.S. Thank you for the contributions! I ordered a low-end Canon Rebel! Hay and wood is also on the way! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    P.S.S. You ready for some Birchthorn?"

    Oh please. Obviously her online panhandling paid off, but instead of showing gratitude for those monetary contributions, she took 4 years to complete a badly written novel and still has not mailed out all the books. And it's now 2019!! This is the latest comment (complaint) on the Birchthorn Kickstarter page:

    Sarah Holm Norton wrote: "Were the paperbacks mailed? I filled out the address form ages ago, and have not moved nor swapped my email address."

    That was TWO months ago and Jenna Woginrich didn't even bother to reply. Not a single word from Jenna. And what about poor Eileen Fletcher who made TWO requests for a refund of $145. And in each response Jenna kept trying to obtain her address to send her a book. But Eileen didn't want the damn book. She wanted a REFUND.

    $50 says Jenna mailed Eileen her book in the hopes that she'd never hear from her again. God forbid Jenna having to use poodle cash to satisfy the many, many refund requests. What a nasty way to treat people who supported Jenna, her twisted farm dream, and her attempt to write a book. And unless she makes good on her word, this refund drama is going to continue on into the 2020's.

    1. I sincerely wish those that contributed and never received anything (their book/refund) would get together and file a class action suit against her. They have proof -- when she first pitched the idea, their contribution, the status of the book's progress on Kickstarter, their comments to her about not receiving any book YEARS later, and then Jenna clearly wanting to get out of refunding their money by claiming campaign level bullshit. It is all there on Kickstarter. She did not deliver goods promised and to me that is stealing.

      And the hawk? That's another story. Claiming that the bird is "okay" with restraints on it is mind blowing. I'm looking into the New York State Licensing Program and going to talk to someone or email. This is 3 birds out of 4 that have had something tragic happen to them under Jenna Woginrich's care.

  9. Hi Jenna Woginrich. It's pretty obvious you visit this site. Welcome! Point by point, you respond to our criticisms with carefully curated comments on your bleg and twitter. It's funny...and kinda pathetic.

    But, here's a Life Pro Tip: Playing "catch up" never works. If you publish excuses AFTER the fact, it strongly suggests you were lying in the first place. Maybe you can now prove to the world that Caroline really exists and that she actually witnessed Dash flying away mid-afternoon last Sunday?

    Sunday - you know, the day that Dash allegedly flew away. So impressed that you only spent a short time looking for him - after all, you had to return to your warm house, whiskey and board games. Never stand up the people you use for your self-promotion on social media! We also note you NEVER miss an opportunity to slack off. Always ready for goofing off, a bottle of whiskey and board game brags and photos. Don't worry your little head about your 'pet' hawk. There is plenty of time for pity posts and poor-me begs after you shirk off your responsibility for finding it (and alerting others to search in a timely manner).

    Funny how fans of CAF don't question what you write, or research what actually happens to hawks that escape with their gear still attached. Truth is Dash will likely starve to death or be trapped and die, his leather straps caught on a tree branch or in brush. He will be another unplanned casualty of Dead Animal Farm. There are a lot of them now... SAD.

    1. So true! As for unquestioning fans, for the most part yes, they are too lazy to dig into the truth. But just look at the tiny amount of comments Jenna receives for each tweet...hardly any considering she has over 4000+ foollowers. I'll bet the muted ones are ones who did question things and then found this blog. Too bad there are no statistics to confirm this.

  10. As a child of a mechanic I can tell you that there a 3 things that can go wrong with an old truck, compression/electrical/fuel. A manifold would be compression, spark plugs would be electrical. She said her truck wouldn’t start, like, wouldn’t turn over? If it was spark plugs it would start, but it would run rough. No one with knowledge of mechanics would say it’s either the manifold or the spark plugs, lol! And for that reason I don’t believe her, she’s scamming for pity money. Her truck may not have started, that seems to be an ongoing problem when it’s damp or really cold, but it’s probably the distributor cap or a coil, both easy fixes and relatively cheap. Also why point out the guys/neighbor that helped are cops? There’s bound to be a reason for that. Jenna Woginrich has a reason for every sentence she writes, she’s not just having a general thought like the rest of us, I often wonder if she’s even capable of carrying on a normal conversation where she has to speak, without being able to rewrite the sentence in her head 15 times. I suspect she’s very bland and boring with zero sense of humor, and one of those ppl who only talks about themselves but never asks how YOU are doing because it’s all about her.


    1. Agree with you, Jesse, on all points. So the truck may have started today, but that's not the last we'll hear of it. The mechanic will no doubt find something expensive to fix. And Jenna will pass the bill off to her poodles.

      So curious she hasn't mentioned those bald tires again, after we provided recent pics that showed those tires had plenty of tread.

  11. So since you come here Jenna, tell us all how jesses can come off "naturally" when a raptor has escaped? Because this is what I read:

    If a bird does escape with all its hardware on, it will inevitably get tangled in a tree branch and starve to death.

    Do you have special jesses and anklets that allow for that not to happen? Or is this another bullshit lie you tell your readers?

    1. Yeah Jenna, tell us how. I'd also like to know why she's not out looking for him today. According to her Twitter, she's been watching TV instead, and tweeting up a storm, of course. While the hawk is probably tangled in a tree, starving and freezing, Jenna has been watching Gilmore Girls and Getting Curious with Jonathan.

      Jenna is obviously not interesting in watching "Getting Tangled with Dash" now is she?

      Why is she not out searching for him? Did she accidentally kill him? If so, there'd be no need for her to search for him. And that would certainly explain why she spent time today getting her house ready and prepping a chicken skillet for 5 guests. In her own words Jenna "prepared, cleaned and supplied" for 5 guests who all called to cancel. Lol.

      Well now she can use that time to search for Dash! (Yeah, right.)

  12. Don't want this to become lost in the shuffle on the last thread: Cryokid provided the goods for her TV appearance!

    Cryokid wrote:
    "Thanks, guys! Here's a link:

    They didn't show the footage of my egg-scrambling skills, but in the photo with all of in the house, I'm on the far left of the second row, in a tank top."

    Great to place a face to a are a cutie! Beautiful curly hair and great smile! And to think that your user name really truly represents, that is so cool! I have so many questions:

    1) How many of your siblings are from the same mom? Specifically, did you meet 24 other siblings or did you already know a few because you have the same mom?

    2) Are you all in Texas or spread out in different states?

    3) How often do you all see each other now?

    That's so interesting that Noah thought he was an only child only to find out far from it! This is such a neat story, Cryokid, thanks for sharing it!

    1. Thank you Anon 7 for reposting this! I would have missed it if you hadn’t.
      What a cool story, Cryokid! Thanks for sharing! I hope this isn’t too personal to ask, but have you ever worried about accidentally dating a sibling? I’ve always wondered about that.


    2. Oh my goodness!! Haha. I'm so happy y'all enjoyed it!

      1. Very few of us are from the same mom. Of the 26 of us currently identified, there is one set of twins, one set of triplets, and two sets of full-siblings. Everyone else is from a different mother. I grew up with two brothers that are technically only half-brothers (not from Peter). Most of the offspring are only children.

      2. Most of the sibs live in California. I'm not actually from Texas. I grew up in Maine, and coincidentally, one of my half-sisters was born in the same hospital as I was, a year and a half apart. We have sibs from Massachusetts, Michigan, Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Washington, and Oregon in addition to Maine and California. Peter found out recently from the cryobank that some of his sperm was definitely shipped to Canada.

      3. I only just found out about being donor-conceived a year and a half ago. Last year, I traveled to California 4 or 5 times. I'll have more goats to milk this year, though, so I'm cutting way back on my visits. Big gatherings like this are difficult, but we've had three or four somewhat big get-togethers. The sibs in LA tend to see each other one-on-one pretty often.

      As for dating a sibling.... my husband is African, so I'm pretty sure we aren't related. 😂 Before we met, it wasn't even on my radar since I didn't know I was DC. Maybe if I was in southern California, I'd be a little more worried (so many of the sibs live there). But the coincidences Noah and Laine brought up about crossing paths with a sib indicates the possibility is a real one. All the single sibs like to say that they'll make any potential dates take a DNA test!

    3. This is so fascinating! Must be nice to have such a big family. I'll bet the get-togethers are a blast! I gotta wonder how much this has changed gift-giving events like birthdays and such. I'd likely go broke! And very interesting about the same vs different mom ratio -- and the fact there may be Canadian siblings, too. Wow, really an extraordinary story this is. You must be proud of your lovely, extended family! Thank you for sharing this!

    4. I just saw the clip. That is fascinating! Thank you for sharing your story. I love how well Peter took to all of it and how all of you were in wonderment of eachother. I am curious how this plays out in time. Love it.

  13. I love how Jenna made a long Twitter thread about "life choices as a 36 year old queer woman" and like... there's literally nothing about being queer, except saying that she's in love with Abbi Jacobson? She even admitted she'd been drinking at that point, lol.

    1. Yes, just noticed all these tweets written after she's had 3 beers. Double that number is more likely. Anyway, for the east coasters who go to bed at a reasonable hour, here's some gems in case Jenna deletes them:

      "It's 3 degrees outside and I live alone with 2 dogs and I'm happy. I feel like I shouldn't be? Like I should have a husband and 2 kids and a 401k and an indoor cycling machine with a screen but I don't. I have a 30-year-old truck and an 1860 farm house and I'm happy."

      Yeah, keep telling yourself that you're happy and you just might start believing it. And even if you are gay, get a husband anyway so he can provide for you and you can stop asking online strangers for money.

      "[...] financial and romantic security aren't sewn patches on a vest. They are shitty iron-ons at best."

      Money and love are shitty iron-ons? Way to gate-keep and lose even more foollowers. Why do you lie like this when we all know that you want nothing more than money and a girlfriend? Oh, I forget, it's the alcohol talking.

      "To have an imperfect body, life, and bank account and not want to trade with anyone else in the world? That's the stuff."

      Aw jeez, more alcoholic delusions of grandeur. All Jenna cares about is money and how to scam it. And she wouldn't trade whatever that thing is that holds her guts and bones in? Please, I don't believe that for a second.

      "It feels like being content with mediocrity is boasting towards faux-contentment. I am far from content and have big plans, but I am happiest with the trying. The hoping to make it another month. I like that version of me best."

