Happy Summer 2021

I don’t actually believe anything will change…I am a pessimistic with realist leanings..haha….but at least she is forming positive words.  That she is thinking of getting additional employment is a huge step in the right direction.
I guess I have nothing nice to say…so I'll stop.

I hope you all are having a good time!  Good health, good families, good gardens and critters.  Have a nice summer!


  1. I agree. Somehow, she always seemed to believe getting a job was admitting failure, but the opposite is true. I’m glad she is looking for steady work. Maybe she’ll finally stop trying to mooch off others.

    I wonder if Shannon was instrumental in this. If so, she has moved a mountain.

    1. Shannon may have set some new standards, and good partners do this. They don't settle for the level of uncertainty that's risky for one but disastrous for two. They don't enable a partner who is capable of more get away with grifting or begging when there's a better solution. And sometimes it takes the support and standards of a partner to break bad behaviors.

      If this is what's happening, it's the best possible outcome. Stop begging / whining, care for the animals appropriately. Make vegetable jokes. Fine with me.

      We'll see if it actually changes though. The new website was an opportunity to change... and she just migrated old habits on to the new platform. She's talked about steady "gigs" before - a gig is NOT a job, it's a temp contract that does not break the cycle of crying.

      We'll see if she actually changes anything, but I doubt she'll ever stop pretending she can't pay the mortgage. Half the mortgage. And we'll see how that rides with Shannon in the long run.

      I wouldn't be cool with my wife pretending she's scared that she can't pay her half the bills. Even if I paid 100% of our bills and we were never in any financial danger, I would not be okay if my partner tried to score fun money by telling strangers on the internet we can't pay for our roof.

  2. Thank you for the new thread, HD. I echo your words. I am skeptical, but if she actually follows through on this and stops squawking about normal bills, I agree it would be a good positive.

    Now that she's splitting the bills, paying that mortgage should be the easiest thing to manage. It's about as low a cost of living as you can possibly hope for in 2021

  3. I find it odd how obsessed she is with being an ordinary lesbian:

    “This farm account is also Actively Gay.”

  4. “Seriously, do you think a tomato and a potato farmer ever looked at a row and asked each other if they should Potate or Tomate it?”

    Her “humor” always falls flat.

    1. Couple humor seems clever and cute within the couple or the sub-group, but doesn't have the broad appeal she thinks it does. *shrug* Not that it matters.

  5. I am skeptical as well. Something doesn't ring true. She is begging as much as she always does, especially with the hand wringing about the mortgage, yet she says that Shannon pays half of the expenses. If that were true, we would have seen less begging, but her pattern has remained the same.

    It's that CAF math again where nothing adds up.

  6. “Before I get some sort of mean comment, we are both working on freelance while watching this. It's raining here and chores are done and this is how two freelancers work on dog portraits and powerpoint presentations.”

    Defensive much?

    1. Freelancer or freeloader? There is a difference between folding laundry while watching tv and doing commissioned work. I would be pretty po’d if I paid for something that was slapped together while the person was doing something else. It’s impossible to concentrate equally on two things at the same time.

    2. She’s the latter loader.

  7. “Goal for today is to sell 2 logos! And it's a hell of a deal! These are the last few days to get a logo for your farm, record store, inside jokes, fire pit, family reunion, letterhead for a resume! Anything really for HALF PRICE! DM to buy!”

    All of her crap is always on sale. Which is why there’s are no good deals. Jenna Woginrich is using manipulative marketing to con people into purchasing.

    1. There are…

    2. Still no prices on her all inclusive website for ANYTHING! If chickens are all one price and not by the pound...why not say the price? Again, something is off all CAF.


    3. at CAF... not all CAF

      Jude again

    4. Jude, a few of us here have made the same observation. It’s all part of her subtle scamming to not be pinned down on prices.

    5. When her logos are always on sale it means there is no sale. Buy now, maybe receive a logo in 3 months that was hastily made while she was watching tv.

    6. Anonymous 2:45 Yeah, she’s gotta rewatch Gilmore Girls and Buffy like a teen twat multiple times. While pretending that she’s the boss babe at failure farming.

  8. Her Twitter account is an obnoxious display of humble-bragging, virtue-signaling, and fake woke retweeting of the blue check cool kids. I also noticed that the numbers of followers has been steadily declining again. She’s never even reached 5,000, and that’s still a small presence. It’s no wonder why.

    1. And the almost daily begging, plus pathetic pleas to help her make mortgage payments is repellent.

    2. Her stupid polls trying to get attention are also annoying.

  9. “What a morning. Up early to drive a load of chickens to the butcher, mucked the horse pen, moved the rabbits into the tractor, cleaned, design updates, emails, promotions, packaged up soaps, regular AM chores, making soaps, and not even lunch time yet.”

    Ain’t she jus’ a busy lil’ beaver?! It’s amazing what a full life she leads. What a load of humble-bragging bullshit.

    1. I think this is in response to the comments she received about the amount of television she watches.

  10. WOW just WOW. Her drawings started out at $55. each (she says $10. of that will be donated) anyway I think only 1 taker on that then they dropped to $45. not many takers on that now they can be yours for the low low low price of $20.! What a deal. Actually they look like pictures torn out of a child's coloring book and she colored them in (she did stay in the lines though) and now they can be yours! Oh happy days. Can you imagine pissed the people who paid $45 or $55. feel about now?

    1. When she first started out, she was selling them for $150.What on earth do you get for $20?

  11. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. This mountain is magic. This day is brand new. There's a million chances happening every minute for luck or hope or glazed donuts. Carry on expecting good things.”

    It’s “magical,” moron. Her “luck or hope” are free funds. And stuffing her “chubby body” with “glazed donuts” won’t help her health.

    1. Dog whistle for “send money”.

  12. “We're outside mowing, weeding, hauling buckets, and sweating our asses off and our pigs are napping in the shade with a fan on them.”

    At least, she’s not deliberately and sadistically shocking them for fun. Like when she bragged about it before on her blog.

    1. What? Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Expect the pigs to do their share? What?

  13. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! 2 days left to make the June mortgage on time, and my goal today is a third of that amount! If you can share what this farm has to offer - it would be much appreciated. Handmade soap, art, logos, pork, bunnies, chicken - we got it! THREAD!”

    Every month she makes her mortgage payments the responsibility of strangers on Twitter. STFU, lazy loser.

    1. So if Shannon is paying half the mortgage, why does Jenna have to beg the same as always? And why is it everyone else’s responsibility to pay her mortgage? Just get a freakin’ job already!

    2. But…but…but… she’s waiting to get “gigs.” There are always excuses about why she falls short of making mortgage payments. Clearly, she’s lying like usual.

  14. “This was such a heartwarming event, maybe a hundred people gathered in a town of 2k, music, families, booths, coloring, face paitning - so sweet. Not bad for a farm town!”

    Cambridge is far from being a “farm town,” we’ve lived there for a few years, and it’s spelled “painting.”

  15. “Did you know retweeting this releases Fairy Dust?! It's digital, but there, because someone you know, that I do not, may want to exchange their money for our farm wares and this farm can cover the June bills before June ends?! MAGIC HUSTLE SUNDAY”

    Someone’s been daylight drinking again. Her stupid tweet makes no sense in terms of intelligent sentence structure. It’s always about making her mortgage payments the responsibility of strangers on Twitter.

    Jenna, “did you know” that no one cares about your ongoing financial fuck-ups?

  16. “Does your city have Pride Events?”

    What a shock. Another stupid poll trying to get attention for nothing.

  17. Can someone please remind her that her 15 minutes of fame was up a long time ago?

    1. Anonymous 9:44. She has mild infamy now, due to her rotten reputation, but not true fame based on either merit or authenticity.

  18. “Hey there! This farm has three days to make the June mortgage, which only requires a little luck and hopefully some help spreading the word! I'm running sales on logos, pet portraits, and Pride Month art pieces! Send a DM and help make the goal!”

    Poor widdle desperate feral farmer. She’s grifting again about not having enough money for new Taylor Swift sweaters, and other unnecessary luxury items. Her “Hey there” comes across as condescending and “cunty.” No one gives a crap about her bullshit “goals,” because she pulls the same stupid stunt every month around this time. Her whole life is lies.

    1. Making the mortgage payment “only requires” getting off her lazy fat ass. Which is why she’s always begging. She won’t work, and depends on handouts. Magical “luck” isn’t the answer to solvency. What a middle-aged moron. She’s learned nothing in almost a decade of having her hovel. And Shannon is sharing her delusional drama.

