Happy Winter Folks!


  1. Happy Holidays and happy solstice to everyone! Thankfully, the days will be getting longer now. :-)

  2. And to you, Duckmama! As for longer days, I was really enjoying the shorter days and longer nights, as I sadly live in a state with way too much damn sunshine. Grrrrr.

  3. Happy Solstice, my friends: the longest night and shortest day! In my part of the country, longer days are much appreciated. Anon7, feel free to come hangout anytime you want to freeze your tush and get away from that nasty dry heat, lol.

    1. Sounds lovely! The other night it was about 59 degrees out and I was wearing cut offs and a tank top. And I had the air conditioning on for about half an hour. It was heaven until the others complained.

  4. What's this about a salted lamb hide in Jenna's kitchen?

  5. Great to see you all here. I had a rough day yesterday, but I know better days are coming.

    1. Hi Julie, Great to see you. Sorry you had a rough day, but you're right! Better days are coming. Take care.

    2. Thanks a bunch. Glad we have all reconvened.

    3. Julie! Hi. So nice to hear from you. Are you okay?? Is Lucy okay?? I saw that you had a new blog post a few months ago which I loved. I used to follow your blog and comments back in the day. Also, I want to apologize for ever thinking your comments were too harsh on a young farmer trying to do her best..... Now, of course, I see what you already saw 8-10 years ago. You were always direct and to the point in trying to teach, and then hold JW accountable, in a very appropriate way. I wish I had listened sooner.

    4. I lost Lucy. She had what the vets thought was Lymphoma. She was an amazing dog. I have to get back to my blog. Good to see you here.

    5. I'm so sorry to hear that. It's hard to lose them.

    6. Oh Julie! I am so sorry. Lucy had a great life though. You are such an amazing dog/animal owner. Losing dogs is the worst. Meredith A. let me do a memorial post on her blog back in the day when when I lost my 2 black labs within 2 weeks of eachother. It helped (once I was ready) to write an in memoriam to remember the awesome parts of having those girls. Glad to see you here too!

  6. I'm here! I'm glad we are able to find one another again. Thank you HD for setting up this site while you get to the bottom of the other one disappearing.

    1. Yes, serious cheers to HD and her fast work!

  7. Another weird drawing... It's cat like, but why did she make the cat gray and white when it's clearly a black cat???


    1. It's because the black pigment would dissolve the cheap paper Jenna uses, and the color black reminds her too much of the state of her dark scamming soul. Good thing Jenna has two stoves so that she can more quickly burn all the coal in her stocking come Christmas morning.

      Upon closer inspection of that err, sketch, not only did Jenna give that cat a completely different face, but don't cat tails start off thick and taper down? Also, that cat's head must weigh 2,000 pounds as the line on the left starts off higher and gets squashed down on the right. Those two mistakes alone would have forced me to do a re-draw AND refund the cost of the commission. But Jenna cranks out crap like this and laughs all the way to the bank. SMH.

  8. Hey Shammers, Santa is almost here! And I hope that everyone who is not an animal abusing online panhandling scammer liar thief has a cozy warm holiday with good family and friends! Speaking of scammers, this from Jenna Woginrich's Twitter yesterday:

    "I have now added Christmas lights around my Mona Lisa and impala taxidermy. Stockings are hung. This is getting legit."

    Legit? This is sad. She needs to rehome the rest of those animals so she can take a mini-break and go visit her family in PA, and tell them all her financial woes so that they can give her some money to shut her up.

    1. I got one of those Cypress tree things from Rite Aid, and put a couple standing ornaments and a couple Christmas cards around it - on the microwave... yeah... It's all I could muster this year, but at least it's a little. I have to work straight through the new year, and just no energy. BUT, we got some snow this morning and it made me so happy. My sheep are good. They love winter. Jenna would do well to sell all and move in with a family some where, to feel the love she so needs.

    2. Why is she decorating for Christmas? Do heathens do that? What about burning idols in the woods at midnight and pouring expensive booze on the ground and all that? Funny, I thought she didn't believe in Christian beliefs and holidays and such...

    3. FarmLass, as the CAS Twitter suggested, Jenna's beliefs lie wherever the money is:

      "For those keeping score, Jenna Woginrich has been Christian, Buddhist, Heathen (started her own Heathen group), and now Christian again."

      Didn't Jenna also cram Paganism in between the Christianity and Buddhism?

  9. Happy Holidays everyone!

    Jenna is apparently celebrating and decorating for Christmas. Like others have mentioned here- that's not very heathenly of her.

    Jenna changes her religion and sexuality like most people change their undies.

    This will be much like Thanksgiving last month when Jenna posted about having tooth pain and being alone and then later was in a photo on Pember Patty's instagram yucking it up like the idiot she (Jenna) is at Patty's Thanksgiving dinner table.
    Being alone and in pain was just another Jenna Woginrich lie to get paypal donations !$$$$! from kind hearted strangers who fell for her blubbering bull.

    Jenna boozes it up and stuffs her face while Gibson is in pain and suffering from his untreated tick bourne illness and the latest hawk is chained to the rusty lamp in Jenna's living room.

    "Not a creature was stirring" sums up Jenna Woginrich's Cold Antler Farm at Christmas.

  10. This Christmas season, let's all be grateful to Jenna for teaching that poor hawk how to hunt.

  11. The picture of her at Patty's for Christmas, getting the chair with Gibson's face on it... once again, she is acting like a 12 year old, all goofy and arms out like a weirdo. Does this woman even know how to take a normal picture? She reminds me of a very insecure person that is trying so hard to be cool and hip and funny and clever and all that. Sad.

    1. She took a similar picture on Thanksgiving, also at Patty's. There's a bunch of smiling faces at the table, holding up a glasses of wine; and then there's Jenna trying to out do everyone with her idiotic "look at me" jazz hands and her mouth agape, despite the fact that her TOOTH WAS POUNDING.

      Just goes to show that she's full of it and the whole root canal dilemma was bullshit. She just needed Xmas money to buy presents. And booze.

    2. Is that on twitter? I can't see it because I'm blocked. I don't know when that happened, I've never made a comment or tried to follow her.

    3. Try looking on Patty's twitter feed for the Thanksgiving picture. There is a link to her instagram that opened and I could see it even though I am not on twitter or instagram.

    4. Redhorse - The link is here, and it's the second photo. And I apologize in advance for subjecting you to so much cringe:


      Patty's Instagram account is private, but sometimes she posts a link of a photo on her Twitter.

  12. Hope everyone had a nice, warm holiday! Now, onto some unpleasant stuff: Jenna Woginrich.

    Looking at her social media of the past few days, she's been behaving relatively well. No outright begging, no catastrophic emergencies. No new root canal needed for the tooth in her left ankle.

    And no mention of the dreaded Winter's Bottom? Pipes haven't burst and frozen yet?