      More lies. Jenna, you'd be lucky to be considered mediocre. You fall far short of even that. And you prefer the version of you that relies on hope and slung luck to make it thru another month? Bullshit. You'd jump at the chance for a regular paycheck if it was on your terms.

      "I have a few weeks to figure out another house payment, electric, loans, firewood, etc. And the trying to do that with raising food and drawing dogs and making soap is a real kick. I may have plywood floors but I own them. I'm a happy scrapper."

      Ah, and finally we get to the crux of the matter regarding these insipid posts, the real reason she wrote all this crap: To set up for the big beg. Jenna needs:

      1) Yet another mortgage payment
      2) Electric bill money, electrical work on dump truck
      3) Loan money (for clothes, booze and other crap)
      4) Firewood
      5) Etc. (Most likely farm matinee tickets, online purchases, Netflix subscription, new computer, new border collie, beers from HER bar, melt-n-pour supplies, dumb t-shirts with dog faces, hair extensions, more booze, Gilmore Girls box set, Subway sandwiches, pricy gourmet coffee, new spring hiking clothes/gear and more booze.)

    2. Yeah, since she won't work for a paycheck, she sure does a lot of "figuring out." And personally, my financial and romantic security are hard won badges that I am very glad to wear proudly. Her contentment sounds more like bitter envy.


    3. Agree. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

    4. I also agree. Jenna is a jealous bitch, and discontented with her life. Those who are happy with their lives don't feel the constant need to broadcast about it.

  14. The latest drivel:

    But today I was hiking a ridge line and breaking trail in snowshoes on a weekday, looking for my lost hawk, and I stopped what I was doing to take a minute to be grateful I was doing what I was doing. That my body could do it. That I had a bird to lose. That life brought me here.

    No your stupidity brought you here. Your total incompetence and selfishness brought you here. Because you lost your second bird you dumb shit. "That I had a bird to lose." Are you kidding me? You are proud of yourself that you have a bird to lose??? You're even more of a self-serving idiot than I thought. You should be ashamed.

    1. Unfortunately, sociopaths don't experience shame like normal adults. Which is why she continues to con people out of their money without any remorse or regrets.

  15. Funny how JW name drops her neighbor as a deputy sheriff, who assisted her with her piece of shit truck. JW thinks that will make readers assume that she must be a fine, upstanding citizen. I mean hell JW couldn't be an animal killing lunatic if local law enforcement is helping her, RIGHT?!

    Also, I find it interesting that JW made sure to say that she completed all of the necessary DEC paperwork required for her escaped bird, Dash. Funny how she never mentioned any of that when the moronically named Anna Kendrick escaped. Escaped being JW speak for dying a horrible death that she can't possinly spin to make herself look like a victim.
    JW is stupid enough to think that just because she says she completed the DEC paperwork, no one will follow up on Dash's certain untimely demise. WRONG, dumbass.

    Then JW throws in the whole hey my bros in local law enforcement tried to assess my stalled truck.
    In my opinion, if it's even true, that means that the local law enforcement are keeping a closer eye on Jenna than normal and she's way too dumb to realize it. i.e. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  16. True about the law enforcement just happened to be by her house. I'm not buying that for a minute. I have already put in an email and phone call to the New York State Licensing program; we will see what becomes of it.

    1. I wonder if this "neighbor" sheriff deputy moved onto the property that was for sale next Jenna not too long ago.
      If so, I bet Jenna shat her big girl pants when she found out. That would be the ultimate in karmic retribution and an answered prayer for the remaining dogs and horses still living at Jenna's.

    2. I wonder if the officer "helping" JW out with her truck was taking a gander around the place to check out conditions for her remaining prisoners. A girl can dream.

  17. I have just read the rules on Falconry Apprenticeship and apparently an apprentice can only have one bird a year.

    2) Apprentice falconers may not:

    (i) possess more than one raptor and may not obtain more than one raptor for replacement during any calendar year; or

    I remember Jenna saying that Aya Cash flew away in September/October and in November she supposedly trapped Dash. So she violated the rules right then. However when I go back to her blog and twitter to verify, it only goes back to November; the rest is completely wiped out. Why is that I wonder???? I think I know why....she deleted it so there is no record of the other birds. Very suspicious.

    Jenna remember things on the internet don't completely go away.

    1. Try the wayback machine to find it.

    2. Thanks Duckmama, but I don't know how.

    3. I ound this from her twitter:

      "I am going to release Aya Cash back into the wild soon, and am proud as hell to do so. She's been an amazing hunting partner, teacher, and roommate these past few seasons but it's time for her to be out there as she was meant to be; Wild.

      Good luck, my good girl."

      Tweeted on 10/24/18. I haven't checked but there's probably a whiney blog post after the death/release.

      I googled "Jenna Woginrich twitter Aya Cash release" to find the tweet.


    5. Or you can select the desktop version of her craptastic blog (bottom of the blog page) and there is a search box on the upper left corner for that version.

    6. Great catch on the raptor rules, GG! I think the New York DEC needs to explain themselves if Jenna Woginrich's falconer apprentice license is not suspended after clearly violating the rules AND after having so many birds "escape." Jenna Woginrich sucks at falconry just as much as she sucks at doing anything and everything in her pathetic life.

      When will the New York DEC finally open their eyes to Jenna's whackadoodle horseshit?

    7. No kidding Unknown! It boggles my mind that she still has birds. She has had 4 birds within the past few years and 3 of them have either "flown away" or died in the house or the dogs killed them or she did. Who knows. I will keep trying to alert someone to this. This is very disturbing. And what about her mentor? Does he have any idea?

  18. I have a question about this blog. Once it has a title can the title be changed? I'm wondering if we have fewer posters here because they might not associate the title Cold Antler Sham Truths with Jenna Woginrich and/or Cold Antler Farm.

    Would it be more effective titled Cold Antler Farm Truths?

    This blog provides a fantastic resource to those who could be future Jenna victims and I appreciate Hound Doggy and all who participate.
    I'm only trying to think of solutions to the not-as-many-posters as what we had on the previous blog.

    1. I think it could be that people can't post as "Anonymous" anymore. A lot of posters did that and I don't see that as an option anymore. Can you make that an option HD?

    2. Ah..ha...I was unaware. I think I got it changed. I also turned off the word verification.

    3. Thanks, Hound Doggy! Now, more people will feel free to comment like me.

  19. Can someone be a bigger narcissist?

    What a surprise, this week's Polar Vortex was all about her. Not many words or consideration for the animals at her farm. Terrible that her two OLD horses we're mostly ignored. (we checked on ours multiple times during the night). She was also decidedly nonplussed about the fate of her gear-laden hawk, lost right before the Polar Vortex. Obviously, she doesn't want her readers to think too much about Dash, a hungry hawk used to sitting in a mews, now outside and without known shelter in the face of extremely cold temperatures, high winds and a snowstorm!

    To add further insult, she turned her laughable "search" for Dash into a series of workout tweets about her. Look! Jenna went outside in the pretty weather! Oh my, Jenna has snowshoes! Wow! Jenna described her cool workout attire! Jenna reminded readers how lucky she is to snowshoe mid-week and have a hawk to lose! WTF???

    Despite the fable she wove for readers, that hawk is likely D.E.A.D. (or soon to be). I believe she knows it too, which is why she notified the world two days after-the-fact, only described her rescue efforts after-the-fact and searched in a decidedly half-assed way. Since his loss, she's been eager to tell everyone he'll do great, change the narrative and talk about her favorite topic: herself and her insipid musings.

    1. Jenna is a totally disgusting twat per usual.

      Dear Jenna Readers,
      That Dash "escaped" with his equipment on, which will not "fall off" as Jenna the idiot claims (g.o.o.g.l.e. it ), is yet ONE of many reasons that poor creature won't survive back in the wild.
      Anither major reason being Jenna should not have had the hawk tied to her rusty living room lamp to watch movies with her crazy ass.

      Dash is not acclimated to the cold weather and because of that, even if he did not have that asinine equipment on, he can not survive.

      Jenna the skank of all skanks, essentially signed Dash's death warrant just to provide Jenna's narcissistic sociopathic ass with a a movie watching buddy.
      If you support Jenna's decision to do so, you and Jenna deserve each other and the horrible karma that such blind support brings with it.

    2. I agree that beautiful Dash is most likely dead. Just like Jenna's previous hawk, Anna Kendrick, Dash probably died in Jenna's house.
      Jenna has spoken of the excesssive mold in her house and there were those disgusting gloves she left in the mews (the hawk's home!) that were covered in mold.
      Jenna the dumbass was so happy with her rotten mouthed self that she had cleaned the gloves (after letting them mold!) that she couldn't help but pat herself on her largesse backside and was actually stupid enough to post before and after photos of the gloves.

      What Jenna did not realize is that she was essentially showing everyone on social media the current conditions of her mews where she was currently keeping a hawk at that time.
      Those photos alone should be enough evidence for the DEC to see that the mews is/was essentially a smaller version of Jenna's nasty, infested hovel- disgustingly filthy and not fit for man nor beast.

    3. Has Jenna ever posted a photo of the mews with a hawk in it? I vaguely remember there might have been pics of it being built, but don't think I've ever seen a pic of it actively being used with a hawk inside. Wonder why?

  20. Hey Shammers, here's a fun thought piece. Substitute dog for hawk.

    "I lost my pet dog in the woods. He was wearing a collar and dragging his leash. I looked for him, then went home in the afternoon, drank whisky and had a party. Two days later I told people he was lost and asked for help finding him. But don't worry he'll be okay. These things sometimes happen to dog owners.

    Yes, I searched for him. I got to use my snowshoes. It was a great workout. Who knew leggings and gators could be so comfortable? It was beautiful outside. I was so lucky to be out tramping in the woods. Come to think of it, I was so lucky at this point in my life to have had a pet dog to lose!!! Did I tell you about my LL Bean snowshoe workout equipment? Do you want to know how much they cost? I had hydration equipment too, but SAD FACE it was too cold for it to work. Here's a photo of me wearing my snowshoes!

    My pet dog? Oh, when I was walking outside I called for him, but he didn't come. I saw other dogs outside and they looked okay so no probs.

    Sometimes when I'm sitting in my warm house I miss my pet dog, but I'm sure he'll be fine. Maybe he'll return. I hear some pet dogs return months later!

    Hey, enough about dogs. Let's talk about Netflix!!! And me!!!

    1. Fantastic! Great comparison

    2. *claps loudly* Every word of that true, and accurate.