    2. Actually, thanks to her enablers, she has learned that pity begs work. But they will only work for so long. Those hard working donors will get tired of supporting her while they are in their cubicles and she is floating down the river. I was willing to give Shannon the benefit of the doubt at first, but now it seems she is complicit.

    3. Anonymous 12:53. I agree with what you wrote. Shannon has had over a year to realize that Jenna basically, begs for free funds.

    4. Meant to type 12:35 not 53, and I’m not even dyslexic.

  19. “This month is tough. Sales are tough. Workload is tough. Heat is tough. Stress is tough. Just tough. Like the bottoms of my feet.”


    1. hahaha!!!! great one anon. 2:41.

    2. You know what’s tough? Working for a living is tough. Getting up every morning and powering through the day is tough. Working in a cubicle under fluorescent lights is tough. Putting up with bosses is tough. Coming home after a hard day and making dinner for your kids is tough. JFW, you want to know how that money gets into direct deposit accounts? By hard working people doing tough stuff every day. So STFU!

    3. That was well-put. She quit a career that could’ve led to her buying a better farm in the future. But she wasn’t mature enough to delay her dream. Her life is a disaster because of continual poor choices. JW is really a pampered princess, but behaves like a selfish older brat. Her whining victim narrative is nauseating.

    4. My response above was to Anonymous 4:33.

  20. She found it was too tough to work in an office and took the easy way out by quitting her job and begging off of others. Nothing tough about her.

    1. She presents a feisty, false front of an unconventional lesbian who “Lives like fiction!” In reality, she’s chunky Jenna from the boring suburbs of Pennsylvania.

  21. Tough? In every post she comes across as helpless and dependent. Look at how many times she uses the word “help”. There is nothing tough about her.

    1. She’s the least self-sufficient “farmer” we’ve ever encountered in the Cambridge area.

  22. “Last few days before July to get a custom made logo for $100. This is work I can do between farm tasks here, and it would be a HUGE encouragement to sell some today! So if you want a logo or know someone who could use one (also great gift certificates!) Please DM!”

    Shannon should shill her shit.

    1. And also amazing alliteration.

    2. She can’t make a sale without a pity beg. Honestly, doesn’t she realize how bad she sounds? Does she have no self awareness?

    3. Anonymous 5:06. She knows by now how bad her begging sounds, but is too narcissistic to care about obnoxious optics. And she has zero self-awareness.

  23. Look up Margaret Schloss of the ‘farmland’ documentary. I hope you will check out a real one woman farm!

  24. "My mom told me to watch The Chosen, which is a crowd-funded Chistian TV show about Jesus. I told her I'd watch it when his followers stop thinking being gay is a sin." (Tweet from June 27th). Holy cow, lighten up - your mom is trying to connect with you, Jenna, since you watch a lot of television. And how do you know that this show *doesn't* preach that Christians open their hearts to gay and lesbian people and accept them into the community of faith no matter what the sect is or the past teachings are? This is petty, but my mom tells me to watch stuff I'm not interested in all the time - it's not a big deal, she knows I like to have something on in the background while I knit. Not EVERYTHING is a teachable moment, you know? I'm sure her mom is aware that Jenna is queer and didn't mean anything cruel by it, just wanted to try and make a connection with her, something they could talk about (call me old but when I was growing up that was an insult, what's wrong with being a lesbian? Nothing! :D).

    Also, her analogies and metaphors leave me going "...wtaf?" every time I read her dispatches. "Heat has slammed into the farm with all the force of summer’s roar", "But if you can just slide into the heat, let the body pour our sweat", "Pigs are adorable as babies ... but around 4-6 months old they just become sentient biceps - muscle with a brain." What? What is this? Am I having a stroke? "Our thoughts are set to the coordinates of the season" please just say 'activities', I beg you, please just write clearly if you can't afford an editor.


    1. She’s always been a rotten writer. Which is why her weird word salads are nonsensical and stupid. I think that she hates her mom, and used to insult her on Facebook. I’ve also observed that neither her sister nor brother tweet to her now. Funny how Pember Patty, who used to frequently show support, has also disappeared from her Twitter timeline.

    2. She became a writer by accident because of her blog and books. Her poor purple prose is contrived and lacks cohesion.

    3. I'm surprised Ma Wog is still talking to her. She hasn't mentioned her family in ages.

    4. I'm actually not surprised her mom still talks to her - my brother is VERY difficult, and many times I've pointed out to her the ways my mom's life would be so much safer and calmer if she would cut off contact - just let him walk if he wants to, stop making the effort. But a mother's love is there for even the black sheep and she won't give up on him. I sort of see it from the perspective of JFW's siblings - you have a sibling who is just awful but your parent still sees something in them and you have to deal with it the best you can; sometimes, that means understanding and supporting your parents and their relationship while cutting off the source of the stress & toxicity in your own life.

      I do find it interesting that all the farm people in JFW's past don't keep in touch with her - she had a mentor in Made From Scratch, I believe, nothing heard from them. Ditto the people who would've met her at sheepdog trials. Like, where are all the people from the riding and archery lessons she was giving? (These were aaaaaages ago but not even a former student on Twitter or coming to visit the farm? From my experiences teaching adults, there's always one in a class who gloms onto you for ages after the end date. I smell a rat).

      - DaffodilAnonymous

  25. There is a real shortage of workers since the country has re-opened. Surely there are many jobs in Cambridge to be had. There is no excuse for an able bodied woman to be unemployed and begging.

    1. But she’s TOO darn busy for a job. Here’s yet another Jenna’s justification list:

      “Heading out for a run.

      Post Office
      Jam making
      Changing sheets
      PM Chores

    2. What a padded, pathetic little list. Including going for a run, and changing sheets is childish. No one cares what you do, dumb-ass. It’s very revealing how only her fun stuff is in all caps. Shows that her priority is always goofing off not working.

    3. Excellent observation, Anon 6:40. All over the entire country business owners are desperate for employees and are now offering higher wages too.

      At this point, the only thing that would motivate the Pig Shocker to work is if Taylor Swift were to perform nearby and the festival needed local volunteers to help set up. You know she be first on the sign-up sheet to work for free just to meet her teenage idol. But she'll never work a real job to pay her bills.

  26. Unfortunately, begging isn’t beneath her dignity. Gotta mention that mortgage payment again for guilt:

    “Last 2 days to get this deal! Goal is to sell 3 today to make the mortgage before end of June!”

    1. I don't believe for a second that she is going to stop offering her logo sales. Cuz if no one was buying at her $100 bArGaIN rAtE, why would they buy once the price goes back up to $250 or (gasp) the original $400 she was asking?

      She's just using the “Last 2 days” urgency in a desperate beg for sales. So what are you waiting for? Don't miss out!! $$$$AVE NOW!!!

  27. Where are Anon7, PDD and many other regular commenters? Hope that you’re all having a healthy, safer summer. So far it’s been better than last year. Thanks to the vaccines, and the virus slightly subsiding.

    1. I've spent the past four days keeping my animals from getting heat stroke. Has to scissor-shave the fluffiest cat, poor dear. He looks frightful but felt better immediately.

      Record-breaking heat with our once in 100 years heat some, akin to the "dust bowl" temperatures Steinbeck wrote about in the 1930s.

      We have just come out of survival mode.

      It was brutal.

    2. With it being Summertime and milder lockdown conditions, I imagine others are taking vacations? That's what we did -- took a small trip up to the mountains. All of us fully vaccinated, but still masked and practicing social distancing in public areas.

      WIW, looks like you got our nasty CA heat. It's been a comfortable 75-85 degrees down here (usually it's 100+ this time of year). Hope it cools down for you!

  28. Interesting to note she's been mashing the mortgage panic button for weeks now.

    Again with the countdown, and the deadline that moves. Is the mortgage due on the 1st or the 15th?

    Both! According to her recent tweet history.

    There is a labor shortage due to covid. Long haulers cannot do the labor they once could, and sadly many workers passed away.

    Jenna's half of household bills is $500 mortgage plus utilities and groceries. $1000 max.

    That's a 3 day a week minimum wage job. Her hoof stock expenses are hay, farrier, supplements. That's hobby farm expenses. Dog food, very bills. Her animal feed expenses are what, another $300/month?

    It's pathetic she claims she needs "luck" to make ends meet.

