I vote to knock off all the crap.
Hi, Whack! Hope you had a good vacation. Let me say something about mental health. Does anyone here question PS's mental health? I can have a broken leg and know it...and others know it without a specialist in leg health diagnosing it. You can tell by the way the foot dangles from the end. Saying she has mental issues is really really low hanging fruit. Additionally, everybody has mental health issues! So many people nowadays just seem to want to fight. Folks have such low self esteem or self worth they will fight anyone over anything to show they are smarted, better, right. It gets old, folks. I'm not saying I don’t do it too. My saving grace is I'm quiet...I just think things in my head. But I live amongst idiots. Back to PS. Mental health issues?....absolutely! She's a hot mess. Someone balanced would never post what she posts, to the public. Balanced people don’t harm animals for fun and power. Balanced p...