  21. Take a look at Jenna's latest blog.

    She misses key points.

    She is not a private individual. She advertises herself as a PUBLIC figure who actively promotes her lifestyle and makes money from her brand. She sells clinics and user subscriptions. She encourages others to quit their jobs and imitate her lifestyle. She sells food and skin care products that are not as described. She collects pity donations through lies and misrepresentation. And let's not forget, she collects - and neglects or downright abuses - animals.

    I doubt anyone has a vendetta against her. However, as she is a PUBLIC figure asking for donations, it's fair game to point out lies, fallacies and absurdity, as known or documented in her own writings.

    It's not unusual to question or satirize a PUBLIC figure. Especially one who posts hyperbole and truly odd rants.

    It would take a long post to itemize what she's publicly disdained: suggestions from well-meaning folks, suburbanites, moms, SUV owners, 401K owners, people working office jobs, people who vacation, people who use stationary bikes, perfume wearers...well, you get the idea. She has even denigrated women who don't live her "genuine" lifestyle by calling them "poodles".

    So think. If a public company (or Kim Kardashian) wrote posts about pooping in the woods, electrocuting pigs, buying twice as many chickens so predators could kill half (!), sleeping naked with dogs, howling at the moon, storing dead animals with soap-making supplies, and there was photographic evidence of animal neglect...well, of course there would (and should) be comments.

    The fake feral farmer needs to make a decision: either stop being a PUBLIC figure (which invites public comments) or behave in a manner expected of public companies and people: that is, honestly, with integrity and without animal abuse or neglect.

    1. Good Lord. I have never met a more self centered individual as Miss Jenna.

      Every freaking thing she writes and talks about and does is ALL about her! Unbelievable. She really thinks that people care about her every thought? Her every action? All her self hatred, because wow, she really really is messed up about herself if she has to keep talking to her past self and over and over about all this self affirmation crap, wow.

      If she spent 10% of the time she spends propping herself up constantly, doing anything interesting, wow, she would be an interesting person.

      Instead, she's just a whinning, wanna be that is lazy and just all in it for the celebrity wanna be hopefulness... Ugh.

    2. Spot on about the affirmation. Jenna please nobody cares.

    3. Great job again guys!! I so appreciate your investigating and reports!

    4. Farmlass, great observation. I read some of her earlier blogs, and while her writing wasn't the best, her posts were enthusiastic, with 'rural living' tidbits and recipes. She was absolutely worth reading.

      However, over the last several years, her writing has now deteriorated. Now I find repetitive whines and complaints, with snarky comments about people not-like-her and endless pleas for money / support.

      How can it be that he woman who gave lectures on prepping and survival skills for emergencies now can't seem to figure out how to keep her water pipes from freezing year after year? Shockingly, her life stopped, she put friends on the spot and she basically waited for a man to fix it. How can she be so incapable of repairing farm fencing or keeping her 30-yo truck running? She bought the truck with money from readers, after promising them the truck would be 'easy to repair'. Her posts are now a litany of preventable accidents, animal escapes and crises. She wails over this caca-filled life and mostly waits for 'someone else' to solve her problems.

      Oddly, she congratulates herself weekly, telling the world how wonderful she is, because she's muddled through another day without a partner or "husband".

      She's lost enthusiasm for living a great life and she hampers herself with excuses, all the reasons She can't live a better life. She reads CAST, so she needs to pay attention to some tough love.

      Girl needs a reboot right now. Making the same mistakes time after time doesn't make her brave...or scrappy. It makes her a fool. Continually asking for pity buys of art/logos/soap/meat or outright donations doesn't make her accomplished. It makes her infantile. Obsessing over superficial qualities like weight, hair and looks doesn't make her sympathetic. It makes her self-absorbed.

      If she wants to lead a more meaningful life, she can turn this around. How? Here are my suggestions.
      1. Reduce costs: get rid of the livestock and bring the land back to a better condition.
      2. Make friends with owners of legitimate, well-run small farms; represent them on social media. Take a percentage of sales.
      3. Take cute photos of their animals and post to maintain your 'rural cred'. Trust me, people don't care where the pretty animals actually live.
      4. Adopt out the senior horses or take proper care of them. They need to be inside a proper barn and they need better care.
      5. No more hawks. Seriously, between using them as social media props, hardly taking them out for exercise and somehow 'losing' them, they are not the right toys for her. Instead, she can spend time at a raptor rehabilitation center - volunteer. Raise money for them.
      6. For the love of her heathen spirits, she needs to learn how to do rural tasks and repairs. Buy second-hand tools, and learn how to use them. Tackle home, farm, and truck repairs. Her readers would enjoy reading about the experiences.
      7. She desperately needs more informative posts - worthy of subscription. More interviews with local people, regional events, gardening, harvesting, cooking and storage. She could volunteer to help others (a la Jon Katz) and write about it.
      8. If income doesn't exceed expenses, then she needs to work more, work smarter or get a temporary job. There's no shame in outside employment and it would be terrific source material for her articles.
      9. Last, for karmic balance, she needs to return money or make amends to victims of her past scams: Oakpaw, wool shares, clinics, Birchthorne, other sales. Balance the bad by good.

      That's it. Not easy, or quick but doable. No one would be happier than her critics to see her change for the better: no more lies, deceptions, scams, animal abuse or neglect. For my part, I would happily subscribe to quality content. Certainly others feel the same.

    5. Your sage suggestions will once again fall on the dummy's deaf ears. Experienced farmers and concerned people have been offering her wise words and advice for almost a decade. She doesn't want to do anything differently. Otherwise, she would've a long time ago. Once she figured out that stupid PayPal poodles would be happy to supplement her meager income, then she decided to become a full-time beggar and scammer. And the Birchthorn fiasco sealed the deal. She stole a massive amount of money, and still hasn't delivered all of the books yet. Jenna Woginrich is a sociopathic POS, and a waste of space.

    6. Anon 1:44. Sigh. I know, I wanted to remind new readers that Shammers have given Jenna helpful advice on proper animal care. They've also described how she could earn a better living, by improving her business model or raising income / lowering expenses. Many Shammers have extensive farming, business and management skills and they have tried to share advice & lessons-learned with Jenna. But Jenna's ignorance is only outweighed by her arrogance and she doesn't listen.

      At this point Jenna's business (let's not kid ourselves that it isn't a business) seems like a fraudulent charity: one that collects money from naive followers because it posts pretty photos and sad stories. Over time, it's inevitable people will discover the stories are mostly lies, the photos are curated and the crises are fabricated. When they learn they were used, the blinders fall off.

      Not surprisingly, early CAF posts talked about Jenna's fervent desire for celebrity status. She wanted to be a star and she wanted to be rich, rich, rich! (Personally, I think this is why she stalks celebrities, hoping one will rocket her to stardom.)

      Her biggest regret is that she hasn't pulled off the big heist - hasn't figured out the gimmick that will work. And so Jenna is sad and resentful, fabricates more stories and alienates friends and readers. She uses and abuses relationships.

      Jon Katz, a local celebrity, once acted as mentor to Jenna. In 2016 he wrote about some of the ways he answered Jenna's many cries for help: "...I’ve helped her find a literary agent, given her a computer, sometimes taken photos of her farm, sometimes promoted her many workshops on the blog..."

      But Jon learned "...Jenna is not interested in advice..." even though "...Jenna’s troubles are a backdrop of life here. (Her) farm has been a spectacular and wrenching soap opera since the beginning, she is always in trouble, always sounding the alarm..."

      Yes, Jon Katz learned about Jenna. He warned his readers and now keeps his distance.

      May others achieve his wisdom without losing too much money in the process.

    7. Wow, GREAT post, PoodleDiDoo. And the follow-up post, too.

      "So think. If a public company (or Kim Kardashian) wrote posts about pooping in the woods, electrocuting pigs, buying twice as many chickens so predators could kill half (!), sleeping naked with dogs, howling at the moon, storing dead animals with soap-making supplies, and there was photographic evidence of animal neglect...well, of course there would (and should) be comments. "

      Excellent point. In that light, she appears to be as insane as she is. And she wonders why the CAS Twitter and blog exist.

      Farmlass - The lack of comments on her Twitter confirm everything you've said. Seriously, the majority of her tweets do not receive any comments. And the tweets that do only receive 1-3. Beyond pathetic. No one cares any more about the drivel she writes. Hardly anyone is listening. And THAT is why she has to beg online on a daily basis.

    8. Also, "Pretty Photos and Sad Stories" is what Jenna Woginrich needs to rename her bleg.

      And yes, to anyone new here, do check out Jon Katz's horror stories about Jenna. Go to his blog and do a search for "Jenna Woginrich" and "Cold Antler Farm" and you'll get an eyeful of the frustration Jon had in dealing with such a stubborn young upstart.

      Sometimes I still can't believe Jon wrote all that he did about Jenna. To be honest, I thought he went too far in his attempts to humiliate her. And she must still be FUMING about that. Lol.

  22. Jenna, you are a repugnant boil on the ass of humanity.

    Not having children or a husband has absoloutely nothing to do with you constantly stepping on other people via STEALING from them to better your situation. And make no mistake, allowing people to pay you up front for either goods or services (BIRCHTHORN $15,000) and then never giving them said promised goods or services is STEALING.

    STEALING is criminal and you, Jenna, belong in jail.

    There is not a reasonable excuse in the entire universe for your (Jenna's) treatment of animals. There are however reasons and those reasons include you being a narcissistic sociopath who has zero empathy for any living creature other than your pathetic self.

    Your (Jenna's) obvious untreated mental disorders (definitely more than one) do not give you card blanche to behave the way you did in the past, in the present or in the future.

    So do yourself a favor, Jenna. Put down the booze and the twinkie and take a long hard look in the mirror at the monster you have become.
    Know that we on this blog and many others see you for what you really are.
    Excusing and explaining your terrible behavior under the guise of "advice" to your younger self is a joke.
    There are no excuses or legitimate explanations for what you, Jenna, have done in your past, or what you are sure to continue doing in the future.

    1. Great post! Well said. And the "monster" she has become is right on the money. The Kickstarter disaster was straight-up theft and at the very least, she should be fined, ordered to pay back the money, and sentenced to 500 hours of community service.

  23. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can post under anon again and will be back! Thanks all for keeping up on her evil shenanigans!