    1. Yep, the same old earn-up-slung-luck crap. And this new PayPal reminder:

      '"I usually add this, but haven't recently. If you want to support 13+ years of writing, resources, recipes, and stories from the old blog and new you can do so via: paypal.me/jennacaf"

      Also, we now know that Shannon pays half of everything, so shouldn't Jenna have extra money as a result? If she was (barely) making her mortgage/bills for years by herself and now only has to come up with half, why would she STILL need to beg? Shannon paying half of approx $2K a month should leave Jenna to set aside $500-$1000 per month for emergencies. I swear, these two are such liars.

    2. Shannon might be good for the farm, in terms of its upkeep, but she has no influence on Jenna’s begging.

    3. Anon 6:44 - yes, and that's disappointing to see.

      Jenna will never change, and yet true disasters which befall those who are *actually* in financial trouble never seem to befall Jenna.

      She tweets about anxiety, panic, and overdue bills, yet the consequences never materialize... because she's making it up.

      I don't understand how Shannon can tolerate either the Jenna who lies about the state of their survival to rustle up fun money, or the Jenna who truly cannot get her shit together to pay HALF of the lowest cost of living in the state.

    4. WIW. I think that Shannon is either desperate, or deluded about how bad the begging has become. She’s willfully blinding herself to see that she’s living with a lying, loser grifter who has no intentions of changing.

  29. Twitter Twaddle - Hard Core Grifters Edition:

    JUNE 13th:
    “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! 2 days left to make the June mortgage on time”

    JUNE 24th:
    “Still working towards this month's mortgage payment with 6 days left to make it”

    *****JUNE 26:*****
    “Shannon bought a queen-sized beanbag bed-in-a-sack thing today at an estate sale”

    JUNE 27th:
    “[Buy stuff or PayPal me so that] this farm can cover the June bills before June ends?! MAGIC HUSTLE SUNDAY”

    JUNE 27th:
    “Hey there! This farm has three days to make the June mortgage, which only requires a little luck”

    JUNE 29th:
    “Just tomorrow to make this goal, which is to earn up the cash for the June Mortgage so the farm isn't behind again. It's been a really slow month and it's been days between small sales.”

    These two idiots have beds, sofas, an ugly hawk shit covered chair, yet they are going to estate sales and buying luxury items they don't need? Why didn't Shannon use that money for the mortgage payment?

    And what's this shit about the mortgage “which only requires a little luck”??????

    It takes a lot more than that. Like gainful employment, saving, economizing, and not buying stupid shit when you should be budgeting. And since when is begging considered a MAGIC HUSTLE??

    1. Her asinine attempts to soften the blatant begging by calling it luck, earn up, and hustle is obnoxious.

  30. have to point this out FFF today is June 30th OH NO that means tomorrow is July 1st mortgage due AGAIN. Damn how does this keep happening?

  31. I was awake last night, but not because of the high heat. I was worried about her welfare. What if Jenna can’t make her mortgage payment on time again?! The “scary red van man” and the “older woman with gray hair” might do a drive by on her road.

    1. LOL Anon 6:37 good one. The fear is real. I mean what if she doesn't have the money for the latest Taylor Swift trinket? Think of the horror at the next TS fan meeting. Let me get my checkbook out right now since I don't know how to do paypal. What would be the right amount? I don't want her to suffer.

    2. This bitch continues to lie and “cry wolf” about making her mortgage each month. She’ll whine about receiving a fake foreclosure notice soon if her PayPal poodles don’t donate enough free funds.

  32. Nothing has changed. Not even taking in a partner to pay for half the expenses, that is if Shannon really is paying half the expenses.

  33. You people still don't understand CAFematics, do you? See the following example where "A" represents her mortgage:

    A divided by 2 = A

    So you see, if Shannon is paying half the mortgage, Jenna will still beg for the same amount, with the same intensity at the same time every month.

    It's CAFematics, a branch of mathematics where nothing adds up.

  34. “This is the last day of my $100 logo sale. Get a custom-made piece of art for yourself or gift it to someone you love! Know you'll need a logo in 5 months but not ready yet? Reserve now at this price! It's a way to support a farm & get a deal! DM or visit http://coldantlerfarmny.com”

    “Making more of these red clay and milk swirled soaps today! Holler if you'd like some of them reserved for you! Each bar is $6 (plus shipping) and you get to support a queer farmer this last day of Pride! Hoo!”

    She mentions “Pride” a lot this month, but has none herself when it comes to begging for mortgage money. And the queer card is just a different approach to more manipulative marketing. Her annoying overuse of “Hoo!” is like something that an immature, drunk dude would say at a frat party.

    1. Well, take a look at her blog. She is actually saying this may not be sustainable in the long run(no kidding) and mentions no savings, no insurance and no passport, and no security. Interesting - and maybe she is finally understanding this isn't working.

    2. Anonymous 1:14. If this was a recent post then I didn’t see it. I’ve been trying to not read her rotten writing, because it’s both bad, and a lot of lies. Somehow she’s “sustained” her hovel for almost a decade. Primarily, due to donations.

    3. Sorry for the run on sentence earlier (I am anonymous 1:14). Here is what she wrote:

      "All I ever wanted in life is here on these 6.5 acres. The woman I have become, the stories I have collected, the mistakes and victories - all of it has been worth it. But I don't know how sustainable it is any more. 38 is old to be without security, health insurance, savings, or a passport. And some days, especially these hot days where the work stings your eyes with sweat and the imposing winter and all it's struggles and expenses are looming like a lead weight on my shoulders... it feels hopeless. Impossible. Foolish.

      Some days are all about that doubt. To pretend it isn't there is a lie. And I don't know what will happen next. But I know I have horse fencing to run, and buckets to carry, and work to still do despite where my head is at. Because the farm doesn't care about my anxieties. The weeds still grow, the horses still graze, the dogs still need to be walked, the jam made, the firewood and hopes stacked.

      Today feels hard. But I am grateful for whatever it teaches me, and I hope it is received with grace and a better day tomorrow."

    4. She’s said the same kinda crap before. Mentioning being without a passport is just Jenna’s jealousy of “direct deposit” poodles who have jobs, and can easily afford to travel. And she still doesn’t know how to use it’s versus its properly in a sentence. What she really “wanted” was to become famous, and have Hollywood make a movie about her “Live like fiction!” lie-style. And you can’t “stack hope,” stupid. Any more than “slung luck” will save your dumb-ass from sinking at long last.

    5. I also think that she’s deliberately trying to appear pathetic in this post, in order to get donations from followers who feel sorry that she might lose her faux farm. Sorry to sound cynical, but I know her nasty number by now.

    6. Yes, I’ve heard it all before. She could stay there if she just got a job.

    7. Wow, so she's finally admitting that her farm dream isn't working out. Or perhaps Shannon has lofty aspirations or wanderlust and is influencing Jenna to GTFO of Cambridge and go live the city life. Well, the animals would be better off.

  35. “Hey there! I am officially on the job hunt for part time work in graphic design, writing, copywriting, and illustration. If you know of remote possibilities or need someone available all week for fast turnarounds - do let me know!”

    “Where is the best place for creatives to apply for remote work? Indeed? Linked in? Friends with connections? Dark rituals with the blood of a Reply Guy who is standing by the salt circle telling you table salt is the same chemical composition as sea salt and I wasted 2.99?”

    “Just drafted my first resume in ten years...

    Still got it.”

    She should’ve done this shit years ago, not now, when her rotten reputation is online for prospective employers to see. “Hey there!” Jenna, you’re a fucking moron who still can’t support herself even after decades.

    1. “Just applied for my DREAM JOB! Wish me luck!”

      She’ll need a lot more than her omnipresent “luck” in applying to be Taylor Swift’s social media manager.

    2. LOL!!! As if she’s qualified for any professional writing jobs with her multiple grammatical errors in almost every tweet, post, and book that she’s written. Suddenly, she can do “fast turnarounds,” too. What a liar. She makes people wait for months to get their prepaid projects done.

    3. Here’s a hilarious response to her hyperbolic tweet:

      “The farm isn’t the dream job?”

      Unfortunately, her faux farm has never been solvent in almost a decade by her own admission.

    4. She rigidly refuses to just get a job locally to make ends meet, because JW is too self-entitled and spoiled by a decade of donations from enablers. Which is why she’s in this financially uncertain situation now.

    5. LOLing @ Anon 2:34's TS social media manager comment. :D

      Anon 2:40 - Excellent point. She is definitely not known for fast turnarounds and her grammar is abysmal. And as Anon 12:52 mentioned, her online reputation will be a life long hinderance and she only has herself to blame for that. No one in their right mind would hire the one who shocks pigs on purpose. And with a smile.

