Broken Update.
So, I’m doing okay. I went in for a follow up appointment after my ankle surgery and they found a screw had come out and my ankle had shifted backwards. So yesterday I had surgery again to take out that screw. This doc is referring me to a specialist. The thought is there are soft tissue issues more so than bone issues. So, yeah, whatever. My wrist is coming along fine and should be out of the cast in a couple weeks. Due to some other previous issues, I have no pain through all this…so that’s probably good. So the person, Jenna, wishing me ill?..yeah, you lose. I've got friends to help if I need it. I've got health insurance….so, not worried about that. A couple of minor inconveniences. I don't really believe in karma or the like….but I do believe that shit happens to everybody. The trick is to try and be prepared for when it does. So, Jenna?…..what happens to you if you break an arm and leg. No weight bearing for a month. Do y...