    1. YES - me too and also!
      Thanks for posting that it is fixed - I had given up trying.

    2. Good to see you both! Looking forward to your posts!!

      To anyone else having trouble posting here, you may want to tweak your computer settings a bit. For example, I'm on a Mac laptop and wasn't able to post at first on the other CAS blog. The change I had to make is as follows:

      Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies and website data

      Once there I changed the setting from "Allow from current website only" to "Allow from websites I visit." Not sure what the difference is, as it seems like the same thing, but making the switch allowed me to log into my email account in order to post.

  24. I tried twice posting on my phone last night, and neither one would work. So this is a test.

    1. Well, it went through. Thanks, HD. I appreciate you giving us the other options. In terms of Jenna Woeandbitch's latest bleg, I could barely wade through her barrage of bullshit. It made me snicker, though, when she called herself "darling." She's trying to paint herself as a scrappy, struggling victim which is weird. I've rarely seen anyone who has less self-knowledge yet reeks of false arrogance. I doubt that anyone is dumb enough to fall for her crap in an intimate relationship.

      And her never-ending animal abusing makes me sick. I also think that Dash is dead. I plan on contacting appropriate authorities to have her hovel searched again. BTW: I noticed that her Twitter account has been silent for a day. That means she's probably planning her next beg-a-thon to pay the mortgage.

    2. There is nothing what-so-ever "darling" about Jenna Woginrich. Not a single thing. I wonder what it must be like to be such a waste of oxygen. To see faces of dread and avoidance when walking around town. She'll never be the town "darling" on this planet or any other. There's nothing "darling" about shocking pigs and leaving animals to die.

  25. "You know how after a horrible date or fight with your mom you sit down watch 5 episodes of Gilmore Girls and polish off a bottle of Cabernet? That's what 99% of them are doing with a snarky comment. You are their Stars Hollow and wine. Watching a 20-something's train wreck is a delightful distraction from judging their own."

    No, Jenna, at least I am not making snarky comments while getting drunk like you do on your late-night Twitter binges. And I have no reason to judge my own 'train wreck' because, although in my 60 years on this planet I've had some very challenging times, I've never considered that any actions I took or how I treated people (or animals) a "train wreck" because of the choices I made. You, on the other hand...

    "Listen here lady, keep going. When animals die, keep going. When storms hit, keep going. When the bank drives by to knock on your door, keep going. When people send the state police to your door because you wrote online that a chicken died in the night, keep going."

    Nice way to minimize the animal abuse/neglect on "this farm." Just one little chicken dies, and the state police are all over you! Ah-hem... We are not talking an accidental, unavoidable death here. There's so many animals that have died at CAF that I have totally lost count, and most of them because of your neglect. Hint: the state police are busy. They don't just show up on a whim because "trolls" are complaining about someone. There were (are) real issues on your place that you refused to fix, so your animals got rehomed (thankfully).

    You had Good advice by well-meaning, more experienced people than you which you ignored. You did not even attempt cursory internet research on how to keep livestock because you know it all. You wrote a book on chicken care, dammit!

    So STOP with the woe-is-me and minimalizing of the horrific conditions your animals were kept in. We are not trolls. We are advocates for the animals who cannot speak for themselves, and the people who have been ripped off by your scamming ways. You will never change as is obvious from the last decade of behavior, so we never will stop warning people about you and working towards CAF not having a single, neglected animal on it.

    1. I love how Jenna's idiot supporter called her a train wreck while trying to make her feel better. Duh!
      Morons, every last one of them!

    2. I rarely read JW's blog anymore, and the few times I do, I have a hard time getting through it. Everyone's comments made me try to read the latest. I'm so sorry I did. Jenna hasn't grown up at all, or learned anything. She talks in circles. How can she write that post and not realize that she has not only not made any progress, she's gone backwards And she's killed 3 hawks.

    3. More like:

      ""Listen here faux farmer, keep scamming and begging. When animals die, keep going instead of figuring out what you did wrong to cause that. When storms hit, keep lying about your lack of firewood. When the bank drives by to knock on your door, keep begging your foollowers to pay your mortgage. When people send the state police to your door because you wrote online that a chicken died in the night, keep going and order more chickens to cover the loss."



  26. Hey Jenna.....Don't listen to your 26 year old self. She has as much sense as you do now. You don't get it. Also, don't get mixed up in falconry. You tend to lose hawks a lot. Thank you.


    1. If she lives long enough we'll have to suffer through pathetic posts like: "Five Things I Wish I Could Tell 76-Year-Old Me," and she'll still be none the wiser as a scrappy, senior citizen. If Jenna Woginrich hasn't lost her faux farm yet, as an older lady, she'll still be "living alone on the side of a mountain."

  27. The twat on Twitter:

    "What a day to buy a logo from your favorite hawkless farmer!? DM to learn about prices and get some artwork while supporting a feral woman!"

    I'm surprised that she didn't mention her usual "half-off sale!" bullshit line. It's also like she's bragging about losing Dash. The only thing "feral" about her is bad body odor (we've stood next to her in town.)

    1. My sincere apologies that you've run into her in town. I can imagine the horror.

      Jenna no longer cares about Dash. I don't think she ever did with her, "He'll be fine, those leather strips will fall right off." Yeah, maybe in the ten-years time or longer it would take leather to degrade. Now she's making jokes and sitting on her ass, eating, drinking booze and playing video games while that poor hawk tries to figure out how to survive. If he's even still alive.

  28. I've been trying to track her Twitter account, and it's been slow going. She still hasn't attained 5,000 "foollowers," and she keeps losing them. Clearly, the word is getting out about her rotten reputation. It's also amusing how she tweets to celebrities, and they ignore her insipid drivel:

    Jenna Woginrich

    Feb 1

    I refuse to believe @StephenAtHome isn't spending a solid 15 minutes a show bringing Kevin Kline's DAVE to life. Godspeed, sir.
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    And she's still has a lame schoolgirl crush on Anna Kendrick who ignores her, too. She's nothing but a boil on the butt of social media. What an attention whore.

    1. "She still has..."

    2. I bet Anna Kendrick would be super duper impressed and fall head over heels madly in love with dumpy Jenna if she only knew what really happened to the hawk that
      Jenna the Cretin named for her (Anna Kendrick).


  29. Soooo this is a very minor petty thing, but the term "OK" is not, as she claims, short for being from "Old Kinderhook." It's from an old colloquialism - young educated dandies in the late ninteeth century took to misspelling common words (kind of like an old-timey inside joke?), and "OK" became the short form of "oll korrect." Jenna will do ANYTHING to make herself the center of attention, even rewriting history!

    1. Good catch! She shows her ignorance time and again.

      Remember her bad dog breeding advice? Or her tortured explanation of biology, to classify plants as carnivores?

      Maybe Pember Patty, the famed Zoologist, should enlighten her.

    2. I thought that sounded suspicious. I went to school in upstate NY and had friends from Kinderhook (we had field hockey games there, too) and I'd NEVER heard that term.

      Why would she even say she's "Old Kinderhook" anyway?

  30. Jenna poo-pooing about football and the Super Bowl. Whining about how violent it is. I thought she liked violence; doesn't she love slaughter days? Going on social media and showing bloody pictures of various animals strung up. Hypocrite. Resentment is more like it. I guess no one invited her to their Super Bowl party.

    1. Jenna got mad at her pigs for escaping the shitty fence that Jenna put up so described on her blog how she put water on the pigs and led them to the electric fence to get shocked (the water was added, as Jenna stated, to make the shock more painful).

      Then Jenna actually said via her blog that she *smiled* at the pigs' pain.

      But football is violent and offensive to Jenna.

    2. To be fair, she did not dump water on the pigs. And, you can't lead pigs anywhere! ;-) She dumped the water on the metal ground pole, which makes it more conductive and gives a bigger shock. Then, when a pig did try to escape and touched the fenced, she smiled at the pig's pain. (sociopath) Just trying to keep things accurate here.

    3. The end result was the same. Putting water on the pig or anywhere to give a bigger shock is tomato toma-toe.

      Water was added to increase suffering

    4. Got to agree with Duckmama on this. Jenna dumped extra water on top of the grounding rod "just for spite"...and to ensure the pigs would get a larger electric shock.

    5. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. My memory just isn't what it used to be. I think it's great that someone says when jenna shocked the pigs and everyone knows exactly what the person is talking about. We definitely have Jenna's number!

    6. You are so right Unknown. I took a screen shot, so I would have the exact wording when reminding people of her sadism.

  31. Has anyone seen the recently added Netflix documentary titled "What Makes a Psychopath?

    I could not believe how much J Whineandbitch had in common with pretty much everything they discussed and all of the personality traits described.

    The psychopath prison inmates they interviewed sounded so much like JW.
    It was all about them and they recalled their viscious crimes without an ounce of empathy for their victims. One prisoner actually said of the children he abused that he didnt actually hurt his victims and basically they dont have any lasting effects from the crimes. Keep in mind he is saying this about children that he raped. He also said that they might be suffering a little but that he was suffering way more in prison.

    Another said that he regretted his crime (murder) but he "didn't regret his success." He said he decided to do something (kill someone) and successfully completed what he set out to do. Of course he absoloutely didn't regret any part of his crime, he was only mimicking what he thought were appropriate answers and still got it wrong. Just like JW.

    They discussed how psychopaths usually commit more than one type of crime. Such as stealing from people by accepting payment for goods that aren't ever sent and also abusing animals during the same time period.
    Sounds familiar AGAIN.

    Those are just a few of many comminalities between the described psychopaths and Cambridge's own monster, J Whineandbitch.

    I would be interested in other Shammers take on the documentary. It's a little under an hour in length and I thought it was both scary af and fascinating.

  32. I will check it out. Well, I've always thought of her as a serial killer of animals. She almost never has any self-reflection or blames herself for the death of her animals. Always justifies it somehow.

    1. You're right about her being a serial killer of animals for sure.
      The one thing that JW did not have in common with some of the diagnosed psychopaths is that often they are very intelligent with high I.Q.s. Not always, JE being an example of that, but often they are very smart.

      One of the prisoners that has a high I.Q. said that he has been described as manipulative (a common trait). He said however he is not manipulative he is just very good at reading body language and quickly figuring out how to handle/approach victims. Basically that's being manipulative, figuring out how to approach someone to best take advantage of them. But you could tell that he could reason away in his mind any traits he had that make him a psychopath. Just like JW.

    2. I'll never forget the deranged toddler look on her face when she held a poor pig upside down for a photo op. It's on someone else's blog, and it made me cringe to see it. It's one of the pics that I sent to appropriate authorities for an ongoing investigation of her faux farm.