    6. Naturally, she’s ignored the handful of foolish followers who’ve responded to her tweet about looking for work. The same way that she hasn’t thanked people in the past who gave her donations. Queen Jenna of Veryork usually acknowledges only coveted blue check accounts. She ignores the well-wishes of lowly peasants, because she cares about social status not kindness from strangers.

  36. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Honestly, the re-opening, still partial, has really ramped up my stress levels, even as I am deeply grateful to have a job. Now, I have to be in person in the office 2 days a week and manage half virtual and half in person meetings. The result is it feels like there is never a minute to breathe. I am truly grateful for my job, but must figure out how to make the new normal sustainable. One benefit (for me) is that once we are back to "full time", I have now negotiated 2 full days of working from home per week.

    Preserving season is fully upon me and I don't know how I will get my usual done. I have green beans coming in fast, paste tomatoes cranking up, and should have tons of peppers and pickling cucumbers in the next week or 2. My garlic harvest will barely last me the rest of the year and none left over to plant - first time that has happened and I am sad! I did grow 5 red onions, 4 white onions and 4 yellow onions in one of my raised beds. Again, not going to supply me for more than a month, but it is the first time I have been successful at all with them. There are abundant blueberries and hopefully I will harvest the first round of figs, plus the 2nd round in September that I usually get. I have about 5 plums on my newish tree. It's time to start my fall veggies already!! I usually buy a case of peaches from the farmer's market, but will resist until I get squared away on what I have grown myself.

    What are you all growing, eating, preserving??

    Anon in GA

    1. Hey Anon in GA, sorry about your stress levels. Things are finally looking up for this pandemic nightmare to end. There is finally light at the end of the tunnel!

      Personally, I don't grow or preserve anything but I do like to eat! And my new obsession is eating corn on the cob, Mexican street style. Well, kinda, as I make it a little different. In LA, my Mexican brothers walk the neighborhoods with their food carts and ringing their bell. People come running to buy this street corn-on-a-stick that is covered with what I call liquid gold, which is a heavy coating of buttery parmesan cheese deliciousness.

      The first time my friend urged me to try it I was super wary cuz while the hot corn was in a covered compartment of the cart, the butter/mayo/cheese components were not refrigerated, and it was a hot day. But it looked so delicious that I thought, “Hey, what's a little food poisoning?” And OMG, this corn was soooooo good, I had another. And more on other occasions and never got sick.

      Anyway, I decided to try to make it at home but with some changes: I abhor mayo even though it's what makes the butter and cheese stick to the corn. But yuck mayo NO way. Instead I cook the corn and then melt some butter in a jar and then stir in a ton of parmesan, garlic salt, and since it won't stick, I use a spoon to spread a bit onto each bite. I swear, this is soooooo good. And I don't care if it is healthy or not. 2020 was a bitch to live thru. So I'm eatin' this corny perfection with zero regrets.

    2. Anon7 I looooovvve some Mexican street corn!!

      Anon in GA

  37. She may find out that there are hundreds, if not thousands of others applying for remote work. So many people got used to working from home after the pandemic, many don’t want to return to an office. Well anyway, if she gets honest work, the begging should stop. We’ll see.

    1. Her begging won’t end until she stops getting free funds from enablers.

    2. You may be right. Taking in Shannon and claiming she pays half the bills hasn’t stopped the begging.

    3. Begging for, and receiving, free money will be a hard habit/addiction to break. Time will tell.

  38. If Jenna has had to set a higher standard for herself now that she is in a partnership, that's good news.

    She SHOULD be looking at the spreadsheets of their life and future together. Life is not kind to older queer folk who fail to plan ahead, save for retirement, and organize their wills.

    Life is not kind too older queers who don't have health benefits or life insurance.

    Jenna says "all I ever wanted is on these 6.5 acres" - well is that all Shannon wants? A life of perpetual uncertainty?

    Or doesn't she deserve better?

    1. Whoops, my reply below was to you. Yes, it is good news. And it seems like Shannon has carefully and gently shown Jenna that her way of dealing with things was not working. Gigantic wakeup call resulting in hopefully a better life for all those animals.

  39. So the laziest of all of Cambridge is fecking FINALLY looking for a J.O.B. And this new development, coupled with the mass activities and improvements at CAF lately (all thanks to Shannon entering her life) got me thinking that this must mean Jenna is perhaps codependent and can only function as a proper adult with someone else's help. Like, she'd never have done any good for CAF without someone prompting her to get off her work-shy ass.

    And in taking a look at that, I found a condition I hadn't heard of before...Dependent Personality Disorder:

    -(DPD) is a personality disorder that is characterized by a pervasive psychological dependence on other people. This personality disorder is a long-term condition in which people depend on others to meet their emotional and physical needs.

    I'm no doctor but this could explain why she expects others to pay her way in life and solve her problems. Best case scenario: Shannon sticks around and Jenna becomes a fully self-sufficient adult, paying her bills and giving those animals proper care. Worst case: Shannon grows tired of the bullshit and leaves the Pig Shocker, who will no doubt crumble back into her old ways.

    1. I think that she also has Oppositional Defiance Disorder. It’s been discussed here before:

      Often loses temper
      Often argues with family and coworkers
      Actively defies or refuses to comply with rules and laws
      Deliberately annoys people
      Blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
      Easily annoyed by others
      Angry and resentful
      Spiteful or vindictive

    2. My brother is a seasoned psychologist, and he confirmed that she meets the criteria for both disorders.

    3. ODD and ADD would explain a lot of her irrational behaviour. My wife has both, and it's important not to stigmatize people with legit neurodiversity.

      But yeah, I've been hoping for years she'd get her ass to a psychologist or psychiatrist and get assessed. It could make a WORLD of difference to her and everyone else in her life.

      Just the self-awareness would help.

      She wouldn't *have to * do meds but they can help too.

      There is a REASON she just can't get her shit together on her own, and I have compassion for her when she genuinely struggles.

      Without help though, this learned helplessness she's fallen into is toxic for her and those around her.

    4. Learned helplessness is what leads to updating twitter on the status of her "mortgage payments" and her other obvious manipulations.

      ADD could explain why she can't anticipate people's reactions to what she says.

      A diagnosis would not EXCUSE the antisocial behaviour, but would explain it, and reveal a number of possible paths out of her swamp of bad patterns of behaviour.

    5. Finally, ADD could be contributing to her past alcohol abuse. It's one form of self-medication.

  40. I have a theory that she thought her new site would be the solution to making more money. But it didn’t have the positive financial outcome that she hoped would happen. She doesn’t allow comments, just like her old blog, so people can’t respond to posts. And still demands that followers DM her on Twitter to purchase products. Her business methods are very unprofessional, and also lazy to an extreme degree.

  41. Her new post is a shot in her own foot once again. In their coziness, in the hours after 1 inch of rain in 24 hours, (Oh, the flooding) GF is the one who hears a chick peeping and runs to get it. Yet another animal would be dead again because JW couldn't hear it peeping. That must be quite a storm.
    We had an inch of rain last night to my great relief and all critters survived quite nicely. And I don't have to water anything today. Why is every happening the best or worst event ever? One inch of rain mind you.


    1. It’s just another stupid story that deflects from all of the other unnecessary and cruel livestock deaths that her ineptitude is responsible for at CAF.

    2. A whole inch of rain in 24 hours - so frightening! She better hope that no one where she is applying to be a copywriter actually tries to read her blog.

      Anon in GA

    3. One inch of rain? *laughs in Pacific Northwest*

  42. “Shannon has wondered into the soaking wet woods between storms to pick berries. She has been gone an hour with a quart container and a crooked smile and I can't believe a little over a year ago she was working on the 30th floor of a building in Boston. #feral”

    The second sentence requires commas, cretin. Which is why her attempts to get a writing job is a joke. Shannon would’ve been better off back in Boston. #foolish

    1. I'm not sure she really understands the meaning of "feral".

      Berry picking in the rain? That's all it takes?

      City folks pay to pick berries all the time!

      Quel hyperbole!

    2. When my mother was growing up, she talked about how she would pick wild berries for her mother all the time. She was hardly feral.

  43. “Do you need a logo? Because I design logos.”

    She’s retweeted this pathetic plea for logos dozens of times. I’ve never seen anyone on Twitter who comes across with this kind of desperation.

  44. Hi All! Happy Summer!!

    At our farm, it's been crazy busy: gardens, animals and pasture rejuvenation, with short vacations. (Yay for being able to travel more). Flowers, vegetables and hay are thriving. However, the mostly-mild temps / high rain have resulted in a LOT of plant pests (aphids, slugs and beetles we've never before seen). We attack them with biological control, hand-picking (ugh) and netting. So far, we are winning.