    1. And yet she is still neglecting her animals and scamming people, so maybe not that well behaved. I wonder if she saw the 3 people facing JAIL TIME for a Go Fund Me Fraud.

  13. LOL the tooth in her left ankle. LOL!!!

  14. Sooo, she still claims she has cats....

  15. Another bleg. Cold Antler Farm should be re-named Cold Antler Feedlot.

    Jenna plans on doing a lot of farm-type stuff in 2019, so send her money. In ANTICIPATION of her buying piglets and lambs to raise to slaughter. Yum. Meat animals raised in dirty surroundings, fed on top of their own filth. By a person whose goal is to be able to do less and leave more often.

    What could go wrong?

    1. Love a person asking how long till pickup. Haha, honey, it's gonna be like a couple years, right?

      Pay a set price for 20-50 pounds of expensive nasty raised pork or lamb. (And certainly she prices it towards the 50 level, so you're probably paying like $20 a pound...

      Butchered at 6 months??? That's a terrible time to butcher, why bother? Lamb is usually closer to a year old. All that expense for 20 pounds of meat? So many better options than to have Miss Woginrich get your money and you will have to beg and pester for your share that will be end up being a pity purchase that she hopes you forget about.

    2. Agree FarmLass, on the timing. In the past, I thought Jenna pushed for a fall slaughter. But it looked like Jenna never worked to have her feeder animals put on weight in a timely manner. The animals probably receive minimally nutritious feed, so she waits...and waits...and waits. If the predators or disease don't kill the meat animals they "may" be available for sale in fall/winter. And yes, lol, she probably hopes like hell the buyers forget about their purchases!!!

  16. Jenna Woginrich is on Twitter, trying to build enthusiasm for people to send her money NOW so she can purchase feeder piglets and lambs to raise for slaughter.

    Two things:

    1) Pigs and lambs are usually slaughtered in the fall (say November) at about 6 months of age. They are purchased when they are 2-3 months old, usually about May of each year so they can be grown into the fall. But our FFF wants money NOW, fully five months before she is likely to purchase any lambs or pigs. Either she doesn't know how long it takes to grow feeder animals to slaughter weight, she cannot grow animals to slaughter weight in a timely manner or she really needs some new toys PDQ!!!

    For Jenna's education (because I am sure she looks at this new site too), I enclose a link for her to PLAN timing of the purchase of feeder pigs: http://www.thepigsite.com/articles/4817/timing-the-purchase-of-your-project-pig/ (I am sure there is a similar website for lambs.)

    2) Tellingly, she no longer advertises that her meat animals are happy or healthy. Smart move! Who can forget that Jenna apparently doesn't believe in removing old manure from her animal pens? Who else remembers that Jenna routinely fed her livestock on top of their own filth and fed them rotted deli food / stale sugary donuts? How happy were her pigs when she took great joy in electrocuting them? Who can forget Jenna leaving animals to freeze to death, die painfully or suffer from neglect, rather than call the vet to help? Any decent farmer would put a suffering animal out of its misery.

    As a rural farmer, I remain shocked at Jenna's treatment of her animals. Anyone reading her blog should search "death" to learn the many ways her animals perished unexpectedly and needlessly. You should all know that the careless, negligent ways of Cold Antler Farm are not followed by ANY self-respecting farmer or homesteader.

    1. PoodleDiDoo wrote: "(because I am sure she looks at this new site too)"

      Oh yeah, she's here. And you just know that she jumped up and down like an excited toddler when the other site was taken down. But her joy was short-lived thanks to the lightning fast response from Hound Doggy.

      In addition to being shocked and angry by the pig-shocking evilness, I also found sad the photos showing her pigs kept in darkness in the barn.

      Is there valid a reason to keep them in such conditions?

    2. Also, good point about Jenna asking for money faaaaar in advance. Seems like a new tactic of hers, to beg for Winter's Bottom money in a more discreet manner. I think she knows that if she whines and begs like she did last year, us Shammers will call her out with a vengeance!

    3. I saw the pigs' tiny pen in a corner of her barn in person once. This was before she had any outdoor area set up for them. They were cordoned off by a dog pen type gate. When she shut the barn doors, it was almost pitch black dark in there for those poor pigs. The pigs were babies when I saw them like that. When I asked she said that was normal for when they are babies so they snuggled up tight (my words not hers) with eachother. She said she had plans to fence off an outdoor area in the woods behind the barn when they got bigger. I had never been on a farm, so I had no idea where you put baby pigs so small. My intuition told me it was off, but then I thought about how baby puppies snuggle tight together in boxes/crates when they are tiny. Looking back, I feel terrible I didn't do something about it.

  17. Ugh...Jenna M Woginrich (the M stands for moron) is at it once again, offering up filthy spam shares. And if you need proof of how moronic she can be, look no further than her latest post on Instagram. She screams, "Meat from Cold Antler Farm!"

    This, alongside a crude close-up shot showing the anuses of two pigs with their rectal orifices in your face. Extremely unappetizing photo. And she actually chose this to promote the meat she is trying to sell? This photo had to be a mistake, as I can't imagine anyone would think it's a good idea to use pig's arseholes to sell meat. Maybe she is trying to hint that the meat tastes like crap.

    It's also interesting that she states "NY pickup only" being that Vermont is a hop, skip and a jump away -- just 10 miles or so from her town. Surprised she didn't say "VerYork pickup only"

    1. Forgot to add the link to this lovely photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-1Wm4F-eN/

    2. Anon7, they are old photos, taken the few times Jenna's pigs were not hidden away in darkness or kept in a muddy, treeless shelter-less pig gulag. How pathetic is it that Jenna Woginrich had to ask her readers if she should move the pigs from their barren sty to the former goat pen, so they could have a bit of shelter from the brutal NY winters?

      Cold Antler Farm...where they put the laugh back in slaughter (at least according to Jenna's public writings).

      Btw, I wouldn't eat meat from there if you paid me.

  18. On Twitter today, posted alongside a photo of her fearful "black belt":

    "Back at it. Sore every day. Happy."

    So now Jenna Woginrich is going after the wallets of those involved in the martial arts world. And she is casting her net wide by mentioning both Karate and Taekwondo in an attempt to rope in as many people as possible to pay for her sorry lifestyle. The begging and scheming just never ends.

    But that tweet didn't receive a single comment, lol. Not even one. Better try your luck at a different sport, Jenna!

    Next up: River rafting adventures! She'll beg for more root canal money and spend it on a new flashy kayak that she will then claim was a lucky dump find. But on the upside, her being in a kayak will lessen the contamination of the Battenkill river, making it once again a safe place for others to swim.

