New Beginnings



  1. Thank you, HD for continuing this blog. It's a way to speak the truth about a public figure who uses social media accounts (and thousands of posts) to spread lies and half truths, while collecting donations from people who don't know the whole truth about Jenna Woginrich and Cold Antler Farm.

    Cold Antler Sham is a public service and offers up facts, commentary, satire and much-needed counterpoint to Jenna's internet lies & half-truths. It shines a light on hypocracy and stands up for animals, who cannot protect themselves.

    Let's keep it on point, keep in adult and keep it going!

    1. Very well said!....even with a typo. :-)

    2. A fast moving Hound Doggy for the win! Jenna may have enjoyed an entire day free from the truth about her, but here we are again. We are BACK!!

      Seriously HD, thank you so very much for all the hard work that you do to expose the online panhandler scammer rip off artist that is Jenna Woginrich.

  2. Hi Dear Hound Doggy!

    And Poodle Di and Anon7 and Alice and Graphic Girl and more.

    Hound Doggy, is there a back up of the THOUSANDS of posts at ShamToo? If so, and you'd like, I can look at it and use it in the Jenna Woginrich Scam and TimeLIE-ne I'd like to help get going.

    Having a day off to not read and enjoy all of you Shammer's various posts gave a bit of time to think about organizing the timeline. And, Hound Doggy, I was looking into a stand alone web site, just simple.

    And links to photos, like the same damn photos she posts over and over and over again.

    Photos are important: like the truck with "500,000" miles on the odometer, but it's 50,000 in reality, not fiction.

    The thing about Jenna Woginrich: she has spewed so much bullshit over the years that it's hard to pick out the gold : fake dental work, wolves at the door, crisis, terrifying!

    I like how the Cold Antler Sham twitter does graphics: captures screenshots then joins them with comments.

    Anyway, thank you Hound Doggy!!!! And all of you beautiful Shammers!

    Oh: censorship. I don't like it, at all. It's interesting that a so called "righter" would demand censorship.

    I strongly doubt Jenna Woginrich has read Solzhenitsyn or Rushdie, or that she understands what they went to in order to speak the truth.

    Hi Jenna: I know you are here reading this Woginrich. The truth will out. "Living like fiction"? If you didn't hurt animals and scam people, no one would care. But you do and you do.

    Again, thank you Hound Doggy, and all of you wonderful fun and caring and kind Shammers!

    1. I'm hoping the blog and content isn't lost. I get the comments emailed to me so I have the content in that form but I'm sure the emails are deleted after a period of time. I'm not very tech savvy but I'm willing to do what I can.

    2. Good to see you, Tyr's Dead Bees! As for backup, if you can remember a certain thread title or catchphrase, you might be able to find something you are looking for via Google cache. You can access the cache by clicking the tiny green arrow on the search results. There's also the Wayback Machine...I don't think it captures everything, but it should have a lot of content stored.

      Try's, good idea about having a dedicated web page. In doing that, there's a whole lot more freedom of speech. Even if we can't recover the blog, I'm not worried as all we need is Jenna's blog and all it's incriminating evidence to work with. Plus, there are many Shammers who write in a very verbose manner which will help build up lots of new content real fast. And a lot of us who have LONG memories can add any missing pieces. Jenna's crap legacy will not be lost to the winds.

  3. Hello Hound Doggy et al. I'm glad to see you back. I'd love to hear all about what happened, if you can. I have to admit I was worried that we wouldn't show up in first place anymore when someone did a CAF google search.

    1. I was gone yesterday and when I got back home I had a couple of emails telling me the blog was gone. I went to the blog and it said that it was locked due to violation of the "terms and services". I could appeal....which I did. The review process could take 89 days. They will review the account and email me with their results.

    2. Did they say which part of the terms and services you violated?

    3. It doesn't look like HD violated any "Terms of Service" policies, so I checked out the "Content Policy" agreement. The first two paragraphs state how "important" Freedom of Speech is to them. But then they go on to negate those claims with stuff like this:

      "Our products are platforms for free expression, but we don’t permit hate speech. Hate speech is content that promotes or condones violence against or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization."