    Now, regarding our small-minded farmer's posts about finding a real job, count me as hopeful, but highly skeptical.

    Long time shamsters have seen this behavior before. There were frenzied initiatives when Jon Katz, Pember Patty, heathen-helpers, local community, neighbors and others coached, advised and - let's be honest - did the work for her. She's never been shy about hinting, openly asking, begging and expecting to be bailed out with her *cough* farm. This has been her behavior for over a decade.

    In the past, she talked about looking for jobs. She seemed to have jobs from time to time: magazine writer, small farm community representative, etc. Nothing seemed to come of them. To be honest, I was never sure if the job talk was real or "fiction" to silence critics who accused her of doing too little to improve her finances.

    Not surprisingly, on many occasions, she posted about her disdain for poodle jobs & people who work for others. She did a video where she detailed how much she HATES working for others.  😂  I'm sure she'll make an ideal employee.

    But maybe she's changed, and this time she is seriously trying to stabilize her finances. I'd like to believe people can change. She's no doubt been inspired (or told) to work smarter by her more organized and harder-working companion. If so, this is good news if it leads to financial solvency, reduced stress, improved animal care, better business practices and reduced hyperbole / lies.

    I wish her luck and genuinely hope this is the start of something better...but I'll keep some popcorn in the cupboard just in case. 😉

    1. *applause* my thoughts exactly, PDD. Couldn't agree more.

  45. Y'all, I just discovered farm comedy tictok. HILARIOUS and meets all your farm content needs! My favourites of the moment:


    Actual clever farm content from people who actually make an honest living! Useless Farm lady works at a bank to fund her menagerie off useless farm animals that are all basically pets. Shearing gal is an early 30-something graduate of an animal sciences uni program who makes a living with her wife shearing farm animals and creating funny / educational content.

    1. Oh and in addition to having real jobs, both women have 1000+ comments on all of their posts.

    2. I looked at uselessfarm. Very funny content. Her feed isn't derivative, and she doesn't waste brain cells jumping on social-media fads or celebrity-worshiping. Nice to see content that's original, honest and open. Btw, Stanley and Karen (!) are fantastic!

      Useless Farm ably demonstrates how interesting farm content can be when a truly creative person cares about individual animals and interacts beyond:

      ➡️ Mostly ignoring their welfare

      ➡️ Trying to dominate them for self-centered reasons

      ➡️Calling them a$$holes if they do what animals do

      Small-minded farmers can only imitate what creative people do naturally.

    3. 1000+ comments? Wow. That must be some good content. No one wants to hear whining about mortgages day after day, year after year.

    4. RIGHT! Who doesn't love Karen!? I was thinking THIS is the kind of humour Jenna is grasping for when she calls her animals assholes.

      You got my point exactly, PDD. Useless Farm, the name itself hilarious in that unlike many small farms these days, she doesn't pretend her animals are anything but pets, and some of them are challenging to love, yet she clearly does anyway.

  46. If she is applying for a job in copy writing ("righting") and can't even catch her own screaming mistakes in grammar, spelling and content.... good luck to her future employer.

    just Jude

  47. You know what? If Jenna really does get a job, she may just stop blogging. The content treadmill has got to be tiring, and I don't think she'd continue if she had a decent day job again. With Shannon in her life she is less lonely and less in need of strangers' validation, and less willing to post content she knows will be criticized.

    I agree with the above anon that I think she thought the new website would solve some cash flow problem, except it didn't actually remove any barriers to purchase. You still have to send her an email which is just about the worst way to make a sale. You want people to be able to click and buy at three in the morning without having to wait for a response and with no chance to rethink or change their minds.

    She didn't really fundamentally change anything about her operations when she launched the new website, and while I held out hope for a short time that she'd be more professional / less complainy about normal bills, it seems she fell back into old habits fast.

    It has GOT to be getting old for her too.

  48. " Right now I am still working on getting this farm caught up on June late bills. The job hunt feels like action towards a better life and making some new luck. (MONEY) I hope you wish me well in finding a place to write for."

    I mean, you can look for work *other than remote work* ya know. Plenty of good honest work to go around, especially since you only need a couple grand a month.

    I see a bunch of clerk / cashier job postings for $15 / hour. That'd do it.

    Home Depot has lots of postings - they're very queer friendly! They'd LOVE Jenna at Home Depot!

    Dollar General is hiring - the dollar store umbrella companies have proven themselves recession-proof, and they're surprisingly good employers.

    I really think she should open her up her options. You can always keep looking for a better job while you work a temporary solution.

    Surprisingly (to me) my current job was meant to just be a stop-gap. I really hated it when I started, but I had no other choice given I'm not willing to risk paying my housing bill late. I worked my current job for a year and a half, always applying elsewhere. I live in a very competitive city and even applications within my current organization are very competitive.

    Well, I got promoted at my "temporary" job and I actually *love* my new role. I'm no longer looking for other work, and it's a good thing I took this "temp job I hate" when I did, given I had "no luck" with subsequent applications.

    I think Jenna's job hunt is hampered by her self-identity as a writer / "social media influencer" which isn't an accurate description for someone whose blog posts get less than 1K views, sorry gurl. That's not it. You're a regular person. You can apply for regular people jobs too. Shannon's there and seems to have a good work from home job, you don't both need to be home.

    Go check out home depot! I promise it's a good spot. Very inclusive and you'd get to work with and meet lots of other queer women, build out your support / community a bit more.

    1. God forbid she got a job at Home Depot, as no doubt she'd be all over Twitter trying to make "Homo Depot" a new hipster catchphrase.

  49. I don't think she wants another job just crying wolf it seems to me. I may be wrong but if you only want to start at the top won't consider a menial job at all even when she was dead broke and bills months behind I don't hold out much hope she is truly wanting to go out to work or even waddle down to her computer and do remote work. After all that would include taking "orders" from a boss something we all know she is completely incapable of.

    1. I'm doubtful she is even looking, cuz she went from job hunting excitement and anticipation to available jobs disappointment mode reeeeeaaal fast.

  50. A friend of mine was laid off and instead of begging for money, he got a part time job at Home Depot and also got as many hours as he could delivering pizzas until he found a job in his field. His mortgage was paid on time and I really admire his hustle.

    Jenna used to say she couldn't be away from the farm, but that excuse doesn't hold water now that Shannon is there.

    C'mon Jenna Live like reality for once.

    1. Your friend knows how to adult! Kudos to him!!

  51. When did she get a taxidermized lion head? Is that real?


    She's still dressing them up. Sigh. That animal was likely shot during a canned hunting expedition (there's a whole industry in couple of African countries) and the remains of the poor thing were stuffed and hung on someone's wall, ended up in an estate sale or goodwill or wherever Jenna picked it up, and she puts a top hat on it.

    *face palm*

    I can appreciate applications of taxidermy when they're respectful of the animal and artistic. I can appreciate humor with such props as well. This is neither.

    I hope it's not real. SIGH.

    1. She has such a weird thing with anthropomorphizing animals. I see Shannon's birding is rubbing off on her. What does she do with it?

      This: https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1413139012341043203

    2. I noticed the lion too and don't remember seeing it before. Do people eat lion meat or was that poor thing a vanity trophy shoot?

      As for that bean bag chair they bought in between a bunch of "wE dOnT hAVe ThE mORtaGE" tweets, I saw that they retail for $200. Supposedly they got it at a yard sale for cheap. But being that it looks to be in really good condition, how cheap is cheap? $10? $20? No, I'll bet they paid more like $50-$60 for it and then had the audacity to beg for help with the mortgage.

    3. It's a trophy. There is an industry where lions are bred in captivity. Their cubs are removed and bottle-fed by tourists who pay a LOT to handle them. Then they go on to be exhibited in cub petting operations (like the tiger king guy did) and when they get too old to be used to cub petting, they send them off to a lovely wildlife reservation. This is what they tell the tourists. In reality, they're sent off to a fenced-on territory where they are still fed (because they don't know how to hunt) and once they get big enough to grow a mane, more tourists pay to "hunt" them.

      These animals have been habituated to humans their whole life, so they don't run from hunters, at first. Some asshole posts a terrible photo on facebook, they take whatever trophy from the dead animal they want, (customs has a whole process for how these trophies are imported) and the remains are fed to... other lions.

      That only happens to the males. The females are culled for more lion food or kept on for the breeding operation.