    For anyone new here, Jenna Woginrich readily admits that she uses the river as her personal bath tub. These are her exact words explaining how filthy she gets and how she bathes without a care for the other people who use the river:

    "(I am often a) sweaty, disgusting, pile of wet rags when I finally come indoors."

    Then it's off to the river: "One minute you are a hot mess and in one big jump later you are reborn into a new reality."

    Gross, disgusting and inconsiderate behavior.

    And this: "Today I am loading my friend Patty's Barn with a couple hundred square bales. I will be a disgusting mess afterwards [...] but after all that we are jumping in the lake or river.

    Just wow.

  19. "Being out in a small town means a lot of people you aren't hitting on think you're hitting on them based on basic friendliness and their gender and it sucks."

    Okay, first of all, Jenna, I saw the tweet you deleted, claiming that you were ASKING THEM IF THEY WANTED TO HANG OUT.

    It's not because you're "out". It's because you're being an active creeper.

    Does Jenna even have a lick of sense anymore?

    1. How could people resist hanging out?


  20. @GinnyReese
    Replying to @coldantlerfarm
    When will it be ready for pickup?

    Dec 29
    Fall/winter 2019

    So, she wants you to pay full price for 6 month old lambs that she isn't going to even going to buy for another 6 months... Yeah. RUN RUN RUN!!!!

    In our parts, lambs are usually about 9-10 months at least. If you buy 2 month old feeders in the spring and keep till the fall, you are looking at a good sized market lamb. Her Ponzi scheme is wrought with what ifs and oh my gosh I forgots and halves that are really thirds... If she was really legitimate, she would take a deposit in the spring when the little lambs show up.

    Who knows if she's even going to be living at the "farm" with all these terrified mortgage problems month to month. Why on earth would you pay $20+ a pound for crappy feed lot lambs fed on donuts and other crap in a dirt lot on a hill? Isn't there any other farmers around with good lamb shares????

  21. Replies
    1. I am back now, I have been busy working, tending to my sheep, and training my dogs. Life is very good. So far it's been a mild winter. I have not gone to what's her name? page in a long time because she ain't worth the myosin in my fingers to type to go there. Hope all is well with everyone.

    2. Hi Duckmama. Happy New Year. We took a vacation, did a lot of farm work before/after and have been enjoying the lack of heavy snowfall (so far).

      My CAST resolution for 2019 is to develop a good name tag for a scam artist who pretends to farm and looks for ways to con money from people every day...and every way.

      Take sales of lamb shares and pig shares: her behavior is unconscionable. At best, she is now running a feed lot where feeder meat animals should grow to a predictable weight because they are fed a predictable amount of nutritious, weight-gaining food. But she-who-is-not-named cannot even predict final weight of her sheep/pigs. Why not? Either she feeds inconsistent amounts of unhealthy food, the animal's growth is hampered by disease or poor health, or she deliberately states a wide weight range of finished weight so she can sell multiple portions. Offering up a finished weight range of 20-50 pounds = incompetence, mismanagement or malfeasance.

      Farmers around me use three basic models for meat production: (1) contribute to their CSA and get known quantity of finished product, (2) purchase a half share (or quarter share) in fall/winter once butchering takes place or (3) buy vacuum sealed portions of meat directly from the farm store.

      Unless you are part of a CSA, nobody pays for half of an unknown quantity of meat 10-12 months in advance! That's just ignorant!

    3. And why in the world would anybody pay in full for anything months and months in advance. That's just stupid.
      Also, as previously mentioned, she has to be making money in some other way.

  22. Hey! I'm here too. I am in a very big, self-induced transition in my life, so I have been doing a lot of quiet contemplation this season. All good things now and into my horizon. I am headed cross country out to Cali (Hello Redhorse and Anon7!!) for a job interview later this month. I am blessed to have choices. Not being a scamming, animal abusing con artist helps..

    1. Redhorse is in California? For some reason I was thinking the Midwest. But hey, good luck on your job interview! And if you like the idea of having 85 degree holiday seasons, then you'll just love this state. Bring sunscreen!

    2. You're right, I'm in the midwest.

    3. I thought so! And I believe there's one other Shammer here in California, just north of me. But not sure if they still post here or not.

    4. Oh, sorry Redhorse! I thought you were north of Los Angeles/south of San Fran area. Oops. I must have confused you with someone else.

  23. Her New Year's Resolution is to "not hold in any crushes."

    Christ. That sounds horrendously creepy and desperate.

    1. So much of what Jenna says is cringe worthy and so blatantly designed to appeal to whomever she's targeting at the moment: This week, "singletons" everywhere.

      But this plan could work, as I'd definitely be interested to see if someone as obnoxious and socially inept as Jenna Woginrich could actually attract something other than a fungus. I just can't imagine the type of person who would be OK with dating someone who begs for a living online and abuses animals.

  24. Just emerging from the holiday crazy and a personal "planning retreat" yesterday. It was so good to catch a breath! I want to make a fun little commenting profile, but right now it only allows me to use the "real" one.

    If Jenna Woginrich does a fraction of what she claims to be planning to produce in goods, then good for her! But I've been around long enough to know it's "same song, 15th verse". No chance of consistent and well-planned work.

    So I have a mission this year to keep enough green leafy stuff growing to always have salads, etc from my own gardens. I am so done with buying lettuce from the grocery that is going to mush and couple of days! Our winters are mild enough that on good cold frame should ensure greens all winter and I can plant strategically in partial shade in the heat of the summer I think. I will be sitting down with my seed catalogues next week to start charting the 2019 garden.

    What new projects do the rest of the Shammers have going?

    1. Happy New Year, Karen! I once stayed with friends who had a huge garden and it was so neat to be able to walk around it, selecting salad ingredients. Speaking of mushy vegetables, I want to know what's going on with cucumbers. The ones from my childhood were firm and crisp, but the ones nowadays are mushy even when fresh. I can't figure it out.

      As for projects, I think I'm one of the few here that doesn't farm but I do need to redo the plants and flowers on my porch. Exciting, eh?

    2. Ugh, too many projects. I'm. Expanding to meat rabbits this year and I need to put them in a shed or something, since I have one goat who regularly jumps the fence and knock down the pallets plywood that current protect him from said goats... they reeeeally want to eat his hay. Our tenant is going to help us build a sturdier structure.

      Kidding season starts on the 16th and my body is ready.

      Then we're going to set up a new, bigger pasture area for my does so the bucks can move into their old one. (The bucks are currently in the backyard off the house and ye gods, the smell...) I rescued three goats recently from an abuse situation. The dam is pregnant with her son's kids, but the mom is so malnourished that I've been desperately trying to feed her up and give her vitamins so she won't die while giving birth.

      I'm jealous of your gardening. I really want to garden, but our property is full of caliche (rocks rocks rocks) and I'm worried about roasting my plants in the hot Texas sun. Maybe I'll manage a small plot this year, though...