      Yeah, none of us Shammers have indulged in hate speech. Although we did exercise extreme dislike speech. Which is not the same thing. No one stated that harm should come to Jenna. But a few times a couple of people wished it. So there's that. Although that's not rule breaking per se.

      Their Content Policy also stated:

      "Personal and confidential information: It's not ok to publish another person's personal and confidential information. For example, don't post someone else's credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, unlisted phone numbers, and driver's license numbers."

      This did happen. On several occasions. In going forward, we shouldn't post Jenna's address or phone number, even if they are public record. It's not really fair, since that info is readily available, but I guess we gotta play by their rules.

      Another thing that some of us are guilty of (including me) is making aggressive comments about Jenna's appearance. It's one thing to comment on something if Jenna made mention of it first. But it's another thing to say things like "fat butt" and such when it's not in context to something Jenna has said. Some of us, myself included, need to work on that.

      It's possible that comments like that one were included in the "Report Abuse" clause that caused our beloved site to be shut down. So in the future, maybe we should stick to the facts of Jenna Woginrich's fraud, scams, and bullshit. We all know she's uglier than a zitty diseased ass that's been run over and rotting in a field for days, but let's just go after her for her attempts to defraud innocent people, and only comment on her appearance when it's warranted due to a specific claim of hers. Just a suggestion.

      (I hope I didn't offend anyone with what I said here. I love you ALL madly. And I love every single post that I've ever read on the old blog. And I've nodded my head and laughed my ass off at some very accurate comments. But it seems that rules are rules. And we have to adjust a bit in order to survive and keep speaking the truth and educating others.)

  4. New Song for us:

    "JFW, We've Only Just Begun"*

    We've only just begun to share
    Scams, lies, false promises
    She just can't stop, so we're in the way
    (We've only begun)

    So many scheming cons she farms
    Too many frauds get used
    We spot neglect and critter harm
    (And yes, we've just begun)

    Sharing the bogus that is new to us
    Trackin' the lies along the way
    Talkin' it over, just the group of us
    Postin' her begging day to day


    And when the judgment comes, we'll smile
    Too late for baby lambs
    But just in time to save a few
    Four-legged tools and poods
    (And yes, we've just begun)

    Sharing the scamming that is new to us
    Wishin' the hawks would fly away
    Wantin' the ACO to lock her up
    Hopin' that Karma makes her pay

    * Apologies to the Carpenters, Roger S. Nichols / Paul H. Williams for my /s

    1. That was beautiful. *wipes a tear*

      I think that Karen Carpenter would have been proud to sing those lyrics.


      And when the evening comes, Jenna drinks...
      Vomit sheets and the hair...
      Her sheets are where bed bugs growwwwwww...

      We've only just begun!

    2. Eh, I meant to write: "Vomit sheets and the DOG hair."

  5. Hi Hound Doggy,

    I am glad you're here!

  6. ANDDDDD we're back! Great to see everyone again. I definitely felt like something was missing from my day. Thank you HD for putting up a temp site. We really do need this.

  7. I kinda like this new title better anyway. I'm pretty sure someone complained to Blogger. It's easy to call someone a hater these days, and get away with it. It's also very clear that Jenna has been a scammer from the beginning and most of us were taken in by her.

    1. I also think the new title is great, and it won't be long before it shows up in search. Does anyone know what we need to do to speed up the process? Certain keywords perhaps?

      If someone complained and stated that the blog was a hate site, by those same rules Jenna's blog could be reported for that as well. She wrote several posts in the past spewing hatred and outrage for our blog.

    2. I just tried a Google search and it came up! And also the first post came up.

    3. Really?!? What search term did you use?

      I tried searching on both Google and DuckDuckGo for:

      Cold Antler Farm
      Cold Antler Scam
      Cold Antler Sham
      Cold Antler Sham Truths
      Jenna Woginrich

      And nothing came up. But I only looked at the first two pages of search. Did this site show up on a latter page?