    3. Anon 4:23, this photo?

      That photo depicts the REAL Jenna Woginrich. The narcissistic, animal abusing, sociopath that Jenna tries to hide. That is not a photo of a sane woman. It is the monster that Jenna's poor animals know all too well.

    4. Yup, that's the one. And it makes my blood boil every time I see it. Also, don't forget that this evil Jenna Woginrich hag proudly stated that she "put the laughter back in slaughter."

      I can't imagine picking up ANY animal like that. Especially one you know you're about to slaughter. She is truly sick in the head. And she deserves that face of hers as punishment for all the pain and abuse she's inflicted on her animals in the past.

    5. (That is the right way to hold piglets, they are incredibly difficult to catch and hold like a puppy or kitten or any small squirmy upset animal.... when they are upside down, they quiet and make it calmer to move and transport them, not to mention it is safer around the mother, if she is there.)

      However, pausing for a stupid picture, that is just weird. But then she does that all the time when she's not posing. (Remember the weird ass pictures at Patty's Thanksgiving? Or that creepy pic on the horse cart??? OH MY)

      However, every other thing she does with hogs is pretty much terrible... awful and wrong.

    6. I'm 4:23 Yes, Anon7 was right about the photo. And even if it's the correct method of holding a piglet the deranged toddler look on her face is scary.

    7. Thanks for the info, FarmLass, I didn't know that. Still though, even though it's the correct way, I just couldn't do it, much less stand there with a stupid evil maniacal grin on my face. She's one sorry excuse for a human being.

    8. If Jenna briefly carried the pig holding it in that manner, it would be ok.

      However, Jenna the sociopath had to have her photo taken while holding the pig like that with such a psychopathic, deranged look of pleasure on her ugly mug.

      That's the difference between normal and monster with Jenna being the latter.

  33. On the former sham site, someone posted who had given Jenna a whopping $1,000 in the late summer/fall 2018 for Jenna to use to buy firewood.

    Jenna has never stopped whining since the summer of 2018 about what a crisis she is facing trying to "save up cash" for firewood. The $1,000 donation never mentioned. That is Jenna's m.o.

    Jenna has posted before about having a furnace and space heaters in her house. Jenna prefers using firewood but it isn't a must have.
    Yet $1,000 didn't but enough wood to last a few months thru this winter.

    It goes to show that Jenna doesn't use the money donated to her for what she claims it will be used for.
    More examples of that can be found on the Kiva site under Jenna's past campaign describing what Jenna's most recent Kiva loan would be used for.
    Almost everything Jenna listed was not only never done but most are things that Jenna still whines about needing money for. That is called SCAMMING.

    1. In my neck of the woods, you can get top-notch wood for around $220-250 a cord. Less if it's mixed species. She would have been able to get almost (or entirely) a winter's worth for $1,000. She just counts on people not paying attention and remembering past windfalls.

    2. Anon 12:46 - I forgot about that! And yes, it's just another example of her mis-using and abusing donations. For anyone new here, Jenna's Kiva request stated that the money would go for the following:

      "I am looking to get a loan to improve the farm. I would like to move away from woven wire fences to an electric-field system of movable netting and solar chargers. [...] Besides fencing I would like to repair and stablaize the main barn on the property as well as the other animal’s outdoor shelters and pole barns before winter, repair roofing on farmhouse, plumbing repairs so it can have outside access to the animals water sources instead of just carrying buckets up hills, buy much-needed supplies like hoses, tools, and firewood shed, and get much needed repairs done the this farm’s trusty farm truck - which has transmission issues of utmost import! [...] The newest computer being used on this farm right now is 7 years old, and I would like to also get a laptop to replace it."

      NONE of those purchases or improvements happened. Not ONE. She still has the crappy old fencing. There is no solar charging going on. Her animals still escape.

      The barn hasn't had a lick of work done to it and it is near collapse. Just see the pics on her Instagram or bleg for proof. Roofing repairs havn't happened and the only plumbing repairs she made were not proactive, they were for (supposed) ruptures due to lack of proper maintenance or replacement. This is all documented on her bleg.

      There are still no hoses. And despite hoses being relatively cheap, she still slogs water all over that farm on foot...cuz she's thick in the head. She also never built a firewood shed.

      And she never upgraded her computer or bought a lap top. Instead she periodically hints on Twitter that she's looking for one in the hopes someone will just gift her one.

      So where did all that money go? I'll give you a hint: It ended up somewhere below her shoulders and above her legs. Just look at the pics for proof of this.

  34. "LIght at the End of the Mope": (It looks like the real "righter" forgot to lowercase the "I."

    Her latest bleg is the usual annoying, arrogant assertions. Once again, she has to "try like mad" to "earn up" more money for the mechanic. Say it ain't so! Her beloved hunk of junk isn't functioning now. She mentions "clean sheets" for the umpteenth time, too. You'd think that it was some kind of amazing achievement to wash your laundry. Funny, how she used the word "faux" when it's not one of her usual ones like "scrappy" or "feral." It's very clear that she reads here. And she mentioned "looking for Dash." Probably because we've called her on the neglect. I think that her "intense nightmares" are due to her decade of begging and scamming to make money. It's weird how she talks about "hot water on tap" as if she's the only adult around to have such a modern convenience. The stupid post wouldn't be complete without a line about how "terrified she is of chainsaws," and that she "needs to hire someone" to help her out.

    1. I don't see how in the world Jenna can justify how much money she claims to need for firewood. Good lord drama queen, turn on your furnace and space heaters and stfu.

      It would make sense if she harvested her own wood off of her property. But constantly buying wood and now hiring someone to run that super spooky chainsaw just makes her look even more stupid than she already does.

      Also, she pretty much admits to once again not having been able to use her toilet.

      "...It is now day 14 of defecating in my backyard. I have noticed the recent absence of small woodland creatures on my property and feel the burning, judgemental horses' stares whenever I walk from the house, Charmin in hand. My neighbor, who recently looked at my piece of shat truck, knocked loudly on my door shortly after dark last evening.
      I could tell he was shaken when I answered the door.
      He told me to be extra diligent as he was 99% sure he had just witnessed a sasquatch crapping in my backyard just minutes earlier...."

    2. Did she really write this?

    3. Lol, I like your sarcasm. :D

      But be nice to Jenna guys, cuz in her own words, she's being HONEST, and she has been really feeling DOWN.

      Yeah, I'd be feeling down too if I awoke each day, without a real job, wondering how the hell I was going to "earn up" thousands of dollars each month to pay for my lifestyle. And to have to do the same song and dance every month. I'd also be so sick and tired of begging strangers all the time for donations. And the shame, the deep shame of knowing I'm a serial scammer and a fraud...I'd barely be able to hold my head up. Man, I am so grateful I am not Jenna Woginrich.

    4. Jenna is that special kind of lunatic who wants to behave badly and then wants sympathy because rainbows and unicorns aren't shooting out of her ass.

  35. “Feeling down” blah, blah, blah
    Playing video games, going for pony rides, walks in the woods. Working hard to ‘earn up’ that cash, I see.
    Truck is broken… blah, blah, blah
    Anxiety… blah, blah, blah
    Nightmares, clean sheets… blah, blah, blah
    Terrified… blah, blah, blah

    What a broken freakin’ record she is!

    1. Jenns'a freakin' obsession with clean sheets is pathological. It's like she finally realized that bragging about not showering for days and going into town reeking of death was not scoring any points with her foollowers. So she did a 180 and started peddling this "clean lavender sheets" nonsense. Bet she still reeks after a shower.

  36. Anyone want to take bets as to how much the "rewiring" of Jenna's hoopty truck will supposedly cost?

    Jenna's mechanic must high five everyone in the shop when they see Jenna coming. Anyone who would put any significant amount of money into a vehicle that old, that crappy and with that many miles on it, needs their gd head examined.

    I will ask my husband, who has worked as a master mechanic for 30+ years how much that will cost. He can look up the wiring schematics for that particular vehicle as well as parts needed and how many billable labor hours it would take. In our area, mechanics charge $80 per billable labor hour. A wiring job could take as little as 30 min depending on what is "rewired."
    Jenna will come up with some sort of whackadoodle horseshit as to what the rewiring entailed and, as usual, it won't be remotely close to the truth.

    1. Wiring can be a quick fix or a really expensive fix, depending on how long it takes to track down the problem. I'm sure she'll come up with some outrageous cost and try to pawn that off on the poods.

    2. LOLing at the "mechanics high-fiving each other" comment. True, they must make bank off her...I mean her poodles.

      As for bets, I'll wager she'll quote $350 for the job. "Three" seems to be her magical go-to number.

  37. Anyone else think that Patty is selling fleeces for Jenna?
    "Support your local farm girl" and tagging Jenna.

    Here's why that is a problem. Jenna still owes people for fleeces they paid for that were supposed to come from lambs that never existed. RememberI how she sold meat and fleeces from her lambs and then it turned out the ewes were never pregnant?
    If Jenna sold this new batch, she would have to give most of them to the people who have already paid that were never compensated.

    1. Patty's tweet announcing fleeces for sale:
      Fleeces are here! Support your local farmgirl- so cozy for your couch, your pup or your bum. Message me for what’s available! @ Livingston Brook Farm

      Then she retweeted the above tweet and added:
      Only a few left. @coldantlerfarm #farmgirl #barnheart

    2. Yet another SCAM assisted by her bff Pember Patty!

    3. There is absolutely no readon as to why Patty would sell Jenna's fleeces on social media seeing as how Jenna has 4,000+ followers and patty has only 141. The ONLY reason is so Jenna doesnt have to field emails from previous buyers who paid for fleeces and never got them.
      Two morons thinking they can pull off another scam.

    4. We know Jenna continually asks/begs people for favors. She wants them to post and promote her business so she can retweet to pretend there's a groundswell of interest out there.

      Far be it to actually have a storefront or website with posted prices, expected turnaround time and guarantee.

      She's, er, just not that far along yet...rofl.

    5. So let me get this straight: Jenna Woginrich sold fleeces in advance, didn't deliver, and now that the fleeces are finally available, she's having Patty offer them to other people?

      On another note, the CAS Twitter mentioned in January that Jenna is struggling to sell spam shares because many CAF foollowers have probably read on here about how Jenna feeds her animals "rotten deli meat and donuts." Being that Jenna has been unsuccessful in making sales, it looks like our efforts here are paying off. Great work shammers!