    3. I don't farm either. I live in the country....in the woods. I've grown some tomatoes, green beans, peas and some strawberries. It's mostly not worth the hassle. There is an Amish farm close that sells strawberries...They do much better than I do anyway.
      I've got 5 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 ducks.

    4. Anon7 I actually live in the middle of the city on a 50-100 ft. lot. But my south-facing side yard has 5 4x4 raised beds and 3 galvanized troughs that grow in. I have a fig tree, 2 blueberry bushes, 2 new dwarf plum trees in the back yard and am adding 2 more blueberry bushes in Feb. I grow strawberries and, currently, collard greens in my "gangsta garden" curbside beds. And I have a couple of 4 x 8 beds in the community garden a few blocks away. I do like a pretty front yard landscape, so it's mostly herbs and flowers in a cottage garden style and I keep grass in about half the back yard for me and for my 2 dogs.

      I try to eat and preserve from what I grow, but am learning how to plant and rotate with such a conglomeration of garden beds - and to decide what things aren't worth the space or effort and should be bought from the farmer's market. Last year's success was growing all of my own garlic - getting the quantities right -- and growing Thai red roselle for hisbiscus tea and to flavor kombucha. Great quantities, but they were in the wrong place and took up so much space I couldn't get good fall/winter crops going. This year they need to go into the flower border and the fence line of the community garden.

      I am in discussions with my "back door" neighbors about sharing a chicken coop on their larger lot, but they seem to get engrossed in something and then just suddenly drop it, so I am not sure. They just dropped their honey/beekeeping last year, so I am considering asking to buy the equipment from them and doing it myself. I loved having them all over my garden for a couple of years.

      Cryokid, maybe do one raised bed for a few things? Like Hound Doggy says you have to decide what is worth it. My strawberries are more for fun picking with the kids in the neighborhood, but I grow probably half of the sweet potatoes I eat in a year in a 2 x 2 foot part of my raised beds.

    5. Also, Anon7 I agree on the mushy cukes. And Hound Doggy, gardening also combines as my therapy, so doing it is rewarding even when I don't get the production I might hope for.

    6. That's probably my best bet for now. I'd kill for some big juicy tomatoes, and tomatoes seem to do well down here. It's such a different climate and soil type from where I learned to garden all the way up in Maine. I just have to stop myself from getting too ambitious in the beginning, lol.

    7. Cryokid, speaking of tomatoes, here's how I found out about why the ones at the grocery store have almost zero flavor: I was working at an upscale bistro in Northern California and was suggesting to the owner/head chef a new pizza for the menu that used thinly sliced tomatoes underneath the cheese, instead of pizza sauce.

      He said he liked the idea, but it would have to wait because tomatoes were not in season. I was confused and said, "But I was just at the grocery store today and I saw TONS of tomatoes on display."

      He then explained to me that those tomatoes come from across the US (Florida, I think) and they are picked and shipped green, and then later gassed to make them ripen and turn red. I couldn't believe it. He went on to say that that's the reason they are flavorless. And thanks to him, I now only buy the vine ripened or the fantastic gigantic heirloom beauties.

    8. Anon7, isn't it terrible?? I can't stand the mealy bland tomatoes. I'm always so disappointed whenever I eat strawberries or blueberries or whateverberries here. I can't find anyone at our little farmer's market that managed to grow any of them, so we're stuck with shipped berries. West Texas is unforgiving, but the cantaloupes people grow here are divine! So there's that, haha.

    9. I don't have a garden now, but I have had 1000 sq foot gardens in my quarter acre in suburbia in many years past. I used to grow a nice crisp heirloom called a lemon cucumber. So delicious. I grew juicy heirloom tomatoes too. I miss those days. I will get back to it. I also struggled with deciding what to plant. At first, I jist planted everything to see what would grow well and how amazing when stuff grew! But after a few yrs, it was more likelike was REALLY worth it because I eat it alot. I came to basil, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach and bell peppers. I tried watermelon and canteloupe, but usually got some borer bug. My garden was organic, but I sure did see how/why pesticides were ininvented...it was a constant battle. I would love to have a 3-4 chickens for eggs one day when I get settled somewhere.

    10. Holy h-e- double hockey sticks. Do I use spell check much?. Yikes, sorry. I blame blogger edits....

    11. Yes, organic vs pesticide use. Being from a big city and used to pristine veggies from the grocery store, I had my first rude awakening as a teen, visiting my aunt in rural Missouri. She sent me outside to pick some corn for dinner. "Peel back the husk and if it looks good, place it in the bucket" she said. I came back empty handed because every ear of corn had bugs in it. She laughed and said, "Just wash the bugs off!" Seemed strange to me at the time.

      Also visited a friend up in rural Northern California who asked me to wash and chop her organic lettuce for a salad. She handed me this huge head of romaine but I was only able to find a few inner pieces that looked OK. She asked me what was wrong with the other leaves and I showed her all the holes that bugs had chewed. She chided me and said that it was OK to eat, lol. I had no idea.

  25. Off topic... Today I lost my loyal protector, friend, companion. Ripley, my GSD, crossed the rainbow bridge. It's been a tough year for pets here. I just lost my 17 year old cat, Cleo, a couple months ago. As the poem goes, they've left their pawprints on my heart.

    1. I'm so sorry for your losses. It's one of the hardest things.

    2. I'm so sorry. Sending you healing energy. I lost my beloved cat this past fall (and my once-in-a-life GSD the year before). The pain runs deep. Adopting others was my salve. Hope you find your way to deal.

    3. Sorry to hear that, Duckmama. Having pets pass is just awful. My oldest cat will be 17 in July, and while he's healthy overall with normal appetite, he has been acting a bit strange lately -- he meows a lot for no reason. And it's not like he's in another room, lost, he does it when I'm nearby.

      Do you have any plans to adopt another dog or cat this year?

    4. Duckmama so very sorry for your losses. Blessings!

    5. Oh, no... I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Pets really do attach themselves directly to your heart. Losing them just rips a hole in your heart. Sending love.

    6. So hard to lose an old pet. Sorry for your loss.

    7. Thanks everyone. My house is very quiet today....

    8. Duckmama 165 (!) German shepherds just came in to the Atlanta Humane Society. Just rescued from 1 property

  26. Seeing how this new platform works... Gave myself a social media break over the holidays.

  27. I'm here! Busy holiday season. So, looking at JW's social media for the past few days...

    1) Still cannot believe she hasn't been begging much and there have been no frozen pipes or new root canals. Maybe she finally realized that if she doesn't panhandle online, then we'd have nothing to write about here!

    2) The new pictures, uh, interesting. The newest hawk pic on her Twitter literally made me recoil away from the monitor as I scrolled down. Seems like Jenna's photog friend had the camera set to panoramic view.