    4. I used Cold Antler Sham Truth.

  8. Thought you'd like to see the below link. In some cases, online harassment is now being called out expecting social media platforms to self-police. The following paragraph is especially useful to understand what Pew Research means by online harassment:

    "According to a study from the Pew Research Center, 41 percent of American adults have experienced some form of online harassment. In the context of the study, online harassment refers to offensive name-calling (27 percent have experienced), purposeful efforts to embarrass them (22 percent), physical threats (10 percent), stalking (7 percent), harassment over a sustained period of time (7 percent), or sexual harassment (6 percent)."

  9. Testing... So glad to have a usable platform back again! Thanks, Hound Doggy!

  10. Funny off topic: I was just reading this tweet by Jenna: "Okay running a NO RUSH THIS ISN'T FOR A GIFT special on batches of soap orders. Get 8 bars of soap (I pick the mold and scent, generally oatmeal and honey) for $45."

    At the exact moment I was reading that line about the scent, my cat walked across my laptop keyboard and the cursor was in the sign-in field and this is what his paws typed:


    Lol, "ew" is right. Even my cat knows those soaps reek.

  11. I am also so glad that you are back. When the other blog "disappeared", I smelled a rat. Stay with us HD.

    1. I certainly will stick around. Ya can't get rid of me that easy. *grin*

  12. Hound Doggy - Not sure how you are going about the appeal process, but if you are trying to show examples of what a scammer Jenna Woginrich is, here is some ammo:

    This link is to Meredith's blog and contains several comments about Jenna Woginrich taking people's money and NOT giving them what they paid for and NOT refunding their money.

    A customer who didn't receive their logo said: "No. (Didn't receive it) I should have known better and now I have no recourse since I "donated" it (the money) using her PayPal link. Even if I had paid via invoice, it is past the 90 days for PayPal (refunds).

    Another angry customer wrote: "I also paid for a logo that I never received. I waited over the 90 days.

    Between these statements and the failed Kickstarter project where many have not received a book, this is enough evidence to make a case for blog reinstatement showing that we are a group that endeavors to expose the many scams of Jenna Woginrich.

    1. There was just a button that I pushed that said "appeal". I've had no opportunity to deal with anyone personally.

    2. Ah, ok. And in the meantime we can brainstorm ideas for how to appeal. (But only if that's OK with you, HD. Please let us know if you don't need our input, as it's your blog, your fight.) One idea is to provide dozens of client comments about her obvious scams. And Anon2011 suggested trying to prove that the "repeater" on the blog has the same IP address.

      Another idea, kind far-fetched, is to find other blogs currently up that operate in a similar vein, but blogs that are clearly hate sites. We could question why those are still up, and why our much milder blog was removed.

    3. I don't look at it like it's my blog. It's all y'alls blog. I will happily accept any input.

  13. "If you knew how much I look forward to nights of sleep on days I showered and changed my sheets... It's better than being in line for Space Mountain."

    Imagine being so desperate for attention online that you have to humble-brag about being a slovenly, unhygienic loser for likes.

  14. I'm glad to see the blog up (a new one, at least)! It took me way too long to figure out how to display my username, but it works now, dangit!

    I've missed y'all!

    1. Good to see you Cryokid! This is why I'm glad that some Shammers have identifiable names -- so that we can easily see who made it over to this new blog.