    6. That would be my guess. Why else would Patty with her approx 100 twitter followers advertise them and Jenna with her 4,000+ followers not mention them at all.

    7. Tsk, tsk. What shady ladies. Although the ladies part is a stretch.

  38. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Fun fact I learned today! Having a broken filling repaired in ten minutes (not the tooth, just the chipped porcelain filling) costs the same as having a team of mechanics purchase, install, and repair a broken starter.

    This week is balls."

    We all see the scamming sociopath's pattern here. She announces her anxiety via either her bleg or Twitter, then waits to be saved by normal adults who have hard-earned money. Between the truck and tooth bill she's gearing up for yet another beg-a-thon.

    1. Lol, I just posted this before seeing that you did. And you're right...this stupid tweet is nothing more than an attempt to set the stage for a low effort beg-a-thon via Twitter.

    2. I'm 4:19 "Great minds think alike!"

  39. On Twitter today:

    "Fun fact I learned today! Having a broken filling repaired in ten minutes (not the tooth, just the chipped porcelain filling) costs the same as having a team of mechanics purchase, install, and repair a broken starter."

    What a liar. Starters are not expensive to replace. And a "team" of mechanics is necessary to do it? Bullshit. When I was 17 I was able to remove, fix, and reinstall the starter on a Mercedes in less than one hour...and it cost nothing. Jenna Woginrich is just trying to make it sound expensive so that poodles will donate to her. Any moron can fix or replace a starter. Source: I am a moron.

    1. Yes Jenna, you are an idiot.
      Start living within your means and have your remaining tooth yanked for less than $100 when it rots like the others.
      Root canals aren't a necessity anymore than wolf contacts or dollar store hair extensions..

    2. And idiot and an animal abusing witch. She'd best watch herself before someone drops a house on her.

  40. I am beginning to think she gets cash from her parents. She just got a care package with some crap from her Dad, so I am thinking they throw money in those care packages too. She suddenly was able to pay the truck bill and the tooth bill first right after good ole Daddy sent her stuff.... hmm.

    1. I think you're right, Anon2011, and I have thought the same for a long time. There is NO WAY she could pay the mortgage, even as inconsistently as she does, without some sort of regular influx of cash. So her parents, in their retirement, are having to support a grown-ass adult (term used loosely). I don't know how she could live with herself. That's just lower than low. Worm sweat. Oh wait, she's a sociopath. Nobody matters but HER!

    2. I don't know...perhaps Dad slips her $25 now and then, out of pity. But I don't think she receives larger amounts, as Mama Woginrich has made it clear that she doesn't care for or support Jenna's warped homesteading farmer dream. Mama W doesn't even like to visit!

      So I'm betting Mama grips her purse real tight, while Dad sneaks to Jenna paltry sums when he can.

    3. Agreed Anon 7. I don't think that Jenna's parents give her much of anything. It sounds like her mother has the same personality as Jenna- me me me and screw other people's feelings or needs.

      Which, from what I know of those types of people with those "personality" traits, it is common for their children to have the same traits. They aren't born that way, they are created.

  41. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich‏ @coldantlerfarm

    “So this person didn't get their dog picture as they wanted it (I sent a sketch they didn't like and didn't redraw it in time so offered a full refund) and today was shamed about promoting work online since I failed her.”

    Once again, in this multi-part thread, she’s whining about being shamed by a dissatisfied client. I wouldn’t be surprised if she made the entire tale up just to try and attract more PayPal pity poodles. Why would anyone appreciate her childish, fake Disney imitations? There are so many more talented artists than the hack and scammer Jenna Woginrich.

    And in an earlier tweet today here’s this Jenna gem:

    Jenna Woginrich‏ @coldantlerfarm

    “Looking for a special gift for yourself or a friend! Today I am offering a free gift voucher you can print and give away (or use for yourself) if you buy a pet portrait! If I sell one, AMAZING! If I sell 2, Income Goal Made for the Day! If I sell more than that I'll plotz.”

    It netted one response:

    KateB‏ @KateBaumy

    Replying to @coldantlerfarm
    “How much”

    Ironically, I think that’s Whineandbitch’s older sister. Maybe she feels sorry for the lazy lifestyle loser. The one who was called “Beauty” while they were in high school, and JFW was labeled “Beast.” The family still lives in Palmerton, PA. It's just an educated guess. Apparently her sibling, who is a teacher, doesn’t know about finishing a question with appropriate punctuation just like the real “righter.” It also only highlights how many times a curious person has asked her about prices, and she never refers them to a professional website. Why? Well, that might mean financial scrutiny by IRS agents someday. She'd rather work "under the table" via DMs leaving no paper trail behind.

    BTW: I find her appropriation of the Yiddish word, "plotz," to be annoying and inappropriate. Perhaps she'll try to become a convert to Judaism, once she tires of heathenism. She's done the same thing with other religions before so it's possible.

    1. I just saw a the username "Insteading" on Pinterest.

      That perfectly describes Jenna Woginrich's version of homesteading. She's constantly Insteading rather than doing anything that needs to be done for her animals or property.

    2. "Insteading" is the PERFECT word to describe the messy-ass failure that is Cold Antler Farm.

      Anon 12:07 - KateB is indeed Jenna's sister. Just checked her Twitter and saw that she takes pity on Jenna and re-tweets her begging for sales. The responses include someone in another country who stated that Jenna did not respond to their inquiry. Of course she didn't.

      Then the OP and two others ask about pricing and if Jenna has a website or Etsy account. NOPE! Jenna likes doing business under the table to avoid paying money to Uncle Sam.

    3. The recent chicken photo clearly shows Jenna is up to her old tried-and-true trick of covering horse manure (those round brown balls) with new hay. It's a filthy practice that no genuine farmer does. Even feedlot feed their animals away from st**. Jenna's method ruins the hay & causes animals to injest bacteria and parasites and get diseased!

      But I guess everything is allowed in her faux feral farmer world that creates a prettier (fake) photo.

      Jenna living like fiction yet again, while animals pay the price.

    4. Good catch PDD! You are right, that nasty hag is continuing to do what she did in the past with the goat pen.

      For anyone new to the Jenna Woginrich shit show, Jenna had a herd of goats that she was forced to rehome in july 2018. Authorities investigated Jenna that month for animal neglect/abuse and after the investigation Jenna rehomed the goats and sheep (as discussed on social media by Jenna conveniently leaving out the part about the investigation).
      I think that Jenna was forced to find homes for ALL of the livestock and the pigs and chickens went to Jenna's friends' properties. Jenna can still take photos of them and she can sell the pigs but they are not living on Jenna's property. This would explain the photos of only the pigs themselves without any background in the photos and the frequent use of old photos.

      Anyway, prior to rehoming the goats and sheep, Jenna made a last ditch effort to clean the goat pen. It had around two feet of old goat shit and feed built up after YEARS of not cleaning it. Jenna let the goats stand in that and eat off it. It was so bad that Jenna had to hire a back hoe to clean it. The back hoe got stuck. Now that's beyond bad when a back hoe gets stuck cleaning out a goat pen.
      Now it appears that even though Jenna only has two horses to take care of, she can't be bothered with mucking/cleaning their area. So now the horses are standing in and eating of off their own filth.

  42. God, she's a prize idiot. This latest rant by Jenna Woginrich on Twitter:

    "I am sitting here mostly angry about how thin skinned I am. When people are mean online it's using their typed words as a biological warfare. "This didn't work out for me so I am asking for a refund and I will hut her, too" is their thinking. And they do."

    Does she even know what biological warfare is? Using warfare would have been fine on it's own. The biological part makes no sense...bad metaphor. She's using that word to try to defend herself and excuse her terrible business practice of conveniently forgetting about people's art orders.

    And then as per usual, Jenna tweets "Message me if you haven't received your artwork (or soaps, logos, whatever). She's hoping you'll forget and she can pocket the money for doing nothing, cuz YOU the customer didn't message Jenna in a timely manner. Well, it sounds like this customer was treated the same way. She didn't like Jenna's first sketch so Jenna put the re-draw on the back burner, hoping the customer would forget.

    How come Jenna couldn't re-draw it in time? Was she out trying to smash mountains with her LL Bean snow shoes? Yup. And drinking whisky with friends. She doesn't have a real job, so she has all the time in the world to complete commissions on time. But no, she fails at that. And now the customer is upset and Jenna is hurt and doesn't understand the customer's anger. Hint: It's cuz you didn't deliver as promised, Jenna. Better luck next time, idiot.

    1. Jenna, trying hard to defend her laziness, also tweeted:

      "I think because we all take everything personal online. We are looking at little computers all day long, usually when we are alone, and all interactions seem so laser-pointed at us even though there's a huge context and community and circumstances."

      Huge context: What the hell is she talking about? She has a disgruntled customer because she didn't complete the work on time. It's as simple as that -- no further context needed. This is just more defensive and rotten word soup from Jenna that makes zero sense.

      Community: What on earth does Jenna's beloved town have to do with her forgetting/avoiding to complete a customer's work on time? I'd really love to hear an explanation from her on this bullshit excuse.

      Circumstances: Jenna didn't complete the re-draw on time because of what? Being that it's winter and all, she's indoors mostly with ample time to do work. But no, instead she wastes time with podcasts, video games, TV shows, gorging on comfort food, movies, surfing Twitter for hours on end, not to mention the time she spends reading this blog.

      Add to that all the time she spent drinking whisky with friends and wasting time hunting with a falcon, mountain smashing, etc. If Jenna didn't waste all her time with useless pursuits she'd have ample time to complete work on time. But no, she chooses to devote precious time to any pursuit that will provide Instagram pics and add to her phony farmer homesteader persona. And that's why her customer is rightfully pissed off.

    2. Jenna can't control what is said about her and that makes Jenna angry. LOL.
      I say tough tookies, norma bates.

      There's no excuse for Jenna's behavior and only fellow idiots would pat her on the back and encourage her to continue her narcissistic sociopath behavior.

      *i.e. It was just one chicken! I mean some animals are disposable right? So what if the goats spent years eating and standing on 2 feet of their own shit. That's farming, right? Perfectly normal to finally clean the pen and have a backhoe get stuck in it because its so bad.
      So what if you scammed $15,000 from people for your Birchthorn scam. Those people who talk about it online are nuts.
      You shocked your pigs when they escaped the shitty fences you installed? Damn right those bastard pigs deserved that. Hopefully you withheld food from them for at least a week to drive your point home.
      Keep going girl, you got this. Hugs!
      *(my sarcasm, not an actual comment).