    3) Question for locals: Has the dreaded Winter's Bottom started yet?

    1. No Winter's Bottom yet! Very mild with hardly any snow. My animals are loving it!

    2. Thanks for the local update! Do you remember the Jenna shit show that was last year's Winter's Bottom? Her constant whining and begging, coupled with the supposed disasters of frozen pipes and flooding and slapping her PayPal donation button on any tweet that would stand still. It was crazy, just like her.

  28. Interesting that she is now in camo and not her pleather coat when out "hunting" I wonder if she found that at "the dump" too.

    1. Gotta say, even though the new camo jacket is fugly and an idiotic thing to wear in the woods during hunting season, at least it's a step up from that horrid baby shit-colored pleather jacket that was bursting at the seams. Hopefully it's been retired as a cleaning rag to wipe of all the animal crap in her living room.

  29. Anon7, winter in the unnamed one's territory has been mild so far, but we've had a lot of rain, below-freezing nights, and high winds. She hasn't been able to pitch "Winter's Bottom" because temperatures in the 40s and 50s just don't lend themselves to such fables.

    However, because of the rain, and higher-than-normal winds and freezing night temperatures, I still feel sorry for her old horses. Wet hair plus high wind is a terrible combination for animals. Personally, without wind protection or snow pack on the ground (which acts as insulation and moisture), plants and animals are worse for the wear over the winter, because they don't have shelter from icy temperatures and high winds.

    For 2019, you all may notice a big push for meat shares. This could be a well-thought out scam, that has temporarily replaced the "wolves at the door" cries. Selling duplicate shares of the same animal is a tried-and-true scam. Many years ago, a meat processor in my neck of the woods got in a LOT of trouble for doing just this sort of thing.

    Consider: Six sheep. If she sells 12 half-shares at $400 per half-share, she gets $4,800. At slaughter time, if the six sheep dress out to 240# total, each person who bought a half-share gets 20# dressed weight. BUT, she also posted that the sheep may in fact be up to 60# heavier, leaving her to sell three (3) additional "half-shares" per sheep, or an additional nine half-shares ($3,600). Seriously, who would know what their "specific" sheep weighed???

    Astoundingly, the readers/fans of Cold Antler Farm never seem to notice the discrepancies and day-to-day lies coming out of Cambridge NY. With the exception of the newest captive bird and the dogs, the farm photos are OLD or not even the same farm animals. Unlike other rural blogging queens, almost nothing legitimately farm-like is current - or probably even real. How do they not notice this? She could, in fact, substitute almost any photo or description and no one would notice.

    With the exception of pandering to those who have a social media presence and can enhance her brand - either by photo or word - I firmly believe she sees very little to be gained from working hard at customer satisfaction. Communications are DM (private), the Twitter feed and blog are curated and negative comments are swiftly removed and the OP banished. People who are scammed probably feel they have little recourse as payment was made via PayPal DONATIONS.

    Getting the PayPal money so far in advance almost guarantees a claim cannot be made as the "product" is delivered far after the complaint period. Yes, someone appears to have considered all angles and the best ways to extract maximum cash from unsuspecting people.

    Crazy? Like a fox.

    1. Did you notice the new glasses in the hawking pics? Again, that woman gets new glasses like every five months. Even with cheap online places, it's a stupid expense or a sign that she has income to cover it... after all, she's on the hunt for a babe ya know.

    2. The push for meat is because those of us who didn't buy from her last time are now on the "shit list" and don't warrant an email asking us to buy again. Cut off money and you find yourself taken off her "friend" list. Yes, I know this firsthand.

    3. Thank you, PoodleDiDoo, for explaining all that. So let me get this straight: Jenna sells say, a half share, estimated to be a certain weight and once it's time to butcher, if the animal exceeds the estimated weight she creates new shares?

      It would seem that if you bought half an animal, you should receive exactly that, right? This whole thing is so confusing to a non-farmer who rarely even buys meat!

    4. Also Poods, thanks for explaining the Winter's Bottom deal. So does that mean it's delayed thus far? More specifically, is there a WB every year or just once in awhile?

  30. I don't know anything about selling meat but doesn't meat have to meet specific guidelines in order to sell it? In other words, the farmer has to be in compliance with the USDA. Can anybody sell meat? I've read that in the past, the meat she sells has parasites and cysts so how does she keep selling it?

    Here is what is on the internet: Farmers selling meat direct from their farm need to be in compliance with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) regulations. There are two categories that meat falls into when selling direct – USDA inspected and custom exempt.

    Meat that has been slaughtered and processed under USDA inspection can be sold by the carcass (or half, quarter, etc.) or as individual retail cuts. Meat sold to restaurants, grocery stores or at farmers markets must be USDA Inspected. Farmers selling individual retail cuts or bundles of meat directly to consumers must also be USDA inspected and in Michigan, additional licensing is needed.

    Meat from animals slaughtered and processed under USDA inspection must meet labeling requirements. The USDA inspection mark must appear on the label of every package of meat. If there are no marketing claims included on the label, a generic label can be used. These generic labels are pre-approved for each USDA inspected plant. In addition to the USDA inspection mark, labels must include the common name of the product (species, wholesale and retail cut name – i.e. Beef Rib Steak); net weight; date packaged; name and address of processor; and safe handling instructions. Further processed items that have more than one ingredient, such as sausage, must have an ingredient statement. The farmer cannot add anything else to the label without prior approval. This includes basic point of contact information like name, address, phone number, email or website address. Additional items added to a label require prior USDA FSIS approval. No label on a meat product can be false or misleading to the customer or consumer. Starting in January 2012, there will be additional label requirements that meat processors will have to follow for single-ingredient raw meat products.

    1. She actually doesn't sell meat....she's selling the animal. And she shouldn't have any concern about the weight of the animal. She got into that at one point. That's why us old timers talk about her selling three halves of something. It was a pig, I think, a guy bought half but it weighed more than her estimate so she was trying to sell part of his half out from under him.

    2. The whole process she uses is filled with potential to abuse. In the past, when I purchased a half-steer or half pork from my local farmer, he sent my animal to the processor and I got my meat directly from them, along with the breakdown of original weight, dressed weight, number/type of meat products (which I coordinated earlier). I also knew the amount of meat that went into the other half. I paid the farmer for the share of the animal, and I paid the processor for the processed meat.

      With the meat going to Cold Antler Sham, there is every opportunity to divide the meat more, ahem, creatively - selling three halves of an animal, for example if the weight of the animal was greater than expected. Frankly, I don't know why she isn't called out on this.

      Unfortunately, it seems crappy meat producers can slip under the radar within the "animal share" system. I understand it's intended to help the small farmer/meat producer and our local farmers/meat producers honor the system. But when you have a producer who raises animals in filth and has had documented meat contamination, it sure seems like more than her word is needed to assure animals are raised in a clean and sanitary manner and then processed correctly.