  15. Hi everyone! So glad we are back. HD, you are my hero!! (yes, Anon7, duckmama, PD, redhorse, GG, Tyrs dead bees and everyone else are a close second....haha) I have been around the Sham since 2011. I was scammed out of $100 for the Webinar Series and more $$ than I want to admit for a future Antler Stock that never happened and no refund. I visited CAF a few times for Antlerstock and a few of those teaching days back in 2011-2012. I saw her speak at the Mother Earth News Fair once. She used to email me frequently and I thought we were friends. Right up until I stopped contributing....and then her emails and friendship stopped. I know you all will be VERY jealous that one of the characters in BirchthornInMyA$$ is based on me because I contributed $$ to it before it was an the official 15K scam. You could send her money for chapters and she would make a character/chapter based on you. (stop laughing at what a gullible dumb ass I was back then, but I digress...ahem) So yes, I have alot of personal experience with the scams of Jenna Woginrich. She deliberately manipulates and scams people for money as we all know which is WHY THIS BLOG EXISTS!! I have shared all of this several times, but always as an ANON because of Jenna's rapid attack fans back in the days of Julie and Meredith. I have also argued a ton asking to keep this blog on message with the scams and animal neglect so that no one can say it is hate or defamation or mean girls BS. Yes, there is some great satire which I think is fine. It is clever and never hatefilled and all based on her own public words and social media posted behaviors. But, there was at least one person who was over the top in mean spirited comments and we all remember that- which leads me to my this - Is there any chance that the repeater and whomever was always on here posting that one picture of JFW over and over and over- you know the person I mean - the person who posted her father's number, etc. The comments from that person or persons were always on Jenna's looks and really off topic to the scams- is there any chance that Jenna or her fans were doing that with the SOLE purpose of being able to report it to Blogger eventually as hate or defamation to get the blog shut down? I ask because I recall a post by Jenna right before all that craziness started in which she said she spoke with a friend of Patty's who was an attorney or some sort of advocate (not Jack the fake attorney) who Jenna said dealt with hate and defamation issues on websites. Also, I have to assume she has been trying to get our blog taken down for years, but about 6 months after all that crazy - boom - its taken down. Those few commenters were prolific on the sham site at random times and just seemed so over the top and not like the rest of us. We make silly jokes about pants in the freezer, gross sheets and hawk shit on the walls and "yeah right, a runner....cough cough." but most of us are pretty tame....its a very small few or maybe even just one person. Thoughts?

    1. "is there any chance that Jenna or her fans were doing that with the SOLE purpose of being able to report it to Blogger eventually as hate or defamation to get the blog shut down?"

      I think that may be exactly what happened. I hope Blogger has the sophistication to look into that if HD has a chance to actually write out an appeal or speak to someone.

    2. This is exactly what a scamming manipulator might try to silence critics and hide the truth. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the IP address matches that of a certain 'terrified' faux feral farmer.

    3. Great new name, Anon2011!! And some very good points you made in your post. Yes, seeing if Jenna Woginrich was behind the over-the-top mean posts is a good strategy. Surely Blogger can compare IP addys?

      Also, thank you for writing about your personal experiences with Jenna and how awful she can be. Her ghosting people via email after they stop donating seems to be her MO. I didn't see mention of it in your post, but did you ever receive your Birchthorn book?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sorry for the delete. I finally figured out how to stop blogger from eating my comments when I reply from my phone and not my laptop. Anywho, no, I never got a Bitchnmoan book. Thank god. What drivel. Well before Kickstarter she asked for donations as she wrote the "book." ( I use that term loosely). She posted the chapters on her blog. I don't recall the donation amounts, but you could buy your own character or side storyline. I thought she was a real righter in 2012 and it seemed fun and unique. Ask me how I knew finally she was using me. Anon7, put your wine/water/coffee down as this is a nose snorter. The character she created for me was rich, dumb and other characters manipulated her. Doh!!!!!! I was like "ohhhhhh......."

    6. OMG. That must have been sickening.

    7. Wow Anon2011, what a terrible character to have written for you. A slap in the face in light of your generosity. Well, according to the Kickstarter, the amount to become a character was $350 so it's a good thing you didn't have to pay that much. Did scammy Jenna Woginrich ever give you an excuse why you didn't get a book? Did you call her out?

      As for posts getting eaten, I found that when you go to reply to a particular post, and you hit "Publish" it takes you to a sign-in page and when you are redirected back here, your post is often gone. But not really -- if you scroll down to the bottom of the thread, you'll find your post down there. All you need to do is scroll back up to the post you were trying to reply to, and hit the "reply" button once more, and your post will magically appear.