    3. I still would like to know what happened to the 200+ chickens Jenna Woginrich bought last year. As usual, the latest photo on Instagram of her chickens is such a tight shot that you can only count 7 of them. Just SEVEN!!

    4. And u can't tell if it's recent or not and where the location is. I think she had to re-home all of the livestock. From the sheep to the chickens.
      I might go through the CAF blog and add up how many chickens she bought this past summer. Didn't she have at least three deliveries of chicks over the summer? She also tweeted how many animals she had back then and there were a lot of chickens.
      Leah had a huge group of chickens pictured on her instagram last summer. She probably has Jenna's

    5. I recall her tweeting or blegging about 2-4 deliveries in which she stated the number of doomed chicks she received in each box. It was definitely 150 at one point, but I'm unclear if the final total was 200 or 250.

      But why would she have been ordered to re-home the chickens? Apart from feeding and freezing concerns, don't those little guys just run around and take care of themselves for the most part?

    6. Maybe after the frozen chicken in the driveway public post on her blog and comparing social media posts discussing recent chick deliveries versus the small number of chickens actually on Jenna's property at the time, they took away her chicken privledges too.
      That's how you know you are a total loser- loss of chicken privledges!

  43. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "My wife is doing comedy in VT?! UGGGHHHHH"

    This inanity was her retweet of Beth Stelling's promo for a show that she's doing. JFW has no sense of appropriate behavior. Referring to Beth Stelling as "My wife" on Twitter three hours ago was weird. Unsurprisingly, her creepy stalker tweet received no responses at all. I've heard her say similar things about other women. Imagine if a man did that online. He'd be considered a sexual predator. I'd consider blocking the bitch so that she couldn't connect with me.

    1. I was just gonna say...I get that some people jokingly refer to celebrities as their future spouses, but this is just creepy and completely lacks both the context and the lightheartedness that *might* make a similar statement funny. And that's a big "might."

      The thing about Jenna on Twitter in general is she tries to emulate a lot of other people's humor, and you can kind of see her trying on different jokes and different tones and then abandoning them. It all feels so inauthentic.

    2. Yeah, emulating other people's humor definitely does not work for Jenna. Makes her look desperate.

      Also, Beth Stelling is not even gay. While some people *might* be flattered by being called "wifey" most are not. Especially when the proclaimer looks as creepy and unhinged as Jenna Woginrich does.

    3. It's obvious that JFW reads here, because yesterday she deleted her creepy tweet. And it still hadn't received any responses from her usual sycophantic fans like Miriam and Patty. Not even one lone "like."

    4. LMAO, yes she did indeed delete it! Maybe Beth Stelling tweeted Jenna a cease and desist request, as she didn't want her reputation sullied by a freaky faux farming wannabe nutcase.

  44. Do you think every creator or artist or business who got a bad review (and in this case, a totally justified bad review) cries that they're being "shamed"? Sorry, darlin, that's business. You don't deliver, you get a negative review or negative feedback. And yes, it's usually the people most dissatisfied who are the loudest. No other independent business is whining about it, and the best independent businesses are using it as a direction for improvement.

    1. It's her own damn fault anyway. She probably shit out a drawing and then totally ignored the customer when they wanted a redraw. Yea, that's the way to do business Jenna. Claiming it took to long to redraw. So you couldn't redraw it the way they wanted it? Because you were too busy "mountain smashing," killing your hawk, playing children's board games or frittering away the time on the internet? You should be publicly shamed. You should be in jail really.

    2. Also it reminds me of Popeye's friend Wimpy who would "gladly pay on Tuesday for the hamburger you give me today." Give me your cash now and I'll gladly, probably, maybe, perhaps, if I don't lose track and forget and you should remind me and I am depressed and terrified and you might get what you asked for......except if you live....elsewhere.

    3. We've all seen Jenna's final drawings and they are terrible. A graphic arts degree was wasted on that talentless hack. I can't imagine how horrible the initial drawing must be. I wonder how many people get the first drawing and then reply with one word- "nevermind."

      What the people who fall for Jenna's pet portrait scam fail to realize is that Jenna does the least amount of work possible and I think she gauges from the tone of the initial emails whether or not she can get away with not sending the portrait period.

      If think that if Jenna senses so much as a slight weakness from the buyer (i.e. overly nice to Jenna in the email, they don't ask detailed questions, they aren't concerned with price, they tell her to take her time, etc.) she will take the money and run/waddle and never send the final portrait to them.
      Jenna will then proceed to wear the buyer down and waste so much of their time that they eventually give up. Jenna keeps the payment and moves onto the next victim.

      However, screwing the buyer out of money and getting paid for doing nothing isn't enough for Jenna.
      Jenna also wants to be told by strangers online that they support her behavior and don't believe Jenna's naysayers whatsoever.

      Jenna reminds me of murderers who go on rants on tv when they find out the authorities consider them to be a potential suspect.
      Up until that point, they could have had a good chance of getting away with their crime. Yet they are so angry that they are a suspect they can't control themselves.
      They do tv interview after tv interview rambling on about how dare the authorities question their integrity. Then they become the primary suspect thanks to their own behavior.
      That's exactly how Jenna behaves when she receives a well deserved negative review. Like how dare someone question her non-existent integrity. Then the more details she gives about the transaction the more she looks like the asshole.

    4. Lol at "darlin'" -- That IS the cost of business. But of course she's taking it personally and not attributing it to her professionalism, or lack thereof. And negative feedback, no wonder Jenna won't dare try eBay. Her feedback page would be a sea of red donuts.

      Anon 6:07 - You are so right, as while her drawings aren't the absolute worst, they definitely are a product of doing the absolute least amount of work she can get away with. And yes, I'll bet the quality of the paper and work are contingent upon all those things you listed. Total sociopath.

  45. 26 things I wish I told the 5 year old me

    Peoples is mean
    No one wants to pay with me
    I likes video games
    Birds fly or die
    Trucks are hard
    But liquor is quicker

    1. LMAO! Very nice. And so true. A few more:

      7) School's for fools...u don't need a job.
      8) Future internet makes begging so easy!
      9) It's OK to cry wolf...people are dumb!
      10) Fuck the shower...who want's to smell like a flower?

  46. Looks like the Rip-off Queen is looking to fleece some more foollowers on Twitter. It's the DEAD OF WINTER and Jenna Woginrich is offering summer archery classes? Does that mean you pay now for something that you may or may not receive in 5 months time? Remember what she said in the past: Classes and workshops are NON-Refundable. So if it rains, yer screwed. If her plans change, if she gets sick, yer screwed. Cuz we all know that Jenna does not like to refund money. So say goodbye to that whopping $250 she's asking for in advance. I mean, she is asking for cash in advance, right?

    Also noted is that she doesn't specify what constitutes a half or full day. Based on a typical 8-hour workday, I'll wager the half day is 4 hours. $250 divided by 4 hours is $62.50. Over $60 to learn how to shoot an freakin' arrow? Sorry, but I've seen The Hunger Games and the Olympics enough times to know it's not that hard to do. And Jenna seems to think that having "professional archer instruction experience" somehow qualifies her to teach. You know, I once took ballet classes with an instructor who had been a prima ballerina, but that didn't qualify me to teach lessons.

    You can purchase a bow on eBay for around $30 -- and then educate yourself via YouTube videos. Soooooo much cheaper! And the information will no doubt be much more accurate. And with Jenna, she'll probably teach you all you need to know in 30 minutes, and then laze about in her hammock, drinking booze, watching you and calling out, "Great form!" every now and then. And she wants $250 for that? But what if you are injured while on her property? What if her hawk-shit smeared glasses cause Jenna to shoot you in the leg? Does her homeowner's insurance cover that?

    But oh! You get to go home with your own bow!! Knowing Jenna, she probably ordered the cheapest beginner bows from China. A bow which may gently bend in the heat of summer, but then snap like a twig in colder temps. And last but not least, Jenna bullshits her foollowers that the classes are held on a "beautiful farm" -- yup, a beautiful farm. Maybe if you are blind. A more accurate description would be a run down feed lot that is a few bathroom breaks away from becoming a "Superfund" site.

    1. I've heard past participants say that she doesn't even provide lunch for the day, and that you won't even be allowed in her hovel to use the bathroom. Plus, she can barely play herself. Let's all recall the scrapping sound that her fiddler made at the Cambridge pub.

    2. Once you see Jenna sawing away on the "fiddle" and her abhorrent posture while playing (elbow down and against chest, face down) you can't forget what you saw and heard.
      It is TERRIBLE.
      The first thing players learn is posture. Elbow out and swung furthest left, head up looking straight ahead, and fingers up and rounded in a grip, rather than flat against the neck.
      Next students learn bowing-
      strong, firm bowing in sync with any fellow players. Not barely touching the strings in a sloppy sawing motion.
      Jenna doesn't even come close to beginner status as a player. Beginners have a good foundation with basic skills in place and lack experience and practice hours. Jenna cannot teach those badic dkills because she doesn't have a clue as to what they are.
      If I traveled to and paid Jenna for lessons and that hack started sawing on her instrument, hunched over in the crazy way she plays, I would be livid. I would ask her how soon she could issue a full refund. If she gave me a line of bullshit I would inform her that she can issue the refund within a week or I would sue her in small claims court for the cost of the lesson plus compensation for travel time and gas or the cost of the airline fair.

    3. That's what kills me about JFW. She has achieved no expertise in anything, yet tries to teach classes in several subjects. Talk about unearned arrogance, and lack of self-awareness. We once heard her "play" around town. A few people, including us, grimaced and left the room.

    4. I thought it was hilarious that Jenna played her fiddle one time with the other musicians at the brewery. Othertimes Jenna was playing the slide whistle! LOL! I'd guess someone did a fiddle intervention on Norma Bates so the brewery didn't lose customers.

    5. Is that video still online? I'm in the mood to laugh myself silly.

      Anon 7:36 - Thanks for the information on proper body placement. Now I REALLY want to re-watch that video!