    3. Hound Doggy, you said, "She actually doesn't sell meat....she's selling the animal."

      What does that mean exactly? I never paid much attention to her butchering bleg posts and tweets cuz well, eew, yuck. Do they just cut the animal in half? Or quarters? Not really understand how Jenna's spam shares work.

    4. If livestock producers in Oregon wish to sell meat, they must have their livestock slaughtered and processed at a USDA-inspected facility. Some producers have chosen to sell live animals, which the customers, as the new owners, can then have processed at a “custom-exempt,” state-licensed facility. For example, Farmer Smith sells one live steer to four people, each of whom gets a one-fourth share of the meat from that steer. This practice is not only cost-effective for both farmer and customer but also entirely legal if some simple rules are followed.

      A “custom-exempt” plant, exempt from continuous inspection, can only slaughter and process livestock for the exclusive use of the owner(s), the owner’s family, and non-paying guests. Packages of custom processed meat and poultry must be labeled “NOT FOR SALE” (and cannot be labeled with “natural,” “humane,” or other claims). The “NOT FOR SALE” label is required because, by law, the meat cannot be sold, traded, bartered, or given away, ...

      This is copied from....https://extension.oregonstate.edu/business-economics/management/frequently-asked-questions-using-custom-exempt-slaughter-processing

      There is other good info there and Although this is for Oregon many of the laws are federal and apply to New York.

  31. Jenna Woginrich really likes to talk out of both sides of her mouth in order to appeal to as many people's wallets as possible. It's really unbelievable how she makes declarations and then turns around to say something completely different. Not sure if anyone has seen this article, but I just found it while seeing if her newly announced LGBT mess-ay has been published. This article is from 2016 and it's a doozy:


    "Gender? Please, my gender is farmer. When you run a farm adaptation is the name of the game. It doesn’t matter if you’re single like me or manage a household of seven, your gender doesn’t apply."

    Shammers, how many times has Jenna proclaimed that donations will "help support this one woman farm?" Like all the frickin' time!

    "I wear torn flannel shirts and excessive eyeliner, simultaneously. I do physical labor with sharp tools and I knit hand spun wool by the wood stove. I midwife and I slaughter. I use eyelash curlers and whetstones. I read Vogue on the toilet. And I do it all without giving gender a second thought. "

    So strange that Jenna frequently writes about how she's a woman living alone on the side of a mountain. And then she writes blatant lies like that. In the article, she mentions gender and politics in an election year. So there's your answer if you were wondering what motivated her stupid and dishonest statement. She was using a hot button topic to try to be relevant and keep the dollars coming in.

    She is so transparent. Did HuffPost even look at her website? She screams out her gender all the time. HuffPost needs to do their homework on JW. Or perhaps they did as it's been quite awhile since they've published any of her drivel. Like the "reading Vogue on the toilet" comment. WTF and what a horrible image to force upon a reader.

    1. How dare she make her readers think that she uses a toilet instead of the backyard!

  32. The drunk animal abuser via Twitter today:

    "Last night while at the brewery - surrounded by friends and Gibson at my feet - I got the email I just sold my first ever LGBT essay! Excited about all that's ahead!"

    This is gonna be interesting to see what an inexperienced wannabe has to say on the matter. According to the article I posted above, as recently as 2016 Jenna was claiming to be a "straight woman" and even if she's being honest about being a lesbian, she hasn't dated, and hasn't had a single experience whatsoever. So why would a magazine or website even consider what she has to say?

    The only thing I can think of is that she'll probably "right" about her personal ad misadventures, lack of lesbos in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, and her limited date night dinners with...what was it? A red rose in black heels? And of course she'll lament about how unsuccessful she's been and all the reader will have to do is take a look at all the animal abuse and begging on her bleg to instantly see why she's had zero luck. That, or just take one look at whatever photo that accompanies the article to see that she's no catch. Let's hope the publisher uses that deranged toddler pic!

  33. Does she really think someone out there would trade her an iPad for her soap?

    1. Not in the least. Someone wants a well-heeled enabler to donate a recent iPad or send $$$ to buy one.

    2. PDD, have you seen Parks and Rec? She kind of reminds me of Mona-Liss.


    3. No one replied to her because NO ONE in their right mind would trade any amount of soap for electronics.

      BTW, Jenna mentioned the other night that while she was at her bar, she received an email about her mess-ay being accepted. Can she receive emails on her Kindle?

    4. Some guy did, and another lady. They both seemed to have them for her. The guy said if she could cover shipping, he would give her one. Of course, she is like, I dunno, will it work with apps and all, she's clearly holding out for something a little newer then his 4 or 5 year old offering... hahaha...

    5. FarmLass, you ain't kidding -- two people replied to Jenna's tweet! The first offered is a 2012 iPad, 6 to 7 years old, which is no good as choosing beggar Jenna demanded a 2015 or NEWER model...for less than $150. Not gonna happen.

      The second offer is for one even older than that and Jenna didn't even bother to respond to her. Sorry kind lady, Jenna wants a 2018 iPad for FREE. And you pay to ship it.

      BTW, a quick look at eBay showed just one for $150 and a bunch for $60 or less. So yeah, she obviously wants one for just $25 and some soap that she'll conveniently forget to ship. Get a job, Jenna!

    6. if she would get a cell phone she could get one for "free"

  34. So when do you think "thaw" will be. The next time it's 40 degrees out? She hasn't offered full price logos in years.

    Jenna Woginrich
    Jenna Woginrich
    Going to offer a half priced sale rate on the next logo I sell and then the sale is over till thaw! DM to get the deal and help this place chug along!

    3:00 PM · Jan 5, 2019 · Twitter Web Clien

    1. Right? And then today she said this:

      "Pushing for sales hard today, got to take care of some serious bills before mid month. So grab the last half-priced logo!"

      The LAST half-priced logo? Bullshit. At full price she won't sell a single one, being that hardly anyone buys even a half-priced one. She'll be back to offering half price crap logos next week.

      And yo! Girl's got some serious bills this month!! Let's see, there's the November mortgage, the December mortgage...and now January's! And also her new health insurance premium, the second half of her root canal procedure, and the truck needs work as well as new tires!

      And Jenna is hoping to pay for all that without a job?!? Looks like Winter's BEG is just about to start!

  35. Why does Jenna Woginrich only use the word terrified" for concerned, scared or afraid of something? Most authors of five books have a larger vocabulary. Just a thought.

    I don't know how to comment as other than unknown..because I am a dumb ass on the computer.

  36. From Twitter last night:

    "Tonight! Step right up for one of these two anxiety scenarios!