      It's a lucrative industry that's gone on for decades, and I do not suggest you google it, just trust me. If you don't believe me, google it, but you'll get nightmares.

      That's the most likely way a stuffed lion's head ended up at an auction or wherever for Jenna to purchase and mount on her own wall - all the more pathetic for a self-proclaimed huntress who doesn't actually hunt. Before covid, thousands of Americans travelled to these canned hunting grounds to bag themselves an apex predator in Africa while on their two-week vacation.

      It's the puppy mill version of trophy hunting. It's a disgrace.

  52. "All I've managed to do today is get up, feed the farm, drink coffee, & paint birds. But I sold one of those and that's better than the last three days of sales and I feel my sloth is being rewarded so I am going for a run now. This is what growing up Catholic does to you."

    okay, if you feel like a $50 (max) sale is going to cut it for the day, sure go for a run instead of applying for more jobs.

    You gotta apply to everything, grrrl! You have to take what you can get in the job market. You can always keep looking for something better, but selling a sketch isn't rewarding your sloth, even if you do try an make up for the lack of productivity by going for a run (which doesn't do anything to solve your problems!) You have to delay the things you like doing and do the job hunt first! Go for a run after you put out a few more customized / optimized resumes. Then go for a run and check for responses when you get back!

    1. "...sloth is being rewarded...going for a run now...growing up Catholic...."

      Bizarre word salad.

      I wonder if she's truly looking for a job or just pretending. Cuz everything new that has happened on that fauxrm lately has been Shannon's idea. Maybe she suggested lazy Jenna get a job? So now she is supposedly going thru the motions. Or is she?

    2. No way to know.

      They've been together a year, the honeymoon is over, and they're showing their true selves. Jenna's either willing to do what it takes - anything it takes - to pay her half of the bills, or not.

      And Shannon is either willing to pick up the slack, or not. We'll see how the year pans out.

      Now that's if Jenna's recent posts are honest, which we have plenty of reason to believe her posts are not honest, given the math never works out, and she is intentionally vague about expenses and dates. She talks about stress and unpaid bills, but never ever shows proof, and there is further contradictory evidence, in that she has not actually lost her property, that she was lying about being behind on the mortgage for years.

      Typically, people fall three payments behind and they're screwed. The bank takes your house and sells it to make up what they can, especially in a case like Jenna's where the mortgage is halfway-ish paid off already. They'd love to seize that asset. They'd make a profit off of selling it.

      I think Jenna's paid her mortgage fine this whole time. For a while there, Jenna was talking about the farm being in the best financial shape ever - meaning the bills were paid. I just figured Jenna was phasing out lying about the mortgage being behind.

      I think she's lying now. Maybe she hasn't paid her half the bills and is doing this online posturing to show Shannon she's "trying".

      Or maybe Shannon's in on the scam.

      It seems less likely they're actually so horrendously foolish as to delay paying the mortgage on the roof they share.

      If I were Shannon I'd be pissed about now that Jenna bought a 3K broken truck she didn't need.

  53. Is it just me or am I crazy but why oh why does FFF post about not drinking for 6 months? Wouldn't most people be ashamed that they have to post something like this? Does go to show she has a problem with drinking and she must know it, but why put it out there for the world to see.

    1. people who are sober often talk about being sober because it was a big part of their life and no longer is. It's more a thing with people who have given up drinking or drug use, but people who quit smoking also on occasion say "I quit smoking x years ago". When they're actively trying to quit they talk about it a lot.

      Just like people who are dieting and hungry as f*ck can't stop talking about their diet.

      It's human nature, it's how our brains work. If she does have ADD or something like it, she was probably self-medicating with alcohol, which is part of how it gets to be so addictive.

      Sober is better, for sure. I'm not knocking her for talking about being sober, as long as she's being truthful about that.

      Plenty of people in my community have succumbed to, fought, relapsed, overcome, or lost their lives to addiction.

  54. I was genuinely shocked to see how few views she has on her new website/blog. It's in the hundreds and I guess I was expecting to see thousands.
    It's no wonder she's having trouble selling her soap/logos/etc.
    Hopefully she finds a job soon. Maybe sober Jenna can appreciate the peace of mind a steady salary/medical benefits can bring to her life.

    1. yes and already she isn't posting her 2 or more posts a week etc. At the beginning she was posting if not everyday every other day now only 3 for the whole month. Think this to is getting old for her. Kind of like when she was on fb and would post often then it dried up.

    2. This is the natural progression of what she's been doing. She started out with thousands, maybe even tens of thousands. She had a huge following at first, that's why her first book was distributed so widely.

      But she's alienated the vast majority of that original fanbase.

      I knew her twitter "followers" number was bullshit. I know how easy it is to pump your followers on twitter. It's harder but still possible to do on instagram, but her instagram follower numbers and like / comment ratio shows a truer story of the engagement she gets.

      I laughed when I saw her blog shows the view count. What you can see with that is an important metric: the number of page views per post in the first 24 hours. THAT is how many people actually give a shit about her.

      She's getting about 200 in the first 24 hours. The numbers gradually continue to go up, but those are repeats, bots automatically visiting the site, and people who aren't really engaged with her content.

      200 people. That's it. That's what she has.

      There is only so much soap and shitty pencil crayon drawings of common birds that a pool of 200 people will buy.

      That is not nearly enough of an audience to get picked up by a publisher again.

      She is not getting the attention of the queer community, no matter how many hashtags she uses (because our standards for interesting content are higher than what she provides).

      She has not made enough money to pay her mortgage with sales for years. There is no way in hell she's been paying her bills the way she says she is. She has not been behaving as someone truly "terrified" of losing the roof over her head, she's been acquiring new pets and purchasing non-essentials this whole time. She is not as poor as she sells that she is. She's had other income this whole time.

      Now that the free money train is finally slowing down for her, she's got to decide if she wants to keep it going. The new website looked like she might for a while, but then she did not make it any easier to buy her products, she did not attempt to scale her products, hell, you still have to DM or email her to buy something. I know from my own business this is not how to streamline sales, and you will lose more than 30% just by making people email you. People want to click to buy. If they can't, they won't.

    3. I sincerely hope for everyone's sake - including Jenna & Shannon's - that Jenna winds down this online persona and chooses to live out her life quietly leaning on her partner for organization, support, and taking adequate care of the animals they collect.

      She's not inspiring anyone but fools to choose her life or admire the image she projects

      Go write werewolf erotica / fan-fiction anonymously, work a job, pay your bills and taxes without telling anyone else, save for your golden years or set a goal to retire early. Find a job at which you can be successful. I say this with genuine warmth, not malice or pettiness.

  55. re this tweet:

    "I will say I stopped drinking back at the end of 2020 and I can't go a single day without being reminded about 20 times that drinking is what I should be doing to socialize, relax, or celebrate. It's everywhere."

    You know who says that? An alcoholic. Stay sober, Jenna. You don't need alcohol to live, don't ever go back to it.

    I am also sober, but I'm not an alcoholic. I don't notice the 20x / day advertising or social norms says I should be drinking, because my brain isn't seeking out the effects of alcohol. My capital S Sober friends sure do though, and I understand that's hard.

    Stay sober.

  56. Just read the latest bleg entry. How does her writing continue to get worse the longer she writes???

    Get ready to cringe:

    "May your own days be filled with patient luck and quiet understanding. May your farms, families, pets, children, and pasts not be the place you go to for comfort or sadness, but instead just pages in the front part of your own story. We are all stories being written as we walk along. All we can do is live them, and hope the herd doesn’t buck. "

    Patient luck, eh?

    And your home and family is NOT where you should go for comfort? Not sure why you'd go to them for sadness.

    All you can do is live? Way to embody the white lady shrugging emoji, there, Jenna.

    Face - Palm.

    1. Too funny, Woe, and (unfortunately) too true.

  57. On the newest blog, she spelled bread correctly and then in the next sentence, spelled it "bred". Didn't catch it. Yup, copy"righter" and editor is the job for her. And what is newest soap scent she is offering? Mint and sewer? Mint and sweat?

    1. Every time I see that she is applying for copy "rightin" I fall into fits of laughter.

    2. I predict that if SMF snags an at-home edit or copyright job, JJ will be the one to perform "final-proof" (you know, actually do the work).

      SMF's long-ingrained pattern seems to be doing less and less if someone else is willing to do more.

      So the questions are:

      🌝 Will SMF miraculously change?


      🌩 Will JJ get tired of doing the majority of work for a business and property she doesn't own?