    8. That's our Jenna. Always biting that hand that feeds her.

      You would think at that donor level for a character in the book, er, novella, phamplet thingy, that you would at least be a complimentary character... but rich, dumb and easily manipulated... that is really what she thought of you!

    9. Looking back now, it is funny as hell. At the time, I was stunned. I am not usually so gullible, so I spent some time really trying to figure out why all that happened. A few reasons. It is easier now with so much info out there (go us!) on her scams. Back in 2011-12, there were comments diagreeing with her animal husbandry and a few calls out of wrong doing, but mainly from a small handful of people I believed to be self-righteous and too hard on Jenna. The bottom line is I wanted to believe in her. I had a crap day job and wanted my own farm, but came from the middle class suburbs and had no clue how to run a farm. I guess I *wanted* her to make it so maybe I could take the leap too. Silly thinking, but I was in a rough patch back then. Luckily I saw it all going down hill after she quit her job. I started to reread all the negative comments in a new light. Then I saw some of the oakpaw stuff from the early 2000s in which she scammed people and never provided the art work they comissioned. Then, yep, I got really angry. This was not the case of a nice woman getting in over her head like I wanted to believe. She had been scamming people for almost 10 years already by the time I realized it. That was the moment I got on board with Meredith and Julie and Redhorse and KatieGirlKate (remember her?!) calling out Jenna for her abuse and scams. I only give to registered non-profits now. I know there are great Kickstarter and GoFundMe projects, but I just can't. Yes, I was sickened for awhile, but more mad at myself. I learned some huge lessons about some personal healing needed deep within me and I did the work. I now consider those donations about what I would have paid for therapy to learn the same thing! My life rocks now. I have grown so much and am really really happy. I have no bitter feelings. She is still terrified and begging and drinking. Karma is real. So, overall I just feel strongly that I want to make sure others have a place to read about her scams and neglect. It is up to them to believe it or not, but I am doing my part. Quick - Anon7 - lighten the mood with a joke!!

    10. Again, thank you Anon2011 for writing all of's a wealth of valuable information about Jenna's scams. Glad you saw the light and didn't get further sucked in by her woe-is-me crap.

      So this is not a joke per se, but my son was just standing next to me and he saw Jenna's pic on her Twitter and he said, "You know, she just looks like a liar. Look at her face, she's got this scowl like she's gonna scam and get away with it."

      I sh*t you not. Lol, out of the mouths of babes...

    11. I need your kid to approve every single person I ever decide to trust!! Haha

  16. Suggestion for Brynner42/CAS Twitter: Can you make the link to this website a "pinned" tweet? The latest tweet pushed that tweet down so you don't see it unless you scroll down.

    Speaking of that the newest tweet, about Jenna Woginrich sending out a book via a "random" order -- you are SO right! She can pretend that she sent one out and no one would be the wiser. Definite scam lottery there.

  17. Re Birchthorn: Not sure if this has ever been discussed but it looks like Jenna Woginrich used this book to scam people TWICE. I just found a bleg entry from 2012...January 2012:

    (Scroll down to the 3rd post)

    In this post Jenna rights: "That was the first chapter of Birchthorn. It's an online novel I'd like to write right here on this blog. Using an idea of several other fiction writers, the way Birchthorn will work is this: I write a chapter, and then the blog readers who want to hear the next bit of the story, make a small donation to the blog, a few dollars or so. When we hit $300 in donations, the story continues."

    So unless I'm reading this wrong, she ALREADY made money from righting Birchthorn a full two years before she monetized it on Kickstarter? She double-dipped and still failed to send books to people?!? Also, where she says "When we hit $300 in donations the story continues" -- does that mean that each chapter made her $300? Or am I reading that wrong?

    1. Yep, this was my point!! Sometimes it wasn't even a full chapter..

  18. I just read her latest blog/bleg. Can someone please buy the girl a comma here or there? Guys!!!

    1. Lol, yes girl could use some punctuation lessons. As for commas, that reminds me of a person on reddit who's user name is CommaHorror. This redditor places commas in all the wrong spots:

      “You know you,re never too old to sit, on Santa’s lap.”