    1. Cancel plans with a best friend because your car erratically stops running & needs new tires! Feel shame and guilt!

    2. Venture into the night terrified & worry the entire party about getting home alone safely!"

    Love how Jenna is trying to spin this whole thing into a humblebrag for how responsible she is. "Oooh, look at me! I did the right thing!"

    Anyone reading between the lines can see that she's just passively asking for money for new tires and mechanic work. She's setting up the ground work for her next BIG BEG.

    1. Ha! You mean her piece of crap truck is not safe??? Lordy! So it's okay for her to call it out, but not others? She is such a work of art...

      Another begfest in 5... 4....3....2....1.... Action!!!

    2. On the bright side, Jenna staying home saved her money on gas and booze, and now she can put those funds towards new tires, or proper fencing or a hose.

    3. Yeah, cause that's what she did with the 15,000 from Birchthorn.

    4. I can't imagine how she got $15,000 for Birchthorn. Everything she writes is complete crap.

    5. Maybe that's why she hasn't sent the books out yet, she knows it's crap and thinks her supporters won't know it if they don't get the books.

  37. Also on Twitter:

    "Well, I didn't make a sale all weekend but I did take care of a farm, make soap, package orders, finish illustrations, work on logos, work on a freelance piece, and my sheets are clean and dogs are sleeping with full stomachs. Better luck tomorrow. Tonight: tea and rest."

    Womp womp. For those who don't speak idiot, here's a translation:

    "Guys? Despite begging hard, no one sent me any money, so I'm going to list a bunch of normal everyday things I did so that you'll think I'm productive and feel sorry for me. I'm also going to mention clean sheets for the millionth time so that you'll pity me and think, "Aww, Jenna is so poor that the highlight of her day is clean sheets...how sad." And then you hit up my PayPal, poodles, pronto. Also, I'm going to say "tea" instead of "booze" so that y'all will think I'm responsible with the money you donate to me."

    It's also interesting to note that Jenna typed out "soap, illustrations, logos, freelance pieces" when simply saying "worked on orders" would have sufficed. But she just loves drama, and wants to look like she's in demand! And, only the dogs are sleeping with full stomachs? What about the other animals??

  38. "If in adult life you have three or more friends you can call on a weeknight to come over and play a board game, you are a wealthy human." Until they stop giving you money and material things. Then you drop them like a fucking hot potato.

    1. Ha ha, so true! Apparently that is what happens.

  39. Looks like the equal-opportunity-user has dragged a couple of new online friends into her skanky web. Sure, now it's all "buy-my-lamb-and-pork" (ka-CHING), "take-free-photos-that-I-can-use" and "buy-me-beer", but there'll be a hard fall when they come to their senses.

    Bets on how long that will take?

    1. It's sad to think of all the people who have befriended Jenna and were excited to have a new buddy to hang out with, only to realize that she's really only interested in what they can do FOR HER.

      The ColdAntlerShamToo site had several people mention how Jenna stopped talking to them after they stopped supporting her financially. What a horrible way to treat people.

  40. My thoughts upon reading Jenna's latest bleg post (The Best Moments 1/10/19):

    *Blah blah blah blah...omg, how many different ways can one right about coffee and chores?*

    *sigh...she's just repeating herself...all this boring shit...(eye roll)*

    *so now it's random luck and not slung luck...ok, good*

    *fourth paragraph...get to the point! this is awful...she has to be on something*

    Seriously, she uses 6 paragraphs where she describes her morning routine as she has 1,000 times before, and there's no new information at all. Well, except the part where she rattles off her feedlot inventory of 20 chickens, 4 geese, 4 pigs, 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 hawk and 5,000 cooties.

    What happened to the 100+ chickens? Don't remember seeing a single word about their fate. Did they evaporate? And the possum family...what happened to them?

    The entire post is basically the same formula: Tell readers about what a hard worker she is and then, in the final paragraphs, casually mention how scared she is and how worried she is about making a mortgage payment on time. Guilt the readers by mentioning that no one is buying her crap cuz they're broke from the holidays. I'm surprised she didn't slap her PayPal link on that bleg post.

    1. Wow. My thoughts exactly. And what is wrong with the twitter photo?! To start with..a goat walking around inside the house, total disrespect for the mounted heads by putting headphones and sunglasses on one and whatever on another. They were once lovely alive animals in nature. Not to mention the random stuff around everywhere....

    2. Totally agree about the mounted heads. Even though I don't like it, I can understand that they serve as a trophy for hunters...but to throw all that crap on them is sad. And that, along with all the bizarre stuff (vintage TV, suitcase and reel-to-reel player), is her pathetic attempt at trying to appeal to hipsters in the hopes that they'll throw some cash in her direction.

      BTW, if anyone is wondering, the guitar in that pic is an Epiphone, not that Gibson one in her bleg. You know, the guitar that she wants someone to buy for her. A guitar that sells for $1,500 to $5,000. Wonder how many root canals she would need to buy it?

  41. On Twitter today (and every damn day):

    "If you want to try out some of Cold Antler Farm's soaps, you can get three large bars shipped priority for $25! ($6 a bar, $7 shipping) and sample them before placing a batch order."

    Excuse me, but $25 to sample soap? Is she out of her mind? And how much is a "batch" then? Wasn't her old go-to pricing $36 for 6 bars? Either way it's a total rip off. Caveat emptor.

  42. Also on Twitter:

    "Wrote about my favorite morning time on the farm, which involves whipped cream and flat earthers."

    Then on the bleg:

    "I turn on a podcast, an audio book, a YouTube documentary about people who still think the earth is flat."

    That's it? That's all she has to say about flat earth folk? Seems like she just threw that in there to appeal to a group of people who are actually stupid enough to buy her soap.

  43. I noticed Blair Braverman and her sledding dogs have been picked up by The Dodo as well as other social media influencers. Artistic fans are sketching and donating WONDERFUL drawings and cartoons of Blair's dogs (they are even anatomically correct!). There are suggestions for Blair to do a TV show.

    Ooph! I'll bet a certain faux feral farmer & wannabe celebrity is most upset that others seem to be leaving her in the dust (or in her case, feces-covered, overgrazed pens). All she wants in life is to abuse animals, copy others, work not-a-lot, become a CELEBRITY and be financially supported by adoring fans.

    Hmmm. Not seeming to happen. Sad face and pity party alert!

  44. ...why is she sharing a picture of a chicken eating off her floor? Is that the only type of cleaning she has done at her house?

    Animals: Jenna's favorite prop.

    1. Yup! I know. The only time our chickens or goats were in the house was...never. What the hell is she thinking?......Oh, never mind. And stop retweeting nonsense, Jenna Wogonrich, aren't you a homesteader who is supposed to have a farm? Yes, you have leanings but they aren't important to me or homesteading.

    2. I saw a gif on reddit yesterday of a duck pooping as it was walking, and that stuff really shoots out and makes a mess! And as someone who's had birds and other small pets, I can say they poop a lot, like several times in a half hour. Her floors are surely in a disgusting state.