  58. BWAHAHAHAHA! Jenna just tweeted in response to "What's your best proofreading tip?"

    She responded "Hire a editor"

    One thousand face palms!

    This person doesn't have the BASIC grammar skills to tell someone else to hire an editor, and yet she's applying for copywriting / proofing jobs?

    For the love of god, just go stock shelves in the grocery store. It's a perfectly fine job. Hook up with home depot - you'll meet all sorts of nice people and learn how to renno your old home. THIS IS NOT WORKING Jenna!

    It might not be her fault if she has a legit learning disability like ADD or some other neuro-atypical thing going on, but her refusal to take an actual *reality check* on what practical work she can actually be successful at is her own damn fault.

    Hold her accountable, Shannon, she's not going to hold herself accountable, she'll just continue to let you pay her mortgage in perpetuity.

  59. From Jon Katz's blog (he lives in the same town as Jenna):
    "Climate change has messed up the harvesting of wood and the growing and cutting of hay. All of this stuff will be twice as expensive in September and much harder to get than it is now."

    Since we already know there is no way Jenna will be prepped for winter before September, I hope she finds a job. She also needs to be less specific and just get a job, any job, and do that until she finds something that is more to her liking. If not, we're in for yet another shitshow. Same song, 1,000th verse!

    1. There is an old New England saying that says you should spent everyday of the year preparing for winter. She said something about a cord of wood being delivered in Sept.
      Wow! That should last for about a month in the fall.

      It also involves stocking a freezer and pantry and many other doable things when done a little at a time.

      Editor....my foot!


    2. Hang on Jude, she'll have to read your sage advice and then pretend it's hers!

      Regarding wood, not sure where Jon Katz is coming from. Because of storms, drought and damage from the enerald ash borer, firewood is REALLY plentiful.* Large numbers of dead trees throughout our state, especially along roads. We gave away wood from five large trees that we dropped. I agree that commercial lumber is less available, largely because of Covid-related supply chain issues and messed up US-Canada lumber pricing - but even this is doable for people who put in the effort.

      First cutting hay was also beautiful and plentiful. SMF would be foolish if she didn't get all that she needed earlier this year. Second cut hay may be iffy because it's rained so much that fields are unworkable. Still, there are many summer days left for harvest.

      But we all know she isn't prepping much, if at all.

      *there are common sense restrictions on use of wood damaged by the emerald ash borer but they really shouldn't impede local, home-use, of such firewood.

    3. Yep, let go of that ego Jenna, and get any old job to pay your bills. It's actually a lot easier to get a better job when you already have a job, so that first "by any means necessary" job is crucial.

      Is she really that keen on keeping her current situation going? Partner and all? Unless Shannon has expressed explicitly that she's happy to pay for nearly everything, you can bet she is not, and every month that goes by where bills are unpaid as agreed upon is going to chip away at the foundation of the relationship.

      Just get a job, my god, the solution is so simple, and none of her old excuses stand the slightest sniff test with a partner living there too.

  60. "The June mortgage got paid and I am trying to get the July one paid before the month ends. Been working on logos and pet portraits as well as looking for remote work that is more regular I can do from the farm. Two weeks of applying and just rejections, for all sorts of online copywriting and content farm work. It’s discouraging being the author of half a dozen books with a college degree, and not able to land a gig yet, but that’s every single qualified writer out there looking for work’s frustration. We are all in the process of trying. "

    Half a dozen books - so she's counting "chick days" and "Birchthorn" apparently. I don't think this is the flex you think it is, J.

    With a sentence like: "At least the little bit of forever get get to have." in your latest update, maybe copywriting and content farm work is not a feasible option. The hiring managers will google your name, find your blog and tweets, observe the copious errors, and move on to the next candidate. Sorry, I don't want to be discouraging when you absolutely SHOULD be applying for work, but you've got to be honest with yourself here. Do you need to stabilize your income or not?

    If you do, you'd better widen that job search.

    I know it sucks, but trust me, you could end up in a much better situation if you just take an attitude of seeing what's possible, and not ruling options out.

  61. I'm just making my point here that copywriting is not a good fit for JW.

    The following are recent posts with obvious grammar and punctuation errors:

    What mundane animal ability would you want if you had your druthers. I would want to make that whistling sound when I yawn like a dog.

    Jeff, If you paid your taxes people would be rooting for you to actually come back.

    Hire a editor

    Mint and sewed creamy bars available now! DM to get them shipped Monday


    I actually skipped over a lot of minor errors in the spirit of "it's social media", because I'm not making this point to be nit-picky. These are glaring, hideous errors that any other self-respecting authour I follow would never allow to exist attached to their name. This is NOT a copywriter. This is NOT a production writer for a content farm. This is certainly not an editor.

    This is a person who needs to be doing some other type of work in order to be successful in their efforts to earn a living.

    Please, get real and apply for everything if you really, honestly, want to work.

    1. "Hire a Editor"

      New Shamster name ???

  62. "... looking for remote work that is more regular I can do from the farm. Two weeks of applying and just rejections, for all sorts of online copywriting and content farm work. It’s discouraging being the author of half a dozen books with a college degree, and not able to land a gig yet..."

    So much to comment on here. First of all, she has only been applying for jobs for TWO WEEKS! Yes, just two short weeks. Does she have any idea how long it takes, how many resumes one must send out and how much competition is out there? Apparently not. Sensible people have been encouraging her to get a job for years and she just flipped them off. She even collapsed into a heap on the floor in tears when she received a job application in the mail.

    As for the college degree, while certainly very helpful, it's not exactly uncommon. And there is that huge gap in her work history, along with the fact that she may not have received good performance reviews at her previous places of employment.

    I also detect a tone of entitlement when she states she has a college degree and has authored a few books.

    I'm wondering if she is truly looking for work or if she is using this as a ploy for more handouts. Or is she hoping Shannon will pick up the slack while in the meantime saying, "see, I'm trying".

    1. I sincerely hope that Jenna's performative "trying" is not going to fly with Shannon.

  63. Okay, Jenna is actively sabotaging her own job hunt. I think she's doing this intentionally, and I hope Shannon sets some clear boundaries and QUICK.

    Jenna is only applying for writing jobs. She's being pretty clear she doesn't actually *want* a job, and today she retweeted this:

    "Applying for jobs is so embarrassing like bitch fuck you don’t make me beg for something I don’t want"

    She has used her real name on social media for YEARS. Her google footprint is a MESS. But the cherry on the shit sundae is that she actively tweets about how much she does not want a job, nd what a shit job she thinks "content farms" are... using her unique real name which comes up the second anyone with her resume would google her name to see her work.

    She's not getting any offers with this bullshit and I think she's doing it on purpose, to make it look like she's "trying".

    You're NOT TRYING Jenna. This is not what trying looks like.

    1. She also retweeted this:

      "You don't have to be *anything* to be deserving of love. Love is not a meritocracy. You do not have to earn it, or pass any tests or auditions. It's everyone's right to be loved for who they are."

      and I feel like this is a setup to dampen scant followers' expectation, and possibly Shannon's, by implying if you have standards of behaviour for the people you love, you're somehow a shitty person.

      Standards of behaviour and boundaries are really important when it comes to ensuring healthy relationships. Being deserving of love is different from being deserving of financial support.

      I think "love" may be a new synonym of "luck" in the CAF dictionary.

    2. She is absolutely purposely sabotaging herself. It's pretty obvious she does not want a job and since handouts must be drying up, she finds herself in a position where she actually has to work for a living. Jenna darling, nobody wants to hire you for a job you don't want, especially when you use words like b*tch f*ck on your Twitter account for all potential employers to see.

      I have never seen anyone so self destructive. Just when you think the sh*t show can't get any worse, it does.

    3. Wow! Is she having a temper tantrum or what? I can just see her stomping her foot saying, "I won't get a job, I won't".

      As for her statement, "don't make me beg for something I don't want"...unfortunately for her, begging for stuff she wants must not be going so well for her now.

      She's either entitled or delusional or something, I don't know what. Wow. Just wow.

    4. To be clear the "don't make me beg for something I don't want" was a retweet of someone else, but the retweet without any further qualifier implies she agrees with and relates to that statement.

      Just, full stop this is not something that should be on your PUBLIC SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT when you're applying for work.

  64. I wonder what Shannon is thinking now? Did she leave her office job in a Boston skyscraper for the promise of country living and free money? A "live like fiction" existance?

    Or did Jenna take her on as a source of income? Is Shannon putting pressure on her to apply for jobs? Is the honeymoon over?

    So many questions. Stay tuned.