      Cracks me up every time I see one of his posts.

  19. There's a new thread so I'm not sure if anyone is still commenting on this one. I wonder if this new blog also goes up to 200 comments like the last one. Or is there a limit of 50 or so comments?

  20. Jenna Woginrich's new blog post -- looks like she's cooking up a new scam and this time it involves her beloved metal-sided truck! She tries to invoke fear and pity from her foollowers by stating that she might get into an accident and boxes of meat might be spilled all over the highway. Wtf?

    She wrote:
    "My truck still doesn't perform well in the rain, even after a replaced distributor cap and new battery, so that mystery lives on. [...] It also needs new tires and so driving in an inch of rainfall in bald tires also seems like a bad choice."

    Bald tires, eh? Hmmmm. In case anyone is wondering, this is what a truly bald tire looks like:

    For comparison, let's take a look at Jenna's supposedly "bald" tires in one of her latest instagram pics:

    I dunno man, looks like there's some tread on those tires. Even with all that dust on the tires, the tread still shows. Of course you'd have to determine tread depth with a coin test, but even if the tread is low, those tires are not bald. And here's another pic taken in August:

    The truck is far away in that pic, but you can clearly see good tread. And being that Jenna just putters around town, never doing any serious highway driving, I can't see how the tires could go bald in just a few months. She's full of it as usual. And this is just another pathetic ploy by Jenna to get her poodles to pay for a new set of tires. This kinda crap just never ends.

  21. On Twitter just now:

    "There's a lamb hide rolled up in my kitchen, already salted and stretched and pre-dried in a historic threshing barn, waiting for the customers to take it home with their meat. Guys, you don't get this level of service at the grocery store."

    Guys, you also don't get this level of filth and contamination at the grocery store either.

    However, a question: What is the purpose of a rolled lamb hide? Is this a food item? Why would anyone want this?

    1. They have a lot of great uses, from saddle covers to throw rugs. You'll never have a warmer vest for winter chores, and nursing homes use them as padding to help prevent bed sores. Cats love them, and small short haired dogs. We used to get some tanned every year, but it's getting harder to find someone who can do it.

    2. Don't love the thought of a sheep hide (salted or not) that was stored in a dirty barn, now sitting in the kitchen.

      Fun facts: listed below are some of the diseases humans can contract from goats, sheep and other ruminants. To imagine the chances of disease transmission at Cold Antler Farm, let's consider the cleanliness of shared pens where the owner has been historically negligent at removing feces. I understand feeding animals on top of their own filth and maintaining three-foot tall poop piles create excellent breeding grounds for bacteria, parasites and disease.

  22. The holiday bleg post would have made me puke if Jenna hadn't already let me die a slow and painful death out in her yard in a wheelbarrow. Merry Christmas, you roly poly bitch.

    1. For new visitors, Jenna Woginrich frequently wrote about animals she let die, usually due to her carelessness or her callous behavior. She let animals suffer lingering painful deaths, rather than call a vet to help or euthanize them. Maude, the photogenic ewe, was left to die in a wheelbarrow while Jenna wrote insipid posts about HER sadness. Jenna has lost countless chickens to preventable animal attack, and she likely allowed lambs and chickens to freeze to death because she couldn't be bothered to keep them inside safe shelter. This is why legitimate farmers and shepherds detest Jenna: her documented neglect of animals and repeated preventable deaths. Despite what Jenna Woginrich pretends, this is NOT normal farm life or animal care. This so-called public figure, published author on homesteading, is either woefully ignorant of animal husbandry, unbelievably neglectful or deliberately lets animals die for the drama of it all.

    2. Yes, the Maude murder was it for me. We can speculate all we want about how her other animals met their demise but Maude being left to die while Jenna posted on social media was well documented by Jenna on social media.
      That was such a vile act. That was also when I realized that Jenna truly is a narcissistic sociopath who only cares about herself and feeding her social media addiction without empathy for any other living being.

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