      But anything for a photo op it seems.

  45. Alright, so Jenna Woginrich is turning up the heat with her lastest beg fest. It's almost mid month and looks like she's not getting the sales she wanted so she's resorted to flat out begging:

    From Twitter:
    "If you are willing and able, this is a way to patron CAF! A decade of stories, mistakes, victories, recipes, drama, hope and despair! I need the help right now to get through this month and would love to have more subscribers to the blog! "

    She followed this up with a link to her bleg where she dragged out that old post about being like NPR. Jenna, your bleg sucks! It's not at all entertaining. It's boring because all you do is talk about chores and truck troubles, frozen pipes, terror, anxiety, etc.

    That's why you have hardly any subscribers. No one wants to pay for your exhausting drivel.

  46. Also on Twitter:

    "Hey friends! Do you want a custom pet portrait and 5 bars of handmade soap for a combo deal?! Well send me a DM! My goal is to sell three of these combos today! Money goes towards January Health Insurance Premium!"

    No! And I'm not yer friend. People are financially recovering from holiday spending and also are saving their pennies for their tax return accountant appointments. So get a job!

    I can understand why she's so "terrified" all time. She has no income at all. She has to beg all month for money to live on. Begging money from near or total strangers. What kind of life is that? Who would want that kind of life?

    BTW, she keeps mentioning this upcoming health insurance premium, capitalizing those words to make them seem so very important.

    Does anyone remember how much she said her premium is? Like I said, it's almost mid month and she obviously doesn't have it. Womp womp.

  47. From the bleg, looks like she's hinting about a possible Winter's Bottom:

    "A Cold couple of days are ahead for us, with nights all in the single digits and days not much above. I am bringing in more firewood and working hard towards the goals that keep this place above the danger lines. I need to mail in a mortgage payment soon, to keep ahead of the cutoff where the house falls into danger of being mine no longer."

    The danger lines? Is that her new go-to jump scare? Oooh, she's about to lose the house! Send her money ASAP!!! Don't worry about your own mortgage, her's is obviously more important than yours!!

  48. She just cracks me up with her flip flopping.

    First she complains that all the pictures on Instagram are curated and photoshopped. Sorry, chickie, most are not photoshopped and yeah, who really is going to spread the truly nasty pics of their lives around on social media? Duh? (Of course, every freaking one of hers is curated... purposely cropped and formatted to hide the despair and make her life seem so magical...)

    And secondly... this whole health insurance thing. She's worried about making her FIRST payment. But she already has an appointment for her doctor for a check up. Ah, people. ACA insurance, if you are paying, has super high deductibles for the most part. Certainly, the cheap plans do. That is what most people hate about it all. $5,000 deductibles and more. So, our little scamflake shows her cards easily... either she's paying through the nose (and has the cash for it) or she has no clue how it works... (maybe) or somewhere in the middle... ie, she's got the cash for the checkup and is working towards her deductible...

    And don't we all remember like a year or two ago when she was tooting her horn about having insurance for the first time through ACA... I clearly remember. But alas, she probably didn't pay the premiums and was dropped.

    For someone near the danger lines of loosing their house, she clearly is a total doofus about so many things.

    And another thing... haha.... just bringing up some things that bug the crap outta me.

    She thinks she is marketing her wares when she begs for sales. I say nope. Every single thing that she offers, she justifies with this statement of helping the farm, helping the mortgage, buying insurance, saving her dog, fixing her teeth... on and on. Her marketing plan is all based on pity purchases. So lame. She doesn't sell for the sake of her wonderful product. She doesn't have any sort of shop (Etsy or whatever, there are several... I know she was kicked off Etsy but you know what I mean..) Or a website, which we know she can set up because she's done several through the years and they are more than adequate... Instead she just pity markets and does everything cash through hard to track income streams. If that doesn't scream SCAM ARTIST, I'm really not sure what does?

    Common Jenna! Get your crap together and make a decent website for your wares... your fire sale logos, your melt in pour soap, your feedlot hog and lamb share.... your "farm" brand. Take a clue from the Beekmans... they're crushing it with their expensive soap and lifestyle brand. Pay attention.

    She is just lying like a rug... Ain't no one can be this far behind in their house payments and on and on with one Winter's Bottom scare after another if they aren't getting some decent coin with the sad sack song and dance. She's a con artist, just connect the dots.

    1. Great post, FarmLass! Yes, her flip flopping is nothing more than carefully curated words to appeal to the most wallets as possible. Once you really learn about the scam artiste extraordinaire that is Jenna Woginrich, your view of her is forever skewed towards knowing that everything she says and does is only for the benefit or her and her furry feedlot.

      Like I said earlier, I cannot imagine waking up each day knowing that I have ZERO income. And I'd be downright horrified to face the prospect of begging online strangers for money all day long, every week, every month, year after effing year. Why would anyone make the choice to live that way? It doesn't sound fun and that's probably why she drinks so much.

      Also, really good point you made about "why" she sells are so-called "wares." Rather than coming up with great genuine products worthy of selling, she muddles together a few things that take minimal effort (and talent) and then tries to guilt her foollowers into buying them, or else the farm "gets" it. Nothing she produces is anything special, nor is it anything anyone really wants. They're all pity purchases.

      As for Etsy, I don't know her background there or why she was shown the door, but I do know that when you claim to make a homemade product, Etsy demands proof via photos. As well they should. So yeah, melt-n-pour would definitely not fly there.

    2. She was shown the door because she followed her standard practices, didn't fulfill her orders.

  49. So very telling that yesterday on Twitter, Jenna made about 7 tweets which received zero response, except one that got 3.

    Then, she tweets a question asking what everyone's favorite go-to movies are. She received 37 responses. 37!!! Proof right there that the vast majority of her foollowers have her on mute, and the few that don't pretty much ignore the bulk of her tweets, which are mostly her begging for sales.

    Jenna Whine-'n-beg, the Oracle has spoken: Less sales pitches, and more dumb tweets are what your poodles want. Heed, woman!

  50. Why would someone enable a public figure who cries about curated photos on Instagram, but always ALWAYS posts her own carefully curated photos, maybe taken by photographers who aren't acknowledged, or of animals that don't exist, or of a lifestyle that is faked?

    Why would someone enable a public figure who pretends to care about animals, but doesn't give them requisite care/vet care, expects to lose at least half her chickens to predators and seemingly keeps animals mostly to promote her products or brand on social media?

    Why would someone enable a public figure who often denigrates her local community, laughed about accidental death and appears to only act nice to people while benefiting from their gifts / generosity?

    She lies, you buy.
    She plays, you pay.

    1. Problem is, someone is or else snowflake would have been out on her ass years ago.


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