    1. Same, I have all those questions too. Just with the facts we know are true - that Jenna's looking for a job, and that she's tweeted frequently about not wanting a job - that should be enough of a red flag for Shannon at this point.

      I think Jenna has a lot of needs, which is fine, but I think Jenna's projection of herself as a helpless, faultless victim of capitalism is an attempt, whether conscious or not, to manipulate Shannon into tolerating the JW status-quo.

      You can bet when she started dating Shannon and visited their family that she didn't tell them she regularly pays her mortgage late... yet she tells the whole world that on a regular basis for the past 10 years.

      No doubt Jenna presented herself as a "published authour, falconer, self-sufficient farmer" instead of an emotionally manipulative, passive-aggressive moocher.

    2. I mean, Shannon could have read Jenna's social media a year ago and THAT wasn't enough of a red flag for her sooooo.... maybe she's fine paying all the bills.

  65. In other news, notice how three of these logos use the same font, in all caps:


    Step right up to pay $200 or "a deposit of half". A non-refundable deposit of half. You see how the scam evolves???

    1. It is perfectly normal to pay a non-refundable deposit for design work, but we know Jenna's track record for not meeting deadlines and throwing together last minute clip-art.

      We can see where this is going.

    2. Don't like your logo? Okay, I'll keep your $100 thanks.

  66. I had been a hiring supervisor and you better believe we checked people’s social media accounts.

  67. So she’s finding the job application process pretty demoralizing. But it’s been only a few weeks. Did she expect that employers would be tripping over themselves to hire her? We’ve been encouraging her to get a job for years. Unfortunately for her, so many people want remote work now since the pandemic. The competition is fierce and she is light on employment history.

    1. Not to mention her famous line. "..if you can wait 8 weeks for the logo". Yeah...that should be a plus. Think about saying that one to your boss. No wonder she's down to begging.


    2. Which is exactly why she could walk into pretty much any frontline service job and get work tomorrow. Everyone wants and is applying for remote work right now, especially since some offices that went remote are changing back to office-centered, and people want to continue to work remote so they're applying elsewhere.

      She should be applying to grocery stores. Even part-time precarious employment is better than no gig at all.

      She needs to expand her net, and YES job searching is demoralizing. It's awful, but she's shooting herself in the foot with her social media posts. Her applications for any sort of online gig economy work are being rejected and flagged as an auto-reject in case she applies for anything else.

      Why does she always make these things so complicated?

      You can still look for better work while you work the first job you can get - apply for in-person work. Choosing beggar, yet again.

  68. Who wouldn't want to hire the hardworking person who wrote this gem:

    "...both of us had put in a few hours of work at our computer stations. It was time for a break..."

    so they went out on a jaunt to watch PP kill and dismember rabbits because, I'm guessing, SMF isn't competent to teach or mentor JJ.

    1. Neither of them really want to work.

    2. Yeah, that rabbit post was weird. It was again in the line of "you know you want my life" but also "look at what a charming country person I am, I kill rabbits while on my work break".

      Very strange choices she made in writing that post.

  69. Self-sabotaging-trainwreck-job-watch-2021 Update:

    She just retweeted this f*cked up tweet. Again, she's not actually saying this herself, but Shannon DMd it to her and she thought it was amusing enough to merit sharing:

    "One time I turned to my wife and asked “if you had to get rid of a body how would you?” because I am a writer and we think about this over our toast

    Without a single missed beat she goes, “Pigs.” Then she takes a bite of toast & says, “there are 3 pig farms within a 1mi radius”"

    Now, she clearly is retweeting this because she identifies as a writer... but this does not make her look cool or funny, it makes her look ignorant.

    Again, Jenna, you are looking for jobs right now. Maybe don't participate in making light of a method of body disposal one of canada's most horrific and notorious serial killers who intentionally targeted vulnerable women actually DID IN REAL LIFE? Pickton's crimes extended beyond the murder and disposal of these poor women by feeding them to his pigs. He did some very evil things that culminated in this final crime.

    Does she not know about the highway of tears? Stolen sisters? No? For someone who seems to care about the BLM movement she never encountered Idle No More?

    Woke Wog strikes again.

    1. It just goes to show her activism is just for show, and doesn't extend beyond social media.

    2. This is why women of colour don't trust white feminists. The ignorance hurts.

    3. Tell me you don't know anyone who was murdered without telling me you don't know anyone who was murdered.

      In my observation, only people who have no connection with a murder victim engage with crime stories as entertainment.

      I really hate to make this point, because it's such a painful observation: if she had any involvement in the queer community at all, she'd know people who had been murdered. Not just know OF them, she'd know them, their friends, their families... because serial killers target us too.

      She really, really should know better. This makes me so sad.

    4. I see she tweeted earlier today, "I miss having a truck"

      Did she sell that atrocious purchase? At a loss? Or did it break right after she bought it and she wasted 2-3K for no reason?

    5. I miss having a truck = Someone give me a truck.

  70. Sigh. Nothing has changed. She doesn’t want a job, she wants handouts.

  71. Careful everyone. Another round of smoke is in the jet stream headed our way for tomorrow. Which means hazy sunshine, not a back yard full of smoke, child. It's the jet stream for heaven's sake. Jenna, the jet stream is very, very far up there. Not "alone, on the side of a mountain". Thanks. That's been bugging me.


  72. She just updated her resume to look boring and professional. I’ve got a feeling that’s not going to be enough.

    A friend has been applying for remote work. I checked out one of the websites and saw they were not only accepting U.S. applications, but applications from anyone worldwide, as long as they were available during North American hours.

    That is a HUGE applicant pool! Will her strategy work? Time will tell. But she’s thin on experience and not sure how good her references are. And possibly rusty on computer skills.

    There are a lot of talented millennials nipping at her heels.

  73. Oh my sides...nearly split from giggling...a TWITTER ANTIQUES SALE??? A+ for idea, F- for execution. OMG yeah who WOULDN'T wanna hop into Jenna's DMs to make a bid on 'cool sh*t' from God knows where. If only Etsy and Ebay existed! Oh wait...they do D:

    "This here Pepsi Phone is weighted so it is "hung up" when sitting on a flat service. It is cool. You probably don't have a Pepsi phone at all right now. This one is $40 plus shipping." <---- Wow, way to sell it, Jenna, I can't think of anything more I'd like than a land line phone that a) doesn't ring and b) looks like the solder is exposed right at the earpiece (can't wait for my hair to get stuck in that!) and is yellowing badly. And you're right, I definitely don't have a Pepsi phone at all and neither does anyone I know; there's a reason for that, we're all adults, not teenagers still checking out back issues of Seventeen for dorm room chic. I'm all for kitsch but come on. Oh well, someone will buy it and I'm sure doing it this way, she'll make more than she would selling this..."collection"...at a garage sale. But not even Etsy or Ebay, hun? That $.20 listing fee and 5% selling fee eating into the profit margins of $40 too much? Or do they actually send you some tax documents at the end of the year that might bring you to the attention of the IRS? Hopefully she'll list some more for sale for my amusement, bc this just too funny - anyone one else selling off their vintage treasures would be on Etsy like a shot, describing, tagging and advertising the bejesus out of them to get them sold, but not Jenna! Nope, she just moseys onto Twitter, "Hey guys buy my musty dusty wares, you'll get them sometime I feel like going to the post office (if my truck is working that day!), and no, I won't be paying for tracking, insurance, or extra bubble wrap." Too much!

    - DaffodilAnonymous

    1. Wow. What a collection of overpriced crap. A vintage Maxwell House Thermos without its cup and rusting on the bottom? Hahaha.

      Complete ones, costing onsiderably less money, are online - Postmark, eBay. Etsy - and they're probably clean. With SMF's notoriously poor hygiene ("what, wash hands after gutting an animal?") and sloppy care of possessions, can you imagine the condition of that Thermos?


    2. I'm surprised that she's selling that stuff cuz just a few years ago she bragged about those vintage items on her bleg and also on reddit (I think it was a insufferable post called, "Cool Stuff That I Own" or something like that. So why sell them now?

      Curious. Well, on Twitter she said the GF whisked her away on a mini vacation to Burlington/Lake Champlain, so maybe she's trying to raise funds to return the favor, rather than paying the mortgage.

  74. It's odd, yet refreshing, to see that the Pig Shocker hasn't tweeted any new " terrifying" disasters in quite awhile now. In the past she pulled a new crisis out of her ass every single month. Frozen pipes, root canals, broken truck, etc. Now it's crickets. Maybe because she knows Shannon will call her out?


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