    6. I think it was on her twitter. Should be able to find it via google search under something like "Jenna Woginrich twitter jammin brewery" or "jenna woginrich twitter fiddle brewery (or argyle- I can't remember what she called the brewery).
      Funny how she stopped talking about the brewery at all.
      I would guess that Jenna was given the cold shoulder regarding mooching drinks, stinking up the bar with body odor, bringing a dog that liked to growl at others, whining and begging customers for money and/or jumping behind the bar to "help." No one wants that making/touching their drinks or glasses.

  47. Oh crap, guys. Check this out. If this isn't a harbinger of disaster, I don't know what is:

    Man, Jenna TOTALLY jinxed herself with that design. And because of ripping so many people off, her bad karma manifested itself with the loss of her favorite furry prop.

    "Ring-a-ling...hear them ring..."

    Yeah, I'll bet she hears them ring during her nightmares, each night dreaming of poor Dash tangled up in a tree, unable to break free of his leather restraints. Actually, she probably doesn't give a shit. Dash is long gone...what does she care?

    1. Lol, check out the comments where two people school Jenna as to when Solstice actually is. And she calls herself a Heathen? Pfft!

    2. Uh oh. Jenna gets very angry when people correct her. Very angry.
      Now Jenna will put herself in time out in the corner and afterwards she will give herself a good, stern talking to.

    3. I couldn't get to the link it's not available it says

    4. That is freaking clip art for crying out loud. Doesn't take any talent at all to put that out.

    5. All of Jenna's "logos" are terribly basic clip art. There is zero talent involved in their creation.
      Jenna obviously lacks a discerning eye and/or just does the absolute least amount of work and thinks that the buyer is way too dumb to realize just how awful the logos are.
      I always get the vibe from Jenna that she thinks she is the smartest person in any room and she thinks that her buyers and readers are mental midgets in comparison to herself.. When the reality is the exact opposite. Jenna completely lacks the self awareness to realize how below basic her artwork and her life really are.
      So when someone calls her on how shitty her logos are Jenna starts raging. Jenna knows just raging on social media would be a mistake so she plays the victim. End result being the same as raging about it. She gets to passive aggressively call the buyer out and feed them to her readers who blindly support her.

    6. sash - The link is to Jenna's Instagram entry on December 21st and it is a Christmas card with clip art that shows a hawk's talons, along with jesses and bells attached. Being that her hawk flew away shortly after she posted this, is rather amusing and sad.

      Anon 7:14 - Spot on. Any criticism about her artwork isn't seen as constructive by Jenna. She thinks it's a personal attack on her. "If they don't like it, something's wrong with THEM, not my artwork."

    7. Unknown: I also agree with what you wrote. We've met her before in Cambridge, so I'm speaking from personal experience. She reeks, not just of bad body odor, but of arrogance. She's far from being "the smartest person in any room," and comes across as being very insecure. This was a great analysis, too: "So when someone calls her on how shitty her logos are Jenna starts raging. Jenna knows just raging on social media would be a mistake so she plays the victim. End result being the same as raging about it. She gets to passive aggressively call the buyer out and feed them to her readers who blindly support her."

  48. She keeps losing "foollowers" on Twitter instead of steadily gaining them. They're probably sick of being bombarded by her bullshit, and desperate pleadings of "half-price pet portraits!" It's also annoying how she's been using tired tidbits like "internalized misogyny" on her bleg. JFW needs to take a women's studies course at a community college to immerse herself in the correct lingo. She sounds like a Seventies just outta the closet lesbian. Now, she just needs to buy a pair of sterling labyrs earrings and lavender top.

    1. Yup. The first stage of acceptance that Jenna Woginrich is a pest is muting.

      The second stage of acceptance that she is a beggar is unfollowing.

      The third stage is a lobotomy so you can completely forget the hot mess.

  49. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Okay guys! This farm's gotta make some sales and fast. So if you're interested in Pork or lamb, archery or fiddle lessons, artwork, soap - send a DM! I offer free shipping and a 2-for-1 sale on pet portraits now!"

    And this Jenna gem:

    "Also! If following someone that is constantly hustling to make her life work feels stressful, tedious, or annoying - feel free to unfollow me! I am an optional part of your life. Bills are a non-optional part of mine. So I am going to keep moving CSA shares, soaps, etc."

    She acts as if other adults aren't also struggling to make mortgage payments and pay bills. It's like life has singled her out to be endlessly "scrappy" each month. Boo fucking hoo. It's so unfair that you don't have either a permanent poodle patron or family trust fund. Maybe if she stopped her daily drinking, and the impulse purchases, then she'd have more money for necessities. Judging by her dwindling "foollowers" it looks like quite a few are abandoning the feral farmer, and her constant barrage of bullshit money mooching.

    1. The "feel free to unfollow me" bullshit is Jenna Woginrich's pathetic attempt to use reverse psychology on her foollowers, for more pity donations. Here's the translation:

      "Mean people on a scary website are making me feel self-conscious about my daily online panhandling. And if some of you poodles would just donate more, and often, I wouldn't have to beg every damn day. So it's really all your fault. I know that I'm annoying and I stress you out, but please don't unfollow me! I don't want to be an optional part of your life!! I want the payment of my mortgage and bills to be just as much of a requirement for you as they are for me. So please, don't unfollow me. Please just effing buy my damn shit already!!"

    2. How does she not see the amount of tweets and retweets about selling stuff is plain old excessive?? Even a reputable illustrator/teacher isn't going to post SEVERAL TIMES DAILY about what they have to sell!!

    3. Anon7 and Cryokid: Your comments are both spot-on. Her self-entitled attitude is repellent to people. It's no wonder why she's lost even more "foollowers" today. They're all leaping off the sinking ship on Twitter that calls itself JFW. And she's too stupid to stop and see it. Her "amount of tweets and retweets about selling stuff" is costing her clients, and only illustrates what we've been saying for a long time. She's truly classless and clueless.

    4. Jenna advertising her crappy art and soap constantly is the same thing as a toddler throwing a tantrum or a child who doesn't get their way so they go on and on and on hoping that mom and dad will give in.

  50. I also wanted to add this inane tweet today:

    "Me when I see lipstick on other women: Oh wow! Look how sexy and right and cool she looks! When I see myself with lipstick: Get out of your mother's makeup bag, thief child!"

    That old saying is true: "You can't put lipstick on a pig."

  51. I just noticed that on her pet portrait twitter ad Feb 6, the artwork is 14 years old. It says "Oakpaw 2004." Why on earth would someone use 15 year old artwork? Because her current stuff is garbage? So very weird.

    1. It's because she's a lazy lifestyle loser.

    2. Jenna must think that her art work was at it's peak back then. News flash: that crap has never peaked. It's always been garbage.

      However, posting Oakpaw art was a bigger mistake than it appears at first glance. If anyone saw that and decided to google Oakpaw art, they would quickly find the scams Jenna ran under that name.
      Same scams as now. People pay for artwork upfront and Jenna never sends it to them.

    3. Good catch, Anon 5:19! And yes, why would she use old artwork from a time (and an account) from which she used to rip people off? Jenna's brain could use a re-wiring. STAT.

  52. The twat on Twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich @coldantlerfarm

    "Sold one! Want to get some art and support this scrappy gin joint? Buy some art!"

    It's sad and pathetic how JFW retweets her own inane, desperate pleadings for pet portraits. Maybe it wouldn't be a "scrappy gin joint," Jenna, if you put down the booze bottle and got a job.


    "So far today I earned up enough cash to cover 85% of the wood that was delivered! I've been stacking and moving split dry wood from the driveway by the sled full. My back is smarting. My heart feels good."

    She can't simply state "earned." Apparently, adding the stupid "up" makes it more meaningful. Apparently a PayPal pity poodle also rescued her last night on Twitter. She's willing to give Jenna Woeandbitch money up front for a pet portrait. Even though JFW told her that "it'll be 3+ weeks since I'm so busy with commissions!" That makes no sense. If she has all of this work, then why is she always desperate for more? I believe that it's bullshit, and her greed knows no bounds. She also wants to give the false impression that she's busy to appear popular. It's unbelievable that she does this every month for years rather than create her own abundance. She's always waiting to be rescued, and have others pay for her expenses and mortgage.

    1. Liar lair pants on fire. Wouldn't it be grand if she caught on fire every time she lied? She'd finally get that smokin' hot body she's always wanted.

  53. A little confused here- when my starter went out, my mechanic told me that the vehicle couldn't be jump started. He said jump starting was for battery issues and that if the starter was bad the car had to be towed. Hmmm.....

    1. You are correct! Jenna often lies about truck repairs and doesnt know enough about auto mechanics to make it believable.

    2. She's full of shit, as usual. A jump won't help with a faulty starter. Yes, it's true that a starter needs juice from the battery, but a jump still won't fix that. The main problem with older starters is the solenoid getting stuck. There's a part inside that's supposed to engage, turn, turn back, and then disengage. When it gets stuck, hitting it with a hammer works pretty well as it disengages the stuck part and allows the starter to do it's thing.

  54. Jenna Woginrich is really hinting up a storm today. On Twitter regarding her broken truck:

    "Supposed to get it repaired Monday AM if I can swing it. [...] I'll figure something out."

    The old "I'll figure it out" ploy. That translates to "I hope someone sends me money."

    And in her latest bleg post titled, "What I Do Best" (Is she effing serious?):

    "In other news: the truck needs that new starter and if I can swing it will be in the shop Monday morning. [...] But I had to spend a lot on the firewood so I am working on social media to move meat shares, illustrations, soap, and classes in archery and fiddle. Sales are slow but yesterday I managed to earn 85% of what I spent on the wood. If I earn the remainder over the weekend I will be thrilled. And if I can manage the money to replace the starter. If I get lucky I'll sell a pig or a family of lessons in archery."

    If I can "swing" it
    If I "earn up"
    If I can "manage"
    If I get "lucky"

    What the hell did your parents teach you growing up? Did they not show you any basic life skills? Did they not impress upon you the virtues of living a life of integrity? Here's a hint, Jenna: Stop trying to swing, earn up, manage and get lucky and just get a freakin' real job already!! Being a LAZY GRIFTER and SCAM ARTIST is what you do BEST. Time to face the music and get a damn job like the rest of the world.

  55. Also in Jenna's newest bleg post she said this:

    "If I am lucky to get some repeat sales and maybe a freelance writing gig... It'll be another month here."

    And if you don't get "lucky" what happens then Jenna? You lose the feedlot and move back to your parents basement? What a crass way of guilting your foollowers into donating money to you. Hey, poodles, if you don't help out Jenna financially, this will be her last month on the farm. Word.


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